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Other urls found in this thread:


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its a piece of fiction , it doesnt have to comment on reality in any way
Why are these people so fucking crazy

Only americans are crazy

These people need to be removed


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>when you think your fanfiction is reality

I fucking hate cops but I'm not looking to Astral Chain for commentary on a very American problem with police, I don't see what this guy is looking for since JP and US have very different outlooks on police.

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Soui boys that need to justify to the world their interest in video games. It’s not enough that they’re fun, they have to have “important socio-political and artistic” value so that they don’t feel like losers.

>Why is this game that’s about doing cool shit as a cop not pointing out that cops are bad in reality

Because they aren’t, your just a fucking retard who thinks standing doing retarded shit shouldn’t be arrested

>I fucking hate cops

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>I fucking hate cops
You are an absolute fucking retard then.

It doesn't validate them by making them feel intellectual.
Please ignore the product is a toy aimed at teens.


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So your basically telling me that the game is guaranteed to be good

It doesn't comment on anything because it's a pile of weeby tropes with no substance.
Actually Japan has had a lot of political discussion about their police force in recent years.

The game should feature Black Men trying to kill the cops, then the riots that follow when the cops defend themselves.

>Cops are bad reeeeeeeee

Did they expect Astral Chain’s plot to be like sniper automata? Cause it’s not

Who the fuck goes unironically to Austin Walker of all people for opinions on video games? Like, at that point, you might as well ask the hobo screaming on the corner of 5th Ave what he thinks.

That's it, I'm buying Astral Chain.

The UK is the USA's little cuck, they count as american

Brits are just protomutts

>I fucking hate cops

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Bob the Builder didn't reflect the rampant drug abuse and use of illegal migrants in construction jobs either. Where's my article about that, Austin?

You ever seen Japan?


Imagine actually living in a world without police. How long do you think these retards would survive?

Are you a nigger? Don’t go around assaulting people and you won’t get shot, retard.

I don’t hate cops but you two are bootlickers

There is nothing more cucked than being a bootlicker

this wojack is legit scary

His response would be that Nier Automata set a precedent. The show before Bob the Builder wasn't existentialist and introspective.

Basically he can't accept that Platinum has multiple dev teams.

When will Yea Forums ban wojaks like some other boards do?

Apparently some crime free socialist utopia.

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>not being retarded enough to fall for context less anti-cop videos on social media means you're a bootlicker


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Police are the only thing thing stopping honest citizens from rounding up and hanging all criminals

This can't be a serious image
Nobody is this stupid right?

what happens when a group of people decide to pillage?

People forget that Nier was a Yoko taro game more than a normal platinum game

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austin walker is a fat, dumb nigger

there, i said it. i dont give a shit. i dont give a fuck. im saying it.

It's a fucking video game, austin, you stupid nigger


Boy howdy, look at those goalposts go!

More like
>Help police, antisemitic hate crime!

Twitter has given a lot of people whose opinions I don't agree with a platform. I wouldn't go there at all normally. But thanks to bored losers on Yea Forums I can get a bunch of other bored loser's hot takes delivered right to my clover app. Thanks for that OP (faggot)

>Look in to people who claim to hate cops
>All seem to live in the upper class safe areas that have not seen a black guy in 50 years.
It is tough to like something you don't need to use.

>art and media exist in a vacuum.
The state of Yea Forums.


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>user has been warned for this post

I feel with the 2020 Olympics coming up, the cops would actually do something outside chasing crooks who got paintballed at Lawson.

Op needs to be removed as well.

This faggot still has a job writing about games? Just how?

>you either have to fucking hate cops or be a bootlicker
Where's the middle ground where you recognize cops are mostly doing their job properly but that some bad eggs tend to hurt their reputation?

I'm more willing to trust the guys that get their paychecks signed by me than the guys who get their paychecks signed by other people.

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In the bootlicker crowd


Why do Americans expect everything to cater to them? Police in my country are fine.

Being a reasonable person isn't allowed on the internet these days.

t. DeShawn Gonzales


:rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

>get banned from twitter
>finally free
>come back to Yea Forums
>it's the same exact shit

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>There is nothing more cucked than being a bootlicker


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Austin Walker also thought Monster Hunter is about colonization. Dumb gay nigger will look for a political message in anything.

are you dumb? such thoughts can't exist in a socialist world

>muh cops

All you need to do is look at that police bodycam channel on youtube to see cops are as retarded as anybody else.

>All the easily spooked cops
>The shit aim
>Half the time reading their rights to a corpse

The clearest example was that "hostage" situation outside some barbershop, idiot cop blasted the guy with a knife and brained the bitch he was holding hostage (a foot away, not actually at knife point).

>Twitter screencap thread turns into a /pol/ thread.

Cringe but based and redpilled

I said I don’t hate cops though. I just think people who absolutely 100% love the police and roll over for them are retarded bootlickers

so it's a twitter screencap thread?

Black lives don’t matter and never will

It's all ready been pointed out theyre English nigger

>Where's the middle ground

Easy, just avoid being a nigger.


Why wouldn’t i, as a honest and civilized law abiding person, not love the people who protect me from mexicans, niggers and subhumans?

it keeps going


>game about cops

god i fucking hate americans

You can tell anyone that says cops can do no wrong have never been outside enough to have an interaction with one

>Tori Hong
Westernized Asian Leftists are every bit as corrupt as white Leftists when it comes to social justice.

art will always reflect reality
even if an artist is not intending to be political there will always be ways to interpret their work politically

Been to Japan just a few days ago, what is the discussion with cops? It almost never saw one rushing to something, most of the were in the koban or just patrolling

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Why do lefties want to get rid of the police so bad? They treat everything like
>if cop in story is not a villian that is a commentary on how cops are evil
>bad and the media piece should be thrown in fire

I cant beleive Brooklyn 99 isnt just episodes about blue lives matter

Daniel Shaver

Austin is America

>Abloo bloo bloo blacks

No one cares about them either, faggot. I just need you to realize your idols are retarded.

"wtf you're not killing cops by the dozen like in our glorious GTA games and you're actually the good guy and a cop as well" - some leftist freak probably

>>I fucking hate cops
And they want only cops to have all the guns too. Being a leftard must be a trip.

soon Japan's time will come
your based country is finished lmao


author is a cum-breathed britbong.

But yeah, there are a bunch of sopping, sobbing soibois all over my great country. We'll set them straight soon enough.

Plausible, considering the size of him.

I need my Nintendo anime games to be as politically charged as possible so I have supplemental material to hate-jack to when I look at Donald Trump's Twitter!

The only thing you'll set straight is your dick, incel. Again. And for the rest of your life lmao.

Criminals are oppressed by the law.
As they should be.

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have sex incel

I respect Austin's opinions on videogames even when I disagree with them on a personal leel

IS this the Vice review that complained the violent and mindless aliens aren't treated sympathetically?

DINGDINGDING, you said the Reddit word! Congratulations! You win a free, mandatory, one-way trip to there to stay.

Just do what they say you fucking retard, it’s not that hard.

From their point of view, they wouldn't because in their society no one would try such things. I mean it's 100 stupid but that's the idea.


I dont get it do these people think that if they immeaditely enforce all of their laws that a utopia will just happen over night?

Why should I trust the opinion of someone who clearly has no self restraint? Hes very fat.

How much traffic does this dudes site get? Does it really get enough hits to pay his bills?


Can't we just play the game and forget about whatever political nonsense is going in your head ?

1 innocent life isn’t worth more than the countless subhumans rightfully purged by the police.

I'm still pissed about that speeding ticket I got over a decade ago.


I'd love to see you say the same if it was a loved one or yourself

>what is the discussion with cops
Look it up bitch. I dont owe you anything. Whether it is the US or the UK or Japan, cops are a huge issue everywhere, and the fact that Astral Chain doesnt even try to tackle the subject is a massive issue and a huge detractor for the game.

Police stop them forcefully pozzing kids and shoot their brothers

this faggot is a hack and the epitome of everything wrong with modern game reviews

the chances of happening is very low.

>A police free state is essentially a fairy tale where everyone gets along and no one wishes to do harm to one another, but rather all work to help one another 100% of the time. Everyone is united while at the same time being completely unique and different in every possible way.


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>Nigger doesn't like cops
And more news at 11!

Were you speeding?

>austin walker

Oh it's the mutt who thinks he's the voice of black people everywhere. Is it any wonder why he got shipped of to Vice's dead video game journo branch with Patrick Klep-cuck.

What a faggot you are.
Hope you larp as a revolutionary and get clubbed in the face

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>art will always reflect reality

You know damn well this is bullshit.

This is because they purposefully hire low IQ people to be cops, it's necessary to have people who are more willing to follow protocol and be quick to react to a situation serving as regular officers to reduce the chances of criminals harming civilians rather than hire someone who would try to figure out how to get through it with the least amount of blood shed.

Of course, this kind of thing also leads to some innocent people getting killed by police as a result, like that one guy who was the first ever person to be killed from a swatting incident.

The best you can do here is look forward to next weekend and have fun with the game.

The idea is that crime happens because of the capitalist structure that creates inequality and in a more just (aka communist) world crime would not be as big an issue. Similar beliefs were had in Soviet Russia, there is the story of a serial killet in Soviet Russia and the goverment freaked out because many were true believers who thought ALL crime was the result of capitalist structures. I mean Soviet Russia was kind of a shithole but i guess some people in goverment thought it really was gonna work. Its completely retarded and yes many commies are that deluded and crazy.

>justice is prioritized over retribution
>says the same crowd that sees becoming unemployable for life as a deserving punishment to telling a naughty joke online

shut the fuck up faggot

Kill yourself you literal retard

>Gets robbed

these are the kind of people you hang from nooses

Overall cops are a good thing but some cops are insufferable and since they get a tiny bit of authority they have a power trip and can be a pain in the ass to deal with. You ever been pulled over and the cop asks you why you didn't slam on the brakes to stop? If you know what the flashing lights mean?
Cops are cunts.

>becoming unemployable for life as a deserving punishment to telling a naughty joke online
Oh the poor, poor racists, what ever shall they do :(((((

I don't know, but i heard issues with cops in japan is that they catch anyone to solve a crime.

In japan cops can hold you for long amounts of time without acces to a lawyer, so cops just catch some poor retard that was in the wrong place at the wrong time and make them sign a confession and mark the crime as solved.

Keep seething while I live in your head rent-free, cucks.

Resetera is a few blocks down, nigger

It certainly can, yes.

The stupid shit here too is that he's applying America's ideologies about police to the rest of the world.
Austin is an imperialist and he doesn't even know it. So much for that PhD. Probably should've questioned why the only thing he's ever amounted to is "video game journalist".

>Only americans are crazy
spend 10 minutes watching the BBC and you'll change your mind

Right next to the unemployment office, I'm sure you're familiar :^)

I'd blame the individual and see them held accountable. I wouldn't throw shade on every person within that (very large) group, because as a reasonable human being, I understand that the mistakes of a single person do not reflect the entire demographic. If I were to use your logic when talking about black people, or mexicans, or just humans in general, then everyone would a monster and the only real solution is for every human life on this planet be wiped out.

Making mistakes is an unavoidable part of the human experience. What is the alternative? No cops? You and I both know just how worse off we'd be.

>I have no source but just trust me when I project American issues on the rest of the billionth time
We need a final solution to the American question.

From left to right
>Mia Khalifa
>snip snoop it's miloop
>Uncle Bobby
>Your teacher
>Anita Sarkessian
>Your mom

God, I hope this fat fuck has a heart attack.

Cops are a neccesity, specially in America. With that said i seen people become cops who most certainly shouldn't be cops. I knew this guy in college who clearly had anger issues and wanted to be a cop, also the issue with cops escalating stuff is true in America. I don't think all cops are bad we cartainly have an issue in America with cop behavior and policies.

it's funny because most niggers commit crimes and go to prison
they also dont work or take care of their children

Not like you have known a single day of honest work in your life

/pol/ content belong on /pol/
You can critisise something without withing it complete anihilation.
>first they came for the communists...

Who are you talking to

Posting the coolest cop in entertainment

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*gets robbed*
*shoots the robber*
*zero jail time*

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not for long

I know this is bait but people like you are the ones behind the radicalization. You fuckers realize that for every man you fire for not being a left wing cuck, deny him a quality woman via feminism, and import third worlders to take his potential jobs, thats only creating a man with nothing to lose, aka a potential terrorist.

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If art dosen't reflect reality in any way, shaoe or form it does not qualify as art.

I knew a guy that smoked crack and stole shit from walmart all the time when we were in college and he became a cop. Doesn't take much to get hired I guess. We did live in florida though.

>Japanese game about fictional police force fighting demons
>why are we not talking about the police beating up black people in the US?
Is this guy for real?

I'm not saying any of that shit, I'm just saying cops aren't immune to failure and that depending on them entirely is a bad idea.
My comment was more aimed at people who think cops are beyond making mistakes and can never do any wrong

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You live in a fantasy world.

>gamers rise up
holy fucking cringe

someone post the realistic image

I hate cops AND niggers. They're both pieces of shit.

>Niggers Nigg around and cause violent crime
>Cops become paramilitary outfits in response and have a "Shoot first, ask questions later" policy
>Innocent people (namely whites) in the middle suffer on both ends

Liking cops is just as bad as liking niggers. Cops are not intelligent. Cops are not benevolent. Cops are not there to help you. Modern US Police Forces are more well armed than many countries militaries and openly walk the streets with Assault Rifles and Riot Gear. Niggers, of course, are also dumb apes. They're basically one in the same and in any decent country you don't have niggers or jacked up retarded police with ARs and Helicopters that drop bombs on people (See: NYC).

No, it can't. If you make a game with no political messages in it, then you send the message that you're ok enough with the current political climate that you don't feel the need to acknowledge it. This in itself is a political message.

Attached: whatshisnameagain.jpg (225x225, 6K)

do white men really believe this shit? I know a dude that thinks white men are the most oppressed demographic in america. That shit had me laughing.

>deny him a quality woman via feminism

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I live in the United States of America
And the America I live in is becoming a police state because you faggots are asking for it

So is this just like Kingdom Come where a few Americans are assravaged that other countries are different from America?

A lack of statement is a position in favour of the status quo. Everything is political and it's either stupid or, worse, dishonest to pretend you're not part of it.

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I'm just saying that there is a reason why everyone in this thread is laughing at you, incel.

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I thought rape was based, though

That's exactly what i mean, people like that shouldn't be cops. The police needa to higher standards than that. Maybe not enough people apply and they are forced to hire low quality applicants, who knows.

I don't like cops a whole lot, they are a bunch of brainless ego tripping cronies who only care about the safety of other cops and in many countries they are very corrupt.

This shit is just retarded, though. People should be saying "Why aren't real cops upstanding people like in this game?" rather than "why arent the cops in this game shitbags like IRL?"

Nevermind the fact that you are a special taskforce who responds to extra-planar threats and NOT some ego tripping beat cop fining people for "nuisance" crimes.

Laugh as much as you want, I dont have it in me to commit mass murder, but if this shit keeps up some people will have enough

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I'd say very long. People would go full on vigilante and actually brutalize criminals worse than some cops do, maybe even kill them. Google African necklacing and you'll understand just how crazy justice would get without the due process.

Rape is blackpilled.

Honestly why is the video game community so cringey

do people really believe this shit?
>hey shigeru you know what this product we're making for children is missing?
>sociopolitical agendae

Attached: dr3.png (427x423, 207K)

imagine being a liberal

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>Austin "evangelion sucks because Kaji is problematic" Walker

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>virtue signal
And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

get a load of this guy


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Not specifically cops, Japan's justice system at large.
They have a 99.9999% conviction right.
Might sound nice, until you realist once a random cop decided *you* are the culprit or something then the entire machinery is designed to make sure you get sentenced no matter what.
Worse than that, "good" Japanese cops pretty much never arrest anyone because they want to be 200% sure they will get a conviction.
So basically the system between letting away culprit because they are only 99% sure it's him, and grabbing a random dude and never letting him go because no one in the justice system want to lose face and admit they made a mistake.

Children are learning all the time, just like people more generally. You can't decide what signals they should and shouldn't pick up on. It's all facets of the same society.

You want Mission to Moscow for that.

All you need a highschool diploma or GED to be a cop iirc. Of course you need to pass the required cop schooling and physical fitness tests but they obviously a little lax on that.

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HAHAHAHA HOLY fuck. Go outside /pol/

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what the fuck are these retards trying to say exactly? i just see a wall of mumbo jumbo filler words to appear smart about such a simple and stupid topic

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So the game is anti-cop?

Another game ruined by liberal bullshit God Damn it

The truth hurts
now go back to Resetera you retards

ban twitter screenshot first and ban Israel

>I know this is bait but people like you are the ones behind the radicalization. You fuckers realize that for every man you fire for not being a left wing cuck, deny him a quality woman via feminism, and import third worlders to take his potential jobs, thats only creating a man with nothing to lose, aka a potential terrorist.

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>Not hating law enforcement means you're a bootlicker
A double digit IQ take.

You are not funny

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why does being anti-cop make someone a liberal?

Projecting much?

>The truth hurts
Do people actually believe this shit?

Only feminists are crazy*

Any nation with English as the native language is a malignant tumor. I literally never see non-English natives post this kind of gobbledygook on social media. The power of language unites, and it shows. It's a pathetic language part of a cancerous culture.

>A police-free system
>"Justice is prioritized over retribution"
>"Healing is prioritized over righteousness"
I haven't laughed this hard in fucking weeks. A police-free system does nothing but encourage witch hunts and excusing vengeance killing as justice.

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>Everything is political.
Your sex life isn't political, because it doesn't exist, retard.

>in a world without cops
>getting robbed without being killed first

I still lmao at the fucking onions shit, that was started on /fit/ because it was believed to help increase testosterone, likewise the onions fear might not have originated on /fit/ but it's been around as long as the belief that onions are good for test levels.

How did onions get associated with cuck/soiboi/left/right meming?

I wasn't trying to be funny

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>some bad eggs
"Oy vey goy ! Some of us are on your side we swear ! #NotAllJews"
Same bullshit.

Have you finished your dissertation yet Austin? It's been years and years and you still haven't graduated college.

>Projecting much?

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when i was a young boy playing nintendo and sega master system and reading game magazines at the newsagent, i never once saw any article talking about the sociopolitical subtext of alex kidd in miracle world.
i hate these people so god damned much. kill them. gun them down in the street like the diseased animals they are. all they want is destruction. give it to them. kill them all. their kids, their dogs. burn their grandmother's house to cinders.

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>read muh big brain analysis of this electronic toy please, it's really smart I promise

kys faggot

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Then you are shit at communicating

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That's not wrong

>force liberal policies for years
>gays are allowed now
>trannies are totally normal guys!
>pedos are totally fine you bigot! (hint there are almost no pedos who aren't gay)
>yes let's keep importing hordes of millions of brown people!
>white people are evil

Yet it's the right fault when people shoot up places, get out of here you liberal loser, don't you have a kid to read to in drag?

>Meanwhile you city is becoming an asshole due to leftist woman major with this view.
>Plus the regional goverment kicking out the national police in favor of only the regional police.

>you can't decide what signals they should and shouldn't pick up on
Neither can you, retard.

soijack posting should be a bannable offense

>That's not wrong
>>force liberal policies for years
>>gays are allowed now
>>trannies are totally normal guys!
>>pedos are totally fine you bigot! (hint there are almost no pedos who aren't gay)
>>yes let's keep importing hordes of millions of brown people!
>>white people are evil

>Yet it's the right fault when people shoot up places, get out of here you liberal loser, don't you have a kid to read to in drag?

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>no one in the X system want to lose face and admit they made a mistake
Welcome to Nippon.

Based and redpilled

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It got a chuckle out of me.

Attached: BACK TO RESETERA.png (717x880, 582K)

Hope you're reading this thread, Austin.

Look where that PhD got you. Video game journalism. I see right through you. Wishing you were more than you are right now. A politician? Maybe the next Al Sharp? Or perhaps even MLK?
You'll never be a brother who induces cultural change. You've got white people blood pumping through you. And I know that you curse it every waking moment. You will always be a mutt who writes about video games while fantasizing about being a true pure blood black like Tyrone. The guy fucking your girlfriend while you write these nonsensical "smarter-than-thou" articles about video games, all while gripping your little mutt penis in despair.

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Skull Face please go.

Who says cops can do no wrong?

>this thread

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Who are you quoting? Certainly not me as I did not say I wanted a world without cops.

Kojima was ahead of his time as usual

>i hate these people so god damned much. kill them. gun them down in the street like the diseased animals they are. all they want is destruction. give it to them. kill them all. their kids, their dogs. burn their grandmother's house to cinders.
You need to get laid bruh.

when did michael cera get tattoos?

>deny him a quality woman via feminism, and import third worlders to take his potential jobs

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Correction. He doesn't have a PhD because he kept flunking his final thesis.

Remember that cop who made a guy crawl to him on his knees and when the guys tried to pull his pants up the cop shot him to death? (Guy was white btw)
People don't like cops because most of them are literal bloodthirsty retards, they were the school bullies that loved tormenting anyone they could.

Maybe if police acadamies only accepted people with above a 110 iq so we could get actual humans to protect our rights instead of murderous subhumans people would be less upset and wary of them

>soijack posting should be a bannable offense

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holy FUCK!!!!!

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Oh, say can you see...

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Exactly. So that's why we need to make sure the signals we send are the right ones. Granted, you and I will have different opinions on what those signals are, and that's fine I suppose, but we still have to be conscious and honest about what we do and how it affects our society.

See, the thing isn't that you are sending the wrong message. You are, of course, but that's what democracy and freedom of opinion is. However, it's the refusal to accept what you are doing that's the problem and why it's so hard to talk to you dummies. You want me to believe that you are total idiots who don't understand this simple fact and I'm not sure I do. You're dumb but not retarded.

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you can't bring logic in here this is the video games board!

>depending on them entirely is a bad idea
Glad to hear you are pro-2nd Amendment and Stand Your Ground Laws , or whatever the equivalent are in your country.

It's not "POLICE BAD." It's shitty system protects bad cops rather than have them admit to having a problem because "there can never be anything wrong in the police force unless it's something WE THE POLICE FORCE see as a problem. Now give us more and more funding so that we may make our officers look more and more like and army as that is the only way to make the people safe."

>art will always reflect reality
You should take an art class

Cops overwhelmingly don't want to engage with brown citizens poorly. When you have mayors and mobs that will will run you over in immediate response.

Law enforcement is made up of people so it not going to be at all perfect in how it performs, especially when it's a normally a slow job punctuated to immediate stressful situations. It's weird how no one talks about statistics in how much crimes violent cops might have prevented.

It's not a victory when police officers get water dumped on them. it actually symptom of the citizens being prepared to get fucked over later because the police have been pacified, and crime will increase.

Your image is out of date.


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>I literally never see non-English natives post this kind of gobbledygook on social media
Thats because those mud-hut nations don't have internet.

tfw monolingual american so these are the only people i can talk to

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Come to Sweden we keep downsizing our police force every year so now they can barely even go on patrols.

>not relying entirely = being completely unreliant

Why does everyone I talk about issues with just goes to extremes instantly

>He doesn't have a PhD because he kept flunking his final thesis.

Can't say I'm surprised. Probably another chip on his shoulder.

>clearly the system is rigged against blacks! Especially blacks like myself. Because I'm black. Trust me!

Black Lives Matter you dummy

>be a black guy
>commit crime
>get shot and killed as you deserved
>somehow the cop is bad

If anything cops should kill more people who commit crimes, we don't have the resources to give every petty criminal a trail.

wow man, the corporations maaan

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Don't worry, it's bait.

Fuck Austin. This is why don't bend the knee to these assholes. It's never enough. Just make the shit you want to make and everyone else can fuck off.

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If you had your way there would be no freedom of opinion and you useful idiots would be the first ones up against the wall.
t. post-Soviet country user. You westcucks are morons.


Don't you have an unemployment check to cash? Cause you poor, poor white racist males have it sooooo hard :(((

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yes that's exactly the extent of racial discrimination going on in the streets lmao

>A lack of statement is a position in favour of the status quo. Everything is political and it's either stupid or, worse, dishonest to pretend you're not part of it.
You gave yourself away foreign faggot

I see you've dropped into the /pol/ aid. The evil leftists want to eliminate wrongthink and innocent white gamers, rawr! Yep, that's us. Except not at all.

There is such a thing as a game that doesn't send signals.
Games do exist in a fucking vacuum or the first violent game would've taught children to be serial killers.
The contents and premise of a game are entirely detatched from what people get out of it in real life.
Grow the fuck up.

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As a Chinese Amrerican, I never understood the hate for American cops. Like just dont commit crimes or act like a negro? Asians commit so few crimes in America we dont even get our own category anymore, we're just "others"

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This. It's also why they desperately want more women in games. They think it'll make them get laid.


Seethe harder, incel


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Fuck cops and niggers.


Anarchists, both Anarcho-Communists and Anarcho-Capitalists, believe in the naive preconception that humans are by nature good or will do the right thing when given the chance. They completely ignore greed and the possibility that the power vacuum left by their utopia won't be replaced by an organized group/gang/army/collective who will crush their naive little dream.

Respect the rights and decision of the pillager, of course! Why, certainly he will respond to conversation.

just for that im not putting dilators in your concentration camp cell

Austin is a fucking joke.

>These hunters trying to prevent the destruction of ecosystems through selective hunting is just like my Orange nemesis!

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don't use kaede for your bullshit, fag

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Sorry, but unlike commies I have a job and don't live with my parents, have you ever even worked enough to deserve unemployment?

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>Meanwhile you city is becoming an asshole due to leftist woman major with this view

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>No, it can't. If you make a game with no political messages in it, then you send the message that you're ok enough with the current political climate that you don't feel the need to acknowledge it. This in itself is a political message.

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Correction: Only American super feminist's are crazy.

and capitalism doesn't?

american cops are made of american people and as such, are ignorant, prone to anger and irrational behavior they later justify with the made up stories they love to swallow

There is no racial distrimination

Black men commit 60% of all crime in America yet are only 13% of the population.

Am I racially discriminating someone because I'm looking for a criminal and pull over a black person who has a better than 5050 chance of being a criminal? No. I'm using common sense.

Do not use my wife for posts in this thread

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he's not wrong

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lol you'll be bred out of existence in a few years whiteboi, enjoy your remaining time

Are you starving?

Cops are people too, meaning some of them are assholes. Except now instead of normal assholes, these assholes are probably on a power trip and have the authority to ruin your fucking day and you can do absolutely nothing about it. Multiply this by a thousand if you aren't white, regardless of how you act.

American politics gets dragged into everything these days. I wish the US would just stop existing.

I'm fine with you people existing but you shouldn't be open about it.

Gays are pedos but I use Yea Forums a lot so I'm used to pedos haha

I swear the game was hinting at that glasses cop guy being a villain

didn't this guy say monster hunter world was white colonialism?

This. Cops are the jannies of the real world.

Wouldn't that be nice. I'm sure you know what Nietzsche said about the abyss but that's just the most extreme and dramatic rendition of it. When we peek, whatever we peek at peeks also into us. We are the sum of our experiences and video games and other banalities are extremely formative. They might not be dramatic but the sheer volume of exposures adds up. We can't pick and choose what makes us like it's a salad bar, even if it can be empowering (and dangerous) to tell ourselves that.

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Oh boy you really have no idea.
They’ve changed the language in Argentina, they LITERALLY speak in their own clingon language to avoid male pronoums.


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I wouldn't call sucking dudes off for petty cash a job, and just because you call them your roommates doesn't magically make hem not your parents

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Stanford Prison experiment. Cops are corrupt based on psychology. And there is nothing we can do to stop them unless we want extreme anarchy. It’s a lose/lose situation.

Let's not demean them THAT far, Cops are paid a fair bit more than hotpockets

Have you tried breaking the law less Tyrone? You may be surprised with the results.

If your wife is Ku "boring blob only good for reaction images" miko you deserve everything bad in your life and more.

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>when you type so much for it to mean so little
Why do people insist on using so many filler words that have no meaning nor context in their current topic? That twitter post literally says nothing of substance after the initial claim.

It went mainstream at exactly the wrong moment

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this word means nothing.

Would you rather be pulled over by a cop or a black man?

I think we all know the answer

>There is no racial distrimination
but the poor, poor racist whites are getting censored and blackballed EVERY SINGLE DAY how can you say there's no racial distrimination!?

No u.
An artist is always operating in reality. The real world influences the artist whether he wants it or not.
Therefore any art produced by said artist is informed by that artists existence in the real world.

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teddy boy knew what was going on fucking years before most of us.

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never understood why Yea Forums hates cops but is also conservatives, you guys are literally on the same side

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ill breed YOu motherfucker

Enough about your life dude, that shit is gross

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Bootlicker wojackposter
Daily reminder that being a cop is one of the safest, low risk jobs out there. Also 40% of them beat their wives.

If Yea Forums hates it, then its good. Never forget.

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>omg whites are so evil
>50/50 shot of any black person being a criminal

Hmmm, sorry you hate statistics

>Only American companies
you don't even know dude

It's dynamic in that sometimes a B52 Lizard comes by and drops his entire load on your head.


>This new world offers intricate environments, lively creatures, kinetic combat... and a dash of colonialist fantasy.
>colonialist fantasy.


Who said anything about pedos or children?

The user doth protest too much, methinks

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Half the cops in the city are black, and the chiefs are usually always black.

she is much more than just a blob she is cool and likes to play euphonium and is a completey hetero girl

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Wrong, it shows that the reviewer didn't put enough time into the game to see the patterns and realize that it isn't dynamic at all, or they're fucking idiots who can't recognize patterns at all. It means the review is worthless

Ah... another for the collection.

All cops are bastards.

Literally cultural imperialism. Fuck Americans and whatever ridiculous social garbage they're going through .

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I already pulled the projection card, you'll have to use something new.

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> We can't pick and choose what makes us like it's a salad bar,
Correct, that means you can't CHOOSE that games affect us. Maybe games have some minor effects, but anyone who plays any significant amount of video games is only likely to be majorly affected by the message of games with a deliberately meta message.
Undertale hit people who play lots of video games harder because it toyed with premises they grew up on. It didn't make them any more peaceful in real life.
The content we see in games almost exclusively affects how we perceive games, not the real world. Exposing yourself to a fiction is not "staring into the abyss", exposing yourself to reality is.

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go to >>TRANNYERA you faggot

Reminds me of when the Feminist Party here in Sweden wanted to get rid of all the military founding in favor of using "diplomacy".
Then in a TV interview with the party leader someone asked them "what if the opponent don't want to talk?" and she just answered after a long silence "well we didn't think of that"

>You live in a fantasy world.
Trump 2016. Never forget a bunch of "racists" elected their man of choice just to spit people like you. They didn't even like Trump, they just hated what you liked.

>Referring to it as a "piece"
Pull the stick out of your ass "bazoopakazoopa" you're talking about a robot anime video game.

this is a serious matter, here, user! kumiko should be respected and her floof must be cherished

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>slavery was "bad" according to liberals
>yet if we had no slavery there would be no blacks in america


Yes you poor, poor oppressed whites, what ever shall you do :((((


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Just a tip for me fellow analvore sonychad bros mods are completely gone they’ve been gone for 3 hours

Nah, even in europe there is a whole generation growing up that thinks throwing stones at cops is a good thing and laws are only good when they fit their agenda

One thing I can take from looking at /pol/ddit memes is that Americucks are the most easily programmed bots who will eat up any kind of propaganda that suits them, regardless of whether left or right and just parrot it without even trying to turn their brains on for a second.

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shut the fuck up you retarded faggot

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Japan doesnt need bike locks why the fuck would they care about autistic american police politics these worthless fucks think that everything is about spreading their shortsighted self masturbatory political agenda

look at this dude

>All general schmaltzy garbage that doesn't address what the police actually do

What fucking idiots; these weak fools are protected by the police. Anyone whose remotely charismatic . I'd love to see them deal with groups of angry junkies, or home Invaders .

It's not dynamic if it happens literally every single time you do that specific quest.

pol has become the SJWs

don't you realize that then Wakanda would be real!!!

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

> communism leads to mass starvation
> capitalism leads to some starvation
> lol theyre the same

It’s almost as if it was a game created by people from a society that can take it for granted that their police are trustworthy.

Shocking, I know.

Kill yourself nigger tranny spic chink jew subhuman

police don't protect anything but the capitalist order

So is the nocops land just full of /k/ommandos keeping the peace thru mutually assured destruction/mutually assured dragon dildo in the anus?

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Stop avoiding the truth user, your lifestyle is not healthy, go to therapy and maybe you will have a chance at a happy life and maybe avoid suicide

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the fuck is wrong with that dude?

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After the quest it happens randomly. Not sure if that constitutes dynamic though.

Durr hurrr
Brainlet cope

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>when whites do it, its finding
>When blacks do it's looting

congrats on proving their point

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>Noooo stop having different opinions then me if you disagree with my views you are a Nazi (Tranny)

Why are you using the internet you commie pig go live in the forest eating dirt

remember the time this faggot came out of the closet to deflect criticism

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Japan doesnt have black people so they dont know what real crime is like. I hate cops but anyone that has to police a black neighborhood deserves a tank.

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Why are Americans so entitled and self centered?

faggoty amerim*tts posting on twitter thinking they have a moral high ground need to walk around schools or shopping malls more

english should have finished the job and killed you rebellious cunts off when they had the chance

What if I just want to make a game with fun gameplay and interesting mechanics?

The only problem with the police is that they've done a poor job informing people about why can't just taze everyone who shoots at them.

>healing is prioritized over righteousness

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>Kill yourself nigger tranny spic chink jew subhuman

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why do you hate cops though if you know its a tough job?

>Cops become paramilitary outfits in response
Actually it was the Hollywood shootout that cause the Police to get more militarized. General corruption, on the other hand, goes back to the mafia era.

>(((journalists))) encouraging a narrative
but actually that is a problem with our current reporting structure and the rise of sensationalism: attention is clicks and clicks are marketing dollars

See, now you're playing stupid on purpose again. That is not what I said and you know it. Experiences affecting humies is a fact. Like grass is green and sun sets in the east. It's what we have to work with.

Ah, the reality. What about the reality that you are sitting on your ass with messages, overt or implicit, flashing in your face. Is that not reality? I think it is. Any idea is both fiction and reality and we are not as rational as you want me to think you think. You are real. What you think is real. Where that idea came from is inconsequential to the reality of you.

Now, as for the measurable effect of these experiences on our behaviour you are of course right that it's not as dramatic as I never said it would be. No one is going to play Astral Chain and go join some cringy blue lives matters protest if that's what you think you can get away with implying I believe. However, a society where press, media, games, songs and whatever all tell the same story that cops do no wrong and you shouldn't question the legitimacy and reach of law enforcement.... well. Point is that things add up.

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Look at the bag that nigger is carrying it's probably full basketball shoes.

Why do progressive Americans always try to force their view of the world onto other cultures?

I'm sorry you lost your job because you said nigger on the internet too many times, maybe try not doing that anymore?

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why cant they just tackle and handcuff people? they shoot unarmed blacks all the time


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I agree except for the part where you are psychotic and have mental problems

nice projecting autistic brainlet. pic related is your father

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It's a problem at all levels of society.

because americans are fat and can't run like the blacks can

>black guy hates the police

I’m shocked. Holy shit I’m shocked over here guys. Like wow I’m really shocked

Then your politics are:
>Shuffles deck
>Pulls out card
Apathetic complicity with the status quo and
>Pulls second card
Antisemitism for not including reference to the Holocaust.

The good thing about Waypoint is that all the queers are penned into their own little echo chamber, so I don't have to EVER engage with them.


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Fucking hell Americans are a mess

Did he really say that?
Because Kaji is intentionally meant to be a male character with inverted gender interests to contrast with Misato. He's meant to be unproblematic and fairly progressive for the time

Progressivism is the new Christianity, journalists are the new missionaries, and twitter is the means of spreading their faith.

this thread isn't even pretending to talk about the review

when is this fat faggot's site going to finally die?

why are American cops allowed to be fat? From what I understand, they pass a fitness exam to become a cop, but then they dont do yearly physical exams?

What's with the European fixation on "education"? Do they think that only the state can give people knowledge?

lol you are actually very dumb. And I am smart. So is my dad. SORRY DUMMY.

You should probably take history or art class, please. Someone will try to over think a drawing and then I'll tell you it's simply a damn drawing. Not everything is politically driven.

apparently not

You should lay off the HRT, it's rotting your brain, I don't want you to commit suicide user

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I'd rather be educated by McDonald's and PepsiCo. Private education ftw

>the (((community))) defends and protects itself and its values under its own power

This is how you get honor killings.

Absence of sex has literally created a modern sociopolitical movement with terrorist tendencies, you braindead incel

but MAGAtards love their baste minorities
replace that hat with a plastic stahlhelm and it'll make sense

partial credit!

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>they shoot unarmed blacks all the time
Most the time the "unarmed" black dude was fighting with police and trying to grab the gun off the cop's belt. Other times the police have a good reason to suspect that they do have a gun, for example if they just participated in a drive by.

sorry user, I'm not a nigger stealing shit on the streets everyday like you.

Because of wordfilters. Śõy was filtered to onions and çümbrain heads been filtered as well. Funny that they haven't filtered cope, have sex, incel, or whatever other flavor of the month insult.

english are more cucked than amerifats nowadays.
Cuckmeter: sweden/ finland> UK> america

It's factually correct. Without the obligatory power of the state, "free education" and "private education" stays in the "I would totally when I want" forever and you end up adult and unable to make simple divisions.

>the lack of political commentary in Super Mario means the designers are content with the world

Imagine being this fucking retarded. The game could just as easily be escapism from a shitty world. You have no argument. Here's your (you)

> you are sitting on your ass with messages, overt or implicit, flashing in your face. Is that not reality? I think it is.
Holy fucking shit. Yes, maybe I'm consuming some stuff with messages, but they don't affect me in any significant way. Fuck man, you AGREED on this.
See, there's the issue in your argument. In order for the content of media to even begin to affect consumers on any scale but the microscopic, media needs to present a more or less united front for at least a few formative years of someone's life.
Astral Chain is an exception to the usual rule- the majority of games that place any special focus on police or equivalent tend to make them look misguided at best, and corrupt at worst. There are an ASSLOAD of games where the government/police/authority is secretly corrupt and untrustworthy. And I guarantee you Astral Chain is at least going to have an arc about how their police force are corrupt and have a dark side as well. Unless you're going to tell me that the idea of ANY cop being good is teaching people that cops do no wrong, your entire argument is fucking moot.

>even if an artist is not intending to be political there will always be ways to interpret their work politically

So people being stupid, only now they think they're deep because they warped the narrative by reaching.

Nestle and Mars are French and British respectively.

cope you son a brainlet

actually look up stanford prision, that experiment's results have been invalid for decade

>there will always be ways to interpret their work politically
rent free in the head of other != done on purpose.

>expecting an anime game where you fight aliens with your stand in a future setting to feature social commentary
am*ricans were a mistake

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Ziggy Stardust was right

>tfw never had an issue with cops, and the ones that have stopped me were super helpful

Why yes, I do cooperate and drive the speed limit, why do you ask?

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>read report
>soviets eat better because they eat less meat, fish and dairy
>remember that this was written at a point where common knowledge said grains were the way to go
what is your fucking point, now we'd say eat the meat and get rid of the grains

>Nigger says something stupid

Why are we even discussing this?

>Sir I have to tell you, I do have a firearm on me
>>don't reach for it then
>I'm not reaching--
>>don't pull it out
>I'm-I'm not pulling it out
yeah sure, just do what they say and everything will be fine

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What happens when the government decides to militarize police against the citizens?

Because American cops have a bad day and give 300usd tickets. You have a bad day and you call me an asshole while cutting me off.

>>soviets eat better because they eat less meat, fish and dairy
>>remember that this was written at a point where common knowledge said grains were the way to go
Aй бля, yчит мeня чeм я питaлcя. The brainletism of this post is astonishing.

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If black people don't want to get shot by the police, why do they commit crimes?
If the have committed no crimes, why don't they comply with the policemen's orders?

And your skin color?


I’m sorry your brother got killed Jamal but he wasn’t selling cookies he was trying to rape a woman.


What's going on in this thread?

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I'm sorry lad but I agreed about no such thing. And not that I want to sound like I'm some idiot trying to catch you in a logical shortcoming of your own, but aren't you the one agreeing with me now? I mean, you're saying that the influence of pro-cop garbage like AC is okay because it's outweighed by libtard propaganda, right? I'm not talking about whether the message is good or bad even if I do have an opinion on that too, but the fact that things affect us. The fact that every one experience is small and would probably be inconsequential in an isolated environment doesn't really matter since such environment isn't the one we live in.

>430 posts
>not a single one is about video games

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No. The game depicts that the system has flawed individuals while never calling out the "systematic flaws" Cops are still heroic, and it's staff has stated that cops in Japan are positive figures and that they don't care much for the idea that they need to discuss US political problems in their games.



Uhh hey dummy, stop replying to me! Stupid dumb idiot.

If Soviets were so well fed why did millions of them starve to death?

No japan is perfect and you are wrong

Дeдyля, cвaлитe нaхyй c чaнoв, y вac мapaзм yжe.

Because based CNN tells them to chimp out, i thank CNN every day for all the niggers they helped get killed.

I want politics the fuck out of my Yea Forums, starting with you anime posting liberal spouting cunts.

You mean in the early turn of the 20th century when the country was in a civil war and the whole country was still in a mess overall?

Cockhole or liberoid?

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I'm saying that it doesn't matter what messages things have, because there's not enough consistency for stories to take hold. So the contents of a game, or any work of media not designed explicitly to be commentary on the real world, DO NOT MATTER FOR THE SAKE OF MORALS.

So, from what I can gather, Nintendo (once again) made a contemporary politics free game, and it's a great game too, but journalists are retarded so they want their favourite company to be (((woke))) like them so they pretend the game agrees with their ideology. Sound about right?


Their philosophy is completely transcendental (ie above human thought), so they think anyone who disagrees with them is either misguided or evil

High conviction rate doesn't have to be a bad thing if it's a result of the state only bringing charges they are fairly certain will result in a conviction. The US system of charging for everything, stacking hypothetical sentences and trying to force people into plea offers leads to a lot of coin tosses in court for those who opt to try.

Is that why you're here?

games aren't art

Explain how you would like to be partially reliant. Explain what that means. Explain how you can be reliant at all without some means of defending yourself.

>everything is political

And I'm saying wouldn't that be nice. Because things affect us, big and small, and we can't escape that. Pretending it doesn't happen (at least not to you!) just makes you more susceptible.

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Art is any form of creative expression. A squiggly line on a paper is art. The term art is entirely fucking meaningless.

Oh? A commie revolution ended in mass starvation and millions purged? Who could have guessed that uh

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Selective enforcement of laws is a big one. For the exact same "crime" you can either get off on a warning or be detained for 24 hours and charged $500, or worse 10 years for drug possession, all based on how a cop is feeling, all for the exact same "crime".

Of course because of that selective enforcement no one cares to change the laws because they only ever get off on warnings while other people get absolutely and ridiculously screwed. "If I got away with 1oz of weed then they must have done something really bad to deserve 5 years for 1oz" even though the situations were actually exactly the same, just the cops attitude was different.

>be american
>taillight is out
>get shot
you can't make this stuff up

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Only Yea Forums bans wojak because it's a board of literal snowflake manchildren that watch cartoons intended of actual children. You have to go back.

>be like Japan, not Chicago
You are the problem.

>tfw have had cops pull me over at night in Baltimore, and gave me directions to get around the roadwork blocks and back onto the freeway, with the advice not to stop at the redlights

Sure is nice.
One officer even showed the way out of the D.C. maze when I got lost trying to navigate the throughway traffic there the first time.

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>other countries manage to have serious civil wars yet keep death tolls mostly restricted to soldiers and not tens of millions of poor farmers

Really makes you think.

I see you're well versed in history. Reminds me of that time in the US miners were starving to death and instead of getting anything they just got mass purged. Good times.
>facebook filename and redditfrog
Why am I not even surprised.

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Is that really your comeback? Oh wow

>"shots fired"
absolute kek

All boards that have mods that care about post quality ban wojak and sadfrog. Fuck off you unwanted transplant

>look up famines of the 19 and 20th century
>lots of people died to them when there were no civil wars even
I love the whataboutism retorts mutts use without even understanding what they're talking about.


looks like someone hasn't heard of South Korean super feminists

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>that time in the US
>That time
Yeah, a thing worth documenting in the US was a daily occurrence in every communist state that has ever existed.

>muh lack of moderation

How do you know the black people don't have bread in those basketball shoes?

>weeb game about cybercops NEEDS to comment on western police because my psyche demands it

>See, now you're playing stupid on purpose again. That is not what I said and you know it. Experiences affecting humies is a fact
You know, armchair psychologists like you have peddled this tripe all the way into the presidency banning violent videogames, but the fact remains that all peer reviewed studies show that creative influences over people, even the easily swayed, are negligible at best, and sometimes even therapeutic.

But, you know, if you want to prove that videogames cause ANYTHING but entertainment, feel free to prove it by substantiating even the basest argument. I know you can't.

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don't forget the kid that was in the backseat

There's something about kpop that brings out the worst in people.

You yourself agreed that the individual effect of any given piece of media is negligible at best. Correct?
You also agreed that there are a lot of anti-cop games and most games that give cops any explicit attention are in fact anti-cop.
However, your belief that games without a message on something are implicitly supporting the thing they don't acknowledge- status quo or whatever- means that there are also a lot of pro-cop games.
ERGO, between the pro-cop and anti-cop messages, nobody is having their mind significantly affected.

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This is such a bizarre argument. It’s like saying that if you aren’t constantly talking about how rape is bad then you must be fine with rape. You don’t need to be an armchair activist protesting in the streets everyday to have a negatives opinion on something, you weirdos.

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Well there we go.

>ten people dead
>that brought about massive change for the industry
>vs literal tens of millions
>that kept populations just as oppressed

Yeah gee, what a great exchange that was.

"english world" was a mistake
pic real was right

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This utopian worldview falls apart instantly as soon as someone decides that their snowflake bullshit isn't going to stop him from fucking them up.

>american "education"

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Real utopia


anyone who says they hate cops, what are you gonna do when you need them? you hate them but you cry and run to them when you are scared? cowards

you tricked me!!!

>Yea Forums - Video Games

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I fucking hate this sort of misdirection. The cops of THE LAST HUMAN CITY are the force fighting against reality warping monsters, and you're concerned about how it might better portray the real world crisis of mismanagement, abuse of power, and racism. It's not just that it's fiction, it's that the premise alone doesn't leave room for that sort of narrative. If they were called literally anything other than cops, the story would be just as valid, and no one would be able to do this shit.

>Well uh uh yeah maybe we killed 60 million people but remember that time 2 guys died in the US??

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>I can't enjoy a game because they're cops
I bet these fags are the same complaining how Spider-Man was working with the cops in the PS4 game.

That's a rather faulty line of reasoning because "affecting" can be anything in this particular case. A game made you have a chuckle? It affected you. It's the extent to which you allow yourself to be affected by things that matters and it doesn't really matter what the game does or doesn't preach, portray or doesn't portray the choice is always with the one who experiences it. You might as well claim that anyone that plays a violent game will become a murderer because the game "affected" him.

I'm saying they affect you, not that they do all the things you're implying I say they do. Fantasy violence is so unlike the real thing, at least I imagine it is, that there isn't any logical reason why one should lead to the other. But what is the difference of fantasy oppression and real oppression? Nothing really.

Yes I said that. But you are not only playing one (1) video game and that's it. You live in a society full of messages and this is part of the whole that very much affects us all.

I don't get your other point. Are you saying that no one is affected by anything because society is statically like you know it as if you believe in some natural state of it? Nah, you're not that stupid.

we're almost at the bump limit
just keep on going

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>still uses fagbook memes
>doesn't know what he's talking about
All these (You)'s I'm getting is just further proof of what I said here A country full of useful idiots.


You can recognize that a system is flawed while still understanding it needs to exist. The US system is a fucking mess right now and it's only made worse by the fact that cops are very rarely held accountable by their own actions. But also fuck anyone who thinks the police should be abolished, or wouldn't play a video game or watch a show just because it features cops.

And yet those famines in total got no where near the death tolls of Stalin and Mao.

Really makes you think.

That guy was a bumbling fucking idiot.
How hard is it to crawl forward and not put your hands behind your back?
The fact there was no gun doesn't mean shit because he could very easily have had a gun and pulled it on the cops.
Plus he kept putting his hands behind his back like an autistic retard.
Cop was 100% justified.

>feminists are psychopathic terrorists
I know this for a fact and that feminists in the west do the same shit as these nutjobs, I know that
Then why does this user's post affect me so?

>tell cop you have a gun
>he basically to stay put and especially not to move your hands somewhere where he cant see them
>do it anyways
>get shot
Wow, bugged game

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>if you aren’t constantly talking
Video games aren't every day speech. It's a collaborative creative work for the purpose of expression that takes years to produce. Years. Chances are that in the past several years, you've felt the need to express your dislike of some status quo through the everyday speech you took part in during that time. If you went years without doing that, then yes, that is an indication that you are fine with the status quo.

Indians would argue with you about that.

> You live in a society full of messages and this is part of the whole that very much affects us all.
And the way they affect me, and most consumers, is a perpetual tug of war that doesn't end with me being pulled much in any given direction.
Because nobody puts out unified and consistent messages.

>it's actually going to hit bumb limit
mods doing a great job again

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It's pretty hard to crawl forward and have your legs crossed at the same time. Especially when a cop is yelling it at you, you're drunk and confused, and your life is a risk. Did you even watch the video?

This take is way too intellectual and nuanced for Yea Forums. You're going to need to retard it up a lot more.

Why was it taboo among prisioners to ask the reason for being in the gulag? Because most of them were commies who were thrown in there for no reason.

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This. Anyone that thinks total anarchy and lawlessness is preferable to having an established, albeit corrupt system hasn't lived in total fucking anarchy. I did, fearing for your fucking life every time you venture outside your door with three locks wasn't fun at all.

Because things are coincidentally perfectly balanced. Sounds overly serendipitous if you ask me. Think about it. Like truly consider it.

>Every single one of those replies was making fun of that him
>Still bothered to make a screencap
Sorry user, your epic quote is still stupid.

>I'm saying they affect you
And to that I once again say; prove it. You're talking a lot and saying very little. Affects us how? Gives us entertainment? Well duh, it's a game. That's what they're made for. Affecting our sociopolitical outlet and makes us want to kill the phonies? Humans aren't robots that get fucked with a logical feedback loop, books, rock and roll, videogames, cinema, and movies have NEVER caused killers. Mental illness and degenerate cultures do.

Regardless of whatever "affect" you claim occurs, it's not enough to cause or even be related to the problems that people talk about, and is not a conversation worth having.

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Of course they're not "perfectly" balanced, you fucking retard, but they're balanced enough that my opinion barely shifts.

>Whether it is the US or the UK or Japan, cops are a huge issue everywhere,
>and the fact that Astral Chain doesnt even try to tackle the subject is a massive issue and a huge detractor for the game.

>Get shot for following the Police's orders
>Wonder why people hate the law system

>that image

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>cop asks for license and registration
>registration is kept in the glove compartment
>somehow supposed to get the registration while also not reaching for anything
yeah okay

Yep, and of that fails they make murders pass as suicides to maintain the low crime rate.

He was a prison guard. Not a cop.

Do you even know what Gulag is? There was only one gulag and it was in Moscow. It wasn't a prison. Again, shows how much you know what you're talking about.
Pic related is a book written by ex-GULAGd prsioners, who wrote a book about Solzhenytsin and how much of a lying nigger he is. Again, of course you know nothing about this. Fucking NPC.

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Again with the killers but that's simply not true. Also, what the fuck is a "degenerate culture" if not exactly what I'm talking about albeit in brainlet lingo.

So just perfectly balanced enough for you to rise above it all. Isn't that the same thing when you think about it?

People hate police because they think armed blacks reaching for their gun don’t deserve to be killed, not because a drunk retard got killed for being too stupid to follow orders.

>Cop clearly asked for registration which was in the globe compartment
>Gets shot anyway

Is this an american thing, I didn't think that the rest of the world had a problem with the police like they do

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>Not very Cyberpunk of Astral Chain to have cop protagonists
Uhhhhhhh what?

Just shut the fuck up, you know you've lost.

>millions killed by a virus we didn't even know how it worked at the time
>anyone's fault but mother nature screwing them over

Many natives were massacred but nowhere near millions. So many more ended up integrating but we never hear about that because it's boring. Also still a result of statist intervention and just as wrong but that doesn't justify even more statism in the form of Communism or it's many flavors.

He was open and honest about the presence of a firearm. He followed the cops instructions ("don't reach for it", not "keep your hands on your steering wheel", etc) to the letter. He was obeying the law. He was shot right in front of his girlfriend and her 4 year old kid, anyway.

I'm intrigued. Where was it you lived?

>Solzhenytsin is lying!!


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Why are you fine with rape?

Why wouldn't the guys that get their paycheck from you just take your stuff instead of being a wage cuck for you? Who's going to stop them?

People hate police because they're racist and retarded.

You guys never wanted to discuss the game, did you p

I look in the comments section and they he was trying to reach for ID. If that's the case, that show that this police officer is in no right of being in the field. That man was being very responsible and inform the cop. It was not his fault. It's the cop's own inexperience that cost him his life. I can't even say it's the cop's fault in total, he was just afraid.

Cope Jamal

>>millions killed by a virus we didn't even know how it worked at the time
India's indians. I fucking hate americlaps.

he wants it to take politics stance so he can be mad about it

Fucking this. I'm not even a nigger but do you guys remember the Simon Says murderer?

Guy made the dude do everything he said and lit his ass up because he tried to pull his pants up even though he was in the designated safe position, and you see legit bootlickers, like, ACTUAL fucking bootlickers, defending his decision to kill that innocent man.

God people piss me off. "Durr if you follow the police orders you won't die!" The police isn't an ephemeral concept, it's a gathering of people, and they're very very flawed. Giving a flawed person a gun and the authorization to shoot doesn't make them a mortal beacon.

Read up on Brazillian police

>keep gun in glove compartment, a common place to keep it
>keep license and registration in glove compartment, a common place to keep it
>cop says to give him your license and registration without reaching for the gun
the game was rigged from the start

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Unless you're a baboon yourself shut up.

Have sex, Daniel.

A system where the government doesn't have a monopoly on violence and you could essentially pick and choose your "government/security company" would be preferable. It would at least give some check and balance to the "industry" as opposed to the zero we have today. And no, voting is not a good check and balance.

Despite what the media wants you to believe more white people are shot by cops than black people. I got pulled over a few months back for not using my blinker and the cop had his gun ready to shoot and I'm white as fucking snow. There's a problem that needs to be addressed and it's tied up in all this racial shit.

cops have to do that when they shoot.

So, do you have a source or something?


I'm not. Here you go, here's my statement against rape in every day speech. Now where's yours?

>Again with the killers but that's simply not true.
Say what you want but that's how it's perceived nowadays. Need I remind you again of fucking Trump and Walmart?

If that's your art apply yourself next time.

Why are you fine with racism?

fucking hell i cannot imagine what is happening there today

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>statist imperialism and mercantilism at it's height

I still don't get your point.

>you're drunk and confused
They asked if he was drunk, and he said he wasn't.
Everything was going smoothly until the retard put his hands behind his back thinking they were going to cuff him, but in a tense situation like that, of course the cop was going to assume he was going for a gun. Because that's not rare at all to see happen.
Then he keeps throwing his hands behind his back like a dumbass, of course the cop would shoot him.
The other lady managed just fine. He was just stupid.

Eastern Europe during the 90's. All the governmental structures that regulated safety and wellbeing of the populace had been in total disrepair. There were assassinations galore and fights for power between bandit groups constantly. You could fall over dead in the middle of the street and no one would give a shit because getting involved could mean the end of your life too if the guy that fell had crossed someone he shouldn't have. Police was absolutely ineffectual and either completely corrupt or just never showed up, a group of people could follow you when you left public transport and assault you in broad daylight if you looked like you had something on you that could be taken and sold for money. A guy had his finger cut off because the fucks couldn't get off the silver ring he was wearing, and a kid I knew personally was beaten so hard that he ended up stuttering for the rest of his life.

I can't believe Tetris supports the cold war

Anyone with half a braincell would have had enough mental capacity to process that the cop thinks you are reaching for your gun as he does not know where it is and would have stopped moving and explained the situtation instead of justcontinueing to reach somewhere

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Do YOU have a source that isn’t pathetic propaganda? No? Well, please continue to live reaping the benefits of Capitalism.

Not that, that entire cult was outsed and their government replaced.

>mixing important things like rise minimum wage with some poor guys having their life ruined because some bitch cried rape
Not the same shit. But what would I expect from pol.