Why aren't you playing stardew valley expanded right now?

Why aren't you playing stardew valley expanded right now?

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It's not finished. It's buggy. It's sort of shit.

I don’t play pixel shit indie garbage

but it's cute

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My biggest issue with SVE is that the writing really feels like fanfiction. I know, it wasn't done by the actual creator, but the guy doesn't even try to make the writing style mimic the original. Plus to be blunt the new events aren't nearly as interesting as he thinks they are. Then there's the fact that some of the content that seems really cool (like the house you can, in theory, repair in the woods) but isn't implemented yet. Oh and they added in a hot widow but don't allow you to lesbian date her.

What did they add in the expansion?

Why would I when Rune Factory 4+ is around the corner?

A bunch of stuff. New NPCs, heart events, locations and so forth. It's interesting enough.

I'd love to but my PC refuses to accept mods for this game no matter what.

I dont enjoy these kinds of games. Put me right to sleep

>Rune Factory
since nobody on this godforsaken site talks about it i ask you, what is that game about and why is it good?

Why are so many of the images blurry?

You don't belong here.

Literally, Harvest Moon: This is an RPG!
It's pretty much like Harvest Moon (or Stardew Valley, if you like it) but with a more ARPG approach, namely having Lvls, stats, equips, drops, etc. On a normal day on RF, you'll tend your crops, raise friendship/love level with NPCs and go kick some monster butt while exploring and looking for resources for item synthesis.

How important is relationships? One thing I liked about stardew was the complete freedom of not being forced into finding a spouse or some shit like that. I know its a big selling point for everyone else and I thought I had heard that RF series also relies heavily on that, but I would like to exclude my playthrough of as much as possible from waifu shit. Friends and companions are fine, just dont make me choose to marry some slag.

Unlike the other RFs, in 4 you don't need to get married to advance the plot. Tides/Oceans too, I guess but that one doesn't count as mainline.
You can still build relationships, go into dates with the girls and not get married at all

>willingly playing an autists headcanon for a fucking farming game because the games story wasn't what he wanted it to be

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Cool, ill look into RF when the games come to the switch then. Might be a nice comfy game to play. Still no western release info I take it.

As I don't have a Switch, I'm not up to date with what's happening. I don't know. Still, look into the series. If you minimally like Stardew Valley and RPGs you'll love RF.

Thanks for the shill, Im surprised everyone loves stardew valley but there is barely any mention about Rune Factory. Huh. Guessing thats because its not as available or multiplatform.

>but there is barely any mention about Rune Factory
Because unless you’re a hardcore weeb who can overlook extreme tedium and praying that the RNG gods will progress random character events, Rune Factory isn’t that good of a series. The wife choices suck, the farming takes a massive backseat to other lucrative moneymaking strategies, the RPG elements are as basic as they come, and the story is filled with the same generic “cutesy” anime tropes you’ve probably seen a million times already.

It has a sizable following because there are people who just really love that kind of shit, but RF isn’t the successor to Harvest Moon that they make it out to be. Stardew isn’t either, but at least it keeps the farming element the core theme.

Does it let you romance Marnie? Not interested if it doesn't

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She's already secretly involved with Lewis. Why do you think his underwear was in her house?