Force of Will videogame when?

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>those proportions

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Valm down, it's just a drawing.

Hopefully never

>that booty
for the love of god, let me shove my tongue right up there

>curious about FOW, pick up a few starter decks to test it out
>some of the most fun I've had with a card game
>literally nobody for miles that plays it besides me
>no online client

maybe I'll try to get my brother into this stuff. that's about all I can hope for at this point.

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games dead though. like company recently started to go into admin dead.

I'd pay my monthly salary to have her sit on my face.

>gross orbs masquerading as an ass
>Lazy background

Is that robutts?

>Pick up FOW a couple of years ago with a bunch of friends who were looking for a card game to play
>Sink a few hundred dollars into it
>Enjoy it a lot for a couple of months
>Game starts dying and everybody bails

Card games are too expensive, I'll just stick to vidya from now on.

this guy gets it

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>2015, a handful of people actually leaving magic for Force of Will because of the shit standard format
>Had a pretty good time, but the game clearly had some balance issues. I played mono-g beasts stompy.
>Have to stop attending because I had to take a night class at college
>come back when the term is over to a ghost town, everyone left and went crawling back to magic.
I'm not going to pretend I didn't have fun oneshotting people with Pricia Beast Queen, but the game felt almost too broken. Games were decided by turn 3 in almost every matchup. I still remember the time I got Huanglonged through disruption on turn 3 because of how good mana dorks were in this game and there was one that had flash and gave hexproof to a dork or something. There's just this feeling of "fuck it, there's nothing I can do" as you pick up your cards.

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It's a shame that nothing new will ever manage to last more than a year at this point. FOW is such a fun game, but nobody fucking plays it.

goddamn I hate mtg.

>wanted to try FoW a few years ago
>got deck of pic related to play with a friend
>he moves out of the city due to his job
>never played
I wanted to try the game so bad

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>Buy a few starter decks and boosters
>No one else in the entire country plays FOW

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That was on FOWs part actually, as a business they're ran really shit. There's like one guy in charge of actually everything outside of Japan, from translations to marketing. Stores couldn't stock product because nobody would buy product, even FoW players, but beyond that even if they did want to buy boxes, the company was dogshit at printruns and getting more product into the hands of the stores. Meaning locals had no prize support to speak of once the boxes ran out for weeks.

what an ass

>next standard set is printing a card that is only useable in commander or the recently deceased brawl.
>it's 20 dollars and is going to be a dead card in draft
God i hate Wotc

Just play it on tabletop sim, fagnuts. I think it has all decks and stuff. All of you can make a league or something.

I just want there to be one good alternative to MTG. That's the only fucking card game I can find for miles around my piece of shit town.

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>only scans of this card are a censored version

literally the only other card game anybody I know plays is yugioh and I mean, that's fun to mess around with in video games but holy shit fuck playing that in real life. I'd settle for pokemon TCG at this point, even if I hate EXs with a passion.

>mfw use to play pokemon with a friend of mine
>pulled 3 of this broke ass pokemon and it was the reason he stopped playing
Fucked myself good

I see why your game died. it deserves it for shit like this.

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>First card game was magic when i was young
>Played a fuckton of it with my bro who got me into it
>He moved to uni where he just stopped magic so when he was back home for holidays he didnt care bout magic.
>Moved to Yugioh
>Played it for a bit then stopped as the meta changed way too often and the power creep was up the wazoo.
>Stop card games for a wee bit
>Get back into card games but realize that anything thats not magic dies real fast.
>still try card games and buy booster packs when its not needed.
>Currently stuck in aos champions. Like the physical, hate the online client.


I've played a bit of it. I find it less cheesy than MtG and a LOT less expensive to get into.

Shadowverse isn't half bad and you can play it on your phone and your pc.

Are there any cards with cute anime girls that have big dicks on them? Only then will I play it.

>no HD, official image of this anywhere on the internet


chan sankaku complex, type in huge_ass, maybe throw in a bikini tag and you'll find hundreds of basically the exact same shit.

>tfw i tried to get into card games (HS and Shadowverse) but both felt so hard i lose 9/10 matches
is it just me? I figured against people of my own level it would be evenly matched but no. i think i'm just dumb as heck

>get in during the magical girl kaguya when it comes out
>everyone drops the game like two days later
fucking hell

zero booty is the rarest treasure ever

That butt is actually too big for her body size.

>all that work just to prevent 300 damage
at least it's not once per turn I guess

For those of you who never played it, Force of Will is actually a broken mess because of how the game works. There are the smaller things like how the dorks could tap for mana the turn after you play them, meaning you could put down Llanowar Elves equivalent while holding mental misstep up.
However the real nail in the coffin is the lands are outside of the deck. This sounds like a wet dream for anyone who has gotten mana screwed or flooded in Magic, but it is a horrible game design choice in practice. What this actually means is that decks of modern-like powerlevels get to have 20 less filler cards in them, with the ability to easily splash cantrips and draw power like Cheshire Cat. All spiraling permutations that TCGs are known for are out the window. Decks are beyond consistent, games are streamlined to an absurd degree. Every game plays exactly the same, to the point where the only noticeable variations are in extreme matchups. Everything in your deck is and is required to be straight gas. Every deck, every strategy that can't compete at a high enough level at the streamlined pace gets demolished. If you miss FoW, you've never played against Baha Blast decks making you start your turn with your life cut in half before you even get to draw a card. You've never played against a ruler so broken it puts Jace the Mind Sculptor to shame in Reflect/Refrain.

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I got one of those black and white cards in a pack once.
>tfw no one to play with

I have that card too

die monster.

>that butt

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still not the same
I want to see naked pictures of Emma Watson, not porn of a look alike

we don't talk about Reflect/Refrain.

For me, it's Frayla

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The butt is nice, but everything else is drawn wonky. Especially the arms and spine.

Really... the game is okay at best. I played for a year plus, but there are real balance issues. Seems to be little to no playtesting in my experience either. The game is only good for cheesecake, not in an of itself worthless, but not worth sinking money into.

who is the artist?

Yes, with futa, gay shit, horses, shitty 3d animations and trillions of puke inducing shit.

Than use any of the tag mechanics to stop them from coming up.

It's already out. It's called Shadowverse.

It died when they thought it was a good idea to print certain cards from future sets early and make them legal for tournament settings.
The game was only a few months old and they figured it would be fine to enable decks that can kill on turn 2.