Out today

>out today
>literally no hype

Attached: Ancestors.jpg (1280x556, 149K)

>no hype
Rightly so

Epic exclusive for a year on PC

Who gives a shit

I hate games that pander to blacks

Every mistook it for a nature tv show.

Looks like a David Cage game. The constant chimp noises are obnoxious too.


it looks suspiciously over-ambitious

>nigger protagonist
no thanks

>the hupeoplekind odyssey
ftfy shitlord

monkey are overrated

This is not ubisoft, stop being retarded

>but the guy worked at ubisoft so it's still ubisoft

Fucking retard. And doesn't this shit comes out tomorrow?

>chink exclusive
It's a dead game, bud.

i'll probably get it at some point if it's fun,
i don't know any other game like it so I hope it does well, devs should be encouraged to do different things

It got shit reviews. Nothing of value lost.

My mistake. Still looks like shit.

Evolution propaganda. Not interested.

>72 on Metacritic
Yikes, needs to be at least 85 to be worth my valuable masturbating/shitposting time

Attached: CrILrEh.jpg (1423x2136, 300K)

That's why it failed.

Attached: Capture.png (259x347, 74K)

Looks good but I'm cautious. I'm afraid it's going to be super linear with little replayability


Surprised you have internet over in the Middle East there Ahmed

America doesnt believe the evolution lie. this game will bomb over here.

>humankind not mankind
nice communist propaganda you go there

What's the difference?

Are you referring to the user score? Playing anything critics rate at 85 or higher is not worth playing.

One word triggers me and the other one does not.

>Humankind is the "modern" version of mankind because muh women

Two letters.

Is it really comming out today?
I am actually really interested in the weird setting. The game is probably boring but at least it's something fresh.

Holy shit the Epic exclusivity killed the game lel

Attached: orange.webm (640x792, 1.07M)

One rolls off the tongue the other is a painfully cringy attempt at being inclusive.

Will pirate

>mfw Humankind still has "man" in it and not woman
t. hueing man

The game has ambition and an unusual setting/protag.

I will pirate it since Ubishit got it's dev money by Epic already anways.

Modification of language for political purposes.

More Jewish evolution propaganda.

>>out today
it's 2020?

>game announced years ago
>some historical game that would visit defining moments of human history
>release a game about monkeys jumping on trees
Could've easily started at a more interesting start date. Like the ice age or something.

>releasing on the same day as classic
Doomed from the start. Though I'll actually check it out when it unfucks itself in 2020.

I love how instead of just pointing out the mistake you'd rather have an argument with yourself so it sounds extra confrontational

>caring about cavemen

I wanted to buy it, but then it went epic exclusive

pirate it, Tim already covered your copy

looks cool, might pirate it later

Because we don't hype about shitty games made by Ubisoft.
Man these shills are so out of touch.

>Haha i dont play games with n words
>Get it? Because n words are literally monkeys
>Why didn't my parents love me?

Who are you quoting?
Is it cracked already?

This game looks like fucking goat simulator, empty, shortlived, unexciting, fuckhuge playground full of nothing. If I see this narrative catch on that it's a racist thing when people can't be assed to give it a try, I swear to god

>imagine being a steamcel


because is terrible, how come epic dont have a single good exclusive?

No one wants to play as their genetic descendant responsible for making them obsessed with shit and the butthole.

>epic store

Implying Yea Forums buys games anyways

Also this

Its not pirated yet, please come back later when someone cracked it

>MC is an atheist

no thanks

Top down language change based on bourgeoisie political beliefs.

I will be busy going home today and for the foreseeable future

It reminds me too much of every other survival game on the market currently. I will be surprised if it actually delivers on everything it is promising. It's another "ambitious survival title that won't deliver and will be forgotten within a couple of months"