Today is the day, boys.
Human Warlock for my first character, for old times sake.
Today is the day, boys
Hyped A F
Female dwarf rogue. Whatever server is least populated.
Tauren Shaman my niggers
Daily reminder that you're blinded by nostalgia. Activision did really well generating manufactured hype for this game.
I don't give a fucking shit what people role. What a stupid, boring, generic, and npc way to make a thread.
Instead post your idea to make gold. I have two. Bag selling and running maraudon over and over making around 50 gold an hour at 60.
why are retailfags so triggered by classic's success?
Reminder that you are obsessed coming into wow threads to post this faggot.
>all these humans
Kings Honor, Friend
>You can't like it because it's old!
I can't decide between night elf druid or undead warlock
Can't wait for the servers to blow up.
>playing an Activision-Blizzard Game in 2019
Nothing says boring to me like holy paladin but I’m be damned if the leveling isn’t the most fun with my friends
Rez, blessings, auras, Heals, tank dungeons and wpvp, it’s all there
We're here to cure the world of the degenerate Horde.
Mirage Raceway
Leveling a warrior soon after the rogue
Sorry the /pol/ human warrior/pally thing lost its faggot charm very quickly kiddies.
Expect to get raped and becoming a cock sleeve for the horde.
Undead Male
We Grobbin
May roll priest instead. Depends on how I feel about what I want to roleplay.
No rebuttals as expected. At least admit that you're only playing this because of nostalgia. Classic is in no way a good game. Retail is even worse but still. And don't give me the "it's the social aspect". Everyone knows this will be a min/maxing spergfest just like retail has become. No one is new to the game.
this is my first time with WOW will i have fun im playing with some online friends that are nice
Don't forget auto attacking and watching porn on the Second Window.
Someone post the pally leveling experience on wow forums post.
Post 'em.
i cant decide
human warrior/pally
tauren warrior
which one??!?!
Shadow priest
going full edgemode.
I'm expecting a quick name change.
I played 120 hours of privates this year just waiting for Classic, at what point is my "nostalgia" supposed to wear off please? 200 hours? 400 hours? when do I stop having fun
Question since you are so interested in a rebuttal?
Why come into threads? You are not interested. Do you play retail? Think how pathetic it is to come into a thread you hate simply to tell people it's not fun and only nostalgia?
Did me playing Duke nukem 3d yesterday and enjoy it was only nostalgia? It clearly wasn't. Old games can still be fun faggot. There is your rebuttal. Now reply back with actual logic faggot.
nigga just upset cuz hes fuck ugly
Can't wait for the queues
Female Orc Rogue
Male Orc Warlock
Both on Grobbulus
Female Night Elf Warrior on Bloodsail Buccaneers
>the poster who's replying to you could be a human
>Female Night Elf Warrior on Bloodsail Buccaneers
i can only wonder what this character will be for
im a human irl so it only make sense
A part of it is nostalgia, sure, but I've played on private servers a bit the last couple of weeks and I've had a good time. The only negative thing of the experience was the lack of other players, which won't be a problem on the official servers. Who cares about minmaxing spergs, just find people you enjoy playing with and play the game the way you like it.
Nelf priest
Nelf hunter
Human warrior
Someone seriously needs to do a rundown on the different realms. All I know is that Faerlina is the Asmongold realm so I should avoid that one if I don't want to participate in his autistic stream events, but how do the other realms differ from one another?
Tanking of course
chill faggot
i think pegging is classified as dps
>playing Alliance on a server named after a Horde meme
Reconsider immediately, the faction imbalance is gonna be shit
most streamers are on faerlina, so yes, avoid that, but what else is there to know about the others?
a lot of the servers that are currently on the list rn are full. there's only 3 that are not full atm, so I'd advise you create your character now.
>you could be anything
>be a human
>it's afraid
Not if I'm the one taking the hits
I don't really know. Could you guys recommend a comfy NA server?
I replay plenty of old games simply because they were good games. Whether it's nostalgia or not, who cares if I'm having fun?
If there was a better alternative to Classic I'd play it. But all modern MMOs are pure garbage filled with pay2win or MTX bullshit.
bullshit humans dont exist ...right?
Be honest /vpol/ is this game going to die within the next 2 months?
I'll see if I can corner the market for swiftness potions. Once they start making you money, the revenue never stops.
i actually lol'd when he just stood there frozen after and did the keyboard turning
Which server, friends?
night elf
if any of you faggots are rolling a female nelf druid on my rp server im shunning the fuck out of you cunts
thats the streamer sever lel
Blammo or bust
no, there will be a MASSIVE brief wave of retail tourists that check it out and hate it for sure, but the classic community is huge and highly autistic, this thing isn't going anywhere
Is there any strategy at all for trying to avoid queues? How long before servers go live do I need to start trying to get in?
It hasn't died since release over a decade ago, there have been plenty of thriving private servers over the years.
Zandalari Troll
Shadow Priest
Mal'Ganis US
Finally cleared Mythic Azshara on my 2 day weekend raiding guild.
We might be the first 2 raiding guild in US.
Fuck classic, and fuck niggers.
>Paying £15 a month for a 15 year old game
>paying £15 a month for any game
But muh servers. Fuck you rose tinted goggles cunt.
Gentle reminder to avoid ANY server that wasn't one of the ones initially announced. They're all intended to just give the retail tourists a place to fuck around for a couple weeks before they quit. All the real players will be playing on the realms that filled up first.
If you have ANY interest in classic deal with the queues and the rush and play on a proper server. Don't gimp your experience by marooning yourself on some dead server, any server that starts with a pop less than Full won't make it.
> tfw warrior mage and paladin
> all human
So a friend is rolling warrior with mining and blacksmith and I was thinking Shaman with clothing to make our bags. Whats a second best option for me?
Faerlina, hehehe
Always liked the human fantasy setting and rping as a human seems interesting
For me, it's pandaren rogue.
Do you hate yourself? Go enchanting. If you want to make some easy money, go skinning.
alizee bros ww@?
Pay $60 for new game, 10 hours of content, play $30 for dlc, 3 hours of content.
Male Dwarf
Name: Ironbeard
Shit idea, playing one of the OG servers full of the people who are so desperate to play that they paid to get a name means that those server populations are going to die WAY slower than the other servers. Know what that means? Layering in full effect for the entire duration of P1, queues for the duration of P1, and Blizz not being able to move onto P2 until enough people transfer off those full servers
Gentle reminder if you want to actually play the fucking game don't play any of the first full servers...
Answer is always dwarf
never played WoW before, should be fun :)
what do you want to do
boys i need help, do you think this name will fly or am i gonna get punished by (((blizzard)))
female gnome mage
I'm in the EU servers, how will I find Yea Forums players?
i jerk it to this vid daily
You only get punished if enough oversensitive spergs report you, so likely yes
Doubt it, Niggle is a totally unrelated word
So there's two streamer servers in NA?
I've already reported him
Nethergarde Keep?
I I was going to choose Pyrewood Village but it's full so I might change to Nethergarde.
Even Arby's knows we're going home
Main is gonna be a troll mage.
Made my characters on Blowme last night cause it's the only pacific server not at high/maxed, but I know that'll change when the game opens.
Go to Firemaw
No, it'll have massive drop off early on and people will be screeching about how it's dead, but there's a very dedicated community who will keep it alive.
But I feel like those servers are going to be full of streamers and minmaxing autists and tryhard guilds.
No way. Youll be lucky if real police dont show up at your door for hate crimes.
Fellas, are you gonna be farming elemental earth as soon as possible?
I actually don't get Yea Forums pseudo-intellectuals, you provided nothing to refute. Kill yourself, stupid faggot.
Friends are rolling on Skeram.
Good/bad idea?
Orc (probably female)
Alli bitches better run
Song is unironically alright
Leveling enchanting by yourself while levelling your character is pure suffering. You don't start making money until you get the +8% movement speed enchant for boots and getting there costs so much gold. Skinning just gives you extra vendor trash.
shut up yes
so don't play it...
being a contrarian doesn't make you sound smart, you massive faggot
Gonna minmax, gonna have fun, and theres literally nothing any cunt can do
Hordecucks better run
NO chance... Why do you retards obsessed with making le epic racist names? Fucking /pol / faggots.
Zandalari Tribes
When you get a life and have sex, realizing what actual fun is like.
cope normie fag kill yourself.
>playing Alliance on a server named after a Horde meme
Going full nostalgia. My Alliance mains were on Runetotem when i played retail
I see. Well, good luck. I don't think too many people know about the good spots.
Harod (fuck you I like it)
I normally play tauren cat, but that's not a thing in vanilla. Might as well go rogue
Would I be missing out if I dont play on a PVP server? I dont actively search out people to kill in the world. But I'm not entirely opposed to seeing someone being attacked by another ally and ganging up on them
some french pvp shit
Will get a twink hunt
What the fuck am I supposed to do? My main group of friends wants to play horde but I think that playing horde significantly cripples the experience. There isn't a single argument going for Orgrimmar when faced against stormwind and the alliance zones(and races) overall are way comfier.
Stop making these threads! My sub ran out 6 months ago dont tempt me to start it again
Some of you are alright. Don’t go to Hillsbrad tomorrow.
everyone with a brain will be taking skinning at first to sell the leather to vendors for quick extra silver
You need the quick money turnaround early on in classic to get skills, bags, your 40 mount etc.
then you level crafting profs later on when you can afford to just buy everything because you'll get way more gold way easier at 60
Yes, I couldn't imagine playing WoW any other way. Hostile faction members need to be hostile.
forgot to say I'll be playing with friends that will go feral and warlock
Orc Warlock on Mirage Raceway
the little nigger got offended
guess what , people were racism before pol fucking faggot
user, taurens can be druids in vanilla
>not forming guilds full of rogues that hunt down streamers
gotta plan for the endgame, user.
Nah, I think I'm gonna go hiking today and then come home this evening to a beautiful home cooked meal by my twink husband.
Still torn between
>female Tauren
>female Undead
Cave or get new friends
Listening to
While in my monstrous queue
Fuck off back to r*ddit faggot.
Yea Forums is a racist board
lol are you implying the majority of wow players aren't returning 35 year olds with partners? neck yourself zoomer
"niggle" is a small thing that annoys you mate
>complains about racism
>is a straight up homophobe
Do you value your friends, user?
I played night elf rogue back in the day, but now I'm going to roll with a female orc rogue this time around, never having played horde
Nice straw man faggot
What's the best class race combo for going autistic for dps? I need to be the best dps player in any dungeon or raid I'm in.
Also what about healer?
because its funny. mostly funny because people like you
human fury warrior
gnome mage
this is exactly the kind of attitude they have, though. Horde was designed for edgy teenagers, but we're not fucking teenagers anymore
Not him but if you actually had sex or had a wife and girlfriend you would find out sex isn't everything an playing games is still fun. If you play them as an escape from your shit life that is a different problem.
I am a married 30 year old boomer that fucks the wife everyday or every 2 days. Last fuck was last night at 9pm. Unironically have sex.
I'd say join the shadow priest gang, but shamans are cool too.
mud hut kfc nigger no shoes
undead have no dicks
orc get cucked by there more masculine women.
trolls are cool
tauren are milked and beefed upon.
Maybe. Classic WoW is neat, but its slower paced. If you have been used to high OCTANE gameplay, and are looking for something new, it will probably be a big change.
>speed leveling
>no immersion
>no professions
>robotic leveling path
its like some of these people dont even WANT to go home
fury warrior or rogue, you can min-max the most with these two, casters are just gear check
Consider playing undead for the better zones
There's a reason the PVE and RP servers are generally more Alliance populated. Far more women and they're all generally shitter at the game
I'm going Horde for classic for this very reason
Even though everyone says enchanting goes good with tailoring, this is only on account of both of them being production skills that don't require a gathering profession.
Enchanting itself is rather shitty until you get to the higher tier stuff and you have to destroy so much valuable gear along the way that could be sold on the auction house or to npcs, and the enchants themselves must be sold in person taking hours of shouting in town of selling enchants.
Enchanting is not worth taking unless you're really willing to stick it out through a lot of shit and being poor most of your career until you get to the enchants worth a damn.
>what about healer?
dorfs r the best priests. for horde both undead and troll are mediocre as fuck priests so it doesnt matter
No what I mean is that no one in their right mind would try to dps as cat drood in vanilla.
This. It's funny seeing virgins glorifying sex as the pinnacle of life. Yes it's pleasurable and really nice if it's with someone you love, but there's more to life. And let's be honest here, you get tired of your partner pretty fast, you'll always want what you can't have.
>haha he said nigger xDDD
I mean I hate arabs and nigs just as much as anyone else but it's fucking retarded as an actual name, literal child tier humor
So I should take skinning plus what? Who do I sell my skins?
what fucking server my pvp horde fags at
Undead Shpriest
Troll Hunter
Can't decide.
nice, extremely based
I started during Woltk and I mained warrior. Should I make a warrior again or play something else? I would like to heal but not sure what class.
Enjoy your rainbow colored le comfy cozy babby zones, homo!
just vendor it all during leveling.
You'll get insane extra gold on your way to 60 and they wont sell on AH because of oversupply.
Take mining/herb or tailoring if caster
You will never be young again, boomers. Never ever.
For healing probably troll or dwarf.
Maybe human if you want extra spirit.
Undead if you want to be a deadly pvp priest.
Skinning and tailoring is fine. A big brain move is skinning and mining or herbalism.
Shadow Priest for maximum comfy.
So anons, do we even know what they have planned for post launch? Vanilla endgame is boring as fuck. Are they going full OSRS and adding new content with vanilla mechanics, are the patches moving forward normally or are we staying on 1.2 forever
>So I should take skinning plus what? Who do I sell my skins?
Skinning + mining or herbalism untill lvl 60, then respec to whatever crafting profession you want.
Just vendor the skins.
Tailoring plus skinning it is
i can just take the zeppelin to undercity and level from there
and that's a good thing, I never want to be the retarded teen I was back then
>he doesn't know about troll spriests
you shit on most people as a shadow priest.
You can also reroll to be a healer whenever.
You will be either be good at pvp, be great support in pvp, or required for raids.
Hunter is mostly just easier leveling and ganks, it's a lot more awkward to chase people as a priest.
I'd rather be gay then have to look at orange and yellow sand and rocks for 60 levels. Only the undead have redeeming zones but the race looks like shit so you can't even see their gear
You’re literally missing out on the game the way it was intended to be played. I can’t imagine anything more boring than playing on a PvE server. Half the fun of classic is the world PvP.
for pvp you want troll
>guild going on rp-pvp server
>cool i wanna RP!
>but i also wanna play gnome female cause they look neat in my tier gear.
>i am a 30 year old straight guy
Wat do?
Imagine playing on Shazzrah unironically
Is Whitemane an alliance or Horde server
I am morbidly curious about these threads even though I have no desire to sink my limited free time into this game. Damn I wish I was a neet
do you have background stories?
my character was born on the battlefield
as soon as I left my mother's womb her head was cut off and I grabbed the nearest bow to start fighting
Dwarf (Female)
give me one good reason not to play a gnome rogue
dont tell'em we will have our fun
>friends all going on faerlina alliance
>i dont even want to be alliance let alone on the fucking streamer server
human warlock i guess
Night Elf (Still considering Tauren)
You look like a potato and will be kicked by every Horde chad in the game.
Undead warlock, you silly fool.
They don't have WOTF and they do not have devouring plague, one of the best dots in the game.
If I was to run into your face and we both used psychic scream, the undead is going to have the advantage.
Your faster caster wont mean anything when a Spriest kit consist of dots, mindflaying and using ONE channeling spell with a long cooldown, which is mindblast.
>not casually leveling a character in your freetime
Troll shadow priests? That doesn't make sense. The only spell Berserking can affect is mind blast, right?
Could someone give me a quick rundown on the EU servers?
Me too, except I want to be a stinky minmaxer and pick gnome for the racials, and male gnomes look too goofy.
is it safe to say there will be less minmaxers on Grob? i'd imagine more people will be playing what they want rather than human/orc
i cant fucking wait im so hyped holy shit
Orc rogue. Would go human but my friends want to play Horde.
Is the xp better? Linen cloth drops? I'll be playing orc warlock.
Sex is actually awful if it's not with someone you're intimate with. I feel like the people who enjoy casual sex with strangers are the same people who like taking drugs.
I'm thingken bout it. Only thing is if I spend 15 bucks a month video games, that will be a 15000% increase in vidya expenses and I will be forced to play this game and cancel my plans to ever finish my backlog.
Trolls are better at pve then they are at pvp.
Theres no shame in that. but don't lie as if trolls are better compared to undeads at pvp.
shadowguard + blackout means your ass is constantly getting stunned every time you try and deal damage to a troll shadowpriest. Still going undead though
You won't have time to play any other games
get good zoomers
This might sound stupid, but if I want to play a Troll Resto Shamam, do I level up as one, or should I play a dps spec while leveling up. Also what server
That's what I mean. I will be forced to forsake my backlog for WoW. I don't know if I can do that. My backlog is the only thing keeping me going.
>tranny uses deception
>its super ineffective!
touch of weakness is better than shadowguard against melees
This. Which English EU server is going to be the most populated horde/alliance wise? would be great if someone knew.
orc warrior server:pic
wtf thats exactly what im doing
You won't have to look at red rocks and mud huts for 40 levels.
trolls priest racials proc blackout and cant be cleansed like undead's. literally the best shadowpriests in the game
Mograine seems like it will be fairly balanced and mostly UK based
tanking, healing, totem tugging
You can heal all leveling dungeons in a DPS spec. Just make sure you have some spellcasting gear for dungeons if you play melee.
whatever pvp server that doesnt make me wait 11 hours
Whatever US pvp server i can get into quickly
Im hyped boys, ive never played prior to Cat
People don't know what they are getting into. They don't know or don't remember how many changes have come to Wow. Some good and bad sure, but there are objective improvements lost, quality of life improvements with the UI, improvements to class balance. People don't understand just how broken parts of vanilla were. It wasn't a case of 'X spec isn't very good' but a legit case that X spec was simply NOT functional, at all, even for casual raiding.
Going to be a real rude wake up call for a lot of people soon.
How the fuck do you level to 40 just in Durotar? Or are you getting carried by a high level up in Blasted Lands?
>NE druid on gehennas
>smoking some strong hybrid while farming mobs in ashenvale and listening to the calm music
Can't wait
>identifying yourself
this is how you end up in a gas chamber
That actually looks like a ton of fun. I still prefer UD spriest, though.
Also, what profession should i get and are those the good way to make money?
Fem Orc
Gonna bumrush to at least 30 by Friday then gank Redridge
Every class has a functional spec for PvE and PvP, seems balanced to me
I don't know, I've never been able to force myself to level a horde character past 20.
i want to make friends by being useful, am i fucked if i play warlock and not a priest for that reason?
gnome male
gonna decide on one of the fresh EU pvp servers when friends get online
Wait, what the fuck? It can't be cleansed? Why the fuck do people say it's worse than the undead spell?
when exactly
Yeah, Barrens is a hell of a casual filter
>firemaw or mograine
now what do I name this orc? I'm clueless
Every spec is functional for casual raiding, the dropoff in effectiveness just goes from slightly suboptimal to shit as you get more Enhancers and Boomkins, so you might have to put in more work to earn your raid slot.
get fucked. From now on its going to be classic threads everywhere for three months
smashfags bow to us
xivtrannies bow to us
retail cucklets are dead so they cant bow
Retarded alliance /pol/ kiddies playing warriors and pallys shouting racist shit. They will get banned the first month or lack the attention span to play past level 27.
>Almost home
>Still can't decide on faction
Will play either mage, warlock, or rogue.
Alliance has the better leveling zones, but goofy animations for melee. Horde has terrible leveling zones but top tier animations.
>can't go both horde and alliance as I'll be on an rp-pvp server
Save me, Yea Forums.
Because it requires you to get hit by a physical attacker three times over a span to do its full damage thereby making it literally useless in PvE.
I haven't played in 14 years but health stones, summons, blood pact and whatnot were things people appreciated. Obviously not as much as a priest coddling you, but still.
warlock has lots of shit for helping others you'll be fine
Warlocks are very helpful, user.
Frost Mage
Any tips? I've not played Vanilla since it was out and I didn't minmax. I just played PVP.
>but goofy animations for melee
You need to take the nelf pill bro
It procs on spells
Pyrewood Village
Playing WoW for the same reason I played vanilla back in the day. My causal normalfag friends want to play.
Horde twinks are on whitemane
plague is also 3 min cooldown and you're against pallies and dwarves
Why does no one wanna play pve?
Just as a psa to rogues. Sap is useless without the tallent. So please do not try to pre sap you will get killed.
You don't know how much of a nightmare it is to form a raid group, or even a Scholo group, without Warlocks to summon the lazy retards still in Org/Ironforge. You'll be helpful.
you get 3 charges, thats no different then spamming rank 1 dots for proc. If I used a pvp trinket I can remove it anyway.
You cant resist a 5 second fear, add that with a 5 second silence, A lot of health is coming back to the undead in them 10 seconds man.
Meanwhile you can probably just silence me for 5 seconds and thats all you will get unless you proc a stun a second time, but then it just becomes a game of who stuns who first. So all you are doing is relying on rng. Meanwhile the undead doesnt need such a crutch as much as a troll would.
you might as well play retail without world pvp
Dwarf Rogue on Faerlina
>Why do people from Yea Forums prefer ganking?
Gee I wonder
troll shadow priest on grobbulus... home...
dead world, no threats, cannot compete for world bosses.
Wow. Must suck your whole raid team is quitting to play classic
You're just wrong bro.
Undead is good for Pve/Pvp but for straight pvp shadowguard is completely broken
still can't decide between mage and warlock
jesus christ
Have not decided yet.
My friends insisting we should roll horde made me realise how fucking braindead they all are. How do I find new friends Yea Forums?
>INB4 im the braindead one
Skinning and Leather
Don't know what server, probably will be unbalanced af anyway.
If I decide to play it’ll be warrior either human or Tauren
Why fucking bother playing vanilla than? You play it for the world. When you cut the world away you are left with lame ass pve.
Hey Timotheus,
if you want some help, here it is:
Class: Mage
Race: Undead
Server: Razorfen (PvE)
No problem bro.
Your greek friend.
Can you avoid the queue by logging into the character select screen before the release time?
You're asking Yea Forums for help in finding friends, you ARE braindead.
Isn't that ability basically made useless by just having a tank?
nobody is quitting
we're selling full clears now for 8 wow tokens
in 2 weeks, this next week reset is just to ensure we can under man it
warlock for the sweet life tap
PvP bro
You rely on spamming for a proc while the undead relies on a dot that does huge amount of damage and stacks healing with vampiric embrace.
Undead priests aren't rogues, they arent gonna constantly spank you for your shadowguard.
You act as if ignoring your fear is nothing when its a 8 SECOND fear. If I had that on you and then followed up with a silence, hell even if I followed it up with engineering items like a death you cant stop me from controlling the fight.
I'm ready.
>fun as shit to play
>candy dispenser
>can summon allies
>can fear lock
>can go hiroshimo-destro
>kinda dull gameplay
>can summon food
>rank 1 frostbolt spam war shitters
>lan party
>crt monitors
I wanna go back. Oh wait, today I am.
sort of, if you can predict when you will land in the char select you have a 30 min window to login.
>undead relies on a dot
with a long cooldown and easily dispelled
move on jobber
horde or alliance?
Tauren is the only aesthetically pleasing race in classic user, it makes perfect sense to go horde
Here's my Classic main.
I mean engineering items like a deathray.
Zandalar Tribe = H O M E
a 3 min cooldown that can be removed by pally's and dwarves
Shadowguard which procs literally all of your talents and shits on melee
best alliance race for pvp rogue?
>signed rent contract to move out of parents house today
>found a job with decent pay where i can work whatever hours i want and i don't have to deal with co workers
>classic releases tonight
im fucking ready.a little afraid that my porn addiction will go overload now that i will life alone but besides that im going to get stoned out of my mind and get the complete classic experience and there is no one to stop me.
Na pvp, whatevers not full
Not hyped at all, only playing because my friends are. Not looking forward to wasting time not having fun.
Probably human if you want to use swords.
How's Shaman as a healer in Classic?
Human for the sword and maces bonus.
all are good choices.
edge to dwarf because you can stoneform bleeds and restealth
I thought it wasn't until tomorrow. Which for Europe means Wednesday.
>Need to dispel.
Ok, go ahead, remove your shadow form, dispel it, then go back into it, waste your mana and time.
now we share the same damage threshhold only I didnt mess around dispelling a disease and wasting time.
Oh- Oh God.
I forgot.
one of the best
Non wow fag here but I'm interested in watching this day of other people playing while I play my own games
Any streamers to watch for comfy times?
Aka not asmongold
Doesn't work in PVP.
Weapon skill is nearly useless in PvP you dorks. Stoneform is the best racial bar none for it however, Perception is a meme.
Bring a cake for your neighbour auntie.
Living alone is very sad and the occasional 15min human interaction a day can save your life.
won't gank anyone except undead rogues
>paladins and dwarves dont exist
brainlet please go.
Undead is a great choice but for pure PvP troll is best
>UD vs troll PvP
Are you okay, user?
>b-but duels
>picking your race to tryhard in duels
>all my shitty edgelord friend are going horde
I just want to relive my paladin power fantasies
Chain Heal is stronk, and melee will love you for Windfury Totem
You forgot the best parts for mage
>One of the best pvp specs in the game period in frost
>meme spec that can delete a player of their choosing every 3 minutes
Male or female undead warlock lads? My original character through all of vanilla to cata launch was a female undead warlock but I really like the animations for both.
>paladin power fantasies
Wrong game/expansion.
which one of the EU servers is /ourserver/?
Troll Hunter
Dwarf Hunter
Do Shamans have to keep totems up all the time while healing?
If you're not in an e-rp server, your character's sex shouldnt matter
Both spells have ups and downs, but when you break it down Shadowguard is better damage for the mana cost at the expense of some healing and having almost zero PvE use, and more consistently usable with no cooldown and the ability to be pre-applied making the first cast essentially free.
This. Only priest, paladin and druid are better.
it procs on eveything. melee, range, spell.
The game is an absolute shlock to watch. You would need someone genuinely entertaining and/or interesting and at that point you might as well watch someone interesting doing something interesting.
I thought that the "Enter World" button would become selectable when the servers open
fem orc on whitemane
hunter or rogue?
I'm perfectly content with being a blessing healbot.
Tauren and either hunter or shaman. Not really sure since I never played wow before.
Yeah, pretty much, depending on what group you're in you might get away with leaving an element down but the buffs are substantial.
What's the class that requires the least prep time for raid for a lazechad like me? (Reagent purchase, item grind, consumables etc)
>I'm perfectly content just watching
That's a pretty weird "power fantasy" unless you're a literal cuck.
Tauren, Druid, Shazzram
any popular nicks to steal to sell to zoomers and weeabos with credit cards? got jotaro, artemis, asuna
Male N-Elf
Zandalar cuz it was the only PvP server left
It's recreation of my 1st char ever that i made during TBC and that got past level 10
I actually got him to 70 while playing survival without pet cuz i didn't knew English back then so i had no idea how to do the quest
Female N-Elf
Just because i wanted to have druid alt
Male Human
Recreation from my main from retail
It would be my main again but retri sucks dick in Classic
I don't think i will be able to actively play anything more
Oh and stalag or however you sell it
Shaman, Druid or Priest for leveling, pvp and healing?
I am talking troll spriest vs undead spriest.
If you're going battleground you're better off being a supportive healer, a shadow priest lacks the mana to really engage in such big fights.
I am also talking about a 1v1 situation, which the talent excels at dummy.
I dont know why you're even including them to the conversation.
Spriest is a 1v1 dueling class.
Also I pick undeads because I was a scourge fan since warcraft 3.
Poop socking and tryharding is not fun. I just happen to really like undeads and shadow priest.
Good question, probably Warrior.
Most /pol/ fags only reason to live is to get (you)s. So they act like racist ass bags online, even though in real life they are the epitome of the white cuck in the niggawalk comic.
Putting on a dress and prepping the bull is a pretty powerful fantasy.
The context is obviously raw PvP power, not undead vs troll spriest dueling, you autist.
>Poop socking and tryharding is not fun.
>spends several posts arguing about a minute difference in races
Can I still do decent damage as a priest if im not shadow?I dont mind healing in pvp but I dont want to be a little bitch in 1vs1 situation
>male nelf hunter
>female nelf druid
i just found a very unused gnome female face/hair combo that looks fantastic and want to sport it to feel special while looking spiffy. not into trannies or traps or feminine guys.
How bad does orc look on dresses?
PvP or PvE? And why?
you'll have at most about 2 or 3 spells that can do damage
>guy ask what's the best pvp combination to be a tryhard
>"b-but I'm a WC scourge fan!"
Why? Because, like yours, their brains are dead?
God I miss WoW. I can't.. I can't come back
I feel like people who judge others for their sexual behaviors are in fact limp dicked faggots IRL.
Not really, unfortunately. You'd probably OOM before you can grind them down too, healers are nothing like in retail and can't plop down and outheal player damage, so in WPvP you need to be sneakier and fear them into mob packs and shit to help you take them out or escape.
There's a meme smite sniping build. Apparently it's pretty good in BGs.
I have a couple of groups of friend trying out classic, so I still don't know which which faction I'm rolling.
Orc shaman if horde, human mage if alliance, most likely on whitemane.
Tauren Druchad, whitemane
>Apparently it's pretty good in BGs.
Like every "viable in BG" h*brid build, it means that you're a dumb and selfish nigger that would be more helpful to your team if you played a real healer or DPS class.
Virgin cope dude.
see you in the morning ausfags, fuck im gonna be tired
>all these paladins
do people realize how shit they were in classic?
based michael microsoft
mage or lock guys?
I'm going human. I don't mind being at a bit of a disadvantage but I want to be able to overcome it by skill
its exclusivity
They'll realize soon enough. Hell they weren't entertaining until at least wotlk.
They think they are gonna be reck bomb chads when it was already discovered that it doesn't work well in classic
m-muh scarlet crusade cosplay
m-muh doos vult
I really don't want to play this, I did the pvp grind the first time over and after we pumped out 5+ rank 14s I just don't think I could or should do it again. At the same time I kind of want to play during the launch. What do?
Probably not.
Hybrid tax hits them hard.
>all these retards trying to emulate pre-1.12 wpvp videos
Shit is going to be fun to watch.
Meant for
Well if we are talking raw pvp power then both races have their uses.
mages hate dots a lot so undead spriest works better.
Rogues autoattack a lot so troll would be great with them.
Maybe if the context of the conversation was about group pvp and different situations and not 1 v 1 against the two races I wouldn't point out what makes undeads great. Since pretty sure thats how the start of the topic went.
I am not sure I follow, It's tryharding and poopsocking to know why undeads are so good at pvp?
The games been out for many years man.
quick bros should i play warlock or paladin
Whats the best server for some from SA? I've heard a lot of my fellow shitters are playing on Thalnos but since I don't know anyone who will also play, I still haven't decided on a server.
quick bros should i have fun or be a cuck
My m8s just switched to Skeram last minute. I’m sticking to my guns and remaining Herod. What’s the word?
>paying a subscription fee for a fucking MMO
Whitemane - NA - Alliance
Looking for a Casual guild to share the Classic experience with? Then you should take a look at this rad funcore guild.
What you CAN expect:
>Cool bros to level with and run some dungeons
>A steady, pressure free progression toward raiding with people trying to have fun with the game
>A place to learn the game without being rushed to accomplish X task by Y date or be kicked from the guild
>Memespecs trying to be viable and having fun along the way
>Silly smash bros themed banter from time to time
>Instant removal of any degenerates and cringeposting
What you can NOT expect:
>To be rushed to reach the level cap since we want everyone to enjoy the classic experience in the best way they can
>Looting favoritism
>To be told exactly what you should be specing into and how you should be playing your game. We make it a policy to work around your idea of fun.
>Guild Drama and general autism
You want to play your meme spec as best as you can? Hop on in, buddy.
Want to a fun group of people to level, pvp, and gear up with? Just step right up
Don't be cringe
>all these paladins
why are so many people playing paladin? aren't they supposed to be low population
How do you suppose an online-only game is able to continually afford to host the servers?
Or pay the employees to keep the game updated and administered?
>>Instant removal of any degenerates and cringeposting
remove yourself
They're cool lorewise.
Imagine unironically calling this a WR speedrun and showing it for 100th time in a row
When he doesn't even use his troll berserk, doesn't constantly fight at least 2 mobs (1 for the pet, 1 for himself), drinks and eats when he's 2 mobs away from leveling up, drinks and eats not at
So, 5 hours left, will I have to restart the client? Or can I just get in on the log in screen that I'm sitting on right now?
Based how fuck can you have that when you retards like smash
why the fuck wouldn't you switch with your m8s? I don't understand what's so special about herod
Best race/class combo. I miss mine.
pallys get a lot that warriors dont have though
they're way better in pve/leveling
free level 40 and level 60 mount
10% faster mount, or was that just tbc?
way better at gold farming
log in to character screen, dont get kicked
enter world will turn yellow at 6pm
hate humies
hate dwarves
hate elfs
hate gnomes
hate trolls
hate tauren
hate undead
hate paladin
hate rouge
hate shamans
hate warlock
hate priest
hate mage
hate hunter
love orc
love warrior
simple as
some are gonna call me a degenerate for this, but desu I wish that I was a human IRL. theyre so sexy haha
fugg its so hard bros
This. Me sand my wife are fucking ready.
Free mount, absolute pain in the ass to deal with at max level in PvP, objectively better than Shaman.
Problem is they are horrible to level, and I suspect it will be similar to warrior, in that a large amount of those people rolling paladin will eventually drop off.
Probably /pol/ posters who think they will be a "deus vult" cool guy.
They'll all quit before level 20.
>1 for the pet 1 for himself
right because it's faster for the hunter to melee an add instead of shoot it
you just mad cus you cant use his babby guides
The same way Fortnite and LoL did it. By having a cash shop to buy cosmetics.
i cant decide on what my name should be
my friend suggested this and i like it but i cant stop feeling anxious about getting to 60 then regretting my name
give me good rp friendly names please
>he can't solo-kite
Very, very cringe
I thought it was about troll vs undead. If its about different situations, then yeh shadow guard is amazing depending what you are up against.
like trolls sound far better against melees. while undeads sound better against casters and range.
Orc Hunter or Nelf Hunter lads? I cannot decide
trolls sound far better against classes that give your problems. while undeads sound better against classes you can easily beat
Gee, I wonder what's the best option to tryhard in PvP.
solo kiting is slower than shooting something yourself unless you're 100% efficient with your auto shots
plus, the longer your pet is fighting a mob the more damage is takes which means more mana to spend on mend pet. at that level it's very likely your pet can't solo a mob, especially if its a cat.
so, you're splitting your damage just so you can take more time killing one, and take more mana.
>he can't level without a guide
bigger cringe
Any other zandalar chads looking for a guild?
shadow guard has a 5 second cooldown on damaging people
shadow word pain itself has a higher chance to proc shadow guard
thats an infinietly worse alternative though. when I see someone looking cool as fuck, I want to want to inspect him and be sure he's a fucking legend so that I could tell myself I will be like him one day. I don't want to see faggot zoomers with their parents credit cards being the best looking characters
Because it's the World of WARcraft, nor World of PVEcraft.
All hail to TurtsMcGee the coolest hunter pet around
Because if you just wanna do questing and rp you might as well just play retail.
true LUL
>using his guides
Wow it's like you hate yourself
Can't you just use a potion to ignore all stun effects?
If the benefit to shadowguard is simply your stun proc it sounds like a big disadvatnage against live action potion usages.
>paying for a 15 year old mmo leveling guide
miss me with that shit
If your undead don't look like this go play human
Warlock or Warrior, can't decide, probably won't make it to 60 regardless, I like Warrior for that level 34 axe that you can use to 60, seems like a nice way to level. But Warlock is cool as fuck, and it seems like vanilla Warlock kicked tons of dicks.
Grobbin Gang
not him but its actually fucking gross
youre gross
Undead priest on blamo, I was going to make a warrior and tank my way to 60 but I forget most of the original dungeon pulls and don't want to be a shit tank.
why would you want to share a name with a short mexican celebrity?
I want to go Tauren shaman but I'm worried that their larger hurtbox will put me at a huge disadvantage in PVP. Other racials don't bother me.
How playable is SP if I don't want to heal at all?
Worried about rolling on an RP/PvP server.
Will the PvP be watered down to fuck like I'm worrying about? Will BGs be empty? I want to make twink alts but I'm really fucking worried that most people will be RPing in fucking stormwind rather than fighting (Just to clarify, I'm not one of those retards who isn't going to RP on an RP server, I just want to do that while still focusing MAINLY on PvP based gameplay)
Can anybody who has rolled on one of these servers tell me truthfully, with as little bias as possible, whether or not my worries hold any weight or if there will be an actual good amount of PvP taking place on an RP/PvP server. I really just get the feeling that it's gonna be carebear as fuck and I hope I'm wrong.
Orc rogue doesn't make much sense to me; why would a giant brute be a sneaky trickster type?
>I forget most of the original dungeon pulls
if you tanked in retail wow you'd be pretty much prepared for anything. even then, fights were mostly tank and spank until the lvl 50 dungeons, but its still pretty simple.
if you want to tank and think you'd enjoy it, you should do it anyway and not worry about what people think.
Because they spurned me with a last minute server change. All on account of 1 guy who is switching for E-friends and another who won’t quit parroting blizz buzz about Herod and queue times. Good time to try horde anyways.
If you're speed-leveling you will be going BM so your pet can solo like 2-3 mobs at once. Auto-Shot stutter stepping is also the first fucking skill you need to learn as a Hunter, unless you plan on never getting your Rhok'delar or paying an actually good Hunter to cheese it for you. Also Multi-Shot is your most powerful instant shot and as such you would be most efficient by pulling one for yourself, 3 for your pet, and circle-kiting around your frost trap while switching to multi the ones on your pet. Needing a guide is cringe, but passing off some half-baked shit of a guide as pro and worth spending real money on is cringiest.
you should have gone for a rogue for maximum cringe edginess factor
>sulfuras on a warrior
formerly stealthed
You will never be Unbreakable
because i'm going to be a moonkin and guillermo is a cute moonkin name
>He still thinks Sulfuras is a Warrior weapon
Bonereaver's Edge does more DPS for them. Hell, probably OEB too.
>playing the first day of an MMO launch
every single time a new MMO is launched you retards all do the same exact fucking thing. I have come to the conclusion that the human race just can't learn. enjoy the 10k queue and rubber-banding lag fest "experience".
Mankrik Chads WWA
>reading comprehension: 0
Typical Yea Forumstard
no, world pvp will be inevitable, same for bgs. you're forgetting these servers will be massive.
rpers also pvp
t. rper that raids and does pvp
>all these people thinking they're getting legendaries and not realizing those are reserved for the GM and his IRL buddies
faggot cuz u got do it jeez
>hate tauren and trolls
fuck off poser
I missed out on playing wow with my best friends, because no way would my parents PAY for me to waste time on playing video games.
Now I'm too busy to waste time on playing videogames. I could maybe squeeze in a few hours a week, but that does not seem appropriate for a game like wow.
Have fun without me bros.
Im playing it because more than 30 people that ive played before is coming back. Sure, classic aint perfect, but i miss these faggots.
i need help picking name for my nightelf druid
what sounds better
how can i use leveling guides without reading comprehension user
The last time I tanked was briefly after thunderclap actually got threat generation.
"Omg im such a slut fuck my face"
Just tell us how you really feel user.
This but unironically
troll priest cause I'm an elitist hipster (therefore undead priest is lame as fuck)
but I do think alliance cities are better so i might go alliance. And in my hipsterism I would probably pick male night elf
the best part is that only Shaman get to rock the full cosplay for any appreciable amount of time.
Ok I fixed him
someone edit the shoulders to be monster cans instead of daggers
orc rogue is more "highwayman" type, aesthetic-wise
armour gonna look like shite on you
How amusing that one definition is absent.
Fuck it's not even about "white" race, since Australia has it's socialist leaders at the time stating
>This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race"
>I am proud of my white skin, just as a Chinese is proud of his yellow skin, a Japanese of his brown skin, and the Indians of their various hues from black to coffee-coloured. Anybody who is not proud of his race is not a man at all. And any man who tries to stigmatize the Australian community as racist because they want to preserve this country for the white race is doing our nation great harm. [...] I reject, in conscience, the idea that Australia should or ever can become a multi-racial society and survive
>tfw Horde Side on Bloodsail
>literal chavs of wow
people still play the game, so there will be pvp
BM, dude. Always has been.
Give him tusks and a mohawk
oh no no no no
sulfuras would go to the main tank / guild leader, so it would go to the warrior yes
Plate armor looks best on tauren
based Hunterchad
post a picture of your character and i'll tell you
Human or Nelf Shadow Priest I cant fucking decide.
I like Nelf starting areas better, theyre so comfy. But Human racials are better for Priest.
I mean it's either that or Mankirk Horde sidd
Beast Mastery to final talent, MM to Aimed Shot, rest in Survival
having one less hideous human model walking about is doing everyone a favor
which is comfier rogue or spriest
Hate dwarfs, want to roll rogue. Not going to be a hordecuck. If gnome the best option for pvp, or should i go back to what i did 15 years ago and roll NE.
>his name is MAN KRIK
I this like Project 99 for Everquest where they'll keep updating it and adding expansion content later, or will it just stay at Vanilla for the foreseeable future?
Something like this:
You can take it in any order to your preference, Entrapment, Aimed Shot and BW are all really good tools to take on larger groups of mobs without much downtime, I would probably go Survival first, then BM, then Marks at the end
>I this like Project 99 for Everquest where they'll keep updating it and adding expansion content later, or will it just stay at Vanilla for the foreseeable future?
They'll probably do Classic, TBC, and WOTLK servers eventually. Maybe they might consider Classic+ that could be cool.
>Not a cuck
Choose one and one only
staysafetv is funny and pretty normal, esfand is pretty good too. both of them are laid back and don't take themselves too seriously. i don't mind asmon but his chat is just insane. the WoW section will be popping off later, gonna be interesting.
>Hate dwarfs
Might as well be a NE then since you have no testosterone
honest question, will i be banned if i name my mage mengele? or just renamed?
Well in a wpvp scenario, shadow guard sounds amazing for rogues. But not so good against a hunter. Also seems less useful against a warlock or mage that want to kite you.
Priests tend to suffer chasing people if you dont use items to help, and two dots just seems better for it if you ask me.
>full of edgy teenagers
They just aren't as aesthetic as Gnomes or NE's
Generally Blizzard only responds with name change flags to that kind of thing, especially with the report process being much much more automated
probably spriest
vanilla was always pvp. If youre playing classic and not rolling pvp or rppvp youre doing it wrong
The only people who think horde is full of edgy teenagers are teenagers who think they're more mature than their peers, but really they're just faggot who try to type grammatically correct in guild chat all the time
staysafe got all cucky from apes hes a faggot
whats a good warlock build for leveling?
Rogues can be comfy just about anywhere thanks to stealth, with Vanish and Sprint at the ready in case someone actually manages to disrupt it
frost mage
rogue stealthing feels safe.
But being able to level at a steady pace and healing people in trouble seems nice if you like to interact with other people.
they were the least played on private servers. there were definitely more of them back in vanilla. i think there will be way less than the threads are suggesting. they are just vocal and contrarian.
i want to play troll priest
is is good?
im afraid of melee enemies, bc they can kill me before i cast smth
>We'll never see the timeline with Warchief Mankrik stepping up after Garrosh and creating peace between the Horde and Alliance by diverting every one of the former's resources towards genociding quillboars for the next decade
Priests make friends because they're very much needed in a WoW without LFG
Use your friends to scare away would-be enemies
It's very good for leveling and PvP thanks to Shadowguard, and especially good against Melee. Your PvE DPS won't be as high as an Undead's but that's not a huge concern
based male night elf druid
no stinky women allowed in our plant club, i like valoredorei because people will inevitably shorten your name and just call you valor
Scourge is best faction desu
Wand wand wand wand wand.
I think the Forsaken do the shtick a little better thanks to having the whole depth of dealing with their free will
You have to really suck up to your raid leader to get a spot. In dungeons it isn't bad if you learn the best mobs to mind control, especially if the group is coordinated enough to let you suicide one as the pull
you will be using your wand a lot, but you will also have a lot of mana regen so you barely have to drink or eat food.
you also suck at chasing people in wpvp. Just make sure you have rank 1 dots for proc spam when chasing people.
why is his weapon sheathed upside down
Sulfuras is actually shit for Warriors, too fast and the proc isn't abusable. Enhance/Rets only, primarily ones who actually grind the rep for Sulfuron Hammer themselves and are willing to put in the time healing first.
cant decide between druid or priest, don't wanna level a priest but don't wanna be a gimp druid healer at 60
yeah it's a nice concept.
My interest is simply just being apart of a huge shambling undead mass consuming across the land.
I don't really get that sense of massive undead outbreak with the forsaken.
What is with you /pol/ faggots making everything politics related. Good God fuck off.