Quack hampions

quack hampions

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Attached: Quake Champions Raisy Sorlag.webm (768x432, 2.93M)

it's best to build up to quack hampions by posting quake hampions and then quack champions first before combining them, but that's ok i appreciate your post anyway

Attached: Quake Champions Xron 3rails.webm (768x432, 2.93M)

Attached: Quake Champions Nosfa Takes A Sip.webm (768x432, 2.96M)


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I don't get it but ducks are cute

Slash is the only reason I play this game anymore. Shame her movement will be lost when it inevitably dies.

Attached: Quake Champions Cha1n Rockets.webm (768x432, 2.94M)

Attached: Quake Champions k1llsen peeling a banana.webm (226x172, 1.98M)

Very good.

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are they going to add new maps? Game is really stale
Especially for duel

slash was too cute for this world

Thanks for the advice! I'll make sure to start with quake hampions next time

anyone played QCDE before?


>below 1k players peak
i miss quake live

Why make a webm of this

It's shit.

Its dead jim.

Nice rails + comfy Slash movement

Attached: Quake Champions Tox Drive By Rail.webm (960x540, 1.28M)


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Nyx makes my dick hard even as a duck.

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god i wish that were me

lithuanian, go play

very good

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I miss /arena/.


absolutely SUPREME

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so 'bout that pro league, huh?

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European part will be interesting, American is not worth watching anymore after rapha-dahang match.

Are we really getting Hunter at last?

>not following based psygib

>still not in

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remember how champions actually had a shot at being decently popular but then they completely fucked it all up

and never will be

who gives a shit about new champions, the last duel map came out well over a YEAR ago

yeah. the gameplay was alright. everything around was shit

It never had a chance from the point where they decided to outsource it to bargain bin Russians, rather than make it in-house and use the silky smooth Idtech 6 (the last John Carmack engine the industry has)

Uh, according to our lord and savior Syncerror this game doesn't need constant updates to stay alive

damn watching quake is such a enjoyable shit
this game is literal art
too bad im not playing it cuz ladder is a stressful shit when you're garbage

It was a train wreck from the very beginning.


>this game is literal art
imagine actually believing that dude clicking simulators are "art" lmao

And your walking simulator with a nigger feminist lead character is art?

You'll never know this feel. Sorry.

Oh shit /arena/ on Yea Forums. Quick, does anyone have the chocolate fever pic with Hunter on it?

It's still fun even if you're bad, slowing improving with play is why I love quake and fighting games. I just hope Diabotical can do better, arena shooters are probably the only shooter I'm NOT shit at since Titanfall.

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I enjoy the game but the playerbase is so low it's literally impossible to have a balanced match it you're not a quake dad/god

There will ALWAYS be 1 minimum or more people with 35+ kills where everyone else gets 15/20

I'm about to spend $200 on a new monitor to play this dead game I'm shit at

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literally me

Yeah it sucks. I love playing tdm but more often than not matches end 75:40 which is just boring for both sides.

Yes, bless you user.

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someone play tl duels with me

But Hunter isn't black.

he will save afps (in 2 years)

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quick humpings

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what do melem pits smell like, bros?


Next battle goy pass


Note the 20 loot cancer drops (compared to this currents one THREE) and the weapon skins. Looks it's the Quake 2 super shotty.

The shotgun costs 1000 premium on its own and the battle pass is 1000 with 750 earnable.


>2 new things
>it's fucking wings again
wow so creative

I gotta say, adding damage numbers was a good decision. That lightning gun looks satisfying as fuck.

post ign

That shit is very very annoying.

Also there a "Nvidia" rocket launcher that just a matte green drfualt RL lol. Dunno what the requirements are to get it though.


pts is really fun. Can't wait till it goes live.

Yeah I can't wait for another game mode to make all the other game modes even MORE empty and unbalanced. Epic. They need to fucking kill Holy Trinity and hot rockets.

Trinity's the best casual game mode though. Doubt rounds are sticking around too.

>already have nearly every single one of those weapon skins
>have to play anyway at least until rank 40 to see if they named hunter in the background's title

Oh shit there she is. She better not be another fucking light, swear to god sync.

Have they changed ranked duel to time limit or is it still rounds? Maybe it's time to shake off that rust.

who cares you poltard

Love Duels when someone is playing on tilt.

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>6'6" literal Amazon warrior
I'll fucking riot. There's half a dozen light females and Galena is the only medium.
I care. Athena is black, Hunter is delicious bronze.


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Athena isn't black, she's a monstrosity. I just grabbed a random pic from my choco-fever folder, honestly we probably shouldn't discuss this, it's just going to devolve into shitposting and pointless semantics like whether or not Yoruichi is black.

Why would someone play duels if their going to be so salty? Have fun, lose, win, get better, repeat, what the fuck do they play that makes QC tilt them so hard?

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I want to fuck sorlag

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A damn shame it's ruined by character abilities and stats because it plays well.


Theres a classic mode being added with everyone is ranger with abilities disabled

Tell me more.

there was just an update to include a game mode in PTS that makes everyone be Ranger and with no character abilities and stats

The hitboxes are being made bigger next update and increased air acceleration "to feel more like quake".

So the game will be faster AND everything's going to hit more. Could be cool.

Also sorlags acid spits getting ganked.

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That just made my day.

I mean..... That's it. That's the mode. Classic free for all.

Armor shards don't drop on death either. It's as vanilla as you can get in QC


>everything's going to hit more
NOT a fan desu

Listen motherfucker I'm a shitter and I need help.

They increased the splash radius of rockets too so I might actually hit a rocket 1 of 10 shots now on my 100+ ping

Call me when they fix Sorlag's animations.

I've been out of the loop for about a year, is this really coming?

Oh and they made nails bigger as well. Dunno if it will be a noticeable thing for casual play or if only leet pro quake dad's will be able to tell but I'm sure it could give nailgun a slight buff

>giving nailgun a buff
pls no
did you forget how it was before last patch?


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Yeah, it was usable. It's fucking garbage now.

Actually no. What was wrong and what did they change?

It's finally here, time to frag again.
Imagine if champions launched with this instead of us waiting over a year for it to become an actual game.

is this game not dead anymore or something? what changed?

it was bullshit
was way too easy to hit with way too high DPS. Then they changed the nail radius to balance it out(making it harder to hit)

Remember this is RANGER only though

We're going home!

>nail radius
nails are pinpoint now, which doesn't fucking work with qc's already shitty hitboxes and detection

>Increased nail radius AND increased chest hitbox


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hunter confirmed. through dick, unity

I'm ok with that, what I'm really excited for time limit ranked though, I'm going to get rekt due to not playing in so long but it's going to be fun.

It gained 0.87% users this past month so you tell me user ;)

I like this game, its is a shame that few people play it.


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You think that'll be one of Hunter's skins or other Bisley art?

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fucking christ

what about warfork?

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cooller looks like he's about to drop dead. agent and base look unhinged enough to fuck his corpse.

what do you get when you take quake then remove everything good about it besides its general genre of play

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What happened to Warsaw?

what else is good about it

>16gb Quake game without even a good Quake gamemode
wew lad

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