Smash ultimate is for retarded fags

smash ultimate is for retarded fags

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Ok but it's fun

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gamer thread
post your jokers

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Fun for fucking retarded fags only

Ok but it's still fun

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for a retarded fag: yes. for everyone else, there's mastercard.

thats a long name you have op

gotta match muh dick

I'm pretty sure the saying goes "compensating for something".

bad b8

It's not bait. It's a fact. Everyone who plays ultimate is a retarded fag.

smash 4 is better anyways

In a world full of faggots, you are in fact the faggot

They are literally the same, worthless game, that only retarded fags would ever play.


hey man

So did a Smash player fuck your gf or something judging by your trip which you shouldn’t have on anyway

If it's a port why can't I dock my ships at it? Checkmate, OP.

no I just saw too many worthless retarded fags talking about their autistic shit baby port like they aren't subhumans that belong on reddit

oh hey dude sorry for catching your thread so late, was busy chatting up the hotties in the 200+ reply thread hehe, so whats up? you dont like smash or you dont like the players who play it? like you say, dont hate the game, the players nor the creators hehe

Still better than Smelee

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I hate
- Nintendo for making such a shit, lazy port for retarded fags only, therefore rendering myself unable to enjoy it.
- The retarded fags that support this completely shit game when they should be campaigning to nuke Japan again due to the fact that the port is so fucking shit and Nintendo hasn't been able to do anything right for as long as ultimate players have been alive.

you can

deluded cope

so did you enjoy smash wii u better? I quite like ultimate myself since the switch is a far superior console which I can also take on the bus with me, at best enjoying my 30min work trip with a random kid smashing their ass (not literally hehe)

>it actually was a smelee zoomer
Well that explains the desperation and impotent rage.

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I hated 4 too because I thought they might actually get their shit together after the years between 4 and brawl but no it was still just retarded as fuck, slow shit, made specifically for retarded fags like brawl and ultimate is just a port so why would I suddenly like it?

Smellee fag seething because Ultimate doubled it's viewer count yesterday. Nice try nigger

wait wait wait wait, let me get this straight. So you like a 20 year old game and expect them to push out a second one after 3 games that took the series into its own direction?

Underage b&

They should make one that isn't for retarded fags.

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>so unable to face reality that you made this reddit image

but how is it a port?

They took took Smash 4 and ported it over to Switch. This is made evident in many ways.
A few examples that will help even a retarded child realize it's a port:
- Switch is a port machine. Most of its lilbrary consists of ports. It's safe to assume any Switch game is a port.
- It was released only a few years later after 4 due to using the same engine, assets, models, etc. The latest games in the series before that took nearly double the amount of development time. Only a few textures were changed, a few values were changed, more characters cuz they had to have more money, and shitty modes were slapped on to the already barebones smash 4 to make little babies say NUH UH IT'S NOT A PORT BILLY!!!1 N64 smash to Melee had a very fast development time, but times were different then and it's a well-known fact that it had a very rushed development. All they did with ultimate was add a few things to their port. It's like how people modded characters into brawl - it's easy.
- It's just obviously a fucking port. You shouldn't even be acknowledged if it isn't blatantly obvious to you.

>OP made the mistake of buying a ps4 and now he is jealous of the Switch

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Hey OP, I have a question?

what models were reused?

Ok, but it's fun

>Smash Ultimate is a port, here are my arguments:
>1: it's a port
>2: lies
>3: it's a port


All of the ones that were in 4

But they look like trash on my 3ds, why they look so good on my switch?

>It's port
>Cut Game modes like Master and Crazy Orders, Target Blast, Home Run Contest, Smash Run, Smash Tour, Event Mode, That fuckin box mode
>Cut Trophies
>Cut Custom Moves
>Cut Stages
>Completely Different Classic Mode
>Has Story Mode

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It's a port with less features

That doesn't make any fuckin sense. Why would you sell a port with significantly less features. Are you brain dead?

you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about do you?

>saving pictures of e-celebs

Whatever you say Leffen

Because Nintendo is incompetent.