How is your game going anons?

How is your game going anons?

Attached: godot.png (1280x518, 48K)

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I started working on the engine to make a small demo and I think I need to change game engines.
Right now If I play music it plays a distorted version of it no matter what and there is no fix. Also the engine stores the song in memory which in a shitty way that it makes it require 2 gb of memory just for a song. Other than that there are some bugs with the engine that are pretty annoying. I might switch to godot or game maker to see if it will work better there.

Anger is the last refuge of the pathetic. Preparation is the last refuge of the weak

Attached: Godot.gif (250x250, 117K)

Searching for documentation on adding mod support. Is there any reliable sources out there that explain how to allow your game to be modded easily?

Attached: callmesnake.gif (245x184, 510K)

What's with the constant godot chilling?

gonna working on it anytime soon

it's free and open sourced. Also it is one of the better open sourced engines

Been working on mods for World of Warcraft 3.3.5a (WoTLK)
Want to make a hardcore roleplaying server.

gotta get them donations
>its free
Its being funded by donations on Patreon, almost 12k at this moment.

Godot is free and open source software.
Donations are made by the community to keep the development team able to work consistently on updates.

gamedevs need an alternative to Unity. It's name has been poisoned by blockheads who don't know how to code.

Need alternative? There are dozens of alternatives. And if you want to go without engine just use framework and control everything.

>implying I use patreon
For me it's free, therefore it's not shilling.


It’s alright. I got the basic mechanics done and should really start working on content but that phase is really fucking discouraging when you’re an artlet with a bunch of placeholder sprites

still working on it
it's a remake of a game I made a few years ago on Gamemaker lol

It’s free with no strings attached unlike a lot of free softwares. Even if godot was shilled there’s no way they can get your money unless you go out of your way to send them money. It’s a genuinely good program that’s worthy of being recommended to indie developers

So far:
>Game design plan complete
>basic DX12 XTK rendering engine down
>introduction and chapter 0 of story written
Working on:
>3D modeling and texturing
Still need to:
>add collision, lighting, menus and rooms, controller input, etc... to the engine
>Write the music
>Write the rest of the story

Turns out 3D modeling is a lot harder than I expected, but I am slowly but surely making progress

Attached: plane model1.png (1009x590, 34K)

>plane model
i thought your pic was a smashed banana from the thumbnail

yeah the wings are way too thick right now, and figuring out how to make them look right without mucking up the rest of the model is challenging