Game has high iq comedy

>game has high iq comedy

Attached: L.jpg (739x415, 14K)

Name an example


Rick and Morty the video game, honestly have to google everything because it's too intellectual for me lmao


Pic unrelated?

Borderlands 2

Defenetly Borderlands 2

Sam & Max

Super Mario Bros (1 and 2 but not 3)
Voodoo Vince

Gears Of War 2

grim fandango

Is this bait or zoomers?

Attached: 1531485551383.jpg (290x299, 15K)


Metroid Prime 1 and 2

Are all Irish people this hard to understand, trued watching an episode and couldnt understand a single thing he was saying.

Blood Omen Legacy of Kain

Aye believe e's Scottish eh.

Attached: Scottish Twitter.jpg (1200x1357, 180K)



Not the lib-shit leftist you posted.

Attached: easy (you)'s.jpg (480x360, 14K)

>nu-Yea Forums is so obsessed they now hate limmy
now that's comedy

No Man's Sky

literally 0 difference

>everyone who doesn't make overtly racist jokes is a "lib-shit" leftist
/pol/, not even once

Every scot has a hatred for the tories, if anything he is much lighter on them than most other scots

Attached: limmyfaceapp.jpg (1036x1147, 98K)

every sane person*

Bloodborne. The final redpill is the understanding that it's a comedy.

>villain dies in the sequel

Attached: a_dildo_in_thatcher's_dead_arse.jpg (1003x678, 40K)