Chill out, and play it on easy mode :)
Chill out, and play it on easy mode :)
>en respuesta a
He's right. Pillfags are the worse.
What was the wojack poster responding to?
Yea Forums culture becomes mainstream, meanwhile GAF and resetera are dead and dying. OH NO NO NO
what game are they talking about?
Yeah that sounds like something he'd say.
>just lower the difficulty bro
>just ignore reality
>just crash your head against the wall once more, it will surely work this time
Reminder: you are here forever.
He's still a pillfag you dumb bluepill cuck
>Blue checkmark advocating for bluepills
About right.
>talking about pills at all
>acting like using pill terms makes you enlightened
Why the fuck do people use twitter?
Difficulty I like:
>It's possible to beat the final boss with just your fists at level 1 if you're skilled enough.
''''''''''''''''''Difficulty''''''''''''' I don't like:
>Bro just turn off your self awareness long enough to grind the same creature to collect 5998272 rat tails +5 to upgrade your +15 to beat this one shot HP sponge boss, also dont forget to subscribe 14.99 a month
>get rejected by stacy in high school
>make the realization that women dont like obese neckbeards
>start thinking of yourself like you're neo from matrix because you know this truth no one else knows
pill culture is pretty cringe lol
I would take any pill as long as it doesn't kill me. I am so bored.
>8 ago
8 what ago?
Could be worse. They could have been skub fags
of course he would encourage the use of blue pills, that's how he makes his money. more like cyan pills.
>pillfaggoting outside of Yea Forums
We should nuke mexico.
>this is what retardera actually believes
While we're on this subject though, an actual redpill is realizing that people judge others based on appearance subconsciously and pretend they came to that decision rationally.
y'all niggers should die slow and painful death
Imagine being on a train and every one is just minding themselves. Now you look around and notice that no one is really paying attention to anyone else. You also decide to stick you head out the window to see that the tracks run out in about a mile. Alarmed you try to warn the other passengers only to get blank faces and people just ignoring you. You decide to go the the train conductors cabin to see if he plans to stop only to find 10 train conductors all fighting each other covered in blood and naked and no one is operating the train.
Thats the read pill.
Why are you telling your lifestory?
The blackpilled Swordsman
an even redder pill would be realizing that mediocre and stupid people will make any excuse to shift blame from themselves onto some thing they have no control over, like other people sabotaging them, their appearance or their lack of talent or something like that
>he still hates Skub
Other than söylent, is there anything more leddit than this?
Imagine the highest form of wisdom and advice you can give after a lifetime of experience is "don't bother doing anything bro and just give up, works for me"
lmaaaaaaooooo why is he eating raw meat
Nobody even mentioned skub
You have to bring up your retardation everywhere, don't you? We aren't hurting anyone, why are you obsessed?
take the pillpill
Based and schizopilled
Keep dropping those truths that non-deluded people can't accept
She's right. I wish I took the blue pill bros.
>muh pills
grow up
fuck, I keep forgetting that he exists
you just reminded me matrix 4 is a thing
Or, y'know kill yourself.
Dont worry he forgot about the site too
leddit is actually blue pilled
Actual blackiplls
>determinism, First 2 noble truths of Buddhism, nihilism, existentialism, philosophical pessimism
What most people mean when they say they're blackpilled
>I don't have a girlfriend and I want one
Bros I am losing weight. I was 550 and lost 25 pounds in a month. My goal is to look like this guy. My height is 6.5.
Wojakfags are the worst
If we could all do that we would all be like retardo muslims and believe in a dude in the sky.
You can do it user, I believe in you.
Isn't their dude supposed to be inside that black cube?
BASED retard
the redpill is the exact opposite of shifting blame. It is the reconciling of hard fact, and the ultimate self acceptance.
I hope hirokike dies a slow and painful death.
>I was 550
What's your routine?
1x1 rolls, 5x20 wheezes, 1x2 leg cutoffs?
How the fuck do you even get that big. I'm 6'3" and I'm like 160 trying to gain weight, I used to be 130. Eating food is such a pain in the ass, going out to get food is a pain in the ass, cooking food is a pain in the ass, so how the fuck do you even get that big in the first place? I just drink all my protein and calories since it's easier that way.
You will never look like him, even if you lose all weight you will still have excess skin, you're ugly forever.
ok so without the /pol/, what's the redpill of life and blue pill of life?
what most people think when they hear someone say they are blackpilled:
>I hate being alive because it's not easy, so I don't do anything because it's too much effort
>bluepill of life
>redpill of life
the ego
being an open faggot
being a closet faggot
pls be b8ing
Are you a skellie from dark souls?
I'm seriously not.
Sounds like a form of defeatism, to blame most things on something like physical appearance which is difficult to change in some aspects. I mean I totally believe it, but then sometimes I'll see even uglier motherfuckers with girlfriends or successful social lives and I think "Shit, maybe it's nonsense"
blue pill is chasing money and status red pill is understanding life is about leaving something behind for those who come after you (can be children, inventions, helping other people etc)
hey fuck you. you dirty anti-skub rat
Have you ever wondered how you came to be? At one moment, matter that was you simply did not exist in the configuration that constitutes "you". Then it took the form of the sperm that would fertilize your mother's egg. There were no pre-required conditions, all of this spontaneously and naturally took place. Now, ask yourself this.
Why couldn't this process repeat ad infinitum, or at least until the universe stops supporting life as we know it?
Like Sisyphus, we are bound to hell.
Unfortunately don't look as cool.
>Nazi flag
Imagine being on a train and every one is just minding themselves. Now you look around and notice that no one is really paying attention to anyone else. You also decide to stick you head out the window to see that the tracks run out in about a mile. Alarmed you try to warn the other passengers.
"We know, you retard. But saying there is a problem isn't a solution to the problem. We need science and research to repair the tracks while losing as little speed as possible"
You then realize that science and research is hard, and that the people doing the research aren't always very nice. So you go to the seedy cart where a guy who would benefit from the train crashing tells you that the only way to save the train is to blow it up. Because he's nice to you and acknowledges your frustration and confusion you agree with him that blowing up the train will solve the issue with the rails. So you blow up the train, fully convinced you're saving it.
That's Nazism.
>red pill
We are but a speck in a vast universe, therefore we don't matter
>blue pill
We are the only speak with life in a vast universe, therefore we are the only thing that matters
based maxposter
these days even plebbit is more redpilled than 4chin trannies lmao
I'm not a tranny
>realizing something blatently obvious
>equating that to a world shattering hiddent truth
Lmao @ ur life
blame resettera and other discord raids.
nice run on analogy faggot
>How the fuck do you even get that big
Lots of soda, bread and junk food. I cut off all that shit, dont consume more calories than I burn and walk 10,000 steps every day. Its surprisingly easy to lose weight.
Endangered species need to be preserved! Invasive species cause horrible damage to an ecosystem!
Endangered species cannot adapt to changing environmental factors and thus have no place on the earth. Human beings are animals and were born from nature and thus contribute to the cycle of natural selection just as any other animal would. Invasive species out compete native species because they can perform their roles better and this is not a bad thing. If a native species cannot compete with an invasive one and dies out that is natural selection at work.
If the universe is infinite but there are a finite number of possible events then all events will happen an infinite number of times. The problem with calling this repeated configuration "you" is that not only do "you" repeat infinitely, but "you" + 1 small deviation also occurs infinitely, and so does "you" + 2 small deviations, ad infinitum. So is it even fair to call these things "you" + deviations? Eventually you can add enough deviations to turn "you" into literally anybody or anything else. So what defines you? Living the exact life you've lived so far? What about what you do in the future? Even though every possible path you can take from this point onwards has already been played out of course. The real conclusion is that the concept of "you" doesn't really exist, at least in the way most people think of it. This is one of the issues with Nietzsche's idea of the eternal recurrence.
You see the thing is there is multiple creative careers you can work towards on the internet part time while doing other minuscule labor and without people ever seeing your face, so maybe you just suck. Actually I've known a number of ugly people working in STEM industries earning bank so even without this maybe you just suck.
you are a big guy
Stop bitching then.
>last blotter post was 2 years ago
It's not a bad thing to let natural selection run it's course, but there's also nothing wrong with preserving endangered species. It's just fun.
Because what a huge difference crying on Yea Forums has done. Few more tactical assaults on walmarts, that's going to bring about change. Vote in another Israeli ally, They'll look after your best interest.
23% of all white men succeed in killing themselves per year and make up 70% of all suicides Trannies on the other hand have so few successful suicides that no viable statistic exists for how small of a metric it is.
The white male's greatest weakness is the illusion of strength. Just look at this thread.
Sorry, didn't realize I had to special needs proof it. "Nazism is destroying your country over misunderstood problems instead of fixing actual problems."
Nah, I blame retards and post 2011 newfags and phonefags like yourself.
If your skin isn't too flabby in the end and you don't lose muscle mass and also you ABSOLUTELY stick to a rock solid regimen then that might actually be possible. Fat guys have a good amount of muscle mass to begin with so if you lose fat healthily while also bulking that actually could be feasible .
Good luck user, remember to collaborate with a health expert that knows their shit though.
>Look yes, its bullshit you're a peasant and life is intrinsically unfair, but, and hear me out: it is literally your moral duty to humanity to bear it. That's how civilisation works. Now fetch me more silk.
>defending leddit
>calling anyone newfag
yeah wathever faggot you are pure of shit.
Does chinkmoot even give a shit about the quality of this site or is this just a business opportunity for him? At least jewmoot cared kind of.
I'm playing Blazing Chrome on easy. I don't care, I wish dodge and melee was a dedicated button.
either this is the greatest bait of all time or you are a fantastic retard. Even other faggots admit that trannies love hanging themselves, yet you're such an insecure pussy you can't even admit that and claim that no evidence exists when there is in fact, tons of it. Actually, why don't you prove these claims. Right now. Sources, examples, the whole nine yards.
Reddit can atleast have a normal conversation some of the times you fucking retard
>reddit bad!
Nice way to expose yourself as a newfag. Reddit are our allies. I bet you dont recognize this.
he cared when people were spamming chinkslayer copypasta
Of course its just more jewish schemes. He keeps adding more and more malicious ads and fucks off. He needs that money for his gacha addiction.
Man, that was a weird time.
for you
leddit page right now:
>something about BLOHNALF GRUMPF being a nazi
>at least 5 "memes" (shitty mspainted macros with random stuff pasted on top of it)
>at least 5 posts related to homoshit, immigrants, trannies and sjw stuff in general
>a couple atheist posts
>a bunch of pro-honk kong posts
>something about the amazon being on fire becuase of the hue hitler
>bunch of star wars shit, marvel/dc/netflix shit
>GRUHMALF FLUMF stuff again
>some epib classic wow meme
I don't even need to go there to know it's true, tell me how right i was
Is there seriously still anti-skub retards on this website? You are fucking mentally ill and should read up about the benefits of skub.
but I'd still share the website with you lot rather then all these new /pol/ children ruining every board.
>I'm 6'3" and I'm like 160
When wind blows in your direction, glide on it instead of walking.
This will let you conserve energy.
Take the Piss Pill.
Wait, why is Notch of all people on the Zoe Quinn side?
Everybody knew that was cringy as it was being made but now suddenly it's used by Redditors to summarize past sentiment here.