You think he could be a cool addition to the roster?
You think he could be a cool addition to the roster?
Just some form of Conker in Smash PLEASE.
At least as a mii costume
That frame of Conker holding a gun always cracks me up, mostly because of his expression
watching stevefags get btfo one last time would be great, yes
Honestly stevefags deserve to get btfo a second time, I don’t care if is master chief or conker, I just want to see them getting btfo again
COPE I am next in line
I don’t think so blockboy
I played more Conker than Banjo growing up and wanted him since Melee so yes, but he doesn't have big enough fan demand unfortunately. Maybe get the ball rolling and hype him up for next game, but for now I can't ever see him make it to Ultimate.
Conker is nowhere near as popular or has the demand as Steve
yes. I also think he should have multiple sequels by now.
conker is older and more relevant to consoles than meiny crafter
And 98% of that fan demand is purely ironic
Minecraft is way more fucking significant then family guy the n64 game dude
At least it’s something, nobody talked about Conker until that render was made
minecraft is more relevant than solid snake and bayonetta and they made it in
That’s because conker was never getting in before Banjo, now that banjo is in, we can start requesting conker
Snake made it in during brawl you fucking faggot and Bayonetta released the same year as Minecraft you colossal nigger
I'd much prefer Joanna or Bond as the next Rareware representative.
Conker was a western exclusive flop. He's a fun little footnote in the history of Nintendo but Rareware's FPS games are an actual sizeable piece of Nintendo's history just like Banjo and Kazooie. Perfect Dark is only a few games down on the best seller list and Goldeneye is #3, beating out Ocarina of Time in sales.
So it’s like a shopping list of characters? Can’t you fucks ever be satisfied? You got banjo
I can't believe you think your autism baby has an actual shot at being in a japanese fighter mashup
What fucking roster?
Why are WMAWH BWOTHEWS autists so arrogant that they shit out crap threads like this and immediately expect others to comprehend what went on in their pea brains at the time of posting?
The answer: nothing matters because WMAWH BWOTHEWS is a crap series to begin with, and Sakurai is a talentless hack.
This post is reddit spaced. Dilate and deodorate.
I doubt we're gonna get two Rare characters in the fighter's pass. Maybe if they do a second pass at some point down the line. Not saying I'd be against it, mind. Just that it's not likely. Still more likely than Cubey McBuildshit though.
Better chance then fucking Conker because Minecraft is popular in nipland
I’m satisfied with banjo, I’m just saying that conker would also be really cool
To Mortal Combat? Yes
Why the fuck would Nintendo ever go to Rare to add another D tier character
Yeah I now, this thread was created to discuss his chances for the next game, because he’s not getting into ultimate, but has chances of getting in next game, because like one week ago people truly started to want Conker in after they saw this excellent render, if we can maintain this for the time the next game comes, he may have a shot
Because the last two times they added D-Tier Rare-made characters they ended up being the two most positively received characters in terms of views and likes.
I'm just saying that the fighter's pass having two characters from the same studio is unlikely. So far we've got reps from Atlus/Sega, Square-Enix and Rare/Microsoft so I think it's safe to say that the two remaining mystery fighters won't be from any of those companies.
Shit I wrote “I now” instead of “I Know” sorry, my mistake
Nobody gives a fuck about Conker
Someone made a fucking render holy shit, that’s not gonna magically make him a fighter you colossal spic
No, they would have to tone him down and remove lots of his iconic traits to fit within the T rating
E rating
Conker is never gonna be included you sand nigger
No as I don't think Adult Swim tier humor would be allowed into Smash which is pretty much the only thing going for him. If you remove that, BFD is pretty much references the game and then you get pretty much nothing too interesting. Also I would say that this would work better as a potential Rare newcomer but I feel they are alright now.
>Conker's M-rated aspects do not define the character
yes they fucking do you retard
The entire reason why the game was created that way in the first place was because people criticized it for being another cutesy platformer so they specifically made it as M-rated as they possibly could
an E-rated conker is not conker at all
Those aspects define the game not the character
If enough people believe it, it'll become true! Just like Planescape Torment!
I've seen a massive uptick in Conker support in the past two days or so.
Because a stupid fucking render that’s being pushed by Spanish niggers. It’s like Shantae but not as popular
No es fake, senor.
Shantae it’s even worse than Conker right now in terms of chances of getting in, because she’s outright decomfirmed
Conker will 100% be a mii hat
Also don’t be a massive contrarian with a character like this, because remember what happened last time you did that
Dumbass Spanish niggers how the fuck do you have WiFi go play soccer or some dumb shit you fucking spics
why would anyone want joanna dark is beyond me, is pretty much consolation james bond, which outside the name wouldnt be that interesting anyways.
At least banjo actually had fucking fan demand Conker only has a drop all because of a stupid nigger render. What’s up with all these phone file names are Spanish niggers really that poor
little tom?
But Conker is just consolation Banjo
Gonna cry you stupid fucking Spanish nigger? This board is for whites only now go kick a soccer ball
Poorfag, the device where posts are made doesn’t change the arguments you buffoon
>not consolation Neo
Get fucked you stupid fucking Spanish nigger maybe if you make enough soccer balls you can afford a 2003 Microsoft laptop
jesus and i actually thought conker was fine at first but you losers have become the new ashley/steve while not being nearly as aggressive as them.
That didn’t stop bayo and snake though, joker has real guns, and he has the context sensitive ability
Go kick a soccer ball you stupid fucking sand nigger
jesus and i actually thought conker was bad at first but you gentlemen have become the new banjo/steve while not being nearly as aggressive as them.
Go kick a soccer ball you underage faggot
You know, the Spanish community is where you can find the most legitimate stevefags, they don’t want Conker, that shit is filled with zoomers
Nobody on this board gives a fuck about your spic soccer community
still cringe
no, you guys are just as shit as genofags
At least Conker had mayor roles in various games