The Great Debate

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Both are mindless grindfests

One for gear the other for exp numbers



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WoW dominates it, lol nice graphics fags

For me it's EVE.

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Hello everyone. I just want to say as a 30-year-old boomer who's about to go home to WoW classic in 08 hours and 31 minutes, I feel no desire to assert the superiority of my homeland over Runescape. Everyone has their home, and I'm about to return to mine. I wish Runescape players the best. Thank you.

>world of warcraft vs world of poorcraft

there is no debate
rs was always for poorfags who couldnt afford sub and a non potato pc
nobody would willingly play a fucking browser game

Based and boompilled, see you in Azeroth fren!

Inferno is harder than anything in WoW retard

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been playing it in my phone... its not the same,,, it simply isn't...

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woox does that shit in a coma

top: soul
bottom: soulless

Both are shit, lol

WoW is what happens when you take the Slayer skill from Runescape and turn it into an entire game. boring as fuck.

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Of course it's not, people might not realize it but RO has a pretty deep and intense gameplay aspect to it, the phone one is not programmed like original RO and has way less stuff. Plus how the fuck would you achieve good gameplay on a stupid phone.

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Whichever you grew up playing.

The Grand Exchange killed OSRS for me. Also NMZ and they shit like splashing to high magic level is disgusting.

And he's the only one in the world who can, because it's that fucking difficult. WoW is baby tier by comparison, it will never have an accomplishment anywhere near as skillful and challenging.

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I'll just leave this one here.

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Have not paid attention at all to WoW classic.
Is it gonna be like OSRS where they add new content that's inline with the older style of content or is it just the original release and nothing else?

They haven't decided yet, but most likely they will go tbc rather than make new vanilla content, since that is easier.

Vanilla WoW stuck in the 1.12 patch. So isn't neither real vanilla nor include new content.

i think runescape is better simply because its not WoW or a WoW clone

>low level f2p pking
>1 second clips
>wows terrible pvp
>with rap music

Even when he tried to make WoW look better, it still loses. Amazing.

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There is no need for debate or to argue,

all that matters is we're all finally home.

and that we all agree OSRS and WoWC are superior to RS3 and BfA

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that is true

I have never played either.

>modern MMOs are so shitty that devs need to revert back a whole fucking decade in order to make everything not shit

really makes you think

OSRS is cancerous casualized shit though. Anyone who kept playing after retarded zoomers voted GE back in is beyond saving.

Playerbase isn't big enough to support no GE without the game being super tedious unlike in early RS2. The actual bad updates are stuff like NMZ, ironmemes, wintertodt, etc.

Fuck off OP

But OSRS worked perfectly well without GE, people were actually forced to socialize again & banks in more popular worlds really simulated the feeling of RS haydays. Like all good things it was ruined by the retarded polling systems were zoomzooms incrementally voted updates in that invalidated the actual 07 content. While shit like Slayer dungeon/mining cave/parkour agi casualized xp grinding to runespinning level, that shit was still barely tolerable because social interaction of the old school MMO was kept in without GE. But because retarded zoomzooms wanted to make their lives even easier and destroy what little multiplayer content RS had they just had to vote GE back in & completely ruin the RS2 experience. Whatever came after it is drop in the bucket since OSRS was already hopessly ruined at that point.

Is it possible for you to post without mentioning zoomers? You fucking schizo.