So what is this thing exactly?

So what is this thing exactly?

What is it for?

Attached: what is it.jpg (600x487, 19K)

It's for people that are either too poor or too retarded for a full-fledged PC.

It's a pc jr with 3% of the library, 1 digital storefront and no real mod support


for 4K

Attached: 2019-07-01_4-13-57_PM-w1o41mj2.jpg (3840x2160, 1.53M)

Play games?

Oh, and paid online, keep forgetting this one cause I dont play on these

>he didn't get three years of gamepass for free
lmaoing @ ur life choices

poorfags on gamepass
>xbone x
poorfags who conspicuously acquired a 4k tv

pc still can't play gotd

Video games. The best place to play Red Dead Redemption 2.

Attached: 1566232923713.png (2269x1254, 2.76M)

Sorry, PC players get free games for life without having to sign up for any "free for a limited time" bullshit. Piracy is expected and you're a retard if you don't at least try out your games before buying (via pirating)

I don't even know what that is, so it must be trash.

have fun being a child

Sure it can.

Attached: hitman.jpg (1920x1080, 108K)

Halo Gears Forza

>coming to PC
>coming to PC
>we already have tons of racing games, I'm sure one of them would hit the same itch

huh funny halo 5 still isn't on pc

halo and gears are both garbage, never played forza though, how is it?

Yeah that's what I said. "Coming" implies it's not here (yet). So if you want to spend like $500 to play these 3 video games and nothing else, when you can spend about $1000 for every video game that has come out ever (barring this and last gen), then congrats.

For playing multiplayer games since PC is dead outside of CS.

It's the best controller on top of what looks like some fancy, modern paperweight.

pc isn't comfy at the couch either m8

>sync a controller
>plug in a HDMI cable
>start big picture
wow it's literally a console

>Halo Gears Forza
Haha but seriously where are the real exclusives

Works in my home setup.

Attached: 1565066889710.jpg (1648x1426, 1020K)

It's for people who are afraid that the Japanese will run over the economy.

>oh big picture crashed? shit lemmie just pull up my keyboard


literally just press the controller button brainlet

Still better than sony's lineup

Attached: ps4 top games.png (1007x894, 176K)

You're not clever you're not funny your bait is not good just stop

snoyfags BTFO

>uhoh it's stuck and I need to ctrl+alt+del the task manager again! Shit the keyboard batteries are out and I can't find my portable mousepad!

>Trying to defend the shitbox by posting that the PS4 is heavily populated
Thank god school starts today. Maybe in high school you'll learn how to create an argument.

are you crying rn?

struck a nerve?


you can literally use a ds4 touchpad as a mouse
stop speculating about shit you don't even know

why would you use a ds4 at all lol

>1 digital storefront
Oh I didnt realize PC users were taking having multiple digital storefronts so well

epic is shit because it buys exclusivity, having multiple storefronts otherwise is better because more competition = better deals

Fucking this
Titanfall 2 is somehow still completely active on Xbox one despite being completely dead

Other consolefags laugh in your guys' faces because of how irrelevant your console was this generation. It almost makes me feel bad.

lol okay

Attached: games.jpg (2704x2028, 597K)

I had to stop playing Titanfall 2 on PC because the only guys left on it are the high level players and it was pretty much impossible to just play the game casually. It just made the game unfun when to win you had to go all out and couldn't mess around with meme loadouts etc without getting stomped.

I don't suck dicks.


Attached: 1550619347375.jpg (960x540, 118K)

>being this bad fps
Nigga TF2 is casual as fuck. Ending up in the top 3 of the scoreboard doesn't even take any effort. I stopped playing out of boredom because the game was simply too easy and forgiving.

ninja gaiden again

Why do people hate Xbox one so much??

>I don't suck dicks.

Attached: 1566010405421.jpg (378x378, 15K)

>What is it for?
It's for people that actually interact with society and for dudes that still have their dicks. Fuck outta here trannies.

Attached: 370-3709941_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-xbone-ainz-wojak-xbox-one.jpg (820x919, 188K)

bad reveal and sonyfans are a zergrush of third world cope

I have a decent win rate and K/D I just don't want to tryhard in a dead game and on PC you just get matched up against the same guys 1 shotting you with a kraber and spamming phase shift.

This place is full of Sony dick suckers even tho they claim its Nintendo central. And PC users are bitter at everything including their own kind.

I own an XboX and I'm pretty happy with it, but I could play its exclusives on my pc (which is hooked to my tv and which I use with a controller sitting on my couch)

The gen started off quite well exclusives-wise (not taking into account TV TV TV TV Kinect underpowered shit) but went to shit pretty early.

Hopefully next-gen turns out better

it plays UHD Blu-Ray discs.

For me:

>The only place to play Halo (for now)
>The only place to play Gears 2 and 3 in 4K
>I can play online with all my friends who lack the funds/know how to build their own PCs

Insecure sonygroids

Yeah kill that hex box

gaming as a whole would genuinely be better if the only platform is PC now

the only reason exclusives exist is to jew you into spending more money on more consoles you don't need

If today is anything like yesterday then get ready to see multiple Xbox and Nintendo related shitposting threads to start popping up.

>gaming as a whole would genuinely be better if the only platform is PC now
Rampant piracy causes a shit load of developers to close.
More graphics card manufacturers pop up making Pc games even less optimized or for only specific cards.
Steam,epic and M$ Knuckle down with even more restrictive drm and get away with it because customers have no alternative.
Because of the lack of optimization the only solution to make games run is to have the most expensive parts available making a have and have not scenario.
Less games get made as console makers aren’t paying for exclusives and mid tier development is basically done due to high development cost.

Tldr the best market is one that can support multiple platforms.