Tell me Yea Forums, how could we improve this board?
Meta Thread
this isn't valid anymore, take it to /qa/
delete it
Start ip-range banning people.
East vs west shitposting needs public bans every time.
poster IDs
this chess game on the library computer
the clock
some asshole arguing with a librarian about an overdue fee or some shit
this thread
not tonight or ever maybe
had some water in from the fountain in the lobby
dick for cash most likely
fucking horrible. as of today, i am officially homeless. i've spent the last few hours on the computer here at the local library and they're about to close soon. i'm not sure where to go for the evening.
make twitter screencap posts bannable.
Make blatant /pol/ threads bannable.
Ban phoneposting, ironic posting, shitposting and platform wars or better yet nuke the whole board and site.
ban all mobile ips
ban all wojaks and pepes
ban any post using any of the following
>cumb rain
>have sex
>anything related to mmos
I think this as well
Each person gets one post per day, and if it's not about video games then they get a two week ban.
Nothing, it's perfect. Why mess with success?
Change “have sex” to “game on”
>anything mmo related
Nigga you dumb
if u live in littlerock u can come crash at fountain parks apts at my place for the night
we have /vg/ for a reason. we don't need 16 fucking wow classic threads a day and we don't need 4 xiv threads at the same time either
this kills the vidya
IDs like /pol/. Shilling and shitposting will go down considerably if this happens. Also, it should be site policy to ban any posts that mention r*ddit. That or filter the word to something like "normieville" or something idk
We also should have some kind of downvote system to get rid of posts no one likes.
No upvotes though, that'd be stupid.
the reason why you're unemployed and homeless is you can't even Yea Forums right
ban all porn threads on sight
it's pretty obvious when people make one and try to disguise it as game discussion or something
Ban wojak and pepe posters.
Phoneposting makes up the majority of traffic in the site as a whole so forget about that.
Unironically support this. Seething to Gaming
Age verification
So Reddit? Lol
give all posts a 1 in 256 chance of autobanning the poster for a day.
I've been shilling forced user with IDs for fucking years.
It will never happen, gook-moot's a fag. No idea why OG moot never instituted it.
This summarizes the core issues nicely.
glad you got his joke
Why is this shit allowed to stay up for 8+ hours? Does the tranny pay the mods for advertising?
How about you fucking make threads about video games instead?
Unique IDs
Nigga I ain't playing pokemon here. Take that shit to /vp/.
I’m not talking about just wow and ff14 you dummy. There’s a ton of mmos that people play together on Yea Forums and don’t want to deal with the cancer of /vg/
are you implying I like those threads too
no, we must delete it all
we redirect it to r/Kappa. No need to fake anonymity.
make wowfags go to their general
make smashfags go to their general
make ffxivfags go to their general
permaban twittercap posters
permaban polbait posters
Scare off every single Yea Forums advertiser so the site becomes unprofitable and hiro is forced to sell it.
As long as hiro owns the site, nothing good will happen. Things will only get worse. That's the harsh reality. Either adapt, force hiro out, or leave.
make system require posters to orally dictate what they type as the verification