Far cry 5

what went right?

Attached: deputy wojak.png (800x600, 549K)

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nothing, it's really crappy compared to 3 and 4

Left wing outage about not being political enough. Maybe visuals. Still the same shitty Ubimeh open world game.

the music


>Left wing outage about not being political enough
Did you forget that idiots on here and the rest of the internet were throwing shitfits cause they thought the game was about killing "white American Christians"?


This. Underrated soundtrack.

I hate the gameplay loop but wouldn't have minded as much if there was some actual fucking weather in the game.


This. I really enjoyed the fishing. Honestly wish it was a little more complicated but still it was nice to take a break from the endless killing and go hunting/fishing and enjoy the environment. The only thing that fucked it up was the fact fish and hide did nothing in the game. I know people didn't want the crafting system but it at least added some value to the hunting in previous games.

Jacob Sneed's loading screen

each loading screen is like their deluded dream of what the world is

Pretty much everything except how the player gets captured 3 times in every zone. The music, gameplay, theme, visuals, characters, everything else was great.

Surely there's a mistranslation here. Did you mean "tolerable?"

That was the best part, user.
>resetera celebrating it while Yea Forums seethes because it looks like you're fighting evil right-wing christians
>game comes out
>the villains are actually far left communists while the good guys are portrayed as god-fearing, republican voting American patriots
>the tables immediately turn
It was hilarious to watch in real time.

I made no mistake in my assessment. I enjoyed the shooting, stealth, fishing, the vehicles (particularly ATVs), toying around in the arcade missions, and searching for the vault that every outpost had hidden away somewhere.

Can you put your own music in on the game's radio like GTAV?

Why would you? The cult radio is all you need.

Everything except the incredibly awkward attempts to merge the open world with the main narrative. Really solid music and writing
>Bad guys don't give a shit about you until you reach a certain % of the aggro meter
>At this point they will continue to spawn infinitely respawnable enemies that will try and one hit KO you
>There is no way to avoid this
>And it happens like a dozen times throughout the main questline
Also they really fucked up with the DLCs (garbage) and the Arcade online mode.

This was also pretty funny, fuck /pol/ and resetera mutts

The only good thing about that game was killing trump voters

I've been listening to some country songs and was hoping that I could play them in-game

Pirated it, played until I finished the first of the 3 areas and never touched it again.
I stand by my claim that Ubisoft has not made a single good game in over a decade.
It's just more mass produced conveyor belt grabge, forgettable and worthless.

Ubisoft perfected the far cry formula.

Fucking this, I got surprised too when the good guys turns out to be republicans and veterans and that there are minorities amongst the cults

i've shat better looking things than this game and it manages to run like garbage

Atmosphere is gorgeous, so deeply unsettling at times while still finding the little moments of comedy.

Music was top tier, especially if you're lucky enough to live in bum-fuck nowhere like I do where the scenery almost looks like Montana. Shooting was also fun. Characters were sometimes well-written. John was best boy.

The ending is fucking mental and came seemingly out of nowhere. Had a great time playing it, might pick it up again.

Attached: fc5xb1x.jpg (3840x2160, 1.28M)

I saw a lot of people complain about the endings, but I thought they were great and was really surprised Ubisoft would do it for such a high budget release.

the setting was fucking based and soulful, I wish there were more games with rural us in it

The cult girl was a qt.

I liked the whole Biblical aspect, even if it was your standard "woah, isn't this just like Revelation you guys?" incorporation of it. I enjoyed both of them, especially walking away. Still smile hearing Only You in the car.

Faith is my WAIF. That ain't the bliss talking.