How would perfect TESVI look like?

How would perfect TESVI look like?

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That waterfront district is impractical as fuck. Any boats on that left side are stuck.

All men, women, children and mudcrabs look like Todd.

It would never exist because people have very different and often completely opposite preferences about these sort of games.

Nah man, they can sail around the waterfront and down the Niben no problem.

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doesn't look very deep

>opening sequence you are in a prison caravan that is ambushed
>fall off cliff into hist sap
>become an argonian regardless of race
That's what they should do, at least.
But look at the current TES online map. It makes sense that they would steer clear of the next game's setting. It's similar to why they didn't do Skyrim. So either Summerset, Hammerfell, or Argonia. Unfortunately I'm thinking Hammerfell is the most likely.

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A tes game in the hands of a more capable developer would be perfect.

I think they should set it in Australia this time

setting with a unique aesthetic while also having a decent variety of biomes/cultural/architectural differences from one place to another.

It's going to be Hammerfell, High rock or both. The teaser takes place just on the border between the provinces.

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>How would perfect TESVI look like?

You ESL fucks have a hard time with using "what" and "how," don't you?

To start. it would be nice to have a city with more than 5 houses

I want a RE2 levels quality remake of TESIII or IV

If it has more spells, weapons, stats, choices, and armor than Morrowind, it's perfect.

Like a high polished mount and blade with mordhau like combat which also feature missions and dungeons where you go alone (or only with a small party of 5)

Skywind is shaping up nicely, maybe it'll be complete a few years

A perfect TESVII would be Valenwood or Black Marsh so we can get some different environments and new stuff

but it will be high rock and just normal castle bullshit like its been

having your harbor outside of the city and having the harbor be connected to the mainland via a bridge is pretty stupid form a strategic standpoint

>shitty meme pteradactyls
>in hammerfell
Do you ever stop sniffing your farts to think, retard?

So they didn't do a vast desert and that is your proof?
It's going to be Black Marsh.

as an aside does anyone have the "leak" about project Greenheart?

It would be an actual RPG and not what would pass as a mobile game in 2019.

Morrowind tier MQ
Oblivion tier side and faction quests
Skyrims Radient quests for day to day faction quests. It should also be used for every minor faction merchants,beggars,etc. to build rep.

OK, so you see here...

Morrowind was a 9.
Oblivion was an 8.
Fallout 3 was a 7.
Skyrim was a 6.
Fallout 4 was a 5.
Fallout 76 was 4.

So you should invest heavily in expecting The Elder Scrolls VI to be good.

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How many companies have gone out of business making what you would consider actual RPGs?

Morrowind isn't Fallout 76 bad but it isn't a very good game.

Switch Fo3 and Fo4 and it's a bit more realistic.

Your opinion isn't Fallout 76 bad but it's not a very good one.

rpgs im talking about sold millions of copies. anyway there was no reason for oblivion and skyrim to be as bad as they were, it was just Todd being lazy.

Theres no farms anywhere. This city is for dead people.

The whole Island should be farmlands and/or lower class settlements while all around the Nieben Bay should be farms and settlements at any crossroads.

Skyrim is worse, though. Not only are the towns without any noteworthy food production, they are also exceedingly tiny.

Following the trend TES IV will be even worse.

Hammerfell + High Rock could be pretty comfy desu
fantasy arthurian vibes + fantasy persian vibes that together create a fantasy crusade vibe
shit could be cool
i can also see Elsweyr or Valenwood happening if they want to go with something more bizzare akin to Morrowind
Black Marsh is never happening unless something big happens in lore but if something big in lore was to happen i would sooner expect Akavir or even Yokuda

>make it alien as it should be, fuck off with tolkien-style high fantasy shtick for normies
>make it alive (people plow fields or grow shit, there are actual infrastructure to stuff), stop with "three buildings = city" Bethesda kikery
>don't you fucking dare to dumb down the RPG system. Bring back Morrowind system to experiment with
>pick more exotic location like Black Marsh, Valenwood or Elsweyr.
>kill retarded compass/GPS style and let people find stuff by just what NPCs tell them, let us explore you niggers
>no fast travel from map, only ships/stilts/horses/etc. Fast travel by these means are physical and actual stuff can happen - from pirates raiding your ship to nice friendly chat with the unique NPC while poofing that skooma on the stilt rider.
>bigger and more original dungeons. Using three to five templates is fucking retarded and you can fuck off with such lazy shittery
>shitload of customization in regard your character and how NPCs react to your race, class and other unique choices. Don't be lazy nigs, write it.
>no fucking DLCs, no fucking pre-order faggotry, especially no FUCKING INGAME TRANSACTIONS. FUCK OFF WITH THAT NOISE.
>SLOW DOWN fucking progress in the game. For some reason it became normal in TES to be grandmaster of everything in under three hours
>make choices matter, create skill-based picks, don't fucking allow warrior-based classes to be bosses of mages guild
>you don't need to play as a fantasy Jesus, Oblivion was step into right direction.
>deep lore and good dialogue system. Morrowind yes, Skyrim no. Faggout 4 hell no.

It will never fucking happen, but one can always dream.

Also forget a big thing:
>create actual environmental challenges you niggers. Swamps, huge-trees or anything similar, make it more vertical, make your character actually interact with the environment.

Not made by Bethesda or Todd

Well despite it's quality it is a commonly held one.
It is true that it falls into the "First TES best TES" trope and it does have it's defenders. By and large it is considered sub par by current standards.

I like how these threads are always full of those who have no idea what they are talking about.

Name one.

Have you seen an a picture of New York city?

Only PC.

That's the most obnoxious thing i've read today. Congrats, user.

Ignore second link.

>bitches about obnoxious
>produces completely useless reply

If they bail on a platform it won't be consoles.

I'd really like to see
>there is a prophecy about the chosen one etc.
>you are not the chosen one
>in fact every action you do ends up being the exact opposite of the prophecy

no more 'chosen one' bullshit, the story ought to have less impact on the political events and more on the metaphysical ones. The world continuing is fine, but being a fucking demigod and no one thinking anything more of it than 'just like my old nans tales' is absurd.

Try Obsidian games. They like doing stupid shit like that.

That would be kino, but it's never gonna happen. Gonna remember this for later though.

>Gonna remember this for later though.

>>Todd will remember that

I think the exact opposite. More geo political less metaphysics.
Mostly for the reason you mentioned. It doesn't matter if you are the chosen one.

Akavir plz

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Skyrim is unironically better than all the other games.

That would be pretty cool.
I would also agree to being the chosen ones champion like in Oblivion.

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That's not how things in the TES universe work lorewise, you will always be the choosen one.

>Cucked to sacrifice himself
>200 years later Thalmor are gangbanging his bones

So is the will of the Daedra

Story and lore by Bethesda, gameplay mechanics by Atlas, environments by Obsidian, graphics by Rockstar, final polish and environmental mechanics by Nintendo EAD

I trust Todd when it comes to elder scrolls, I enjoyed skyrim, oblivion and morrowind and liked them for various things and the next installment is gonna have it's pluses and minuses just like the ones before it. There are no perfect games and ppl who's perfect elder scrolls could be summarized as morrowind but better are especially dumb.

>environments by Obsidian
Fallout New Vegas' enviorment was shit though

What is the final goal of the elves? They're deactivating the towers which supposedly tether reality. Will deactivating them simply reset creation again, or will it go so far as to wake the god head?

Morrowind has a better MQ
Oblivion has better side and faction quests
Overall you are correct Skyrim is the best game in the series by far.

Have you seen the Outer Worlds? Obsidian should touch no aspect of TES.

Kill everything including them to break free of their flesh prison.

Following the lore only three towers remain.

(((High elves)))

But he's right.

From in game I think only DiRenni tower is still active.
The fan fics may have more. They have things like the Khajit are a tower and other non sense.

Snow Throat
Maybe White Gold has been reactivated because Martin

Excluding White Gold if isn't activated again... I think three are left.

>Fallout 3
>better than Fallout 4

I was playing oblivion last night, there's a decent amount of farms in the game. Some settlements have more around them and there's also significant hunting and fishing being used to produce food.
You also don't want too many farms in the game, in real life farms are pretty large and expansive taking out a lot of real estate and they're not very scenic. It's a case where it makes sense to scale something like that down in the overworld to make for a more enjoyable experience.

Did Green Sap get added in the MMO. I don't recall it being one.

Cringy, boomer post. Die already, old timer

The best elder scrolls 6 would be using the gameplay of fallout 4, the story/writing of fallout 3 and the setting/aesthetics of oblivion.

Please bethesda dont listen to stupid nostalgiafags.

I'd say White Gold was deactivated when the Thalmor conquered the Imperial City. Only reason for them to go in without enough force to keep the city. They went in, disabled the tower and fucked off when the siege came, covering it as a victory for the Empire.

Then they got the civil war in Skyrim going, which fit the prophecy of the Dragonborn and that implies the deactivation of Snow Throat.

Last I heard about Green-Sap was that it stopped moving, so it's probably deactivated, too.

Red Mountain got blown wide open and the Brass one went down in the Warp in the West.

Only Ada-Mantia left. And that's what TES VI will be about.

actually cringed. why re you even here? go play as an anime avatar fagbag

why do you space your posts like that you seem like a faggot

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Fallout 76 should be a 1.

>story/writing of fallout 3 and the setting/aesthetics of oblivion.
dumb boomer lmao

Someone call the tard wrangler.

Because every spacing is discussing another tower, thus should be separated from the others.

But all you see is reddit, because your brain is damaged.

Yeah if you wanna play a nobody go play with mods

Being a Chosen One would mean more possibility to witness the metaphysics, no?

The white gold tower thing doesn't make since the thalmor didn't withdraw.
The legion took the tower and city and the thalmor general was hanged in the streets. This is in lore.
The Chim-el Adabal is needed for the white gold tower

Morrowind's deep RPG mechanics, Oblivion's comfyness and Skyrim's epicness.

Story and lore by Bethesda

Gameplay Fromsoftware with Bethesda in mind

Environments Bethesda

Graphics would depend on the artist in question really

F3 was a good return to roots for the Fallout franchise. Not for Elder Scrolls. Settings should NOT be Oblivion. Gameplay I agree with

Leave the C0DAfags alone.

The Thalmor general was rescued by a daedra. Not sure what you are referencing.

>Chim-el Adabal
That one no longer exists. Guess the White Gold Tower went down with Martin.

Holy shit you mad.