>Jesus gets crucified
>Jesus goes to Hell
>Jesus fights through Hell and Satan himself to retrieve the Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven
>Humanity is saved by Jesus's bloodshed and selflessness
Why has this classic biblical story not been turned into an action hack n slash game yet?
Jesus gets crucified
Other urls found in this thread:
Dante's Inferno kinda did that.
>>Jesus goes to Hell
>>Jesus fights through Hell and Satan himself to retrieve the Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven
>Speed reading like a retard
Hell is just absence of God so when Jesus went there Hell just ceased to be
It wasn't Hell as we know it, it was Sheol, a sort of underworld where Satan does not inhabit
Thats actually a good idea
What weapon will he use?
>Fists with nails to quick attack
>Cross for heavy attacks
blood weapons
Isn't there a difference between Hell and The Lake of Fire?
Like, Hell gets cast into The Lake at the end along with death.
Crown of thorns can unravel to form a whip
Shroud can be used as a shield/forcefield
Yeah, hell is a fiction created by the Catholic Church. The like of fire is, according to Revelations, here on Earth along with the bottomless pit.
>people actually think of Paul's gospel as truth
come on, apply some reading comprehension, jesus never was crucified
but user, the friendly man over at israel sold me part of the cross, why would he lie to me?
priest/holy magic user
weapon would be a bible or something
Magic attacks like bombarding enemies by spamming bread and fish.
Has the ability to convert, recruit and heal up to 12 party member.
Crown of Thrones acts as both a whip when active and thorn damage when passive
Blood of Jesus to cause terror in enemies
Tears of Jesus to cause stun in enemies
Uses his abilities to transform objects to solve puzzles
can turn into a robot, and solve everything using peace and love
The image we have of Hell right now is typically of fire, but it's not mentioned in Christian religion as to what it is, it's just a place of torture, but after the events of Revelation, Sheol, Hades, Hell (these are the different underworlds before and after Jesus's death), and Death are thrown in the Lake of Fire, which is God tying up all loose ends
I understood that reference.
Zorman, pls
>Hell right now is typically of fire
speaking of wich, how many hells are there?
every religion has one right?
is hell just that big as to have everyone keeping a piece of land or is hel a really varied place?
he is the first doom guy
yo onions cani
>classic biblical story
None of that is in the Bible except him being crucified, sounds like Catholic fanfiction to me
so tell us the truest truth then
>are thrown in the Lake of Fire
not if you repent
can i repent mid air or does it has to be before i kick the bucket?
shit, so Hell is actually just the center of the planet
the majority of religions have some sort of afterlife, some have heaven/hell concept, others have a general land of the dead, others believe that they longer around the human world, Christian hell is one type which explains, before Jesus came, there was one type of hell and a different type of heaven, after Jesus, there is the current heaven and hell, and in the end, there will be two final destinations, the lake of fire and New Jerusalem
>yo onions
every time
How did they know that shit? Who knows
Just like how did they equate God creating the world to the scientific explanation of Big Bang so well? Again, who the fuck knows
>Was in a church the other day for someone related to my dad's side of the family
>Hadn't been to church since I was young, despite being a baptized Catholic
>It felt very alien to me, but still in a calming way
The church couldn't come close to comparing to the one I went to as a kid, but something about it was... pleasant? Nostalgic?
It was nice hearing some church music again though.
>Just like how did they equate God creating the world to the scientific explanation of Big Bang so well? Again, who the fuck knows
elaborate please, i never read the bible
>How did they know that shit?
Probably volcanos
the dude explaining the big bang was a priest
Devil Daggers
>The image we have of Hell right now is typically of fire,
That's because Christianity, Judaism and Islam originate from a part of the world where it's hot as balls and their idea of ultimate punishment is it being even hotter. The Norse idea of Helheim is cold as shit because their idea of uktimate punishment is everything being even colder and damper than the Vikings' little corner of Midgard.
People have many interpetations and treating them as facts.
Hell, also known as Hades, Netherworld, whatever the name is, is a place where demons live and impure souls also falls here, a very open underworld with lots of fire and some weird shit in it, also ruled by Satan.
It has many names due to how cultures and countries names them, like Hades it got from Greeks.
Lots of fucked up shit right here like killin, fuckin, posting shit on Yea Forums, lots of fucked up shit everyday.
Well its hell afterall.
Hell is fucking large, so large that you thought that you walking endlessly.
Its in deep underworld of course.
no it's literally the now, your reality, the world around you which you experience for half a dozen decades before dying into nothingness. Nothing in the Bible claims there is a metaphysical afterlife. You want heaven? Everyone has to be good, if even one person is bad there is no heaven.
Once you die, if you go to Hell, you'll be thrown to the Lake of Fire in the end times
Dante's inferno
>what is Dante's Inferno
sure thing, kiddo
Unfortunately, this
>Nothing in the Bible claims there is a metaphysical afterlife.
but it mentions heaven explicitly and eternal life
I'll take "a book most modern Christians haven't read" for 500, Alex.
It was all just a bunch of metaphors that everybody took too literally. Why do you think Jesus taught everything in parables? He's basically showing everybody that they suck at critical thinking and have to be told what's to be learned from every story.
>There was nothing
>God made light AKA the Big Bang
>Sepreated the earth and sky
>Makes ground
>Makes the sun and moon
>Makes the sea creatures and the air creatures
>Makes the land creatures
>Makes the human
In the bible, it's isn't really presented as the "days" that we know, but actually in more of "age" and each "age" is a long time apart
So they have two versions in the bible, one that's more theatrical and the other more dry
The way he made everything is maybe not exactly how sceinets today believe everything was made but the steps of Gods creation are eerly similar to what they theorise
The bible is actually really cool, the only problem is that brainlets interpet the deep shit on a very surface level and ruin the experience for everyone
the inferno from dante says it's cold, the fire is cold, not hot
God will bring all non believers of Christ back from “Hell” to his presence and go through the Great White Throne Judgement. There nonbelievers will explain all their sin. Those who are unrepentant will be condemned. Those who did not know Jesus when they lived are given a chance to repent. Then all the condemned with be cast into a Lake of Fire to suffer eternally. Satan, will be cast into the lake as well. All those who are forgiven will join the rest in Heaven.
yeah, but the notion that everyone is *can* be accepted into it is, like hell, another fiction from the Catholic Church. You can count the number of biblical figures who ascended I to heaven on one hand (Enoch is an example). Christ is supposed to rule here on Earth. This is explicitly stated in Revelations. Also, 44,000.
Okay, but if you ask the average Christian whether they think hell is hot or cold, what will they say?
heaven is a waiting room till the end, havent you read luke 16:19?, after the end God rules 1k years, teaches us how to be with God, then God the Father appers, and that is going to be where the real shit starts, i really think we are just getting prepared for something bigger
I'm a Jew and I praise my ancestors for getting this cuck crucified.
it mentions heaven existing after the apocalypse, but your mistake is misunderstanding the time frame. It doesn't mean people die and go to heaven in YOUR lifetime, it means IF everyone is good in your lifetime you'll be in heaven on earth and if you die you weren't good enough and the world wasn't good enough. Hell when Jesus died he didn't go to heaven did he? He stayed on earth among us.
No, the lake of fire is a real location, basically a valley where they burned trash.
The original jewish belief was that if you're bad, god goes all "into the trash it goes" with your soul, then you're gone forever and just don't exist.
Only later bloodthirsty priests invented eternal torment, because good god must be filled with infinite hate for those who disobey him.
>i really think we are just getting prepared for something bigger
...said one cow to the other, as they were herded into the slaughterhouse.
i think hell is a purification place, we all humanity are children of God, we all have his spirit, and God as a Father, i dont see him punishing their sons eternaly, i do think He is going to correct us, so to me, hell is not something forever, but till we are purified from our sins, and learn whatever we need to learn
the time is up to you to change and accept God
not existing isn't that great of a deal either
yeah i dont think it's going to be pretty, for instance, think about why God, is going to create little gods with his own spirit? why does God needs that? cause he was alone? nah
it sounds like warhammer 40k, the emperor creating the space marines, there is something happening out there, somewhere, where God need little gods, to do something, shit is crazy
i don't get it. you say it mentiones heaven after the apocalypse but also that the afterlife isn't real and heaven is just basically getting lucky and living a peaceful life?
>God will bring all non believers of Christ back from “Hell” to his presence
“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.20At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores21and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried.23In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.24So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
25“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
27“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family,28for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
30“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
31“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
That's purgatory and I think it only "exists" in some christian churches.
Purgatory is supposed to be like hell, except after a while you are considered punished enough and get moved to heaven forever.
Basically, the catholics figured out that
>damn, this god of ours can't be THIS much of a cunt, better give everyone a chance
>now hell is only for those who directly refuse our god
>oh and for unchristened children - make sure to follow our exact rituals by our priests, goy
There is no hell
Suffering is purification and the purpose of material form
On an infinite timeline, all returns to God; heaven is a state of oneness with God. All religions understand this.
Dante inferno is pure fantasy and not biblical canon.
Assassin's Creed stealth kills except he's jamming the nails in his palms through their head instead
What was satan's problem?
Wasn't there "chaos"?
Big ban is a phenomenon conjectured from a certain observation, we don't really know what things were really like then.
Doom kinda did that.
>forgetting Jesus’ final form, super mecha death christ 2000
Why couldn't God just not be such a sadomasochistic asshole and not act like some brainlet who doesn't know how to write omnipotence and omniscience character into his shitty desert fairy tale compodium?
the spiritual world works like a law office, you cant break rules even if you are omnipotent and omnipresent, humanity with adam and eve made a pact with the devil in the garden of eden, and the price to break that pact was perfect blood
all humanity have searched knowingly or not, perfect blood, through sacrifice, Jesus was the last one
As far as I remember, there was void
That's true, but when you think about the fact a bunch of desert dwellers thought about the same things that a modern scientist thinks today is pretty cool
Especially considering the science era is new and those people never intended for their book to be anything more than guidelines to create a society in which life was extremely tough and cheap
So to have such a precise creation story is something to at least think about
iirc he was jealous and wanted to be more admired than God
so he commited the sin of pride, the worst one. And since in heaven everyone has to be perfect and sinless, he was thrown away.
>you can't break rules even if you are omnipotent
Did god drop you on your head as a child?
You see the movie Sausage Party? Because what happens in "the great beyond" is what's in store for the devout.
This, but that does not mean it's carte blanche to sin left and right once you accept Jesus and believe in him
1 Peter 4:1-2,“Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.”
Christfags are literally insane and will jihad you for the heresy of depicting Jesus in any way that isn't as a flawless angel
Also he has to be white for some reason even though his parents are middle eastern.
do you think God lie? if you made a pact with Him why do you think He is not going to keep His word?
are you for real?
He's black for african christian
Think about it like God being a parent
If you spoil your child too much, as he did at times, they grow up being spoiled
If the wrong way of life is making them suffer, they need to correct that
So if your asshole kid started shooting H and refuses to get help, he's gonna suffer and then die
Suffering is essential to the growth of the human spirit and so is the opportunity to fix your life
You can play as Jesus in Fight of The Gods and yet I haven't heard a single peep about it
I highly doubt anyone would even care if you made a game about Jesus going through Hell to save humanity
Fight of the Gods is also missing a certain other notable religious figure that WOULD provoke a reaction like that poster described. Not a Christian one though.
It was. It's called Doom and Doom II
Isn't that game banned in some shithole euro countries?
It's banned in Malaysia and Thailand. Not exactly the white Christian boomer censorship that people fearmonger about.
Replace Jesus and Satan with the names of any Protagonist and Antagonist and you'll find that this same exact situation happens a lot, just in different scenarios
to be fair it's also completely off the radar
>takes three days to respawn
>he doesn't know about Chinesus
Sure Mohammad and the sun sets in a pool of muddy water