He hit 100 million subs and the internet commentariat are once again accusing him of being a racist. When are gamers going to finally rise up?
He hit 100 million subs and the internet commentariat are once again accusing him of being a racist...
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I don't know what that means in practical terms
I don't buy Battlefield, Wolfenstein or Uncharted games
Fuck you and fuck all eceleb posters.
Youtube made him a shoutout on their official twitter congratulating him both on 100m subs and wedding.
Considering that youtube was completely ignoring and trying to sweep his existence under the rug for years now, that tweet put everyone into the rage overdrive. Both fans who were calling youtube out and sjws saying youtube now promotes racism and bigotry.
i got a captcha about bridges
He is a racist.
I thought that was why you stupid faggots went from despising him for years to sucking his dick.
Make up your mind.
>He is a racist.
So what racist things has he done?
based pew triggering a wave of leftist resentment
He used the word nigger in a clearly hateful way. How is he not a racist?
Yeah I guess anyone who uses the word bitch or cunt hates all women too
>t. WSJ
People who piss off such a variety of people are fucking based.
Credit where it's due, "heated gamer moment" is actually a pretty fucking funny joke
Shhhhhut the fuck up man you're giving them ideas. I like using those words.
How is that racist?
The word bitch is a common term, even women use it. It's rarely used in a hateful manner. That's the difference. It's a very loose curse word and it barely has any sexist connotations anymore.
The word nigger on the other hand is very rarely used in a non-hateful manner. There is virtually no reason to use that word unless you are racist
Pretty sure that intern responsible for that tweet was sent into the sensitivity reeducation camp.
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck spics
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies
>The word bitch is a common term, even women use it.
Yeah and black people love to say nigger, what's your point?
>bitch rarely used in a hateful manner
You've never actually spoken to a woman casually then.
>nigger very rarely used in a non-hateful manner
What is the entire rap industry?
Give up on having opinions and more importantly leave this board.
How do I reach 1 million subs.
Black people say nigger to each other in friendly terms all the time retard
Listen to their music retard
The fact that people didn't immediately pick up on this being a sarcastic false flag really speaks to the collective intelligence of this board.
>screams nigger
>compares black people to apes
>gets people to say "death to all jews" as a "joke"
>not racist
This is the problem with nu-Yea Forums and the modern internet.
You stupid zoomers have been so inundated with "Yea Forums culture" that you don't consider obviously racist things racist.
Yet it's that racism that you're attracted to in the first place.
You just don't like the word "racism". You would be happy to start a lynching but cry if someone in the crowd called it racist. At the very least own up to what you are.
Is cocksucker a homophobic slur?
Black people are allowed to say the word nigger and it's not a big deal. I don't need to explain why but I will. They use it in a non-hateful manner towards each other. They use the word nigger without ill intentions.
Context is what determines whether or not saying a word or a sentence is racist
>screams nigger
He never did this, he said it once in response to being killed unexpectedly, it wasn't aimed at anything other than a person who couldn't hear him
>compares black people to apes
>gets people to say "death to all jews" as a "joke"
He was showing off how far people on fiver will go, more to the point it was his editor that paid for it and gave the message.