Oh no! EPIC steals another game from the steamies
Oh no! EPIC steals another game from the steamies
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Bout time those faggot devs buzzed off.
Wasn't this game "shilled" a lot here?
is steam just fucking with their rankings for shits and giggles just to get the egs to buy stupid shit?
fuck that stings
Pretty devilish if true
>Nooo.. Not the bee simulator, that was the last straw
Said nobody ever.
Bee's in Minecraft?
also any proof?
I'm a little confused as to who exactly it is that keeps making these threads.
I understand consolewar shitposting to a degree, because at the end of the day you have PAID for the machine. I understand an inherent need to defend it, and even attack the competition if you've got nothing more interesting going on in your life. But why try to bait for store-wars? There is no barrier of entry and worst, ABSOLUTE WORST, case scenario you have to do 3 more clicks to open and close stores on your desktop.
It is neither a big investment of time, money or other resources. Who gives a shit what store you go to as long as you get the product you want and why try to force some major rivalry when it's just a matter of taste?
Personally I prefer GOG.
Ah yes free advertising on Steam with no repercussions!
>valve is deliberately making random games look more anticipated than they really are to make epic splurge money
it was so obvious
at last I truly see
Game looks kind of cool
Some people will suck dicks for "yous" and such threads always generate plenty of responses.
I think it's just the fact that there isn't really anything to "war" over console-wise right now, so they're trying to shit up some other conflict and turn it into a 400+ replies-printer that "le Nintensoay lost xD"-threads usually are.
Essentially is spot-on.
so is actually true
>I'm a little confused as to who exactly it is that keeps making these threads.
There is an autistic who spends 14 hours a day on the internet and always posts the same things on Yea Forums. There is no rational explanation, it's just his life, doing repetitive tasks all the time. For some reason he has clung to the Epic VS Steam theme and keeps feeding the "controversy" whenever he can.
Note: The author of this thread is probably not that guy, but most of the topics are done by him.
>Indie games
Has Epic blown their load?
They haven't had a big exclusive title in a while since Borderlands 3/Outer Worlds.
>Don't Starve
>Darkest Dungeon
Niggas just make good games lmao
I kinda find it happy that Indies complaint is basically "Valve doesn't advertise the shit of my mediocre game"
Pic related was one of the games bitching about "muh sales" and how Steam was totally discriminating against them by not listing them on the front of the sale page or whatever
Unironically a good thing. Tim Sweeney is here to lock shitty games inside his death trap store with chinamen money. He is an ally all along.
cool another game to pirate
Remember when the indie dev threatened to kill gabe?
legitimately sounds horrible
How the fuck did we go from Metro: Exodus to fucking Bee simulator and Ooblets? Is Tim even tryung anymore?
I completely forgot about that, stuck it in the image
>"Epic Games storefront won't sell crappy games"
>buys exclusivity for one of these shitty meme Goat Simulator "games"
That said, I don't actually see anything in the page's store description about it being on Epic right now? I assume this is just false flagging.
And this story shows why we need competition
>he doesn't want to become a gay little bee that collects pollen(semen) from flowers and then rubs pollen(semen) on those other naughty flowers and then turns that pollen(semen) into honey
has anyone ever said this?
epic = epic
steam = steaming pile of SHIT
how does it feel to be on the same level at Kotaku
Thanks for buying my copy of Bee Simulator Tim!
no shit games on EGS btw
Kotaku is pretty good at making incels mad. What problem do you have with that?
Someone needs to make a shitty asset flip simulator game about shopping and ensure it features shopping carts and Valve baits Epic into buying it
but all of the worker bees are female
>bee simulator
i sleep
"Go on, lad! This one's on me."
I don't know why but that gets me every fucking time.
Turning Incel into a vague catch all for faggotry in response to them shitting up Yea Forums was a mistake, it's no longer possible to tell if you are reffering to Yea Forums, actual incels, some other retarded group without going to Kotaku/ the way back machine and neither are worth the effort becuase real gaming journalism is dead
Haha I dunno if you noticed but you made a bee pun.
it was resetera-esque idiots that killed all meaning of the word incel in like a month after normies discovered it
2000 USD for that piece of shit is good imo.
Buzzed and Bee piled
What a time to bee alive!
>gaming journalism is dead
It's not. Unlike youtube fags at the very least gaming journalists don't try to cater ledditors. People with hive mind mentality are really fucking mad at them each time they have their own opinion.
Is this a zoomer meme? Imagine being so butthurt about different DRM stores lmao
>unironically defending this
you blew your load too early, now nobody on this thread will take you seriously
Nice reddit comment.
I don't fucking even know who he is and what this was all about. But i bet he said something you don't agree with and now you're still mad years later.
Watching streamdrones seeth makes my dick hard. I unironically love seeing GOG and Epic start biting at Gabes heels, Valve is fucking garbage and has been getting worse by the year, yet still has defenders because of Half Life. They treat Valve like its their best friend. Its not only a business but a shitty one, or a great one if you're looking at it with jew vision. They stopped making games the second they could sit comfortably on their 30% and income from the marketplace.
Valve is a joke, Gabe pushes whatever he can without a care about you, paid mods, shitty sales that are a joke compared to what they used to be, trash skinnerbox games like Artifact only made to sell shit on the marketplace, no creative goal behind it what so ever.
Steam is a stagnated piece of trash that has endless problems in both its design and the sheer amount of shit on the store, shit that is let through because Valve don't give a shit about quality control. 30% of an asset flip unity shitter is still 30%, and its all about the money.
When does steam improve? Only when someone bites at it. The community upgrade would have never happened without Discord, the library upgrade would have never happened the other launchers starting to make steam look like out dated trash.
Fuck Valve, and fuck the drones. I'm smiling ear to ear seeing them ironically not get to play the one game they were born for, a drone simulator.
Directly from r fucke*ic
mmm pasta
how could this bee
Holy fucking based
>bees dude haha bees!!!
what a meme insect
fuck off with your meme games
Fuck you faggot that's my original post you can't have it.
Lol the icing on the cake
I had the dev team of this game try to get me to shill their game on twitter.
I tweeted "man why isn't there a cool bee strategy game where I can manage a hive" or something like that
and they @'d me WE HAVE A BEE GAME DUDE *wink* *wink* in a clearly desperate attempt to get me to promote the game for them.
Absolutely based
>No crappy game. -Tim Sweeney
>Grim dawn
>Papers please
>Muh competition
Why are epicniggers so retarded? Everybody agrees competition is good, another store competing with steam isn't why Epic, and everybody who sides with them, gets tarred and feathered. Epic's practice of buying exclusives to force people to use their store is letting one big AIDS genie out of the bottle. Imagine if all the existing stores started operating like Epic. We'd either have to live with having all our Vidya exploded across a bunch of disfunctional shitpile launchers that barely work because each of them is holding X number of games you want to play hostage; Or it'll be the straw that broke the camel's back, launching a new wide spread age of piracy that finally kills the industry because suits are too retarded to figure out how steam became so successful in the first place
Yeah, I was honestly gunning for that earlier but that was mostly to steal their own word and turn it into an insult because the faggotry I found when I heard reddit were shutting the little cult clubhouse they built out of a self help group down was insane, reddit turned them into faggots and shutting them down meant they'd come back here and shit up the board.
I'm partly to blame but I was trying to get them to shut up about their made up problems because it weren't videogames.
Stay mad, steam is going down and there is nothing you can do about it.
>Zonitron and Silicon Echo
>spammed a total of 200 games
>massively copy the same game over a different name
>less playability than a game from Miniclip
are they even considred "indie" since they are actual flash minigames?
this snoy anal vore meme is one of the worst to come from Yea Forums frankly to be honest
I mean just from the tweet you can tell he's a cunt, he's asking to be spoonfed on twitter when he's supposed to be a fucking journalist and he's being confrontational for what is probably not a real reason to be confrontational
>Tim's Weenie says he won't accept crappy games on Septic Gay Store
>steals a SIMULATOR game of all things
the absolute state of the devs
>Steamdrones cry that steam needs competition
>Epic provides a safety net and tools in exchange for timed exclusvity, also has takes less of a cut in sales, forcing a response from steam
>Steam doesn't respond, because they are so incredibly wealthy with their market share, 30% cut and endless knife and hat sales that they simply don't give a shit
>Result is less games on steam, as steam isn't interested in providing better deals or support to tempt devs to their platform
>Somehow this is epics fault
>Bonus: GOG is busy improving their site, launcher and providing a DRM free platform for devs
Call me crazy but it almost sounds like steam is sitting on the top of their pile of money not willing to do anything. Its almost as if.. Steam bad?
Only worthwhile post in this entire thread.
So how much did (you) pay them to sponsor them?
Shut up chink
just bee yourself
Yep, competition is good, no doubt. I'm sure when steam sees their profit margins slip from a lack of revenue from indie masterpieces such as maneater, ooblets and bee simulator, they'll be motivated to roll out more improvements and benefits to the devs
>takes less of a cut in sales
>literally puts their game on -75% Sale or giveaway at random without warning them at the point of devs removing their games from the store page
I didn't. also my twitter was purged later that month because twitter sperged over the NPC meme
They are, just Epic is worse.
Most people are either moving to GOG (As well as steam) or staying on steam because its ubiquitous and most of the games are there.
Epic is poaching exclusives and making these deals in order to spend their way into the market, in order to not be faggots and compete you gotta do it by being good and Epic think throwing money around can replace that, it can but it costs much more than just being a decent competitor to Steam and is therefore retarded and deserving of mockery.
It can't be put any clearer but there it is, the reason Epic games have had so much pushback
Gaben is no longer intrested in global version of steam, he's currently busy being brutally fucked in the ass by Xi Jinping a.k.a winnie the pooh. Everything for steam china
holy shit a BEE SIMULATOR? wow this is what i've been waiting for to finally pull me over to epic's store!
>What is network effect
Your average customer is a fucking moron. This is why there is so much pushback. Does not matter, steam is a good as dead anyway
It's sad but for some fucking reason almost all other launchers except GOG are fucking shit. Why change anything when the "big competition" can't add fucking basic shit to the store and waste money on exclusive
>also has takes less of a cut in sales
You are not crazy, you are indeed retarded.
>unironically shilling for ebin
For what pvrpose?
>Inspired by Earthbound, Undertale, and other alt-RPGs
literallly one of the biggest red flags for an indieshit game.
Well it’s pretty much confirmed Epic poaches games from steam wishlist top, so...
jewben literally abandoned steam for china, fuck him
Reading is hard user I know but try again.
It's not a meme, it's technically true since devs tell epic their projected sales and Epic pays them for that amount of copies. Anything a game makes within that range goes to epic, while the devs are already paid. Basically it's still stealing but from Epic, not devs.
both valve and tencent are garbage. valve is responsible for lootboxes and "cinematic" movie games as we know them today, while tencent owns most of the multiplayer e-sports trash that dominates the pc gaming market. fuck both of them.
The only choice is GOG.
>Good launcher (2.0 at least, Galaxy 1.0 was shit)
>Good sales
Only epic can save pc gaming.
Looks pretty neat.
>I'm a tree friend, Tim is a tree friend means Tim is my friend too
>Bee Simulator
Might bee cool.
Yeah but that doesn't explain why smarter people are fuelling it, Epic made a shit store and had to justify its own existance, tried to carve out a market by erecting walls rather than the tearing down they are claiming publicly and now Yea Forums has a bug problem, is it any wonder why people don't like Epic?
When they could have just as easily done this right, launch boasting a 10% cut for themselves, a 10% larger cut for devs and 10% off the price for consumers, fund indies from the start of dev cycles or pick ones that have potential but arent doing so hot financially and not require exclusivity (this way they can still say they are doing good things for PC on twitter but now its true and some indies would then go exlcusive of their own volition to show gratitude) and finally but most importantly, they should have launch with a feature complete store, bugs would have been tolerable if it wasnt a stripped down alpha with a ridiculous roadmap.
Steam will live on because its reached too big to fail in a market where no one competant can challenge them.
can you land and crawl about or is just a shitty flight game with the model swapped to bee a bee?
noooooo it can't bee like that
>Steamdrones cry that steam needs competition
Who are you quoting?
>bee simulator
>buzz around
>fuck flowers for sugar
>vomit sugar syrup into their mouths by having hot lesbian french kisses with your sister worker bees
>have hot lesbian french kiss with another sister worker who will vomit her digested sugar syrup into you
>sting something
I guess a controversy was the only way they could create a buzz around their game.
>I'm a little confused as to who exactly it is that keeps making these threads.
Devs, obviously.
That's a shame this game was getting some good buzz.
>Dev tells Epic to fuck off
>Game is a big hit
>Is making free DLC to celebrate
Not everyone cares about Tencent bribes.
Gabe is a madman
A genius madman
curation is another word for censorship
they were bee-tier anyway.
>epicshills went into overdrive about DARQ's supposed failure as an example of why devs should go to epic
>DARQ s actually a success, customers are happy with the dev, dev is happy with the feedback and customer reviews and is taking helpful criticism to improve the game
>my distributor is better than yours
Truly the epitome of bootlicking. This is why nobody takes you digitalkeks seriously. You literally don't give a fuck about video games as a whole, what you have is have a library with a fuckton of games because seeing sales provided you with a dopamine rush, and all you have is 5-6 hours at best in playtimes, then you get bored and never play these games again then you wonder why you are so burned out of video games.
> all you have is 5-6 hours at best in playtimes
>says the consolefag who thinks renting games by monthly cocksucking so that he can play the latest walking simulator for 5 minutes is a good thing
Nice projecting, I don't even have a console. Get fucked bootlicker.
Wow, did I strike a nerve for you to sperg out like this corporate shilltard?
Steamdrones don't even fucking play games they bought. Only 30% of people completed darq, a fucking 2 hours game for 20$. What the fuck they have in their heads
WAIT WAIT Steam is reddit? EGS is Yea Forums? Why didnt you tell me sooner?? Installing EGS right fucking now, i just hope im not too late to fit in
I like to imagine Valve employees spend their working time pro bono, making games to sell to EGS instead
>Doing something
What year is this?
The bees are trans
Indie game developers are some of the most entitled people on the planet, they will spit in the faces of their fans whilst taking their money simultaneously. Fuck them, let them get paid off by Epic and watch as their sales flop harder than their uncle's semi-flaccid penis.
Male bees only have one chromosome and live for half the duration as female bees aka the rest of them
So yeah, bees ants, termites, naked mole rats, etc are ideal feminist societies
What about trans bees?
>Indie game developers are some of the most entitled people on the planet
True, only gamers are more entitled than game devs.
Based retard. You're not entitled to make people sell your asset flip.
And rightfully so, the consumers are what makes an endeavour profitable.
But i worked very hard on my shitting simulator
Years of shitposting have warped people's brains to the point where they think this is the only way to start a conversation. You can't just talk about it; it has to be under 7 layers of ironic shitposting about how Xfags got blown the fuck out, even if there aren't actually any Xfags or Yfags and it's really just a bunch of faggots pretending. Genuine conversations are a diamond in the rough at this point.
Male bees only have one copy of the FEMALE sex chromosome
Thus it can be argued that all male bees are trans because humans with only one female chromosomes still develop as female. Or something. I dunno how these libtards think, user
>GoG is busy improving their site
thanks bro
>Who gives a shit what store you go to as long as you get the product you want and why try to force some major rivalry when it's just a matter of taste?
Every new store means new login data. As 90% of people use one or two passwords for everything it just needs a single database breach. If you run all those programs at the same time it can cause performance and security issues with your PC. It is already known that EA likes to search through your PC with Origin so why would I give up my data to even more companies like that?
Meanwhile everyone who plays on Epic 100% all their games, you just cant see it because the ability to see completion % is still a feature in development coming """soon"""
>This game gets some light shone upon it just when minecraft gets bees
what a time to bee alive
>Meanwhile everyone who plays on Epic 100% all their games
Obviously, epic chards are not steamdrones. We play games, not collect them
>you just cant see it because the ability to see completion % is still a feature in development coming """soon"""
Yeah, archivments are in development. Waste of time if you ask me, but who cares
Chads don't call themselves chads, virgins.
Cope harder faggot. This is not some kind of secret knowledge that steamdrones buy games to never touch them.
Guess the game wasn't tracking so well (even though the whole world has been waiting for a bee simulator). The dev had to get the free money guarantee from Tim to safeguard from losses.
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam China 蒸汽 Half-Life 半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数
>INT. Epic Games board room meeting
>Tim Sweenet sits at a desk, staring wall-eyed behind thick glasses
>several shadowy figures are seated at the large table, a Chinese translator is standing behind some to communicate with the rest of his retinue from China
>Tim: (nasal voice) People. We need memes. We need memes but we don't know what to do.
>Shadowy Figure 1: (raises hand) Uh, master?
>Tim: Yes, Shittington?
>Shittington: (sips his cup of Tim jizz and clears throat) There are many memes against us. Uh... I think we should just rebrand those.
>Tim: I don't follow. Memes *against* us?
>Shittington: Yes. Memes involving our Chinese ownership and... (translator is heard babbling in the background) memes involving the screwing of the consumer.
>Tim: (stares wall-eyed and confused)
>Shadowy Figure 2: Sir, what Shittington is referring to is these... (slides printed out memes onto the table)
>Tim: (examines the memes) These look great, Fagface!
>Fagface: They're not, sire. They're all slights.
>Shittington: M'lord... I suggest that we just put Gabe Newell's face on all these. In fact, every meme involving Valve and Steam, we'll just... flip the script in an innitiative I call "Flip The Script"... and plaster your face over Gabe's and vice versa!
>Tim: And you will be making the jpegs?
>Dorkington: No, sir, Aids Lard will be doing that. He will be posting them as well.
>Aids Lard: (raises limp wrist from the corner) Yo.
>Tim: Very well... carry out operation Flip The Script!
>*everyone starts to gather their things to leave*
>*tim removes his pants and presents his anus to the board room, as do the Tencent representatives*
>Tim: You're forgetting to chew the crust off! DO it slow this time!
>Shadowy figures: Yes, master! Consume shit scrapings to please master!
and here we are.
Seems like chinese valve copy pasta is working. He's already in steam cards mine.
Weird fetish, but okay
>the epicshill took this thread seriously even though it was another garbage simulator game that most of us never even heard of.
this is funny.
You niggers still haven't named a single thing that I, as a consumer, get from supporting Epic. Sure, it may be nice for the devs but there is not a single fucking benefit in for me.
Games that are not on steam?
by that logic EA is pro-consumer.
Would explain why this DARQ game which is just another 1-2 hour long Limbo-esque game was one of the top 50 wishlisted games despite no one seemingly having heard of it until the "I'm against Epic's bribery" stuff from the dev exploded.
If you want to consumer games available on their store than yes, i guess they are. Not only that but ther offered refunds 4 years before steam did. In my book, they are way more pro-consumer than valve is, unironically
and valve is still more pro-consumer then epic.
I would say that epic does not have software at the level of valve.I wouldn't call it "anti-consumer" but whatever sooner or later that will change, and people will still scream anti-consumer for at least next 5 years because they simply don't want to deal with another launcher. This is the main complaint
>If you want to consumer games available on their store than yes,
exclusivity is not pro-consumer, if anything it is anti-consumer and is not a reason to use there store.
user did you know that simulators are among the most popular genres on PC? even if not many people have heard of this specific game it still has a huge potential to sell extremely well, especially to kids in a form of edutainment and also make epic a shit ton of money and new customers.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
So how can valve be more pro-consumer then they already are?
also 5 years from now the epic store still will not have a shopping cart.
Imagine if this happened now, I bet Sweeney would give the guy $1m for his game and sell it as being "Too hot for Steam"
>exclusivity is not pro-consumer
If that is the case, then why people don't boycutt games exclusive to steam? Yes, games like MH are exclusive and don't give me the
>but you can get steam keys elsewhere
bullshit because it's the case for epic also.
This is copyright problem, fags here love to scream
>steam monopoly
>egs monopoly
But the truth is, the one with absolute monopoly are the ones with copyrights. And since humanity is not able to deal with intellectual property better than copyrights you may as well hang yourself if you don't like it.
If you don't have problems with exclusivity as long as it's exclusive to steam than you're just a drone, nothing more nothing less
Store bullshit aside, if done right a bee game could be fucking cool.
no games on steam are exclusive to steam except for the games valve made themselves, while epic themselves force devs to sign a agreement to not put there games on steam or else they cannot put there game on their store.
I do not even know what game that is
>But the truth is, the one with absolute monopoly are the ones with copyrights.
then i guess valve is not a monopoly then.
>no games on steam are exclusive to steam except for the games valve made themselves
Any game that uses Steamworks for online is exclusive to Steam. I am not saying that's a bad thing for the developers but it forces the game to be exclusive.
But this one is probably going to be shit like most simulator games.
>Any game that uses Steamworks for online is exclusive to Steam. I am not saying that's a bad thing for the developers but it forces the game to be exclusive.
Do you even know what steamworks even is? that is only on the steam versions, the devs can still choose to place a version of the game without it on the different store.
>Do you even know what steamworks even is?
Do you? It sounds like you don't.
Please point me to a PC game that uses Steamworks on Steam and doesn't use it elsewhere.
tell me how steamworks prevents a dev from selling their game somewhere else.
I asked you to provide me with a single PC game and you instead asked me a question, can I take that as an admission of there being none?
World of Goo
How about you answer my question first.
not that user, but i can give you
>a hat in time
those use steamworks but seem to be just fine on other platforms and stores, but with less features.
include me in the screencap
Hmm no I asked first, it's only polite.
Not anymore, I take it you were using the old valvedeveloper wiki list?
Thank you, someone who can point to some actual games. FF14 makes sense since the online framework is handled elsewhere but I'm surprised Hat in Time uses it all for it's minor online DLC.
so steamworks does not prevent devs from selling their games on other stores or platforms, i don't even know why you even thought that as steamworks is a set of tools for devs, not an agreement.
> i don't even know why you even thought that as steamworks is a set of tools for devs, not an agreement.
It's almost like these games that use Steamworks rely on it for features like, I don't know, server hosting?
I mean you DO know what Steamworks does right?
free advertising as always
>Force devs
No one is forcing anyone. Which is why your whole narrative is wrong
>It's almost like these games that use Steamworks rely on it for features like, I don't know, server hosting?
still do not understand how that would prevent the devs from selling on other platforms. games with servers existed before steam.
>Not anymore
I did not know that. Enter the Gungeon?
then how come every single game on the epic game store is a exclusive?
nigga google already knows everything about you, who cares at this point?
Okay you're retarded, I'll stop replying, I'll just leave you with this little mind-blowing fact:
Games that are develoved for PC around Steamworks will have a hard time building the game without it.
>Okay you're retarded, I'll stop replying, I'll just leave you with this little mind-blowing fact
OK retard.
>Games that are developed for PC around Steamworks will have a hard time building the game without it.
you didn't even prove this, you just made thing sound like steamworks just makes things more convent for the devs.
Theoretically it does not prevent from selling elsewhere but it force devs to put additional work to remove steamworks and to do a lot of things from the start. There is a very good reason why valve forced any game to have steamworks for a couple of years. Only when steam competitors such as stardusk and impulse were pretty much dead valve allowed games without steamworks. I am talking here about steamworks as drm solution. Valve is unable to do shit now because games are firstly released on epic, epic does not have any solution that would prevent selling on every single storefront with no additional costs. Even their multi solutions are not tied to storefront, unlike valve ones
>simulators are among the most popular genres on PC?
They're the most popular in Germany since they are the only people autistic enough to treat them as a legit genre.
A hat in time. the Steam version uses Steamworks for the Online party mode where you can see up to 49 other players, and the GOG version doesn't have it
Just read this you fucking faggot
And i mean it, read this. Not the title but the whole thing
check this list of games that are most popular on steam, some of them are years old. sure civ games are strategy genre but they are also great history simulators.
Do they not have jobs there or something, that's the only reason why i would see simulator games ever be popular.
a) because epic game store is a plie of shit compared to all of the competitors
b) because supporting a company that pays developers to release only on their platform is anti-consumer and a bad precedent
That list hasn't changed in years barring MHW, Remnant, NMS and Underlords.
and PUBG
and Fallout 4
and BDO
that's my point user. people love strategy games and simulators on PC. some hunting and fishing simulators on release also get into top 20 most played on steam list. the sims franchise sold over 200 million copies and it's among the top 10 best selling video game franchises of all time.
You can keep this one Tim my lad, not into shitty meme simulators
Will this game let me bee myself?
fuck off faggot, this isn't only unfunny but also forced
Honey, you jelly?
I guess nobody will bee playing this then
>Can actually point out the moment Steamcucks start seething
For fucks sake, these kinds of discussion are trash and therefore belong on somewhere like Yea Forums.
i dont care that gog, green man gaming, ubi store, blizzard store, EA origin, or well any other fucking store front exists.
I hate EA cause they are pieces of shit who do bad business practices.
And I hate the epic store because the storefront itself is a culmination of shitty business practices moth balled onto a shitty store front.
Atleast EA made Origin fucking good, what fucking excuse does epic have?
Epic is saving industry by introducing new cut standard
how low have the mighty fallen
Not him, but gaming industry profits increase every year while game quality not so.
You started well enough but then went full on cringe. You need to try harder, steamcuck
Steam has been anti-consumer for literally its entire existence. It's still anti-consumer today, go read the EULA, make sure to check out the part where it requires you to wave your right to file a class action lawsuit in order to use it. You're pissing and moaning about shit that doesn't matter while shit that does matter gets a free pass. Digital-only releases for non-indie shit, publisher-controlled de-listing, DRM of any kind, these are anti-consumer and have become completely normal thanks to you fucking retards eating it up. But no, now that there's yet another online storefront, suddenly you care, but only about temporary exclusives? You're practically sub-human.
steam drones are literally subhuman tier, like egs has no drm at all, egs can die right now and you can play 90% of your games, steam dies right now and you can play like 1-5% of your games
You are talking about revenue, as far as i know there is no statistics about profits. It's significant growth that clearly outweigh increase in investment but problem is. Mobile gaming is a fucking train that is behind that grow, and that cut is a pretty big step to prevent developers to escape to mobile. Especially when that slight at first sign cut change may result in huge profit increase especially in big projects.
What do pc players do to help industry? They do their best to support valve cut because much no shopping cart. Unironically faggots care more about gaben than shit they are going to consume, pathetic as fuck
Damn Epicucks, what happened? Why is our boy Timmy Tencent securing a bunch of shitty games?
Why the fuck wouldn't they be? The whole point of "indies" is that they fucking think their shitty botched imitations of real games made by hardworking developers are actually in some form or other independent. The reality is the exact opposite.
Fuck dude, Nintendo is one of the most independent studios there is, since they even make their own (admittedly shitty) hardware.
>hating on bees
i seriously hope you guys don't do this
(You) for effort.
How did this shit even come about?
Never knew about this "game" before this post really.
I remember.
The dev even posted on Yea Forums to defend himself but got even more triggered because people kept laughing at him.
>It forces them to remove it in order to do other builds
I mean it doesn't work that way because steamworks isn't integrated by default with no options to remove it and its on the devs to put it in, EU4 has some tools that do that though, its called the Gameworks integration and they are part of the reason UE4's performance isn't better, its good software but it isn't optimised at all and Nvidia won't let anyone touch it because muh IP.
Valve did a shitty thing does not justify Epic doing shitty things, both are shitters and given the option I'd ruin both and make pc gaming just start over.
>Praising origin is cringe
Clearly you've never used it, unlike Epic EA knows how to make something decent, like Epic they just don't know where the line between making good money and all the money at the expense of everyone else should be drawn.
is teh bee transgeneder tho
>bee simular
It's just some gay Flower knockoff with shitty combat tacked on.