He got $2 BILLION for Minecraft and you know what he gave his employees?

He got $2 BILLION for Minecraft and you know what he gave his employees?

$200k each. That's 0.01% of his $2 billion. What a fucking kike holy shit.

Attached: 2019.04.29-07.42-boundingintocomics-5cc753a6001b9.png (750x400, 116K)

t. jeb


Why would he give them more?

>Notch: sole dev for the base game
>creative head behind it and the ideas
>some random dude hired to code in stuff
>gets paid a standard salary for that kind of work

Everything checks out.

So? I wouldn't give them shit let alone 200k LOL. He already gave them the gift of employment.

Hi, Notch. Did you finish that stale candy yet?

That's pretty good as far as severance goes. Get out of your mom's basement sometime, gay baby OP

>Notch: sole dev for the base game
>creative head behind it and the ideas
He stole the game idea from another guy and Yea Forums told him all the good shit to put in
>Why would he give them more?
Because it's more money than 100 people could spend in a lifetime and if not for their work Minecraft wouldn't be what it is. He sold the company, surely the employees should benefit for their hard work? 200k is a slap in the face.

I thought he gave each of them 1 mill?

Either way, 200k is still good severance, that's a year or twos salary

And then he had to give 1 bil to his wife.

He did the vast majority of the work. He deserved the money

>he bought into the game development job meme

>He already gave them the gift of employment.
Kill yourself boomer

>communism good
>orange man bad


>He did the vast majority of the work
No he didn't. He stole ideas and programmed them extremely shittily.

his employees are now getting paid by microsoft for doing fuck all anyways, why do you care so much?

user, if it was anyone else they wouldn't have even given their employees that. Notch was really nice for giving them 200 k, that's a big sum for just getting recruited and working on a game with a guy.

But user he needs those billions of dollars so he can sit in his giant mansion and shitpost on Twitter.

Giving your employees $1 million each when you have 2000 x $1 million and only like 20 employees isn't communism, it's called not being a piece of shit.

>if not for their work Minecraft wouldn't be what it is
literally hire any code monkey to do their job

Notch gave them the bare minimum he could get away with not being sued. If he gave them nothing he'd be sued out the ass, he gave them just barely big enough a sum that he can't be sued.

>$200k each.
why? they didn't deserve anything more than their salary

200k is enough to retire if you aren't a retarded fuckwit


This is why he's alone and unhappy, he's just a shitty person. If you can't be happy with money you're just a failed human being. Give me 1/10th of that and I'd be in constant bliss.

So what? They were there, they contributed. He has 2000 x $1,000,000 and he's too greedy to give them a fair share of the spoils.

He should have given them much less.

look at all the seething poorfags itt

And they stole it from another game and on and on
similar games to Minecraft had been floating around for a while but they were all shit
Notch was the first one to perfect it.

You know, every time the rich get too dumb they get guillotined.


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He was the sole owner of the company. He didn't have to give them anything.

sued... for what? You are delusional

why do people on the right worship the rich despite being poor themselves?

>can retire on 200k
>calls others "retarded fuckwit"

yikes dog

>Be massive kike

Attached: 2BC95FDA00000578-3220333-More_tweets_The_billionaire_spoke_about_how_his_former_company_s-a-29_14412 (634x595, 82K)


They already got their 200k for "contributing". Its more than enough tbqh

Why are communists so retarded?

He didn't HAVE to do anything but he's a massive piece of shit for being so greedy and he deserves to be alone in his mansion with his fake, soulless leech model friends

Notch is a greedy fuckhead. it’s a lie that he was the one with all of the ideas. Jeb did pretty much all of the planning and work from 1.8 and beyond. We worked so hard on that game and it’s fucking bullshit that lazy fat fuck got so much money for vacationing every month and a half

>2000 x $1,000,000
How many is that

why are people on the left filled with ressentiment towards their betters even when they're giving people who barely contributed beyond donkey work 200k with no obligation to do so? It's hard wanting to eat the rich whilst not being some slave morality faggot. Everyone's gay.

Yeah, and he didn't have to give them shit. They already got paid for their work and presumably agreed to the initial terms of payment. What kind of ungrateful faggot looks at a gift of $200,000 and has the gall to complain it's not enough?

Jeb ruined minecraft

>He didn’t have to do anything but he’s an asshole because he didn’t do what I thought was enough

And where is Jeb right now?

kind of a fag move, i would've given them a bit more. he had no obligation to give hem anything though

Because the rich worked hard or had excellent ideas and leadership skills to make their dreams come true and become rich, while the poor are lazy talentless sheep unable to think or do anything with their lives other than wageslaving?

Reminder the mod community shits all over and does the progression to construction thing infinitely better than mojang could ever dream of doing and factories are an obvious and necessary addition.

>He got
Yeah, he did, not them. Fucking beggars man.

They can also put "worked on Minecraft" on their resume.. My grandmother knows what Minecraft is so that's gonna go a long way on a job hunt

>Yea Forums dev
Works out.

Wow why don’t modders join the Minecraft team then?


Attached: 39427c612c2be9b300417e5eb78e546b.png (627x1360, 203K)

Jeb’s most likely being paid peanuts for his work

>act like an NPC while calling other people NPCs

Adding superfluous shit like bees to Minecraft while failing to address the game's actual issues

>100k in debt
how do you think she did it, Yea Forums?

Attached: image.jpg (500x500, 34K)

>creates the 2nd most sold game of all time
>wtf why does he have so much money bros??
Fuck off you dirty commie

I will never understand worshipping the rich. How the fuck can you defend that amount of wealth in so few hands? Historically when it gets like this we usually kill them and start fresh.

I'd rather be a piece of shit and have 2kkk instead of 1.98kkk then

>trannies aren't mentally i-

Bees increase crop growth.
They arent useless

Success breeds jealousy

Gotta be honest about Notch user. He's an idiot who got lucky.

The idea of minecraft had been around for a while. I remember even countless 2D browser games with the base idea that had been based off of old console games. It had been tried before in pieces and dreamed about by lego fans and Lego themselves for ages, but the technology was just never quite there.

Once Notch made the game and it went viral it took no time, none at all, for companies to make clones that were mechanically and graphically superior, improved on the based game, or took the basic concepts of building and digging only to build another game around. They never caught on because minecraft was first. It was a well known name overnight and no one could surpass it no matter how shittily minecraft was programmed, how clunky and terrible the mechanics were, no matter how utterly hideous the base game's graphics were. The first reason anyone had to mod the game were to fix how it looked because just the grass and dirt textures were almost painful for some people to look at on a large poorly rendered world that ended in fog a few feet away for anyone without a gaming pc.

And redstone? The game needed more interesting types of items, more veriety in blocks and materials, better emphasis on the mining and more visual options for crafting, but the big dork Notch made redstone, and did it poorly, something only a tiny number of the game's players would ever get into for more than a light switch or door, and which could have been easily implemented in much more practical ways.

Anyone could have made minecraft. It being made was inevitable. Every kid with legos had the idea for "what if a lego game" and that was minecraft. It would have been made soon enough because technology had just reached the point where it could be made.

And Notch was just a lucky bastard who's college project went viral with server hosting forum communities at the exact right time.

Attached: erqwerqwr.jpg (540x361, 102K)

>gives his employees 200k each and makes sure they don't get fucked by microsoft as soon as he's out of the picture
>they hate him for this
Should've just kept the money tbqhwyfam

>200k is not a lot of money
OP is a greedy fuck. Not surprised.

They are desperately trying to claim positions they don't have just to spite the left. You are talking to the same people that think it's good that Trump suggested we nuke hurricanes.

>Jeb did pretty much all of the planning and work from 1.8 and beyond
That's when minecraft started going to shit

This is why capitalism is a failure for mankind. It just doesn’t fit with our instincts.

>muh gibs
>muh trump
>we live in a society
czechs out

>Anyone could have made minecraft.
So why didn’t they do it first?

what sort of fucking bitter virgin are you lot if you wouldn't hook your friend up with a mill so you he live a comfy life?

How can you defend so many hands unwilling to excercise self-restraint and not make people rich

>200k is still good severance
It's not even severance. Those people are still working at Mojang, only now they're also Microsoft employees.

The 200k was literally just a gift to them.

You're a subhuman tramp, you know that right? Pure scum.

>here guys, let me pay off your mortgage!
only a dumb fucking Yea Forums kiddie would have a problem with this. you forget notch was working on this game alone for years beforehand.

and before you start crying about infiniminer - that game played nothing like Minecraft. Team based multiplayer game where you mine blocks for points. notch took the open source block tech and made an adventure game around it. he founded mojang late in development and hired people to work on HIS game. so why the fuck would he give them more than he already did? they were his employees, they didn't have shares in the company, they weren't founders.

please think before you make any more posts user it's the least you can do for your Yea Forums friends.

Dude they did it themselves with scummy lobbying tactics. Of course they're going to vote to give themselves more pay, they're all fucking sociopaths anyway.

Just off em and start over.

what is infiniminer?

They didn't deserve shit. They weren't any better devs than notch was, even when he started having proper programmers work on the game the updates still added nothing of substance, and that still continues to this day. They have no right to complain when their entire team spends a year doing nothing and just adds something retarded like bees once a year. If microsoft was smart they would just fire them and get a new team to do some actual work, but notch probably negotiated that they can't be fired or something like that.

But they deserve more because they worked on it, not because they actually created the engine and ideas behind it.

>Once Notch made the game and it went viral it took no time, none at all, for companies to make clones that were mechanically and graphically superior,
christ you cube world fags are insufferable. your game is dead

In this case it’s an issue that often comes up with people that start businesses. The regular employees are never that happy as they get whole new bosses and believe they should have gotten all the profits even if the boss sacrificed a lot early on.

you're mentally ill and severely paranoid.

I don't get why he thought he should buy that giant fucking LA house.

Why would you not just buy a nice big apartment in a city of your choosing and a second home somewhere quieter, decorate them however you see fit, and it would still cost a fraction of the house he bought.

I'd just do those and then offer a select group of friends enough for them to retire on right now if they so choose.

What is blockland?

I would have given them more so I'm well within my rights to look down on someone who didn't. Generosity is a virtue, hording isn't.

Christ, people here are actually shilling Notch. The guy's a moronic manchild who got lucky, didn't play well with others, and didn't pay his employees fairly for how successful their game was. Yeah I know some idiots here think paying your employees fairly is communism and they're happy to kiss corporate asses all day for pennies to their lower level boss's dollar, but just because you want to cuck yourselves it doesn't make Notch anything more than an obnoxious manchild who got lucky.

why are the right obssessed with blacked?
it's cuckoldry

Have you seen how slow and insignificant the updates got AFTER he hired a team?
Those lacy fucks got more then they deserve. Modders work better and faster then that for free.
In fact there used to be a baby animal mod before the game officially added it that not only had better looking baby models but also more gameplay additions

A hot take that's for sure, I'll stil say having an idea is all fine and dandy, but if you don't do anything with it, it's worth jack shit, so I still think there's some merit to just being "the first one to do it".

>gift? for grug?
>grug want more gift
>BIG gift
>wimpy gift giver bad

Attached: image.png (1382x1074, 2.67M)

>But they deserve more because
Alright then, when you get billions off a property you own, feel free to give that much to the people who helped.

Most people in Notchs situation would not have given that 200k each. If you're such a good person that you'd give more, that's cool, I guess?

>hurr he just got lucky
If there were plenty of these types of games around why didn't they get popular and not Minecraft?

Why did the market decide that Minecraft was the best version of all these games?
Its almost as if Notch made an actually good product instead of all the shit versions that came before.
"got lucky" my ass don't get butthurt because your shitty block game didn't work out and Minecraft did.

I said the games failed user. They had no chance and I never thought they did when they were new.

>people who have almost nothing to do with a product should get more then 1% of the profit
user you sound like somebody who will never create anything worth while. Only a person like would think like this

>he s-should live in a s-s-smaller house!
>he should pay his coderats 7 figures each

Who cares because they didn’t market it?

t. mad reddit tranny who thinks it's an epic own to use tired 6 year old buzzwords like cuck

All I'm seeing is a guy gave people 200k with no obligation. What kind of insane person has a problem with that?

Where the fuck did you get that from? I don't agree with the idea he should have given people more money at all, in fact I've disagreed with it previously in this thread.

What the fuck are you talking about?

When I won the lottery I gave all my friends 25k.

When you said he should buy a tiny house and pay his friends expenses for the upcoming decades

Exactly, no one knows because they're shit

You can argue he shouldn't have given them the money, but how can you be surprised they resent him? He had to know he was burning all those bridges.

brainlet analogy

Wow you should have given them more

I bet those employees didn't go and give everyone in their lives $20 did they, fucking manky commie hypocrites.

>He's an idiot who got lucky.
Are you insinuating that he is undeserving of his wealth because it relied on the whole 'right place at the right time' shtick? Because if so, that's pretty retarded since he's far from the first, nor the last, person to experience it in any capacity.

Don't take wrongly, I'm not arguing with you. I just think this is a pointless talk to have. As you said so yourself:
>Anyone could have made minecraft. It being made was inevitable.
Had Notch not been the one to do so, wouldn't this Person X just be another "idiot who got lucky"?

People did plenty with the idea, its just that none of their market could ever run the goddamn things. Lego tried hard real early with their "creator" games, but it was marketed towards kids who had to use the "family computer" at the time to play the damn thing. Lego was just too early. I could maybe dig up some other ancient forgotten examples. People had tried to do the "destructible and buildable terrain" as a gimmick in other games because the technology wasn't there to support that concept on its own. People dreamed too big or tried too early or arrived too late.

It's like there's a lottery ticket dispenser user. A lot of people bought tickets. You didn't notice them because they didn't win. You didn't see the people who bought it right after notch, you didn't see the people who bought it years before him, you at most saw the lines who wanted to be the next winner but were too late because there wasn't another winning ticket. He got the lucky draw.


That's my point. Who cares that he stole idea, he managed to sell it, and that is important

If you were in his position, how much would YOU have given them?

In fact the people who keep saying these things are the least likely to give even a dime.

Why, that was alot @______@
Alot more than what I would have got if any of them won xD

Why didn't you give your friends all of it and keep a 1000 for yourself you jew kike proletariat?

I already gave them jobs that should be enough desu

Dude I could not spend a billion if I tried. I would give far more than he did. But I also wouldn't be a friendless loser.

How the fuck can you steal an idea everyone has? That’s just retarded

his employees where disloyal trash that belong in the bog.

>only 25k
Cheapass. You should have given them all of it.

to be fair, this is notch pre-"isolation mindbreak". fuckold screenshot that still uses stars on twitter

Almost all success in life involves a large amount of luck, trying to use luck to diminish achievements is just as bad form as an idiot who thinks their success is 100% all down to themselves.

>twitter expert

You think the employees are entitled to ANYTHING other than actually keeping their job once the sale has gone through? fuck you commie nigger, getting 200k was more than enough

I want Steve to be treated as an actual character

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I live in Italy montichiari 25 aprile 191 no job let's hang out

He took the initiative to do it first. If that is luck, then everything is luck, which isn't really wrong, but still needlessly precise.

Are you too retarded to comprehend why a leech who barely did any work, paid fuck all to the all the people who actually did the work and made his game is wrong?

It would take me about three and a half years to make that kind of money - that is a huge gift to receive with no strings attached.

Its OK to admit you don’t know how businesses work.

this. People just hate Notch and want to shit on him for anything because of his opinions.

>If there were plenty of these types of games around why didn't they get popular and not Minecraft?
Because, dipshit, as I already said, the technology wasn't there. The ones with a budget came out and flopped, it never got finished because it took too much processing power at the time. When Notch made minecraft things had just barely gotten to where a large enough people could support it. At the time the average person's PC or laptop struggled to run minecraft, but it got its first big break with gaming communities online, people who could run games and still struggled with the poorly programmed java mess notch made.

>Why did the market decide that Minecraft was the best version of all these games?
It was first and was a household name, there was (at first) no big title behind it, it had already been established online as a big deal before any of the clone makers caught on to how big a deal was. People didn't just accept that a thing could get big through the internet back then user.

Its almost as if Notch made an actually good product instead of all the shit versions that came before.
He made it in Java. Stop shilling the manchild. He got big for a shitty java mess of code that made a lot of programmers very angry in just how clumsily it was put together, and a lot of artists angry at just how hideous it looked. All it had was the idea and that's all it needed.

scamming Yea Forums retards is the best thing someone can do.

>How the fuck can you steal an idea everyone has?
Stealing it isn't the point mongoloid, everyone had the idea but who took the idea and made Minecraft? Notch, he actually did something with it. If I have an idea for a revolutionary technology and don't do shit about it and then someone else comes along and copyrights it and starts producing it why does my original concept of the idea matter? I didn't do fuck all with it. "everyone" having the idea amounts to nothing.


>I'd quite frankly be UPSET if the former owner of the company I work for gave me two hundred thousand dollars!

Dead game that community BEGGED devs to update, but they decided to pursue other shit. I know it cause I was one of those people, playing the game when it was still popular with other indie enthusiasts. There were a couple of mods but they didn't fly. Staying with the game and keeping the community alive is more important in the long run than just churning out a creative idea. There are tons of creative ideas at every goddamn game jam, but their realization is lacking, which doesn't allow devs turn those into fully fledged products.

I'm just saying you can't rely to always use very old screenshots to back you up because people can change, and Notch has arguably changed for the worse. not for his political stances, but cor his mental health. he's infinitely rich yet makes sure no one likes him while simultaneously complaining of being alone.

>Muh copyrights

>The ones with a budget came out and flopped
Excuses made for games that were left behind because they were rightfully shit
>It was first
Wait, I thought you were bitching that Minecraft WASNT the first? Get your shit together fuckbrain

i dont blame the guy but i wont cry when his heart gives out and his unspent 1.5 billion cant save him.

40 million is a massive amount of money for an individual to have, if he had any sense hedtake responsibility for what all that money could do and make things better at least for some. or die secretly detested by those closest to him and celebrate his passing cause now theyre rich.

Most of the people who defend Notch are probably spoiled Neets who haven't worked a honest day of work in their life, otherwise wouldn't be such bootlicking cucks

>Are you insinuating that he is undeserving of his wealth because it relied on the whole 'right place at the right time' shtick?
No, a lot of rich fucks become rich fucks because they got lucky.

I only said to stop shilling the man because he doesn't deserve your white knighting.

zachtronic are pretty good, they just want to make fun puzzle games, which aren't really suited to long term content development.

I got a good book with all the cool game ideas they have had over the years, they are relentless

200k is a lot of money.

As a millionaire, I hate beggars.

Get under my foot. worse than scum.

>intentionally missing muh point because im right

His employees didn't actually do anything. They deserved less

You mean everytime a salty lower tier rich guy sees an opportunity, the rich get guillotined, the poorfags get promised the world and everything goes back into a cycle of dumbfaggotry with masters boot still firmly on the peasants' necks.

They were console exlusive clones that ran better and looked nicer, but because they were overpriced console exclusives and everyone who was anyone was playing the original, no one cared about the clones. That's how it works dumbass.

Children aren't allowed on Yea Forums

Actually as a business owner I see the whining of all you spoiled manchildren who haven't created anything in their lives and feel for Notch because you idiots think you should get a bigger piece of the pie for my ideas and hardwork.
Fuck off

t. bootlicking white knight cuck kissing ass to a manchild who built himself a candy room. You like those buzzwords? They have more weight than yours.

>$2 Billion
>absolutely miserable and lonely by his own admission
his mental health is in a fucking free fall right about now

Attached: 1554712440460.jpg (494x488, 50K)

He already explained in his wall of text, you mouth breather.

the xbla shit you're talking about did not look better (fancy shaders but utterly soulless looking in every other aspect)

They don't deserve shit. Notch was the owner of Minecraft. The money was given to him. Not Mojang. $200k is more than generous considering they weren't entitled to a single cent of his money.

notch is a cop?

Well I guess you aren't a nigger. One of them could go bankrupt off a billion easy.

Why do people on the left feel entitled to other people's wealth? Whether a person has a little or a lot, it belongs to that person. Perhaps they wish their offspring to be set for generations to come. Insuring their loved ones are always secure. I personally wouldn't want my children or grandchildren to suffer the poor life I've lead.

If a bum off of the side of the road asked for your 100 bucks because you have 3,000 in the bank, should you?

>Yea Forums told him all the good shit to put in
Yeah that's pretty stupid. Stop responding to those threads where people ask for your best video game design ideas. Or if you must respond then teach them wrong as a joke.

>Actually as a business owner

>I see the whining of all you spoiled manchildren who haven't created anything in their lives and feel for Notch because you idiots think you should get a bigger piece of the pie for my ideas and hardwork.
He made the game in java. That's like building a house using only a handsaw and using a brick as a hammer. So yeah, it was harder work than was necessary, very stupidly hard work by a stupid man. Which is why he's so ripe for mockery.

You haven't built anything from the ground up, you're just a white knighting shill talking out your ass.

you have no concept of how big a billion actually is, brainlet


This is why you just don't stop working even if you become rich. Money can't buy you mental health.

I expect nothing more from people who are clearly the product of generations of bad decisions/shit living that never invested in themselves or their kids. Anyone who is poor right now, if they can't change or are to stupid to change their financial situation should at least try make life for their kids a few degrees better than the upbringing they had, then we might see some progress.

>the boss massively underpaying his employees in order to line his own pockets is ok because /pol/ said it's communism otherwise.

Don't forget that you can't just give a lot of money without paying shitload of taxes for it.

But you’re not right. Everyone did something with the idea of building LEGOs in a video game.

This, most of us could easily live off of just $5mil for a long time, some for the rest of their lives. If you're a reasonable person who doesnt spend money like a waterfall pours water its impossible to spend $2bil.

>having slain me this morn
He fucked „her” and she wants money for it or what? I dont understand this sentence.

>massively underpaying
Got any proof that they weren't being paid the normal market rate for the work they were doing?

>lazy millenials are poor because they don't invest the money they don't have in things they can't afford in an economy that is unstable while saddled with debt they were encouraged to take young by the people calling them lazy and entitled.
>why aren't they happy working multiple jobs for less money than the generations before them made with just one.

Classic boomer.

If you have ever worked in amateur game you know there are a lot of autistic, socially inept and manchilds working in this area and I would honestly have a hard time giving $1 to some I met, even if I had made $1 billion by luck.
I think it's the problem of being an industry where people think they are fulfilling a dream or some shit.

People in game industry are weird. I work in biopharma and I don't get any percentage of the profit of drugs that I worked on sell.

>mfw people who will never even have 0.1% of the wealth Notch has believe what's best for him and what he should do with his money

Attached: uhGoDDF.jpg (227x337, 87K)

I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that moving to Cuckifornia with money and expecting to find real friends there was definitely a mistake.

I don't think you understand, when you have $2 billion you're not just a guy with that money sitting in a bank account, you're effectively a permanet source of work as long as that money lasts. Managing that amount of wealth and all the assets it's tied up in has a lot of people involved whether the billionaire likes it or not.

If they thought they deserved part of the payout of selling the property they should have asked for part of the ownership of it beforehand. Ofc notch would have just said no and gotten someone else to work for him. Nobody in this equation is being ripped off.

No. I meant what I said. French revolution was a positive.

Thinking things like "normal market rate" are important and real is why people are calling you a bootlicker user. The market rate is in flux and saying you will only pay what's "normal" for a product with success that is far above "normal" is just an excuse to underpay. They should be paid more if the business is successful, so that the business can be even more successful. Instead only a few people at the top are paid much much more to an absurd degree. Notch could have given his employees each a couple million and not feel any poorer himself.

Fuck off, they all did the work but he gets all the money because it's in his name? Should've seized the means of production smdh

That wasn't his point. The point was that the dude seems unhappy with his big empty house in a foriegn country, surrounded by strangers. With Notch's money, he could buy any place he wanted anywhere he wanted, and pay for his old friends to have time to join him. Instead, he moved away because he wanted to be in a 'trendy' area

>believe what's best for him
he himself definitely didn't do things right, he knows that much

>$200k is a slap in the face
He can slap me any time.

Go to a prosperous town or city, a good middle class area and hide your wealth level.

I'm not but I don't think anyone could spend a billion without intentionally trying to go broke.

They should be paid based on the value they produce. Everyone should be paid part of a companies profits.

It's also more that an infinite x 0.

Swedenigger can move in next to me in Norway, if he buys the beer. You almost have to be a billionaire to drink around here (Unless you buy the homemade stuff).

He could have given his friends and employees a much bigger percentage. Or, you know, and actual percentage instead of a percentage of a percentage. They would still be his friends, he could have moved with them to somewhere they all would have enjoyed living, and they could have worked on more projects together and been happy. He could have bought them all an island to live on.

Nope. Gotta cut all ties, hoard the wealth, move somewhere trendy where no one will respect you with people who are wealthy and entitled from birth, and buy the same kinds of things a 10 year old would think a billionaire would buy, like a fucking candy room.

He's a narcissistic manchild constantly upset because people online make fun of him. He doesn't know what's good for him but at this point no one has any reason to care about how he feels. He can afford to feel how he wants but continues to make bad choices.

He could improve the world or something, but he's a stingy cunt so he won't

Yeah you can't burn through a billion just buying shit for yourself

>be janitor
>clean dust, wax floors, swipe windows
>brush toilets, clean bins, bow to asisstants
>get 200k bucks because boss won some lottery
>get an increase on monthly paycheck too
>man, I sure love working for hipsters
Just 200k

>They should be paid more if the business is successful
Then they should have talked about possibly getting shares/a stake in the company in lieu of full payment. Hindsight is a kick in the pants but if people truly think they deserve shit then have some fucking foresight. Honestly, I hope one day you have to experience a communist society where a lazy motherfucker who makes work harder for everyone gets just as equal a slice of the pie as you do, day in day out and there's nothing you can do about it.

>pay for his old friends to have time to join him
WTF, what world do you live in where paying a friend to spend time with you is considered a good idea? This is the equivalent of paying your wife for sex or something.

you faggots act like 200k a year is pocket money

Then everyone should fucking band together and found a company. If it's such an easy task go get some buddies and co-invest. There's literally nothing stopping people co-operating and trying to succeed, but communist idealist retards like you never put your money where your mouth is, just rant shit and demand changes but refuse to actually take any personal responsibility or be proactive about it.

>they should be paid more if the business is successful, so the business can be even more successful

dude he sold the company not fucking destroyed it. Those people didn't just all of a sudden not get salaries and he stole all their money. They got 200k+on top of their contractual pay+whatever they got from Microsoft which was probably higher than what the "kike" Notch was paying them.

sued for what? lol

>200k a year
>a year

Imagine being this much of a cuck. "I can't comprehend how much more a billion is because 100k seems like a lot to me."

You know in a village in england there's a festival where in the past the aristocrats would throw red hot coins to the peasants because they enjoyed watching them hurt themselves chasing after what to them was half a year's salary and to the noble absolutely nothing.

And you probably still will try to look at that and say "buy burning your hand would be worth not having to work for half a year" and the noble will laugh at you for the chump you are.

notice how he doesn't respond back cuz he cant stand the fact that he kept losing

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Commies are like that, they want to get all the benefits without the liability. Fuck them.

Fucking this. All these niggers in this thread are retarded 3rd world mudskins. "Notch stole ideas all you want", he broguht Minecraft into existence, the Minecraft everyone knew was "the real Minecraft", he made it happen. No one else did. He deserved all of his riches. I'd kill to do what he did, same as any smart person.

The rest of the team are incompetent shits that, unlike Notch, didn't invent nothing new for Minecraft that puts them on the same league of Notch. They are riding HIS legecy, not their own. Hell even Hytale took the world by storm when it was revealed, which nothing Mojang did since Notch left ever created as much positive publicity..

Yeah, man, get some buddies and co-invest. Because we all got that kinda money laying around.

>Then they should have talked about possibly getting shares/a stake in the company in lieu of full payment.
That's not how any of that works. No one saw it getting that big that fast and he sold it rather than even making that an option for them.

The guy sold the game so he didn't have to be in charge of it anymore. That's not someone who you have any leverage to say "we should get a share in this". He sold their shares before they could buy them.

And let's face it, it's practically impossible to maintain a decent social life when all of your friends suddenly know that you have 2 billion dollars in your account.
In my case, except my brothers and sisters, there would probably only be about 5 people I would fully trust. All my other acquaintances would make me extremely suspicious, and there are even several I know would be a risk to my life.
Keeping this in mind, moving to the other side of the world is not a bad idea.

>Trump suggested we nuke hurricanes

>make a joke
>the liberal media acts like you're out of your god damned mind.


The fucking gall you have saying Notch deserves everything despite stealing ideas but the others who worked on the game don't deserve shit because they didn't come up with Minecraft

Because there's a fundamental discrepency between an aristrocracy and an entrepeneur, and it's a diversionary tactic to try and conflate the two.

Notch basically gave them an emergency fund, housing fund, and car fund in a single day.

I'd love my boss if I got that, even he still had a couple billion to himself.

Besides, the thing about getting a sudden jump in funding is that it's usually bad for most people. They jump at spending it, and usually end up much worse off financially years down the road. Just read up on lottery winners.

>a man from middle sweden (northern according to Stockholmers) made the greatest game ever created and Yea Forums is still seething about 10+ year old ideas that didn't make the cut

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>Factory fag
Shitters like you ruined mods

You're retarded. Read his fucking post. Believe in religion or not, it's called "fate", "destiny", "chance". The universe wanted Notch to be the one, it could be anyone and everyone else in countless alternative universes.

Try working a day in your life zoomer

Why did microsoft do it? Memecraft isn't worth 2G's now and it certainly wasn't when they bought it. Like how did that convo even start where they went to the table to negotiate the rights to a meme and it ended up being 2 billion?

I think this whole thing was some kind of social experiment by the lizards to see what happens when you give a normal guy an infinite amount of money.

Fuck kinda mods you into then pussy

>Why did microsoft do it?
Seems like a good purchase, I bet it will work out to be better in the end than star wars was for disney.

the retard sulks around when he literally could do anything with that money. Look at a fag like Elon who just shitposts with his billions, Meanwhile Notch acts like a depressed faggot and instead hordes his billions while shitposting on twitter

Why should all the profit go to the guy at the top? He got a much smaller chunk just 50 years ago.
Not really. If they didn't do any scummy shit it wouldn't bother me. But all the tax dodging and lobbying etc etc is just beyond the pale.

>He sold their shares before they could buy them.

He owned the IP and the company, he sold his property. They were his employees, they didn't own shit and they never will. You don't own shares in walmart because you stock their fucking shelves idiot. Commies need to be executed.

if he stole ideas he would have been sued, but that hasn't happened.
Also, he didn't owe his workers anything beyond their wage, but he still gave them each 200k anyway. In a typical work place you don't even like most of your coworkers, and I'm sure he was the same, but he still gave all of them some money. It was a nice gesture.

Didnt he make most of minecraft on his own?

>we usually kill them and start fresh
Don't commie uprisings usually end in dictatorships where a small elite hoard all the resources and the rest starve?

That's how it's supposed to work, if you know anything about the ideological framework about it.

Yes. It wasn't called Ourcraft, was it?

You are living in a fantasy world, you don't become rich rich without being a ruthless, corrupt piece of shit ready to ruin lives without giving a shit

>when he literally could do anything with that money

'Do anything' is very subjective, you can easily spend 2G's if you tried. There are some houses out there that cost a good fraction of that money. I want a personal aircraft carrier, 2 billion isn't going to buy me one.

You're the type of person who manual laborers are entitled to a employer percentage split of the companies profits, aren't you? Fuck off commie, shouldn't have studied some meme degree

>own something
>buy some parts to make it better
>hire a painter to make it better
>culmination of efforts, sell for $2B
>generously offer the painter a $200,000 tip for your success
>you should have given him more

excuse me what

Where did I say anything about commie? Was the french revolution a commie uprising? Wealth inequality has sparked a number of rebellions throughout history.

>Was the french revolution a commie uprising?
it was the jews

Yes. He only got employees after it became really popular and he couldn't keep up with all the support work anymore. Not even development work, but like managing service for the thousands and thousands of people buying his game. The commie faggot saying he should give away all his money to his employees is only looking at it in retrospect; he likely wasn't even born when notch was selling the java version of memecraft for $10. I still have my key.

>"I am entitled to that persons money because he is rich and I am not"

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Then they did a good thing there.

>>creative head behind it and the ideas
Nigga most of the early stuff he got literally from asking what to do on Yea Forums.

>it was the jews
Like most commie uprisings.

> reddit spacing
go back

Fine he should just fire them all and just go live his best life.
Good thinking user.

>Give the people who are already getting paid by me $1 MILLION DOLLARS each.

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when did commies start making themselves apparent.
can y`all fuck off back to Germany when Hitler rose to power so you can watch how great communism was

How is that not creative?

>i won- i won't be a corporate bootlicker!
>that's why i make minimum wage in a burger king and post angrily on the internet


ITT Parasites.

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Get me a job please desu

oh my, were you born yesterday?

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nobody has made another worthy minecraft competitor yet so he deserve every single penny. why do people believe game dev is so easy when they themselves couldn't even make a tetris clone?


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...? Capitalism lifted us out of extreme poverty in the last 300 years retard? it also fits our instincts very well given how we are selfish, isn't that what Notch's behaviour suggests?

How do you think people start businesses every fucking day out of nothing? This is just further proof that commie cucks don't want to work. Lazy cunts who want everything handed to them.

Start small, start with what you have

Based sassy poster

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>this is what commies actually believe

The fact that stocks etc are a thing show that people know it's a good idea. I'm older than you.

You do realize I often come to Yea Forums, yes?

socialists want to have it better, capitalists want to make it better

Why don't I just take? That's the spirit of capitalism after all.

>It just doesn’t fit with our instincts
The mental gymnastics on this guy, wew.
Capitalism is literally the only system that exactly fits in with our instincts. The difference between communism and capitalism is that the former pretends it can change human nature, and fails miserably while doing so, while the latter accepts the harsh realities of human nature and works alongside it.

Well he did steal from infiniminer devs.

Based britbongs.

If I was wealthy and elite I have little stunts like this.

Imma let you guys in on a little insider secret
Notch does give money to plenty of people that he cares about. He also gives them a little extra to keep their fucking mouth shut about it so commies dont have another reason to keep trying to put their grubby hands on it. Its his money, and he doesnt gib because if he did, everyone in the world would be asking for a piece.
Yes, thats a bad thing. Why would anyone work hard for anything if they just had to give everyone some of the profit? Sure, he would get a bit of everyone else profits as well, but he would also have no motivation to do or learn anything in life. Why would he? He lives just fine off of everything that everyone has to share. There is nothing else out there. Just happiness in his nice wittle sharing commwunity. His ignorance is bliss. And he is now a sheep. And so are his peers.
A commie life isnt one worth living, notch knows it, and isnt about to endorse it.

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Go read notch's tweets and tell me he isn't a fat sociopath. The dude is a hack who got lucky

>i'm older than you
>clearly has no idea what stocks even are
this place is for 18 and up, btw

that's the spirit of niggers on the bottom of the gene pool who have nothing going for them

>from 1.8 and beyond
So he ruined minecraft then

All great nations were built on taking dude. Name one that wasn't. Taking is different than being given btw.

Notch stole his minecraft idea from a broke indie dev team who made infiniminer, neck it.

Capitalize your sentences when you speak to your betters.

He’s an actual faggot and I hope he dies

>Go read notch's tweets and tell me he isn't a fat sociopath

He's saner than the tranny begging him for money.

>This whole thread

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So that's why capitalists are currently destroying the planet, right?

I don't think you understand the structure of sarcasm. Also it's socialists that are polluting themselves into a dystopia right now.

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Ideas and concepts are literally worth nothing in the business world.

But he needed all that money for his candy room in his giant mansion where he lives alone ranting on twitter and trying to maintain relevancy

Are there any mods that remove exp, enchanting and End from Minecraft?

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This thread contains a nice concoction of jealous faggots, commies, butthurt LBGTBBQs, and failed Indie devs. Some posters may fill several (if not all) categories.

Of course we do, you posted it here and we shilled the fuck out of it for you during alpha. We still remember you ripped off infiniminer and all the broken promises like
>placeholder graphics

We owe you nothing, kike.

if any gender studies graduate can find a job, then capitalism has failed

one of the funniest things he's said

socialists can't afford protecting the environment. they have only two choices: charge more money for cleaner technology (capitalism again) or kill people so you have to produce less pollution.
you should google on environmental polution in e.g. the communist eastern germany era.

Truth. People don't seem to understand that the "evolution" of Minecraft was basically the addition of bad features that were only considered good because the people involved don't have a clue about game design.
The game bravely resists every ridiculous addition because it is a great sandbox. The only feature that keeps the game alive and relevant today is the sandbox factor, which has been around since the first beta.

Like the rest of us sorry faggots, you're here forever.
Why not start the Yea Forums mansion or some shit? It'll be like you adopted a bunch of shitty children.

He also ensured they kept their jobs. Based as all hell.

Communist china is not capitalist user, neither are their goons in congress

Built on taking what exacly? And how is that a capitalism related issue?

>be garage musician
>get popular, get rich
>hire some roadies, business people, a guy who designs album art
>get richer, make big contract
>give employees hundreds of thousands of dollars for the hell of it
>they get butthurt

Sam Hyde the pedophile who fucked and dated a 15 year old is sucking up to notch, perhaps this could work to my advantage.. ex indie dev associates with known pedo.

Literally all humans steal. Stop with the bullshit.

>still be a billionaire
>don't have to work with said employees anymore
>enjoy live

>charge more money for cleaner technology (capitalism again)
Brainlet post, capitalism isn't when you charge people for money

Whatever you want. Just do it semi legally. Don't want to pay taxes? Pay a dude to leave you a loophole in the tax code. Cool beans.

> She

>perhaps this could work to my advantage
The fuck are you on about? Are you gonna blackmail him or something?
>15 - pedo

He owes infiniminer some money the fat fraud.

The lungs of the earth are currently on fire just so a small group can make a quick buck.

Corruption = capitalism now,ok. Every system will have people exploiting it or even flaws, it's our job to keep it as clean and flawless as possible.

What you are saying makes no sense

>He owes infiniminer some money
Shouldn't have gone open source then. Didn't hear the infinifaggots cry before notch got paid though.

capitalism is when the best possible product is winning (least polution, best productivity, best price).
socialism is when government orders everything but nobody has the drive to deliver because it's not financially worth the effort.
in capitalism people can pay for clean energy and improve upon clean technology. in socialism people might even start burning trees again to heat their home, which will cause even more environmental damage.

Ah yes, you would evenly distribute all the money, eh comrade?

what are you going to do, send a tip to kotaku?

>deserves his money
What a fag.

Tbf he has 2000 million. He really couldn't give them like 1 million each? That wouldn't even make a dent.

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who the fuck takes Yea Forums's right wing so seriously that they'd be scared to be called a commie, Christ almighty

because notch is just some dude who made something that made a lot of people happy so they gave him their money, it's retarded to conflate him with no workers rights, lobbyism, extortionary healthcare, advertising, planned obsolescence, environmental destruction, etc like they're the same just because notch and darklord gigajew xii the younger are both very rich

The plankton in the ocean?

Or do you mean some monkeys in south america are burning trees again and somehow that makes capitalists evil?

>you should be a millionaire for doing minor tasks on an already existing game

Those niggers should be happy they got anything at all. They're not entitled to his money.

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Not to mention that they worked on a salary as well. Should I ask my boss for a million every time the company lands a billion dollar deal?

You mind elaborating a bit?


His employees don't deserve it. He was the one who owned and made Minecraft, he didn't need to give them anymore beyond what the contracts dictated

Holy fuck, I'm doing my postgraduate and working a wagie job on the side. I'd be fucking over the fucking moon over a free 200 fucking grand. Mojang are a bunch of entitled babies.

>not being a commie makes you right-wing
lol, this nigga

Yeah? They're part of his team. What's wrong with that? When you win that well, everyone on the table can have a million without hurting your money.

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>enjoy live
Notch is not really acing that part

Nigga 200k isn't even enough to retire if you're at retirement age. Well unless you plan on blowing your brains out at the first sign of medical problems.

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Daily reminder Yea Forums used to be anarchist/libertarian and not the neo-con fascists they are now. Pathetic. In the old days it achieved some cool shit.

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I have nothing against proper capitalism. But this crony shit that I've lived in my whole life could use some fine tuning via guillotine.

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why don't they give notch money for giving them a nice job they would have never landed without him and his game? why does he have to provide for them but not the other way?

>The plankton in the ocean?
The Amazon forest produces 21% percent of the worlds oxygen supply. If you can't comprehend how losing it would be disastrous, then you're a clueless retard.
>some monkeys in south america are burning trees again and somehow that makes capitalists evil?
The fires were deliberately started in efforts to illegally deforest land for cattle ranching, brainlet.

imagine going into 100k debt to pay some malaysian doctor to cut off your cock lol

>Yea Forums used to be

Yea Forums has bever been one thing, there's been millions of anons with different views

I won't beg for money but could you help me get a job, pl0x? Just trying to get out of NEETdom.

> Muh grony gabitalisum, I am intellect.
That's just the nature of capitalism

As a subcontractor, let me tell you some shit, if I was working on some software, we hit it big, and the boss dumps out a million to each of the employees, I'm not going to fucking show up to work the next day, or the day after that, or actually, ever fucking again, I'm done. because you see, even one million is more than enough for me to go work on my own bullshit projects for a couple of years.

There's literally no reason for a boss to pay out all of a workers value all at once, because if they do they 'kill the golden goose' more than half of the time.

gift gibber has more mons than grug.
He must give grug enougj to make grug equal
Er, really, grug actually want all the mons. Grug more deserving

pretty sure he could buy like 4 more houses just as expensive as that one if he felt like it

>Have cushy, well paying job where you barely have to do any work since Minecraft barely updates
>Boss says he sold the company, everyone keeps their job
>Gives everyone a free $200,000 as a goodbye present

What a bunch of entitled babies.

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give me your house or you are a piece of shit

I'm poor and I lack all the expensive gaming gadgets you have, give me some of your money otherwise you're a fucking piece of shit

there's a difference between paying workers fairly the profits of what they've produced and giving out free shit, brainlets

How many people worked on Minecraft?

Wow you fucking bourgeois kulak privileged fuck. Get fucking gulag'd


Wow you also hate trannys as well. For a fucking commie you're a pretty shit one you know

Why would commies support degeneracy? They uphold tradition and that's why they're against capitalism which produces bugman garbage like capeshit and funkopops


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ITT: Genderfluig Islamig gommunists vs ebil gnazi

>opposes degeneracy
>upholds tradition
>browses Yea Forums

That's how business works. You take a risk starting your own company and sometimes you get rewarded for it. You don't take a risk working a job so you're not going to get rewarded.

Gamergate was the first step in a journey to save the Western world, electing Trump was second.

Apparently, they already got their money back.

Spelling it wrong doesnt make it not true

I don't get why mass shooters never target the rich. To be clear to my NSA friends I'm not advocating for it. There are just a lot of disgruntled poor people.

what fucking houses, versailles? I actually want to know.

If they didn't want to work for a salary and wanted partial ownership instead they should've negotiated that when they were hired. Not that Notch would've went for a deal like that anyway, but still, they knew the deal and agreed to it.

It's terrifying that there are really "people" who believe this

I wouldn't even be surprised. I remember seeing him talking in some twitch streamer's chat, so he probably doesn't have anything better to do.

lmao Imagine being a poorfag so you log onto a polish basket weaving forum to advocate for someone who makes more money than you to give money to other people who make more money than you.

the people he hired were stupid and incompetent and have actively made the game worse both before and after he sold it


Notice how 50 mins gone by and nobody has replied, yet the "commies" are raging like wildfire under it. Really makes you think if they even beleive the shit they spew. I for one suspect they are falseflaggers who only target people who dont cover all their bases in order to prove "muh nazis are all retarded wypipo, see?"

>don't even implement chairs and tables into game
>ask lead dev to give you a million dollars

So much seething, coping, and whining ITT over a man who got successful by coming up with an idea and implementing it.


Idea sharing and inspiration from other content is how this industry continued to evolve and get better. Notch found a game and saw the potential behind it, so he started working on his own project. Getting angry over this is peak coping and is why you will remain a loser for your life.

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lmao imagine being so loaded you could realize all of your dreams but instead you just feel miserable 24/7 and spend your life shitposting

You can't do shit to notch. Dude already has his money and doesn't care what people think about him. That's why he shitposts on twitter all the time, even if you turn the whole internet against him he wouldn't give a fuck.


lmao really all these commies in the thread wouldn't be poor if they didn't spend all day shitposting about rich ppl roflmaoxdd

nice reddit spacing good sir!

>and if not for their work Minecraft wouldn't be what it is.
a patchwork piece of shit that took years to be unfucked? golly gee can we take the 200k back?

nice coping dumb commie

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>Oh no he actually made a good point, better point out his spacing to discredit him

he still did most of the actual dev work
Yea Forums sitting around like they're owed money, this retard made the game in javascript while we laughed and all we did was sit around while he did whatever we told him to do for 1-2 months
not that much effort but he still did all of it, it's definitely his money

>Notch gave them the bare minimum he could get away with not being sued.
this board is beautiful


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>shittalking redstone
nah you're a fag

What happened to this place that this literal boomer tier mentality is so prevalent?


ok samefag

>firing wagies and giving them a small amount of pocket money
based neet notch

In what world do employees get paid out for the sale of the company if they don't already own part of it? Never heard of this shit before -- should everyone at Insomniac get a cool 100k from the old owners because Sony bought them out?

he didn't pay his employees a salary? if so they are not entitled to anything you commie bastard.

that's 200k more than they deserve

it's his billionaire dollar idea

get a job commie

Even if he was samefagging, what does that prove, faggot?

If their that upset about the 200k they can have my paypal address and give it to me :)

sorry i didn't know Yea Forums is a leftist sjw board

tfw i was friends with a billionaire online for a few months last year
i was neet at the time living on savings working on art so i was pretty much living as an aristocrat so we were on the same wavelength
i never mentioned money once, but yeah this is a vocal stupid roastie, but this dynamic of "you could literally snap your fingers and fix someones life up for years for like .01 effort to yourself" colors their life

trust me when i say this, notch is one of the ones that is severely depressed by it, there are ones that thrive off it

He looks exactly like this guy.

Attached: Notch IRL.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

They are employees, he is the owner.
They should be grateful they even got that much.

>set up his employees for life by cashing in fat stacks by microsoft
>all of them don't do shit these days on the game and collect checks
>sells his soul project for 2 billion which in retrospective still is not even close to what Minecraft is worth not only as a game but as a cultural thing
>is now regretting taking this money over his friends
Can someone turn this into a movie?

his employees were swedish user, not amerithralls

>Idea sharing and inspiration from other content is how this industry continued to evolve and get better.
>One man still deserves a billion dollars though because he did it aaaallll by himself

reminder that this dude outbid Jay-Z and Beyonce for a house in Beverly Hills

mojang employees were absolutely useless and widely considered so until they got hundreds of thousands of dollars each

>It being made was inevitable
You basically outlined the inception of every popular product in human history


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>america, where a missing eyebrow hair costs 500k to grow back using implants from Jewish kids foreskin

Hahaha, everyone point and laugh at the retarded American, not everyone has to pay to have a checkup at the doctor, retards honest

200k is a shitload of money
and those employees did nothing to earn that money

He sounds very based imo

Ask the devs who got 200k if they have a problem with it

the moral of the story: don't give bonuses to people because you're just going to get pilloried for it anyway

What's up with his new game, the one with voxel snow?

>"""""""earn""""""" money

>idea sharing and inspiration helped with the project so notch should gib
That is literally why he shouldnt, nobody would be inspired to make anything if they were just given the money to make it. Devs should be using notchs success as a goalpost, not a golden goose for their pet project. You have to work to make money, faggot.

based tankie

Yeah faggot. Microsoft offered him a price for ownership of his work and he accepted. No matter how you slice it he earned the money.

the only thing notch has done wrong was not make a cool ass game with his absurd budget

>The fires were deliberately started in efforts to illegally deforest land for cattle ranching, brainlet.

Some commie monkeys wanted free gibs without the responsibility that goes with it, same story in every commie shithole. Has nothing to do with capitalism.

>i dont like they way he did it so he didnt really earn it
Youre just jelly, faggot. Why dont you go and make the next minecraft and stop whining?

He also guaranteed that they never get fired despite the gross incompetence they have displayed ever since being bought by microsoft

why would he? he can enjoy the real life now. he can literally buy his own castle instead of roleplaying having a castle in minecraft.

I thought he's making a literal minecraft 2 currently?

I'm just surprised he never hired a group to recreate a version of the game in another programming language

As a humble man, 200k would buy literally everything I want in life.

If I made that from putting a few ines of code for a meme game I'd be happy, Notch would still be a faggot, but I wouldn't care.

Excessive money is for the mentally ill desu

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>Steal code to some other game
>Can barely code anything yourself
>Beg Yea Forums for ideas and shill your game here
>Hire someone else to do your shit cause you're too stupid
>sellout and fuck your employees as you leave
>Rant and be a huge racist piece of shit
>Wonder why you're a billionaire and your life is still shit

This fat faggot bought a candy room in one of his mansions. The dudes a fucking idiot who got extremely lucky. He could only program in one of the shittiest languages to date and barely could do that. He stole pretty much all his ideas. He stole infiminer code.

I'm suprised that he even kept working after being rich. What's the point of working if you don't need the money?

Lets see you make what 60k a year or lets be generous and say 100k. That is two full years of work honestly you should be elated you got that much. I guarantee most other employers would have done far less.

>nobody would be inspired to make anything if they were just given the money to make it.
Bullshit. The gaming community is actually a wonderful example of what people will do out of genuine love for their craft all without being paid for it. Hell, the things people do in Minecraft are a great example of it. The mods people made for Minecraft. Even Notch himself when he made the damn game had no expectation that it would sell at all. He's just a capitalist pig who sold out.

And guess what? Its all fair. Sucks to be you, faggot. Go live in a commune.

He still seems to play video games, and you can't do most of the shit you can do in video games no matter how rich you are
That's just a personal project. He runs a fucking 960 in his computer because he's too lazy to switch it out, I'm convinced the money could be put to better use just throwing it all into the ocean to feed carbon sequestering algae.

you enjoy working, or at least the actions associated with it

You say that as if there is any amount of work a person could do to actually be deserving of that much money, let alone lazily program a game in Javascript and leaving it for others to finish.

>Excessive money is for the mentally ill desu
This! Some even turn mentally ill from getting too much money. I'd be more than happy if someone paid my mortgage.

That's the perk and privilege of being the boss, he fully earned it.

>literally everything I want in life.
And what is 'everything in life' to you? I'm genuinely curious as 200k usd would not even pay for half of a house where I live.

People also don't consider the living costs, taxes and time required to make that money. Some one making 100k a year would probably need 10 years to save up 200k in pure cash.

It's all fair cause it's some fat rich fuck abusing poor people. Huh sounds insanely familiar like I don't know. Everything ever. That's life I guess.

Sad when you can't even be apart of your own game because you're a racist shit head so now you sit at home googling and searching Twitter for your name in some hopes of relevancy. But don't worry he's making another game. I'm sure it's gonna be a smash hit.

Doesn't matter what you think is "deserving" you little bitch. Microsoft found Minecraft to be worth 2 billion dollars and that's the bottom line. What you think how much Minecraft should worth is irrelevant.

>people made these games without money
Indeed, and they should be rewarded for their work and proof of competence
>so now everyone who wants to make games should get money
No. They didnt put the work in. The money could easily be a waste of the dev turns out to be an idiot.

nobody enjoys working. there are only people who enjoy what they HAVE to do because they accepted their fate.

It's not irrelevant. The difference between how it is and how it ought to be is in fact the entire point.

>The money could easily be a waste of the dev turns out to be an idiot.
That 2 billion was definitely a waste, then

>Make a game on your own
>Hire PAID employees
>Give them 200 fucking grand after selling the game
You'd have a point if they were his friends helping him for free and not his employees. As it stands they got way more than they were entitled to out of that deal, especially considering that they didn't even have shares in the company.

A hobby is different from a job. 99% of people don't do their hobby as their job and would be immediately demotivated if they were paid their yearly salary upfront. Any form of communism never works, it's why government workers are always lazy incompetent pieces of shit no matter where you go.

Yes, that is life. And trying to stop that cycle is insanity. It always ends in insanity.
So suck it up, for your own mental health. Just live life and stop worrying about how good it COULD be and just appreciate what you have. Yes, it would be nice if i was owed a bunch of money for being used and abused, but that just isnt life.

120k for a decent house where I live.
I'd pay off my grand marquis (5k)

And thats pretty much it, rest in savings for when I need it.

>Yea Forums told him all the good shit to put in
idea guys lmao

So you agree with

sad how people are so conditioned to wageslaving that our mental health deteriorates from mere fact that we aren't wageslaves

>99% of people don't do their hobby as their job and would be immediately demotivated if they were paid their yearly salary upfront.
Good, maybe we'd see some actually good games then, soulful passion projects instead of cynical pandering AAA garbage. Why is Yea Forums against this? Because you think Microsoft might one day give you a couple billion dollars for shitting out a demo in flash?

That's what YOU think. You're just some loser who never drew a dime so you obsessively get angry over successful people on the internet. That's the only thing your pitiful self is good at.

I though they were libertarian? why did I own all the libs then?

>notch got the 2 bil before he made minecraft
What an actual fucking contrarian idiot faglord

you sound sad, friend

>As it stands they got way more than they were entitled to out of that deal

If what is being said it true then they got jobs for life as part of that deal. I can understand why they became such ungrateful shits; if you tell people that they no longer have to fight to live and instead will be paid just to be then they lose their reason for living. It's like being stuck in a prison of your own making.

I too am a slightly embarrassed millionaire to be Yea Forums, any day now I will make my fortune and no longer have to clean Shekelbergs floors with my tongue.

nice projections

nigger what

He could've gave them nothing.

you're on the one site on the internet that is never more than one click away from /d/ and you question whether there are people who enjoy working?

nice projections

Every YOUTUBER gets 1 Cent = 1 VIEWER. Do a 5 - 10 min video with 200k viewers. Earn $2k.

Do 100 vids a month. $200k. More than a McDonald worker makes in his life. Not even talking about hollywood stars or sportlers.

Why are you so mad about this OP?

>Why is Yea Forums against this?
Because a good portion of anons now are grown up and living with responsibility, busting their ass to pay their own way and not living like children who just want shit handed to them because other people have it better.

Also what part of immediate demotivation for 99% of people do you not understand? Society doesn't run on passion projects, that loser busting his ass at the gas station at 3am so that you can buy your gamer fuel isn't doing it as a passion project.

absolutely based

the game went to shit the moment he hired people and they started stuffing their boring unimaginative shit in the game

in fact 200k each was too much

well fuck me for trying to ask what you were sad about, retard, last time I try to do outreach on here

Alright then faggot what constitutes when someone should "earn" money for a service/product?

he switched to creative mode and disabled achievements on his survival world

If him taking the money made his "friends" abandon him, they weren't his friends, in the first place.

Minecraft isn’t worth 2 billion its worth way less

You really are a fucking retard for even trying

thanks mum

I care about you baka

Attached: image.jpg (949x635, 78K)

That's literally irrefutable. Imagine abandoning a friend because they didn't give you "enough" money after becoming rich.

This board is full of zoomer faggots who think getting fucked in the ass by kike bossington is based and red pilled. If you expected sympathy out of this shithole you're better off going on reddit.

then why did dad leave you, were you and him never really friends because he started going to the bath house more and more?

Its the 2nd most sold game of all time plus its popularity is rising despite it being a game that came out practically 10 years ago. maybe 2 billion isn't right but its definitely not "way less"

Friends are like minded people walking the same path in life. When you stop walking the same path in life then you no longer relate to each other and stop being friends.

>they weren't his friends, in the first place.
This is how children view friendship. When you start over achieving and outpacing your 'friends' path in life then you really start to see what friendship is all about.

Isn’t notch a neck beard racist? The guys a faggot. And his game is only fun if you are high as fuck. That’s how dumb you have to be to enjoy the game.

>Bath house
Nigga wat

He didn't have to give them anything but he gave them all enough for a modest house.
Why should he give them a McMansion each for just doing basic codemonkey shit?
Fucking entitled zoomer cunt.

Boomer meme

I wish you never moved in with Daryl, I hate you.

>le racist
go back to resetera faggot

It was his property
Grt the fuck out of here you communist

We don't care Markus, go back to Twitter.

There will sadly always be poor people
I would rather be poor with the chance to be rich though, over any solace of ‘at least everyone else is poor too’

>billionaire got cockblocked by a normie
And they say women are hypergamous.

Attached: 1528572881468.gif (320x254, 1.79M)

kill yourself

He was under no obligation to give them anything.

No, this is how people who have had actual friends view friendships. What you're describing are "acquaintances", ie people who you're only connected to because of similar interests/occupation/etc, read: a surface-level connection. A friend is someone you share a deeper emotional connection with, usually built through shared life experiences.

Go back to /pol/ Russian faggot

>be creator of game
>people start working for you
>give them a fuckton of money when his game sold

>be communist

Attached: 1440594398781.jpg (206x195, 10K)

are T Y Hilton and Andrew Luck still friends?

Attached: image.gif (650x474, 2.98M)

>drive a car
>get basic engine maintenance done on it and buy a set of new tyres
>sell car half a year later for $5000
>mechanic and tyre salesman appear your door asking for a 10% cut

Attached: 1426727780380.jpg (500x515, 109K)

200k is a lot of money to you guys? Lol that’s fucking piss money to me. Granted he didn’t have to give them anything. Notch is gonna need all that money just to get a hooker to jack off his fat sweaty nasty ass.

I'm gonna say: unlikely.

>Imagine being so salty over someone else's money
I seriously wonder how you people even survive.

>I seriously wonder how you people even survive.
By shitposting all day on Yea Forums thinking making up shit about other people somehow makes their shitty lives better in retrospect.

Coulda shoulda woulda, retard.

>Imagine being such a fag.You worship a neck beard who made a child’s game.

>getting paid for your work in communism

Attached: image.jpg (236x355, 32K)

>fucking 500 post thread that teeters on the edge of /pol/ shit with commies and capitalists bitching
>my thread about actually video games gets bumped twice then dies
Mods need to be shot on sight

Why do you get to define what is fair?

Then you're retarded for not understanding what he said.

You only care because you can't wank to whatever shitpost thread you started. apologize.

So mad, lol.

He didn't say anything of value.
What was your thread about friend?

I wish i was a billionaire so I could buy a pasta machine.

No one believes your stupid LARP, faggot

Property was a mistake.

>He got $2 BILLION for Minecraft and you know what he gave his employees?

Minecraft was already well established before even any of them showed up. That was more than they deserved.

"LARP" doesn't mean "lying on the internet."

He's LARPing as some "insider", it's a LARP

Again, "LARP" does not mean "saying something on the internet."

I never said it did.

Ur fuckin Lyin on me here m8

Then how exactly is someone lying on the internet "Live Action Role-Playing?" First of all, it being a text only post kind of negates the entire "Live Action" part to begin with,

It was meant to obviously be speculation after you finished reading the post. Sorry if that didnt come across. Im just a sarcastic asshole

How fucking new/autistic are you that you think anyone actually means the original meaning of LARP when they say it on Yea Forums?

>uses a word wrong
>gets called out for it
>but we're SUPPOSED to use it wrong!!!1

Attached: image.jpg (480x360, 24K)

>doesn't understand how certain words are used differently in the context of this imageboard
>autistically tries to correct others but just comes off as a massive newfag who has been here less than a year
Back to plebbit with ye

>200k is a slap in the face.
wow then i want notch to fuckng bodyslam me

>They would still be his friends
>They will only hang out with him because he pays them

Great friends there.

Notch doesn't have friends, why do you think he's such a lonely virgin?

Doesn't have to be a wageslave job, just a project he could commit to so he can find some motivation to do something instead of just throwing money at it until it fixes itself then just sitting around being bored.

>all these right wingers defending this shut
No wonder America is fucked. Stupid commies, just die

kind of agree ya