I agree with you and implore everyone to play this game.
it sure is,
but SH1 is even BETTER.
It's no masterpiece.
It sure is but SH3 is even BETTER.
The ranking of SH games is pretty much the release order.
3>4>1>Shattered Memories>Downpour>2>>>homecoming
>zoom zoom
Nice argument
I think it's more like SH2>SH1>SH3 (As much as I love Heather the first ones are way better)>Origins>>Downpour*>The room*>>>>>>>Homecoming
Not counting shattered memories or the arena one.
*Downpour has better atmosphere, the room is more like the older ones, I don't think that Downpour has a bad plot either and Akira Yamaka did nothing memorable in the room so... it's kind of a tie for me.
Holy shit dude, is that bait?
I recently played this and... yeah it's really fucking good. couldn't put it down. I beat the trilogy a month back and found them amazing (I dropped 4 because it had a serious decline in quality and everything after it just looks like complete shit) Silent Hill fans really got fucked didn't they? at least RE had a return to form with remake2 after all the shit capcom churned out.
sidenote: I went back to watch Joseph Andersons opinions on the game and holy fucking shit that guy is a legit autistic pseudo intellectual. how fucking dense is that cuckold? I don't understand how he has an audience. it makes me a little mad that people act so sycophantic towards e-celebs. completely delusional.
>ranking DP anywhere but the rock bottom
>putting HC that low
>0rigins even close to the OG quadrilogy
you fags are just homosex as fuck.
>Downpour better than 2
Since Konami has left Silent Hill to die, any indies that capture the same feeling and atmosphere of the classic SH games?
Why is homecoming better than downpour again?
Sure it has interesting places like the mines or the church, and has interesting stuff like the conversation with Dahlia but I do think that while different Downpour is more interesting all the way with the sidequests and such, sure it's pretty different and embraces the open world meme but that doesn't mean it's a bad game.
>Why is homecoming better than downpour again?
It's an actually finished game.
It plays way better.
It looks decent.
It has Akira Yamaoka's OST.
It does not crash and stutter every 5 minutes.
It has an actual story, no matter how fucking bonkers.
DP is just an unfinished, broken NOT-Silent Hill, through and through. That "open world" shit is a literal slap-on gimmick with no purpose.
Anyone here wondering about the cannon ending. I will give you a clue
You serious mate? Downpoor is the slimy rock-bottom of a swamp compared to ALL the other games. I was honestly fucking hyped for this game, but the end result was one of the biggest buyer's remorses I've ever had.
-No Akira's soundtracks. You can hear it, you can FEEL it.
-The MC's inner monologue = fucking annoying.
-Indicators, flashing items and tips everywhere! Try to play without them, and you gonna be all lost for a while at least, as the game was DESIGNED with them to be ON.
-The chase scenes were annoying. Especially the last one. And I fucking liked SM for crying out loud.
-Bad and limited enemy design.
-A handful of characters that just... are. I guess they tried to personify the Town or something, but come on.
-The environments? Boring & full of copypaste.
-The side missions? POINTLESS in the end, as you get ripped off all your gear, and they don't even effect the ending!
-BAD combat. Yeah I know, and I always ran past 90% of enemies in originals as well, but holy shit this is WORSE than in SH1-4 if you ask me.
-UT3 engine bugs and annoyances (texture & area streaming, usually lagging badly behind, the Subway doors getting locked, random bug of being unable to pick up items ...)
-QTE -like scenes.
Last the story... there technically isn't one! It's not deep or cryptic at all, it's just CONFUSING - most probably because before the very end, the game doesn't know how the story even goes, when your choices are evaluated. In this sense the game actually contradicts ITSELF earlier on, as there's no alternative cutscenes or discussion choices.
Yes, it's SLIGHTLY better than Origins, can't say any better than the HC, but overall, it's just a BAD horror game, and worse "SH game".
Far, far from the original Tetralogy.
How come zoomers don't realize how beautiful a game like Silent Hill 2 truly is? Honestly one of the most beautiful games of all time. Ironic considering how dark and distrubing it is.
I've only played the first 3 SH games, is 4 worth playing?
The apartment and first half are kino. Last half is a huge fucking drag.
I don't wanna play this game ever again, it was a good game don't get me wrong, I got the "In water" ending and I really enjoyed the scary atmosphere. the thing with the game is that it was very unnerving, it was like having one of those horrible fever dreams where nothing makes sense, I feel like if I play the game again to get the other endings, it will ruin that weird feeling the game left in me
Yes, because Team Silent was already involved in 4. Just skip the western garbage
>clunky combat
>copy pasted assets and environments
>bad voice acting
>cringy dialogue
>pretentious story
7/10 at the very best and only because of the atmosphere and soundtrack
Best version, Xbox or PS2?
Uhh, does this mean what I think it does?
Yes. It's the scariest game in series.
The other endings ruin the story though
PS2 I think
Absolutely yes.
The atmosphere is unrivaled at best.
The problem I have with this game is that it falls short of its own genre. despite the great music, sound design, enemies and environments, the unsettling feeling
quickly falls off when you realize you're never really in danger.
None of the weapons degrade over time and break, so you know you'll always be safe by hitting the enemies over and over with a melee weapon. Even if you decide to use the
gun, the game gives you plenty of bullets, as I had hundreds by the end.
No encounter catches you by surprise forcing you to run away and save or manage your resources, except some boss fights. For the rest of the game, you can always fall back
on the same strategy, bashing monsters in hallways like piƱatas, or completely ignoring them in more open spaces. They are more of an annoyance than a threat.
This kills the tension that the (admittedly great) atmosphere of the game builds up.
>t: never played on Hard mode
>Plays on easy mode
>tfw we will NEVER EVER get Silent Hills
sh2lets are LITERALLY brainlets. They think surface level symbolism (which is present in 1 and 3 but they ignore that for some reason) combined with a basic-ass story somehow makes this the deepest video game ever, when in reality there's a lot more going on in 1, 3 and 4. Despite this fact, sh2lets perform mental gymnastics by dismissing this depth as 'convoluted', 'uninteresting' or (my personal favorite' 'the cult is shit'. Chads on the other hand recognize 1 and 3 interchangeably as the best, and there are even Cursed Chads who recognize 4 as the most interesting in the series (and I'm inclined to agree with them, as the 21 Sacraments narrative is genuinely well done).
Both downpour and homecoming are abysmal trash without any redeeming qualities except maybe for the music which you can just listen to by itself. Anyone defending one over the other is a retard. Origins on the other hand is somewhat underrated once you accept it for what it is.
Kojimo will add some of the shit he was working on SH in DS
SH4 is supremely interesting but boy its marred by so many of its systems its hard to get past that, I still have a soft spot for 2s prison and probably always will, the whole experience of just keep on going down and down and down was great
boring convoluted puzzles
what the fuck am i supposed to do with a bent nail, lapizlapuli key and a piece of torn paper
The cult really is shit though
>Both downpour and homecoming are abysmal trash without any redeeming qualities
The are abysmal trash though Downpour had more competent exploration than the rest of the series. Go back and play 2, you have to turn on a lightbulb to see a door.
The cult was what the director of the first SH intended but Team Silent wanted to do something different so he left with other 2 developers to do another cult game called Syren