Fuck you I liked it

>start a game that I really don't know anything about
>really enjoy it
>check some info of it on the internet
>it's actually considered a 5/10 boring garbage in every review site and forums
What's her name Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


My sims for PC. Even I admit it could be less repetitive but I enjoyed it regardless. It was considered 6/10 overall.

Still think this game is amazing and I wish there was another roguelike monster raising game that wasn't syrallis because syrallis is garbage

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They actually split this game into 4 parts on 3DS/ DSi Eshop, not sure how it differs from the original game though.

Oh really?
That's kind of not cool

I know it's bad, but I loved it anyway, like if it was my own defective offspring

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I was awared this game was really hated. I enjoyed it a lot though. Soundtrack is amazingly horrendous, gameplay is just average and generic, and the 3d poligons look really awful. But I really liked to explore the maps and the conversation choices. What I hate the most about the game is that it killed any chance to get another Sonic RPG, which is a fucking shame

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Awful game.

All game I play
Nothing can spoil me
Review are for children

Mystic Heroes.

Painfully mediocre and paper thin story, yet somehow i enjoyed it for whatever reason, The only noteworhty features are some nice songs, and that the character portraits became available for free in psn, so every weeb can look weeb as fuck without spending money on avatars

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I remember I enjoyed this game. Decent arpg dungeon crawler.

I honestly can’t think of anything that is actually considered bad except “during it’s bad” shitposting on Yea Forums like Morrowind.
Precursors, I guess, but I never finished it.

Sequel actually never

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what's it really that bad?

Personally i don't think so but the company got sued into the ground in the middle of making the second game it was supposed to be a trilogy

I don't get how people can't love a game that lets you jump 10 feet off a dude's head and the drop kick him into Oblivion on the way down

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I played prolly 60-70 hours of it and I liked it. It was a fun dumbed down Diablo clone with a cool aesthetic.

The company was sued? but why

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Using unreal engine without permission if i remember correctly.
Stores are no longer allowed to sell it and had to destroy a bunch of copies.
I got 3-4 hunderd hours into the game just trying to get all the achievements.

Fuck yes

wow I really didn't know anything about that

I could never figure out how to play this

It was a very simple game but Im with you here user.
I even bought the weird episode online sequel but it was disappointing because of the oversimplified rpg elements

The main character's name is Lewis Cannon who always has a one liner. The game oozes the cheesy cop movies feel.

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Loved this game. Was hilarious when you get the RPG.

I played the PS4 version that brought back portraits and Japanese VA, so I was greeted by a very standard, enjoyable JRPG experience with a solid waifu selection. Seriously we had childhood friend, catgirl, sweet gothic loli, ditzy megane and scantily clad space milf. It's like going down a checklist. It was amazing.

Also this was my first Star Ocean so I wasn't going in salty from 3 the way everyone seemed to be.

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Drakengard 2.
Fuck you; I liked it.

Legaia 2, it's not that great but a really fun game

I bought From the Abyss for like $8-$12 on Amazon just because of the box art and shelves it. I never planned on playing it. I eventually sold it on eBay along with most of my gaming collection.

Shepherd's crossing 2 DS.

I really like(d) the Harvest Moon series so bought this clone/rip off. It's pretty rough around the edges, almost a gamemaker shareware game but I still enjoyed it as there were no alternatives in the genre at the time. Not recommended.

I tried so much to get into the first game but it's so goddamn awful

Bought this game expecting the same quality as the mario RPGs. Fucking dissapointment from top to bottom, especially the music.

My little brother actually got the platinum trophy for this game. Took him 600+ hours.

>liking FuRyu shit
Not even worth the pirate.

You can tell this was made by the KojiPro B-team. PW was such an improvement.

This and Legend of Legaia.

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I really felt Peace Walker was a step back compared to Metal Gear Solid 3
I really wanted to crawl while laying on the ground

Legend of Legacy was a nice little storybook rpg.

This one.

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Of course, since they had the SaGa guys keeping tabs on them. LoL and AA are the only non shit games from them.

all they did was publish it, they didn't develop it.

>disliked by the majority

user, .hack is a cult classic. How is it hated?

works for me. only two games i am interested in from them.

I fucking love Quest 64, but I really get why people don't.

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>it sold so bad here fatlus won't translate the sequel.
It comes crashing down and it hurts inside.

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This, and Crysis 2. Liked them more than the first games in their respective series, come at me.

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People hate dot hack?

Well, yeah it was a PSP game. MGS3 is a masterpiece and no MGS since has topped so that's a high bar. PW is a huge step forward from PO though.

I could've sworn LA reviewed decently, like 7s not 5s.

There's a ton of hidden gems on DS, don't pay attention to the reviews.
Love this game. Check out Dragon Force on Saturn if you want something "bigger". There's jap-only titles in this series as well, but I seriously doubt they'll get translated.
It's basically Risk with a battlescape instead of dice rolls. Or a simplified Dragon Force.

15 year-old me greatly enjoyed this game, for some reason.

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>2 shotgun

i love platformers to death, but this one did absolutely nothing for me.

I really don't know why I enjoyed it as much as I did. If I had to hazard a guess it would probably be that it had really easy and simple exploration aspects, which felt nice and satisfying to me, an utter casual at platformers.
That, and anime catgirls with flying swords. I did not have particularly high standards back then nor now.

Not him but no. People here really like .Hack series.
This is more like a "fuck you I hated it". For me, the combat system is really bad

fair point. i want to go back and play it again, see if my opinion has changed.

I liked 2 better

Loved Zestiria back when it came out ran on my old toaster 10/10.

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Hexen. I'm not actually sure if review sites called it garbage because I never checked, but almost nobody seems to like it. To me it just feels like a really big and challenging navigation puzzle with some action thrown in and I always liked that.

This game is a fucking mess that makes zero sense, but boy was it fun

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Formula Front, and by extension the entire Armored Core series. They always got mediocre reviews, but the games are excellent
Are you the guy that fucking loves towers?

She cute

I still remember fondly playing the original on my Dreamcast and it almost breaking the damn system with a gorillion missiles going back and forth against the final boss

Honestly the crippling slowdown was a boon for cutting the counters as close as possible

It's basically a T-rated Manhunt. It gets a bad rep from the critics but personally i enjoyed it

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Not really

If to err is human, then Too Human is exactly that.

What a shame

never knew people disliked this game until recently

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Nice tummy

Even as a fan of both Mystery Dungeon and EO, that game was a rotten piece of shit. Glitched to hell, incredibly tedious, and AI so retarded that the best way to play is solo. Also, EO equipment crafting combines with the ephemerality of Mystery Dungeon "lose your shit when you die" is the worst possible combination ever.

Loved this one too. I always liked the Etrian series from the outside but I don't like that kind of dungeon crawler. The Mystery Dungeon crossover was my dream game. The sequel along with Rocket Slime 3DS pain me to no end with their lack of western release

Understandable, I wasn't into it either really just hoped would be something MMOs would become in the future (not with that shit gameplay though) especially with GU and was there for story thanks to SIGN.

Think its less of being hated rather than just being very niche, lot of people I spoke to knew of it cause of SIGN or LotT or even GU.

People seemed to love Portable Ops on release from what I remember. Story wasn't the best at all but can say the exact same for 4, lacked a lot of fun easter eggs even with a tone of its side content and felt sort of bland but I didn't hate it. Peace Walker had a lot of flair and improved on recruitment by a lot (still no idea why they took out crawling though still gonna say that is retarded even on the PSP version). While I like Peace Walker more than Portable Ops for sure people just really started shitting on it after PW. Like it or not PO shaped the rest of the series after 4 for better or worse, PW and 5 even took its limited inventory system, team building, 5 even takes some story (psychic controlling a metal gear for someone that totally knew of The Boss; who Snake never met before). Even with all that Portable Ops is the only one you can play as 4 characters on a map.

Pretty sure this would have been decently rated if it wasn't released under the brand.

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I loved all the girls in this game! And the fact they level up so fast also helped

I still like it, it's flawed but the characters are really good

Luminous Arc and the sequel, Riviera

Chocobo Tales is my favorite DS hidden gem, it’s just so charming and I loved the little TCG mini-game it had. I like it more than every other Final Fantasy game, spin-off or not

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you made this exact same thread yesterday, you fucking loser

I really enjoyed the time mechanic and allowed me to be more stylish even tho the combat wasn't quite there on it's own. Also I played the multiplayer format and also thought it was great. It's just LoL but with actual combat. I don't remember how I found out about the game, but I looked it up after playing it and found that people didn't think it was all that great. I'd agree with them to an extent. It's really rough, but I think it had a lot of potential. I'd love to see a similar time mechanic in a game like DMC or Bayo.

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Yeah. So?

It was just a GoW clone that was painfully unfunny, only notable for the graphics

>Ninja Gaiden
Was this series meant to be funny? I've only played 2 on 360 but it felt pretty serious

Yaiba might as well have nothing to do with the Ninja Gaiden

Blades of Time was actually great and the people that reviewed it likely watched a walkthrough for half an our and thought it was a sequel to Bullet Witch.
It was a fun game, perfectly serviceable where it had to be and honestly had an interesting enough world that I was hoping for a sequel.
For whatever reason the worst thing I hear people say about it is that it gives them X Blades flashbacks.

Yaiba's game was meant to be funny since it was a zombie apocalypse game that had "nun-chuckles" as a sub-weapon.
It wasn't a bad game outside of some enemies taking a few too many hits for the time you spent slapping them around.

Fuck. This was my immediate thought too. I loved all the random unpoken gems I found because of the R4.

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>Pick this game up because it had a cute girl on the cover
>Also the blurb said it involved a magical book and pacts
>Think "Well that sounds like Drakengard and Nier"
>Play it
>It literally could be part of that franchise
Very cool game, I liked it a lot

I liked the banter between Ergo and The Barer and its one of the few games I went through to get the other endings of.
The Joke Ending was difficult though.

I hear the DLC did well enough that a sequel is being talked about too.
But with John and Ann being on the run the whole time.

Sad we never got the 3rd installment or infinity


I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this one.

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Eh, it's only shat on so hard because of the standards the series is held to, otherwise it's a perfectly mediocre game that doesn't do anything particularly right but is still fairly enjoyable if you need your metroidvania fix.

Also young Samus is cute.

Who is this semon demon?

it was a harbinger of things to come from bioware

wish the rest of the series had been translated

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I see that blonde girl as a psn avatar a lot. Now I know where its from.

I mean, isn't it pretty much a sequel or something to X Blades?

I recall that the GBC version was pretty well beloved.

My nigga.

More like a super distant, thrice removed, cousin.
X Blades did a lot wrong and while it doesn't deserve all it gets it does deserve most of it.
Blades of Time doesn't deserve the treatment it gets, despite being a B title at its finest. There is some stuff wrong but enough good stuff that the game holds its own.

It'll age terribly but by those that really spent time with it, it'll be a fond memory I'm sure.

No, seriously, fuck you, Yea Forums.

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Holy shit, Anima has a game? I remember seeing a bunch of art for Anima about a decade ago when I was on deviantart, never quite knew what it was back then, but never cared to search about it.

Fucking casuals can't handle a game that kills you for every mistake.

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I remember watching a stream of this game and the streamer and audience were slowly losing their minds listening to basically this song for over 3 hours.


It has a game and its reasonably cheap, even the Collectors Edition can be on the low-end.
You can pick up the standard edition for $15 and its well worth the price.

Just understand you're playing a genuine B-game from start to end. Its fun but you will notice the issues.
The best part is the alternate costumes for the playable characters aren't DLC. You unlock them from beating the game.

silicon knights are fucking retards. First they barely survive multiple development hells because of nintendo helping them out. Then they decide to strike out on their own with too human. The CEO starts taunting everyone on forums hes awesome and his game is gonna be awesome. Then they sue epic games for delivering a faulty engine. epic is like "why the fuck do you use our engine, we never had a deal" then they checked the code and htey just removed all the copyright notices in the code.

then epic countersued and raped silicon knight's retarded ass.

yeah I played it and its pretty solid. Only the combat is broken if you use rewind time everytime youre about to get hit and just swarm the enemy. It has some puzzles, adds in quite some unique mechanics even late in the game, and has some nice world design. Its a bit jank and the females are sexy, so naturally the gaming journalists gave it a 5/10 between gurgling their boyfriend's cum.

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I've had this game for months but haven't started it.
Just chillin' in my backlog with Bloodstained and Farcry 5.

the story is terrible and has a lot of time spent on it. And the combat is seriously crippled by the wiimote only design.

Only good thing we have is samus designed by team ninja. Too bad everyone blamed them for the terrible story because of DOA, even though they didnt make her a weak stupid woman.

I actually have Blades of Time sitting on my shelf, was actually planning on playing it next, after I'm done with Ghost of Sparta.

>rain world.jpg

>samus designed by team ninja
She looked like shit and didn't look like Samus, at all, Samus is 6'3" and muscular, if Team Ninja is that afraid to add muscle to women and making them tall then they shouldn't be making Metroid games in the first place.

It’s like no one knows this game exists

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>Play it for 2 second
I fucking hated that song.
I ended up putting on Spotify just to listen to literally anything else.
>50 cent In da club comes on during a boss fight
Easily the best moment of that game

why 3ds game are so shit comparing to ds library?

gr8 game.I was so happy when I found eng iso online. Pretty good yakuza-like psp brawler.Also these eye beams and trash talk.

I want to start with the Mana series, so eventually I will play this one. Why is it considered bad?

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I've been replaying PO+ recently, and I'm pretty sure most of the love for PO and PO+ is from the online aspect. Trading characters and then getting headshot by the same guy three times in a row was insanely fun.
The game(s) themselves are quite bland without the multiplayer aspect, especially PO+
There's not many stages and the AI do have pretty shitty eyesight (though somehow the AI is much better than PW).
>replaying PO+
>Only have the EU version
>Ocelot soldiers are only obtainable from the weird gps thing
>Never get them
>Tried hacking in the soldiers
>EU version of PO+ automatically crashes if you try hacking the game
>There's no EU passwords online for PO+ for unlocking characters; only US and Japan codes

Oh my god they deserve to be a failure

Kind of hoping they make another game

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I still sometimes play its multiplayer in MCC. It has some seriously good maps, like Exile.

One of the few games I had on my PSP, along One Minute Hero, YGO Tag Force 2 and Patapon.

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Repeating a boss fight as shitty as that one is an absolute sin but I played this game on Hard first-time and thought it has some of the best third person shooting gameplay I've ever played. I liked the story and thought that the game had some really cool setpieces.
I'd call it a 5/10 with benefits.

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isnt there one on the vita

We got a Dobson over here!

Didn't know about this game. Looks cool

There are four Valhalla Knights game, one of PS2 two on the PSP and one on the Vita.
The Vita game is never mentioned because it was beyond normal levels of shit and people only remember it for the brothel that wasn't even remotely entertaining.

Wow this trully is a Bad Taste Thread

I got to play it for free and I still want my money back

How strange. The series goes from E to M over the course of 4 games.

Almost nothing changes combat or story wise.
That M rating is only because of the brothel minigames.
Which are shit! SHIT!
I'm still mad.

I thought LoL and Legaia 2 were really good games. I liked the battle system and there was a ton of side content so for my young mind it felt the show had no end.

Old Yea Forums had a hard-on for that game.
The waifus were fucking cute, I'll admit.

I'm still on it, just doesn't want to move on the next chapter. Maxing everyone's level and pondering if I'm going to max everyone's weapon as well. The problem on upgrading weapons is that it will increase the speed in Impact Circles thus needs better timing, I'm 3 levels away to max so I'm already pondering if the 6 points of atk is worth it for smaller timing chance. Scythe and Gun is the real problem in this since those have smaller time frames.

I like it since its by Sting, it shows.

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Someone is looking for translators in 3rd. I want Infinity because of the artist, but its really too bad about both never reaching west.

Not only its underrated, the story will never be completed. It implies at the end that there is at least 4 more temples to go . Though I enjoy Crais' suffering near the end.

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>when the updated version is worse than the original

I liked this game too. It's pretty shit tho

I played the first hour of this and liked it, sad theres no games like it

This game wasn't even bad. I always saw Metal Gear Rising as some kind of spiritual sequel to this game
Fuck IGN for the 4.5/10

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Its a sad one, since I feel that the developers plans to do the story till the end, with full voice overs in all plot related scenes. Its problem lies in how the game present itself like no BGM in dungeons, no minimaps at least so not to make dungeons confusing and gameplay thats most considered to be watered down Star Ocean. It has potential but its quite rough to play.
At least I like it better than Astonisia Story.

The DS had so many weird little games that are doomed to be forgotten and will never get ported or remastered or revived in any way. It was like current day Steam. So much trash, but so many hidden gems.

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B route the best. Having the cute loli pope as your wife in the end is great. Although the price you need to pay to do that is quite heavy.
Aegil > Igraine > Marie
simple, since Marie is a bitch.

it's a shitty game but I think it has an odd charm to it that I can't put my finger on.

I downloaded it for Steve Blum and I got pretty standard for the era Konami schlock

Reminder Too Human started out on the PS1 as a cyberpunk game about a security guard who is turned into a cyborg after a terrible event (which is coincidentally just like Adam Jensen in Human Revolution), then moved to the GameCube, then moved to the Xbox 360 where it radically changed in premise and tone.

This game is free now on Xbox 360 and Xbone

Thought this was a real neat game. Shame it didn't take off

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This was literally a movie game

custom robo dungeon crawlan

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This game is pure catharsis and it's a real shame it buried by bad reviews because all the gaming publications expected some kind of God of War or Red Dead. They should have googled what Crackdown is actually like.

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I know this feel.

Every single sonic game is disliked

>Microsoft over-promises and under-delivers
>"It's the journalists fault!"

This is a comment I expect by a zoom who grew up with memes.
almost every modern Sonic game is disliked though

I had this game and really enjoyed it. I also got it's rom, but I've never actually finished it.

me too

I don't mind the repetitive soundtrack, it was kinda cool that during battle the vocals suddenly kicked in. I don't mind the silly battle animations or same-ish invironments.

calm down dude

but it isn't. i couldn't imagine playing that game without the musician route and extra characters.

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Agreed, it really wasn't a bad Halo game, just not as good as the trilogy. Hal 5's campaign was terrible yet I still find myself enjoying its gameplay.

I have played SO4 on the PS4 as well. However, I would like to mention Star Ocean 5, which was my first one. Star Ocean fags love to shit on it but, coming from playing tabletop D&D, this game has some of the best and comfiest high-magic medieval worldbuilding I have seen in a game. It's also beautiful as fuck.

This game is the reason I played SO4 when the re-release came out on PS4.

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*Halo 5

Doom 3

The fuck is wrong with people who consider Doom 3 a bad game? The game is nowhere near to that, IT is not a Doom game, still an awesome horror FPS

I was wondering about this game lately because you can get it for next to nothing. I hadn't played anything in the series before either but I'm almost convinced it would be worthwhile to scratch that generic console JRPG itch for under $15. I wasn't sure if being 100% new to the series would make it unplayable as far as story went.

Just because contrarians will be contrarians doesn't mean that Doom 3 was, is, or ever will be a bad game.

Also this only contrarians complain about the game. This game is really praised so I think it's not pretty accurate for this thread

I would give it a shot honestly. The people that hate it are mainly previous SO fans going
>REEEE it's not like the old games so it sucks!!!

I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I admit that I'm biased to a fault in favor of any game built around power armor. Eagerly awaiting the sequel in September.

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for some random reason this game was put int the switch, its worth for $20?

Hated 2 and the 3ds game but the first was fantastic

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Reminder that this game is available with Games With Gold this month for the 360

Who still has a 360?

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Got it as a kid because I heard it had the Chao Garden in it which was what I loved the most about the brief time I had access to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I was too dumb to realise how shit it truly is but I'll always have some nostalgia for it, plus it's the only other game I've come across to have something like Additions from Legend of Dragoon.

Seriously, more JRPGs should have Additions from Legend of Dragoon.

I just got one in November 2018 for $6

i have been playing digimon dusk
recommend me some ds game bros

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Based, I liked the first one better but 2 was a massive improvement gameplay wise.
Shame they cancelled the PS3 game

That's weird. Eh, I dunno about $20. Take a look at some gameplay vids and see if you like the combat and the time mechanic. Otherwise, it's on PC too so you can wait for a sale.

Is that Karen from the gate series?

me and my ex played this game together, swapping off characters.

I swear I'm not crying.

Theres Dept. Heaven games Knights in the Nightmare and Gungnir. The former is hard to describe in words since its really a mix of genres you don't expect while the latter is a solid SRPG. Rarely both is being discussed aside from KitN being hard and Gungnir feels like an incomplete game.

In no particular order...

The World Ends With You
9 Persons, 9 Hours, 9 Doors
Ghost Trick

You'll have a fun time.

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Man, the 3DS game killed it so good it's now stuck as a VN for girls.
Had a lot of fun trying to play pic related with a friend.

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man i fucking loved from the abyss
its such a shame its so short

This is the first case of "better with game pass", I would've never tried it since I was hyped for all the destruction they showed before launch, but since it was "free" I thought why not and hey, it's actuallly fun.

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Sideswiped for the DS.
It's shovelware gold.


I remember the first game getting absolutely shit on by reviewers at the time. I only played the second one but it was pretty decent for what it was. There were a surprising number of decent grinding RPG type games on the psp. Pic related was pretty damn impressive for a 2005 handheld game

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Truly a steal. The fun/price ratio of games and systems is only increasing so far. as time progresses. You can enjoy user verified masterpieces that took millions of dollars to develop for under $5 dollars now. It's insane.

One of the best things about owning a PS3 is that you have access to tons of PS1 and PS2 games (for $5 and $10 each respectively).

Eventually, the parabola is going to swing upwards and 3rd & 4th gen games and consoles are going to start getting more and more expensive because of age and rarity. We know this is going to be true for consoles, but I wonder if the games being available for digital sale will affect their long term price. Since all of the PS1 and PS2 games are backed up and distributed digitally, there's no scarcity to drive up price.

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I would also like to throw in SAO: Fatal Bullet

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I unironically really enjoy Super Bomberman R. It didn't get the best critical reception, and it does have its faults, but I really enjoyed it. The music and the cut scenes are my favorite parts of the game, story mode was eh, battle mode is really fun, especially with 8 players.
I really enjoyed this game on Wii when I was younger. Could've been better, but still enjoyable.

>Samus is 6'3"
That was a mistranslation, she is 6'3 in her powersuit. She should always be fit though

This was my first exposure to the Mana series.

It's not bad, just obscure.
Both Children of Mana and Heroes of Mana on the DS were both pretty great.

That thing was literally my dream game, I've always wanted a third person shooter rpg hybrid with party members that felt like a japanese game.
You can even see things reused from Freedom Wars.

It was never stated to be Samus's suit, it says specifically Samus Aran and Nintendo always gives her the height of 6'3" in official translations, just because you're a manlet doesn't mean you have to feel so inferior to everyone that you would go as far as to try to call Samus short.

I've had a PS3 since 2007 and have played everything I wanted on it.

Game is trash but the music is fucking godlike.

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Love this game. Agree with above user, characters are great.

the game looks like shit and it's not as good as the stuff that came before, but it isn't as bad as people make it out to be

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I was unironically going to post this as soon as I saw the thread, but you beat me to it. The music on entering Tower Level 1 still brings me back, super fun game.
Nico is best waifu, but Selfi hits that weird fetish where you know she's just bullying you to try to get you to hatefuck her.

Black Sigil.
It had its problems but I really liked this ChronoTrigger inspired mess.

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john cena, right?

I'll never apologize

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Never said she was short but it was a mistranslation from a fucking magazine. She has never been shown to be 6'3 without her suit in the games.

Tag force 3

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I never seen anyone talk about this one. It's literally D&D, you gotta roll the dice on the bottom screen and everything. Really good storytelling too.

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How so?

Something something lazy, short lenght, and no overarching plot, just small stories. But you could say that about all tag force games since konami stopped making them.

Prove it was a mistranslation, I want to see Nintendo specifically stating that the suit is 6'3".

it totally shows, the UI is quite nice looking, same for most menus too.
Certainly a better job than the clusterfuck that was gungir
I hate this UI with every inch of my soul.

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Senran games have been very all around for quality.
But PBS is a ridiculously fun game where it absolutely should've been trash.

Other M is the awkward N64 game that Metroid avoided for 2 generations but Castlevania got. Gets shit on more than its due because of the hiatus that it created. If this came out for the N64 and got followed up by Zero Mission, Fusion, and Prime, people wouldn't bring it up nearly at all.

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oh this thread is for me

i am the god of shit taste.

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This for me as well.
Granted, I was never a big fan of Metroid games, but Other M is legit more fun than the boring shit that is Metroid Prime.
The entire series is extremely overrated to be honest, but the action Metroid M kept me from falling asleep.

This is the glitchiest piece of shit I've ever played but shooting dinosaurs bruh

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My fucking man, I played this game a lot as a kid. Though I never completed because I lost the save.
But I wont play it again but I am pretty sure it wont be like I remember and it will be shit

this game looks clunky, weird and raunchy. I might give it a shot someday. My psp backlog is twice as big as it was 3 years ago, god bless fan translations.

Other M gets shit on because it was a bad Metroid game, if Sakamoto would have gone with a team that wanted to make a 2D Metroid game, Other M would have been great.

capping it off with this. I don't actually remember how well this game reviewed but I believe AVGN or somebody else took a dump on it.

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Also, forgot to mention in my post, that woman in the pic is hot as shit.

2 is the underrated one at this point, it really gets too much hate when the DLC is good and the classic levels are nice (save for the stealth)

AVGN considered that one of the good Batman games actually.

Glad Naka Teleeli is covering it in his current LP.

Seriously this game is awesome

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>7 or 8 years ago
>bought a cheap used Wii off Ebay
>it was completely hacked so I could just pirate games and play
>played pretty much every Wii game I could find
>had a blast even with the shittiest ones

I had no fucking idea how much I needed that motion controller. I guess it makes sense considering as a kid I used to play those arcade games with guns as controllers.
Literally any game that made use of the Wii motion controller was pretty okay to me and I had a comfy time with it.
Later I sold the Wii to someone else and to this day I miss it and still want to get a Wii Plus controller to use it on Dolphin.



My man

>no one's posted it yet
well shit, i must be king shit taste

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How’d you know?
But no the fat Bitch

It's the only game i know that gives me Soul Eater vibes and i love it

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5 years development for a game like that is unacceptable. The multiplayer was literally an afterthought

Devs are shitty people yeah.

The game itself is fucked but I find it fun.

Oneechambara Bikini Warriors or whatever the fuck that series is called.
Objectively a bad hack slash series but for whatever fucking reason I always play them and actually finish.
I guess being short games make it easier but usually when a game is bad I drop one or two hours in. Except for this damn series.

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I liked it too. Mostly because i wanted to play the real spore but didn't have a computer.

I literally knew nothing about this as I had not played the original game, and the gameplay was a burning garbage possibly developed by braindead monkeys but I still didnt put it down due to how stylish it was, and the OST was fucking amazing.
If it was ever remade by say Platinum, even if they just worked on the gameplay I feel like it could become one of my favorite PS2 games.

Also fucking hype opening

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ya lost me man

They're like 1.99 each if I remember correctly.

these games are underrated, the combat system is actually pretty deep what sucks is the enemies, they are either punching bags or have no hitstun and a million hp

Star Ocean Till the End of Time. I wasn't bothered by the twist like many people seemed to be.

Worst part of the game was the 10 min long waits you had when you died. Had to play a long ass animation of a Valkyrie picking you up and load times were atrocious

You could do worse. You could do Immortal: Unchained.

Unironic 3rd party masterpieces. Hands down.

Y'all niggers missing out.

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This reviewed super well and had alot of love on Yea Forums

>character design was done by a yaoi artist

And it even got a remaster with more shit for the 3DS.

Playing on the 3DS with og portraits and holy crap this game is great.