Sit in ranked search for 4 minutes

>sit in ranked search for 4 minutes
>finally get a match
>its some A class with 65435634 points or some shit

fuck me man, i just want to play some Soul Calibur. IV never had it this bad, that game was alive as fuck. What fucking gives? Im still sat here now searching for an opponent being able to type all this.

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Console or PC?
I have no problems finding matches on PC during weekends.
Also if searching for as match takes more than 3 minutes cancel and search again its a known bug.

Also wait for season 2 the game will revive when it comes out.
They are fixing a ton of stuff in 2.0.


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I should come back again now that Cass is out.

I dont know what to make of her now desu, i feel like she was way better in IV

And that’s why matchmaking in fighting games is a stupid fucking idea.

how so?

is cass fun?

You’re forced to wait for a match in a dying genre and if nobody at all is playing then you’re wasting time waiting.

If they had a list of opponents along with the matchmaking it’d keep it alive a little longer I think.

Street fighter IV did it right. It had quick search and an opponent list.

>4 minutes
Yeah I'm on PC in na and that doesn't sound right. I always search while in training mode, try that instead.

Feels like they moved about a bunch of her moves to different inputs for zero reason but yeah, sure. She looks fantastic.

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She's pretty dang good now. And she's certainly more INTERESTING to play now than she was before


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Its funny that i have no problems finding people in Serbia on PC.

Because the game is shit people stopped playing.

She literally feels like she is a brand new character in the series not just an alternate move-set Sophytia.

How come her sister got married with kids but she ended up as a cake?

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People realy hated Reversal edge.
Luckily they are making it blockable unless its fully charged.
Before if it paired even one hit it becomes unblockable.

sluts don't end up with kids, they end up with wine and a cat at 40

I main 2B and Kilik anyway. I just like fighting new characters and I enjoy messing around with them.

>playing ranked in fighting games
Move to lobbies you brainlet.
Only casuals and morons who like to make an already small playerbase smaller play ranked because they want their stupid epeen points when they dont mean shit so when all the super casuals leave like every fighting game the playerbase is split further when you have dudes playing in ranked instead of lobbies which lobbies are a must for fighting games

Cassandra is a quite wild and ferral compared to Sophitia. She's a little scrapper who happens to share genes with tall, thick blonde people with huge tits. She's great.

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Why do white people dislike fighting games just because they're bad at them?
seems kind of petty to me.

Yea Forums is petty

Ranked is more populated than casual though

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We could have gotten a new character ... we got cass back whoopie fucking yey.

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>fuck your core values: the intro
Based and redpilled

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You are part of the vast vast VAST minority on this one user.

because youre playing casual trash catering to newfags. literally everyone is probably playing dress up

tekken has 10x the players right now

I play Tekken as well but i want to play soul Calibur as well.

One cock is not enough to satisfy her.

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And thats a massive problem when it takes ages to find matches and the system tries to match ranks together even if it doesnt work its probably why it takes so long but if you all moved to lobbies like every other game people would be able to get into matches much faster. Sc6 is the only fucking game i see where even after the massive drop in players that most fighting games get people still stick to ranked and it suffers because of this, you dont see this shit in guilty gear or blazblue

>wait for season 2
So he has to wait to next year?

it should give you a list but hide names, players in 4 would avoid you if you could beat them or would kick you. This also meant people would boost with their pal to get to the top of the leader-board for whatever reason

I've literally never waited more than 15 seconds to find a match

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>white people are bad at fighting games
Who said that, nigger?

>single player modes are mediocre
>recycled CaS parts
>S1 was just waifubait characters

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> Join ranked
> "I just want to play game!"

Then join casual. Fighting games especially are absolutely unforgiving in ranked. At least in casual you have the chance of someone noticing that you're complete trash and attempting to help you.

Also, 4 minutes isn't that long, you entitled whiteboi.

>Then join casual


They shouldnt have sped the gameplay up so much, other Bamco games have more robust online menues/modes by far. Lots of people who like RPG games give SC a look, thats why its the only fighting game i even tried to improve at...Campaign style mode for SC /is/ a huge selling point. Too many hidden mechanics that are essential to gameplay. Bob can barely toss a shoto fireball but you expect him to know all reversal edge options, lethal hit strings, perfect Gi, regular Gi, meter management and Soul charged moveset? You need tons of knowledge to even begin to get you toes wet. Also the icing on the cake is the Soul "community" itself, which is mostly weird passive aggressive incels and amy posters

I just did, bitch

Yes there is. You're just impatient and want everything now.

it has better match quality on pc, by the way why do you even care? just fight people and have fun. points literally dont matter.

Its true that there are way less white people (if any at all) than others in the various top 8/16

>sit in ranked search for 4 minutes
I don't have this issue and I play on Xbone

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>Tekken 7 and SFV both setting the standard of expectation
>SCVI should be any different

When's Rock?

You need to be in a discord to play fighting games.

This is 2019. How do people not know this?


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but I don't want to undergo HRT....