Post classic prep

post classic prep

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't want to play wow I'll play something else

See you back here tomorrow 7pm when the grind hits you

That's a whole lot of shit tier snacks.

>prepping for a fucking video game release

>Reddit posting this hard

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Kek. Pretty based user. Maybe I’ll do the whole ‘ruin my life’ for a few days thing.

I am ready my friend

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Let's go you fucking niggers

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>Messy Monkeys


>prep for classic
>hit 60
>get into mc and clear it
>do nothing for a week until your raid lock resets

I'm not going to lose sleep for that.

>His mumsy wumsy doesn't buy him messy monkeys

Must suck man

I will

Make a male character. Put pretty good prep otherwise.

Haha yeah I'm like some kind of bum fuckerrrrrrr like spread em broooo

That Monster Pacific Punch is actually kickass

Yea Forums became reddit, newfag. not like they'll magically go away



>missing the point
You're missing a lot of adventures and moments before you hit 60. That's what most people are excited for.

>Yea Forums is so casual they think grinding is bad in a video game

based mobile board.

What's in the green bottle?

sister braps

I am going to the store now, any ideas on what i should pick up? EU, so no fancy murican snacks.

I am also considering making a big pot of stew that i can just grab a plate from over the comming days.

You just know that fat faggot with the hairdryer on his desk is gonna post in this thread

Honestly start fasting user. If you intimate fasting for 2 todays that's pretty good for your body anyways.

If you want some top tier snacks that won't make you feel like a disgusting slob get some delicious chocolate raisins. That shit's real good.

For drinks I recommend getting some cordial with sparkling water. Tastes like soda but again, won't give you instant diabetes.

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some sake a friend brought me from Japan recently, figured classic launch was as good a reason to open it as any

This is the only one i can say is based. no sugary diarrhea and some vodka. how does those MRE taste?

not the worst idea but i felt like being a lazy slob just like i was back when i first played vanilla.

Cordial is concentrated fruit juice syrup-ish thing? I think we have something like it here.

Just rememeber to take it easy at the start so you can level fast enough to get ahead of the pack before the sake slows you down.

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Complete garbage

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You are not Russian, you false flagging faggot. Also, where the hell you got army rations.

>chupa chups
holy fuck last time I had those was like 20 years ago.


is warlock a good solo machine? i imagine it will be just me and my voidwalker in layer 235 for the first few weeks

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>classic prep
is there a minimum weight requirement or something?

can a boomer even afford to still be eating all this shit? you guys are like, hanging by your last thread with 10 strands of hair left in your head

Who the fuck stole my name

Just on the american servers

>is warlock a good solo machine?
One of the best.

fear is OP, mana drain is good, you'll be kinda useful in PvE, overall one of the best, indestructible with a healslut in wPvP

Based noranon?

>don't have to prep for anything because I can just tell my wife to make something and she will do it without question
I'm not going to play classic, but still lmao @ you nerd virgins

Best after Hunter.

Warlock and Hunter are peak solo.

nobody is envious of some ugly chink you brought from thailand, dumb boomer

Can confirm.
>non-cyrillic keyboard AND wall-mounted monitor AND backlit
>non-russian vodka
Really, nigger?
>russian rations
Biggest bullshit here, no sane slav will eat this shit voluntarily.

>boomers eat all this crap like it's natural
no wonder american people look so disgusting when they hit 30 years of age. ultra yikes

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I swear Blizzcux are mentally ill. They need to prepare for every blizz game. Remember all those threads about preparation for Diablo 3?

How about you go out and have sex instead of buying a shitload of unhealthy snacks and staying cooped up in your room all week playing WoW like a machild?

>Eating six bags of buttery microwave popcorn in one sitting
Absolute madlad, totally won't get clogged arteries

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Are druids viable healers? I know it sucks not to have resurrection in dungeons but I suspect that phase of the game will last a lot shorter than it did at actual release. Just whether they are actually brought to raids or not (beyond one to buff).

>no sane slav will eat this shit voluntarily.
it doesn't look bad. how bad can it actually taste? i like canned fruity stuff.

>it actually taste?
Most of it doesn't, at all, that's the problem. Apple jam is okay. And that "tea" could kill a horse.
Still better than

I have a feeling someone who is looking forward to be playing wow classis just wants to die as fast as he can

unless the skull is full of lollipops that seems like a huge waste


Yo, at least get some Redbull or something. If you're going to put toxins in your body at the very least make sure it tastes good.

Personally I'm leaving work in around 4 hours, then I'll pick up a couple sandwiches from a local deli and head home. I'm debating either poboys or banh mis.

>nothing but processed food

>don't as questions
>consume consume consume
>laugh laugh laugh

Still haven't chosen a realm.

i dont know why people buy plastic garbage like this

2 pounds of salted pistachios is all i need

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Leveling in Classic was terrible. Oh man, kill X for Y drop or kill this many of these mobs. Such a great experience! Leveling is just a formality that you go through so you can play the real game: honor grind and endgame raids.

is that tea?

You're gonna get sick

Booze is the Grand Elixir.

I won't eat it all of course

Fat fag.

Reddit scums rolling Horde on Gehennas.

Just some of these. Won't even be playing WoW. Just drinking like I do every night.

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>That Monster Pacific Punch is actually kickass
it, and the monster khaos are the best flavors, and the only ones i can stand aside from ultra sunrise

fuck I haven't even decided what server to be on yet.

I have my names on Pagle but I kinda want to go to Old Blanchy as thats a fucking awesome name for a server. I also don't know if I want to do human paladin, human rogue or gnome warlock

Why do redditors post something like this? I genuinely don't understand them.

Russian MRE/10
I see some supplements, don't let them fuck with your gain bro
10/10 for the pistacios

Sad I can't stuff my face with junk food, but I will be playing the shit out of it at launch.

Got the beef stew in, should be ready in about 7 hours

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Yes, even destro is good solo.

Redbull, water, wine, hot cheetos

this and nothing else but water you disgusting fat fucks

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not even crackers?


Great idea user, I'm totally making beef stew tonight as well

Two of the main meals in meal 3 and meal 7 are perfect after a day in the woods. The third one that seems to come in every package and is some weird compact rice thing I instantly throw away. The crackers smell and taste like the box it all comes in but the apple jam is fantastic.


The red ones yeah. Black tea.

yikes, imagine getting this excited for a re-release of a 15 year old game

well done activision, you really hooked a lot of idiots

i never played WoW but even i can see this is extreme nostalgia bait and people will realize it's not the same and quit

Thought those were beaver nuggets for a second there.

Put the Meyer's in the pot.
Do it.

Murrika general

Hardly. Both Blizzard and DICE have lost the ability to make good games and the other game companies are no better so this is pretty much all I get.



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He already is a cracker

>4 energy drinks, 1 a day
>spaghettios and ready meals
am ready

I'm ready. Going to have my favorite meal and watch my favorite twitch streamer. (>")b

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you guys are actually using piss bottles?

Watch out with those old spice deo sticks. I loved the smell, bought 4. Week later I got fucking chemical burns under my armpits. Googled it, apparently it's a known problem. I live in EU so then they compensate you with a pack of crisps and a foreigner to take in.

>The red ones yeah. Black tea.
what brand

real raiders wear raid diapers. no excuse, you've had months to prepare

>not pre cracked
What was your end game

I got a standup at 10, then I'm going out to get prepped

please post more pictures of your prep/setups. I really like looking at these for some reason

Pretty wholesome

How will the server queues be?

Add some hummus breh

Quit larping op, we know that deodorant hasn’t been used in over 7 years.

They convince themselves that it's cheap and filling, because only communists read nutrition labels.
I argued with a guy on /ck/ a while ago who was convinced that walmart bologna (basically sausage made of chicken scraps, pork fat, and corn syrup) was cheaper than "healthy" food. It has less protein per dollar than bread.

holy based

this is a great idea. unfortunately i don't have enough money for meat and vegetables

Just chug some baking soda to combat the gout

Very cool

Good idea user ill make it enough to last two days and can complete my no life

Based, hearty and filling, perfectly combines the supplements your body requires. Solid 9/10, 10/10 if bread on the side

what can you possibly eat if you cant afford meat and veg?

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>bread on the side
Personally I prefer pouring my beef stew over a bit of rice, or mashed potatoes if it has no potatoes in there

flour, potatoes and ramen

>tfw keto
I can live off cheese and eggs, it's great

I’ll have to try that next time

How do I lose weight anons?

What the best strategy to getting in on time? Login in exactly at 6pm or logging in earlier and trying to keep the character screen from disconnecting?

eat less

Check the price of carrots or some other root vegetable the next time you shop.

Sure you don't want to ask "Who makes the chewing gum for the Russian rations?"

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Onions and carrots and cabbage are all cheaper than ramen and flour. Meat is difficult to get cheap, though.

>all that celery for ONE person
You greedy fuck.

A mug of tea, with lemon or honey if i fancy that.

What is keto?

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Tell us a joke

Stop eating grain-based carbohydrates. Ideally, count your macros and eat between 50g and 100g of carbs per day. One day a week, eat between 250g and 300g to keep your body burning fat. You're welcome.

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high fat low carb

A diet where you torture yourself by not eating bread, pasta, rice, corn, potatoes and sugar

Skipping carbs

i have 11 bucks to last me till next wednesday, and I need gas. Can't justify the cost of even frozen veggies from walmart

i'd rather have the ramen. can get 5 packs of it for the cost of 1 onion

Absolutely zero of my find memories of wow are about levelling, you can't even actually enjoy your class until you hit 60 because some classes get their most definitive spells through 50 to 58

Based crock-pot user. I'm making a roast for today. Will be ready when I get home.

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>Diablo 3 launch day
>real irl girl(female) wants to fug
>it’s 11:45
>tell her I’m busy and send her home
>servers don’t work for like a week

Last time I ever fell for the Blizzard meme

Dairy is bad for you and so is keto. Ketosis makes it basically impossible to gain muscle. You should be eating low carb but not so much that you go into ketosis. So generally, not below 50g of carbs a day

Ah, just had another great day at work. Going to take my girlfriend out for dinner tonight, hope you guys have fun playing your game! Don't stay up too late though, the weekend is still a few days away haha.

Cut dairy

What are you anons playing while you wait? I've got some Wind Waker on the go right now.

>a 6-pack of soda
>a bag of chips
>actual food to cook for meals
>lots of water
just buy enough junk food as if you were to watch a movie; you are not gonna eat that giant bag of candy anyway in one sitting and live through it

just get gastric bypass lmao

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SteveMRE is that you?

Eat less or exercise away the excess food.

But you already knew that.

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

because 7's a nigger

Pretty easy to cut all those filler foods

y tho
like what's the point?

how much do you weight ?

>can get 5 packs of it for the cost of 1 onion

Do you live in Siberia? I just checked prices and every vegetable was cheaper per ounce than even bulk packs of ramen

It's a good way to lose body fat.

Finally some good fucking food.
Share your list of spices used please?

pipeline punch is pretty good

Your body enters a state where it is much better at burning fat, because it can't get the easier energy from carbs

the caloric content of the onion. and i can't buy an ounce of an onion. what place do you live in that has 1 ounce onions?

>cutting out bland filler and sugar

t. American

start running, I managed to lost 20kgs like this, now my dick is big again

>Peppermint Smirnoff
>Boomer juice

Jesus fucking Christ


How does minimalizing carbohydrate intake aid in reducing bodyfat any more than CiCo? There must be something else to it.

>pink smirnoff
you couldn't be more of a faggot of you tried

This thread has been sponsored by Monster Energy Drink

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I eat a bag everyday though.

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I'm just going to be eating reheated chicken with rice and minced meat with pasta for a week straight


Let's get that onto a tray

So it's just Atkins.

Air-popped popcorn is a good snack food though. It's the microwaved shit that's unhealthy, especially with shit like Pop Secret that just drenched the popcorn in ten layers of butter.

Because this
At least that’s what they say, I dunno how accurate it is

but I’ve lost 45 pounds on it so far so they must be on to something

Yes, keto is literally atkins

>pre-cracked pistachios
what's stopping from pouring all that shit directly into your mouth.

Insufferable faggots who constantly scream about bread.

If i see one more Monster Energy drink i will personally scalp each one of your fucking skulls

how is this called in english?

Theyre mostly coming close to the end of their exp life when they goes into civilian shops. Also you would literally shit out bricks because of how much cellulose in it. I have a fucking ptsd from them after eating this shit for 2 weeks when i was in the chemical contamination forces and cleared anthrax burial grounds in siberia.

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we're clearly being advertised to

God, im potato.

t. sugar addicted faggot

>all that fucking salt
enjoy having a heart attack at age 40

They're still very edible. The box says best before 2019 on the outside but all the main meals and toppings have best before 2022 printed directly on them. Only the chocolate was expiring in 2019 and it was hard as rocks but still edible.

>muh sodium

If you have to rely on a meme diet to lose weight then it's only inevitable that you will gain the weight back. Incorporate what you enjoy from keto but don't force yourself into doing low carb because you want the easy way out fatty.

Why are people always in such a hurry to lose the weight they spent years building up to?
Enjoy your stretch marks, loose skin and zero energy.
Just drink water and eat health(ier). Fat fucks. You fucking retards gonna do these fads for the rest of your life or what? If you're on a diet, you'll be off a diet. What're you gonna do then? Regain the weight plus tip?
Whatever, to each his own. Obesity is a mental illness. Fix yer brains or you'll never fix your bodies.

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*I can see my dick again

Count calories, I lost like 60lb in a year despite only consuming $5 subway sandwiches and potato chips

>what are starches
shoulda paid attention in school you dumb nog

>Badger on /ck/

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

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Based Jeff Poster

I went from 250 pounds to being a lean 160 pounds just by following his advice and incorporating his routines that i torrented.

Burn fat stores for energy instead of sugar/carbs

energy drinks taste like shit and do not give you any energy. Only people who are addicted drink them.

It's unfortunate that such a large amount of the modern playerbase shares this mentality because its contributed largely to why retail is such a shitshow.
Leveling isn't as fun as raiding, so we'd better make leveling require absolutely no effort and allow people to just sleepwalk through it solo, or, failing that, allow them to pay to skip it.

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>windows skin on small penis linux

based retard

Would you like to lose 4 lbs a week or 1?

I don't get it why people drink Monster?.

Also crackers tastes like shit when its more than 5-7 months old. But not like they are good in general. Anyway i would choose murrican mre over ours any day. At least they are somehow tasty and you dont need to stuff half of the fucking heli with the useless fucking boxes, becuase our retards dont want to do food in the bags and a flameless heater.

It's the gamer fuel you need to stay awake during long sessions

in search of developing kidney stones and pancreatitis

Start fasting. Begin doing 16 to 20 hours of fasting a day, then once you're used to that ramp it up to 48 hours and then 72 hours. Combine with cutting carbs for best results.

I drink Steel Reserve everyday. what am i in for healthwise?

Onions come in value packs of 2-6 ounces.
It's called an onion.

What's the point of losing weight liek that when you're going to end up looking like shit. Just work out and eat less and don't eat shit when you do eat.

How many months until this game evolves in to modern WoW?

i have the same deodarant

probably cheapest for biggest size.

>Brain tells you you're hungry
>lol no
>Lose weight

It's honestly not that hard, you just need to wake up and cut your hunger cues out of your dumb monkey brain.

>Cut shit food that makes you feel bloated and and lethargic

yes, for a dollar. when i can get 5 packs of ramen for a dollar. you seem really offended by the fact that i have to go on pure caloric content rather than nutrition

I'd rather lose fat, have energy to gain muscle, and feel great during the journey with a plan for the rest of my life once I reach my destination.
Reducing bodyfat is half the equation. If you aren't replacing it with muscle, even lean muscle, and fixing your mental outlook, then the fat may as well have never left.
Generally speaking, on average, you can lose 2lbs of fat per week. You're talking about doubling that rate, and that's why people end up needing surgery post-weight loss to remove leftover skin that was so fucking unhealthy from their shitty diet (I.E. the one they were on to lose the weight).
There's some user in here calling every critic sugar-addicted retards or something or other. Can you imagine being so impatient that you sacrifice your body's chemistry in an ironic attempt to make your body appear healthier?
I'd rather be addicted to nutrition than an ADHD wanker.

48-80 months

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2 weeks, when they bring the addons out, the novelty has worn off and everyone's sick of eachothers shit

I once fasted for 30 days, wanted to beat Jesus's record, had to stop because my blood pressure and sugar are low by default and I was half dead the whole time.

Royal Elephant. It's Indian black tea.

If your weight loss has peaked and you're stuck at a certain weight, it can get the ball rolling again.

And even if you end up looking skinny and weak, once you've lost the weight you can think about bulking. Basically being a fatass is the worst case scenario.

How much of those respective foods were you ever eating to make yourself feel bloated?
No wonder you're a fat fuck.

>Monster drinks instead of Coffee
>no biscuits/cookies
>no beef jerky
>no sunflower seeds

There's GAMER FUEL and then there is normal sensible snacking for avid vidcon players.

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You gonna have the weirdest shits man

1) Eat lots of protein, protein makes you feel full REALLY fast. Eat like 20-30g of protein every meal and you won't get cravings in between.

2) Stop buying candy or chips and shit like that, never have anything to snack on-hand that you can literally just open and eat. Snack fresh fruit and veggy that you have to stand up and prepare a half min or two. If you feel hungry, peel a single carrot and eat it. Buy shitload of fruit but don't eat too much of it a day, it still has sugars.

3) Eat less in general, in its simplest form, losing weight is literally just "eat less than you burn"

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coffe is bad for you too

You're losing muscle too, dork.

Why do brainlets keep eating and drinking short term energy shit? You're almost 30 years old, it's time to start eating healthy.

i'm supplementing that with protein shakes that have lots of psyllium husk, so it'll be OK.

thank you for your concern and good luck tonight!

>too poor to afford the $15
>barely got the money for internet for the month
Life is suffering when you don't burden society like a NEET.

>coffee instead of caffeine gum
It's like you don't utilize 10 military tricks to stay ahead of everyone else.

thanks a lot mate

Uninstall wow. Results are going to show by the second.

i eat almonds in between some foods sometimes
>anxiety problems
thats my main problem anyway
and just swallowing food

I forgot the most important one, because it's kinda well-known by now:
4) DONT FUCKING DRINK SODA/sugary drinks. Soda is a desert, most normal people drink 1-2l a month. Get used to water. Don't drink juice or whatever either, every drink with sugar is basically pure poison, I see it like drinking alcohol: only on special occasions.

This is the main factor, I personally lost 5kg by just switching to water (took half a year ofc, but you can be faster if you cut all sugars, which I didn't at that time)

Based ancientfag poster
When you're poor you always eat stews because they're so cheap. Keep making excuses, you complete faggot. For those with a backbone, just ask your local butcher for cheap cuts, they understand and will work to a price. Lentils are a great bulker. Veg has always been cheap, or just fucking grow it. Damn niggers with your Cheetos.

user, I’ll pay for your account if you level mine. email me: [email protected]

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NA or EU?

High IQ Gamer setup

Now this is what I expect from Yea Forums

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This. It's also how I quit smoking. Buy a package of gatorade, drink gatorade fill the empty bottles up with the shells. HOME

diet for gym is expensive

NA. I'm no stinky Yuropoor.

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imagine you'd rather be too poor to barely afford internet than being a "stinky europoor" LUL the irony

I seriously will.

No, if you were going for caloric content you'd be eating bulk rice and beans.

based celeryman
I like a bit of hummus with it tho

Zoomer starter pack

Can't see what you're eatan on my phone OP can u type it out

You're already pre-bulked so you might as well work out.

>If your weight loss has peaked and you're stuck at a certain weight

That's why you do acctual physical activity.

how many times are you going to post your junkfood, this is embarrassing

Don't touch my waifu ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>not a single picture of weed

WoW and weed go together like black men and white women.

Hmu on


I might need a ginnypig when blizzard brings back recruit a friend

Based, blessed and wholesome. Thank you very much user.

ITT cunts that have not achieved anything in their life wanting to go back to a time when they weren't such losers

jokes on you, i've been a loser my whole life

only the best user

doritos popcorn mountan dew that sort of thing

in all honesty ive prepped some chicken breast and veggies and a few other actual foods

thought it would just make a funny photo

>Barbecue shapes
Aus/NZ fag confirmed

Alright anons give it to me straight, I want to jump in for the classic experience. Do I have to pay $60 plus the $15 fee for this month just to experience it for a small amount of time?

>jokes on you, i've been a loser my whole life
I wonder why. Carry on paying every month to get your false sense of accomplishment while real life passes you by ..... again. Classic.

hey i resemble that remark

what he said

why do you have a qwerty keyboard

no theres no base game, just pay a sub and thats all

>got a master's degree
>got a job as a researcher
Should I feel fulfilled? Because I don't. Unless you are young millionaire Chad, escapism is always gonna beat out real life.

Fuck yeah

This applies to you

So you're saying don't play WoW while stoned, gotcha.

>alrighty bros, focus skull, CC star, let tank solo boss until ads are down
>ready to pull?
>nah bro, lemme take a rip first

Playing WoW well high is like a black man having a family with a white woman. Possible but extremely unlikely.

you know it

couldnt find the tv snacks for the life of me

Gee can't wait to play next fucking week when 30% of the streamer zoomies finally fuck off

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This, basically escapism has been the best part of my life since I was a kid. I'm not going to give it up now because I'm an adult. Real life has always been shit and it just keeps getting worse as you get older.

>most normal people drink 1-2l a month
Soft drink consumption in the United States dipped again for the 13th straight year in 2018 to 38.87 gallons per person.

146.9286L per year.

No user most drink 0.5L a day.

QFT. Rose tinted goggle cunts.

Give McVities chocolate pretzels a go, they're pretty good.
Went to Woolies and got the last 4-pack of Monster Zero—think some other boomers beat me to the rest of them

Gonna get pre-drunk while out with friends
I plan to be back home just before 12pm with a shit-load of beer
First one or two days gonna be absolute shitshow because of crowds but boy oh boy am i ready for this.

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>This, basically escapism has been the best part of my life since I was a kid. I'm not going to give it up now because I'm an adult. Real life has always been shit and it just keeps getting worse as you get older.

I wonder why. You will never make anything of yourself

The only thing you are escaping is the effort to do something with your life.

US is fucked, interesting to see those statistics. Also interesting you instantly think that I'm talking about the US. I wasn't.

tfw you can't be apart of the classic wow prep

>crap PC
>no moni

Ouch. But true.

14 bux a month and runs on a 15 year old pc

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>I wonder why.
If you want my life story, it's because I was born into a drug addict family and never got along well with other kids. Even with my family it always seemed like nobody wanted me around. So after a certain traumatic event when I was really little, I ended up staying inside all the time. Better to remove myself from the situation than for people to tell me to fuck off.

It isn't like I'm missing a lot. I live in the middle of nowhere, a place infested with homeless and drug addicts, and basically everyone I know smokes weed as a baseline. Even when I was working I never really met anyone I wanted to spend time with outside the job.

I didn't really find it funny and I'm not judging you, I just wanted to know because I like seeing these images

this is not true you faggot

What makes you think eating keto means you can't build muscle? You can still eat a decent amount of protein on keto and get good gains.

Now I'm not saying you're speaking like this because you're addicted to carbs and can't imagine giving it up, but if you cut sugar, bread and pastas from your diet and started eating chicken, cheese and eggs more regularly, how is that going to kill your gains?

The thing is, even if I did something with my life, I would still end up sitting at home and playing video games.

just made some red beans and rice in my crockpot, gonna be eating good for days

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they are a favourite

my grandparents used to have them every time i went to visit

what are you going to be playing user?

horde or alliance?

Steve really taught me to appreciate the little details about everything. I never realized how interesting pretty much everything in the world is. Like ingredient lists and manufacture dates.

Wish I was 30> again. My hand and joints hurt when I play for too long.

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I don't want your life story. That is just a pile of excuse.

But you carry on and play classic. Maybe collecting 20 bear pelts will give you the satisfaction you aren't trying for in real life

from a former 112 lbs 5'11 skeleton, I can share the keys
drink coffee or tea, it warms up your insides and makes you less hungry, and have something like a protein shake each day (25g, maybe mix it with low fat milk) and that'll keep you full and stop you losing a lot of muscle
besides that just eat less of course, easier said than done obviously

>You will never make anything of yourself
Same goes for you faggot
Every good place by the table is already set.
No goodies for plebeians
Might as well enjoy the last moments of this civilization
At least we are not in denial about it

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Oh, I'm not going to play WoW. I just really like threads where people post their food and setups. It makes me feel comfy for some reason.

If you want something easy and tasty, just get some bread and eggs. Takes the eggs and beat them up, drench the bread in the eggs and put it into a heated up pan with oil and enjoy

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>can't play Classic because my new PC build is fucked, either the PSU or motherboard is DOA


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Fridge is full of /sip/

its gamer time

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So you just want to inflame. I hope you enjoy the game too faggot.

soo french toast..

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why do you write 30> instead of

i feel the same way

even jsut general house and especially kitchens

im just a nosey fucker

every time we go out to eat im trying to look in the kitchen

>Noice dude. I spent four hours making some pretty damn good chili con carne and homemade tortillas to eat over the next 2/3 days, but my family ate most of it.

Am I the only one who doesn't eat or drink behind his desk? When im hungry/thirsty I go to the kitchen.

Based lifeless chink automaton

>playing the 1st day of an MMO launch

when will you retards learn?

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12 lukewarm steel reserve tallboys

why the heck do people drink and game ? alcohol is a depressant and negatively impairs your cognitive function making your performance worse. you plan on getting to a bar brawl with your keyboard ?

Isn't yerba mate cancerous or something?

Not being a dick, just curious.

Man I love kitchens.

if it was, would they be allowed to sell it without a warning text?

You go to the kitchen just to sippy some water?

Because it's fun you dumbass.

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Ya bro they are going to need all their wits about them grinding mobs for hours on end.

>flavored vodka
I thought that was a woman thing?

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fatass degenerate

i think its just becasue thats where id always sit to do stuff as a kid

same with bars

if we go somewhere and they have a proper bar, i will always sit behind it if possible

The recommended minimum specs include a Core2Duo E6600 from 2006, and an Nvidia 8800 GTS from 2005.

I guarantee I can run WoW classic on a PC built with no parts made after 2004 at 20-30 FPS

Are you planning to eat that stick of deodorant too?

Leveling in wow was the absolute most boring repetitive shit ever, but no one here knows that because none of them played it. They'll figure it out soon enough. Wow truly was always about the end game, wether the end game content is good or not is another topic.


>not wódka

What isn't sponsored by Monster? See that shit literally everywhere and i still haven't bought a single can. Is it any good?

Dumbass food addicted fatfucks think it does something special. Hint: it doesn't actually, they're just eating less calories so they lose weight.

This shit is crack. I don’t know what it is but they fucking taste delicious. Just a pinch of salt on them woowee


>I’m sorry Jesse, I must go all out, just this once


For me it's celery and peanut butter.

Except blizzard has already started making changes to your beloved classic experience (that you probably never played before) and after everyone realizes they hate classic wow their go to reaction will be "b-but blizzard changed everything that's why it wasn't genuine, it's still good!"
I give it 2 months.

Imagine being an OCE Chad and not binging on pineapple lumps.

Attached: official sweets of oce.jpg (500x500, 48K)

>being this salty and bitter
Lmao. Get shit on, faggot.


Wow get this man a mic

You're right. Maybe I saw it from some shitty research study or something like that.

My fault for being ignorant.

>not votka

dont like pineapple boss

I don't either. Pineapple lumps are fucking delicious though, have you never tried them?

Smirnoff is pretty chill but it's no white claw

Fake news.

Oh I find the chairs harder to balance on

still not sure what server to go
Mograine is new aryan white only server right?

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Here you go man (visuals have no meaning just listen to audio)

Is the white thing radish?

I don't need to "prep" for paying $14.99 a month to play garbage because I already have the best MMO on the market, with actually involved quests that feel like an adventure and a consistent world that isn't a themepark, a proper PvP meta and absurdly challenging SOLO PvM content (Inferno). All for free.

But enjoy paying chinks for a medicore nostalgia trip, Blizzcuck.

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>all the fatasses play dwarf

Attached: Bomber_Quest_186.png (640x400, 22K)

OSRS is a ded game, it's literally owned by a chinese ore mining corporation, and they're running it into the ground

Cheer up user!
Everything has an end...
It's not like we won't have fun along the way

You mean gorzałka moron

rutabagas i pulled from my garden a couple days ago

I'm rolling Nethergarde Keep because fuck you and I am not the same man I was 10 years ago because I lost a hand in an accident

this. Cocaine is much better

The Netherlands is below average when it comes to the litres of soft drinks consumed in EU countries; the average being 94,5 per person per year in 2016. Germany consumes the most soft drinks, with an average of 139,6 litres per person. Denmark comes in second, with the Czech Republic following shortly after. Greece is at the bottom of the list with only 47,7 litres consumed per person.

So even Greeks drink about a coke a week.

This game is going to die in a month or two unfortunately.

Runescape did a similar thing, playerbase declined. The only thing that saved it was that they updated it to have different updates & lore from Runescape 3.

I don't think Blizzard will do that. So the game will stagnate and die.

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>clown world honk honk

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work for the snack faggot

>alcohol releases dopamine
It literally makes anything you do more fun.

The idea is to crack open a beer and slowly sip it like for hours to maintain that dopamine release.

Alcohol makes you contingency impaired because you keep drinking yet no more dopamine is released. So it becomes an impairment when the dopamine receptors are full and poisoning if oyu drink too much.

Your taste in liquor is that of a white freshman bitch and you play a girl. Dilate. You'll never be a real woman.

so, do you guys play this game until it gets to the most recent patch or it's a game that you finish in under a month then never comes back?

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>mom i posted it again!

hope you at least realize how cringe you are. makes it way less embarrassing than if you were to be completely clueless to it

those 3 foods are a lot more expensive per calorie, you're dreaming

>rush to lvl 60
>prob wont read a single quest text
>still only gets server 763th lvl 60
b-but your missing the point

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wtf even is that crap, what whole foods did you spend $100 + to get that shit

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if they lose weight then it works dumb faggot

he's clearly from another country you double digit muttoid amerilard

What snacks and frozen / easy to prepare food should I get for this afternoon?

Up & go will give you stomach cancer ausbro

no idea, i haven't seen anything to suggest as much. i'll report back in a few years if i'm developing tumors

in the mean time, it's delicious and seems to be a better alternative to drinking a ton of boomerade throughout the week

I'm a stoner but probably wont smoke tonight so i dont get tired early

I just have a crap ton of weed and coffee to keep me going.
Yooo dill pickle is the best flavor. But yeah that mmuch salt can't be good for you. Maybe I'll get some tonight though
For snacks I'm probably going for fruit gummies myself
I mean if you asked for it

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actually no

pretty sure my mrs has some in the pantry

>crap ton of weed
>maybe a half ounce

Bit more than half an ounce if you include prerolls, but that is a ton to me.
Damn son how much more could you need? I live in a legal state if I run out can always just get more delivered within 30mins.

Are you retarded?
> is greater than
< is less than
guy wrote 30>
not 30

Easy way to remember it.
The alligator ie the < or > eats the biggest number.

bliss bro

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Got a fresh ounce

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very based

I kinda miss weed. I had a dream the other night that I bought some. Woke up and felt kinda sad

>after everyone realizes they hate classic wow
Why do people keep pretending private servers don't exist? Yes people are going to leave after the first few weeks, but it will a fun few weeks and afterwards there is clearly enough people for a core playerbase that sticks around

I mean, Classic can be boring sometimes, but the community is fucking great and saves the game in my experience

so just go buy a gram

Personally I think I should slow down on it. Between a part time job, full time student, and a gf rarely have time for it. But it also helps me not stress out about all those things either

I've driven past your window

maybe i am but PLOT TWIST maybe its you
he wrote 30>(x) which is the same as (x)

I don't have any money

You can definitely go too hard on weed because there are no awful side effects like with booze, you can smoke and smoke and that's just not good.

then get a job instead of prepping for wow classic

extremely cringe worthy. bet you had to talk your mom into letting you put those up

Yeah I went through a real bad phase especially when I got my weed pen. I ended up doing it even while at work in the bathroom since. I've since calmed down from being perma high 24/7 but damn it can sneak up on ya.

>watermelon smash
Jesus op you have poor hygiene irl I fucking know it

>30 and 30> is basicly
greater than 30, 30 or greater. (unless you HAVE to add a = to it)

How were mounts handled in classic? Do you have to be exalted with Stormwind to get the human mounts as a gnome? I forget how it works. I really want the 10% discount from honored but I really want go to the human starting area so I can do Westfall

I refuse to get a job.

you realize lt and gt are operators just like the equal sign, and omitting the x is just a colloquial short form of the mathematical equation:

Alcoholic drinks don't have any such warning on them.

Retard meme diet for people with no self control

Honestly, I look forward to the early MC grace period. Gear from every raid stays relevant for ages, so you can expect to still be clearing MC and Onyxia when you're half way through AQ40.
The neck from Onyxia is BIS for many classes for the entire game and you still need to be handing in the head for the buff.

The white one feels like drinking fucking rose perfume without being bitter.
of course it's good

am I the only one here with my morning coffee already gone, some pepsi and the rest is water? I don't have any form of snack either.. maybe I should make some zucchini bread muffins or some shit

>maybe I should post my nasty ass armoring desk

depression, bad credit, and a future domestic violence charge

Pretty sure that's how it was.

they have an age limitation and aren't known to cause cancer to my understanding, the effects are widely known and maybe they should have a warning label but the industry could argue that its toxicity is from the dosage and that applies to everything

Holy shit your IQ must be so low.

Guess I'm paying the full price because I don't think I'm going to get honored with the gnome faction by the time I hit 40

ok i posted anyways

Attached: armorin.jpg (4032x3024, 2.21M)

yes, you need exalted to buy another factions mount.

you should have no problem.

>Houston Astros

My nigga

Throw back to the time i ate two full bunches of these fucks and my mouth went numb lol

enjoy your worm larvae

>Tfw married with kids and will never be able to relive the experience even though Classic is being re-released
What's the quickest way to exit life?

thats dessert :3


yeah man you will need something harder


itt: post your face when playing Classic.

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Isnt leveling supposed to be not too slow (grindy) and not too fast, but balanced and with tangible impact that sticks? Same with gear? Stuff that can last +20 levels and more if upgraded or is effective no matter the level?

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i'm leveling with protection

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the self improvement part always gets me

just wait 5 years until she divorces you

I remember levling being fine until lvl 40 then the grind really hits you and later on there's certain levels where you run out of quests and just grind mobs to get to the next level so you get new quests.

Thats terrible.

You're too poor for food but can afford gym? Are you missing a chromosome?

I workout daily, and still keep an eye on costs, food can be cheap if you stop buying shit. You're just making excuses. Lentils and chickpeas are high protein, low cost.

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Private servers were popular for years

just got a lot of coffee, a case of baja blast, and a bunch of these

prolly not the healthiest choice for an instant dinner but idgaf its tasty as fuck

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Despite everything nu-Blizzard is, they still know how to make money. Do you really think they would spend time and resources on Classic if they didn't know there was a market for it? You naysayers are the dumbest kind of people.

When is the last time a Blzizard game flopped, like REALLY flopped? Even D3 which is garbage pulls in tens of thousands of players every season. Even Hearthstone makes fucktons of money still despite it being one of the worst cardgames out there.

Classic is going to be around for years, then we'll get classic TBC and classic WotLK and it's going to be awesome

Absolutely wholesome.

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i demand you play alliance and be a based white human male

you can join the band of the burgo's

I wish I had the ability to be a shitstain on society.

>215k/yr salary
>unlimited pto
>taking a week off from work to play WoW, but still hitting the gym 4 days a week and eating healthy - looking to maintain about 12hr/day of game time
is this week what it's like to be NEET aside from being poor?

remember to pick WHITEMANE on NA and GEHENNAS on EU if you want to go home and avoid streamer subhumans and more importantly their resource-stealing servants

>When is the last time a Blzizard game flopped, like REALLY flopped?

Heroes of the Storm

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could be worse
add vegetables and you are golden


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i have those sweets too

>literally forgot it existed

point made, I guess

just realized i dont have blizzard's WoW downloaded


its over girls zoomers are finished!

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It's going to be unbirthing inflation roleplay right off the bat

dude weed ... ?

What'chu know about Steel Reserves? Probably nothing.


is this game good

Never liked WoW at any point in its life and could never get into it, but I hope all you anons enjoy your game!

>he said, after shitposting in his 27th thread for the evening

youre cringe and bluepilled you toxic psycho

No, this game is WoW.

what addons are must haves for classic?

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I recall how back in 2007 i tried WoW. It was on a free trial. Made an account, rolled human warlock. Didnt like cartoony graphics, but that was tolerable. Then i got my first quest - kill 16 foxes/rabbits or something. I quit and never looked back.
Guild Wars was the only MMO i sank in hundred or so hours.
However, i am grateful for all the porn WoW gave us.
Good luck and rng to you anons who rejoyce at coming of classic WoW.

My buddy who still plays retail told me
>Clique (for casters)
>Classic Castbars

>anarchy flag
>kekistan flag
You deserve riducule.

Nothing, play the game without addons you fucking dweeboid.

no one else will do this, the large majority are modded to the teeth i don't feel like giving myself a handicap for no reason.

thanks pal

>Guild Wars was the only MMO i sank in hundred or so hours.

True Patrician. It's sad how absolute shit Guild Wars 2 is in comparison.

start without addons and keep adding what you need as you go, you dont need them in the beggining anyway

You're dumb. Games exist that have fun leveling.

I would name them but clearly you're a wow drone who justifies having spend 15 bucks a month for years on a game.

I logged into current WoW and this is what the chat looked like

looks like the retarded culture of vanilla is back boys

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why did you slice the roast before cooking, and why is it above the stock level? I just brown in the cast iron then put it at the bottom, making sure it's submersed in stock. I do my pot roasts in the dutch oven but it should be the same


Anyone else think this will bomb after a few months?

Nostalgiacucks aren't taking into consideration the amount of grind that will cause burnout.

lmao imagine leaving it til the last minute, what did you expect?

>wowbash is dead

Man that's a shame was some funny shit on that place was going to get me right in the mood.

Made a big pizza; will be absolutely fine cold.

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i seared beef in cast iron then sliced. i cut any super excessive fat and put it in the pan while i was chopping an onion so all the fat would get into the pan followed by lightly carmellizing the onion and adding a cup of broth.
i scraped the bottom of the skillet so (hopefully) all that fat could get in the broth and i could pour it into the crock pot.
all together i think i only added 2.5 cups of broth to the stew

Post recipe, looks delish.

not criticizing, but you should try putting the whole roast after browning at the bottom of the pot next time, making sure the whole cooking process it's fully submerged. see if you enjoy the results. should be a juicier less dried out roast, and more flavorful. any meat above the stock level is basically steaming, which doesn't allow much flavor to be imparted. as for the slicing, I guess it doesn't make too much of a difference after it's been browned, I've just decided I like shredding it afterwards.

We're home boys

We're home

We made it
We made it.

Skada if you plan on raiding. Otherwise nailed it.
If you plan on playing rogue then I suggest also installing Attack Bar so you don`t fuck up sinister strike procs.
Something like gathermate might be useful in you plan on producing a lot of potions/etc.

thanks im gonna go make sure it's all below broth

Only thing that's not explicitly show in the image is the sauce:
Saute onions and garlic, add tomato paste, whole canned tomatoes, oregano; cook it down to desired consistency, let cool.

have a blessed trip home

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damn yall really drinking juice boxes, huh?

Gnome warrior > everything else
The sooner you come to accept this fact the sooner your pain will be eased.

Nice, I've been making some serious business pizza dough at home too.

Pressing install does nothing, why can't I install it?

Attached: classic.png (720x453, 197K)

>mfw I'm still playing FFXIV and won't even play classic
>looking forward to all the "dead gaem" threads a week after launch

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Oh god those jar of sweets I used to love, haven't had them in years what are they called again?

same. i played classic back then. i dont get this dumb hype honestly. jesus christ...

ah fuck i'll probably play it solo since there aren't any games to play anyway

And all the trannies play fem human/nelf. What's your point?

Ironic, considering no one gives a shit about your shitty game.

>ITT: People who need to HAVE SEX!

I do

it's so weird how trannies basically didn't exist in vanilla, but now they're going to flood the game. how did culture change so quickly?

there's actually more people online on the ffxiv subreddit than the wow subreddit. so much for classic hype

Who thought this was a good idea?

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I haven't played in over a decade and I'm pretty sure I've lost the email to my account ages ago, but if I "try for free," can I still get access to the classic servers?

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I only come to Yea Forums to see how fucked up my life would be today if I hadn't quit WoW and video games in general 10 years ago


>druids chad anything

The dough is raw and looks all greasy. 4/10.

that looks like a pretty good homemade pizza my man

i also go into threads that don't interest me to shitpost while i wait during dilating

does anyone know if i were to leave the character selection screen on right now if the enter world button will be clickable or if i would have to log for it to work?
trying to beat that queue

you get kicked after 30 mins apparently so login in at 25 minutes to or something and you'll be set to hit enter world