You fucks lied to me, this is pretty good

You fucks lied to me, this is pretty good

Why is Yea Forums always so fucking retarded?

Attached: 220px-D1IOd0BWsAAiX5T.jpg (220x243, 19K)

they game isn't even out

I got it one day early

i'm watching gameplay and it's pretty eh

Why the hell are you asking people here about ANYTHING? Are you an idiot?

>and it's pretty eh
best argument ever

well it doesn't look bad or great, just ok someone is gonna like it alot but, for me it doesn't seem like a day one buy.

yes because you work for the studio, we get it
now please go shove a cactus up your queef hole or whatever

What are you talking about? Shops in Germany are already selling copies. Likely other regions, too.

fuck china

>Why is Yea Forums always so fucking retarded?
Because of retards like you and your shit taste.

Are there a lot of different guns in this game or just that revolver?

mc looks very bad in the face region
you could confuse her face for some gardening equipement
i'll pirate still

>movie game

Just steaming drone because epic good steam bad. Epic great buying many game on there for steaming tears

2 social credits have been added to your account.

exposed yourself as a chink with that broken english.

epic wont get my money chang so fuck off

Yea Forums is full of weebs

Never even heard of it until yesterday.

>never heard until yesterday
>open random streamer for 5 minutes
>he spends 5 minutes reading files and listening to records

I plan on pirating it, I heard the same shit from you shills talking about how great Quantum Break was too, and that game blew chunks.
Yea Forums has tons of contrarians who hate that western games are considered shit, so they pretend that any western game that's not complete dogshit is absolutely amazing, and it's kind of pathetic at this point.

you can buy it on gog

Do you not know about Mom & Pop shops that sell games early?

If stupid and bad for consumer yes you can. Or support monopoly break company like epic and save game industry

>Shill thread

See you in 2 weeks faggots.

>this is pretty good
imagine being a sad $hill being forced to shill this sad game on here

I think it actually looks okay and Remedy will always have a place in my heart for Max Payne, but they chose to suck from the Epic cock so I guess I might check it out in a year.

Yea Forums always wrong

Attached: cont.png (684x328, 60K)

Might pirate it, eventually.

post pics

get out of here chink

mostly because QB was shit, and by the trailers this seem to be more of the same + SJW crap on top of it, a guaranteed 4.
I bought it, but because I knew gameplay was going to be different, cool to have something different

Didn't they give females priority to stream it with early copies for diversity? Kill yourself if you actually pay for this game.

I remember when Yea Forums cared about games instead of drama