You guys can buy it now.
You guys can buy it now.
Other urls found in this thread:
so what about the money and sensitivity training?
Dunno about the money, but I think the sensitivity training was BS.
They gave 10k to trannies. I'll never buy this game, again.
I don't want to.
Why would I waste my time and money with an imitation of an old game when I can just play or replay the real thing?
Trannies seething.
None of you stupid faggot secondaries were going to buy and play this game anyways. You only care about the drama.
I'm so sick of the Yea Forums rabble. You fucks jump from forced controversy to forced controversy while the rest of us who actually play video games have to try to squeeze in some half-decent niche discussions and pray we don't get immediately bumped off the board because you niggers made two dozen of the same thread.
No thanks, my money wont go to trannys. Refunded and pirated allready
Shut up you nigger. I actually refunded
fucking based what a 180
Nobody here's gonna buy your shitty sjw game, fag. Go shill on reddit I'm sure they'll love it.
i got tricked
>you stupid faggot secondaries
I've seen this a couple times now. I assume you are the same crazy tranny in all these threads.
you lost, tranny.
Money is gone for good, you don't ask for a donation to be refunded.
Sensitivity training is literally nothing. Perhaps a 10 minute conference lecturing people how to not fuck up PR on the internet.
They're going to donate another 10k to a MRA/MGTOW approved charity now.
Still not buying it again. I was unimpressed by it, especially for 25 dollars. I am tired of retro games asking for more than they are worth. This is a mashup of duke nukem and blood, maybe doom and shadow warrior if you want to stretch that far. Ive played them and mods for them. I didnt need to pay 25 dollars for the mods, some of which were better than this game.
I will say the controversy was more fun than the game itself which is telling. So they threatened and backed off. Are they still throwing money at the fund and having sensitivity training? Good I say. A nice paid waste of time for employees.
so basically 3dr did this?
>defending Ion Tranny
it's a shit game bro and we're shitting all over it. stop being so mad fagbag
same here. bought it when they announced the price raise
So what about that mandatory sensitivity training and zero tolerance policy? Or was this shit just a cheap cover for all that after the dumb witch hunt by trannies.
Someone post the mega link
Dont question the actions of the company, you get to keep your gag material in a mediocre game.
Doesn't mention if they donated money to pedophiles or not. Will the comment on this?
I'll buy it when they donate 10k to Yea Forums jannies. They do a tremendous job and should be paid!
Nigga I have the game
>Sensitivity training
The hell is that
Yea Forums is so fucking obsessed over trannies. I would have NEVER know what this disgusting shit was if you cunts didn't obsess over it and scream about it all the fucking time. And no, fuck you, looking at twitter posts and other forums for this shit IS obsession.
Sometimes the good guys win.
Training your cock and balls to be super sensitive to the touch so when your mistress administers your dose of cbt and humiliation you can cum loads hands free.
Jon Maiden
>donate to fag city
>bend to
>suck a literal faggot peepee
they told me to pirate it
Probably fucking nothing. It'll be something stupid like being asked to sit in a chair for a few minutes and some faggot tells you to not be offensive and then you go on with your day 5 minutes later.
>because the
someone call 911
If they literally just did nothing from the beginning nobody would have fucking cared
it's you sitting around for an hour in an uncomfortable chair wondering how much the farce cost the company despite there being no change to your demeanor whatsoever
>another REEEsetera shitstorm brewing
The ride never ends. This controversy is so much more fun than the game.
As long as you get paid I wouldn't mind how long they made me sit there.
Seeing resetera get btfo is so satisfying
After 3DRealms apologized for pic related, officially stated that they will force the pic related dev among other to attend pro-pedophilia sensitivity training, and use money spent on their game to fund pedophilia, i'm not interested in funding pedophilia. I am however interested in the FBI going through the computers and lives of 3DRealms staff and all resetera forum members who are in any case a result of NeoGAF routing and purging pedophiles and a rapist administrator.
You get paid to ignore being told how awful of a white male you are.
It's not a bad deal if you can hide using your phone for a few hours
lmao, they literally saw all the perpetually offended retards say "i'm still not buying it" and realised "holy shit, why are we catering to people who dont buy our games?"
What if Iron Maiden lawyers never threatened to sue them for calling the game Ion Maiden?
What if resetera trannies were not actually butthurt but paid shills that started the controversy on purpose?
Is the marketing team playing us like a damn fiddle?
You get paid in the sense that you are on the clock. You are still responsible for filing your reports on time and meeting your project quota, you are basically having someone take important time to berate you.
When I was younger at work it was always a big titted chick giving the speech, but nowadays it is always a hairy "woman" or gay Mexican.
did you like it?
If those things never happened then their marketing team would have actually needed to do some work
>you get paid for the obvious thing that we're doing right now
um... ok ?
>3D Realms
>Resetera trannies
>Ion Fury drones
Did we win, Yea Forumsros?
Is this our first victory in quite a while?
I'll wait and see if they stick to their guns this time, but I ain't hopefully. Maybe it means Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is safe, but again I'll wait and see
>we will not censor anything
>also btw Shelly's old design was embarrassingly too sexy so we had to tone it down lul :P
can i really buy it when they do bullshit like this, OP? can i really?
so they hadn't patched out the soap already?
>shelly's old design from over 20 years ago
shut up
Sensivity training is just teach the devs to use alt accounts when it comes to shitposting
lol you gonna cry? fag
Why is it shit?
managing to fend back the rabid "i'm offended by this product i had no interest in" for a moment is in no way a victory. it's just a desperate pushback
but we also made the devs backtrack and fucked their profit margins. everyone loses except us
>20 years ago
ah yea, those were the good times. i still remember quake 3 female characters. wonderful designs. they just don't make them like this anymore
You fags are mental
This board is a lost cause
>The latter being tongue-in-cheek as their ‘sensitivity training’ is the incident as a whole.
“We’ve been very clearly trained to just never say a god damn thing about anything sensitive in public ever again because some[one] will take it out of context and… shit it out on us when we’re least expecting it.”
>While discussing the online fallout, a developer told me they felt as if they had been “thrown under the bus big time,” and that 3D Realms and their PR company, Stride, was responsible for the apology. There was resistance, and as has been expressed:
>“If we had actually done everything their PR wanted us to do we’d be double plus fucked compared to where we are now.”
That post was made by a 3D Realms employee who wasn't actually involved with making the game, he just worked for the publisher.
did they even say they were going to censor it in the first place?
I require a brass figurine out of this.
only reason they are doing this is they found out that the lucrative sjw audience doesn't actually exist.
Yeah, they already did.
The issue wasn't what was in their game so much as it was what somebody said on their discord.
They are only the 50th company to (not) learn that appealing to 8% of the global populace of political extremist distances the 92% of moderates and centrists.
We did it
Can my low-end PC run this game or is it inexplicably intensive?
i'm running it fine on a core2duo toaster
You tell'em user!
i can only find
>Members of Voidpoint’s Ion Fury team have made sexist and transphobic comments, and included homophobic language in Ion Fury. We recognize these statements are insensitive, unacceptable, and counterproductive to causes of equality. We unequivocally apologize both for these comments and language as well as for any pain they have caused the gaming community, particularly women and members of the LGBTQ community. We take full responsibility for any damage that has been done to the relationships we've worked so hard to build.
>Moving forward, Voidpoint will institute a zero-tolerance policy for this type of language and all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training. As part of our efforts to contribute to the work that must be done to further support these communities, we are donating $10,000 from Ion Fury's release day proceeds to The Trevor Project. We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language.
can't find anything aobut the censoring here, to me "will institute a zero-tolerance policy for this type of language" seems like for future games. have the said anything else more specific/direct?
That's actually nice numbers for such a niche game.
Unironically going to buy it now. This is very refreshing and promising to see.
I'm feeling like that times when Gandalf leads the Rohirrim back to Helm's Deep.
Oh wow a 180 spin! People will surely buy it now!
No shit
>fix your game to appeal to them
>doesn't buy it anyway
Never negotiate with terrorists.
suck a dick, i will pirate and seed to oblivion every shit they have
Most of the time if a game runs like dogshit despite being basic visually it's because it has a bunch of shaders / postprocessing effects that rape on-chip graffix.
>we actually won for once
Does that mean you will all buy the game and/or undo your negative reviews now?
build engine mod that costs 20 bucks
dude references lmao
shitty level design
gameplay loop is boring
ugly sprites
cringe protagonist and villain
Depends on resolution, build's sector based rendering has a performance cost that's extremely low at sub-HD resolutions but scales exponentially the higher you push the resolution, the maps are also more detailed than any previous build game.
If you go 720p or lower you can play it on basically anything that can run windows 7.
fuck off to resetERA and get banned for having opinions then cuckold
Zoom zoom.
>fags get mad when they revert the censorship
This is the time you tell them to dilate.
I only bought the game to write a bad review and refunded it a few minutes later.
I don't like fps.
There is a stark difference between making a decision by consensus and having a decision be forced upon you.
But you will remove that review now that your complaints are no longer applicable, right?
Stop false flagging.
I already bough and finished it while you fags were shitposting. Half-way through Duek now.
I had pretty low expectation for Buildshit, expecting just some Doom clones with a couple of destructible walls here and there, but holy shit, with all that verticality in level design and tons of interactive shit it makes many modern games look ancient.
ERA going crazy
Hey, you're not me! Why are you replying?
so which one of you retards is this?
>I had pretty low expectation for Buildshit
Are you a zoomer?
Build trifecta are amongst the best FPS ever made.
I'll be getting it on sale.
I pirated it when it came out and enjoyed the game and threads we had before they turned into cancer but I dunno about that price.
Just telling that fucker off.
The bad reviews stay, as evidences.
Played duke first. I wanna play the rest of the build shooters (maybe not RNR) before I move onto this one.
I agree that the verticality is fucking astounding, Quake can eat it's heart out (Except for the multiplayer but I always preferred UT)
I like how they are all talking about how the "got so close to buying the game"
>all these i'm not playing anyway lel replies
Imagine how buttblasted Resetrannies must be to falseflag this much
Don't talk for me, american.
ahahahah look at that head it's fucking bigger than her torso lmao
Ka ka demon
the same reason this:
companies don't give a fuck about you, they want money. One must be really fucking dumb to think all that stupidity over "pride" month had the slightest worth for them except for free advertisement
I still want them to go bankrupt
Donate to my patreon and I will.
I'm replying to this one so I can get noticed.
post some shots
i could use the salt
wasn't the OGAY bottle (what even is that?) out of bounds? How is removing something, outside the game, censorship?
Do these people not look up if their PR companies are good hire or not before they pay them?
Fuck MAPs.
I'm vietnamese.
I can understand people not wanting to support a dev that bowed to trannies, but people have to be pragmatic and realize the only way devs will stop listening to trannies in the first place is if you prove it's more profitable to ignore them. That means supporting devs when they straighten up and fly right.
Lemme guess: The article was from here?
The damage was already done though. The trannies review bombed the game down to "mixed".
Is this a legendary push back?
Was probably Nichegamer
So they go bankrupt after realizing they fucked up, and try appealing to their original audience again. That's a nice message to send.
fagbag placeholder text was out of bounds.
OGAY bottle is everywhere. Even in the bar in the beginning of first level for some reason.
I did, as soon as the news hit and i saw the Resetera topic get 3 pages in 5 minutes i bought the game.
I was already playing the pirate version.
This. I had little interest at first, but I will gladly provide evidence to prove that TrannyEra is nothing but a very vocal minority
Who cares about trannies though
The original thread was titled "Ion Fury wont be censored after all". They changed when they realized it made them look bad.
ah okay
I'd love to see a day again where any video game release isn't immediately surrounded by controversy.
>The article was from here?
It's from a transwoman that don't agree with them, so they cancelled her:
Yea Forums does. All the time. Endlessly.
Now if only they can get the10k donation back...
User was banned.Reason: Drive by trolling.
didn't really care about the drama or whatever but also won't buy it until it's on sale
Sweet I actually will too. I pirated it, game is pretty damn good but now I'll buy and not care about this shit.
Flip-flopping like this is only gonna get them in 10 times more shit.
The trannies have switched their negative reviews over to transphobic again
We won, Gamer Gate.
/christian/ always wins BAY BAY!!
no one cares about incels either.
A lot do.
They hated him because he told the truth
>couldn't refund anymore
Their PR manager is an ex-game journalist.
It was this one:
Archive of original, they changed the name of the thread title too:
>Ion Fury not to be censored after all
Here's hoping that nigger got fired.
That would explain a lot.
Flip flopping only matters when it's based on morals. Flip flopping because a company found out a business move wasn't as profitable as it thought is just the market correcting itself.
>game panders to resetera
>still not buying the game
>game panders to Yea Forums
Yea Forums:
>still not buying the game
I really enjoyed Ion Fury, keep finding myself jumping in to play a map or two even with almost 50hrs on the clock. I was on here posting about them bending the knee to trannies didn't bother me and even tried to convince myself it wasn't a big deal but deep down it really did make me enjoy the game less. I'm glad they changed thier minds. I just want to enjoy my boomer shooters and relive my childhood in peace.
bought it just now
PR companies dont know how to handle this because the best thing to die is not engage.
Remember to leave words of encouragement to the devs for doing the right thing. The resetera trannies are going to be hitting them hard after this.
I will buy the game when it's on sale.
you cant review bomb a game you havent bought my little strawman
>75% of all outraged people in the twitter mentions and steam comments have a furry avatar
feels gooood
*best thing to DO
The developers folded yet again?
No, they need to be taught a harsh lesson. Do not bend the knee, apologize, censor or donate my money to trannies.
I have spoken.
first build engine game i've played in a long time, whats your guys favorite games/mods? brutal doom looks fun
I already pirated the game. Maybe if they had stuck to their guns from day one instead of flip flopping like this then I'd support them, but the damage is already done.
Guys, why aren't the reviews turning positive? We gave them what they wanted, right?
Here’s what they SHOULD’VE done:
>Guys, wait. The Ogay bottle is a satirical product made by the BAD corporations that are the BAD guys in the game. See? You’re SUPPOSED to hate it, cuz our STRONG FEMALE PROTAG does to.
That’s all they had to say at the very beginning, and then everybody would’ve shut the fuck up and actually played the game.
based terminx
There should be a way to tell them to dilate.
that would've been too logical man, the bad guys can't be evil anymore, if any creative work shows racism / sexism / bigotry even in order to shit on it it's evil, that's how these people think
you can't fight on two sides at the same time
>0.2 hours played
Gee, I wonder if these people bought the game to leave a negative review and then refunded.
Actually, it's a 360 since they bent the knee to them already then reversed their decision. Only they embarrassed themselves, lost countless sales, are out $10,000 and have ruined their credibility.
I hate cowards more than liars.
Or just had an options menu toggle box "disable gay jokes.". Resetera would still cry because they're never happy and they never buy games, but people that matter would've been fine with it.
When did they even say they were going to remove the content
Terminux or whatever always said they were never censoring anything.
holy fucking shit
that is epitome of echochamber
fucking liberals..
How is the word "gay" homophobic? The context of a soap bottle with that word on it is offensive how?
They said they were going to remove it like a week ago, but that patch never came out.
Is this post satire?
would drench in hotglue
>You fucks jump from forced controversy to forced controvers
who started all this you retarded inbred?
the usual dick chopped suspects from the left
I'd buy it around the $15 range, the usual sweet spot for me when it comes to indie titles. I played a bit of a pirated version and I like what was there in the first level.
>They said they were going to remove it like a week ago
where did they say that?
how was calling carlos maza a gay wonk slander when he calls himself that? these people will bully anyone into submission with their virtue signalling victimhood, it's not about a logical worldview it's about power
Did they still donate the 10k?
This Terminx guy needs to understand one thing: Discord's people aren't his friends. He should not be talking and joking with people who are actually customers.
Damn, I have a Discord channel for an amateur RPG Maker game and yet I don't keep saying my opinion about politics, cultural behavior, global warming... It's not hard to act professionally and keep fan communication focused just in the game, and nothing but the game.
> We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language.
LMFAO thats hilarious.
We won, gamers.
If they donated the 10k, they still won
>It's not hard to act professionally and keep fan communication focused just in the game, and nothing but the game.
Considering he's autistic, it probably is. The man has literal brain damage as well, so this is likely his contact to the outside world.
preventing suicide is a good thing though
Absolute amazing how unsurprised I am at clicking the steam profiles of the retards screeching in the comments.
This goes for both. Video games are fucked.
Which one of you did this?
Isn't there some double standards going on here?
>resetera get mad as leave a handful of negative reviews
>Devs say they're removing it
>Now Yea Forums leaves negative reviews
>Yea Forums points out resetera aren't leaving positive reviews now for the change and shit on them for still no buying the game
>Now the devs say they're not removing it
>People here still wont remove the negative reviews to "tech them a lesson" and wont buy the game
We both know that it's not just trolling, just look at the fucking state of this board. It was shit 8 years ago already yet somehow it keeps getting worse.
>they comment with their names attached
you get what you "pay" for
It's funny you can spot resetera from a mile away.
big if true
Do resettrannies like futa loli mlp porn? Because that profile pic is is futa loli princess luna.
I looked at them too earlier.
>Check profiles
>Ponyfag into furry shit (this one was a resetera faggot)
>Edgy nazi shit
And how do you know that?
>retardera going full damage control mode all over the internet
Squeak and squirm for my amusement you rats.
Masterfully crafted.
clearly satire
>resetera faggots are pedos and perverts
wow, I'm shocked.
>People here still wont remove the negative reviews
They still donated 10k, there's no damage control needed
Guess I'll buy it now. Been in the mood for an old school shooter, might make for a fun companion piece with Dusk
It just went from 75 to 77 in 1 hour. It should slowly go up again.
Because I love megasweet's work.
This. If you buy this game you're mentally handicapped.
thats what Yea Forums is they like traps and erp in faggot discords yet will com here to bitch about them
How do you know they actually donate the money?
The neck tat should say "trans for life" because reset era actively hates gamers (and games)
>there's no damage control needed
And yet here you are.
>You incels can buy it now
They can't exactly charge back a charitable donation. Nah, they learned their lesson.
Now, if they pull a stunt like that donation shit again, that's a different story.
i suppose they're still patching out the fagbag stuff, since that wasn't supposed to be there anyway? or was that just an excuse and it was a deliberate secret all along.
falseflagging trannies:
I bought it before the controversy.
It’s good game so I have 0 regrets about purchasing it.
Why would they make a big press statement about it?
Do the devs still have to go to tranny conversion therapy?
damage control
They only have to sacrifice one testicle each.
>gamescom about to happen
>controversy starts brooming
They just didnt want to deal with that shit while a big event was going on.
Proving my point. Literally obsessed.
>cave to trannies
>then 180 and cave to anti trannies
Literally who are these clowns
>company back peddles on its mistake
>we are suppose to magically forgive them when they betrayed us
Naw mate, get fucked. Try again with your next game, but for now ion fury can eat my ass.
I'd get the game if it was $10-15. I'm not crazy about the weapon selection and I don't know how long each chapter is.
There needs to be a mod that adds a rocket launcher called the dilator.
I'd believe them if they re-added an even more offensive joke, but their whole attempt to save face was pathetic.
Wasn't the game censored already? Someone is lying here so which is it?
This is easily the gayest post I’ve ever read.
They didn't patched it.
Still doesn't stop you from being a hypocrite.
Also cringy as fuck good fucking god.
No, there hasn't been any sort of patch or hotfix since launch day.
>We almost made her trans, we were so close!!!!
Nah, add a voice line in when you blow someone up:
>shoots glass dildos that breaks and drips acid
how long until they backpedal this time
can't trust people who lacks backbone
I'll probably pick it up once it goes on sale. Just donated to Andrew Yang, so my extraneous cash is limited right now.
You can trust companies to follow the money.
I won't buy it until they donate $10,000 to the NRA/pro-life charity.
So what money were they following the first time?
Yeah if they just came out with a tweet even with a shitty joke that'd make it better.
This seems far too safe and like they just desperately trying to get a few more sales.
Thanks feels good that zoomers still use the word cringe. uwu
>They betrayed US...the GAMERS
>it's time for us to RISE UP.
They got the game down to "mixed". This is all they ever wanted.
The trannies have won.
The trannies have won.
We rise up tho.
>"Sounds like there's no penalties involved"
Wtf do they want to happen??
This. This so much.
>not good enough
lets not do this please. I don't want to give those horse shoe clutchers an actual point.
>I want them fired
>I want them to apologise more
>I want them do change X
>I want...
>I want...
>I want...
Liberals in essence
>w-we still win
Dilate :^)
yep, exactly.
>I want a man to lose his job and livelihood because he made hurt my fee fees
pathetic faggots
Then they'll switch sides again and donate to a pro-libtard thing, it's a vicious cycle
Now I feel bad for shitposting against them and calling them cucks even tho I was having a blast with their amazing game at the exact same time
Stop letting your emotions control you like some woman on the rag.
Punish devs when they do bad, support them when they do right. Simple as that.
Look at it this way.
The trannies said they'd reviewbomb the game down to "mixed" or lower.
That's exactly what they did.
They succeeded in their plan because we are powerless to stop them.
They're still cucks, just indecisive cucks.
The imaginary money companies think exists by pandering to far left ideology. They realized their mistake and are doubling back.
Nah, suck a dick
When did these devs do right?
Fuck trannies. Ogay is hilarious. Or is gay suddenly as slur?
Nigger I'm pretty sure we did that, not the trannies.
>moving goalposts
Uh huh. Keep referencing that damage control playbook of yours.
Deciding to not remove the "offensive" content.
when they can get to play the victim, it is
They revert censorship.
No they didn't. That's just the recent reviews. Overall the reviews reached a low point of 76, and since then, they've gone back up to 77.
they made a based game following their own ideals instead of pandering to faggots. Go make your own faggy game and I'll support it if you stay true to vision.
it's call non binary now, bigot
FUCKING COWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
stuff that appears only off the map is irrelevant anyway, as long as they don't touch the stuff you're supposed to see then it's not really that big of a deal. removing something that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place isn't really compromising your artistic vision, after all
They bent the knee to trannies and then unbent it when the realized it did more harm than good.
Cowards and traitors deserve the rope so continue shit posting, fan.
>dev panders to trannies
>oh shit, we're losing money! quick, go back!
Free market wins again, bay bay!
It is legit insane that people want other people to lose their jobs over wrongthink.
I ain't saying you have to buy shit, but avoiding the game because they donated to a suicide hotline is the definition of autism. It's straight up caring about things that do not matter.
absolutely based
faggots are already seething
So the left got mad and they changed stuff which made right mad so they're reverting it and now both the left and right are mad and the reviews are mixed?
did your smash thread get archived lmao
>faggots are already seething
They're called Ion Fury fans and they're seething at people who still don't want to buy the game because the devs are still cucks
What? Not everyone speaks retard.
>donated to a suicide hotline
Not him but what matters is WHY they donated in the first place. I don't like it either, but I also realize they can't exactly take back a charitable donation in an effort to get themselves out of a PR shitstorm. As long as they don't do it again, I'll let it slide.
wrong in so many levels
it went from 97% to 62% in less than a week on steam you retard
People loved it, people bought it, people shat on it
Oh boy resettrannies are swarming Steam.
The hivemind is on the move!
The usual sites already have hit pieces posted as well as twitter influencers making a fuss
get ready for another mob pile on
>trannies hate capitalism because their mentally deranged ideology can't survive in it
Now you know why so many of them are also socialists, or commies.
>they're still donating to trannies
That's being generous.
>Let it slide.
That's because you're a pussy whipped beta cuck. When someone double crosses and betrays you, you better teach them a lesson.
Continue review bombing, flaming their Twitter and forums lads! We do not forgive, we do not forget.
If that's the hill you want to die on though, I can't stop you.
so are you saying we can't get outraged over anything we want?
The real test for them is to survive the reesetera upcoming onslaught and not apologize for millionth time.
You belong on Resetera
The final boss was lame
>be boomer
>playing ion fury
>get to restroom and find bottle that says Ogay instead of Olay
>chuckle and think that's a nice little 90s immature joke
>go on my way and keep killing shit on ultra viscera
>beat the game
>go on steam reviews
>turns out everyone is literally losing their fucking minds over that joke that I just saw 2 hours ago
This baffled me. I literally don't get it.
GG won again.
>0.1hrs played
This is peak insanity
I'd be down with keeping the asset if it was at least a funny joke, but I didn't even slightly smile.
Do you really think if it had said something like ONIG instead, it wouldn't have been immediately removed?
What's impressive is how 4 letters are more compelling than the rest of your entire game.
Based Bible Black poster.
Also, pandering typically does more harm than good but I still feel like we need to teach 3DRealms and the Ion Fury developers a stern lesson so they won't do it again.
>We do not forgive, we do not forget
cringe and you're not fooling anybody tranny
>Spent more time writing that review than playing the game
They're a business, not my friend. They made a move they thought would make them more money in the end, or at least keep them from losing money. They were wrong. Now they're course correcting to appeal to their playerbase again because that's where the money is. It's the free market in action.
>he doesn't know what secondaries are
lmao, go back to whatever website you came from, secondaries has been used for more than a decade to describe fans of games.
Have you encountered any significant bugs yet? There is a level you can reset if you leave and reenter a zone enough times.
he rose up
Steam should block reviews that are shorter than the refund period.
Some tell their twitter guy to shut up before he ruins this redemption arc.
>anti-censorship is wrong
good grief..
It's at 77% right now, it hasn't dropped beyond that in a while.
People care, but most people don't really give a shit about it. You can tell almost all the negative reviews came in late due to the new reviews being mixed, but they still only make up 23% absolute tops.
They're right you know. You gotta be straight up mentally ill to be upset over that.
>N-n-no guys, they're based now!
Show the idiot boy Ion Fury fans this everytime they try to say that.
He's like a game's journalist but for the other side. Imagine if this becomes the norm.
>they're against censorship??????
But the timing and the why you decided to donate is the reason we're upset about it you knee bending faggot.
Crucify these tranny pandering fucks.
They already have a mechanism for this but the controversy was so close to the release date that the algorithm wasn't triggered.
So controversy aside, is the game actually good?
My game doesn't have any zones past the second one unlocked, and I've already finished the game.
its 66%, less than 30days is what counts
friday and saturday was at 62%
Shut up, retard
>no blue checkmark
How can I be sure that's the REAL voidpoint's twitter?
That's based of them to do, but they've already fucked up the second they bent the knee. Bending it back is good but it shouldnt have fucking happened in the first place
fuck no, why would you ever want to aim up and down in a doom clone?
Yea Forums is called one of the worst boards for a reason, user. Sadly, there is not a lot of places where you can talk about video games now, because of fags like Yea Forumstards.
What game?
How many hours in the pirate version?
Can't trust that number, nigga
Plebs STFU and enjoy the game
it's alright
"Suicide hotline" for trannies only. Why not a suicide hotline for the millions of disenfranchised men in the west?
Since it's a tranny charity, the money is actually going to go to tiddy skittles and Funkopops.
Imagine just wanting to make a video game and this kind of shit storm starts blazing around. I feel bad for the boomer devs
linked from ion fury website
I liked it but most of Yea Forums cares more about DRAMA shit than actual video games.
Il probably buy it again but honestly all of this could have been avoided by just ignoring those crazy people.
>donating to ANY bullshit like that
kek, cucks
>quoting recent reviews and not total reviews
You have a room temp IQ bro.
>Free market
>Invisible hand of economics
>Cause and effect
Call it what you will but the fact is, they virtue signaled and then saw it did more harm than good, reversed their stance yet again.
If we don't correct their thinking process, they'll end up doing it again. We would be be bad fans not to show them the error of their ways.
Tough love is still love.
My first hentai, and still holds up. What happened to this art style these days?
Glad I refunded
Would you feel bad for someone who intentionally put their hand on a hot stove?
They chose this for themselves.
It's pretty good, solid enemy diversity and a good line up of guns, plus maps that are complex but not overly complex and maze like. That and there's a disgusting amount of secrets, I found one that was a remake of the Tyrant lab from RE1 that I found pretty cool.
It's only real downside is the bosses kinda suck, and you do end up fighting most human enemies. Granted they're well designed and only the weakest one uses hitscan.
Should be a lesson to indie devs.
Vet your PR company.
There's no money to be made in hentai.
>Doom clone
Ah, a fellow man of culture.
The art style is super clean/crisp and detailed. I think it's also used in Discipline and Starless.
absolutely based
Discipline, Starless and Cleavage use the same artstyle, I wouldn't say it is the same as BB tho.
Welp, looks like they came to their senses, they learned first hand bending the knee to trannies never works.
Cool maybe i'll check it ou...
On second thought i think i'm good.
they're still removing the hidden wall message
what a fucking queer lmao don't forget to set your dilate alarm
Instead of a suicide hotline, it should be a hotline to get them back to their original selves and reintegrated with society.
>maybe a little
make up your fucking mind, you're this close to redemption
You wouldn't be able to see it normally so don't care.
all pixelshit shooters are doom clones.
but the "hot stove" is a figment of your imagination
>hidden wall message
and ?
just cuck my game up senpai
Do you even know what the fagbag thing is?
They're really not
What's this about donating $10k? I haven't been paying attention to this dumb shit.
>sales tanked
>not more than 300players any day on steam
>reviews went from 97% to your 77% in a week
>Company desesperately backpedals their first statements in a pathetic attempt to save their consumer base
>company make sure the statement include also future projects because of fear of tanked sales and ruin of company name
>"most people don't give a shit about it"
And your IQ is the same temperature as the rocks in my whyskey bro.
holy based
>You only care about the drama.
I'll buy it for either my switch or ps4 when it releases on console.
the game is still mixed and the score is now 64% compared to the 66% ohnohonohonohno
hol up. lemme fire up my botnet
Ya know, all the trannies had to do was lie and say they were going to buy the game and they would have gotten away with it. But in their hubris, they fucked up for all the world to see their mental disorder.
>>not more than 300players any day on steam
It's essentially a Duke TC. What do you expect?
sjws are incapable of doing something like that becuase all they can do is virtue signal.
>We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language.
learn to read retard
This is a better attempt at damage control, but they will never get a good chunk of money and reviews back, sadly. They could've avoided all of this by simply doing nothing.
Maybe 3DRealms is hoping that the publicity will translate into more sales, but I'm not sure if this will actually work.
Anyway, the SJWs lost in the end, so that's nice.
The game is still fucking expensive though.
So basically, 3D Realms realized that this has been and always will be the truth about pandering to them.
At this rate, only one man can snap us all the fuck out of it and determine once and for all whether or not Ion Fury is worth playing...
Or get it here:
Is there any proof of the donation being real? I don't think so.
fuck off, you dropped the ball
NOW I will buy your game
They're still donating to the tranny fund and removing fagbag
>doesn't have private tracker access
Why would you out yourself as a disgusting plebeian?
>Gordon Ramsay saying "Bloody 'ell".mp3
What is even the appeal of resetera? If you don't fully agree with the mods (like literally 100% agree, to the point where you even if you agree 99% you have to hide nuances of your opinion that differ in the most minute way) you get banned.
What's even the point? It's not discussion. It's just constant agreeing.
Watching Clevage right now. After Bible Black, it's pretty tame. Unless it picks up a lot.
Neither of these things is confirmed.
We'll see about the second one once the update is released.
>that SJW logic
I agree. I don't care what they do ION FURY IS CAAAAAAANCELLED ;-)
Retardera does it again.
What a pathetic bunch of losers.
>Private tracker for a fucking less than 100MB game
Someone, spoonfeed me, what's the wuss and the drama on this board about some game?
How are your custom levels coming along, Yea Forums?
Men enjoy debate because they can learn and grow from it.
Trannies feel threatened by it. Because they shove silicone sticks up their inverted penises.
Welcome to Yea Forums. It's always been like this, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It sucks that there's barely any decent discussion (real videogame talk gets banned/told to go to /vg/), but you're in the wrong place if you expect otherwise.
>try to pander to a non existent audience at the expense of the actual one
>realise your mistake
>try to backpedal
>now you've pissed off everyone
A kukhold's reward
>and removing fagbag
The out-of-bounds message you wouldn't have known about if someone didn't tell you?
You were never supposed to see it in the first place
Jesus christ Yea Forums does your autism know no bounds
What did he mean by this?
Based. Fuck the reactionary babies infesting this board.
Fuck off newfag
>Be Teminix
>Love Duke Nukem 3D so much you organize a team and built the best Sourceport possible for free
>3D Realms lets you make a new game using their shitty abandoned character bombshell
>Build a great game, a game that can stand next to the Build Engine games
>Losers on the internet are trying to destroy you just because you made some off the cuff comments on a chatroom
This is why we can't have nice things.
Yup. This will be a lesson to all devs and publishers not to make try and make deals with the tranny mob. Just do the Valve way and take a long lunch break and they will just go away to be outraged at something else.
im on it
>Ion Fury not bending to SJW terrorists
>Gillette refocusing on the correct target audience
>Star Wars rolling back on race mixing and adding a hotter actress as a bonus
Not all Mondays are bad, I guess.
1. The dev said on Discord that turning kids into trannies is child abuse (which is a perfectly fine statement).
2. Reeesetera found out about this (maybe with a help of some troll from Discord), got triggered, and decided to ruin the devs' lives.
3. Game "journalists" did what they always do.
4. Publisher issued an apology, said the they will be donating $10K to tranny "charity", censoring the game and forcing the devs to go through a "mandatory sensitivity training".
5. Game gets review bombed, Steam forums turn into a shitshow. Who could've predicted this tragedy?
6. 3DRealms finally realized that their apology was a mistake.
The comment in question was something any sensible person would say. Even people that support trans rights agree that trying to transition a fucking baby is not right.
this but for real
>"most people don't give a shit about it"
Correct. 77% of consumers who actually bother to rate games (which is already a minority of consumers) do not care about the controversy at all. It's only a minority of a minority that does.
The game is still financially succesful with 100,000 to 200,000 sales.
Yahtzee has been trash since forever. Hell, his Demon's Souls review basically had him lose all credibility.
>Star Wars rolling back on race mixing and adding a hotter actress as a bonus
Your mistake is thinking that those who can regularly post on resetera without being banned are "people".
New trailer just dropped.
no. however i am interested in any other way i can support voidpoint without also giving 3d realms my money
>Gillette refocusing on the correct target audience
Now what are they doing?
I mean... gamers... your target demographic... the people you sell games to
blue haired hysterical control freaks that hate everything... and also don't buy games
Which of these categories is it intelligent to cater to, as a game developer or publisher who wishes to stay in business and make money?
If anything this should tell you that corporations are not your friend and should not be trusted and only want you to CONSUME PRODUCT
>posting mocking the echo chamber like mentality of ResetEra
>same post also says "fucking liberals", denoting the fact that Yea Forums is a right wing echo chamber
It's not that hard to understand bruh.
I've been here ten years, likely longer than you.
Focusing on the "male heroes" after getting ultra butt fucked in 8 billion dollar loss.
It was glorious.
Yep, a newfag. Die.
>call out guy and claim he's posting in an echo chamber
Doesn't the fact your post exists, and in fact won't get you banned or censored in any way, not actually mean that there's a diversity of opinion here and this place actually does not just echo?
We don't remove posts we don't like. Also, you're comparing one annoys poster saying "fucking liberals" to a literally admin of a website removing a link to an article they disagree with and calling it hate speech.
These are not equal things to normal human beings.
Where The Water Taste Like Wine was such a fucking jerk-off from the writers part. Nearly nothing noteworthy in the actual game department, just a bunch of smarmy bullshit words to show off how smart they are.
See I think the difference is that it's so infuriating to watch liberal youths lap up their bullshit like retards on bathsalts. You can't beat into their thick skulls that they are just being manipulated for their money. The rest of us can easily recognize when we are being pandered to and merely choose to support products and services, because we personally find them gratifying and not because we want to virtue signal and if we do, it's only ironically.
Today, I am a phoneposter.
A good example of why you don't cuck to people trying to racketeer/scam you while giving the middle finger to your actual customers.
Jesus christ why is it so fucking hard for middle management/upper management to get this fucking picture already?
There are degrees to an echo chamber, the fact that this is an anonymous board and anons go out of their way to post as often as they can and to try and seem like different posters is pretty much proof that people here will go out of their way to create an echo chamber by posing as the majority.
The whole Cyberpunk 2077 thing kind of proved that, there was an insane amount of threads bitching about it, but then anons started making polls and almost every poll came up with 75% of people thinking the game looked fine.
No, but posts like yours in this thread that are not about vidya do get removed, faggot.
Samefags spamming a thread with the same opinion over and over isn't an echo chamber. That's just someone being a retard. As long as you can make posts like the ones in replying to, this isn't an echo chamber.
if it's such a non issue, why remove it?
That's not an echo chamber buddy.
That is a competitor paying for anti-advertising/trying to crush the game's sales/hype before release. It isn't genuine and the reason why most people think the game looks fine is because the shilling against the game is corporate backed shilling, not genuine opinions.
I already refunded it and I don't trust for a second that they're not going to flip back at some point or do a stealth patch. They've already shown they're untrustworthy so why in the fuck would I believe them now?
The fact that your kind is allowed to post here means this place is not an echo chamber.
Really? That's weird. It certainly still appears to not be removed.
At least people here are allowed to voice their opinion. There are lots of stuff on a daily basis that I don't agree with, but that is the beauty of free speech: There's room for my opinions and there is room for wrong opinions.
Why keep it?
>actual customers
Most of these reviewers haven't played for more than one hour
even ignoring you attempting to distort definitions I'm not sure what you think what you're saying proves
you could be doing the same thing here if you felt like it so I'm not sure what the fuck point you think you have
no it hasn't you flaming faggot, back to resetera
It's already there, keeping it is not an action.
It was already an unintentional leftover.
>state that off-topic posts do get removed, citing your post as an example
>LOL but it still there tho???
Literal retardation.
if this was an echo chamber you wouldn't be able to post this
It was more used to describe fans who got into a series through an anime rather than the manga. It's only recently I've seen it be used for video games.
>off-topic posts get removed
Oh. That's way you meant. Yes. And? That doesn't make this an echo chamber.
They throw out an apology, do sensitivity training (which nearly every company does these days anyways where its becoming an industry standard), and then throw a measly amount of their capital to a hotline (which they probably write down on tax returns as a donation) to wipe away negative connotations for the blue haired idiots that dont even play. If anything, they're losing money from all the kneejerk tards that refund it due to this retarded controversy instead of just enjoying the game itself and ignoring all the social/political garbage outside. Yea Forums would be better off that way.
Thanks user
>an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.
This is literally the definition of an echo chamber. You can think Yea Forums is some sort of epitome of conversation but it's for sure not. If we had poster IDs like other boards have we'd have a lot more honest discussion instead of bullshit.
If 90% of a community thinks one way and is hyper vocal about it then you have an echo chamber. You don't need mod censorship when you can have the community do that for you because they desperately fear anything not approved by the hive mind.
I never stated otherwise, but if you don't hate of-topic garbage with all of your heart and want them removed than you're a fucking faggot who needs to get . Hence why I'm disagreeing with your post that we don't want posts that we don't like removed.
>>an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own
Thanks for providing a definition that your very post disproves.
>people ITT adamantly argue Yea Forums is not an echo chamber, clearly outlining they don't get what an echo chamber is
lmaoing right now.
The "sensitivity training" is just brainwashing employees for wrongthink. It shouldn't be an industry standard at all, in fact it's bordering on social terrorism.
And the "measly amount" donated away is still quite a bit of money and looks no different to me than a bribe to get SJW racketeers to fuck off.
Another game successfully racketeered by the professional victim industry. Don't forget to pay your protection money to anita sarkeesian and her corporate sponsors or else you too will suffer the fate this publisher and developer did.
The fact that there are people to argue with proves it's not an echo chamber. In an eco chamber, there are no arguments because everyone agrees.
If you have differing opinions, it's not an echo chamber
The majority can disagree with you and it still won't be an echo chamber
When you have no dissent at all, and anyone who speaks out is censored and silenced - THEN you have an echo chamber.
I shouldn't have to spell this out for you but somehow you don't get it.
Yea Forums is an website for boards to discuss different topics. That's literally it.
I really hope for yout sake you're trolling and not this stupid
you're saying that there's nobody here offering the opposite opinion, ignoring that you are literally here doing that, then you're trying to fudge the point by saying
>oh well if TOO MANY USERS think this then it's an echo chamber anyways!!1
ignoring that this literally cannot be an echo chamber by definition -- what happens to you if you go against the grain here? are we going to do something to you other than post at you? have you thought about this at all?
you're making it really fucking obvious you're a tourist anyways since the single biggest streak this site has is contrarianism, people go against "popular opinion" here constantly just for the fuck of it, there are people in this very thread pretending to side with you just because they think it's funny
>a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own
But here you are giving your opinion
Furfags are on both sides, retard. It’s a fucking epidemic
*Ahem* I have an announcement.
FUCK resetera
FUCK sony
and FUCK california
Nah, Yea Forums is incredibly moderate.
It actually IS a place that fosters discussion, no matter how crass and might be perceived. On social media and resetera, dissenting opinions are almost always discarded as "trolling". Even statements like "I don't think it's such a big deal, really" about the "problematic" content of Ion Fury is something that will get you banned, blocked and thrown off the platform.
Here you'd just be called a faggot, like in the good old days of the internet where discussions of ideas and concepts were welcomed.
Hm. Yeah. Kinda based. Pretty based, I guess. Could be more based, though.
Unless they're taking back the money they donated and instead of bs "sensitivity training" they just throw a big old nerd party... I don't give a fuck about these cucks. They're just backtracking after seeing their sales take a hit.
They have no real values, they are just chasing the dollar. Sorry they sold their souls, but it was their free will.
kek, I'm glad they're standing their ground.
I don't think they did anything wrong in apologizing about the trans shit, but after that the outrage mob kept going and it's nice to see them standing up against it instead of further bending over for it.
>Jesus christ why is it so fucking hard for middle management/upper management to get this fucking picture already?
They are useless people. Normally they do nothing. Just try to act like they are busy and doing something important.
Then when suddenly a real situation comes, they don't know what to do and they panic.
I really don't know why they get paid.
This faggot middle man in 3D Realms was talking how they can not have fag jokes and he shows his pronouns in twitter like all the SJWs.
This is the only reason I still come to this shithole. No one is special, no one has a higher voice than anyone. No unpopular opinion gets filtered out.
Keep up the good fight, faggots
fuck off shill
>I don't think they did anything wrong in apologizing about the trans shit, but
So it's think it's normal and healthy to start transitioning a toddler just because they pointed at a pink block instead of a blue one?
>The fact that there are people to argue with proves it's not an echo chamber.
>you're making it really fucking obvious you're a tourist
Been here since 07, but alright.
>But here you are giving your opinion
Yes, as I said earlier there are degrees of an echo chamber.
The average poster here is honestly too dumb to carry out actual conversation. Remember when Celeste came out and there was some shitposting about it being about abortion and how it was pushing interracial relationships? A lot of anons actually believed this for weeks because the game has a fairly tumblr art style.
You can't have genuine discussion when your audience is too uneducated on the topic at hand.
If you're asking if some of them are hypocritical perverts, I think the answer is: obviously.
Ever sat in one? It's literally an HR person that tells you not to say mean things about other people. I highly doubt any real adult will come out changed. If anything, its condescending because its like being handled with kid gloves (Remember jimmy, treat others like how you would like to be treated, don't call people names, etc).
It makes sense because the companies are there to make money from games, not to have individual employees lay out their political/social opinions, because as an employee, they reflect their employer. Personally, I agree with their comments,but those guys on the discord should have known better.
I also have high doubts they would give away 10K just like that without any outlying motive, like claiming it for taxes. It's literally a veil to placate the morons bitching about this.
>You can't have genuine discussion when your audience is too uneducated on the topic at hand.
you are really determined to constantly own yourself lmao
No I don't. I think it's abhorrent, but the devs referred to surgery as "mutilation" and I'd understand why you'd have to apologize for something like that, it's insensitive.
You really d on't have to reply to this post by telling me you agree with him that it's mutilation, what I'm saying is that it's insensitive and I understand why they wanted to apologize for it.
Not when it comes to trannies. All trannies must HANG
Damn. Good argument. You have changed my mind forever. You are a gentleman and a scholar. *tips cowboy hat*
I think its good that they donated, otherwise their hotline would be clogged by people from resetera after hearing the news.
They are still removing threads and comments in the Steam forums, like crazy...
disappointing. Even though I am not as mad anymore.
An echo chamber doesnt have to be the fullest extent where you literally only get one sides perspective. All it takes is a majority, or whoever is posting the most.
It's when some faggot feminist comes in and shows them a bunch of PowerPoint presentations about the importance of diversity and showing respect to all races, genders, etc. while the devs pretend to pay attention when in reality they don't actually give a fuck and just want to go home and play video games. Retards seem to think it's some Clockwork Orange brainwashing shit that'll turn the employees into SJWs.
yet you know this is false because you dodged what I said addressing this so here it is again:
what exactly HAPPENS to you if you "wrongpost" here?
Read the rest of the post then, I clearly stated that there are degrees of an echo chamber.
If an echo chamber cannot have a single dissenting post then ResetEra is also not an echo chamber, but your own definition.
>misunderstands the post
>dude u called urself dumb lol
hell yeah dude.
Why do these places need multi-million donations anyway? I mean I understand that they need SOME funding to continue operation, but not that much. Especially the niche ones that pander to a percentage of a percentage of the population.
Seriously though all these people do is tell you not to kill yourself and then call the cops on you so they can look into it. If you're calling a fucking suicide prevention hotline you're not going to go through with it anyway so how hard can their jobs be?
You get 5 to 6 anons telling you you're wrong to try and maintain and strengthen the hivemind that Yea Forums so desperatly wants to maintain because they see it as their sense of identity.
>If an echo chamber cannot have a single dissenting post then ResetEra is also not an echo chamber
You just keep embarrasing yourself
>but your own definition
and then what? you get banned because it's an echo chamber and dissenting opinion isn't allowed, right? oh wait no you can literally open a new thread after this one dies and post your opinions all fucking day
Maybe they just disagree with you and you're projecting all that shit you just said for your own convenience
No you fucking nigger. They should be rewarded for treading the correct path. Stick and carrot, it’s not that difficult to understand
Won't anybody stop the hacker known as Yea Forums?
It is just a way for them to extort money. Then they can say that they have this "important" high salary job at tranny suicide hot line.
You collect a bunch of (You's) and either continue to post to harvest more in an attempt to troll, or you realize your opinion isn't shared, so you discontinue posting, meaning less genuine, differing opinions are present on a topic, and more likeminded RIGHTPOSTS are available, leading to an echo chamber, which Yea Forums can certifiably qualify.
People don't come here to orate and argue in the classic sense, gain new wisdom, new insights and see things from different perspectives and viewpoints. They come to bitch about stuff with other likeminded people. Thats why you, I and everyone else are here, and why its an echo chamber.
Tax breaks
The irony of coming here and telling everyone this place is an echo chamber
Nice arguments, nothing actually refuted what I just said. Either both Yea Forums and resetera are echo chambers, or neither is.
You don't need to face a ban for something to be an echo chamber, most echo chambers are self sustaining. See the average persons use of news networks and social media. A person that leans right and watches Fox while participating in right leaning social media is part of an echo chamber, a person leaning left and watching CNN while only going on left leaning websites is also in an echo chamber.
>you're projecting all that shit you just said for your own convenience
I literally have no clue what the fuck this means, why would Yea Forums being an echo chamber convenience me?
>You collect a bunch of (You's) and either continue to post to harvest more in an attempt to troll, or you realize your opinion isn't shared
So it's not an echo chamber at all
so are you admitting you're trolling now? because by your own admission you're only here to bitch
have you ever considered that just MAYBE just MAYBE when 7 people post at you and said that you're on some dumb shit that maybe they have a small point?
those are examples of people actively filtering content they engage with, and the platforms THEMSELVES DO filter people that they allow to engage unlike this site, so sure if you really wanted to you could make your own personal echo chamber here too by filtering all posts that might disagree with you and if you do that then you could call it an echo chamber for you and you only