Control, the day before launch

Review wanking thread
Embargo lifts at 06:00 PST, about 1 hour from this post.


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Other urls found in this thread:

"10/10, a bold slap in the face of the patriarchy, an inspiration to womyn and girls anywhere. Bold, brave, stunning."
"The gameplay? Uhh I didn't even boot it up but it's probably fine".



Huge flop.
Game was will be at least good, with good writing.

Gonna pirate it myself, Epic already paid for my copy.

Based retard.

>Epic exclusive
>Almost no marketing
>Female protagonist in a new franchise

It will flop hard

I don't know anything about this game

>one game

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Unironically GOTY with a kino aesthetic but Yea Forums shits on it because there's a woman they don't want to fuck.

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Jurnos: 10/10
Public: 4-5/10

I mean, any game can become a franchise

I predict 7/10 and videogame journalists saying it was "too weird to understand"

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Remedy isn't so small so as to disregard steam, so this pirates on them. Genuinely looking forward to it, I think Same will finally hit the sweet-spot between good story and good gameplay.

From what i've heard - the game is actually pretty good. A shame marketing campaign was non-existent

Does it come in non-retard speeds?

like alan wake and quantum break

Nice head canon fag

The demo felt jarring desu specially the inner monologues. Could've been done better i think.

This game looks cool even though I only heard of it like three days ago

>bullshot gameplay.

>bullshot gameplay
Whats that


Glorified tech demo.

I enjoyed the shit out of Red Faction Guerilla and it was little more than a tech demo for a destruction system.

They could make Force Unleashed 3 using that tech.


I do like the aesthetics of the game, it actually looks kinda cool. Has a Dark City meets Matrix vibe to it. Hope the gameplay is good.

>I hate thing
Shoo shoo

>third person shooting game


that's a PS4 game alright

god I just want this game but with guerilla's building demolition and vehicle combat

It's on Xbox and PC as well.

Nobody cares.

>PS4 fans having to get excited for a multiplat


that's a normal day for PS4 owners alright

I think so too but only because you probably aren't able to play without any UI like the webm

I just want any game to come close to what Guerilla did in fucking 2009.

why is there suddenly so many control threads?

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I already saw it. And the devs already missed the greatest opportunity with telepathy.

Instead of generic "pick up object X, throw object X" they could have made you use telepathy to control multiple different guns floating around you. Instead of having debris float around as a shield, they could have gone a step further and made you control bullets. And imagine if they gave you a sword or a spear that you could have track down enemies.

But nah. Who cares about that cool shit right? Here you go the most generic shit of all time except you can do it with generic doodads in the environment now. Wow how fucking awesome.

ok now that's just being paranoid

Ive preloaded it and ready to go as soon as it unlocks replayed quantum break lastnight im ready

Shills out in full force since the publishers realized that practically no one talked about it until now.

>almost no good marketing
>no gameplay captured on pc
>no gameplay captured on pc with players who actually play games for fun shit instead of reviews
>a lot of bad marketing by the publisher
>good/great storyline
>fun gameplay
This will be sad. I hope it will not flop.

Maybe because it comes out tomorrow?

Its when the game looks so good it's as though a "bull shot" his entire sticky boavine load onto the screen

Solid 7/10, forgotten 5 minutes after the release.



have you been asleep during the whole RTX on campaign? there's lots of pc gameplay and there's also footage of dummies playing the game and dying a bunch while talking to the devs

>no gameplay captured on pc

have sex

Can't wait to pirate it.

>why are people talking about a game that comes out tomorrow!?

>10 fps tablet game or...
>real game

yo 505 games, stop shilling your shit here.

Prediction: 6/10

>>why are people talking about a game that comes out tomorrow!?
Yes. Why are people suddenly talking about a game as it's about to release, and not the days before? Why weren't you surprised this game you're (((looking forward to))) had absolutely zero threads for the last few weeks?

it just summons some of those objects from nowhere, i c... so thats how they get it to run on a ps4, its not real physics

It's not.
Some chink already posted a full walkthrough online. The game is only 7-8 hours long.

Holy shit this looks good.
Also, the MC reminds me of a qt I once played with through saint's row 3, but with slimmer body and smaller ass.

I'll just wait for the reviews. Quantum Break was shit and I only played it because of BANE

Thanks bro I'll be getting Astral Chain then.

>meme tracing

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Tom Hardy was in Quantum Break?!

there have been threads for it retard

tech illiterate

FPBP, dilate if you disagree


>we are going to make a metroidvania where 90% of the world is grey corridors and warehouses
it's not gonna be great
story will most likely be interesting and well written, though

>calling CIA "bane"

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Its metacritic score will be the last 2 digits of this post

Not bad

Sounds about right.

>only one "transformable" gun in the entire game

That's a yikes for me


why do you fags want this to be the next tortanic again? I really don't get it this time

It's on the Epic Games Store, and it has a female protagonist who isn't a generic anime slut, that's enough to anger incels.

devs even mentioned pic related by name in one of the streams when talking about her gun

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>I hope it will not flop
It didn't. Epic made sure of that.

Hmm... Let me think
good graphics
>movie game
not enough jumping and funny noises
>no gameplay

I suggest you play a real game like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on a real console like Nintendo Switch™ entertainment system.

is this the payne residence?

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I'm going to guess a 78-83, it'll be a fairly mediocre game but you'll have one side calling it 0/10 trash and the other praising it as being amazing, a great western game, the west is back baybay and similar stupid shit.
Thankfully I'm not a buycuck so I don't need to mindlessly like or hate a game.

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Seems like a no brainer to me.

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it's gonna be 85-90 easy guest

They should have called it Psi-Ops 2

Nope, 81.
About what I was expecting honestly.
Add it to the pile.

mark my words


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Same thing as Quantum Break. Pretty to look at, maybe interesting story, will be forgotten within the week. That's been the pattern for Remedy for a while.

>Already preordered Astral Chain
>Pirated Control before I left for work
Aww yuss

lol if you remove the nintendo bonus control is a better game? glad i bought it for 5 bucks

Name one time this has been applicable
Flip a coin

pretty much

Get mental help

You say that as though people aren't still obsessing over Alan Wake and Max Payne 2.

AC is a new IP so the Nintendo bonus is 5.
Still higher than Control.

It's a fake picture you dumb weeb

the chinks already got this turd and according to them it's 7 hours long

lol no, its at least, a 10

Astral Chain doesn't even have a metacritic score yet and Controls at 86 currently. Whet the fuck is wrong with you people?

>yank a chunk of a building off and watch the rest of it collapse into bricks
>toss it away another building and watch it crumble in on itself
Fuck that could be fun actually.

b-b-but is was supposed to be bad...

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The PS4 version (the one with the most reviews) is at 81 right now.
What's it like being retarded?

Are you blind ? AC is sitting at 88 actually. Go check before posting retardotron...

are you retarded?

I'm supposed to go for the one with the lower critic score right?

whats it like being a nigger

>pirated control
you pirated a virus lol it's not cracked yet

Yes, two games before Quantum Break. Control pretty much looks like it'll play exactly the same as QB. So again, maybe a good story, boring gameplay.
And even though I liked Alan Wake, it needs a lot of things to be fixed in a sequel.



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I'm buying both Control and Astral Chain. Take that you losers.



>He doesn't know
Filthy public tracker plebs need not reply to me, thanks.

lara croft


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you know OP im just gonna say it I HATE WOMEN

>not showing userscores
Oh no no no no

good meme but i'm in private trackers too

How do we fix no name publications clickbaiting on metacritic?

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Shills btfo, FPBP

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Which one(s)?
You strike me as a consolenigger, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't believe you.

>studio's far superior Alan Wake
>not Max Payne

Didn't they ban men from streaming the game on Twatch and only allowed women and """women"""?
So it's guaranteed to be pozzed.

no lmao where did you get that info

I'm pretty interested to actually give it a shot. I hope it's not dog shit.



>Trusting user scores

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>he can't buy both
Why do poor people even have access to the internet?

It's not released for public yet.

How long until a torrent do you think?

Isn't that the site that posts fake articles about disney remakes all the time?

You do know the game isn't out yet, right?

>trusting reviewer scores

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They gave stream copies to male streamers too and they streamed yesterday, publisher just worded that tweet badly.

within two hours of its release.

they didnt ban men from streaming, today just happens to also be Women's Equality Day so they gave a couple streaming chicks early access today in honor of it

Males were banned from streaming the game on the 24th, the embargo against men ended yesterday.

Is it released in Epic store?


They did, see There was an effective embargo against male streamers on the 24th, males were not allowed to stream until the 25th.

You are absolutely right, I should totally trust the reviews that basically break down to, "They had a stream with girls on it. 0/10."

Do you want to play a shit Gravity Rush with guns, or a Platinum game?

Platinum hasn't made a good game since Bayonetta

>wanting to play as this

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bayonetta cringe, they haven't even made a god game

But Gravity Rush is already shit.

Fuck you. I hate everything so you know you can trust me to be impartial. I hate all the consoles and PC

its maam

This but unironically.

Between 70-75.


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There are a lot of shit games with high scores.

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>Nintendo games get threads for months before they come out, usuallyjust shitposting, waifufagging and baseless speculation

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>I think Same will finally hit the sweet-spot between good story and good gameplay.
He already did, it's called Max Payne

Shh, don't bring that up here, the shills can't respond to that.

>being paranoid


that's a normal day for me alright

Plus the devs said it was about women in a male dominated world so natural reeing ensues instead of actually playing the game and judging it on its merits because Yea Forums can't separate its own personal politics from video games like they accuse SJWs of doing.

Man, the Astral Chain scores really got you all riled up good huh

Don't fucking make a cliffhanger ending if you're not gonna make a proper Alan Wake sequel you fucking cunts.

Raytracing just turns me off of the game. I can't even use it without buying a meme GPU.

The solution is obviously to just not pay for any games made by western devs.
It's what I've been doing for years, and I'm not even white.

Is there a cure? I definitely have this. Im in my late 20s and fap 3 to 4 times a day. At work whenever I see a woman I think about her sexually. One evening my manager was talking with me and she let her hair down and opened the top few buttons of her shirt and I got a raging erection. I don't even know why she did that. Probably just some relaxation thing but I was aroused by it

oh no, another retarded redditor who thinks le epic sam "made" max payne

nailed it

I'm assuming the gameplay will be serviceable, but the story will be meh or vice versa.

Seems like a fun metroidvania with unique combat and level design. I mean
>woman bad fuck you SJWs

wow picking up objects and throwing them

that's something we haven't seen before except in half life 2 and a bunch of other games made after it

SJWs can't keep their partisan virtue signalling out of their games, why is it Yea Forums's responsibility to pretend it's not there?


>is the face of the main character
>is the main writer of the story
what did he mean by this


I'm not a retard. I just have this horny brain disease. I unironically want cure

It's just gravity rush but with an ugly redhead with a gun

Can someone make her face prettier? Not bimbo pretty just a touch up.

>GTX 780 minimum
nani the fuck? are you telling me it's gonna be unplayable on my 1050ti? I don't believe it

imagine falling for the rtx meme

Sex addiction is real. worst case scenario you'll turn into another Golden state killer.

Because it doesn't affect the fucking gameplay at all you braindead /pol/tard.
Yea Forums are the biggest fucking hypocrites I've ever fucking seen.

Loving the brutalist 50s-70s office building vibe, not sure if game is good or not tho.

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what the fuck is this shit? the gameplay looks bland as fuck

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>story doesn't affect gameplay in western movieshit
Why are 40%ers so low effort in everything they do?

Looks more interesting than any other shooters

But Is there a cure? Some pill I can take to be normal?

Just hit the gim, bro

heil hitler

It’s a sci-fi story, what’s your problem

>psychics objects cant be spawned
What kind of retard

lol no
at least in shooter you have some extent of skill or a pvp factor
this is just long empty corridors with some random enemies scattered here and there and telekinesis gimmick

my niBBa, the IGN review is literally this

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This is 4channel, not reddit.
You're allowed to say nigger

how retarded are you exactly? he wrote the story, he wasnt a game designer let alone director

Says you, pussy.

name me one person from remedy that comes just as close as being "the max payne guy" like sam is
yeah that's right you can't name any
just like todd howard represents the entirety of bethesda, sam lake represents max payne and remedy

>sam lake represents max payne and remedy
to clueless redditors

all this nintendo bonus talk
but can't accept that sony has the Sony bonus

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>all of the world's problems is reddit's fault
fyi only redditors call others redditors just to try to blend in. wolf among the sheep if you will
now it's time for you to go back

Unless she's using her period blood infused bullets to take down straight white male enemies then no I don't think the story has any bearing on the gameplay whatsoever, mate.


very reddit tactics should I say, backed into a corner because of your clueless meme misinformation retardation and the only thing left is to try to convince everyone that you actually arent le memeddit. MUH SAMS GAME is the definition of being a retarded, soi guzzling redditor who was apparently too stupid to use google for 5 seconds and figure out who made the original max payne

EDF5 is the only third person shooter worth a damn these days, this looks like generic "cinematic" scripted bullshit.

well then, WHO made max payne? are you going to list every programmer? the music composer/s? the art directors? obviously sam didn't code and create everything himself but he's seen as the creator of what the character "max payne" is. remedy created max payne but sam will always be at the top when someone thinks "max payne creator" along with remedy.
>bypassing the filter
cr*nge and bluepilled my dearest of friends

>typical female power fantasy

None of your ideas sound cool or interesting. Being able to steer projectiles was old hat by the end of the 90's

Also most of the original Max Payne team are still around working on games like Quantum Break and Control.

Even Reddit is less pussified and shill-infested than 4channel these days.

So Astral Chain then, thanks
Since Control have framedrops to sub 20, its for the better and smoother experience.

>but he's seen as the creator of what the character "max payne" is. remedy created max payne but sam will always be at the top when someone thinks "max payne creator" along with remedy.
because youre braindead, dont go frothing at the mouth over how Sam "hit the sweet spot between story and gameplay" in a game where he was paid to write the story if youre literally too retarded to google who the director of max payne was

Might watch it on youtube when I get bored.

shit...he got me going back from this one...

Name ten third person shooters from the 90s that allowed you to steer proyectiles, as a non-objectified woman, with ray tracing.
Go ahead, I'll wait.

Sounds cool, I'll be sure to buy the game during the next MensEqualityDay!

>strong womyn: the game

hard pass, not even worth pirating

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>haha mad
well "argued" kiddo, I think Sam just magically became the director of max payne 1 and possibly even Alan Wake retroactively because of how well redditors made a case for it

Wouldnt have minded strong womyn the game if it was like Alan Wake and at least had some kind of horror theming to it. Its just baffling how they managed to make telekinesis seem so lame.

damn redditors am i right

good thing i am not one lol! (laugh out loud)

What a pathetic whiny bitch, REEEE men control all aspects of the government but where’s my special day


Haha Cheers !

Yes, id say its pretty damnable to meme le face man of writing as some epic creator of all those masterpieces when in reality the only games Sam has directed are Quantum Break and Control

I have no problems playing a woman protagonist but her face proportions are really fucked up and it's pulling me out of the experience

I thought the Finnish weren't pozed like the rest of western Europe


that's a dude with a wig on

It will probably be better than Quantum Break at least
They even brought back Poets of the Fall

You should have known.
Any western game in the current year with a woman protagonist is an automatic red flag.

Because it is a video game.

Why can't they just make likeable women? Why these masculine wannabe men?

The absolute level of cope in this thread is delicious.

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Because the west has been completely infected by gender ideology. Maybe a few slav countries are still not infected but that's about it.

Ironically, because they're misogynists who think that femininity is useless and that women need to unshackle themselves from it

But why is femininity bad? Just make them cute and sexy, it's not a big ask.

No, get CONTROL first, then proceed to kill yourself.

Because attractive women are tool of the patriarchy

What if they just wanted a woman as the main character and it had nothing to do with an agenda

But this is Yea Forums so you’ll ignore that possibility

She looks like a cop from a scandinavian crime tv show, which are usually the pony-tailed no-nonsense kind of boring characters.

Twin Peaks wasnt too weird to understand though. But I havent watched the reboot yet.

What a pathetic whiny cunt, reeee weak folks complain about everyone and everything but put no sizable actions towards bettering themselves or their immediate environment.

I see you are a man of culture as well


There are other types of femininity than anime lolis at the beach.

A terrible character is a terrible character, agenda or not

>87 critics vs 23 critics
>101 vs 12
nier automata pc port even has technical problems so it's outrageous to claim a difference of 4 points means it's biased.

>Name one time this has been applicable
Gone Home.

>character model has a strong jaw
>this is a terrible character

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damn.... psiops remake looks good

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Why does this woman look like a man with a wig? Look at that face. Half the men I see in the street is less masculine looking.

>Half the men I see in the street is less masculine looking.
It's not the devs fault the world is filled with beta cucks.

Rtx 2080 ti fag here I cbf even pirating it if plays anywhere near as bad as quantumn break or Anal weak

Seriously why has all their games since mp2 been so bad? MP3 is good but it's r* homage

>i-it doesnt count cuz t-the game was broken on [insert platform here] than on PS4!
>uses image of Yooka-Laylee metacritic scores to prove nintendo bonus
>yooka-laylee released broken on other platforms, but mostly fixed on switch


I miss the days when Carmen Sandiego was considered acceptable. Now its just triggered 4channers screaming cope and trannies whenever a female is the subject

Easy Allies 9.0

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PC bros, this game is a 9/10.

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Based and red fashion pilled

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B-but EGS exclusives are supposed to be bad :(

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Huber cannot be trusted.

Can I pirate it?

Because it was supposed to be shit like Quantum Break but turned out alright apparently. Now we can get Alan Wake 2

Serious answer: nu-"progressive" ideology is about naming an oppressor class by race, gender and sexuality and scapegoating it for all the problems in the world. The ultimate oppressor class in their eyes is the straight white male, therefore the ideology demands the elimination of anything that this oppressor class is presumed to enjoy.
This is why they make women unattractive, they are trying to eliminate any "oppressor appeal", they think that appealing to oppressor classes perpetuates oppression.
This ideology is essentially the same as neo-Nazi white supremacy, only replacing IQ with privilege and Jews with white men.

someone on plebbit who was given an early copy confirmed it doesn't have denuvo, so yes

The PC version is epic exclusive which means it's free of charge. Why now both?

That`s good. (i will by it later though)

I tried

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IGN review has nothing to do with feminism, what were you reading?

Alright shills, tell me why should I be buying this game? All I've seen so far is some action strong independent womyn dialog around the intro, some gravitybending and a faux feminism publicity stunt that v always gobble up. Past that, what else does this game offer that would make me interested in playing?

SCP-themed metroidvania

She(?) looks constipated.

Game aint out yet, consumer.

Thats a good mix of buzzwords m8

>Alright shills, tell me why should I be buying this game?
It has Alan Wake it it.
Action is pretty entertaining. Setting is great, while the story is just alright.
It's like a really good direct-to-video action film in a way. It doesn't have the production value since it's not AAA, but you can tell people gave a damn.

Somehow the gameplay is worse than Max Payne, a decade-old game. But it looks pretty, right?

So was your post, I guess you'll like it.

gonna pirate it since Sweeney already paid my copy
Thanks Tim!


The only one with worse taste there is Damiani

>Straight, WHITE female protagonist
I'm literally shaking right, this game has triggered me so hard. This is a shitlord game not for progressives like myself. The lead character should be a Queer, brown, disabled transwoman (they/them).

Lol nice one, post it on r/The_Donald

It objectively is not.

>game gets 8/10 and 9/10 reviews
>still sells like shit
When well devs learn to stop making games that pander to journalists and like-minded retards instead of the lager gaming population of people who would actually buy the games?

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You mean /pol/, The_Donald are optics cucks and they would ban you for transphobia.

Control will go on sale within a few months unlike astral chain so get astral first and control cheaper later on.

>scores hovering in low-mid 80s
Cool, seems like a solid TPS I could knock out in a weekend, would usually pirate something like this but I can't steal from Sammy boy especially when this game is probably gonna bomb financially and I really don't want to see Remedy die in my lifetime.

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>Epic exclusive
>Zero marketing
>Barely anyone knows the game even exists
Yeah it's gonna be a success.

>especially when this game is probably gonna bomb financially
Epic has always got you covered, bro.

kill yourself

>Women character has dialogue and internal monologue
Pretty much guaranteed 4/10 from Yea Forums

Guy who has actually played the game and isn't just vomiting Yea Forums memes. AMA.

>internal monologue
Fuck I can barely tolerate what they let out of their mouth.

>some retard at Remedy played Hellblade and thought he could make it better
>somehow even worse
Holy shit, what a joke of a company.

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Horizon is annoying because of it, but Control takes it to the next fucking level.


99% of what Jesse says is in reference to Hedron/Polaris She doesn't really do it often outside of that. It's kinda like complaining about Alan Wake narrating his every action.

Even that they should cut it in half, at least.
She just yapping on and on about shit that is definitely 2deep4me for most of the time, it felt pretentious 9 out of 10.

Is it basically Quantum Break in terms of mechanics? I liked that game but I would've loved to see a continuation of that or Alan Wake instead.

They could've maybe cut a couple lines, but overall it isn't that offensive. And whenever she's speaking to the entity working with her, it's pretty clear they're having some kind of information exchange.

It's more fast-paced and hectic than QB by far. The mechanics aren't really the same beyond say, the fact that you can create shields in both.

Call me a brainlet but what the fuck does "bromidic" mean?

So long as a company jumps on the fem-bullshit train, I hope to see them go out of business.

>those replies
>militant SJWs calling anyone "snowflakes"
Twitter is fucking aids. I'm just glad I don't have any social media accounts.

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Eh, what I see in the image isn't far off from what I've been playing so far.

Pretentious overwritten monologue is pretty much in the Max Payne model. But it doesn't make it good.

Not him but whenever she talks to polaris in a completely different tone It takes me out of it completely. I understand what they are going for but its offputting.

>zero atmosphere

Except there's nothing really like that in Control? At msot, Jesse is stubborn about not wanting to be the Director, but she eventually comes around.

She's basically talking to an eldritch abomination, keep in mind. It's only really confusing if you assume that either Jesse is meant to be you in every way or that she's actually speaking to the player.

Nothing impressive about it either, so far.

How far into the game are you?


I've never heard of or seen this game before now.
But I feel obligated to asume it's gonna be bad.

Just got the first mod/perk or whatever.
Haven't played much of it since I keep tabbing in and out due to the cringe dialogue.

>making up shit
Seethe harder

Looks good, like SCP foundation: the video game

Is this Psi-Ops 2?
Damn, now I want Psi-Ops 2.

I never said anything about confusing. Its jarring to see the change in tone and then the sudden shift back.

Yo I got it early. Why is it so hard and bland might drop it.

>it's a third person shooter but you have powers woah
At least it isn't cover based i guess

this game look bland as fuck

Then you aren't far into the game at all, assuming you're even actually playing it. I'd say that you should keep playing if you are, but not sure how much you care.

That's likely what they're going for, so I don't really mind.
Are you fucking high or just really bad at lying?

Denuvo or what ? If it use Denuvo, i'll buy the game. I'll always support Denuvo due to their commitment to kill day/week/month one piracy. Thats no joke.

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The office area is bland, and astral plane have been done before.
I really hope that I will encounter this amazing atmosphere soon, this live action shit is making it hard for me.

Pretty much all of this thread is full of people who don't actually know what they're talking about whilst pretending to be "experts" on the subject. So, I suppose you could say it's both.

I have no idea. I honestly didn't know they were making anything until like a month ago, I thought they went under

All I want to know:
Does the game preach to me about “current year” politics?
Is the main character a dyke and if so does she shove it down your throat?

Otherwise I just want to play it for the Remedy gameplay and story.

Its looks like they were going for a more confidential type of thing. Like giving her real thoughts and opinions to this mysterious person that she really trusts. But it feels like SURPRISE IM NOT CONFIDENT and then back to normal dialogue.

The office area is just one of the sectors in the game. And if you're dismissing the Astral stuff because "lul it's been done before", then you may as well not bother with any kind of fiction, seeing as how everything has been done to some degree at some point or another.

There's pretty much 0 politics in the game.

very based

It's more accurate to say that she confides in Polaris in order to make herself look more confident than she actually is. Which makes sense considering that Ahti and the Board pretty much immediately threw her into the fire with zero actual warning. Few people are going to be genuinely confident when they suddenly get made into the leader of an entire paranormal organization with the fate of all reality on their shoulders.

And the lesbian thing?

Control+Zzzzzzz lol

If astral plane is the high point of this game atmosphere then I might as well keep the expectation low for the rest of the game, at least when it comes to it.

>tfw don't like western trash like Controll nor Weebshit like Turd Chain
Get on my level, subhumans

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why do i have to play as a realistic (((ugly and gardening-tool faced))) woman then ?


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Zero relationship drama of any kind. If you stretch it, you can maybe include Dylan in there, but Jesse and him seemed genuinely close as family prior to him getting blackbagged.

You go the Astral Plane only a couple times in the actual main story. It's not really a high point, especially since its mostly a testing ground for the Board to assess your performance.

I can't even bother pirating it, even if it's on Tim. I'm just gonna buy some of the plethora of other games coming out these days and wait a year for the definitive edition on steam.

What do you even like then?

Very nice, I’ll wait till it gets a little cheaper on PS4 and pick it up. Sucks because I’d prefer buying it on pc, but I’d support the censorstation before Epics bullshit

I appreciate the info.

When people say incel unironically they’re talking about you.

> Female protagonist.

>against a platform that uses exclusivity with no paywall
>supports a platform that uses exclusivity with a $300+ paywall
I’ll never understand you faggots.

Why did I bother buying this crap?

>Stronk emotionless waman: the game

Of course it gets a 9

Mr. Shill has been super active the last couple days.

Why is this on liveleak? What happens next?

reminder that metacritic doesn't matter when they gave killer7 a 78 and god hand a 73

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Not everyone you don't like is a "shill." This is something nu/v/ has forgotten in the unceasing tide of hitpoterss and faggots.

Writer wasn't alive when Max Payne was released.

From this post I can tell you don't just frequently visit reddit, you post there all the time as well. Do you think someone is going to give you a +1 because you took the smug and snarky tone, made huge sweeping generalisations and didn't actually address a single remark?


Calm down and take your meds, schizoid.

This game is terrible, the reviews will be good because they're all friends with the devs and wanking each other off

when people actually play the game and see how shit it is, game journos will play the same old trick of calling everyone who doesnt like it a literal nazi

>t. someone who hasn't played the game

Why do non of the reviews mention the Andromeda tier facial animation?

Its not about quality but quantity every game try to pander to a vocal minority.

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The game's not terrible, it's just a less visually spectacular ripoff of the Prey remake. I have never seen a big budget 3D game rip off another game this slavishly though and you're left wondering why, why did these Finns need to remake the remake of Prey instead of doing something new?

>The game is only 7-8 hours long.
and that's a good thing. I'll give it a pirate when it gets cracked and WoW classic servers explode.

question: why do people want this game to turn out bad so much? everywhere i see a lot of people say that all the good reviews are fake and that the game is actually terrible. cant you just be happy that remedy finally made a good game again?

See you in one year I guess. The game looks unironically pretty fun but I can wait.

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Wanna go ahead and explain your opinions in detail? Prey is a generic as fuck System Shock derivative. Its also excellent but thats not the point.
More games in that genre is always good.

yeah not everyone. Just the guy shilling this game that isn't even out yet as if it were his job.

nu/v/ wants every single game, no matter what it is, to turn into the next tortanic.

Several people have early copies, dumbass.

Okay, the reviews are nice. But sales are the main concern if this game is truly a success.

I'd never heard of this game before right now.

Aren't the games that "sell" Cowadoody and Fortnite, I'm really glad developers and publishers take risks and try new things and go for high scores over sales numbers. Even if it's just because great scores sometimes turn into great sales numbers.

I'm interested in playing it but I guess I'll have to get it on PS4 since I'm not buying anything from the chink store.

If I was being non-hyperbolic I'd say it's a 6/10 game.

Does the physical deluxe edition comes with the expansion passes aswell? Both physical and digital deluxe are the same exact price but i see no mention of the expansions on physical ads.

I haven't purchased or played Western double or triple A games in years, much less discussed them. I'm really surprised the discussion here revolves around how upset everyone is about the protagonist being a girl. Even more surprised by how much it revolves around the character model's chin.

Has Yea Forums always been this shallow and off focus or have I just grown old? The things most discussed are things I've never thought to consider for one second when I'm forming an opinion on an upcoming release.

>Has Yea Forums always been this shallow

haha all the replies are seething trannies

>orange colour scheme
>a futuristic, office-heavy environment
>physics puzzles
>enemy placement restricted to large, open areas
>lots of exposition and diary entries
>the enemy is 1-2 types of infected people

Control (2019)? More like Prey (2017)!

Is Control Yea Forums's newest shitposting game?

You clearly know all of the releases when you know this is the one and only game coming out with a woman in it and that must be the only reason anyone has anything bad to say about it

>orange colour scheme
Only for a few areas.

>a futuristic, office-heavy environment
That's just the one Sector actually.

>physics puzzles

>enemy placement restricted to large, open areas
No. They can actually shoe up in some tighter spaces. Can Be pretty bad when they do.

>lots of exposition and diary entries
The major exposition is sorta optional. Otherwise, yes.

>the enemy is 1-2 types of infected people
It actually has the highest enemy variety of any Remedy game thus far.

Eh i got a free download code with my new gpu, might as well check it out

arent the deluxe editions usually base game+bunch of costumes and pc wallpaper you wouldnt ever download and pdf format artbook?
and then theres the super deluxe gold elite edition that gives you seasons pass bullshit

>Control manages to take the awesome cutscenes we see in other games and makes them playable.

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Remedy is getting really good at flops

hey I loved prey (2017)
preordering now

Yea Forums wants every game to be tortanic.

Yeah, you can't be unironically excited for video games anymore on Yea Forums otherwise you're a shill.

Damn, Chris got a couple too many twinkies down the hatch.

Nope. There's really no "cutscenes" in the traditional sense. 99% of the game is pure gameplay.

May as well have said is a video game and uses pixels.

any bajs?

is the framerate on ps4 as poor as they say? I'm hearing like 20 fps and shit...

In today's games journalism scores if 75-85 tend to indicate better quality than games that score above that.

It's probably still shite tho lol

> Women's equality day

I see, and what sort of injustices are women experiencing today? Tampons too small? Too big?


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just get the free edition on pc

Is this just Beyond: Two Souls the Action Game?

i'd be fine with a straight up remake of max payne 1 and 2 in new engine

Incels ree'ing at them on social media.

"Gravity gun" gameplay was old and boring by 2008

currently at 85; eat shit, retards

It just looks like a mediocre game with subpar netflix writing and some occasional pretty visual.

>playing any game Remedy made after MP2

Litlle similarities beyond both having weird powers and strange entities talking to people.

Appeal to authority

Alan Wake is good, though.

It's nice for the first half but then it becomes a chore.

all good reviews are untrustworthy and therefore may as well be fake

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>TLDR: I don't like thing so everything else must be bad!

pc runs shitty if you dont have latest hardware

they suffer from being inferior to men. It's only fair to give them a break every once in a while.

We don't want it to be bad. We miss MP2 Remedy, we miss when they made some amazing action games with good writing.

All their stuff has been scoped weirdly and lacked spirit since after Alan Wake.

This just doesn't look that fun, the writing looks mediocre at best, supplanting quality with mystery instead. Like covering up foul fish with lemon juice.

Journalists are a unique breed

Attached: gamespot.png (1556x364, 67K)

I really don't know why some Yea Forums shitposters have it out for Remedy these days but I'm still looking forward to playing control tomorrow.

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I'm not saying good reviews actually mean a game is bad. I'm saying good reviews are inherently untrustworthy and have little correlation with a game's actual quality.

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How can writing "look" like anything before you've even read it?

nu/v/ unironically believes that every game Remedy makes should just be a Payne derivative with zero variation or attempts to change things, and gets triggered when you suggest anything else they've made has been at least pretty good.

It happens when you want it to be bad and come up with after-the-fact rationalizations to justify disliking it without reading it.

>Death Rally
>Agents of Storm
>Quantum Break
>pretty good

nah those were all shit, Alan Wake was decent and I'd be fine with more of that but let's not act like Remedy changes to shitting out bad games and mobile shit means nobody would be happy with anything they did

Go ahead and pirate it, champ. You've earned it.

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The only real flaw QB had was in gunplay being a slog at times, and the hour-long cutscenes. And the former was something that AW suffered from at times after a point.

Control addresses both problems, but you'll still see people shitting on it for utterly shallow, petty, and completely batshit reasons.

I didn't mind Alan Wake at all. Somehow its simplicity made it all the more charming.

the biggest problem with QB is it was a shit story with terrible writing that just should have been a shitty netflix show

the biggest problem with control is that it is a shit story with terrible writing that just should have been a shitty netflix show

Thank God it's on pc so we can fix her hanky face

Damn dude the early review copies only just went out the other day and you already played through the 30 hours or so for all the writing?

Thanks bud

the biggest flaws with alan wake were
>open world scrapped because of 360 (
>horror elements watered down with stupid cinematic direction (when you kill last enemy in an encounter you get a special cinematic so you know threat is over)
>story was incomplete and locked behind 2 dlc (which werent even that good)

Wowie, user. You played through the whole 35+ hours for all the content? Such a badass.

>Poets of the Fall are in this game unlike Quantum Break.
This gives it a higher score in my book.

I know this review must be at least 15 years old at this point but
>Like Deus Ex, except fun
Is giving me conniptions

Shit i can hear that picture

Also the voice of PAYNE

Is it worth it full price? Is it really a 9/10?

what is the biggest glitch you have encountered so far?

If you just run right through the game without doing anything else, then you're probably going to feel a little dissatisfied. It's meant to be more an exploration and mystery kind of thing, and if you take the time to do everything it's a good 30-35 hours worth of content. In that way, it's entirely worth the full price.

It's either an 8 or s 9/10 in all honesty.

Sometimes some enemies can get kinda sorta 'stuck' in places, but that's about it and they get dislodged pretty quickly. The game has shockingly few major bugs or glitches in general.

>Instead of having debris float around as a shield, they could have gone a step further and made you control bullets.
Bulletstorm did that and it isn't fun as anything but a gag or set piece like when it was done in Bayonetta.

>The game has shockingly few major bugs or glitches in general.
I straight up don't believe you. I played the game too and it was glitchy as fuck, as well as numerous people on youtube are claiming similar things

Name them then. Becuase the only major problem I've even heard about is when they try doing shit with the telekinesis during big fights and shit lags. Which just means they probably need a better system.

Fuck only few more hourrsssss uggghhhhhhhh why am I stuck in jis fracture of timeeeeee

>Y-you just need a top of the line system from 5 years in the future
Just like Quantum Break, a game that was released in 2016 and still runs poorly on a 2080ti.

You're entitled to your opinion, user. Not going to argue with you about it.

wow, an actually retarded zoomer, thanks for your epic input kiddo. its also a le doom ripoff because it has guns. also youre even more retarded for implying that Prey 2017 is a "remake" of anything. go fucking kill yourself mouthbreather

What are you talking about even

Where are you getting this 35+ hours? There were kind anons already on yesterdays threads telling the game is 10-12 hours. Personally I dont care, Im picking up my copy tomorrow morning and going to enjoy those 10 hours or ao content

10-12 hours is just the general runtime if you run through the story without exploring anything at all (so no sidequests, none of the major bosses, etc). The game is significantly longer if you actually go around searching for shit and doing sidequests.

It's a metroid-inspired game where the main goal is to explore, if you skip all that and boss rush it the game's much shorter.

Scripts not working until reload.
Sometimes it feels like gamed doesn't give skill points after finding secrets or finishing missions.
Few problems with levitation.
Enemies spawning either 3 times in a row in the same room or not spawning at all.
Doors locking in few rooms (corridor near Maintenance's ventilation Control Point).

Game is glitchy and janky.

So, Half Life style?

>person who played the game says there's no major glitches
>person who hasn't played it says it's glitchy and janky
damn if only I knew who to trust

Ok, Im not planning to rush it at all, Im going to explore every nook and cranny and do every possible sidemission etc.

Did anyone posted the pre order ps4 theme on youtube yet?

The game just doesn't have a lot of cutscenes. It's not exactly something new. Is that confusing? I know a lot of games are CINEMATIC these days but that doesn't they have to be that way or that this is even the norm.

Seething desu lad

Metroid Prime was still the better 3D metroidvania desu.

I played it, though. Finished it last week.
You may not trust me, but remember - Wake's manuscript is in the Containment Area, in a secret corridor on the top floor.

>Scripts not working until reload.
Haven't really seen that mentioned as any major problem. At least, not a significant degree.

>Sometimes it feels like gamed doesn't give skill points after finding secrets or finishing missions.
Fairly certain it does that all the time, no matter what.

>Few problems with levitation.
If they fell to their deaths because they overestimated how long Levitation last for, that's their own fault.

>Enemies spawning either 3 times in a row in the same room or not spawning at all.
Some rooms are gauntlet areas, and some just flat out don't have enemies until you come back to them.

>Doors locking in few rooms (corridor near Maintenance's ventilation Control Point).
Certain doors don't open without a degree of security clearance, or aren't accessible until later on.

>few more hourrsssss
not out until tomorrow aaaaaa I don't know whether to love or hate that I'm so hyped for a video game again

Does the game have several sections where you are just standing watching characters talk like Alan Wake or did they finally toned that down?

I literally didn't know it was coming out tomorrow until this thread. If it really is epic exclusive I'll keep waiting.

>Scripts not working until reload.
It's still pretty shit to redo entire sequence.

>Fairly certain it does that all the time, no matter what.
Second to last janitor's quest didn't give me a reward for some reason. The last one did, though (after which you get the costume)

>Few problems with levitation.
Nah, it's straight-up just didn't work for some reason at least once.

>Doors locking in few rooms (corridor near Maintenance's ventilation Control Point).
No, I mean locking behind after being unlocked. Happened a few times with the door near that first Control Point in Maintenance. Look it up. Second time - with the secret room where radio makes mold people appear in a small room (Research Area).

>Some rooms are gauntlet areas, and some just flat out don't have enemies until you come back to them.
Nah, it's same rooms, just respawning scripts are really strange. It's not even that unexpected to get 3 waves, since you know which areas have respawns.

>read that in his voice


based Finnish janitor is based tho

>>person who hasn't played the game says there's no major glitches
>>person who played it says it's glitchy and janky
yes who to trust indeed


Oh, right, proof.

Attached: Control_20190823124621.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

How big is it? Considering pirating it

Good games. Sadly, none of those are good.

You have a few mandatory instancse where you talk with the characters, but after that you're free to do pretty much whatever. You can talk to them again for extra lore in between plot beats, but it's not needed.

But control has framerate problems too...

Ahti and the Board are some of my favorite characters.

Hoping it runs well on the 1x

Torrent where?

DF being a slow cuck. xbox one x or pc? I have a 970

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Welp, I caved in and just preordered it on PS4 like 45 minutes before it unlocks in finland. Feels bad since I was trying to hold off until ive upgraded my pc properly but the people who have played it keep making it sound pretty good

>getting the worst version

fpbp, shills btfo

I preordered it on Epic Games Store yesterday like a sucker. Still gonna enjoy it though.

Post the pre order theme, I wanna see it.

literally means similar to a bromide ion
yeah it's fucking meaningless, some 20th century american author made up a load of words - some stuck like "blurb" but he also used "bromidic", which didn't catch on, so anyone that uses it is doing so just to sound unique

not only does cuckstation not let you use preorder themes before the game unlocks, im pretty sure ive either gotten this part of finland or just my isp banned from posting images on Yea Forums and Yea Forums

I'm US and the preorder themes unlock right after you buy the games.

at least not for me, whenever I try to open the theme it just shows me the playable in: countdown

user, you know you are only supposed to post cunny from Russian proxies.

lol no, its at most, a 5

>482 replies

Stop lying to yourselves Yea Forums you're hyped.

The scores are pretty good

2 fucking hours FuCksake just unlock it allready you sockcuckers



>apparently wont have Denuvo
Hahaha you fucked up.

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Users reviews! Watch the user reviews. God I hope Lake hasn’t drank any onions and we might get a likable western woman.

>this game wont have denuvo

once again the pajeetC nigger reveals its poo in loo color scheme

>inspiration to white women
fixd that for ya but yes agree

When did I say no buy because of Denuvo, you fucking imbecile? I won't because it went Epic exclusive.
All denuvo changes is me downloading it tomorrow or 2 months later. Kill yourself nigger faggot

funny how this epic "exclusive" has a steam store page, go kill yourself pajeet since you think not getting the game on your virtual console of choice is a good excuse for stealing it

this just seems like Second Sight, ive never seen anything about control but seems like second sight

Funny how this steam page doesn't have a release date when it's actually tomorrow. Almost as if it's not coming out for Steam huh, you fucking retard

The studio needs funding, where do you think theyll get it?
Microsoft? Did you love quantum break?

>studio needs funding, where do you think theyll get it?
Not from me. Not my problem, don't give a fuck lmao

So you dont want to play good games
why are you here?

>he thinks I will concern myself with going out of my way to "give studios funding" when they were so quick to fuck me over for Epic $$$
Go fuck yourself, stupid nigger.

You dont want good games to be funded = you dont want good games to exist = you dont want to play good games.

What's the last Remedy game to get a decent PC port?

>good games

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Alan Wake ran alright for me

so its not a good game but youre desperate enough to play it that youll steal it since it wont be on steam for a month or two?