What are your story predictions for the rest of FFXIV?
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after an expac like this I really don't care
Peaked at Stormblood, pure kino. Now its anime trash
>Not the most anime trash around
*Clenches fist*
>Eden raid will start to love letter Chrono Trigger
>Brief reunification on the Source before returning to the First for more adventures
>HM dungeons will be Sirensong and Drowned City
>In 6.0 we'll get best girl as lead writer again and she'll fix Zenos who will be the arc villain until Elidibus Necrons him right at the end
>We'll get Blitzball somewhere in the Garlemald cycle
Idk where we're going after Garlemald. We still have Meracydia (ugh more dragons), Thavnair (ugh more relics), and possibly the moon. Maybe another shard
Did you eat paint chips as a kid?
>still don't have the frogsuit
>FATE is never up when I'm on
>Eden raid will start to love letter Chrono Trigger
In what possible way?
Has the resonance ver been expanded on ever since StB?
Does anyone remember the Castrum Abania and the Garleans bio-mechanical monstrocities?
Do you think that whatever they found underneath the planet might be a control unit the ascians created to try and command Gaia?
Do scholars even use succor and galvanize in endgame fights?
>Hythlodeus summoned Hdaeylin
>Eden uses the light to restore the 13th
>Garlemald collapses in a civil war, gaius become leader of the 'good' ones
>The Ascian we were was the one who Summoned Zodiark
>The Shiva fight in E5 will be the Shiva twins from FFXIII but its Ysale and Hauchefaunt
>Fordola shows up to join the scions
>The still hidden ??? map found in the files is a zone being added in patches.
Stormblood was easily the weakest out of all three expansions
>Adding a zone in patches
>>The Ascian we were was the one who Summoned Zodiark
Wouldn't it make more sense if we were the one who summoned Hydaelyn?
thats what people expect but yoshi shot that down at gamescom along with the theory hythlodaeus was our previous life.
i hope this is bait
This looked a lot more sexual from the thumbnail.
They added zones with Eureka
How much have you spent on your mods, user?
footfags are subhuman trogs.
>pay for game
>pay for sub
>pay for mog station glamours
>pay for access to exclusive modding discord
>parade modded screenshots on twitter
>get banned
>money stolen
5.08 soon boys. Start of the NIN rework?
What's so bad about ninja? Too many OGCDs?
Dog shit damage for what you have to do, dancer system for jutsus would be a huge QoL.
low dps output for a ridiculous amount of work
Oh, I see.
How does this sound?
>press ten,
>icon turns into fuma shuriken
>press the icon to use the ability
>this way you can't fuck up your mudras
Yay or nay?
I think they're adding the dancer system which is overall a much better set up system. So it would lock out or allow you to use mudras inebetween cds.
the way it works in pvp seems like the most logical choice
i honestly can't take the whole meol thing seriously when they look like a pair of ass cheeks
>Has the resonance ver been expanded on ever since StB?
Depends on what you mean, if we veer into speculation territory then given that being a sundered soul of a former Ascian and having Echo powers seems to have a strong (but not totally confirmed?) correlation, then Resonance requiring the sacrifice of others to give one person an 'artificial Echo' suddenly gets instantly understandable.
7/10 bait
Got yourself a few replies, including mine.
But not mine.
I'm playing StormBlood right now. This shit fucking sucks. The good moments so far was the siege on Doma Castle and maybe the Naadam.
Same, at least I got done with formidable but I haven't seen the frog fate called at all.
hate british cat boys
why couldn't she just stay Minfilia? Ryne is ugly
>goes from boring bitch blonde to cute redhead
u wot
>liking blondes over redheads
Shit taste alert
Literally the only thing she had over Ryne were the funky eyes.
you mean those adorable eyes and cute blond hair
The TITTAYS. Don't forget the tittays.
How it works in pvp is great
I wish I knew how to do this
Its simple.
Elidibus is the one who summonned Hydelayn, but he regrets it now as it went in a different direction than he thought
given how strong her connection is, I wouldn't be surprised is Minfilia was the one to actually summon Hydaelin. Still 50/50 on whether ancient WoL joined the group that summoned Hydaelin or stayed neutral in that conflict
What balance changes to jobs that don't understand the utility:DPS ratio, deliberately downplay utility's importance for higher numbers, or completely misunderstands a job's class-fantasy will we propose today?
Stormblood was carried by Zenos Autism. Fuck Lyse. Fordola and Yotsuyu did nothing wrong, you can't be a race traitor if your race betrayed you first.
Duhhhhh, ground target AoEs are clunky to use! Never mind that I never really tried working out the length of my animation locks and just hammer that auto-targeting macro I copied off the Internet! They should all be deleted from the game!
Fuck you if you're like this
>get to HW
>Alphinaud is starting to develop a brain
>Haurchefant, Aymeric and Estinien all top tier bros
It was worth suffering through ARR for this.
>Verraise should have a cooldown!
>Blue Mage shouldn't be able to learn skills if they're too broken!
>Black Mage needs a raise, all the other casters have one!
>Bard should proc from crits again!
>Dragoon deals too much damage!
>Lower White Mage's DPS!
>WHM/SCH/DRK/PLD/BLM/MNK/DRG/MCH MANDATORY >still doesn't clear, may or may not even hit enrage
Issue I have with Verraise is that the only time it's ever useful is when a good team somehow massively fucks ups so when you rez everyone who dies you're still ahead in dps. DPS check is pretty damn tight and even 1 death is pretty brutal unless everyone is like 90+ percentile. Otherwise Swiftcast + rez from healers is enough. It's great for shit like hunts and I assume it'll be good for 24 man but definitely feels underwhelming for raids
The rest? There'll be no future for FFXIV, the game will die 7 hours from now.
Anyone else want to fuck Zenos?
Unfortunately, Akadaemia Anyder and Eden confirm this expansion will be a love letter to FF8.
Which is good because the rest of the expac is good enough to carry one of the worst games in the Nomura Fuccboi series pretending to be a Final Fantasy game.
Next Expansion will be in the New World, we'll also see a subplot about dreams.
After that will see a plot about someone coming from the Future.
Reminder that, starting today, if you are still pugging, you can expect a massive jump in quality from the other players and even your daily roulettes will start going much more smoothly.
Why is that?
Classic wow is releasing in 6 hours.
I was thinking people who don’t do savage or tit extreme get better weapons.
They claim that we're back to normal after all the light cancer fuckery but I sincerely doubt that there aren't going to be any sort of repercussions for that shit.
Speak for yourself, I've been waiting for MSQ roulette for an hour.
It would make since with the end of Eden that would we get to explore the land we helped restore
I mean we blew our load at Hades, I think we're good.
Long-term, maybe, though apparently we're better since Y'shtola says our aether looks like it's supposed to again (after thinking we were a sin eater or lightwarden the whole expansion). Ardbert was chemo
That shit still could have left its mark on us even if we're not on the verge of being in a corruption doujin anymore
You did do as Bartz told you to, right?
Bartz told me to do terrible things to lalafells.
wait, do you have to have some quest taken prior to getting up there?
>Classic WoW releases today
>All the zoomer short attention span wowfags leave FFXIV
fucking finally
There's a chibi Bartz on a chocobo on top of the Moonfire Faire tower. He tells you to jump.
If you sprint jump off the platform in the direction he points, you'll land on a platform raised a few meters off the ground that you can't otherwise climb to (or at least I did not see another way there). It has a miniature model of the jumping tower on it.
Shadowbringers is as shonen lightwarden of the week with power of friendship as it gets. The story is still way better than Stormblood though.
>faster queues
>less lag
>community gets better
meanwhile Classic will be the opposite
How's my bedroom looking, Yea Forums?
is there even anything for doing that? I got to the smallest platforms once but fuck me if I'm supposed to try again.
Not enough Spirits Collections lying around
Only the satisfaction of knowing you did it.
I'm curious as to the implications of Bartz there on the underlying part of these events.
It's a for fun thing
This. I enjoyed Shadowniggers more than SB but it undeniably reeks of shonen and trashy zombie flick influences.
I do my drinking in my armchair, I'm not a fucking bum.
Well, I am.
>using poverty crafter set from patch fucking 4.4, right side is all i290 accessories
>buy scrip tools
>buy a 500 gil meal
>HQ craft lv80 gear like its nothing
what the fuck, delicate synthesis is amazing
I'm still using pentamelded level 60 accessories from at least three years ago on my gatherers and I'm still able to get loads of collectibles.
what do you think of the story?
time to upgrade. you can get 800 gp now which means one extra collectable per node
He told me to pound Krile to keep the tradition alive, so of course.
>subs still aren't bringing back Cocobolo Lumber
>that duty where if you fail as a female WoL you get unique dialogue as it fades to black
>when you go back to start the duty, you get additional dialogue mentioning you have wobbly legs
is this real?
What's the name of that duty you absolute nigger
Anyone on Crystal wanna run Gordias Savage for glamour?
Been trying to PF it for ages and nobody's taking it.
>repeatable rising quest gives lore explanation for gpose
that was cute
> Event dedicated to the developer stroking his own dick at the fact he had the genius to turn the game into a WoW-clone.
now complain about trannies and /vg/ you predictable retard
>Ignoring the large bottles being from 1.0, ARR, HW, SB, and ShB
>tfw can't get the frog suit because I'm never on when the fate pops
how do I win at pvp while putting in minimal effort?
I suck and don’t care about it but I want the garo mounts before they’re gone.
I'm literally installing this game RIGHT NOW
what do i need to know
don't play NIN
pound MSQ and ignore leveling alts or DoH/L jobs until you have one single 80
MSQ is basically a free ride to 80 for a single job and from there you can collect relevant tomes for gear and do new raids as they hit which is the high point of the game because no one knows what the fuck they’re doing. Once you have an 80, then you can go back and waste time leveling other jobs or crafters/gatherer or anything you want, really.
conjurer is your only lv. 1 healer, plot assumes you started in ul'dah but your actual starting town doesn't matter, CLAIM BRAND-NEW GEARSETS FROM HALL OF NOVICE AND THE BRAND NEW RING
pick primal datacenter if you want friends to help you
there’s nothing wrong with aether, anything but crystal is fine
Any of them are fine in NA, only worlds I've actually had issue with were Faerie and Moogle
>geirskfodhroj shares the same icon as nastrond and both can display individual cooldowns
>they still haven't made it so the jump button gets replaced by mirage dive during its active period
>or tsubame replacing iaijutsu
>you can literally already make functional macros for these
So this is the power of ancient codebases
crystal has N O C L E A R S and it’s filled with the faggot scum of the game
If you choose to play a cat be sure to know that you are a massive faggot with shit taste
Join Primal. Ul'dah is the only relevant starting point. Do Hall of the Novice asap.You'll quickly realize which characters are actually important (scions, ascians etc.) so when you see them in a cutscene don't skip it.
I just started yesterday and am still sub lvl20. I don't like my starting job, is it too late to change if I'm just trying to jam my way through the story or will it not take to long to catch myself back up?
a lot of things in the game don't need to be spread across multiple buttons because they are practically never available at the same time. in fact, you use them in a sequence
they've shown that they can work this out with nastrond and cards, but the rest are still a big question mark
It's not too late to change. Palace of the dead unlocks at level 17, so you could chip away at that to level an alt job really easy. (you have to progress halfway through it before the exp is worthwhile)
Tsubame-gaeshi needs a separate button to show its cooldown.
Why the fuck are they doing a maintenance for an irrelevant "patch" with literally nothing in it
So realistically, what new jobs could they add to the game? Not talking about new gameplay mechanics or styles that could be added, but of the core fanservice FF jobs what's actually left?
From FFV we have
>Beastmaster (if added it will be limited, I guarantee it)
>Mime (probably can't be done without a massive overhaul)
From XI there's
>Corsair (not likely there's already a job with a gun)
>Rune Fencer (not likely since DRK already falls into the tank with magical energy niche)
Tactics has essentially the same jobs left over as V, so what could they realistically add to the game from a previous entry?
If they even add a new job next expansion, that is.
I bet they smell amazing...
>and possibly the moon
If this doesn't end with a moon xpac we riot
Grab another job you’re interested in and spam leves and that should get you to 20 easy. Everything you pick is going to be boring until at least 50, if not 60 though. The game just has boring leveling in general.
I paid one thousand dollars for a super secret shota viera mod that no one else will ever see.
>deliberately downplay utility's importance for higher numbers
Are you retarded? We have the numbers. Utility is completely useless in 5.0 to the point that selfish DPS are objectively bringing more overall rDPS for the party through sheer pDPS alone. Why are you still stuck on stormblood?
>Shoha rework in X hours
Join maelstrom and follow orders in frontline
>fabled male rabbits stay looking like boys as they age and are forcefully raped by female viera for breeding
does it even matter who you join? I thought the team you’re thrown on when you actually queue is just random
Unless you are a freelancer you join your grand company. Also it does matter who you join. Flames are retarded and rarely win, adders are better but not as good as maelstrom.
>AST is boring
>SCH is boring
>WAR is boring
>DRK is boring
>GNB is boring
>PLD is boring
Wow, it’s like they really don’t want me to play anything but dps anymore. These changes fucking suck.
I don’t find the tanks boring at all. Sucks for you.
I’ve won my last 4 games straight as flames but it really just feels like pure luck to me.
DRK is tolerable just because TBN is fun, but they really gutted everything for everything but PLD, and I always found PLD to be boring anyway.
I did 20 frontline matches with flames and lost in 3rd place each time.
>GUK is boring
Not cool, bro.
I thought we weren't going to get any major balance changes until 5.1 what exactly are we likely to get tonight?
Did you save the Khloe ones?
>Green Mage
>Mystic Knight
some potency buffs for NIN is all I know of.
It really doesn't matter that much anymore, most people use the Freelancer option since it's defaulted to on. You're going to get loads of people who have no idea what they're doing and people who just want to DM no matter what GC you're with. Though I could see there being some DCs that have premade groups stacking Mael, it's probably not a constant issue.
Frontline mostly just depends on whether 3rd place is retarded (which is most of the time) and drags down 2nd, or actually targets 1st like they should. It's a very random mode, though if you're specifically aiming for wins 8v8v8 Secure is by far the least random.
>they thanked the OF
There were 2 balance patches in SB before 4.1 but after savage.
Yoshi said something about some potency tweaks, but major changes will happen in 5.1.
Yeah good luck with that. They are already adding hammers to WAR's arsenal, they'll never add a Hammer wielding job. inb4 it wouldn't use hammer; what else would it use?
I still need to grind 4 more classes before 5.1. I want the Makai Master title dammit!
I know I’m not getting any of the healer stuff. I’m get monk, ninja, dark knight and maybe warrior.
The age of RDM will soon be upon us. Once we receive our well-deserved potency buffs, FFXIV will finally see our true power.
Mystic knight should be a tank job. Or it should've been, very small chance of it ever getting in the game.
geomancer already has established lore so its the most likely job to be added
Just what the game needs, another underpowered caster for people to shit on for not playing BLM
Most sane people don’t do that.
Isn't RDM actually in a pretty decent place right now? Do almost as much damage as SMN as max (only about 1k less iirc) but with far less carpal tunnel
This faggot shows up in every thread to whine about BLM, good lord
1k is a fuckload less damage and summoner itself is weak as fuck compared to the top 3 which makes RDM even more pathetic. Doing 1000 less DPS than a weak job is not "in a good spot." RDM is the second weakest DPS in the game.
For what RDM does it’s in a fine spot
What the fuck? No not even close. RDM is weak as fuck and can barely be justified to bring to any party. Are you one of those faggots who think RDM should only raise? Fuck off
RDM is in a fine spot.
Friendly reminder that the difference between top tier BLM and RDM is like 4k DPS.. RDM does like 40% as much damage as a BLM. A single fire 4 is stronger than verflare and verholy and about as strong as RDMs most powerful spell
>2nd worse dps
Inb4 "rdps doesn't count!"
Kill yourself. The numbers are all there on fflogs and they demonstrate that RDM needs help badly
lmaoing @ brd rn
and before you say that, here's adps. still not that far behind, by only 400 dps
RDM is fine
You bring RDM into prog since it's the fastest rezzer and can spare the mp in prog to raise. Then you swap to BLM for the clear/farm.
RDMlets want their simple ass job with free rezzes to be able to shit out as much damage as BLM for no reason apparently
What is this cherry picked bullshit
your game dies in 3 hours.
If we ever get another healer, I really hope it's chemist or some other non-magic job. At this point they all just blend into each other.
That is not how jobs should be designed. You shouldn't be forced to switch off the job you like just to do respectable damage.
I play BLM too retard and it ain't hard. Get off your high horse.
IMO the only likely candidates at this point are Geomancer, Chemist, or some original job like Astrologian. Most other potential jobs either have large amounts of thematic overlap with existing jobs, are already flagged for the limited job system, or just don't have much support/interest.
In the Gamerescape media tour interview with Yoshi P they asked him about the criteria for choosing new jobs and he said they have three criteria:
>DPS jobs are favoured because they are more popular, but they also consider role balance and community demand.
>How marketable is the job? Basically is the job "cool" enough to be put on all the promo material to help sell the expansion? Usually means a melee sword-wielding job. e.g. Gunbreaker, Samurai
>Player requests. They keep a ranked list of the most requested jobs and often refer to that when choosing which jobs to add next.
I feel as though the game is currently only planned out to the 7.X series and they don't have any real idea of what will happen beyond that. They may scale down updates/expansions or put the game into maintenance like XI. But either way I don't see XIV getting more than 4 more jobs, and imo 3 is more likely to bring it to an even 20. We will definitely get 1 more healer, and I believe any remaining new jobs will all be DPS, no new tanks.
Every class is perfectly viable and this autistic elitism is not born of the intention to clear but the intention to pad out their trannylogs.
titan savage numbers at max
and before you complain, here's 75th percentile
I started a few days ago leveling and I'm up to 31, when does the kino story content start?
Around when braves show up.
After Titan.
The game ending at 7.x is honestly fine, that would be over a decade of support/content. As long as I can make a facsimile of my.current character in whatever new FF MMO they inevitably release afterward I'm fine with it.
Hey everyone! Post your favourite night time tracks!
You said RDM can't be justified to be brought into parties yet they are clearly a valuable class to have when you're going through the tier. Also you should look into having your role jobs and not limit yourself, otherwise you'll end up like AST mains without SCH/WHM who are locked out of E4S because yes, the job is undertuned and they will hopefully address it. And it's not like people are locking out RDM from raids anyway.
Stopping at level 99 seems about right. So maybe two more expansions
For real tho, how much fucking money dose that guy have?
>40 minute queue and counting for Ridorana Lighthouse
I put this in my house. Maximum comfy
>this is pretty much the only real Sin Eater corruption/transformation image I can find
>its the same fugly lizard slut in every other image
Fucking goddammit
A proper duo can off gcd most mechanics unless it's big consistent damage
sam buffs when
hopefully MCH can get a small buff, at least enough to put it a bit ahead of BRD, maybe add 20 potency onto Drill/Air Anchor?
During prog you'll see it a lot but because it's so expensive SCHs are better off using it as little as possible.
Tonight actually
Pretty much the only times I saw my SCH use either was during E4S since there's so much raid damage that they can prep for.
Retard. The only zones currently under ???? are Ivalice areas. It'll be Nagxia/Dalmasca
>Hythlodeus is too minor a character, not enough oomph for the eventual reveal
>this is presuming it can travel dimensions
>what a tweest
>Shiva will be E8, and it will be Ysayle dressed as Halone with ice dragons, with a new Oblivion mixed with Dragonsong and Revenge Twofold
>she already is basically a scion at this point, Arenvald is holding her leash
1k do’s is literally nothing. How about you come back with your baseless bitching when you do DNC dps then you might have a small point.
Assuming we finally land in Garlemald next expansion? Judge. I can't think of anything that could be more fitting.
What does a judge even do differently from other jobs? Isn't it just aesthetics?
>new tank
>its another fucking sword
at least try be creative
It can become a mace or something
They judge.
>And it's not like people are locking out RDM from raids anyway.
They literally are.
>he isn't clubbing people to death
unga bunga grug like smash play axe man zoog zoog
Shouldn’t you be waiting for WoW to come out?
>maelstorm is winning every single pvp frontline
this is some fucking bullshit
>port to the aftcastle
>prelude music starts playing
>won by 7 points against adders in my frontline
it was fucking close i tell you what
>implying the twin badder and the immortal shames can compete with the maelstrong
til sea swallows all motherfucker
sauce on interview?
only because adders and flame keep fucking with each other instead of taking objectives and bases
Figures you piratefags would have a motto about swallowing
flames is filled with mouth breathers that feed mael or insist on killing adders while mael is on lead
speaking of pvp
which GARO armor is the best?
I don't know, what really is there left besides wrapping up Garlemald? Good writing aside, this was still functionally a side-story. They can keep making up filler all they want but we've reached the point where anything but the main event is just a distraction, and anything after will be like DLC that comes out way after everyone already beat the game.
It's kind of low-key FF4 too. The beast races, general theming, and any time going to the moon is mentioned that's the first connection made.
Garo and Dan are good
You know sometimes when you run out of AOE in last second but AOE will hit you anyway because of latency right? I'm noticed today on BLM that stack marker completely ignore latency. I had stack marker, teleported to group in the last second, and survived. So I assume those retarded "latency" delayes actualyl works as intended. But fucking why? For what purpose? I remember some user said same shit about vanilla Titan.
I dunno about you guys but I think you could get some serious mileage out of dual blades that make pic related.
>3k dps RDM in e3 normal
why were the Nemazu beast tribes so much better than all the rest?
Main plot is still about Ascians as it always was and not Garlemald, so I don't know how you can treat ShB as side story.
What's that? You say you want a thief job?
That would be a nice weapon.
Ninja took your shtick. I want armor user. ARMOR.
does it even matter? do normal bosses even enrage?
I thought it was Gamerescape but I guess it wasn't.
>tfw there will never be a proper thief job because of its attachment to Ninja
I know its because Thief became Ninja in FF1 but fuck, I would have preferred a job that was more Thief than Ninja, those dual swords would also look ace on a job with some slick acrobatic animations
>Good writing aside, this was still functionally a side-story.
No offense but you might be retarded. ShB was the opposite of a side story. ShB was the meat of the story and an amazing climax for everything that came before. Stormblood was the real side story. Instead of focusing on the actual plot of the game, stopping the ascians and their rejoining, it soend the entire time messing around in ala Migho
Because since the very beginning of that beast tribe quest the WoL wasn't having any of that, every cutscene they looked like they they are thinking "Oh no not this stupid shit again." and it's great.
it's the little things that add up to something nice.
>New tank
Pretty sure gunbreaker is the last one.
Even then it's so lackluster, it's cpose is dull and gameplay wise it just feels really flashy/fast paced and almost too much for a tank to be.
RDM is in a fine spot damage-wise, as it is a support job. It is essentially a physical ranged that casts magic.
Something with a massive hammer would be pretty cool. It wouldn't need to be a tank, but it would probably be more fitting if it was.
>it's okay that this class should never be in party after the first week of content
Needs more support. Quick raises and a gimmicky party buff are really not much to be proud of. En-spells might be cool, though I wouldn't mind if BLM got those to get that Vivi feel, but RDM needs it more. Spell/skill speed up might be cool since AST lost arrow. Refresh might be nice too, but I don't know if healers have mp problems anymore.
Do you really need a new job for that if you can just give WAR more hammer glamours? PLD could do with some maces too.
If SAM got a european longsword weapon glamour we'd never need another sword job either.
>mp problems on healers
only if i don't pay attention or if I have to rez more than twice a minute or if the dps are taking forever to kill a pack and Art of War gets me down to 1k
We could have done that anywhere though. The First and anything going on there is nothing but window dressing. Some that was introduced, tidied up, and filed away during HW I might add. It could have safely never been mentioned again.
>just give WAR more hammer glamours
Its in the way you use it user.
do not taint samurai with that trash
just wait until you get to orbonne sweet summer child
grug rock user tribe
Mitsurugi could pull it off just fine.
Seven shadows cast
Seven fates foretold
Yet at the end of the broken path lies death, and death alone
who said it better?
>If SAM got a european longsword weapon glamour we'd never need another sword job either.
do you guys know when the firework show will disappear? I'm guessing till the new rising event is over?
Depends on gender.
Dan is great in all cases, but the static flags fuck you over.
I haven't done Orbonne in so long. I still don't have that tank glamour. All I want is the gloves desu.
I still haven't gotten tired of elidiposting and jannyposting.
I want RDM damage to be buffed but I'd take more support as well. A haste would be awesome.
...you know what a rejoining is, right? It involves a shard rejoining with the source so why in the flipping fuck would we NOT go to a shard in order to stop it from being rejoined with the source?
Kick and Blacklist any meme people who use those costumes, especially the Frog one.
You really can't get more "main plot" than directly fighting the ascians and foiling their plot, as well as unveiling their past.
Sambros where we at
I mean to be fair I don't wanna be stabbed either.
>Peaked at Stormblood
I unironically agree; I barely gave a fuck about Eorzean niggas but Norvrandt was a fucking snoozefest for real. Just show me Zenos fucking shit up some more.
hammer + shield
>need to play to the 90th percentile to do the same damage as a 40th percentile black mage
>embolden doesn't bring enough raid dps to make the class viable
>current raid tier is designed around somewhat more harsh dps checks than usual
red mage is absolute shit, summoner is terrible too, the only caster that's in a remotely acceptable state right now is black mage. both smn and rdm need to have the gap between them and blm cut in half.
Lol no
What was up with all the modded threads earlier this morning, did /vg/ not dilate?
If people unironically exclude jobs in 2019 it's their fault
Pick a server with the exp buff. This will let you zoom your ass up to 70 along with any other classes you want to level. Its an additional 100% exp buff from literally everything that gives exp. Level your crafters during your downtime after playing for a while.
t. 40th percentile black mage player
red mages switch to a real class once they clear a fight reliably. it's just a fact of life.
Yep in general jobs are shit right now unless you're playing a monk, black mage, dragoon, or samurai.
Also I’m a tank main. And I can enjoy more than one class.
>tfw I like Norvrandt more than Eorzea
Feels bad. I mean, Khoulusia could be bigger, as could Ahm Areng, but otherwise it's perfect.
This might be the worst meme on earth. There is no fucking reason why people should be forced to change from the job they like just to do respectable DPS. "Hurr just play blm" is not a solution to busted class balance.
it was an excuse for them to post their degenerate images, and that one faggot who got banned is obviously samefagging as user to spread his pedo filth
>current raid tier is designed around somewhat more harsh dps checks than usual
Absolutely not. Titan's generous as fuck, only Leviathan can be somewhat troublesome.
Thanks, senpai.
You might consider it a meme, yet there are considerably fewer parses with a red mage to show this is an actual effect of the class being low tier.
What groups do you have. I've never seen Levi's enrage cast since he goes down fairly quick. Titans is far more punishing.
>What groups do you have
What is that supposed to mean? Are you doing the silly JP strat where they send a DPS and a tank to jerk themselves up N instead of circling around Titan in the middle on the very last phase?
How the fuck do you play SMN in 5.0? Mash all the ogcd skills and aetherflow right away? I'm confused on the rotation now. Only 70.
>muh parse
fuck off
aryan male midlander alert
>mad because the data doesn't care about his feelings
Fucking nerf black mage already goddamn
Oh, I'm sorry I brought in evidence contrary to your point. Forgive me user.
Lol no
I can't listen to this any more without thinking "a smile better suits a hero"
It means how bad are your players in Levi that it can be somewhat troubling? Also who the hell sends a DPS and tank to fuck off N for the easiest mechanic of the fight? Every group circles with range on the outside on the first and last and healers outside on the second.
Ha ha fuck you.
We're gonna keep getting little potency boosts over the course of several patches that all add up.
This part specifically is my favourite, it gives me super strong home-y vibes, almost reminds me of Oblivion or similarm
Not saying it doesn't happen, just saying it shouldn't have to happen and simply saying "just play something else" in order to justify keeping RDM bad isn't something we should be doing. People should be able to play what they want without dragging down the party. If you don't want support jobs doing more pDPS then give them more or better raid buffs so the rDPS closes the gap at least
I feel a little bad for the other classes. We'll never be touched, ever, since we are the chosen dev class.
In return nobody respects you because you are the babby dev class
Eh. We've been locked out PF for some amount of time because of the rDPS meme. I think it's fair enough. At least YoshiP knows that we shouldn't ever get a rez, which I agree with.
Don't feel bad for me. At least i'm not locked out of every PF because baddied flocked to my job after hearing it's OP and wound up shitting up every party they stumbled across.
I play with a static, every Levi clear we've gotten has been extremely close. Our first Titan clear we didn't even get to the enrage cast, meanwhile the Levi clear that week he was about 80% done on his enrage cast before we could kill him.
You get double xp on any job lower than your highest level. If you did the novice network stuff you get the ring that gives extra xp under level 30. All jobs are pretty bad until after level 50. POTD is a good way to level and also try out new jobs since you start at level 1 and level incredibly fast within the dungeon.
Plus qith WHM moving away from elementals amd into holy magic. It will seem less like a knockoff job Maybe it will level off conjurer though like scholar and summoner.
>paid mods
>Leveling SCH
>Pretty fucking fun post 70, lots of ways to stay busy
>Get regen trait for sacred soil
>It does most of your job for you
RIP Kermit
sleepy! I mean... zzz
You have to level alchemist to 30 to get it.
Could be fun
Only 2-300 more quests to go
What's with Feast since 5.0? It used to be if 3-4 people died within a minute that was it, match over, but I keep having matches that take forever even if it's completely one sided.
Crystal Braves coat when
Some people just don't collect the fucking medals user.
Probably nothing. Game is boring as fuck after you finish MSQ.
Unless you like literal autistic grinding.
Do they go back to the other team after a certain amount of time?
Wait is everyone trolling? That’s literally a oblivion theme I know it by heart.
should i just join the red team for PVP. i was in the flames and they aren't the best and almost always come last.i've also done that one duel with raubahn so i shouldn't be missing out on anything if i swap will i?
I like the classic UI color mod.
People rushing for Garo not knowing who to target. Learn to call out targets and you can still end most matches in a minute or two, as long as your team is willing to listen to your calls.
Sometimes you'll get a tank who just won't pick up the goddamn motherfucking medals though, and those people are the reason chat is limited in Feast.
Hath thee snuggled with thy lala mistress this night, Anonymous?
Is there a katana gunblade yet?
Paid mods have ruined modding, cows are fucking cancer and let greed ruin the community.
>not pirating the mods
There's a gunclub. A handful probably have sort of curved blades too.
>mch is a "greedy dps"
>does less than a fucking samurai by almost 700 in 75 percentile on a fight that they have 100% uptime on
class is fine though totally
Is classic going to kill xiv?
Isn't it out yet?
probably not, it will hopefully purge the majority of WoWfugees at least
Will we have preferred servers again?
is the gap between the dps classes always this high? i mean during past patches
No, it comes out in 12 minutes and then the hour long queues start.
Wait wtf people are paying for illegal 3rd party mods now? Jesus christ
the hour long queues are already for over 2 hours
As far as I know people pay for access to exclusive modding discords, which is probably worse.
Actually the reason I now hope they ban modding because of these super secret mods now.
hopefully SAM and MCH will get nice buffs, MCH should be doing more than BRD and SAM should be doing more than MNK, I'm wondering if MNK will be nerfed or if everyone else will be brought up to compensate
>"mechanics are for cars"
what's the point if the other players still se you as downie aura?
Are you retarded?
It's going to kill the WoWfugee population.
I thought Sam buffs were 5.1
Class balance right now is the worst it's ever been. Yeah there have been times when a specific class has been truly awful, but we've never seen so many classes be so bad compared to a top 3 like we have now. If you're not playing blm, mnk, or drg you're literally holding back the party
Do you seriously think that the ERPs in Limsa, used to instant teleport, free loot, good graphics and dresses and cute character would play Classic?
They target different player bases, they might try but they'll go back to XIV after 1 month.
I personally wont play it because I raid on XIV and if I played it I would want to raid on Classic too, which is impossible
>guy dies on titania ex and gets people killed with stack marker
>defends himself "i have a life u guys are toxic tryhards. mechanics are for cars anyway."
>two others reply to him he is spreading casual toxicity and he will be reported if he doesnt even bother learning the basics
what's gonna happen in the 5.08 patch? ninja buffs?
gush slash and ruin 3 buffs
5.08 marks the beginning of the RDM era
>last boss of the raid tier literally brings a car into the fight
I feel like someone working at SE is still giggling to themselves about that.
We are free.
SMN gets a big rework, overtake BLM as top caster DPS
AST gets rollbacked into SB AST + the 70-80 skills
SCH gets quickened aetherflow, indom buffed to 600 pot, sacred soil buffed to 21s
WAR gets crazy potency buffs, holmgang is 180s, every attack heals them, and they beat the other tanks by 2k DPS
NIN gust slash gets a +10 potency increase
Go play ya game dummy
>job that can damage the boss from literally anywhere does a bit less damage than a job that has to stick to the boss like white on rice while hitting positionals
I don't really see the problem here.
XIV? I will in a bit.
It's over bros.
>have good ping
>play dancer
>never mess up 2 step or 4 step
>play nin
>press ten
>It cycles twice
Hopefully they're getting ready to change mudras similar to dances. There is something weird about how they coded them
Yes, that's why you pick up the fucking medals. Additionally, there's sometimes limits as to how many medals people can carry. If you see people spamming GET THE MEDALS it's likely because everyone else literally cannot collect it themselves. Hence you need to pick up the fucking medals.
>WAR gets crazy potency buffs
I don't feel like it even needs potency buffs to eventually be ahead of the other tanks since it's not that far behind and scales the hardest off of crit. The old holmgang cooldown would be nice but being able to invuln every 3 minutes was and still would be fucking ridiculous compared to what the other tanks have to offer.
Inv assmong layer?
Thank god. Now if all the mmo trend chasers could kindly fuck off and plague the next FotM game that'd be swell.
You can mod this game you retard. It's a "Don't show don't tell" policy.
>Always has my favorite minion out with me
>Always by my side while I gather, or craft or do fates
>Never feel truly alone when they are with me and sit on my shoulder
>Tfw this message
Fuck, I shouldn't get emotional for some minions but I teared up a bit...
>joke around with friends DF/PF quality will increase with classic release
>turns out pug quality got miles times worse from one day to another
First time in months I see not one, but 4 (FOUR, CUATRO, 四, IV) different scholars in dungeon finder(leveling/msq/alliance/normal raid) doing nothing but following main tank or ranged dps, letting fairy do all the job. Not even mentioning all these tanks I've seen today not touching tank stance and one even claiming tanking is very hard in XIV (malikah well, he was not using cooldowns while wearing NQ lv72/74 gear) or DPS not knowing the most basic shit of their job.
I regret not joining a static for those weekly clears.
Are you dumb? Modifying game files is against the ToS. Yes mods are illegal.
I hope we don’t have anymore queue time in my server now.
I cannot decide if stay lizard grill or go middy. Help!
>MrBrappy streaming WoW
Please god let him fuck off to that game. The more """"content creators"""" Classic relieves us of the better.
ToS isn't legally binding.
They have to say that for those who use it to exploit the game and it's players. SE is no stranger to mods, they used Windower themselves for XI.
How many more expansions do you guys think ffxiv has left in it? Logically I want to say 2 because it would make sense that the level cap would finish at 100, but at the same time I feel like they could do more than that.
the add phase can enrage I guess
Perfect job to go afk and read stream chat
God I want to lick her ass
As many as SE can make money from
I mean on E1N
>already using eyecandy addons and parse BEFORE LEVEL 15
...you must be literally fucking retarded m illegal doesn't JUST refer to the actual law in real life dumbfuck. It is also simply used in common language to refer to something that is "against the rules"
Bitch I do that every time I queue up for Expert. This isn't a new job.
>not using cooldowns
I think that might be a wowfugee thing, since there tanks get the bulk of their mitigation through active means and any cooldowns are generally at least 4 or 5 minutes long, so a bunch of shitters think they're "best saved for emergencies". I've actually had a couple people in that game shit talk me for using cooldowns on mob packs even though I take way more damage from those than bosses It's my best guess as to where all the shitters who faceroll all their cooldowns when they hit 10% health (and it's too late for the cooldowns to actually matter) come from.
a limited number of normal encounters have "enrage" or dps checks
like titania normal for example
do normal adds cast Unto Dust? wtf
There's at least 2-3 more with Yoshida as director. There will obviously be more expansions after that but maybe not with Yoshida since it's possible for him to get promoted again or health issues fuck him up since he barely sleeps and smokes.
Who the fuck would go to play "classic wow" and then install a bunch of fucking addons.
Not legally binding.
It's streamer culture, this is the popular game right now so people will flock to it to get their viewership up.
I'm sorry my good man but I must ask you to cease this foolishness, you are ruining the atmosphere of the thread.
>I'm wondering if MNK will be nerfed or if everyone else will be brought up to compensate
Potency nerfs or Earth's Reply nerf?
The common language of retarded amerimutts?
>job constantly passed over since 2.0
>small, slow, and steady buffs for 6 years straight
>finally OP
BLM is the only job that literally no one can complain about, without sounding like an entitled salt mine. BLM had to deal with not only being undesirable for 6 years, but borderline unplayable for 4 of them. It's the most deserved of its place in the meta right now.
>Orbonne run
>"Is this a RP run" in the chat, in say
>It wasn't that bad for a run
It spooked the shit up me
Even then, why would you actively make it less fun for yourself while streaming?
Anons, please translate. I don't speak gibberish.
>do normal adds cast Unto Dust? wtf
Yes they can. The first day my group of randoms dps was that low that we wiped twice to that
It's never about fun anymore.
how do reasonably buff Samurai, Machinist and Astrologian without going overboard?
What do you mean, Machinist is balanced. It contributes the same overall damage as the other ranged jobs.
>One party in the alliance raid has 1 healer and 3 DPS dead
>Res the healer to let the other one do his shit
>The healers don't res ANY of the DPS for a good 2 minutes
What in the absolute fuck
MCH doesn't need it and Sam is fine.
>borderline unplayable for 4 of them
That's wrong though. BLM has always been playable and enjoyable. It had a harsh phase at the start of HW, but that's when it clicked for a lot of people too and made them love the job.
>this fucking ui
isn't BRD really close to MCH and it brings higher raid utility? not sure how DNC is in comparison, other than its the lowest in personal dps but turns their dance partner into a fucking wrecking ball
>SAM is fine
isn't it quite a clip behind MNK in personal dps and MNK brings utility, both in DPS and healing buff
BLM in HW was really good, its just that enochian was stupidly rigid, it took some getting used to, they have lightened up on it heavily as time has gone on and it was for the better, BLM feels really great now
i've noticed that on some fights where people are taking a lot of damage constantly (like titan normal) i'll sometimes wait until i have swiftcast to try and raise anyone.
slowcasting raise is definitely something i have to do more often
>700 is a little bit less
non-raiders really think like this huh
MCH is very slightly above BRD yet provides no buffs. BRD is stronger for this reason.
DNC is the worse and is a DPS loss in EVERY composition. BRD outclasses them both.
healers in alliance raids tunnel vision so hard, most of these fucks half ass their job or aren't even paying attention to the game at all
So easy to get away playing like shit in this game
>raidtranny thinks anyone cares about his parse autism
You will never be a woman, go dilate
Why the fuck does it need a buff, it's #4.
>dying in 24man
my gcds are worth more than your life, I'll healer lb if I have to but you aren't getting raised normally.
everyone below him will get a buff soon
SAM will be bottom tier
That delivery legit broke me for a good hour, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Haven't heard anyone use that phrase since I was a kid, and the way he said it was priceless.
Near enough choked on my drink.
Good man
BRD’s only notable buff is battle voiceand even with the additional damage that gives the party it’s rDPS is still below MCH.
Buff shoha's damage, a lot, and make third eye give stacks for that, reduce Guren and Senei's cooldown since now we shit out kenki and make Yukikaze give crit or dh bonus
Because the only reason the job has no utility is because its meant to do A LOT of damage. Its shit right now because it does no damage.
>Baby class isn't as good as hard classes.
At least he has to make sure not to jump to his death.
When is SMN getting the potency buffs it deserves?
I'll admit, BLM became playable in 3.3 (3.2? Whenever they increased the AF/UI timer), but it was hardly ever desired over SMN.
I was legitimately kicked out of PFs for a11s because I was a BLM, before even pulling, because "BLM can't do this fight" despite having a savage weapon and just looking for weekly pages. Granted, they were probably not going to clear anyway, but the anecdote still holds true for the majority of casuals trying to pass as pros.
Jump is a complete non issue because of Hi-Jump, the animation lock is greatly reduced
Buff midare to 1500 potency
>It does no damage
>Except it does some of the most damage, a goddamn entire league above 2/3 of all DPS despite having absolutely no raid utility at all.
Oh, what you actually mean is "WHY IS MY CLASS NOT #1"
SMN SAM and NIN are getting the most love with 5.1 and possibly 5.08.
>SAM is supposed to be the selfish melee dps, Akon to how BLM is the selfish caster
>BLM has the best dps in the game which makes sense considering this
>SAM less dps than both MNK and DRG even though SAM brings zero utility
>dnc partners you as BLM
>tfw you hit four directcrit fire4s in a row in your opener
What the hell happened to SMN, it was doing great a few weeks back.
There's literally no reason why SMN needs anything nor has there ever been any indication that it's getting anything.
Any second now.
Except the others can do a lot of damage and give utility that boosts the party DPS more than the person DPS that SAM brings. Use your brain.
>its #4
>it provides absolutely no utility
>has lower personal dps than jobs that provide high amounts of utility
do you see the problem?
SAM also has an extremely low skill ceiling while BLM and MNK's is much higher.
You'd be right that DRG should be lower, but MNK and BLM deserve to be above you.
Not only does it feel like shit to play but it has the second lowest damage in the game which makes absolutely zero sense no matter how you slice it
Nah, considering you're pretty much guaranfuckingteed a spot since every other class is an entire tier below you. Nobody cares about a measly 1% buff.
>Q3: Summoner has many buttons to press and is very busy. Additionally, it bothers me that refreshing DoTs at the timing you activate Dreadwyrm Trance/Firebird Trance causes DoTs to fall off for a few seconds even when using Tri-Disaster. Are there any plans to reduce the amount of button pressing or the adjusting the duration of DoTs?
>A3: The dev. team is working on adjusting the difficulty of needing to press so many buttons. Regarding DoTs, we’ve received lots of feedback saying that players would like DoT durations extended, but we are instead considering reworking the potency of Ruin spells to be higher dependent on the number of DoTs inflicted on the target.
>This is still only being considered, but if we decide that it would be effective, we will implement it in 5.08. Ninja, samurai, summoner are on high priority for changes, but these are still in progress so we cannot go into too much detail.
>DNC partners their friend or some other random job
>still out dps them as BLM
>after a few pulls, the DNC shifts to you as their partner
At least I'm not shit anymore. Worried about the rework, I like mudras.
It has a low skill ceiling cause they fucking gutted Hagakure for no reason. Optimizing the classes damage with shinten and higanbana was much more engaging prior to that. MNK is nearly braindead now after the 5.05 changes so I don’t know what you’re talking about
>SAMfags seethe after dominating Stormblood
except most comps will take 2 melee and 2 ranged, because DRG and MNK both buff everyones damage by a sizable amount and MNK brings powerful healing utility, there is little reason to take a SAM, MNK is just flat out better in every way and DRG is a must take because of its high damage and buffs
so no, its not "guaranfuckingteed" a slot, a group won't reject a well played SAM, but a well played SAM is much less useful to a group than a well played MNK
>SAM also has an extremely low skill ceiling while BLM and MNK's is much higher.
This is a terrible meme. I actually play black mage it ain't even hard like that.
>This causes my performance to drop dramatically because I now know that I’m being parsed and monitored
Any of you lads down for some Shadow Bringers extreme trials?
Haven't touched any of them, since i don't have friends on Shadow Bringers yet.
1 - 2 monk
3 - 4 nig mage
5 - 6 dragoon
7 - 8 bard
9 - 0 the GUN
>Yoshdia says they're looking into making mudras similar to DNC's step system
Enjoy bro! Hope it's easy enough for you!
They're not used to being anything less than the best, it's cute. Imagine if they actually played a class that isn't constantly getting jerked off by the dev team, like MCH or RDM.
I sincerely wish death upon all balance-obsessed metafaggots. The world would be better off without them.
The only thing that matters is that the classes that are hard don't hit like a wet noodle. Anything else is fine.
>Wanting all classes to be equally enjoyable and viable is bad
What an amazing faggot you are, user
I got the impression BLM and SAM should be doing comparable damage because they both have the same roles, just in melee and caster range. Is this wrong?
Sam doesn't have cast bars to worry about. He can walk wherever he wants. BLM is stuck on his ley lines.
>nigger mage being hard
>shb monk being hard
Yes and no.
Yes, in that pure dps jobs should be adequately compensated in the form of having the highest personal dps.
No, in that there is a large difference in how casters play versus anything with instant cast skills. Melee will always be "easier" on paper because all (most) of their skills come out instantly, and they can therefore adjust to the flow of combat easier than statuesque casters like BLM.
>I want my job to be bad
If I'm playing anything that doesn't require a lot of effort I don't give a shit if it's bad. DRG could be the lowest DPS and I'd still be fine with how it plays.
>WAR has some playability issues at the start of SB, nothing major, but it could use some slight tweaking to make it a bit less cumbersome
Ooh! Let's rework WAR into being absolutely brainless and make them the highest damage tank again! we hear you! we can't let those cries go unheard!
>MCH is garbage in SB, no one enjoys playing it, its easy to fuck up, its not fun and its absolutely assfucked by ping
o-oh, well uh...you can't expect us to rework a job to be better in the middle of an expansion you know? it's just not feasible, will have to wait 2 years until the next expansion, until then...I dunno, eat shit.
Enjoyability is subjective. All classes are viable. If you think they aren't, that is a problem caused 100% by your own misplaced obsession and absolutely nothing else because objectively they are all viable. The purpose of balance is to ensure all classes can clear content, not to manage the violent autism of the raid community who literally froth at the mouth over meaningless differences. Kill yourself and have a nice day.
I am in Crystal now since they moved Brynhildr for some reason.
Send me a tell if interested!
/tell Popodoga Pepedoga@Brynhildr
I'm leveling SCH 60+
Is it me or is this class just fucking overpowered in healing capacity?
Stop doing your nut.
The pain I felt from being a MCH main in HW to the SB launch was something I can't express in words.
Thankfully, I can play MCH in ShB without considering suicide.
the game can only benefit from better balancing, why the fuck would you be so against that? the jobs can only gain from this
in fact, the only ones who would reasonably be against it are people whose jobs are overtuned and they don't want anyone else catching up to them
Be good with your favorite class then :^)
I'm using NIN to clear savage after learning the encounters and nobody gives a shit
Yoshi P arrives at your door one day and says that as a reward for being a good little subber he'll personally order a reworking and rewrite of three entire job questlines from their start level all the way to 80. Which do you choose and what would replace them?
There are no bad classes. If you believe your class is causing you to be unable to clear content, then guess what, the problem isn't the class, it's the person playing it. If you insist on only playing the classes that are rated highest in the meta, that's a problem with your own brain and not the game balance. Please gargle on diarrhea until you contract sepsis.
HW MCH was fucking great and had a solid foundation to develop, then SB came round and fucking butchered it, it went from being a fantastic job with plenty of room to work with to being obnoxiously fucking rigid for no fucking reason, also flamethrower into overheat was legitimate infuriating
I miss HW MCH a lot, but ShB MCH is really fun, its just a shame the entire job had to be reworked because SB fucked it so badly
>good little subber
I report him to the police for identity theft. The real YoshiP would want you to unsubscribe from his game.
I agree 100%.
I pretty much stopped playing MCH a month in to SB, it was too painful. Now I can main without feeling like I'm pressing whack a mole and having to time flamethrower with two other CDs.
damage meters should be banned in all mmos
SAM is not fine, you're retarded.
Press your buttons i'm not carrying you.
>10 shekels have been added to your account
Damage meters are dumb, but can be helpful in figuring out where a problem is. Uploading parses is retarded, though.
>a top 4 class needs help
>but a bottom 2 class is fine because "just switch to blm bro lol"
Meleeshitters not even once
cope greylet ur class sucks shit and you'll never clear anything hard LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
>not using parsers as a positive self improvement tool to play better
now, I'm not saying its only bad players who hate parsers, I'm just saying you won't see good ones complaining about em
fflogs autism is a problem though, mostly because of the sheer amount of retards who can't read the data correctly and just make brainless conclusions based on ranking data
Damage meters are fine for improvement, fflogs and parsefags are cancer though. People that try to make PVE competitive are generally retarded in any other community, XIV is the only one I know that let's shit like this happen.
The majority of metafaggots are actually retarded and don't even know what they're talking about 99% of the time, they just parrot things they hear other people say and regurgitate log rankings. Before ShB released, every meta autist on the planet believed that Dancer was the most overpowered thing ever conceived and was a guaranteed spot in every raid. Their perception of the game is so far off the reality that they may as well just be screaming inside their own heads.
The game isn't designed or balanced for metafaggots, although they are absolutely incapable of internalizing this fact which makes attempting discourse with them completely pointless. They'll just scream and scream about abstracted data representing people playing at a level that they could never personally achieve, never actually understanding anything but still shouting with total conviction and authority that they know what needs to be done, all for the sake of whether a boss dies 10 seconds sooner, for no additional reward. And then they go out into the game and spread their retarded beliefs to others like a virus, and before you know it, everyone thinks that something which isn't even a problem is actually a huge issue. Metafags have done absolutely nothing for the game and the community except actively harm it.
You mean samfags specifically.
Shit, NINfags are happy they're getting around middle again.
It’s almost like Yea Forums isn’t one person and can have multiple opinions. Such as mine, where I think SMN desperately needs help, but SAM doing less than DRG and MNK also makes no sense.
Stay mad faggots SAM getting buffs in both 5.08 and 5.1 doesn't matter what salty utility fags think.
Eat ass.
I'm gonna laugh when sam gets jack shit and you spend the next 6 months whining
>I say SAM should do more damage than MNK and DRG
>”SAM is gonna get buffed eat ass”
Okay maybe I’m starting to come around to the other side if I share this job with retards like this that can’t even read.
If they make nin boring as fuck to play ill probably keep playing monk
All third party parsing tools should be banned. Parsing should be natively implemented into the game but you can only see your own parse. That way only the positive elements are reinforced and people can share their parses or use them as benchmarks to improve if they want or ignore them if they don’t.
ACT and any tool that tells you what the next mechanic will be in advance should absolutely be banned. Parseniggers are complete cancer regardless.
static just cleared titan
whats the average clear speed for a "midcore" group
>ACT and any tool that tells you what the next mechanic will be in advance should absolutely be banned
So I take it we're banning voice chat callouts as well then faggot? Fuck you discord cancer
What's happening to NIN?
have you ever progged with a fucking BLM its obnoxious as shit
all serious BLM players should have a pocket rez mage
>positive elements
>So I take it we're banning voice chat callouts as well then faggot?
No, just parsers that start fight timers based off of hp% and the like to reliably predicted the exact moment a mechanic will happen and tell you in advance. You’re a faggot.
too hard
How is it not positive to see your own damage and not anyone elses? Self improvement is there without the ability to shit on anyone around you.
You might be a dumbass. You realize these fights are scripted, right? ACT doing it is no different from someone who knows the fight doing it. Once again discordshitters are trying to get a leg up at the expense of solo players by trying to ban their equivalent of callouts. Fuck off.
I’m leveling monk and I’m looking at the skills, tornado kick useless unless you’re going to be in a super long cutscene right?
ESO does something that prevents parsers to see the exact numbers other party members are doing, you can only see your own damage, the party's total dps, and the percentage you contribute.
You shouldn’t be doing savage content if you are parsing low. Anybody that parses in anything else is a faggot but savage content it’s very useful to see who is carrying their weight. If I see a 20 percentile BLM guess who’s about to get kicked. Literallya burden on the party.
Shitters don't care about getting better they want to be carried, the community will be fixed by making fun of them.
>ACT doing it is no different from someone who knows the fight doing it.
The difference is act is a third party tool, not a fucking actual human being making a callout.
nothing wrong with 20th percentile in crafted gear, especially since grey BLM is the equivalent of a purple RDM lmao
When is 5.1 supposed to drop?
Yes. Once you get Anatman you can also theoretically use it if there's going to be a downtime of 12+ seconds where you don't have to move, but the circumstances are so rare I honestly wouldn't even blame anyone if they just took TK and Anatman off their bars. To even get any benefit from them you have to essentially know the exact second the boss will go untargetable because if you're even a moment too early it ends up being a DPS loss.
In savage it’s very much a problem
trailer will be at tokyo gameshow so probably late sept.
There's nothing inherently virtuous about a human doing it vs ACT.
People dont look at everything that went on in the fight like they see an orange but do they look at the buffs they were padded with? The dance partner and ast cards? What about gear?
There is a grey rank parse, do people look if they died? What about other parses, do they average out? No they just look at the colors like mongs and base everything on rankings like idiots.
>not getting at least blue in crafted
I guess there's nothing wrong with programming a bot to do the mechanics for you either then.
Okay now I know you're retarded
5.08 is on the 29th of Aug so that timeline adds up.
>still living in sb
Sometime in October probably. Patches are generally 3.5 months apart and ShB was released at the start of July. So most likely mid-late October.
not an argument
Buffs/gear will not make a bad player good and dying means you are a shitter unless your healer fucked you over, in which case the party will have much bigger problems than the dps.
>endgame content is entirely based around beating dps checks
>retards still think that seeing what dps other people are doing is bad
Like sure if some retard in MSQ roulette is shitting on a sprout because he doesn't know his rotation, get that dumbass banned, but for savage, especially with a pug group, you can't really hope to drag dead weight through the fight and you likely won't be able to pay attention to every single member of the party to make sure they're pressing buttons, so a parser is pretty fucking necessary.
Come on man, a dance partner is the difference between a blue parse and an orange for an average player.
Buffs are the key to parsing high. Lining everything up in the window while keeping uptime is all you need. Without lining up buffs I'm sure you can parse blue or purple but never orange.
Again, you are still living in sb, only rdps matters now, the damage you do and give to others, not what they give you.
You can see who the healers are healing and what they are doing, if they fuck up it’s very apparent. You can see what the tank is doing, if they’re losing aggro/fuck up a mechanic, if they are using cooldowns etc and doing their job effectively. The only role that people seem to not want to hold to any scrutiny is dps even though doing their damage is their entire function.
What are the chances that the entire raid is based around automata and they forget about every other game in the series?
This isn’t how rDPS works you double nigger. Actually do savage and use a parser and educate yourself.
It will be 100% automata beside the glams that will either be nier inspired asscapes and circlets or male characters from other games.
doing dps is exclusive to no jobs retard
Everyone has to be doing their best to do optimal dps, including tanks and healers. Doing the mechanics correctly is the bare minimum starting point so of course you can see who's fucking up.
No shit dumbass, but dps are responsible for most of the damage in an encounter so it shouldn’t be a crazy thought to have tools to see how much they’re doing