Why did this awful game got such good reviews?

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Because it's a good game, and we only ever hate the most recent Zelda game.

literally and unironically because it’s a zelda game

in hindsight it’s by far the worst of the 3d zeldas

>Skyward Sword
It's hardly my favorite Zelda game, but it's far from being awful.

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Botw being a derivative open world ubisoft clone with no content is unironically the worst 3d zelda by far

This, here come all the retards with the Zelda effect bullshit
Fuck you this game was always good

the nintendo bonus isnt really real but the mario/zelda bonus is absolutely real

because it's similar to a souls situation where even the worst game is still good. inb4

>25 days left until BOTW is great

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Skyward Sword isn’t a good game.

Nintendo/Zelda bonus

Zelda gets a free pass even if it's shit, just look at breath of the wild

people have always said zelda effect, but it has always been the worst zelda since it came out.

I'm sure many other new zeldas have come out after it, and they easily top that linear piece of slow crap

>Implying people would just turn on LA due to the remake
I'm pretty sure the game won't get that much shit since it's just a rerelease of an already beloved game with extra bells and whistles

>I'm pretty sure the game won't get that much shit since it's just a rerelease
People already hate the art style.

That's true, but that aside, it's still basically the same game

zelda is gacha now? when can i download it on my iphone?

None of the 3d Zeldas after Majora's Mask deserved the high scores they got. The series is just a critic darling.

This, same great gameplay, whereas SS has pretty much failed in that department, which is what counts. Normies hated TP and WW art style, but they were still much better

It's Zelda.

It's like how FF15 got good reviews despite being an unfinished piece of shit

>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg/HnuUfGn )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well

Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.o

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Not sure. I never played it because it sucked.

I agree that those are better than SS (though I don't dislike the watercolor aesthetic at all), and I'm among the boat that wasn't that crazy about the artstyle of the LA remake, but it's grown on me since the reveal since I remember that Zelda games Switch artstyle all the time to keep things fresh

Nintendo bonus.

With this one, I think it's just because it's pretty, and because the critics had been waiting for it for such a long time, they really wanted to like it.

I'm still so fucking disappointed with that game here almost seven years later. Maybe even more disappointed than I was with pic related, as I at least kept playing that until completion.

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I enjoyed it and really had no problems with the controls.

Dude, no.
You can't rule something as awful by category.
Skyward Sword is an actively infuriating game to play because of the many design compromises.

because it's not a bad game

Have you ever played it? It's not awful, it's just ok at worst. Definitely doesn't deserve that high of a score, maybe a 7/10 at the most

>the classic "amazing concepts, horrible execution" curse that's been plaguing Nintendo for decades

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Zelda is a very popular game for OG gaymerz, noobs, and even casually interested normies. It is somewhat of a cultural event every time one is released. The industry knows, like a hive-mind, that to carry Zelda up on its shoulders, and laud it as a 9-10/10, because this will generate an increase in interest towards video-games and video-game media for years to come. It's as if they get paid to give it a bonus, but it's more organic than Nintendo directly paying them.

This is not to say Zelda games deserve no praise. Breath of the Wild deserved more of the praise it received than Skyward Sword imo, though they were both clearly given the golden calf treatment.

When does it become shit? I finished the first dungeon and I'm enjoying it so far


If you don't think it's already shit by then, then you'll probably think it goes to shit when you get to the desert.

This is a decent analysis.

I disagree with the final assessment concerning BotW, which I consider to be a great game, but we can't agree on everything.

Because Fi's handholding made the game a very videogame journalist friendly game.

BotW > WW > MM > TP > OoT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SS

That's a remake, and the Zelda cycle was always about the 3d zelda games (OOT, MM, WW, TP, SS, BOTW,) which is why the DS and 3ds games were generally not considered.

All you need to do is swap MM and SS and this ranking would be the complete opposite of the truth.

Never. Ignore the contrarian mouthbreathers on Yea Forums. It's one of the best Zeldas.

Because no reviewer wanted another 8.8 on their hands.

Same reason botw did
There is no general Nintendo bonus but there is absolutely a zelda bonus.


The sea part is a seperate region

What's the real reason due to Yea Forums hate?
I can tell you,the dungeons themselves were great,there were some great boss fights (Koloktos,Ghirahim 1 and 3)

I disliked the desert sea and all shit imprisoned fights.
It's shitters that cant use a wiimote that complain

It's not awful. With that being said it's not a 93 either.

Because it's named zelda

Cuz is zelda, nintendo bonus may be a meme overall, but is absolutely true when it comes to zelda, is not even that the whole series is bad, but the fact that this mediocre game got such a high score just shows that no zelda game will ever get an 8 no matter how bad it could be.

The only thing wrong with this game are the designs

it only counts for the big long development period games, ocarina, wind waker, tp, skyward, botw

if you can stomach the backtracking, awful overworld and motion controls, there's nothing bad with it.

>reuses environments to make up for the lack of content
>forced as fuck backtracking to said environments after a completely pointless trek to power up your sword
>overworld split into awkward chunks
>majority of the sky is empty, one main town, one smaller building, and a few islands with minigames
>can't even fly at night
>least amount of sidequests in a 3D Zelda
>rehashed bosses
>items once again heavily delegated to being puzzle solutions only
>focus on 1:1 swordplay but Link gets a more restrictive moveset/movement in general (can't move and swing)
>holds your hand the most and even on the hard mode setting you cannot disable tutorials or Fi
>every sword encounter plays out the same (enemy slowly walks toward you, wait, angle sword, strike) and as a result Koloktos and The Imprisoned are the only bosses that truly stand out, one for being a generally good fight and the other for being a terrible fucking idea you have to deal with thrice
The problem isn't the controls

Because SS is the best 3D Zelda game with the best action combat ever made.

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I really hope you are joking

Zelda bonus

People were surprised that after the shitshow that was TP, nintendo managed to make a good Zelda game again.
Not saying it deserved that high of a score though.

truest post.
I really can't wait for BotW 2 to come out so I can talk about the older games.
If only the 3Dfags can get along without shitting on each other too much.

The game was damn good.
t. played it for the first time just recently.

Ocarina deserves its score. The rest are just attempts to ride its hype.

Nintendo + Zelda bonus

He posted Fi so he isn't.

Because it's the kind of game that reviews well.
Journalists like stuff that you can just blaze through in a weekend, without much need to really sink your teeth into it. They play it, finish it, think "Yeah that was pretty good" give it a good score and move on. Nintendo polish makes sure it looks nice, and as long as it's got a memorably good moment or two, the 9's and 10's roll out like paper.
But if you actually try to analyze and dig into it, the cracks and poor choices become more and more apparent. Suddenly shit you missed the first time starts to grade on you. Fi becomes a constant annoyance by the end of the first playthrough, but on repeats she's even worse all the way through. With your brain actually turned on, the flaws stick out and suddenly the game as a whole becomes what it really is: A relatively decent game overall but with high peaks and VERY low troughs.

Skyward sword proves that depth is not what Journalism wants. They just want products to review and sell.

I don't know.

Why was Twilight Princess, a great game, hated by the fans?

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slow ass start and all the twilight bug hunting?

All these Skyward-shills. Listen up. There is a reason the only time Skyward Sword is mentioned in Zelda threads is for people to take a shit on it. The game was not a bad “game” but it was a bad Zelda game. No one ever talks about their love of tadtones, or Mogmas or kikwis as their favorite race, or mention a song from SS as their favorite of the series (which is a shame because I think the romance theme is great). It was empty, repetitive, barren husk of a Zelda game. I’ve played and replayed the series on multiple occassions. Skyward Sword is the only one I cannot bring myself to touch. The game released a week after Skyrim and the difference
between the two at the time and today is greater than heaven and earth. Apparently everyone else agreed which is why we got Zelda: Skyrim Edition.

Fuck you Skyward Sword is awesome

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Hey faggot Zelda SS is one of the worst Zelda games ever made. The waggle controls make this game a struggle to play and its linear segmented design is the last thing I think when I think of Zelda. It was a mistake and there's a reason Nintendo went back to the drawing board after this disaster.