Game launches at 3AM in EU

>Game launches at 3AM in EU

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Other urls found in this thread:

>you won't be able to play for the first 12 hours anyway because the servers, like always, will shit the bed
Based retards trying to play on launch days.

What are you talking about?
It goes online at 11pm UK time and 00:00 EU time
It's only 3am if you live in some shithole like parts of russia which isnt EU at all


1am here im all prebbed uo :)

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Considering how well bfa and legion launches were I'm sure classic will be fine outside of que times.

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Log in where retard, neither in-game or say shit.

lulw pepega zulul

Anyone else prepared?

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I am but have spring water instead of cola

Hey guy, you're retarded.
What is 15+10 hours to go?

How do I play this? Do I just resub like normal?

yep just resub and download client

Just get a sub, yeah

The fuck are you talking about?
There is a countdown there.

Even the enter world says approx 9 hours until launch, which adds up

>Game launches 6 pm EST
Americhads win again

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I'm on CEST time zone
It's currenly 14:05
Add 9 Hours
woah thats 3 AM indeed. Amazing

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>not coke zero


OP is probably on drugs and his time perception has sped up to 10 hours per half day or something.

How many are going to skip sleep?

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He could be living in some slavic shithole in russia that is gmt+4 and think that he is in the EU

nobody cares about your shitty country

probably just gonna play for an hour and go to sleep

hows everyone getting prepped?
me personally? i'm about to go sear some steak before adding it to my crock pot with other vegetables for some delicious beef stew
it should be ready around the time servers go up

bros i'm so ready for a comfy day :)

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Who's on Firemaw?


Do we know if Blizzard will be bringing the servers down before launch or will they stay up how they are now? I was going to try and login an hour or two early and just park at the character login screen to help beat the massive login server queue that will build up at 6PM EST.

I can't afford to skip sleep today If I want to actually play tomorrow morning.
Gotta work in the afternoon.
Ideal scenario would be that there are no queues and I manage to play one hour so that I can take my human to darnassus and log out.
Realistic scenario is that I try to log in to a full server and get 2 hour queue so I just log out.

EU fag here
isn't 3 AM like, 03:00?

they were fine because those are expansions for the current bad game that had a really really really shitty expansion before them (WoD) that probably killed most people's interest of "i'll see how this expac goes" trying it out for the first month or two before dropping it
basically nowhere near as many people tried to log in during Legion and BfA launch as there are people going to log in to Classic

uhhh no? It launches at midnight

You guys know what Sarcasm means?

>zero wrist support
Push the monitor and keyboard back before you destroy your wrists.

Which realm are my CEST bros on?

plus its all sharded fucken retardation.

I'm on Firemaw but I will try logging in to Golemagg first since everyone will be there.
It's not like Firemaw isn't full as well right now.
The funny thing is that according to leddit half of the people that will be playing suppossedly haven't even bought game time or created a character yet.
Curious to see Blizz handle that if true.

better 3am than 8am

This is the redpilled answer. Servers are probably going to be a shitshow tonight anyway.

you can be 30 mins in the char screen. The button will turn red

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They said right now thier sub numbers are almost the same as they were at the release of bfa in thier last conference call. Plus layering will fix alot of the in game issues . Server wise. They will be full but they will sustain. SS this

Guys. What do I do about work? I mean I get out at 5 so as long as the queue times don't kill me I can play tonight... but what do I do about work tomorrow?

I'm going to order some food from this comfy camping place down by the river, force my friend over to my house and level together at a chill pace.

Resto Shaman or Priest?
Can't decide.

8am is max comfy bro
Wake up, take a shower and make some coffee and queue to log in while you visit different communities online complaining about it.

If you're afk at the login screen it will boot you after 30mins

you mean
>get to work, slave away for 10 hours while everyone is having fun

Golemagg and Shazzrah are most popular but they are streamer bait.

Gehennas will be free of streamers.

Calling in an order at the deli before I go home. East Coast so Im clocking in a few extra hours playing runescape on my phone before going home to classic, anime I was watching last time wow released, and a foot long rueben sub with double pickles and a peach peace tea

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Priest is better
Shaman doesnt require hrt

yeah their last conference call which was before these last two weeks right? i know a lot of people that have resubbed only in the last couple of days and the amount of servers that went to Full from last weekend has increased a lot, so I'm guessing subs are a lot higher
it doesn't matter when Blizzard themselves say that a Full server will have hours of queue time and that some servers are so crowded that people won't even be able to fit into the queue system

gehennas is full of private server guilds and even it has several streamers

Pretty sure nowhere in EU it's that late when it launches

Are there even any EU streamers that could cause server trouble like that Asssmonfag in the US?

Isn't Kungen balls deep in severe depression? And has been for years?

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Yeah me and my three friends all have unique names so we didn't bother subbing before today so our chars are ready for logging in. They're going to need a whole bunch of new servers.

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Im going to the bj's what food should get?
List so far
>gummy bears
>microwavable sausage links

I'm going to sleep at like 5pm then play the entire night and go to work after

What was the server that declared that they were going to kill all streamers that joined it so all the streamers joined Faerlina.

We should organize streamer and LFG-using faggot kill squads

nobody comes close
some list of streamers tho:
>nixxiom (gonna wreak havoc on ZT)
>everyone else is insignificant
it was Herod

>took 2 weeks off from work
>meal prepped for the coming weeks
>stocked up on a lot of coffee
>told family and friends that don't play to fuck off
>bought 10 grams of fine sativa
Yep, it's gamer time!

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my plan for classic tomorrow:

Wake up at 6 am. Check servers. Get to work. Come back from Work. Meet my GF. Fuck her in every hole for an hour. Send her home. Play 3 Days in a row.

I took vacation and prepared my gf for the 3day freetime half a year ago. I got shrooms, mdma, weed and a lot of nice things to eat and to drink.

i think i made it

Gotcha if I'm moving around like just clicking characters or going into make a new character will it still boot me after 30 minutes?

Gonna go and do a snack haul with the gf. Lads, this is gonna be epic.

It should work

How do you fuck for an hour without losing your boner?

>TFW the bull surprised me with a onions variety pack for launch


you can literally add 9 hours to 15:00 and end up at 24:00 (00:00 (midnight))

Cool thanks for the info just gonna have to try it out and see what happens.

It´s 00.00 in CET so no, you´re not EU, 3rd worlder

Not him but you go for two rounds

Not him but most gas stations sell cheap otc bonerpills that keep my dick hard for a couple hours. If I were still in my 20s Id probably be fine without them. You have early ED?

>Was going to sleep in before launch
>Passed out early last night from smoking weed
>Up at 8am and can't go back to sleep
>Classic is for another 10 hours


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>nintendo fan
>dead AIDS fag fan
>tshirt with his favorite streamer
>owns a gaming chair but cant afford a proper table
A literal basedboy.

Not anymore apparently

>"the EU" is one timezone
Based retards

I created my lock on shazzrah 2 weeks ago but now it seems everyone mowed to firemaw??

It is midnight for Germany.

Smoke a bunch more weed for 4 hours, sleep for 5

Me too bro, just see if you can play for like an hour and then play the next day.


Not him but first time I cum in about 30 seconds no joke embarrassing af, but in 5 minutes I'm ready again and I can't finish for more than an hour

i fuck her a couple of times you dumb virgin. wtf is this question?

Everyone moved to Firemaw because it was medium pop two days ago and Blizz ensured us that medium pop is like full in vanilla.
Now Firemaw is full and I'm betting my left testicle they're gonna have to add like 4-5 servers in a few hours.

>wasting sub time on login screen
you cucks go on, ill wait day or two for shit to stabilize so its actually playable


WHY they needed to open fucking new servers now Shazzrah has shitty H/A Ratio FUCK BLIZZARD RUINED

>having gfs

get the fuck off my board faggots

>he didnt stack months of sub time thanks to wow tokens
lmaoing at you senpai

26th 11pm for UK

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Anyone have any proper EU surver results? I need to know if Gehennas is English and good for an Alliance player, or if I need to switch to Mograine.

5 servers are already confirmed, they're opening in 4 hours.

5 new ones?
That's pretty cool

This is the leddit survey snapshot from yesterday
I'm personally going Mograine alliance with my bros after seeing how bad Shazzrah looks

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i did, spent 1 million gold before prices hiked up due to store mounts and classic
doesnt mean ill waste it
my sub expired 1 day after name reservations
keikaku dori :)

im ready

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>idiots complain about layering for launch.
>idiots complain about not being able to play on launch

I'm going to be an undead shadow priest! What class are you guys gonna play? Also, I just need to resub to have access to classic, right?

>what is vacation

Human Male Retribution Paladin

Yes, make sure to select Classic on the client under version.
I'm gonna play a human rogue.

Male Human Arms Warrior


Cool, thank you.

how much demand for pvp servers will there be, they adding four more today to english eu servers and I don't want a friend to be locked out of my server when he logs in next week.

Troll Shaman, probably ele until I really need to respec for raids. then after Im geared back to ele to buttfuck alliance in wpvp

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holy shit what a gamer!

Everyone will have to wait in a queue, regardless if you made a character or not.
By making a character you're only reserving a name for now and are ready to go at launch.

I thought ruskies got their own fucking servers? Can't these subhumies go speak their dead language somewhere else?

Ffs, picking a server seems like such a hassle

reminder that blizzard will randomly shut the servers off for no fucking reason for at least 5 hours, make sure not to plan to play all day

so you can't reserve servers? man thats going to be crazy.


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ah yes, it seems the murricans woke up
It's wojakposting time again

>tfw moved into new place and won't have internet until Wednesday
Going to be so far behind bros

>doesn't address my point

why not just get 4g or some shit, even tether from your phone
it doesn't eat a lot of bandwidth

Just use mobile data if you have any available.
The game uses something like 2-5kb/s up if I remember correctly.

You don't have a point / it's a low iq post

>american game
>game has more non-US players than american players
lol cucked again
also lol at trump, literally cucked from 2016-2020

you're a redditjak poster so your opinion is pictured related

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wrist support destroys your wrists

just came here to laugh at the euros for being the United States' BITCH.

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Yes, let's release the game in the middle of the night and force Blizzard employees to pull an all-nighter as the first few hours of launch will be the most critical for them... just to appease you retailfags.

>all these people saying theyll get food
How is that comfy? When I eat food its always gone so quick. When I play vidya I usually eat nothing

lard ass

Idiot, Midnight the Best one.
All the Zoomers have to go to School and all the Wagies not used to pulling all nighters

I don't eat simultaneously because it's unhygienic, but it's top comfy to have a nice pizza or some fast food burgers to snack on in downtime.

it certainly makes any 'world firsts' even more meaningless than they already are.

Oh damn didn't even think about that. Been using wired for a few years so forgot I hand an adapter.

slow burn foods high in fat like nuts or avocado are great for us pro gamerzz, you can go and go and go like the vegemite kids

Can we just log into the character selection screen ahead of time to dodge the queue?

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By that logic it should be released US morning, so they don't have to stay late.

you can use your phone and tether the network through usb

Undead frost mage

the number i'm hearing is 30 minutes afk before it kicks you. so log in 25 mins before

I've seen at least 10 people say that's what they're going to do.
I think there's a 30 min timer after which you'll be logged out anyway.
I'm sure at 30 minutes before launch people will already try to log in so you'll have a queue anyway.
But you can try, nothing to lose.

You can log in 29 minutes before launch
If you log in earlier you'll be disconnected

male orc hunter, i'll try to play a mix of BM & survival but i'm not sure how well that would work

if pve server i'd go full bm since it's just so nice for questing

>makes yet another classic thread
>is a literal poo in loo
Fucking knew it.

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The queue doesn't come until you click Enter World, that's how it worked in Vanilla

that's definitely wrong

Launches at 11pm here

I remember the queue appearing in the realm selection screen.
If you saw your character you were in.

that is wrong

no it's never worked like that