He doesn't donate ATLEAST 40 dollars every stream

>he doesn't donate ATLEAST 40 dollars every stream

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What happened to his eyebrows?

>Donate $10
>He just says "thank you" without mentioning my name

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inv asmon layer PLEASE BRO

>donating to streamers
Why do people do this again?
Is it some mutt cuck zoomer thing?

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imagine donating to rich people

I bet his gf did it for him

>mutt cuck zoomer thing
couldn't have worded it better myself. that is precisely what it is.

What's with all the fags coming into our threads and making fun of streamers and Lets Plays? Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...

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I never donated, but sometimes i write some pun or joke and the streamer said it and laughts. Feels good to be known, so this is why some people donate.

zoomers are only good at making millennials seem somewhat ok

>Poorfags can't even donate money
How fucking destitute are you faggots in this shithole, no wonder you love sucking cracker cock and waiting weeks to months, poorfag's favorite game is the waiting game!

Because you want to support the people you like who give you endless hours of entertainment? Hello? Without donations they would have to get a job and spend less time streaming

I've spent 7k total on donating to streamers

but i do

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>how you dare to being born in a random country with random parents and not being wealthy like those people?

>he doesn't have a streamerfu
>he's never heard heard their words of gratitude for supporting them as they follow their dreams
You wouldn't understand

Man this is some corporate drone mutt mentality right there.
The jew got you good goyim.


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Imagine having Asmongold this rentfree in your head that you HAVE to make a thread at least 3 times a day

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He looks like a complete retard.

The MGS mark at the end of my sentence didn't make it obvious? Fuck guys come on

What entertainment? Watch some skinny-ass jew play WoW? What's the fun in that? Why not play the game yourself?
Though I gotta admit it was pretty funny watching his youtube clips completely failing at Sekiro and Metro Exodus. Made me realize he is an actual retard which can only mean his followers own even less braincells.

I guess shit like this should make me feel better because I am not nearly as much as a loser, but it mainly just makes me sad. How lonely must these people be.

I was just following you, user
Lol those niggas mad!

I can commend that

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you sound jealous

I respect streamers. They found a way to make bank off weak minded losers while playing video games.
The donators and the other hands, should all be euthanized.

Are they really surprised she's going for some reliable rich white dude instead of some stinking broke-ass nigger who will get the fuck outta dodge as soon as she gets pregnant?
Also why aren't these people being called out on their racism? It's discrimination just the same.
The fuck is wrong with mutts.

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what is asmon layer mean?

In WoW Classic there will be different "layers" at launch to prevent zones from being overpopulated by distributing players evenly across different layers or "instances of the world"

People who want to interact with streamers will want to be into that streamer's layer and the way to do so is randomly get assigned the same layer by the game or get invited by someone who is already in that layer

I see. Whats the benefit of playing with streamer?

You show up on their screen so thousands of people see your name. The streamer might even say your name out loud so you get a couple seconds of fame.

They want attention, they want to be noticed by the streamers and his audience.
Tells you a lot about what kind of person he is in real life.

Do they really believe people care? How delusional are these cunts?

My guess is that they're mostly kids or teens.

>don't read donations
>people donate even more

sad fucks who wanna get noticed by someone on the internet

>donate $1
>"thank you for the donation, man!"
>donate $100
>"thank you for the donation, man! appreciate it!"

literally the same shit

then he forgets about you in the next 10 seconds because some other cuck decided to drop a day's worth of salary on him

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How do i get cucks to gibe moni?

i watch dsp and his donators are pathetic

>one guy who dropped $1000 saying he has a dead wife, so he probably inherited everything or some shit
>another guy who's mom got him a rolex watch for graduating college
>didn't like it, sold it and blew most of the money on dsp

the sort of guys who give streamers so much money are usually pretty sad individuals

>have shitty personality
>play multiplayer games so people join your game and troll you
>pretend to get mad
>idiots will give you money to try get you mad and not charge back

it's that simple

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