Is No man's sky worth buying now?

If you don't have VR, probably not, flying and landing your ship in VR is kino but once you get to the actual gameplay on the ground it gets pretty tedious

Some people like shooting rocks. I like shooting rocks. But on release, the shooting rocks sucked. You can't even keep shooting rocks, you have to take a break every 5 seconds for 5 seconds because your rock shooter overheats. What the fuck can't shoot rocks in a game about shooting rocks.

Not for 60 bucks. Not for 30 bucks. Maybe for 15 bucks.

build and explore
with side lore


it's repetitive, but kind of fun

I liked exploring new planets and creating bases
I duped a lot of stuff last year and now I sit on a comfy 400million credits, I send a lot of spaceships around for missions
but this new update is kind of a big let down since it adds a lot of stuff that changes all the stuff I did back in the days

it sucks that changed all my old biomes

Attached: wp2ap36fjfm11.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

Apparently adding a couple of features that were supposed to be there at launch is enough to redeem Hello Games in the eyes of idiots.

It's a $15 game.

its not even worth pirating

Look how quickly the hype waned. That's how little the game is worth.