Why was the Institute killing and replacing people with synths?
Why was the Institute killing and replacing people with synths?
It would take too long to explain and you wouldn't understand anyways.
becuse some people saw the bosee of the institue do a big stinky poopoo in his big pants and like erryveone was like ew gross bht he deosnet tremember who it was so s he decicded to kill randome people and hope he gets the guy who saw hi doin poo poo
From what i've read, it's to control shit like politics by replacing important figures and leaders. It's not even that stupid of an idea. However, why would they replace citizens as well if that's all they wanted? Why did they release the FEV if they wanted to save humanity?
They were systematically replacing important people with their own to aid in their goal of leading what was left of civilization.The ones that were random people were simply test runs.
>hur dur you have to have a really high IQ to understand Fallout
That, but also, the story in Fallout 4 was a little ... shaky ... at best. Try not to overthink it. There's a lot of stuff going on that really makes no sense. All things considered, the weak story really doesn't detract too much from the amount of fun you have playing it. It's a good title and can easily chomp up 400+ hours of your time. Not amazing, but certainly worth the retail price (the PC version, anyway, due to mods).
>You wouldn't understand
Fallout 4 story is shit and so is the institute
It's essentially the Master's plan from Fallout 1, some parts are just braindead like them regularly losing key synth due to one scientist and other parts are way smarter like desgining everything from a human pov.
When you think about it, the Institute doesn't really give a shit about anyone on the surface, they're essentially in a pre-alpha phase with their synth program. Right now they're balancing human behavior. Coursers prove that they're capable of producing synths that are way stronger, smarter and more endurable than Supermutants. They showed a courser killing a whole squad of ~30 mercenaries without breaking a sweat, like a fucking Terminator.
>All things considered, the weak story really doesn't detract too much from the amount of fun you have playing it
It does though. It's supposed to be an RPG after all and it fails miserably at that. Even when modding it into a decent FPS where you just go around and kill shit, it doesn't last long thanks to the boring map and braindead AI. No mods can fix that. It's worth a pirate and nothing more.
They don't seem to replace anyone else of significant importance and they never act on it when they do
>Replace the leader of the largest settlement in the Commonwealth
>Have him kick out all the ghouls cause reasons
>Never have him do anything else
>Somehow replace one of the highest ranking members of the Brotherhood of Steel currently stationed in the Commonwealth
>Let him go dick around with some random instead of having him go jihad on the guys who are sworn to kill you and destroy all your research
RPGs don't have to have a good story, see NV.
>t. 1200 hours played, b-but I hated every minute of it!
It was terrible. I played 1,300 hours just to make sure. Then gave it a negative review. I can't believe anyone plays this garbage. I should have pirated it.
>plan to infiltrate the surface by replacing people with synths
>instead scare the fuck out of people and are widely known as evil bad guys
Great "plan" you got there geniuses
The whole idea behind making synths is fucking retard, what exactly does wasting hundreds of years of RnD to make human replicas for shit that could be done by basic robots net you?
Why not just make contact with the retards on the surface and gain their trust by showing them all the benefits of working togethor?
Why the fuck would you make everything so much more difficult for yourself by using magically aquired FEV to make giant retards who do nothing but kill and destroy shit?
Why did they need robot gorillas?
Why did they need a vault baby to lead them?
You didn't get it, did you?
I was literally quoting the game's own dialogue when this question comes up.
>You didnt play the game at all and watched hundreds of videos to make up your mind about the game?Opinion disregarded.
Theres no winning with faggots like you.
NV's story was decent enough for me to give a shit. Story is important for the immersion and the way you're going to handle your character. And even if you don't count the story, 4's RPG elements are still lacking compared to NV.
Most of my hours are with mods and i didn't even reach 50 hours. It made it more enjoyable sure, but the base game is still shit and is not worth the money. No amount of strawmanning will change that.
It's all in the fucking game you retard
>why aren't they working together
Apparently they tried but failed, there was an incident with a malfunctioning synth killing some people. The people on the surface then mistrusted the Institute.
>magically aquired FEV
West Tek was a private contractor before the war took place. The Institute either also worked on the same project or simply bought it to replicate it. They created a whole new strain which made the supermutants easier to grow in a lab environment. Thed initially wanted to use then instead of synths.
>Why did they need robot gorillas
That was a pet project. The current line of synths come from Father's DNA. It seems they've just engineered gorilla DNA due to similarities.
>Why did they need a vault baby to lead them
They took his DNA as template. He said he identified what the Institute stood for.
To this day, Caesar's Legion are the only Fallout bad guy faction to have an actual plan that is feasible and grounded in reality that doesn't involve magical situational mcguffins or technology.
Unlike the retardation of the Master's plan or the Institute's plan, the Legion understood the fundamental importance of procreation and 'blood and soil' values and ethics.
>I made up my mind with what others told me
Fallout 4 is retarded in some aspects but relentlessly shitting on it is/was a bandwagon by self-important elitists.
>Caesar's Legion
*has never actually read Hegel
>Apparently they tried but failed, there was an incident with a malfunctioning synth killing some people. The people on the surface then mistrusted the Institute.
Then guess what?
The entire plan was retarded since the beginning and the Institute isn't a 'morally grey' faction. They're just retards living in their own vacuum who need to be exterminated
>muh bandwagoning
This is the last recourse for people like you. Instead of just coming up with solid arguments to explain why your bad game is actually good, you resort to these petty character assassinations and try to poison the well with these ad hominems so that you can astroturf and blindside people into thinking that FO4's detractors are just crazy or unreasonable.
Our arguments still hold up. Debunk them or shut up.
Yeah, that's me. Not playing games and commenting on them. You got me.
lol just turn your brain off and shoot stuff bro :)
why does this game suck so much yet I keep playing it on the regular
>Train up a society founded on pillaging, murder and any sort of long term stability being considered gay
>Change all that just because you conquer some city in the middle of nowhere
I'm sure all the soldiers ready to slaughter the profligates are gonna love that
Because synths are simply superior to human beings?
How stinky? haha
I literally only played one playthrough then immediately dropped it. Was told the DLC was good but never tried it
>Institute isn't a 'morally grey' faction.
No shit, they're the bad guys.
That's why they have to use an emotional connection to make you even slightly think about joining them.
To sum it up, most of the factions in the Falloutverse are fucking retarded.
Excellent summation founded with articulate points.
>its terrible
>I should have pirated it
Why pirate what you regard as terrible garbage in the first place? Digital hoarding?
I don't think you could've managed to dump more empty buzzwords you don't fully grasp the meaning of if you tried.
So you played the entire game, then stopped. And you think this proves how bad it was? Even though you played the whole game? You're just proving his point. If it was bad, you never would have made it out of the vault.
Not him but there's a few games I've given the benefit of the doubt/been in a state of denial while playing (FO4, X4 Foundations and FFXV come to mind) where I've spent a stupid amount of time desperately trying to find the fun stuff, and ultmately come to terms with the fact that the fun is definitely not there.
Fuck shaun.
That is all.
fallout 4 was a better game than skyrim. The only way skyrim had fallout 4 beat at all was the modding community. fallout 4 has huge flaws but skyrim is just so fucking bad it blows my mind. I'm still mad.
lmao guys the game has ghuls, no need to talk about "realistic" stuff
a little shaky ? there were fucking plot holes everywhere
fuckin capeshit has a more consistent plot than anything Bethesda makes
eat a dick tranny
>pedoera codextranny calling others tranny
Fellate and dilate
I wanted to see the full game to make an accurate judgment of it.
If I said I only played it for an hour you’d have said “durrrr you didn’t give it enough time!”
Not even worth the 8 bucks I spent for it from G2A.
better question: why does the institute say that synths are superior to humans and that they are the future of the human race, but relegate them to being medical test subjects, or cleaning floors and shit? Why are they using their best creation for the most menial fucking jobs when they have actual humanoid robots to do that shit for them?
Also why do they insist that synths are machines on one breath, but claim that they are the future of mankind in the next? Are you going to hand the future over to robots? I don't understand this shit.
The institute replaces people with synths to act as spies. They gather information on people, locations, and plants/animals. It also allows them to better track escaped synths. One thing that really perplexes me is why they don't just send out a courser disguised as a normal synth escapee, who will then get filtered through the railroad system, then reports back to the institute about the locations of the route. Surely if they did this a few times they would be able to shut the railroad down forever really easily.
The institute is fucking retarded.
You know there's different degrees of bad, right? Game might not have been complete horse shit that he dropped it right at the beginning but still bad enough to never bother with it again. Also one playthrough is not the entire game and for all we know he could've just done the main quest and not bother with side quests.
That was the cut reason. They didn't feel that was evil enough so they decided to drop that logical idea
what the fuck does any of this even mean nigger holy shit
What does anything mean anymore
this is a new level for Yea Forums
How new can you fucking be?
>dude bots are human
What the fuck was their problem?
newer then u 4 sure
To take control of the commonwealth and pacify it before emerging from the institute.
Bethesda is shit at writing original Fallout factions. None of the Bethesda originals in Fallout 4 are good. None.
>live in world full of mutants where people are killed just for walking 10 feet outside of their shitty settlement
>everyone is borderline starving to death
>actual people being enslaved and forced to work in disgusting conditions, given the bare minimum nourishment to keep them alive, and forced to wear collars that explode if they wander too far away
>create an underground organization dedicated to saving soulless rubber men who live in a state of the art completely safe facility with comfortable beds, hot showers, and ready access to food and medicine
>memory wipe them and plop them down in some shitty settlement or town where every single day they risk a violent death and have to break their back farming irradiated tomatoes for nourishment but at least they aren't slave to the mean scientist people
lolicus xD
Don't think about 4's story user, it's terrible. The more you think, the worse it is.
Why was the Institute making synths in the first place, when they were just glorified slaves? Why not use a Mr Handy, like Curie? It would've been easier to improve the Mr Handy than *literally creating synthetic lifelike humans*
And if they want synths to be their slaves, why make them look and act so human? More importantly, why give them the capacity to think and feel at all? It's like giving your frying pan the ability to feel pan, of course it won't want to do its job, because you ruined it.
Why would the Institute want to spy on the Commonwealth anyway? There's nothing worth spying on. Nobody knew the Institute existed until they started spying on people for no reason.
Why would the Institute replace someone? It'd be so much easier to make a new person with a new identity than it would to spy on someone, recreate them, get their memories, replace them, and hope your Synth doesn't get caught.
Why doesn't the Institute want to help the Commonwealth? They can make gorillas, clean crops, clean water, and synths with whatever tech they want. They could create synths that are world-class doctors, amazing farmers, brilliant scientists, etc. and release them into the Commonwealth.
Shaun is dying of cancer and wants you to be the leader of the Institute. It doesn't make sense how they have technology to *literally create synthetic humans indistinguishable from real ones* yet they can't cure cancer? Besides that, why doesn't Shaun copy/paste his consciousness into a synth? You could argue that it wouldn't "be him", but for all intents and purposes it would. He could make it so his synth doesn't have a recall code and rule the Institute indefinitely.
I have never once considered playing these games on a console.
I wonder if they're any good. How the fuck do they keep them from crashing?
>Why was the Institute killing and replacing people with synths?
For control I guess, but that was one of their earlier reasons before they went total recluse. After the SS wakes up, they seem to not have at all because Fallout 4 went through too many rewrites.
>How the fuck do they keep them from crashing?
Console version of bethesda games are missing a lot textures and NPCs in general
They don't. PS3 Bethesda shit eventually crawls to a stop from savebloat.
>Synths are supposed to be an allegory for slaves (the people who free them are literally called the Railroad)
>Synths were actually treated well before they were freed
Wow Todd that's pretty racist
You can't play New Vegas for more than 50 hours on PS3. The save file gets so big it starts frequently crashing until it's just unplayable.
god I love CROSS mods. The strigidae armor is especially sexy.
Because he's actually really talented and he brings back bethesda's concept art as mods
jesus christ
it was worst with Fallout 3, the game would freeze up purely due to load order
Seems a lot less efficient than the jew method of providing important figures and leaders with underage sex, then using it to blackmail them to guarantee their loyalty.
>They were systematically replacing important people with their own to aid in their goal of leading what was left of civilization.
But Father said there was no value in the surface world and that he didn't give a shit about it.
Something I always hate about depictions of some settings is how the writer wants but has to bend the logic and rules and elements of the universe around beyond the point of logic just to enable the context for to occur.
There's no point in the synths being slaves. Mr Handy's and other robots exist. It's written backwards so that they can have a slave allegory.
>to aid in their goal of leading what was left of civilization.
it was before Father took over, the Institute trying to work with the Commonwealth was right after the bombs when the Commonwealth Police still existed
>There's no point in the synths being slaves.
It's about the human condition, not slaves. The slavery angle was just a vehicle to put forth the question of "How advanced are Synths going to be until they're indistinguishable from humans."
But the synth replacements happened under Father's ruling. They were his idea weren't they?
>They were his idea weren't they?
No, the replacements had been going one since they started pumping out synths. Before the SS woke up, the Institute was actually the main cause of some the break down that happened. Not only did one synth blow a circuit and start attacking people, it was found out that was of the Commonwealth leaders was replaced.
What a fucking abortion. Daily hate threads and I still get mad. Fucking Bethesda
>>hur dur you have to have a really high IQ to understand Fallout
You do realize that that post you replied to was a direct quote from the game, right?
>He hasn't memorized the script from a video game
What script? What is there to memorize? It's one line.
>We want civilization to survive so we'll murder and replace all humans with walking toasters that can't even fucking reproduce
This is the mentally retarded version of The Master from Fallout 1
Fuck Shitesda, can't even write a coherent script
>can't even write a coherent script
probably because the game went through a shit ton of rewrites
I think it's good to instill a sense of right and wrong rather than morally grey (anything goes). We need more of that. I mean just look was nihilism has done to our society already.
>that can't even fucking reproduce
Unlike the Master, the Institute can make people from organic matter and reconstruct them at will. The Master made Hulks from a very finite source of people with a very scarce pre-war sauce and they couldn't even reproduce.
The Institute can produce Coursers which could take on multiple Supermutants and are also immune to radiation.
Yeah well we don't have synths yet and those would actually be easier to control I would imagine.
Aren't synths given free will? They have institute motives but that can be swayed to other issues. Everyone is cattle to a degree. Everything has its limits.
All the locations have really good stories and background stories if you pay attention. Clearly synths are allegory to our predicament as well
>Aren't synths given free will?
No, but they slowly develop some sort of self awareness
>muh different endings. muh politics
Bethesda is shit at writing.
Haha imagine something so stinky that even when you were laying in bed at home later that night the smell would linger in your nose
Haha imagine if you had to sniff the leader of the insistutes butt while he squeezed out a big stinky poo haha
Some like the mayor are self-aware and as such wouldn't fare well in an interogation.
Then there are synths like Danse who are totally unaware that they're synths until they realize it
Then there are Coursers who follow Institute directives to a T while being aware that they're synths.
Until a memory wipe they seem to be controllable by the Institute. After that they seem to go rouge in the synth system
>I have no idea
Either you're braindead or you haven't played the game
Maybe if you only looked at the main quest but all the side quests felt great. Are you serious?
It reminds me of white liberals
Sounds like they're evolving actually
You remind me of an aids-ridden niggertranny
I think F4 did a good job of covering a lot of the possible aspects a synth would go through. I but kill em everytime. It's us or them
Spotted the synth