Lets talk about our favourite dead genre: the RTS
>4x, GS, and citybuilder fags are equally welcome in the feels chamber

What are ya

Attached: Shit image I stole from google because I couldn't think of anything better to open this thread (600x800, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


HoMMIII GoG Version with Random Map Editor.

Play Age of Mythology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've been playing the new(ish) China campaign and I'm not digging it. It just feels too unpolished compared to the real campaigns.

i moved past RTS when shogun: total war came out, although i think mongolian invasion was out by the time i played it... but now that i think about it, i was a huge fan of Lords of the Realm 2, and Dawn of War: Dark Crusade is kind of like that. I liked how Dark Crusade would save the way you built your base in conquered territory for when those bases are attacked... plus the stories in certain areas, the voice acting, as someone who didn't know shit about Warhammer when that game came out it was very interesting and fun, although these days the space marine memes are pretty played out for me and im just back to total war, mostly empire darthmod.

SC2 (as soon as my internet stabilises)
Whatever factory units I can afford

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Yeah China seemed kinda gay. They should have gone with Mesoamericans or Hindus for the new faction. Ancient China is pretty cool in general but their mythology is like the least interesting part.

i made animal exhibitions in zoo tycoon. then waited months for the scenario to end

Replayed the human War3: RoC campaign on hard over the weekend. While it took me two tries to hold hearthglen, the rest of the campaign is rather straightforward, and I dont get how people can say that they couldnt defeat mal'ganis.
Also played some of the iron harvest alpha, which was okay, but the game crashed on me with no error log. My biggest gripe I have so far is that all of the infantry support teams barely have any range, so it's more effective just to get mechs od the same type, so I hope that gets balanced better
Played some dark crusade comp stomps with friends, which was okay but I had tor reduce AI difficulty to standard because they couldnt keep up or keep track of a minimap to see that others were getting attacked
Lastly, since I finished with my BFGA2 campaign, I hoped to do well in MP except I got ruined in every way so I'm not for it

If you will not serve in combat then you will serve in the firing line!

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>Age of Mythology
Wanted to get back into it but I've had so many problems with the remaster, it's driving me mental. Worst one is the micro stutters every few seconds, happens for seemingly no reason and requires a full computer reboot to possibly fix. Then there's the CTDs when (I'm assuming) it loads a unit or building wrong and I click on it

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zerg doesn't turtle
hatches for injects
good ole days terrans didn't wall
that promote to M3

Daily reminder that most of Yea Forums are a casual at RTS videogames

it's /comfy/

I like both Age of Mythology and Rise of Nations.

>good ole days terrans didn't wall
I've somehow started fucking up the wall like an utter shitter again resulting in a tiny gap that sometimes goes unnoticed, also feel oddly compelled to skip the main and wall the natural on that new disco map which inevitably ends in disaster

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WC3, getting ready for reforged
Druids of the talon
Ain't no time for that
My APM is still ok, could be better
Human is OP

so? you can be tryhard faggot if you want to. but i just enjoy building shit and playing against cpu.

walling the natural is okay if you go for a fast expand, but staying on one base against a zerg I wouldn't recommend, unless you scouted a pool first but those don't go around anymore, except if you're below diamond

I've been getting into Starcraft 2 ladder recently. Did my placement matches in 1v1 for the first time since WoL, and i got diamond after beating all my diamond opponents. Most fun i've had in a long time.

I also installed Warcraft 3 and has been getting into custom games. Trying to learn Green TD in singleplayer before i join a multiplayer match, as the Green TD community tends to be hardcore if someone leaks.

That's fine, but then dont complain when you get bored at making 'Muh comfy cities' and play elsewhere, just to then wonder why RTS videogames are 'dead'


Starsector. Has SOME rts/4x elements, but far enough even from Homeworld.

>Desers of Kharak, AI war
Nice games that i never played for some reason
>Starcraft 2 campaign
I had a childhood crush on Blizzard during it`s WC3 days, but now i feel mostly disappointment
Still i feel i should finish it.
I played the campaing and liked it, but i have severe ladder anxiety

>AI war 2
I think it should be good.

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>He thinks that Aztecs were spics
American education.

>Modern day spics and pajeets
>Comparable to Aztecs and Aryans
>In a discussion about the Chinese, one of the most mongrelised peoples of the Earth

Hello, guys.
Why didn`t you play Planetary Annihilation?
For me it was the lack of single player campaing and no interested friends.
The same issue i had with Sins of Solar empire.

Picked this up over the weekend.
Ended up being quite busy though.

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Zero-K, gonna learn how to into air as second factory in this FFA as soon as i stop getting my ass kicked

I recently started to play the AOE 2 campaigns and there are so many things that bother me I just can't enjoy them. Too many historical inconsistencies and so much nonsense.

>Attack 17
Regular Knight unit in the game Attack 10
>Didn't give her a banner
>You can kill enemy soldiers
>she's portrayed military commander now
>apparently the sword that the soldiers found burried was Joyeuse the sword Charlemagne
and there's so much more bs
This is just for the Joan campaign don't get me started with the others.

What bothers me the most is that this is an RTS game they could have given the French soldiers around her a + to Attack like a morale boost buff or something.

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The lag that would happen every single game once people started building lots of units. Don't celebrate your game not having a unit cap if it's going to run like shit as soon as people build units

So... is Age of Empries IV a thing, or they gonna remake AoE III first.

Wouldn't mind that, to be honest.

most of Yea Forums is casual at all games, big whoop.

toxic soldier from tibsun

Iron Harvest

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All I care about is AOE 2 DE

AoE IV is being made by nu-relic.
So don't get your hopes up.

i played it, found a google doc primer on the units and general strategy, got mildly competent, then the online died.
thank fuck other commander-style RTS exist, oh fuck why are all of them more complicated i already had troubles with three and a half factories and two unit tiers

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Then would Sins of a Solar Empire count in this thread? Because it's a 4x but is also an RTS.

why can't games get anything right Yea Forums

also inb4 some pleb says it's just a game bro who cares about being accurate at all
It's a game that tries to be about real civs and people also kinda tries to be educational.
You can have great campaign gameplay and you don't have have to come up with unnecessary fictional bs.

>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg/HnuUfGn )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well

Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.g

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>Download Skylines
>Think it'll be a comfy game I can tinker with late into the night and take cool shots of my city
>I can't even connect the sewer pipes to houses
A-at least I'm alright at SC 2

>Uses Tomie image
>Makes a woe is me post
I don't think you've read Tomie have you

>dead genre: the RTS

>AoE1 DE coming out on Steam soon-ish
>AoE2 DE coming out on Steam soon-ish too with dedicated servers
>AoE3 DE announced
>AoM EE recently got a patch
>Warcraft 3 Reforged soon
>Tooth and Tail
>Command and Conquer remakes announced

are you on drugs or something?

Early 1990s LA is such a comfy setting.

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looks just like fallout

>remake x5
>literally who
>literally who

That`s why RTS are dead.

>>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
I don't use Discord because I'm not a faggot but having the DM could get him banned or something right?

fuck off, you fucking retard

>I'm not a faggot
What race do you play in Starcraft?

>they put all SWAT games on steam but Swat 4
reeee i know the AI is shit compared to 3 but i want my Swat 4

Its not dead if its doing better than before. All the player numbers are up.

Sure, we might lack a wide variety of releases, but doesn't most game genres? People still play Cs:go after 8 years, and there are no new games to compete with it. The new games we do get are usually pretty good, such as They are Billions.

>apparently the sword that the soldiers found buried was Joyeuse the sword of Charlemagne

This is just incompetence imo

The Narrator could have said that the sword is rumored to be the sword of Charlemagne

Why do people post this pasta? What's the appeal? It's TL;DR for most, not particularly interesting and never gets a lot of (you)s, you wouldn't even have this one if I wasn't asking a question

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>What race do you play in Starcraft?
I don't really, tried a couple of years after release as not Tyranids and Humans. Decided that knock off 40k isn't for me.

>Calls Starcraft knockoff 40k
>Says he isn't a faggot

GoG my man.

Basically, i consider a genre not dead, if it has a nice community to play with, not 3.5 same guys.

While i had a lot of fun back in the day playing RA2 and Generals ZH on LAN, RTS no longer have same communities as, say, FPSes, MOBAs (fuck Dota, btw) and MMOs (half my friend circle is returning to classic right now).

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Is there any stone age RTS ?

>they are billions
Is it fun?

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There's one in early access

>Tooth and Tail
I love that game for the charming aesthetic, but I don't believe it's keeping the genre alive.

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hol the fuck up
did GoG brought the right to publish it or something ?

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Isn't she that one actress who was part of a sex cult, that branded women?

How close it to Redwall, feel-wise?

Why is the AI so shit?
>Build a few towers and a castle
>AI sends knights to suicide attack the castle

I wouldn't say there's a lot of Redwall in it. To me it felt like I was playing an Ironclaw RTS set in the Industrial Revolution, only without magic.

>Basically, i consider a genre not dead, if it has a nice community to play with, not 3.5 same guys.

>what is Gameranger and Voobly

and just think of the influx of people playing AoE2 on dedicated servers, provided they work properly

Bushie Bushie Bushie

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How do I get into the command and conquer franchise
I feel like I'm missing a core part of rts history by having never played them.
I also want to know the references I hear sometimes.

No idea, just a random Yea Forums image

Back on topic.
What do you think about RTS mods? What are your favorite?

I really liked FOK mod for DoW, all that options and better distinction between anti-armor and anti-infantry weapons. Sadly, some battles became a real slog and UI for additions feeled extremely unpolished.

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Yes, its very good. The campaign just came out a couple of months ago.

Also like to know this

Joan campaign The Cleansing of the Loire

>Take down 1 English castle with siege equipment
>Fastolf triggered
>Attacks my castle with a bunch of knights
>They all die easily just from the castle arrows

How is this acceptable?

Red alert is a classic, but i don't know how well it holds up in the modern day.

No, you're thinking of the blonde lass from Smallville


>play AoE DE
>try to play against two Hardest AI
>my success hinges entirely on whether or not they decide to tool rush me



That's your own fault desu.

Off topic but i loved starsiege tribes and all the deployable mods such as bases n whatnot.

>crack it
>devs mined the game and buildings get infected by themselves

There are more up to date cracks

Where? I get mine from Yggs

Anyone playing They Are Billions? I'm finding the campaign pretty fun now that it's released

>joining discord
>all those wrong moves on your part
is this one of those "things that never happened" posts i hear so much about?

I could tell you but jannies would hate me

Rise Of Nations is great and Rise Of Legends is extremely underrated.

lost my first sc2 game of the day bros

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>playing RTS online
only got yourself to blame

>It's a faggot Terran uses warpcruisers episode

>1 loss
come back when you lost a hundred of times

Happens every single vs Terran game I either don't/can't scout in, want to sudoku as soon as I see the blip appear on the minimap
BCs were a mistake

Stop compstomping

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>how does I build comprehensive defense
You just suck user

Supreme Commander 2
You do what you're told!
Yes always
The enemy base
Nothing, I still play all my old games
Nothing really

yeah the campaing is shit

playing aoe definitive edition campaigns. the babylonian one 7th mission is fucking hard. niggas keep coming all the time. i will lower the difficulty to standard

why would i?

Sudden Strike 1

New AoM runs like shit, I don't know how they fucked up a 17 years old game like that.
Massive FPS drop, the more units you build the more laggy it gets, it's almost impossible to manage a fight. Not to mention the constant crashes for no reason.

works fine for me

For me, It's Dune 2000.

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UA and edain mod, altough edain mod excessive adherence to the lore pisses me off at times because they cut my favorite race, the goblins.

There is also the hyrule conquest mod, homeworld complex and FX, Republic at war, thrawns revenge and soase E4X.

>Warcraft 3 Reforged soon
If you're immortal then yeah it is "soon".
The devs working on the patching are literally scamminbg Blizzard and it's great

is this shit playable? heard people complain about bugs and crashes

why was settlers 2 so comfy? no rts game gives me comfy feels like settlers 2

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people are reporting serious performance problems with AoE2 DE as well

What a shocker.

My prediction is that it will come out a buggy crashy mess with very poor performance. It will probably take months of patching before it's in a good state.
I'm tired of this shit man.

What are the best campaigns in aoe2? I went through Franks and it wasn't all that enjoyable. I'm having a blast playing online or with bots, but the campaign just feels so restricting.

Fucking true man, such good games. Never felt rushed or boring, just chill.

>start new game of civ 5 in last era
>complete the apollo program and tech tree
>no science victory, game keeps going

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You gotta build the rocket

You need to build a spaceship

They're telling a story that's why they are restrictive.
You can't have every mission be a deathmatch.

Attila campaign is the best from the originals. The Catalaunian Fields best scenario.

Spent my summers at my grandparents house playing this and red alert on ps1

Age of Empires DE on steam and some Rise of Nations cuz i kinda wanted to use nukes
a shit ton of babylon towers
the fucking villagers in 1 DE everytime i sent more then 3 to hunt a deer. I can't belive how shit the pathfinding still is on DE
Rise of nations, and being salty Rise of Legends isn't on steam
Aoe2DE and Aoe4

I can't even play AoE DE at all because it crashes even though my computer meets the specs.

so you paid for a defective product?

I've been wanting to play the homeworld series for a while now. I have the remastered collection on GOG but should I start on the original version for a first playthrough?

For DoW Ultimated Annihilation
For BFTME2 2.02
For Company of Heroes Blitzkrieg
For Supreme Commander 2 revamp



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I love Company of heroes 1 ( 2 is suck ass ) do you guys have anything similar to recommend? I'm open to all kind of RTS

>these sneaky ass bases
is this silver league

I lost

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Company of heroes 2
Panzers and elefants
Mental omega update, fucking do it

i played knights of honor yesterday for a couple of hours. its good but the graphics made me stop playing it

I can't seem to get into this game even though it looks fun. Am I just a filthy casual?

Daen of War 2
Men of War: Assault Squad

I've been on a city builder kick, played the hell out of Frostpunk recently, but it's coming to an end. I've completed every achievement and solved extreme difficulty, and the threats on endless aren't enough to keep an endless run interesting past the first two storms.

I guess I might go back to Tropico, but staying in power on there is pretty easy, so it's all about maximizing your income and swiss bank account. My favorite is 3, but 3 has trouble with large population sizes, things start to break down around 1000 or so people due to traffic being a problem.

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you need to play the tutorials. and once you start a new game join a war and raze the tiny villages to get gold then use the gold to hire merchants to make gold

This sounds boring

go play fortknight then you zoomer faggot

Playan CoH1 with my little brother this last week.
Along with SC2 it's one of our favorite games we use as a way to kill an hour or so with each other in the evenings while shooting the breeze in VC.
>our favourite dead genre
It's sad when you say it this way but how would it even get better?
I like experimental stuff like Natural Selection 2 but I when I play AoE2 or CoH or SC2 I don't lament the lack of new stuff. They're basically just perfect and scratch the itch perfectly.
I miss Battlegrounds.

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Supcom with a sprinkling of civ 4.
Secret nuke bases.
>You would make a ship sail against the winds and currents by lading a bonfire under her deck? I have no time for such nonsense.
A space race victory because naval invasions are a pain sometimes.
My engineers to stop playing bumper cars.
A worthy supcom sequel from AotS devs.

where we at?

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SC ( Stronghold Crusader)
One of the best RTS

Good post ladderbro. Reminds me that I should get back to laddering.

High bronze - low plat.
I don't care about calibrating this season. I just feel I have so much things to best. Right now I somehow manage to occationally fuck up reaper extend or 17 hatch or just YOLO when I see the enemy army - all to the point I'm not interesting in continuing the game after. There is no point in victory if you've already shit your pants.

>Right now I somehow manage to occationally fuck up reaper extend
It's okay lad, should see the state of my replays. Have to laugh when you go in intending to mech, and forget the refinery until you see you can't afford anything requiring gas.

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So many SC2 bros here.
How do you all feel about the SC2 esports, I wonder?
How do you feel about Scarlet being recognised by the Guiness book as the "highest career earnings for a female competitive video game player"?

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What do you think about SupCom2? I played both and I see why people prefer 1 but I don't think it deserves as much hate as it gets

It's fun
Especially if you're into turtling

You've just stroke a nerve or two of mine with that.
It's like this:
>okay, some helions to haras - check
>a medivac or a blue flame upgrade - check
>armory - check
>now all I need to do is make some tanks, thors, some more hellbats and viklings
>just two refineries up and running

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>How do you all feel about the SC2 esports, I wonder?
For me it died many year ago

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Well, I've learned to enjoy Endless Space 2.
Horatio is a real asshole, though.

Years on and GSL is still a blast to watch personally. I don't keep up with it daily, but have the odd day where I cosy up and marathon what I've missed, maximum comf

Never really cared for >her beyond leading the whitey GSL comeback a while ago (even if >she got BTFO on the reg)
Absolutely howled at THAT game with the nuke

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I recently finished Halo Wars and found it pretty fun. Any other RTS games that are good for newcomers?

Warlords Battlecry, either 2 or 3 (completely different campaign styles so pick which you'd prefer). It's an earlyish RTS/RPG hybrid with legitimate depth to the hero builds, so even if you can't into the strat you can still build a monster of a unit to carry between maps and micro about the place

SC2 is a solid choice too, online is F2P and you get one of the SP campaigns as well

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>playing protoss
>for the life of me i can never properly wall off
FUCK. Thankfully the AI is retarded.

Fucking based.
Can recognize the game just by looking at the thumbnail

Thanks, I'll defently check it out.

Scarlett is fun to watch just to watch her randomly choke in half her games

zerg or toss?

>Play Forged Alliance campaign
>Build so many turrets I can't produce any units because I've hit the population cap
I have a sickness and I can't stop

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Why? For defense? A proper setup with shields goes a long way.
Also, you need to learn each phase of each mission; specifically, where the enemy will come from when the map expands.

I really enjoy SC2 but I don't pay that much attention to the esports aspect of it outside of korea time. And I guess that's SC1 anyway.

Also HoTS > WoL > LotV

The esports can be very fun to watch. That's the the reason I initially got interested in playing. Seeing Larva beat some loser using his foot was extremely entertaining

Just build some artillery then.

>le tranny meme haha I'm funny
Go identify as an attack helicopter somewhere else

Again, that nuke game where she didn't have game sound for whatever reason is a GSL highlight imo

>can't scout in
Expect happy ships then.
Just place some spores/cannons (not too many) and get queens/stalkers into posisions.
Proceed to rush Corruptors/Tempests while being defencive, but keep a decent ground army.
Scout for enemy army composition then. It will probably be mass BCs.
Leave some infestors at home or be ready to recall. Attack the terran, kill 3rd and deny 4th base.
That's about it most of the time.

I used to play RTS games and I prefered the city building aspect. The impression games (Caesar etc) are nice but you kinda have to build around the mechanics of the game if that makes sense.

I'm not a big fan of city building games in the modern era either... Can anyone recommend me a comfy city building game?

Not exactly city building but Rimworld generally scratches that inch for me


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never got this. the celts were obliterated from everywhere except traces in ireland, scotland, wales, and northwest france while the germanic tribes persisted and were "never conquered"

I'm quite serious.
If a person tries to "transition", one identifies as a certain gender and assume a certain gender role - like being a housewife or something for a females.
Being an esports player does not suit it in any way.
Scarlett is just a loser that abused all that gender bender hype to get some fame and recognition. Just like some "traswomen" manage to win powerlifting competitions.
It's all lame as fuck and denies actual women.

>AoE1 DE coming out on Steam soon-ish
It's already out, once again it's gone completely under the radar


Sounds gay?

As opposed to what? Being a Korean Starcraft pro?

based, usually nobody mentions the WBC games but they're fucking great

Most of Yea Forums are casual in a bad way. You can be casual and /comfy/ or can you be "muh gookclicker". Same shit happens in fighting game threads when the OP is about how hard they are. Thread gets filled casual faggots.

Oh god fighting game threads on Yea Forums are awful

Can confirm, not that it makes playing them any less fun

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I only like warcraft 2 and 3

What are some games with viable turtling?

Yes and? e-sport faggots killed the genre by making sure that everything is optimized and solved

Stronghold is mostly about turtling and building elaborate defences to fend off hordes of medieval infantry

>tfw no open world slow but more open RTS game

SC2. Turtle terran is the bane of many a gold player.

7 Kingdoms was almost like that wasn't it? Just a big map with neutral towns that you'd subvert/conquer to expand until you hit a proper neighbour to rumble against

Too much of a coward for online Plays and the IA is still terrible.

Any beside supcom and zero k?

AI War?

Just take more bases.

He did say Gold, expanding beyond the natural is scary man

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>he thinks gold zergs know broodlords exist
>he thinks gold protoss know carriers exist
>he thinks gold terran know bcs exist
>he thinks any of those players take more than three bases in 20 minutes

tooth and tail is similar enough but your com is passive and does nothing but sponge enemy bullets and act as a mouse cursor
NOTA is a Total Annihilation like but the commander does not move. i'm not good enough in it to say how it plays compared to others but the concept is neat in it's own way

Atlease they play them at all. Elitist are the reason RTS is dead.

>tfw I will never again come home from middle school to play Age of Empires on the MSN Gaming Zone

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If so many people on Yea Forums play SC2, why are there so few threads about it? Why is there no trace of a general on /vg/?

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>MSN Gaming Zone
It hurts my heart just looking at it again.

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kek no one tell him about the sc2 general

Tanks and BCs
Never, I'm always trying to get better at harrass
On the minimap
The good old days of WC3 custom maps
I want to see how hard MS will fuck up AOE3DE and Relic with AOE4. They already fucked up 2DE by going the Reforged route and making fuck ugly 3D models that blend into the terrain.

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fucking based
only honest lads play terran

Opinions on Ashes of the singularity?

Is Sins of a Solar Empire good? I know it's a strategy game but I think the title is pretty cool

Playing some Stronghold 2 and having a blast, is 3 really that bad ? and how about Crusader 2, want to try them out

It's sanbox so it can get stale after a while. Good thing there are a lot of mods to try out.

But elitism creates diversity and nitches. Nowdays every game feels the same.

CivCity rome

3 really is bad. Crusader 2 is just Crusader 1 but watered down.

Caveman 2 cosmos for civ 4 will scratch that itch.

Supcom clone.
Good if you like supcom.

Yea Forums hates elitism when they arent the ones being elitist.

Can't wait to get home and murder zombies today

iNcontroL rip

Geoff "iNcontroL" Robinson. I saw him in a grocery store in California yesterday. He was wearing a greasy tank top. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was a little taken aback, and I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his fat hand shut in front of me over and over again. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle and fart as I walked away. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly

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I was never involved with /sc2g/ on Yea Forums back in the day because I wasn't into rts back then but I can only imagine it died due to stagnation from a critical mass of kpop tards and people realizing that the game didn't hold a candle to brood war.

kshitters actually played game for the most part, moving them off to Yea Forums was a mistake

General was banned because the retards wouldn't stop raiding other generals. I think there's one up occasionally nowadays.

>the retards wouldn't stop raiding other generals
It's all flooding back, "I'm 404ing this shit" literally got thread deletion on that board disabled. Even before the mods did that, you had the other big generals move to tripfags creating threads just so it wouldn't get deleted so far through

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I miss those days

Did anyone else play American Conquest? It was really large scale, you'd build units by the dozens/hundreds and grouping and controlling them efficiently required a drummer, banner holder, officers and such (at least the european powers, natives were different). There was an entire campaign with a focus on line battles from what I remember

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Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga >>>> AoE2

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For me, it was Cossacks.

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C&C remaster soon brother

That actually looks really similar, right down to the formations
>same dev

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Wrong image

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Can't they come with something new and original?
Or is all the talent gone in the industry?

I'm having such a great time playing AoE1 DE right now waiting for AoE2.
The campaigns are great.

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I like this game. So cool atmoshphere and Kane is based

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after the shitstorm that was 4, do you really want them to?

Strange to see. So familiar, yet so different

If they can find proper people to work with?
Why not..

Meme as you want about Alberto but African Kingdoms are very well made campaigns. Finished Sundjata and doing Tariq now.
Bretty good.

>mfw AoM will never get a proper sequel
There's so much material you could try and use for it. Fuck the Chinese pantheon, I want to see India, Mesopotamia, Mayans. Fuck it, throw in really minor pantheons like the Israeli one. There's a lot of fun shit you could do.

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>haha look at all these casuals I love to curbstomp them
>why is this genre dead

>Playing Zero-K campaign
>Ignore mission specific advice and do nothing but build Lotus Towers and Gauss Cannons everywhere for defense while slowly pushing forward with a massive wall of hundreds of cheap artillery slinger bots.

I'm pretty sure this isn't how you're supposed to play the game but I'm too autistic to stop.

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This is the reason why they all hate warcraft and starcraft. They are mostly interested in base building and "turtling".
In reality tower defense or city builders would be a better match for 80% of anons here.

>t. Alberto Barbosa

I actually have never played the AoE campaign at all, I've just done tonnes of multiplayer.

very important question
which one do you like more
>resources per minute, like rise of nations
>static, like age of empires

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Try it, on harder difficulty especially.

Per kill.
>tfw playing 1st Soviet mission LIBERATING Berlin while this plays

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On the contrary, I try my best to teach rookies all across Yea Forums and even Yea Forums itself
But after a few days, they simply lose interest, while it's understable since I can be overbearing at times given my 4000 hours at AoE2, it's still disappointing
The worst of all is that when I get invited to low level lobbies, in which I mightly resist to rush and carve everybody's a new asshole, but at the same time, Black Forest maps actually make me want to kill myself, so it's a limbo
Ironically enough, the best aoe2 players I stumbled upon dont use Yea Forums, so that might be a sign

>That's fine, but then dont complain when you get bored at 'Muh comfy singleplayer bing bing wahoo' and play elsewhere, just to then wonder why platformers are 'dead'

It's the same with DotA clones, except that people can protect their fragile egos by blaming their teams. But yeah, there's several genres that have died because a small gap in skill can cause a shutout almost 100% of the time, making it difficult for the masses to play.

Personally, I quit both SC2 after a year or so because of the nervousness I got every time I'd do a random 1v1, it wasn't that bad, but why do I care to continue to subject myself to it when I could just relax playing something else? I quit with a record of 66 wins and 5 losses sometime in Season 2, though I think about six or seven of those wins were undeserved (IE, opponent made a tiny, fatal mistake or I took a long gambit and it paid off, felt like a cheap victory). Did the same for Company of Heroes 2, climbed my way to the top of the leaderboard and started getting matched only against people in the top twenty to thirty ranks. Every game was nerve wrecking and the smallest of errors could bring a game down like a house of cards, it wasn't fun anymore because I had already bested most opponents and now it was just a slugfest at the top of the ladder in an insular community I didn't much like.

What kind of "unusual" settign you would want to see in an RTS game?
I remember there was Giger's Alien themed game.

Out of traditional systems, I like resource per minute. I think we've past the time where the micro involved of maxing resource gain is interesting, I'd rather resources be a strategic decision rather than maintaining constant production of workers and microing them to harvest resources.

I do like some of the more experimental systems though, limited resource counts, WiC's replenished resources from losses, stuff like that is neat, even if no one's adapted it to a tournament setting.

Aye, AvP Xxtinction. I think the campaigns all had unique mechanics but I only remember bits of the marine one, basically got a load of units at the start of the levels and had to micro them through
You'd think a console RTS would be more macro focused out of necessity but nah

Forgot muh image

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And you can't even play the old version of the game because windows banned it from their computers for some reason

teh age if empires 1 definitive edition on steam is surprisingly comfy

I mean I expected regret but playing the campaigns is so COMFY

This. Sadly it will never get its DE.


>Some guy in my friend's lobby was being a cunt, an actual unberable cunt
>Gets his ass handled in the team game, mostly being dead weight, gets salty
>I point how much of an useless faggot he was, starts bitching
>Challenges me to 1vs1
>Although I rarely accept, I did, but I hosted
>My lobby, my rules
>Open map (cenotes), I pick celts, he picks huns, Fast Speed
>He notices and calls me a scrub
>Tell him to green up or leave
>Game starts
>Have lured both boars at 8th villager, tries to lame but I stop him
>Pull a 22 villagers feudal time and do a 5 MAA Trush, deny his gold, deny his building stable, raze his defensive tower with my villagers, killed plenty of villagers
>Faggot tries to wall desperadly wall me off but MAAs knocking down wood walls, archers pelting building villagers
>Tries to do a cheeky scout harass but 3 spears at berries, at wood, at gold and at stone solves it
>Inmediadly castle drop him with many spears backing up the villagers, right on his TC, pump mad woads and build workshops
>He calls me a noob and ragequits

To this day, nobody expects, nor knows how to handle a celtic MAA rush

Fuck the Cybran!
Fuck the Aeon!
Glory to Earth!

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I find resource per minute more stressful, because I keep watching the numbers go up and thinking "Go faster!".
Apart from that, I like them both.

I wish we'd get another attempt at something like Natural Selection or Caliber. NS had some great moments even if the balance was a little wonky, it'd be fun to see something built specifically for a combination of FPS and RTS perspective.

I think if I had to design a game similar, I'd split it into teams of six, three teams of six on each side, and one of the six being the "commander" on each group. The commander would micro a few drones around the players which would provide vision around them as well as let him use certain abilities (Think things like EMP, ensnare, shield, etc) drawn from a shared energy pool. The idea would be the commander has access to a lot of information and can act as a force multiplier for his team but can't really directly affect the battle himself. The FPS players would be the ones able to directly influence combat, but for certain things they'd be reliant on the commander to handle, such has hacking doors open/closed or handling other infrastructure things.

i didnt buy the SC2 expansions because i took one look at those widow mines and instantly knew they would be enraging to play against, didnt look at the game for like 5 years after that. years later i saw some guy in a thread say that he blamed widow mines for the games collapse and it took blizzard like 2 years to nerf them.

was he right?

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Screencapped coz of autism.

this game is an rts.
it is the only good mobile rts.

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*teleports behind you
heh, nothing personnel commander

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I haven't played since reapers lost their D-8 charges against buildings. Used to love high risk, high reward reaper play as Terrans, punishing anyone who didn't keep a token force on hand to deal with them or build at least one base defense to drive them away.

Any recent news on AOE 4 and the cnc remake?

>join discord of that only working WiC multiplayer
>try to organise a time for at least a 2v2
>some people respond they are in for playing
>be online whole day
>none of the fucking turns up
fuck this, can't even get a game going on the fucking discord made for finding players

All that would do is kill developer hosted servers. What a stupid post.

terrans had too much gay shit they could do. wasnt fun to play them.

so, is there any discord/steam group or something for RTS anons to group up? I play a lot of CoH2 but I also play coh1 and MoW AS2 and we could play some oldschool stuff like OpenRA or AoE2/3 just for fun.

Yea Forums groups are always cancer but we could start a game in this thread.

really been enjoying them as well. they did great job with limited architechture etc

RTS games are dead because the people wanting to play in a solo tournament setting are pretty low, and the number decreases every time someone discovers they'renot hot shit like they thought. You start with the wood league dropping out, then the bronze, then silver, all the way up to masters, and suddenly you've only got a few dozen people left.

I think one of the options for attempting to reinvigorate the genre would be to build an RTS system that's kind of like an MMO. Before everyone gets out the pitchforks, hear me out.

MMOs show that if you have a gameplay system that focuses on keeping players engaged, they'll stick around even when there's "nothing to do." In an RTS context, the equivalent to an MMO would be doing things like objective based single player maps (Perhaps randomly generated or with some shuffled objectives/enemies/events during it) that you could do as a daily event, similar to WoW's daily dungeon or FFXIV's roulettes, a set of linked compstomps at various difficulty levels, or really anything that encourages players to play together in a team based setting and work for long term goals (Perhaps it's to unlock certain things for a faction, maybe skins, or something else).

Once you have a steady playerbase being kept by these methods, you introduce PvP, or start expanding on it. With the playerbase maintained, you won't have an issue that players drop out and never return, instead, they'll get their asses handed to them and drop back down to the PvE aspect, eventually recovering and picking up the PvP side again. While not 100% ideal, there's still be a population of players at any given time, which is far more than can be said for any other RTS outside of Starcraft right now.

fuck that
rts needs good map editor a la warcraft 3

Those days are gone. Anyone with skill at creating has moved on to things like Unity and Unreal Engine, where they can make something of their own without limits and possibly make money from it. Mods and custom games are becoming more niche as time moves on because of it.

Steel Division 2, play it faggots ffs

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Look up C&C The First Decade. It goes from C&C to Generals XPacs.

>RTS games are dead because the people wanting to play in a solo tournament setting are pretty low
I thought the same until I played SC2, it seems just about everyone in that community, and it's a surprisingly big community in current year, acknowledge 1v1 as THE game mode and something to get better at

My friend and I can never get a 2v2 game anymore, is it fucked?

>Those days are gone.

Yeah, cause there are no fucking map editors anymore. the reason wc 3 and aoe 2 are still played these days. and they are solid games.

also 1v1 are the way to go, aoe 2 tournaments are mostly that

delet this

>barely an RTS
>northgard, meeeeeeh
I love RTS but yeah.

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Am I getting old or something, this reads like Egyptian to me.

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Days remaining before what?

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Have you been living under a rock user? DotA2's got a map editor, and it does get custom games. The trouble is that when something blows up, everyone wants a piece of the pie and pounces on it, which winds up causing it to cease development and eventually die.

Autochess landed on there, became huge overnight, and suddenly Valve, Riot, and Epic all had to make their own version of the game, splitting the playerbase into pieces before it could form. If you think any custom game can get going in the modern era when someone sees they can code it in something else, you're mistaken.

can we talk about the fact that AOE2 DE looks fucking gorgeous?>

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til the sun WHIIIIRRRRRRRRs earth


A bit undecisive about the units but the architecture looks great

all i got was empire earth as a child

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Let's make it personal then, what do YOU think is the most comfy RTS of all time?
RA 2 for me

Don't really care about it, but i appreciate it keeping SC2 alive for coop commanders.

nah, what killed RTS were faggots compstomping retard AI all day like turbo autists. Playing against another human is so much fun, dunno why people get so "scared". You don't see this shit with CSGO or dota or any other multiplayer games.

>remakes and remakes
dude the game's not bad, but it's not good either
i mean it has potential, a fuckton actually but the devs charging money for every new clan is just a scam

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Armies of exigo had a faction that was very geiger-esque. There's also the tyranids and zerg.

As for settings, i want a dark fantasy rts, like diablo or dark souls kind of setting.

Hmm like PoE world?
Post-apo fantasy maybe?

so much sloppiness in that bait

you can't really do an MMORTS without dealing with leveling and eventual pay to win accusations or excessive grinding.

>devs make RTS investing huge time into good design and balance to make the game fun to play vs each other
>retards keep playing vs AI that always behave the same way every game

RTS is dead because there is no influx of new players. You all gotta realize that if this shit keeps up, when our generation dies the genre goes with it.

Don't know exactly how to solve this issue, make simpler rts, use a popular ip, appeal to compstompers. Whatever it needs to be done needs to be done fast, else the genre will dissapear.

I've already stopped reading.

That could work as well, or even something like victorian fantasy like bloodborne.

I love fantasy RTS but there comes a point where the design of units start to get generic. Also, you mean path of exile world or pillars of eternity world?
Cause path of exile RTS would be fucking awesome.

Path of Exile, yes. Vaal factions with gem upgrades for units, etc.

American conquest fight back/Divided Nations, vanilla + modded.
2nd battle of murfreesboro (AKA stone's river), a new map for our small HDN multiplayer community.

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Played the Anno games?

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The crashes are probably your antivirus

>I don't think it deserves as much hate as it gets
Its just the worst sequel in any medium ever made.

Anyone here has played Original war, and if so, how in the fuck do i destroy the arab base in the american campaign the one after choosing to betray or stay with the general.

I've made heavy gun vehicles, rocket launchers, even bum rushed it with infantry and i can't do jack shit.

play AC!

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There is a Civil War expansion pack, right?

the sequel is majorly focused on the ACW but has a battle from the 1812 war and several campaigns about the texas war of independence.

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we have korea time at least

yeah, try to stay in power in Tropico 5 with hardest settings, sometimes a million rebels pop out of nowhere and things get out of control.
3 and 4 are way too easy on the political aspect.

is there any torrent of the Steam version for AoEDE?

Was playing coh 2 and this jackass decided to fucking rush 2 tigers with 2 34s and expect me to throw away my Jackson
I told his dum ass the Jackson's benefit is range and I don't have a tank that isn't made of paper.
I'm starting to get tired of 3v3 and 4v4s. I get matched with loads of fucking idiots. Yet I haven't lost a 1v1 in ages.

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play 2v2s with me, I actually managed to get top100 with retard randoms.

Yeah, I enjoyed Anno quite a bit, always a good time. I've played 2070 the most, it grabs me more than 1404 did.

I'll try that out, I haven't played much of 5 at all. Personally, I think city builders need a hard loss condition (IE, rebels throw you out of power) and a soft loss condition (You need to meet this quota of goods produced by the end of the game or you lose). If you only have one, you either have to make the hard loss condition too easy and thus the game gets boring or with a soft loss condition you wind up min-maxing too hard to simply fill the objective to the detriment of everything else.

I played some Open Transport Tycoon and had the second issue, basically, you don't really win or lose, the only thing that changes is how much money you're making. I was hoping Rise of Industry would be more fleshed out, but it seems like it either has you in a death spiral of debt or everything is going so smooth there's no risk.

Yep, elitism kills.

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>I think city builders need a hard loss condition (IE, rebels throw you out of power) and a soft loss condition (You need to meet this quota of goods produced by the end of the game or you lose).
5 has this, I don't remember ever losing in 3 and 4 but on 5 I got my ass kicked several times until I got the hang of it, and even then things get hard sometimes.

3s and 4s on CoH are pretty imbalanced, puts too much focus on the late game, and Americans were never really strong at late game to begin with, on top of being reliant on tanks that suck in a slugfest. Just do twos or ones.

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nah, team games are VERY balanced, the problem is that if you have one bad player he will drag everyone down with him since resources are always being used to the max. And if you have a good team you can rush early stuff and rekt the people who keep waiting for late game vehicles. also now that call ins are getting nerfed team games will see a lot more light/mediums.

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>Playing against another human is so much fun, dunno why people get so "scared"
It's inheritantly personal in RTS where 1v1 is the norm. Even ignoring the other guy, whatever he does, how good/bad he might play, you can lose from a series of fuck ups on your end that you're processing and poorly reacting to in real time.
Some people can't cope with the (possibility of) loss under such conditions

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Yeah sure I'll add you on steam. Let's play every Wednesday.
See this is the biggest problem I have with the game.
I can't help but play 3v3 and 4v4 because 1v1 and 2v2 are just too fucking small. In a 4v4 I really feel like I'm in the shit with my men dodging bullets and tank shots while my tanks are distracting at/flanking the massive wave of German armor.
I get an erection when I see that shit.

what are the best maps for forged alliance forever?
I only play against bots so competitive autist symmetrical shit need not apply

I'm playing stellaris, it's not very good.
I thought about getting broodwar on this computer, mostly so I can 100% fact check Tastosis during their casts

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>Daily reminder that most of Yea Forums are a casual at RTS videogames
well yeah
I'm fast, I can micro and macro, but have babby tier strategy when it comes to 1v1 broodwar, I never really got into the competitive scene, but I love watching koreans show how it's done, and Artosis show how bad players beat him because they're so bad

Dem buildings tho

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I hope the mechanical changes don't mess up the competitive scene.

That looks pretty great, will be trying that out when I can

Is that underwater?

A half working buggy mess of a game but boy I love it for its ambitions, out of all RTS games I wish someone would pick it up, polish it up a little and maybe slap some new content.

Not to mention the fact that the games are big time investments. Take all the negative things that cause people to get salty/anxious in fighting games (personal skill/training in learning character/faction incredibly important, mindgames and outplaying another human instead of cheesing a CPU, no team to deflect blame on, playing against an opponent much more skilled than you means you hardly get to "play" at all, etc) and add in the fact that matches aren't just simple 2-3 minute stomps. Barring getting rushed with villagers/builders in the first 3 minutes, you could play for a good 10 minutes before the enemy rolls into your town with an army twice the size of yours and makes you feel like a fucking idiot.

One advantage RTS games have against fighting games here are team/diplomacy games. Where even if you're low skilled you can talk your way into teaming with a strong player and supporting him despite being bad. Or maybe even going 3v1 with other new players against a more experienced player. But usually no new players are allowed in team games so they don't even get to experience this.

3v3 and 4v4 were shit in CoH 1, theyre actually pretty good in the sequel. Probably the only thing 2 really did better.

Yes, Submarine Titans

Because all it comes down to is memorizing the best build orders and micro, I’d prefer to figure out my own stuff even if it’s suboptimal.

Its fucking beautiful. Its gonna lag to shit isnt it?

aoe2 hd lagged so yes

>Whatever factory units I can afford

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My thing for large matches in CoH is more because my playstyle doesn't mesh well with them. I'm pretty good at deducing exactly how much I need to overcome a player's forces and how to flank so that while I might take some losses, my opponent always takes far more and is usually dislodged from their position and has to regroup. In a large team game, you kill some forces and take a beating, only for there to be more enemies behind those that continue to wear you down. Large games favor longer, more protracted battles that work on attrition over lightning manuvers that crush your enemies and allow you to continue to advance, and I just can't play that way.

That's one of the reasons I was so excited for the Americans on their release. The entire faction is balanced on a razor's edge of having a lot of firepower per unit and flimsy but fast armor, to the point where you really have to cut and measure exactly how much punishment you can take while gauging how much you can put out. The margin of error is small, if you get routed, it's usually your doom, but you have the potential to murder the absolute shit out of the enemy in short order before they can escape you, and for a fraction of the cost of the units they have that can do the same.

I haven't played in several years, but my only real complaint about the Americans was that they didn't have a lot of openings and were heavily reliant on riflemen throughout the early to mid game. Riflemen were strong as fuck, but when they get countered, you don't have a lot of answers other than popping smoke and hoping you can get in range of things. Nothing like clever scout car play, sniper attrition, or anything of that nature, just more firepower in the form of BARs and Grenades. I can live with the relative weakness of armor considering good use of it will allow it to do things other factions' armor can't (Such as the high penetration of the Jackson chewing through tanks at range).

If people here are afraid of being bad, why don't they play lopsided RTS team games against real players? Like a 3v1 or 5v1 if they're really bad. Surely it'll be more fun for both sides, right?

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and most importantly

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Thats how I used to play vs my shitter friends, 4v1 Zero Hour was great.

Part of why RTS died is because of the dogshit SP and lack of proper campaigns.
Most people don't seek out RTS games for competitive PvP MP.

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>favorite RTS mods
Empire at War remake. Hands down.

>>Tooth and Tail
You namedropping games that died pretty much instantly on release is telling of how clueless you are.

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hi anons
does War for the Overworlds is permitted here? for those who don't know it is the spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper and it's very addictive.

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It's so fucking hard even on medium
still stuck on this ONE mission

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Who foaming at the mouth for Flash vs. Snow in ASL next week?

The fun in RTS comes from reading your opponents and knowing what they can bring to bear and countering it, when your opponents are bad enough, you just roll them no matter how they gang up on you until you reach the point where you simply can't match their sheer output of units despite playing better.

this guy probably has no idea what is Underrail

lul that game
I was listening to the pylon show, a podcast mostly about sc2 and broodwar.
Artosis, one of the hosts pretty much buys every rts game and tries it, and he actually liked that game.
The other host incontrol liked to shit on him for playing that weird rat game, and once during the podcast they ended up looking up how many players the game had, and it was like 3 players at that time, it was a small single digit number, entire playerbase at that moment.

thread about to die, anyone want to play some aoe2 HD? lobby name: vidya gems, pw: rage

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I want Flash to win so badly, but he's piloting a broken body now, and Snow is a monster protoss against terran.
I still haven't recovered from watching how Snow utterly dismantled Last, the second best terran in the world, 3-0.

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I refuse to uninstall this game. I know it's good, there are just games that takes more my attention. But someday I'll swear I'll fucking start playing this one for real -maybe stream it or some shit too since people don't know it.

I always forget how bad AoE1 was in comparison to AoE2.

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dunno if you are trolling but: my steamid kmzero

>incontrol liked to shit on him for playing that weird rat game

I'd join you but my internet's being a cunt

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DoW is the only RTS I’ve played

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Abuse the terrain by putting sound generators under reefs and covering them with hydro/STOP turrets, former are 100% cost effective and deliver some sick DPS, latter's med. torpedoes explode mid air for AoE damage and guaranteed chip damage.


What did they mean by this? I reckon it's objectively faster than BW due to the streamlined control freeing APM for micro

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>+2.5 summons

Wtf does that mean user.

Also nice autism chart, but you have a long way to go since you are missing a lot of RTS.

>Real Time Strategy
>No strategy involved, just follow meta and build orders
>A clickfest so huge it puts Cookie Clicker to shame
wHy iS rTs dEad?

We're going home.

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>no settlers

Age of Mythology(not the shitty Extended Edition), replaying the two campaigns at Titan difficulty
AoE II HD both because I'm trying to git gud, I always fuck up after reaching feudal age and eventually fail to reach castle age in time
My absolute nigger
>"To each one of us falls a task, and that all the Emperor requires of us guardsmen is that we stand the line, and we die fighting. It is what we do best. We die standing."
I understand that guardfags are fucking obnoxious but damn this one was some kino shit

attack and protect memes are fucking cancer. Fuck off with that nigger shit.

AoE1 was my childhood and has always hold that same mystic feeling. And there is nothing like seeing all the ancient empires fighting each others

AoE2 may be better as a game, but the setting is just so boring, I rather played Stronghold instead, when I wanted to see middle age.

I played the beta. It's fantastic. Looks absurdly good and the action queue thing makes it so much better to play.

>warzone 2100
fukken based
i'd mention the hostages under resources for act of war by the way, pretty sure that was the main income for a bit, ravaging enemy infantry and taking the survivors into custody to generate shekels

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>Be retard casual
>Can't strategize for shit
>Must follow "the pros" or else won't win any games
>Blames the genre

not an rts

someone needs to play AC

Attached: Austrians rout french grenadiers.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

Anyone wanna get some AoE2 going? I used to play with a group of Yea Forums frens years ago but lost contact with almost all of them ;_; fun times were had

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Orcs have 3 summons, humans have 2 summons.
2 factions. 2.5 on average.

AoE1 was better in many regards. Units are so imbalanced it makes the game a lot of fun. For example a single Centurion can kill 12+ Chariots alone, OHKO villagers, destroy towers without breaking a sweat. Elephants also cannot be taken down by pretty much anything and priests are so much more valuable.
Gold is hard to come by and therefore gold-intensive units are a bigger gamble. You might want to decide between upgrades to non-gold units or dishing out a few Cavalry. I feel sea warfare is also has a bigger impact.
The game is smaller, less diverse, but much more meaningful in all things you do while AoE2 is more balanced and has counters to everything.

I would
but I'm trash at the game

So under acquiring it should also say something like "Gained Through Capturing Units" ?
Does that describe the method sufficiently?

AoE 1 also had better cheat units

Makes me wish Yea Forums played Scourge of War
>play Scourge of War Waterloo with /vg/ once
>I cut off a french regiment in some woods
>he is constantly sending couriers requesting reinforcements out of the woods
>intercept all of them
>eventually a letter leaves in a different direction
>intercept and read it
>'To the commander of the Prussian Division that has me encircled, you are a nigger'
>proceed to point even more of my cannons into the woods and finish him off

>'To the commander of the Prussian Division that has me encircled, you are a nigger'

I pass the minimum requirements but I might have some trouble with recommended
I fucking need to upgrade, isn't it?

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do people still play that game? I'll try to hook my AC club into playing it. I played TC2M and SOW:Gettysburg, they weren't my jam but the concept is cool. We love the detail in AC.
Infact, the popular online MP mod and servers for SOW:Gettysburg were designed and developed by Garnier, the same guy who made the HDN mod for american conquest divided nations that we still play.

Nice story.

The Beta already lags like hell

I think it's based on the story of that kid that shoot himself with a shotgun because of a tranny discord kept blackmailing.

You're not good enough at RTS to worry about build orders, no offence LED

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i like static like starcraft, but RPM is easier to manage and i'm more used to it by now

Shit man that makes me want to get a group of Yea Forumsirgins to play this game a few times.

i'd like a cute anime RTS
hell maybe even a mahou shoujo one, where you're leading a squad (that eventually turns into an army) of magical girls against legions of baddies from heck and other unsavory places

Resources per Minute is much better, hands down.
How many times I had to wait for 15 seconds so my villager could cross the map and bring that literal 1 food I needed to age up.

>Empire Earth
>3 player comp stomp vs 1 AI on medium
>13+ hour game
>1 player stuck in the renaissance
>firing cannons and muskets at mechs with lasers and missiles
>villagers getting nuke bombed.

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I'd kill for a victorian-style nighttime only, werewolf/vampire RTS.

I had this really weird idea to make a Mario rts. Similar to the doom rts some nig made a while ago.

>do people still play that game?
Nope, need to organize groups outside of the game to play it.

that planetary annihilation line needs an update
this doc might be useful in that docs.google.com/document/d/1Dsei8IJwItf5GYRBHn4hz-T6lDC21S51ETBTm74dcsE/edit
keep in mind that there's also a second, fan-made faction that has mostly similar unit numbers to the vanilla faction, but wildly different behaviors

how big is your group? we have a group too, this is what I meant by "people". Can you fit in a few more players?

It would, but it's been years and I can't actually remember how important it is in the long run. Might want to double check with other gameplay footage just to make sure before editing

Dont even have a group, I played it years ago when /wgg/ wargame general was still a thing. Even then we only got 8 people

top kljasd

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>“They came on in the same old way and we saw them off in the same old way"
>t. Wellington
Fucking brainlet who just follows the meta, piece of fucking shit
>lul let me just use this build order because I'm too fucking retarded to come up with some new strategies
kys anglo scum

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I want to play Supreme Commander. Does anybody else play? Does anybody know good times to find games?

I want another DoW1

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Use FAF if you want to start playing online. I found that it's particularly good to find games when americans and russians are awake. Generally though someone is always hosting a game.

metal fatigue
heroes of annihilated empires
hostile waters
urban assault
fate of the dragon

i was gonna say WBC and seven kingdoms but your list is so based they're already there

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It's strategy in real time in similar to stronghold.
What the fuck would you call it?

is this the manlet rage I have always heard about?

t. didn't really play AoE2

I genuinely sometimes forget how great the unit design in AoE2 can be. The only downside I suppose is the rock-paper-scissors design so one unit that is super tough can get countered in a practical manner by something. Example being paladins which are really tough but can be taken down super hard by halbediers, or cataphracts that are immune to almost everything except a shitload of arrows or gunpowder.

Heritage of Kings is straight 2000s RTS and is a worse game for it, kinda like Black & White 2

City builder

Attached: Settlers2.jpg (1024x768, 253K)

I have 250 hours of AoE2 on steam and play it since original release in 1999.
Rock paper scissors design is fair but not as fun. No matter what, having accessible hard counters makes everything safer,

>4 teammates vs 3 AI + 1 wildcard AI
>We all wall up
>Wildcard AI gets scalped by the other 3
>uh oh
>Waves of units crashing down on our walls
>northern buddy gets his wall breached, and most of his town destroyed
>manage to plug the wall with units until their waves die down, re-wall
>decide to venture out now that we have enough units
>There's a dry river running diagonally across the map, splitting us and the AI
>said dry riverbed is flooded not with water, but boats
>Jesus that's alot of boats
>Spent HOURS meatgrinding units back and forth, sending fullstacks of units out to die in a pure hell of cavaliers, arbalets, pikemen, champions, galleons and fireships
>notice AI villagers are running up to our walls to harvest wood, gold/rock
>AI has strip mined its way across to our side
>We're only surviving thanks to the happy merchant trade going on between us
>Eventually meatgrind our way into their towns, another hour or so of house to house fighting to destroy castles/town centers
>8 hours later, AI has finally capitulated
I've yet to have a single more intense game that that.

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Even though you'd be fucked in 10 minutes if you don't build and army and you'll be out of resources if you don't attack?

sorry for posting that image btw, the farm placement is absolutely disgusting

Settlers games have this meme sequence where it goes military every other title or so, it's not accurate to call anything but the earliest games city builders

yeah fair, 3 or 4 seemed more rts-y

Vox Populi's happiness system makes me rage
Civ 5's happiness system in general makes me rage, who the fuck thought that was a good system to begin with

Add me: steamcommunity.com/id/tribalbeat/

Dawn of War is pretty much the closest we'll ever get to a more outlandish and dark setting in RTS. Everything RTS nowadays seems to be some fucking sci fi shit or akin to Civ.
Fair point. I remember playing AoE during one random match against AI and I couldn't for the life of me do anything to counter their unit spam so I opted to tunnel them somehow and make a sort of last stand with hoplites. They just kept crashing into my wall of nearly invincible units, even harder when I managed to upgrade them to phalanx

4v4 on highlands can be just as great. I remember one particular game where the terrain made it so that the only way to get from one end of the map to the other one was through the middle. Both teams fortified the shit out of that spot with castles, towers and all other sorts of stuff. It was just a sea of dead pikemen, skirmishers, broken down trebuchets and light cavalry

AOE3 may not ever get a remake, because of the AOE games that one actually aged relatively well, hell, its original MP servers are still up.

I liked it at first.
Kept me from going insane ICS after my first game, but that was partly due to ignorance, the meta before BNW(especially in g&k) was ICS but I was scurred of the culture cost penalty.
With the tech cost penatly that came in BNW it was still doable, but not ideal.

After covering the map with cities in civ2, I appreciated that it was more welcoming to tall strats where you placed cities sparingly. A bit extreme with bnw perhaps.

>5 years ago
How time flies.
>tfw no circlejerk of various levels of faggotry and occasional sc2 anymore

Do you guys like sins of a solar empire?

Who here BFME?

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RTS went the way of the arena shooter

Because the devs are/were literal jews that tried robbing me off all my shekels.

I think the power gap between Tool and Bronze ages facilitates the hell out of rushing and makes it less fun for starting players but it's so satisfying, specially in the campaign, if you manage it.

I savescumming a lot there, the barrels surprised me twice and didn't know I had to click the banner on top left for reinforcements so Gandalf never arrived for me lol

we just want freedom my boy, oh yes - tip of the spear, feels oh yes

It is a legitimately super hard mission. Between having to juggle super few troops between the wall and the gate, the fucking crossbow uruks making short work of your elves and having like no access to anything except archers because horsies are super expensive you're in for one hell of a ride. Oh and then the fucking ballistas that absolutely destroy your armies with their 10000000 range. IMO it is the hardest mission in the good campaign second only to the gondor rangers mission where you have to take out a Mordor base and they keep spamming fucking mumakils

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I just got into starcraft, I know I'm late but I'm having a ton of fun. Me and my buddies were bored waiting for WoW and so we played SC2 since it was free, did a few ffas and vs AI. Now I just want to play sc2 and watch pro matches which absolutely blow me away. I'm going to only play zerg until I'm decent.

Absolutely baaase-
>I'm going to only play zerg

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>tfw my favorite obscure childhood RTS is impossible to run on modern hardware

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terranchads where we be?

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God, that was awesome game and multiplayer was something special.

I can't wait to waste my time on the new editor of the definitive editions.

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Do you know if the sequel is easier? I went blind so I took too much care of my heroes so they didn't level up enough and I sacrificed too many high level squads without noticing so I think I'm pretty fucked. And I know how the whole thing will end so might as well move on.

Is the ranger mission the one with the elephants?That shit sucked.

Do you know the exact nature of the issue?

can't virtualbox it?

The good campaign in 2 is easier by far. Elves are OP as shit and can 360noscope any army before it can even get in range. Dwarves are also pretty based, they're tanky and have busted heroes along with some fairly good meme units like the dwarven battle wagon, although they have shit for ranged units because the axe throwers kinda suck dick so you're pretty screwed against units like mumakils

The evil campaign however is an absolute fucking nightmare because you are outclassed at every turn. You start out as goblins and your army is always generally shit so you mostly rely on heroes to take out enemy units. Goblin spiders are the most decent part to that faction but they of course get countered super hard by even the weakest pike squad

The expansion to 2 is even harder. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking, and you can't savescum anymore because they made it so you can only save in between missions IIRC (been a while since I played it desu)

Colors get fucked and become blue/purpelish, mouse shits itself, AI seems to lag, you click them to move and they move like chess pieces, list goes on. Its a shame since apparently the game had an expansion pack I never got to play. Haven't found any effective fixes, especially since its obscure abandonware.

dgVoodoo would be my goto fix for graphical issues. Try that. Might even help with lag

I feel like “you build a building that provides that resource” should have it’s own name instead of being lumped in with “any”.

Also there's a trick to making your life a whole lot easier in BFME 1. In the first Moria level, don't let Gandalf get to level 2 before you fight the Balrog. If you kill the Balrog while he's still level 1 using just wizard blast (it's a pain but bear with me) he immediately jumps to level 5. Shit's fuckin bonkers and you're absolutely going to need him at a high level for Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith

>Colors get fucked and become blue/purpelish
Try having a "Screen Resolution" or whatever it is called open while playing the game.
It solves the color issues in starcraft and seven kingdoms.

If that doesn't work, then close down explorer.exe while playing, that solved the color issues in aoe2.
I remember making a .bat file that closed down explorer and started aoe2 for my dad so he could play aoe2 with proper colors.

Is this game good?
looks a lot like age of empires, which is my bread and butter

Referring to AoE?
That wouldn't include all the various ways food is collected though, sheep, game(deer, boar), ocean fish, shore fish, berries.
Any is lazy even though it's described in the legend, so maybe I'll change the AoE lines to be more descriptive.

If you're curious why that works, it's because having that open leaves Windows Aero running, which doesn't play nice with old games. Disabling Windows Aero by using a classic theme works well too, though that will cause issue with recording software if you like to make webms or stream.

I'll try that Gandalf trick if I go back to BFME1. I really want to try BFME2 now, it sounds pretty comfy to play with elves and dwarves and I can relax a bit if it's easier.

It's Age of Empires, but bigger. You have more resources to manage and much bigger armies. I'd recommend trying it out, but it's kinda awkward. I found that the game runs extremely slowly normally, but if you bump up the speed at all then cavalry move at the fucking speed of sound.

Ah neat.
A little disappointed that i'm not a tech-priest, but it's better to know why.

Thanks for the advice, will give it a try when I get a chance

BFME 2 is pretty comfy. The only downside is that the Gondor and Rohan factions got royally screwed because they got combined into "Men of the West" which is horseshit IMO because not only was Mordor expanded but evil factions got the new Goblin faction and Isengard stayed the same as well. Guess it was to make up for the new Elves and Dwarves

awkward how?
what are some must-apply fixes im im pirating the anthology version from GOG?

There's lots of upgrades that do the same thing and the scale of the game takes getting used to. Age of Empires has a lot of stuff streamlined.

only play coop and customs
versus is too stressful

the voice acting would be painful to listen to

Fun game, played a shit ton of it

Randomly started playing RoN today and ended up playing it for 8 hours. Holy shit game is cozy. At least until nukesand they start nuking your autism economic hubs.

I always cap it to the Enlightment so races still look unique.

I started playing warcraft 3 again after years and I've kinda forgotten how the campaign goes but I really felt like playing it again however I know theres the new remastered version coming out and I kinda want to wait and re experience the whole campaign again with the new graphics. Dunno if I can be bothered to wait.

Holy shit I loved that game I picked it up at yard sale at 14 and played the shit out of it. Loved the music and watching my dudes charge into battle

Anyone else have a soft spot for AoEIII? There's just something cozy about the wilderness feel to it and building up menagerie of saved animals and outlaws.

Waiting on this to come out next year. I bought in to the Alpha and have been enjoying it's rough states.

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Play the edain mod, they give proper unit rosters to gondor and rohan, split elves to forest elves and rivendell elves, dwarfs get 3 factions with different heroes and some unique units, mordor gets a mechanic where sauron levels up when you meet certain challenges like having 20 orc squads, isengard is mostly the same, angmar is better.

With that said they FUCKING removed goblins, so if you like goblins it's a kick in the balls.

Could someone please tell me where I can learn basic strategies for AoE 1 DE? I'm getting better but I still suck ass

>never got this. the celts were obliterated from everywhere except traces in ireland, scotland, wales, and northwest france while the germanic tribes persisted and were "never conquered"
Celts weren't obliterated, that is not how ancient invasions worked. You didn't just slaughter everyone.

Also that image is meant to be a mock up of Hadrians Wall across the nothern part of England seperating Roman Briton from Scotland.

not aoe specific but the principal remains the same throughout all good base builders

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elitism is a natural consequence of having at least a mid range IQ.
Whats the alternative? embracing being bad at everything and not improving?

I always found it humorous that nukes required knowledge as an input resource to build. It makes sense from a gameplay perspective, but it's also a bit tongue in cheek -- you get dumber for building a weapon that could theoretically end the world.

based whitera

This stranded alien established a death cult in order to obtain enough mysterious resource and go back to his home planet

Why does no one like aoe3

Yes. Most competitive RTS is cancer is play or watch. My idea of a good time isn't clicking faster than somebody else. MAWAS2 and Total War are the best kind of RTS I can hope for because they're more about the actual strategy of fights rather than anything else, even though Total War dumbs down to 'hammer and anvil' every time sadly.

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bad game

is there a comfy RTS game for mobile?

They really should have gone for a mythology with better creatures.

>Play SC when it first came out
>There's a mission where you're the Cybrans and you have to attack a UEF on the other side of the map across a river.
>Navy and land troops get slaughtered
>Air units too
>Spend an ungodly amount of time building as many lvl 1 bombers as I can and send them to attack the enemy base all at once.

I built like 80 of them at the very least, God it felt so good.

Who are the Scrin?

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Art of war 3 is an RTS, free to play with wait times but it's the best you can get in mobile.

I don't think you know what that means.


Is cossack 3 good?
Also should I get American Conquest or American Conquest Fight Back?

It's exactly the same as the previous ones but looks much better.


you can just use the compatibility options on the .exe and force lower bit colors.

also for everone using W10 mark the "disable full screen optmizations" stuff, that break most games for me, even modern ones

citybuilding fag here

I just found this. I thought it was crazy enough to work.


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Best RTS for fun on your own: AoEII
Best RTS for fun with frens: Brood War

> click strategy on steam store
> fucking rainbow6 siege is on the list
> click "turn based" thinking that would fix the list for actual strategy games
> lol here's your tactical RPGs fag

no i won't accept it

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isn't this just Raft but with a top/down perspective?

Its one of the classics. The music is superb.

C&C4 was a mobile-only game originally but execs pressured whatever was left of Westwood into making it a full numbered release and they wanted it PRONTO
they were literally forced to shit out a half-assed product that they didn't like themselves. Right after doing it they got the fuck out of the company to never return
right decision if you ask me

mane this game is KINO
we'll never get a sequel tho, just like we'll never get Ground Control III, another franchise by the same niggas (Massive Entertainment).
Now they're making shooty games for Ubisoft and it makes my heart hurt

Sounds like Zero-K.
Free open source RTS you can play in steam and has a steady player base.

>you can just use the compatibility options on the .exe and force lower bit colors.
Works for a lot of games, not all.

ok if anyone is wondering and is still interested.
The first games (C&C,RA) aged BAD so for that is up to you if you want to fuck with open RA, but that shit changes a lot of things.
The rest are ok, so enjoy and dont join the GDI jews.

Raft is Waterworld meets minecraft

Buoyancy is Waterworld meets Banished and Katamari Daimacy (the city moves around)

Are you fag gonna keep qqing all day or are you gonna make a discord/group for people to play some RTS?
Can't believe I never played this, everyone praised it back in the day.

Banished is the most comfy and already a classic. There are good mods too.