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Other urls found in this thread:


Is it really 4 days away? Im interested but I didn't look at anythng related to this except the trailer

3 days and 4 hours actually

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Reviews start coming through in about 2 hours

Do yourself a favor and check out the E3 treehouse vidoes

reviews are only slightly better than Yea Forums shilling, which is to say, not very.

i have a game voucher and dont know whether to use it on this or fuaia enburemu.
what do i do?

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I just want to know how long the games is, I ain't buying 30 fps platinum games in dark

use it and buy a new voucher

>swtich only
why does platinum hate pc? When its us that saved them from bankruptcy?

Reviews are up in a couple hours obviously journo scores don't mean shit but if you actually read the content of the reviews you might be able to decide if you want it

20 hours plus according to some journos

Not including post game

not gonna buy it. Too poor. Maybe gonna get it around christmas if its good for reduced price.

That's not bad compared to like Legend of Korra or Transformers Devastation
I still wish it was longer but now I might consider it

Is there a lot of post game content beyond S-ranking all the fights?

I hate poor people, die.

When are the reviews coming out?

all the embargos forbid discussion beyond the 5-6 hour mark, so no one has talked about post game content. i hope there's something.

there is beyond just replaying the same chapters at higher difficulties and collecting achievements

reminder its $50 at walmart like all new games

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it's over for platinumcels

>there is
where is the proofs.png

This journo has been talking about the game. He really loved it

>Jubileus, Aesrir and The Senator are literal child's play compared to this. Did not think I would ever type that, but here we are.

>In the third stretch of Astral Chains postgame content and after a short feeling of mastery I'm now repeatedly kicked in the cojones again. Things like item management and abillity slots are becoming crucial now. Brutal stuff, really 50 hours. FIFTY hours. And still lot's of challenges left.


no u

Apparently there are actual post game challenges, not just replaying previous missions.

Attached: 20190826_065753.jpg (720x591, 136K)

Are there different difficulty settings?


there was a picture of the achievement screen that had like 130 achievements, many of them rewarding cosmetic outfit pieces like hats, tops, bottoms, etc...

Dunno why I asked when they're usually a given in Platinum's games.

Achievements are the "Orders". There's 185 of them, with basic milestone stuff, s+ rank, finding hidden stuff, etc. Each one rewards materials or costumes.

Attached: xQk6xsu.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

yeah this is the pic that is getting deleted by nintendo ninjas I was referring to

just put my pre order in bros. hope they send it early

I've never had it deleted. The video its from is still up, chapter 5 was allowed to be shown. Also here's the one for enemy database. Taking pictures with the camera adds enemy to database with model viewer. There's 167 enemies.

Attached: j7JWPUX.jpg (1280x720, 444K)

my bad, I just couldn't find it anywhere so I just assumed

Will you be playing as the guy or the girl?

do you really need to ask

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i will be rewarded bottoms and i will like it. Amen.

Only deleted leaked image I've seen is this one. But considering how customizable the HUD is with color themes and display toggles it's not too surprising that voice can be changed. Wonder if there will be cameos like maybe Alice from W101, or if these are other characters of AC.

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Guy because whenever I'm given a character creator I always create a pretty version of myself because I am an unimaginative fuck.

I just went with physical because physical fag.
I’m saving my voucher for Animal Crossings New Horizon and D x M
Maybe Luigi’s Mansion 3

Nintendo gives them the pay they ask for and the team’s creative freedom.
Also Nintendo completely footed the billed

It’s to match digital
Plus it’s Walmart
I will always take advantage of those greedy jews

it's not going to go on sale until next year, start saving up friend

I like her butt

Guy because then the girl will be voiced

If you start as girl it's the other way around

Ooh, this postgame stuff sounds neat.

My OC Alice
I make her in just about every game with player creator for like 5 years now
Technically austim but I like it

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As long as you look the words (not the numbers) and the author (not the site) you should get a pretty good idea of what the game is about.


>can't trust critic reviews because paid shills and dick sucking
>can't trust user reviews because "the next TORtanic" fags review bomb high profile releases
So what's the point of having review scores if you know they're inherently biased and skewed?

Do you guys honestly think there will be reviewers that will score it lower because of MUH GLORIFY POLICE?

Polygon or Kotaku perhaps

that's the challenge of videogames in general, which makes it a true hobby

Play the game and make your own opinion

I mean when Nintendo comes to them with a check to support a mid-sized team for ~24 months, tell them to do whatever they want, and they only have to care about one platform in term of optimization, integrations, etc., why would they say no?

The fact that people are even trying to shoehorn AMERICAN politics into a JAPANESE game is proof that certain people shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.

Gonna wait to see opinions and maybe even a small price drop, but it's getting harder to resist

uh because of integrity? once pcchads saved them from bankruptcy they cant just go back to being a kids platform exclusive and exclude us.

more like piratefags, you faggots saved nothing

>$59.99 + tip

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You’re best off going to Walmart buying it for 50$ and deciding

>This is really good!

>This is Okay...

>Never Playing this shit game ever again

Basically form your own opinions based on your tastes and preferences

That guy also confirms you dont need to S+ all missions/sidequests in a row to get S+ on chapter results. You can just pick the individual fights to redo. It's a good thing for those that complain about the investigations or talking to NPCs, and don't have to deal with the checkpoint system of games like Bayonetta, MGR, and W101.

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Definitely not Kotaku.
Their reviewer is basically jizzing all over the game.

This worse part is these people are white and the worse experience they’ve had with a cop is
“Hey you can’t park here”

most Yea Forums users are pc players as most Yea Forums users are from Yea Forums. First I heard of automata is through Yea Forums, then it became successful when Yea Forums users on reddit started praising it. Without a pc version they would never have become bigger than a switch exclusive jrpg.

>as most Yea Forums users are from /v
*as most Yea Forums posters are on pc

Sorry lads will be scooping up the better game

daemon x machina

>fast paced action game

Respect my players time!

Why don't you buy both ? That's what i'm doing.

Attached: RICHAAAARD.png (297x300, 8K)


Lost my shit when a journo asked ahit about US police controversy and Platinum devs were like
>oh that's a problem over here? For us cops are a but boring irl but otherwise pretty heroic

It's not a fast paced action game though you dolt.

Dude holy fuck this guy can barely contain his spaghetti

Where is her ass?


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So it's a slow paced action game?
That's even worse.

No one complained with Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

And what has that to do with Platinum?

>Virgin buying 1 game

>Chad both games on voucher

>Giga Chad both games physical


PC is getting Babylon's vaporware though?

Just look at this violent fascist oppressor of the proletariat!

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>published by Squareshit
So another broken ass port.

I have AC, DxM, LA, DQXIs already preloaded, it's gonna be a fun month.

Both are slow paced action games. Dark Souls being even slower.

Stay seething

They’re trying something new to keep things fresh.
So far the leaks said the game is 30% combat 70% investigation and exploration

Can we plant drugs on the monsters after we kill them?


That's implying it doesn't get canceled in the first place, there's been literally zero word about it since e3 2018

that will never get patched.

>tfw giga chad

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Based and samepilled.
Already liked the groundwork for Daemon and the updates have been nothing but improvements. They even added shit I wrote in specifically like Subtitle formatting and firearm sounds!

Maybe SE realized like Microsoft on how Platinum is known for sucking that Nintendo cock and rather ignore other projects in favour of Nintendo.

Because Steam or Epic or Gog dont fund full games.
Wait for their own IPs that they plan to release in the next few years if you want platinum games on pc.

That or they'll just kick them off after developing the core gameplay like cygames did

>Game looks pretty good and i’m thinking about buying it
>Also want the game to flop miserably so I can shitpost
I’m conflicted bros, what do I do?

>Maybe SE realized, like Microsoft and Cygames, how Platinum is known for sucking that Nintendo cock and rather ignore other projects in favor of Nintendo.

It's hilarious how all of their non-Nintendo projects either fell apart or were mediocre while Astral Chain is shaping up to be their best game ever.

Totally forgot about Cygames, how's the development on Granblue doing?

Good shit user
I’m happy they went with cyber punk instead of medieval
I can already tell DQ 11, Astral Chain and DxM are gonna be running a baton race for the next 500 hours of my life

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They were fired so hard every mention of PG was scrubbed out from the Granblue ARPG credits.


Stop being a retard tortanic shitposter?

Just want to say before the weeklong shitposting begins in 1 hour that I hope you all enjoy the game

See you on the other side

I was basically sold at gyro controls and remappable controls
As long as I can set reset camera to Y like Splatoon 2 I’m a happy camper

Scalebound was probably going to suck from the demo we saw, I'm guessing Microsoft really tried to shoehorn in a lot of Western game design sensibilities that just don't mix well with kamiyas very old school Japanese game style.

based brainlet

I know about Platinums involvement, but I was asking about the game.

Enjoy comfy with us instead of being a nigger.

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Looks comfy.

why the fake overacted voice

I'm going to be honest: even if Platinum released new games on PC I wouldn't buy them because they will be cheap, poorly made cashgrabs.
They only want to make games for Nintendo. And there is nothing wrong with that; it just means that I'm not their target public so I have no reason to buy anything from them that isn't the PC ports of MGR, Bayonetta or Vanquish.

Or Microsoft realized that they didn't give a shit so they plugged off the project and cut their loses. I'm more inclined to believe this given their past five years' non-Nintendo output.

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>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg/HnuUfGn )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well

Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.i

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Why is the review embargo 4 day's before release instead of the usual "day before"? Felt like day before had become standard so just a little surprised.

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Nier Automa got popular because of 2B’s ass
Occam’s Razor

He physically can’t stop creaming himself every time he talks about a game he likes. Poor choice of profession

I think ome of the big problems was they kept.hampering Scalebounds development.
by constantly making Platinum produce demos. Because every other first party was too incompetent to actually make one presentable, lol crackdown being closed door only for years so platinum had to keep cranking out rough demos. Which they could do because platinum can always get something done under the gun. But it kept looking rough as shit and milestones were probably getting pushed back to compensate. So MS and Platinum probably endes up souring the relationship enough to just cut it when stuff like Phantom Dust 2 got nixxed since MS had started wiping projects.

Except Nier was great on PS4 and Xbone lmao get a fucking grip schizo. Bayo and vanquish being shit on PC isn't in their control.

I know this is copy pasta and all, but imagine actually ever posting images of yourself online.

cant believe doug said that, is he... dare i say it... our guy??

I see why Reggie felt so comfortable retiring

How the fuck do I get this voucher you guys keep talking about?


Are you US or EU/JP?

If the former then it's too late

I’ll occasionally post body on /fit/ for easy you’s and compliments whenever I’m feeling down

PCfags are some rather pathetic victim complex bitches huh.

You need Nintendo online, just go on eshop, though i heard in US it's no longer available.

user I....

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>all those people saying it will get 60s and 70s

add funds using a JP 3DS and link the 3DS wallet to your JP Switch account (if you don't have a japanese credit card)

...Wait, did the Voucher program already end in the US? I was sure that was a perma thing as long as you where on Nintendo Online...Right...? RIGHT?!
>mfw I should have bought another set of vouchers when I still could

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Crime rates are also far, far lower in Japan because people actually respect the law and the people who uphold it.

it also was only one per customer

Should I be excited for this game? The trailers made it seem like standard fare Jap budget action game with a weird mix of robot/detective gimmicks. I don't get excited for a game just because Platinum made it. What are people excited for about it? Maybe I missed something.

>enjoys paying $80 bucks for video games
try not to choke on that corporate cock too much, fag

No it wasn't. I bought 2 pairs.

Can someone tell me how many FPS does the game have?

God I can't fucking wait for this game


The literal Kucktaku reviewer is spilling his spaghetti all over this because he doesn’t completely hate anime like those hateful chuckle fucks

it's third person perspective

what the fuck is with the late hate on anime everywhere? reminds me of the zoomer wave hating on smartphones and pornography.

Now see I know THAT is a lie as I bought 2 sets of vouchers ad using them on a few games
>First set was for Hyrule Warriors + Splatoon 2
>Second set was for Super Mario Maker 2 + Astral Chain
>Third set I was planing for Bulders 2 + Deamon X Machina
I was holding off on the third though as money was a bit tight, and I wasn't too sure on Bulders 2 yet so I wanted to wait a bit longer before I doubled down. But FUUUUUCK that's $30+ I'm spending now.

I've got a friend who says he's going to play this so he can't play Pathologic like I wanted him to, what's this game?

I used my 1100 Nintendo Jew Coins to save $11 bucks on my purchase. Would've been able to save $3 extra if some of my coins hadn't expired a few weeks ago.

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>wants bad games
nigger you what?

It’s wasn’t as good as a deal as it was in japan
AAA games can cost 80$ there

Here Walmart matched the voucher price you can get physical for the same price as digital thus no money saved

The reviewer from Kotaku seems to be having the time of his life with this game

Cool concept, fairly unique idea for an action game having two characters you fight with simultaneously. Obviously it's harder to get excited for a new IP compared to an established property but what we've seen looks pretty cool. I personally love the idea of the game, enjoy the aesthetic, and have been impressed with the gameplay we have seen so I'm excited for it, but won't truly know if it lives up to those expectations until Friday.

It was for me because of taxes and the like. You spend more on two $60 titles, then a single $100 purchase. To a point where the savings where like a bit over $30 bucks give or take. Hell I couldn't even FIND physical copes of Hyrule Warriors at the time of.

Because they raped it with loli and gatcha or whatever. Last one I enjoyed was Parasyte.

Dororo is good.

This is the closest thing to an action game thread, anyone got tips on those fucking dogs in Shinobi Ps2?

>cheap, poorly made cashgrabs
what? both bayo and vanquish run great
>inb4 muh ultrawide
>They only want to make games for Nintendo
more like only nintendo is willing to fund their projects and let them actually finish those nowadays.

Kids feel excluded because they weren’t alive to enjoy animation that good instead of pure ass.

Attached: 0D871594-1576-45F3-BD14-E0C240633847.jpg (1080x1920, 266K)

Please refrain from talking about anime when it's clear you have limited to no knowledge, it's embarrassing for all involved

First Persona, and now Platinum is ripping off JoJo

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This is Yea Forums, you can't expect the knuckle-dragging mouth breathers here to know anything about anime, despite what they may believe.

You should be embarrassed for watching animated 10 year old girls and calling it anime.

>He thinks he can take on the Colours
This is why you shouldn't post about things you don't know about
It's bad enough there's some faggot in here who thinks Bayonetta is a "poorly made cash grab"

I’m currently all over the damn place.
I’m rewatching older Studio ghibil movies, Agent Aika (Fan service ahoy) for studying peak 90’s anime looks and attempting to animate Rustle comics because that old fuck went blind and I want to carry on his beautiful Lolis

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is the nsp leak out yet

either they are confident enough the reviews will be high to give it a few extra days to spread word of mouth since advertisements seems to be medium for a Nintendo game or they're just fucking around with dates

Kill yourself have you seen western animation
Shadows barely exist

>Western animation
>The only "adult" western animation film is fucking Sausage Party

Put a guy in that game and see if anyone calls it more than a DMC knock off. I doubt it would have had a sequel since it would have bombed so bad.

I never said that MGR, Vanquish and Bayonetta were shit on PC. Quite the opposite: they're the only good PG games available on PC.
My point is, from now on any game Platinum releases on a non-Nintendo platform will be showvelware-tier at worst, mediocre from a gameplay standpoint like Nier Automata (the button masher some people accuses Bayonetta to be) at best.

If you want to experience good Platinum Games games you have no choice but to buy a Switch.

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>Bayonetta is a DMC knockoff
So is there anywhere online I can actually discuss this genre with people who aren't fucking retards?

what did he mean by this?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 13.34.19.png (635x157, 34K)

>A kotaku journo who actually enjoys vidya and has some good taste in old school anime

Based Tim, hope more of his ilk turn the modern game journo sphere into something more respectable.

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>Muh old school
God I fucking hate normalfags. Although you aren't as bad as those faggots who post some LE WACKY hentai gif and say "oh bro anime is all like this"

Yeah that makes sense. Unless ninty allows for crossplatform or plat finds an even better main publisher we won't ever get pc releases


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I said people who AREN'T retards. /vr/ thinks a 1cc in a fighting game takes more skill than winning Evo

What game is this?

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>Where are my sad dad simulators platinum!! Why aren't the protagonists coming to terms with their own toxic masculinity platinum!! How are my parents supposed to take games seriously like this.

It's funny how keep declaring that old anime = better only discuss and praise the same 15-20 shows.
Given how anime has been a thing since the late 60's and the cut date is December 31th 1999, it means that there is less than one good anime per year and therefore anime has never been a good medium and current anime is no better.

And they wonder why people watch anime.
I want to change that but I already know I’m going to be digging though a mountain of shit but I’m preparing myself for that.

What are you having a stroke about?

yes because araki definitely invented controllable avatars

Guyver and Patlabor are definetly considered old school nowadays

>Change that
Meaning you want to go from western animation to anime? Or the other way around?

You can do yourself a favor and just go away. Everyone wins.

Oh so you based this autistic victim complex on one game you didnt like. Cool I guess, maybe try having sex and stop huffing coolant.

Yeah cause uhm, this guy invented breathing through your nose

Can’t you read you blind fuck?
It’s Astral Chain.

Guyver is a very violent action manga inspired by Toku.
Patlabor is a slice of life with cops and robots.
It has absolutely no sense to compare both of them with Astral Chain unless you want to earn brownie points with stupid normalfags.

Xenoblade Chronicles X 2: Jojo's Revenge

ResetERA and what they think the market wants.

Astral Chain, by platinum and the Zetman guy!

Oh it's another "Yea Forums makes something up and seethes about it" episode

A what, is that like one of those sci-fi things

I think Yea Forums spends more time browsing Resetera than actually playing games.

he's right though.

I accidentally bought 100 dollars worth of resin dinosaurs and blew my budget for the next month. Tell me how much you enjoy it bros, it'll be like 2 months before I get mine.

Keep western animation western just take some of the actual effort and inspiration from anime.
It’s a pipe dream but I gotta try.
I wanna be the change I want to see

The Last Airbender is the only thing that springs to mind for that

user you can't just say something like that and not explain it.

Resetera is a literal den of pedos and Internet bullies
Fuck then.

But Astral Chain features cops with science fiction tech that fight weird organic suit looking motherfuckers from outworld origins.

10 mins til the reviews drop and the shit hits the fan bros


I was pricing out what it would cost to get into a game and I was on the fence about it anyways but in a moment of weakness hit complete order (auto payment setup + shipping)

I sorta regret it because I fear this game isn't even played in my local game stores......

Attached: Ive made a miniature mistake.jpg (682x600, 49K)

Well enjoy user, hope you can pick up astral chain next month, way too many switch games in September.

That was one of my inspirations

My 1st pet project was literally re writing legend of Korra with actual character growth, non benders who rely on being sneaky, using ambushes etc, and lastly an evil tribe of Metal and Blood benders: The Blood Rust tribe attacking everyone

The problem is I don't have a SWITCH yet, and I'm so damn close to BF that I'm considering just waiting for a good deal.

Thanks for the good wishes though!

8/10 from Gamespot

complained its too hard


No problem user
Hopefully they’ll have some good Black Friday deals


>technical problems

Attached: screenshot_05.png (659x232, 16K)

How the fuck did you manage to say so much wrong shit in a single post?

I love platinum, but since all the collectors are already bought, should i day one or wait a little to buy it cheaper?

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>because of integrity
Since when integrity pays the bills? Gaben has more than enough money to pay for 20 platinum games PERSONALLY and doesn't do shit.


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i'll just wait for pc release

Just imagine, we could've gotten a decent game that wasn't running on a crippled, underpowered system.

>while Astral Chain is shaping up to be their best game ever
Now, don't say things that make you sound stupid.

What the fuck are large approximations and how do they impact my enjoyment of the game?


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GameSpot Literally made the girl from Persona 4

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cutting corners


Your character not talking is dumb as shit when they had to give both of them voices anyways

Tell me the boy cop also has hot costumes god fucking damn it.

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I am not sure if i preorder. Just month ago i bought collector's of 3H. Do i buy collector again, or just plain. or not at all? I seriously don't know with this game.

I wanna bet they’re bitching it’s not 60 fps when they said upfront it’s 30 get used to it

Better than God AND Armstrong?
Holy shit what the fuck is this final boss


Jergingha was arguably better than those two.
They can supass their limit again


>will be on a family trip when the games out

Attached: 1564302148875.png (599x447, 251K)

... I’m sorry...

Literal who french review. It's the only one with a score below 80.

A little late to pre order don’t you think?

I'll be wageslaving for the 30th, 31st and 1st

Fucking frog fuckers
Then again they give every game that’s not Fifa or set in France a shit score

Dude it’s a Switch just take it with you lol

Is canon.

Attached: 1566365839521m.jpg (760x1024, 128K)

>chiefags complain about platinum difficulty
just another reason to hate them, outside of the blatant literal faggotry.

You know what needs to happen now.

Attached: Axe-Murders-of-Villisca-7.jpg (2048x1152, 91K)

what for???

A western cartoon that tries to be anime-like is the equivalent of a tranny: a grotesque thing trying to be something it isn't.
I will never understand why westerners loathe anime so much while at the same time steal from it shamelessly.

user pls

>Astral Chain thread
>Some guy brings up trannies
Is there nowhere to actually discuss videogames?

89 now. Only that frog's review bring the rating down.

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I guess since she’s already used to Paranormal shit she’s perfect for the job

FYI, anime has ALWAYS been shit, you just need to sort through it to find the good ones. Before the isekai boom, it was shitty LN harem adaptions, and something new and shitty will come after them.

This must be the Gamespot guy that went on the giantbomb podcast and spent like 15 minutes talking about how he made ff14 catgirls that looked like Chie and Yukiko

Sounds pretty based

Aw yir, this is the moronic excahnge I've been waiting for.
The build-up until user say it'll NEVER release on PC, the swift retort from user concerning emulation, and then the scathing laughter from both sides over how horrible emulation is and how horrible playing on console is, respectively.

Then something about how PC always wins, and something about how there would be any games if everyone just pirated them all, or waited several years to emulate them.

This gunna be good.

It’s just shitposters
No one complains Samurai Jack, Old Ben ten and The last avatar were too anime
They were western as fuck and people loved them

The guy is complaining about the action being hard to follow, he's just retarded

Same could be said of japanese made open world games really.


The game is out in 4 days?
Or 116 hours.

How so? Isn't it the point to just secure a copy as soon as one is available from your closest retailer or preferred online outlet?

So he should just let everyone else buy the copies of which he'd like to have one?

Polygon recommends the game and seems to like it, even though they did bring up the playing as cop thing.

Attached: 20190826_093016.jpg (720x886, 288K)

looks like such a wasted opportunity

>Even though they did bring up something about the game
What a shoddy excuse for journalism, commenting on things in the game

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You are part of a special police force, using your mecha stand to fight crime and otherworldly monsters

I mean yeah if it’s a limited edition
For the regular version just go to Walmart bro.
Dude there’s Walmart target Best Buy
Unless you live out in the boonies where things are in low supply and sell out quickly just call the store they’ll have like 12 copies ready for purchase

It's a spiritual successor to Chaos Legion

Polygon is pretty shit

Agreed, they shouldn't talk about the game in their game review

I've got a pair-a-normal balls she can suck on.

It’s about mentioning the glaringly obvious

Polygon liking the game makes me worried.

>most Yea Forums users are pc players
>First I heard of automata is through Yea Forums
Sounds like you're not much into games if you missed months of a game being popular on a single system before it came to PC

Well shit you’re 100% right

>no dumb police were actually evil twist
This is really nice to know.

Yeah it’s oddly refreshing to just see
“Evil monsters from another dimension go fuck em up”

Polygon are so retarded that there is no correlation between their opinions and a game being good, positive or negative. It's all part of being as utterly unhelpful as possible as a reviewer.

Japan doesn't really do that. At least from the stuff I watched. A popular thing from them (and similar Asian pop culture) is the super cop though.

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>good people can do right
based on their shitty ideologies of course!

>Game is literally made my motherfucking Jesus Christ and can transform itself into everything you want in a game and is perfect is every sense of the word

We know it’s perfect but is it too perfect?
8/10 it’s too good I should be dead to enjoy something this great

Yeah I guess you're right. Still though you don't see it too often in games or maybe I've just missed out on them.

Will Astral Chain scratch my CUTTING DOWN 100 EVIL DOERS

Even Yoko Taro loves it. I wish people would stop trying to force some meme war between this game and Nier Automata.

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To them cops are pretty boring but Robo cop- Ultra cops do hardcore shit

the supercop concept ranges from jackie chan tier just-really-good-at-martial-arts to doggie kruger tier we protect-the-peace-in-space

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Journalists are scum, game journalists even more so.

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72 hours and 25 minutes...

Why do people use Akira Howard as the protagonist's name? They are nameless. Akira refers to the twin you didn't pick.

I unironically want to write a super cop action movie

Ayy this is the guy who spilled his spaghetti all over Dragon Quest XI, seems like a cool guy

>shaved side of the head green hair I think I dated this girl in San Francisco California

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I really hope my package arrives on time.

>game is good
>but doesnt really play like a Platinum game
i'd feel better about this is Bayo 3 wasnt vaporware

But the twin is also a selectable protagonist design. So wouldnt Akira also be the MC?

>Gamespot says he’s played for 40 hours and still loving it

>Jon from Gamexplain says 15

Which is it fuckers, which one of you are casuals
Also why the fuck do they pretend Bayonetta is the only game platinum made

I believe kotaku tried to bring it up in an interview but got shot down
The actuall reviews from them however have been extremely positive.

no, the one you didn't pick is Akira, e.g. the one who dies

What are the costumization options like?

Can I wear full swat armor? Or is it just shit like preset hair styles + outfit colors

>Enemies intros like Bayonetta
>It’s like Bayonetta
>the action scenes follow bayonetta

Did jon never play Nier and Wonderful 101? It seems retarded he mentions W101 in just controls and pretend everything else is bayonetta

Why is it this game gets away with having sexy females by also having sexy males but fighting games don't?

Nier and W101 are not in smash so they dont exist in his Nintendo fanboy mind

Despite sounding like he liked the game a lot, Jon’s review is absolute garbage.

It doesn’t help that he decided to pull a Dunkey response to people criticizing his preview last week

I think just the story itself is 15 hours. The game is longer if you do all the optional tasks. A 15 hour story is longer than plenty of other action games.

You can wear lappy the dog uniform
I’m pretty sure full swat is in

>An upgraded version of Nier Automata’s RPG system
>Nier’s casual exploration

>Combat and general theme of Wonderful 101 with a special forces unit and Metal Gear Rising vibe

>Jon “It’s bayonetta”

Can I be shirtless as a guy?

There's different costume sets, each with variations that you can customize. The first set is the police gear, and you can change top to stuff like armor or a dress shirt, remove the tie and pouches, put leggings on etc. Looks like pants/shorts and boots are tied to the costume set you pick.

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He let his wife get fucked by a black man in response to criticism?

I wouldn’t suggest watching Gamexplain’ review on the account that Jon doesn’t seem to realize he’s spoiling a lot

I'm going to use the power of penis to bring my sister back.

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both are shit since instead of precisely describing the mechanics they just compare it to other games

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One reviewer did mention the combat is hard to explain with text which might be why we see so much falling back to comparisons. It's hard to imagine how the combat feels considering the unique mechanical premise.

Does the game have a stereotypical police outfit? Im talking no armor, just a blue button up shirt, a tie, and a flat top hat

I didn't realise the face and head wear customisation options would be so extensive, usually if you want to equip like a bandana over your mouth you would have to remove your glasses, glad to see I get to fine tune it.

Astral Chain is currently Platinum’s longest game if you decide to pursue all side missions

Not sure on Automata though

Nintendies still spamming this board with their indie games? lmao embarrassing.

The game will have an unlockable Wonder Blue outfit, right bros?

They'll reference our game... right bros?

I kind of miss battle harems, maybe we will get a 5th season of high school dxd.

And costume menu looks like this, showing that those specific chestplates and jackets are part of the Ark Police Gear. More clothing gets added to all menus as you unlock them.

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>One reviewer did mention the combat is hard to explain with text
ie he sucks at his job and should not be taken serious
>It's hard to imagine how the combat feels considering the unique mechanical premise
a puppetfighter with a chain gimmick. see? it's not that hard to describe, those (((reviewers))) just suck at doing their job

>a puppetfighter
What? Is this some more character action tier nonsense?

Judging by the icon for head accessories here I'd say flat top hat is all but confirmed.

Guess I’ll pick this up. Wasn’t sure how it would turn out desu tho it looked cool

There's the hat in the green outfit here. Also if you look at the menus a bunch of goggles and hats are listed in japanese.

Attached: Astral Chain - Customization.webm (896x504, 2.94M)

A puppet fighter is a fighting game term for characters that control an outside character to fight by their side, usually that other character being able to tank hits or otherwise not counting KO-wise, like Rosalina or Ice Climbers in Smash or Kankuro in most Naruto games

it implies that instead of controlling one character, you control two characters, with one being the main and the other the puppet.
you can only really find it fighting games though a current non fightan example would be V in dmc5

>fighting game term

not him but if you want a more conventional fightan example, there's jojo heritage for the future

I have around 160 hours on FE atm and I'm on route 3 out of 4. It's definitely something worth getting if you want back for your buck in terms of game time. But if you want something more fast-paced, Astral will be your pick.

>Fighting Games
>Naruto Storm

Isekais are the worst though and attract the lowest IQ viewers which means it's not going anywhere any time soon

Isekais are the worst though and attract the lowest IQ viewers which means it's not going anywhere any time soon

You act like the PS4 or xbone can run anything at a constant 60... I got some news for you

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It's less so low IQ and moreso cheap escapism. Much like harem protagonists you're supposed to self insert into an isekai protagonist and pretend to live a life more interesting than your own.

I think anyone watching SAO or 'black clover' has a low iq

Black Clover is a battle Shonen ala one piece not an isekai. And yes battle Shonen is a very low IQ genre. Idk what the hell SAO is, its like an isekai in format but without any of the things that make the genre popular. Might just be for kingdom hearts fags who enjoy trenchcoats, katanas, and dual swords.


Your mom

The final boss is Big dick Paul

Fuck off you nigger

That's nice. It can be nice to see something as its ideal, it can be its own form of criticism to show a better version of something

I... I've never been a gigachad before

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