What would it take for you to switch to EGS?

What would it take for you to switch to EGS?

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Lower prices for games instead of same (or higher prices) while offering worse service.

They'd have to offer a better service than Steam as well as allow me to move my entire Steam library over.

Feature parity with steam for starters
Lower prices (much lower) to compensate the fact I'm giving up all my data to the Chinese government

Offer the services Steam offers, while not promoting how "amazing" their services are. Which isn't going to happen in at least another four or five years.

Lower prices

tencent buy valve

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playing pirate games online like on steam

i guess lower prices. otherwise what's the point. but i don't really play new games anyway. or if i do that's usually like year later.
and if i understand correctly the "exclusives" are for something like 6 months

for them to not morally dubious


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I never would because the company is run by a dishonest subhuman. It's like using and giving your bank info to a service designed by Randy Bitchford or Cliffy B.

You can't "switch" to EGS that barely has any games on it. I do use it for satisfactory and Division 2, but only because I have to. The client is still buggy, performance heavy and UI/UX is overall terrible considering the missing features and just odd interactions/placement/design of things

I'm not gonna "switch" to jack shit. It's just a fucking store. And their store is shit.
If they have some mind blowing prices on new games, prices that Steam or any other stores can't match, and make a launcher that isn't AIDS, I'll be glad to buy through them. But I doubt that's gonna happen since other stores already frequently offer good prices.

DRM free installer packages which I can download and store on my archive HDD without having to login into a launcher.

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Considering the 700+ games in my Steam library, maybe some Steam sales.

For it to not be Chinese spyware and to have the same features and support Steam has.

Nothing, I already play the damn field. To get me to actually install and buy shit from the store, focus on your customer service more. While the shopping cart itself isn't a big deal, it's a red flag for laziness when the idiots at EGS would rather shitpost on twitter than add a basic feature.

>I do use it for Division 2, but only because I have to.
I brought Wildlands when they were giving away $10 in credit, it synced to my Uplay account and i could just download and launch the game through Uplay without ever needing to load up the EGS again.
Is it not the same with The Division 2?

>buying div2 on egs and not uplay

Lose all ties to china

Why do people pretend America is any different from China?

>m-muh government controlling everyone
The USA has an entire department of government whose job it is to control public opinion. They do so more subtly than China does, but they do it, and the results are no less awful.

>m-muh social credit
America's credit system soft-bans you from jobs, housing, etc., until you give Jews a certain amount of money. That is literally what the credit system in America is: a record of how much money you have given to "investors" (who are 95% Jewish)

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lower prices and transferring all my games from steam

An argument that's not
>but steam sucks too

I'd sooner stop playing games all together than ever touch that infested piece of shit

This. Epic's absolute scumbag tactics have turned me off of them forever.

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Make the games cost less given that publishers shouldn't have to raise prices due to the better revenue split.


Be quiet chang or else ill take 300 points off

>there are chinks that escaped mainland china to objectively better countries that were foolish enough to let them in
>they're now starting shit with hong kong protestors
I just want to go around kicking the shit out of these fucking apes, throw them in a fucking sack and ship them back to their shithole.
Democracy or death, fuck winnie the pooh

>t. commits suicide by 12 shots to the back of the head

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>Democracy or death, fuck winnie the pooh
Fuck off, amerilard. You can shove your "democracy" up your fat ass.

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You think im afraid of the clintons? Thats cute.

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hey, guess what?

>CIA nigger isn't afraid of his boss
Things that never happened.

Something something pic related?

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You don't need credit in the US though. Just buy what you can afford. Taking loans and debt is all on you.

>You don't need credit in the US though.

You are LITERALLY blacklisted from most apartments and jobs if you don't have a credit history or if your jewcredit rating is too low.

>You don't need credit in the US though.
I hope you're jesting, faggot.

Did you have that picture saved in the work computer already chang? Or did your boss ask you do make it yourself?

>b-b-but muh conspiracy theory
You got photo proof of any of that shit?
Because ive got photo proof of your government going to down on your own citizens
Were your chink overlords just too fucking retarded to deal with the people taking pictures?

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Really, to stop the shilling.
That's mainly the thing that's turned me off.

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>land of the free...

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>glownigger projecting about work PCs
Oh the ironing.

>You got photo proof of any of that shit?
Yeah, it's called wikileaks.
>Because ive got photo proof of your government going to down on your own citizens
I wish it were true. Fuck mutt supporters and fuck mutts. t. eastern yuro

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I've never taken out a loan in my life and I own a house and have a job. I don't have inheritance or trust funds or anything either. I'm not saying it's easy to completely remove yourself from the debt culture of the US, but it's definitely possible.

I already switched have fun with chink dick sucking gayben.

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Only situation I can think of would be after a brain transplant where the new brain would be retarded enough to support exclusivity deals for games

>for them to give me my entire steam library, including shit that is no longer for sale or random shit I haven't even touched, for free
>on top of that, a permanent 50% off minimum still including multiple annual sales

how is allowing moba-autistic asians to get their hands on dota2 "chink dicksucking" ?
how does it negatively affect the western audience in any way?
I don't see any blood censorship or removal of skeletons anywhere

>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg/HnuUfGn )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well

Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.n

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never be friends with people from Yea Forums, you have to be fucked in the head to be a regular here, even worse try to form a group from this place

No matter what they do I would not use EGS

This is the most reddit post I've read all month.

>Yea Forums cries about trannies and faggot shit like that
>9/10 times anything Yea Forums related is filled with them
my sides have been keked into orbit.

>posts pics of yourself to fags and traps and shit
You probably should kill yourself.
At the very least delete your account and start over. Thats the end of it then.

Well since you asked, it'd need to have the entire Steam + GOG catalogues, give me "free" "EGS copies" of the 700+ games I already own on there like GOG did with Steam games you already owned, improve everything by about a billion percent, buy themselves out from Tencent and let their entire codebase be regularly audited by professionals to ensure no Tencent spyware remains anywhere, for a start.

I don't think anyone is going to "switch". Fortnite zoomers will just keep using it, alongside Steam and GOG or not, but no existing GOG/Steam users will ever consider "switching" as in completely dumping whatever they use in favor of EGS. That's where Epic fucked up when they started counting on that and spending all their Tencent-Fortnite money, putting aside the moment someone at Epic decided it'd be a good idea to get bought up by Tencent obviously.

They removed the king of the Skeletons due to the chinks though.

What do you mean "switch"? What kind of corporate cocksmoker would be married to one particular storefront?

If they release a game that I'd be interested in buying I'd consider buying it. I'm not going to delete my Steam account about it.

Yea Forums's only fucking good quality is it's anonymity, I can't comprehend any good fucking reason why discord retards exist.
Like, for what reason?
Why the fuck would anyone want to reveal anything about themselves to someone from here, even more so someone who uses discord?
All Yea Forums derived communities are always full of the worst people, they're the unironic attentionwhoring faggots, trannies, irl pedos and redditors, because clearly anyone who does something like that can't be sane.
We're mostly all about anonymity here, so anyone who wants to remove said anonymity is undoubtably a fucking moron, attentionwhorre or newfag

why is he doing the piccolo pose


They would need to focus of improving their service and attracting customers to their service rather than their current scummy underhanded and anti consumer tactics

this was debunked years ago. Mohammedan propaganda blaming other people for their own aggression. It was clear from the start that Islam would die by the sword - it's own sword - before any external power snuffed it out. It leaves the world the way it came out.

>this was debunked years ago.
+10 glowbucks were added to your account.

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Texan here. This hurts to read. What the fuck?