Yfw it's base stat inspection day

>yfw it's base stat inspection day

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bernie is just no good.

Don't worry Bernie. We all have our role in life.

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>Edelgard goes to stab Demitri when he reaches out his hand
this cunt

What the fuck is Ferdinand even good for. Mine has shit STR and shit SPD, only decent DEX.

Dimitri was the retard. Edelgard specifically said it was basically victory or death.

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>Goes out of her way to leave her room and [spoilers]flowers on Jeralt’s grave when he dies[/spoiler].

Shes ok in my book.

Retard for being hopeful that stupid cunt wasn't such a horrible piece of shit.

Reminder that Dimitri near the end was most likely re-written to end up being more likable than what they originally had in mind for him because it seems that death of you-know-who, wasn't originally meant to calm him down.
So, it seems that Dimitri was originally meant to be villain route but IS chickened out of it.

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Be honest, Yea Forums, Leonie spends too much time in Jeralt's room for them to not be fucking, right?

I just started the Black Eagle timeskip, I had Bernadetta kill Ignatz and Linhardt kill Leonie in the first mission even though they're the ones who hate spilling blood the most. It simply happened, they'll get used to it.

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great head canon bro

Excuse me miss von Varley. It says here your strength is single-digits while you're level 17. Care to explain?

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seriously the only damn character that bothers to respect Jeralt after returning to the Monastery, WTF Alois, Leonie what were you thinking ?

ctrl+s fyi

What a chad, now that's the FE I know

It's called cut-content, bro. Both Annette and Felix were meant to turn on Dimitri at one point in the game. Judging by cut dialogue hackers managed to restore regarding Felix/Dimitri fight in BL that was cut, it seems that Rodrigue was the cause for Felix and Dimitri has his usual edgy cold voice during said scene.

As a paladin, he's a decent tank and okay atfacker with good movement.

As a wyvern rider/lord, he's a great dodge tank and good attacker with good movement.

Both builds dont require crazy investment but either set can suck if you get RNG screwed. Wyvern lord just to be safe because ferdinand is good at dodging and countering with seal moves.

thot patrolled

It is in the game unused files retard

So wyvern lord everything, got it. Thanks.

> cut content is better than the end product
Why do they fucking do this

Luck OP

Reminder that Rhea is not out of character in BE just because you don’t like the idea of your waifu being a murderer. Her obsession with Sothis is established in every route and the opening cinematic making her going nuts at the end of BE completely believable since she doesn’t face losing Sothis again in any other route.

Should’ve ran me through Brigand bro.

That's why I dropped Hubert as soon as I recruited Shamir

I guess they were afraid of making one of their lords too antagonistic in their own routes. BE ended up being trash because they were trying too hard to make Edelgard be the dindo in her own route.

Which route? Cause it looks like dimitri is calm, somehow wearing the ugly enlightenment clothes, and fighting felix. GD?

>Felix having a battalion
Disgusting. Reminder that if you didn't leave Felix as a lone swordsman, you've been playing the game wrong.

>Could’ve gotten two unabashed evil routes in one game
Fuck KT and fuck ISIS.

It's Lions route. It's cut content from there that hackers tried to restore.


This is retarded. Him having a bataillon is 100% of the time better than without. His passive just make it so you're not Punished as hard without it.

>there is NEVER a good reason to use Divine Pulse, git gud user

Too late. Ferdinand x Bernie was simply too cute to pass up on.


Dimitri dies offscreen in gd route
Only thing that pissed me off

Ferdinand and Bernie were meant for eachother, havent you seen their A support ? He's lucky, look how cute she became post-timeskip

Nah the bonuses from battalions are just too good to pass up for 5 MT and you can make him into even more of a crit monster with the right one.

Read the filename. It's cut-content that was meant to be in BL route originally. Felix and Annette were meant to betray Dimitri at one point in the game as shown by unused files. That there is just what hackers themselves managed to dig out of the game itself.
Fun fact: It's fully voiced:

>more like penis inspection day (and Bernie is doing the inspecting)

Would have preferred a cutscene of him dying? Doubtful it would go well with some considering who does the deed.

Where did the Edlegard cucks byleth come from?
In my language it says they got married.

At least she's self-aware

Making everything a wyvern is a meme. ferdinand is easy wyvern without much investment because he's already good with axe, so you just gotta invest in flying instead of riding, ferdinands personal skill also boost his evasion. Everyone else likely will take too much investment.

Lack of variety also makes it kinda boring

It's from BL route.

CaspardxBernie was cute too. it was fun seeing her get pissed.

How can we make a smelly neet useful on a battlefield boyos?

Are you the same guy who thinks that the Black Eagle route was a last minute inclusion too? Head canons are fine but if they aren't well thought out or properly articulated you're gonna look like a turbo retard.

What did she mean by this?

Attached: Berned.jpg (1398x783, 233K)

> proven cut content dug out by hackers
Please, before making an ass of yourself posting bullshit, inform yourself

She means if she dies they should set the hill she's on on fire so that her enemies and her headless corpse will all burn

Why the fuck did they cut it out?

>tfw first run on Black Eagles
>"Oh cool Felix needs a high sword stat to be recruited, that should be easy"
>timeskip comes, recruited every recruitable character excluding 3
>Felix is among them


great source bro thanks really appreciate it.

Feels bad. He's devoted to THE BLADE in BE. Still kinda Tsun for the boar

>Fighter>Brigand>Sniper>Bow Knight

I don't understand people who recruit every possible character. The post-timeskip phase loses so much impact this way.

Felix's personal skill is just a noobtrap for those that dont knlw that battalions are absolutely broken beyond measure. The only reason not to give felix a battalion is because he has negative authority growth but even then it's still worth it. Multiple stat boost + gambits are way better than 5mt.

Because it's retarded from a gameplay point of view and story?

Sounds like Felix was just pissed off at Dimitri getting Rodrigue killed instead of actually being a villain himself.
And Annette is definitely manipulated with her family being threatened to be killed.

Not sure why this would indicate Dimitri would've been also a villain route when his route is all about redemption

Tank hits, Rally, Seal Speed. He's a utility character, he's not made for damage.

>infighting is retarded from a story point of view
Nah. Though that might explain why Felix is OOC in BE.

How would Bernie react to an uncensored picture of a ???

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It's a retarded headcanon. It's like saying Church Route is the canon route.

>get dancer
>barely ever use dance skill
>instead i just nuke the literal fuck out of everything
>making miss turboslut, besides OG MC, the most useful unit
did i make a mistake?

Gameplay point of view would definitely make it pretty dumb since you would be losing out on two reliable units from your already small roster (if you choose not to recruit anyone else aside from the units you get).

Felix on BE is pretty silly at times, but having him fight Rodrigue and the boar was pretty kino.

Cant feel the Bern

I like his suffering since it's all self imposed in the Black Eagles route, especially since all his happy endings are in the Blue Lions

What retarded about it? We don't know what that Felix knows regarding how his father died. He might even think that Dimitri killed him in one of his sperge-out moments.

Not really. It would make him look even worse because he would sperge at Dimitri for his father, but he ends up cutting him down himself in cold blood.

Just shot her and end her misery, she'll thank you.

Sorry, but Ferdinand already gave Flayn his noble standard.

How would that help? That would make Felix in BE way worse.
>Kek I killed my own father, problem boar?
This would be hundreds times worse!

top right externally, bottom left internally

Fair answers, but I’d say Ferdie and Manuela is his second best pairing. Also, it’s incredible how assertive Bernie can be in some A rank convos.

Just got to the timeskip and I'm literally falling asleep playing now. Does it get any better?

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Yeah that’s why I didn’t quote that.

>buy season pass
>nothing happens
t-thanks, intelligent systems

>> proven cut content dug out by hackers
>probable DLC route content
Please, before making an ass of yourself posting head canon, think critically.

>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg/HnuUfGn )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well

Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.a

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The problem with Felix is that he seems to actually care about Dimitri though. If he’s willing to turn against Dimitri in his own route it makes it a little less nonsensical.

>start any support with Bernie

How could you even do that route though? Split between axe and bow as noble teach axe up until promotion then teach solely bow? I'll try this on the church route.

Try fixing your sleeping habits.



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just skip all dialog, the story and characters are shit.

Not when the reason for it was the pain that he lost his own father because of Dimitri. BE has him kill his said dad and shrug it off as whatever and he even goes to enrage Dimitri further about how killing his family and friends is no issue to him.
Felix in BE is already out of character, but Felix from cut-content would make BE Felix even more retarded than he already is.

And the battles aren't? I'm playing on hard and I'm simply clicking on the enemies I want to see disappear over and over again.

Post timeskip is when it actually becomes a fire emblem game

>literally arguing about shit not even in the game

Does anybody have a picture of Flayn choking on semen and then dying? I need some Flayn guro to satisfy my hate for her betrayal.

You only need C Axe for Brigand, D+ even could work if you get lucky.

>Dimitri a villain
Bitch please, quit making excuses for Edelgard.

Good fucking point. This is oddly creepy.

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Post pics of your legs

make a new discord account retard

Edelgard did nothing wrong.

>becomes a fruit ninja

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If it was Byleth that was offering it, she would have accepted it.

Quit latching onto Edelgard every time someone points out that your husbando isn't perfect and that he probably would be way worse if FE wasn't family friendly nowadays.

That's pretty goddamn kawaii.

For real though guys. Requesting this.

Holy shit, that's amazing.

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Holy shit edeltards are obsessed

No one brought up Edelgard before you did.

What is going on here?

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>a literal yellow no one kills the emperor and a genetic supersoldier

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I love how Yea Forums shits on Edelgard when Dimitri does way worse things for way more selfish reasons (muh revenge), in his own route at that. Byleth needs to kill a Randolph as an act of mercy to spare him of Dimitri's torture boner that he planned to inflict on him. A man needed to die for Dimitri to snap out of it. He even admits himself that he hurt lot of innocent civilians during these 5 years that included CHILDREN! If Dimitri had a vagina then she would be more hated than Edelgard and Rhea combined for her faults. Nobody would call her based and post punished / Caim memes.
It just goes to show how gay Yea Forums is.

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Yes. You clearly should've made someone else dance for your Dorothea based on your playstyle.

Is there Yuri in these games yet?

This is why letting you name Byleth was a mistake. They already took away customization, just make the name Byleth and use the name sometimes during cutscenes. Avatars were a mistake.

It’s not the dick, it’s the eye patch.

Dimitri only killed imperials play the game

Now there is.

>inceltards so butthurt their shitty waifu only gets 7th im popularity they have to use material not even in the game to try and shittalk an actually popular lord

You can’t make this shit up

Felix x Annette is the cutest support in the game.

Ye flayn has rescue and heal and nosf, her faith kit kicks major ass, her passive isn't too useful though when you're too busy making her run around keeping your sweepers sweeping

But then if I couldn’t name Byleth after myself how would I self insert?

In his route and be. But in GD his rampage extended to the alliance

even for the avatar if you play it as a female?

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That's exactly what I was talking about.

Based Alliance General, saving the world.

Anyone else kinda wish we could charge straight for Enbarr with punished Boar and go full Caim?

>leave the game as is
>people still refer to you as "Professor"
>but if you left the default name on, the character says it in a voiced line in the S rank conversation
Would've been kino

>people actually fucking defend Rhea when the entire tomb operation was her idea and she executed an entire branch of the church to shut them up

she has other qualities

time to buy this game then!

That's some incredibly awkward post-incest tension if I've ever seen it.

Nearly killed him too. Lucky it got him in the shoulder and not the neck.

Every single time.

atheist btfo

>try to resurrect the true goddess
>execute some literal who traitors along the way
oh no

Ojou a best

>the entire tomb operation was her idea
Which tomb operation? The one that ends with you getting the Creator Sword? I thought it was Edelgard getting the Crest of Flames.

>doesn’t like anime
>posts on Yea Forums
>plays anime games

did you get chased out of /feg/ and come here to whine edelfag?

That was Rhea. It was entirely a setup to get you the sword of the creator

Wrong. He goes through Alliance territory without attacking. He just passes through.

Say, if Rhea did successfully revive Sothis, would it be something where Byleth's body is left behind as an empty vessel?

>have 56% chance to hit somebody and thats critical that i hit him with Berni
>Miss once
>Well restars
>Miss again
>Miss again
>Miss again

Thats 0,57^5 you fucking shit game thats 6% CHANCE

Edelgard's motives for raiding that place with the sword was to grab the remains of seiros to make more weapons. Of course it turned they weren't there for obvious reasons and the sword was there instead.

But /feg/ likes Edelgard

>Source: Anons Ass

Really? Which route reveals that? I was under the impression that the Death Knight and dark mages being there meant it was a Flame Emperor and Argathian collab op.

Hello retard

One of the first things I did when the game introduced the time travel was trying to get a better level up. After getting the same level up twice, I just assumed the RNG doesn't change. Is that not the case?

And this is how you spot fags who truly don't even own this game.

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Some dice rolls are cast. Level up stats, misses and crits for example. Attack the same unit with another character.

triptard retard

Who should I pair not-Sasuke with? His C support with Leonie was cute, naturally they get off on being assholes to each other.

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Attached: sis gets poked by bro.webm (800x450, 2.72M)

One retard spamming images and gets told to fuck off every thread you mean

You do fucking realize level ups, crits and hits are predetermined, right?

>her betrayal
Other way round mate, you betrayed her.

Rules of Nature?

Where does it say he kills anything but imperials?

Why didn't she just take his hand? Surely being defeated but still alive would be more beneficial than dying with 'pride'.

Imperial children are not people. They're foreign invaders.


You want to genocide their kind. You betrayed her. Also, you are a race traitor.

her name is Edeltard for a reason

Why would he kill non-imperials? I challenge you to find one instance where he does and Gronder doesnt count because Claude attacked him.

Based eyepatch man.

Attached: tfw_you_kill_a_child.jpg (1280x1182, 91K)

You are providing no evidence. He goes through Alliance territory without attacking. He only kills imperials. I’ve never said he dindu nothing.

Not him but I've played every route and I dont know what you mean
Can you explain?

>oh shit it's my daughter
>the daughter I havent seen in years
>I'm too embarassed to talk
>This guy is her teacher?
>are they a couple?
>he better not have touched her

Ask him that. He is the one who admitted, himself, that he killed many during these 5 years, children very included.

Go complain to your imaginary girlfriend retard

why are zoomers and discord trannies so fucking worthless?

You didnt really betray her because you didnt even know she was one of the dragon jews.
Its her lying that leads to her demise and getting cut in half during the BE route



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His support line with Dorothea was pretty great. The A+ support is probably one of the realest conversations in FE.

>euro time
>suddenly edelniggers
I thought we were better than this. The Americans are supposed to be the ones with shit taste.

So this game is literally worse than Mario vs Rabbids: Kingdom Battle where the probability is actually important.

Man Japanese people really cannot into maths thats just emberassing bad holy shit.
What kind of Tier B grade trash i bought.

So this is how regret feels fuck 45 euros wasted.

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great now fuck off

based triptard

Then read the discussion before asking. His claims were that I was bullshitting about Dimitri killing children when Dimitri himself said such a thing. I provided the said evidence and now he is trying to counter-argue it with this . Even though I just literally gave him the fucking evidence in which Dimitri talks about killing fucking children, by himself.

You didnt play the game either. He's talking about orphans he trained in swordsmanship with you 5 years ago. When they returned to the monastery and found Dimitri they tried to kill him to get revenge for their dead thief parents. Dimitri killed them in self defense and yeah sure hurr durr why didn't he just knock out people rushing him with swords!

I didn't know you were a europoor. That somehow makes you even sadder.

Said children were the orphans he trained while studying at the academy. During the time skip they turned to banditry after the Empire ruined everything and tried to attack him while he was at peak BOAR. It was self defense but he still blames himself because he's got a fucking conscience.

Dimitri’s question was stupid and deserved a stupid answer
>Why go to war?
He made no honest attempt to understand her at all

There was just one thread of someone from /feg/ because people shit on Edelgard.
Waifuism is one hell of a drug.

It is random, you tard, it's just that the RNG rolls are seeded when you enter a map so you can't just rewind a battle over and over.

Ingrid for the irony

If Edeltard is so good why does her route only have 18 missions.
Fucking shit tier character and shit tier route

Too late.

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The kids are the ones you kill in BL, you know, his sword students.

>edeltard apoligists are retarded
what a shock

That's not how time travel works. If you don't change your course of action the same thing will happen.

The RNG for each action is decided before you carry it out, when you go back in time you've already witnessed how that will always play out, the results of those percentages

Over 90% of anons commenting on these threads don't even have a switch. I bet my ass on fire that percentage of switchlets on these threads is even higher than that.

>hurr he is like punished snake and caim durr based can't do no wrong
t. Dimitrifags

But Ingrid and Ashe are super fucking cute. They immediately bond over their shared interests in knights and legends.

It's the same as XCOM dumb ass. You need to do SOMETHING different for the rng to change.

Shhh it's a girl you're supposed to say yaaas queen slay

>Why go to war
Thats exactly what everyone wants to know, dimitri never knew why edelgard did what she did and she only told claude when he was about to kill her

Most unique maps.

Watch the fucking cutscene that follows

God they felt like a 10 year anniversary couple who never met before it was so gud yet absurd.
>you can sing

Aw that's cute.
Reminder that Flayn remains the same over the years so she'll have to watch Felix grow old and die.

Ingrid is for Sylvain

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Excuse me. I didn't force Flan to join the team. She wanted this. Even begged her dad to let her in. As far as I'm concerned, she is a traitor, as well as a dangerous enemy who knows our military secrets and needs be killed.

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>start playing BE
>Bernadetta is annoying and has shit supports
>not even a good unit
Why is this retard #2 deployed?

I love their ending, they both become true knights

You killed them too user, because they attacked you and tried to kill you.

His question is legit tho’. He has no way of knowing she’s being used as a puppet.

None of the cut content that you've shown actually shows what you're talking about at all and they're not from the BL route

He’s become a fantastic hero for me with high STR and amazing dodge


Nah man, I’m giving Manuela that Byleth dick.

Are you seriously asking the question why did Dimitri defend himself from so-called "children" that attacked him first? Are seriously implying that he should have pulled Corrin and just gently beat them to death-but-not really and then spare the people who tried to kill him (like a retard that Corrin was) only for them to try to do it again later?
Dimitri does have many faults. He himself shits on himself for it, so you don't even need to do it for him. (I haven't seen his fags claiming he is "dindu nuffin" in the first place) But your reason of why he is bad is because he ended up defending himself against those that wanted to kill him.

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What you posted doesn't mention anything about killing non-imperials or why he would kill non-imperials
Are you aware that Edelgard intentionally starved the kingdom to the point a plague broke out, killing countless people? That literally counts as genocide under international law. She also executes followers of Seiros and literally enslaves the population of the House Hrym region. This isn't a contest and I wouldn't normally make this retarded comparison because I dont believe Edelgard is evil, believe it or not, but since you are doing this false equivalency bullshit I'll do it too. Dimitri has the excuse of being literally fucking insane and having dead people tell him to kill, whereas Edelgard is doing it willingly because she believes the ends justify the means.

>His claims were that I was bullshitting about Dimitri killing children
He said he only killed imperials, children isn't a country as far as I know. Why would he kill people who aren't in league with his enemies? We certainly never see him kill non-imperials in the game, in fact he doesn't even show aggression.

Surely this isn't a real post
He asks why go to war because both him and Claude AGREED with her beliefs and wanted to make a better world, but Edelgard jumped the gun and murdered a fuckton of people without even considering an alternative. As Dimitri says, she isn't actually fighting for a popular cause she is fighting for her own self interest, ignoring the screams of the victims along the way because she thinks the outcome is worth it.

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Dimitri’s talking about his students turned bandits you cock connoisseur. He killed in self defense but still feels guilty about it.

Annette. Sasuke is the best with moeblobs since he drops his spaghetti every time. It's the FE Myrmiddon curse. .

So is recruiting student purely based on having the required stats and ranks? Building support just lowers the requirements?

Edeltards are fucking pathetic.

>imagine being his retarded

Yep, by B rank the requirements are pretty nice.

Attached: dimitrilosesit.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

support matters most. Get a character to B support is pretty much enough to get them to join.

I have played the game 3 times at this point and the cutscene that plays after is fucking Arundel and Edelgard literally saying they were using the Western Church.
Rhea didn't expect you to wield the sword of the creator. If you do her supports she tells you she only realised who you were after you held it.

Why is Dimitri so fucking handsome?

>when you enter the zone

Triple shot.

Otome artist who does some really well designed batshit characters.

Because a majority of waifufags picked BE in their 1st playthrough. It basically why a bitch like Edelgard is still in the top 4.

>I wish Dimitri was Conquest Corrin who only beat everyone unconscious when they wanted to kill him without killing them in return because that totally isn't a retarded thing to do
t. posts

Are they gay, or just bros?

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Because she's the bargain bin version of Marianne on the only route casuals play

Not only can Byleth follow the path of Yuri, other supports can as well.
Also Fem Byleth is the best option overall as she can pair with all major characters unlike Male.

The hand scene was kinda gay

Nothing gay about loving your bro.

Were your hands always this warm?

I’m talking about the scene with rhea you dipshit, the western church members plainly say it wasn’t what they were told would happen and are shocked rhea executes them. Rhea clearly rushes things to get them to shut up and refuses an investigation.

Sorry if the game doesn’t explicitly spell things out for you, you can’t follow. Probably thought it was a complete shock Rhea reveals herself as evil in BE, that is if you actually played the game.

>he doesn't know what the fuck fixed seeds are
>rages about how this makes everyone an idiot who ruins his fun

you know what? you deserve it

B support lowers skill requirements, but Caspar and Ferdinand's B support is locked until after timeskip so you have to raise brawling/heavy armor to D+ since they're technically locked to C support

Super gay, but Dimitri is super gay with every guy in his house.
Except Ashe, he's otoutozoned.

If Gilbert randomly walked into a room and saw Annette being railed what would he do?

Attached: Gilbert_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 907K)

You can't marry him as male Byleth, so they are just bros. Though this one handholding scene is kinda gay.

Did you just not read my post whatsoever?

Unfortunately some characters can’t because their higher supports are locked until post-timeskip.

Manleth is grooming him until he becomes a father in epilogue.

cry in a corner carving some wood

It's because he doesn't have a crest.

And he references it for the S support, he's seriously just a ball of fluff in a severe need of therapy and antipsychotics.

prolly be pretty happy because he expected her to be permavirgin for life

Can the Dimitrifags and Edeltards get a room already? No one cares which of your Lords didn’t nuffin after seeing the same arguments for a goddamn month. The only actual dindu in the game is based Claude anyway.

>Dimitri's reactions to Byleth don't change whether he's a boy or girl
>Boy Byleth doesn't consider him for a Goddess Tower or S rank

Dimitri is gay, Byleth just wants to be bros

I think it has more to do with Ash being a massive fucking faggot

There are “people” who don’t want the insatiable smooth womanizer to realize the girl he loved all along was the one who was behind him the whole time trying to keep him out of trouble. You people sicken me

Carve wood for his future grandchild

Not with Sylvain. Which is ironic because Sylvain has history of seducing men as well according to Flayn.

All these BL and BE going at each other. Here I am just enjoying the fuck out of GD. I almost wish Claude was a but more crazy in his route, since it would give him more flavor.

>the western church members plainly say it wasn’t what they were told would happen and are shocked rhea executes them
Then right after:
Arundel: "We should have known better than to rely on those fools from the Western Church."
Edelgard: "There is something else, the Professor was able to awaken the Sword of the Creator."
It would do you good to actually play with sound on.

But she sings cute songs about blowing up libraries

Did you not play the game whatsoever?

>timeskip Annette

She's the biggest stacy in her class.

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god damn i hate how shit all the s cgs are

Flayn is full of fucking shit and the only thing she knows is shoving fish up her vagina

>the only actual dindu in the game is based Claude anyway
>oh we cant differentiate friends from foes so let's attack everyone
that was retarded

these little cutscenes remind me of the Berserk anime the way they all look like they're lagging and all the characters are stiff

It's either this or Edelgard vs Rhea, always Edelgard vs someone else.

Claude is the fucking worst. He opens the borders to a shithole country and floods fodlan with immigrants. Literally leeching off the success of fodlan. Nobody in fodlan is going to immigrate back to that shithole almyra.

Leave, then take the man on a fishing trip the next day and gush about how perfect his daughter is and how the man has impeccable tastes while not so subtly hinting as to what he will do if she ends up hurt.

That too, but Lonato was a good man.

They do change in some instances. He is not as enthusiastic to carry you if you are guy.

My last response to you, Edeltard.

That isn’t exactly a high bar to reach

in that class, a fucking waifu pillow would be the biggest stacy by default

Byleth only wants twinks or daddies. Dimitri is both too young and too muscular to appeal to him.

Claude was chill.
My only problems with GD were that it made little sense for Dimitri and especially Dedue to not join forces with you.

It's the lining and the lighting. I don't know why they are like this though.

Like Achilles and Patroclus

Best of bros down to their DNA, maybe a bit of gae, but if Byleth drops in a battle, Dmitri goes absolutely nuclear, gets 100% crit, and nukes armies apart in his grief until divine intervention finally stops him

Hi /pol/

>literally no argument so you repost the same shit

If you’re actually leaving I suggest playing fire emblem three houses

Not anyone's fault Annete is like their mascot and Ingrid has long since friendzoned everyone around her.
Except Ashe.

>western church members plainly say it wasn’t what they were told would happen
They meant they were told by Edelgard they wouldn't be found out. That by no means implies that Rhea set everything up, since the while raid was deviced by the Flame Emperor and friends.

If you played routes other than the shortest route in the game you'd know that the reason why the Sword of the Creator was in the Holy Tomb instead of Sothis's corpse is because the sword IS her corpse. Edelgard was expecting to rob the sword with the crest and didn't expect the crest to be inside a person.

>red and blue at each others throats while yellow pretty chill and watches uninvolved
That sounds familiar

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There had to have been fog in that map at some point of development. Maybe they thought it would be too hard with it and canned that idea.


I still can’t believe people are retarded enough to equate real life politics to those in a medieval fantasy game.

Why does almost every thread devolve into Dimitri vs Edelgard shitflinging? Am I alone in liking both characters and the fact they aren't faultless unlike previous lords?

>attacks Byleth
>lol I don't know why we're fighting when Edelgard is right there, this is pretty stupid
>shoots twice

Nobody likes Claude. Stop forcing the reddit house.

how did i not know this before

>the absolute state of edeltards

The player being allowed to name themselves is a HUGE factor, especially for those who don't really bother analyzing games or aren't used to these things, in self-insertion. And as much as people here act like self-inserting is some horrific sad shit only dating sim players do, it's not as it's an inherent part of what makes games like Pokemon appealing to kids too. It's a very universal concept.

The reason games like Persona and Three Houses here let you do it is that the player is meant to feel like they are Byleth, they are the ones making the decisions, the students are their students etc. If Byleth was just called Byleth and referred to that way, the tone shifts significantly. These aren't "your students", they're just a JRPG party.

Yes, it's purely a feel thing, but you'd be surprised in how far it goes to let some people, especially those new to the concept, feel more personally attached to the game.

Also I love the way Hundred Knight did it where you put in your name and Metallia takes it away from you when she forms a contract with you. Right at the end of the game, she ends the contract and gives you back your name, with her saying it for the first time. Good. Fucking. Shit.

Would be easier if Edelgard was a bit more like Micaiah.

What do the runes mean

Well Dimitri was still in KILL EVERYONE mode



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Hubert's recruiting dialogue.

I dont mind Edelgard as a villain, I just hate the fucking assholes who unironically post shit like "HURR SHE DID NOTHING WRONG LMAO XDD BASED CRINGE BASED" then in the same breath say "DIMITRI AND RHEA ARE SO EVIL OMG HOW CAN YOU DISLIKE EDELGARD???"
Just fuck off already, god damn. Its so fucking tiring.

You're not the only one. But you're on Yea Forums and shitpost trumps any discussion.

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How does Leonie take it when he's killed? I imagine she tries to climb in the grave with him

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The writer behind Hundred Knight is absolutely fucking great. Same guy that did Labyrinth of Refrain.

He looks pretty fuckin dead though

Where, exactly does the Arundel cutscene imply they were behind it? Why would the prisoners bother pleading for their lives? What would edelgard tell them to think they wouldn’t die? None of the makes sense, anons.

Meanwhile the entire Rhea executing cutscene is screaming “SHE KNOWS SHE KNOWS SHE KNOWS”.
After all the church was behind Lonato as well.

Bernadetta sweeps the fields for me with her bow.

Well, you're trying to recruit Hubert.

Are you familiar with logical fallacies?

she barely give a shit, fucking gate guard is more emotional

As opposed to unironic Dimitri fags defending his every faults because of the fake Big Boss thingie? Both sides have the worst shot posters

Second most popular house with the second most popular Lord? Yeah, nobody cares allright.

It's pretty easy to see that happening. Like how many times now in vidya history have people claimed some random thing is actually super political.

Ingrid is for dying a virgin knight

Why was Felix so obsessed with her?

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She is hit harder then others. Ironically you unlock her B support at that point and she again gets jealous of you being his child.

How many times does Felix drops spaghetti in the game? Poor guy

cause "she" has a penis

>Big Boss thingie?
But you are, literally, the worst poster from Edelgard's part. Can't go back to saying
>it's ok when it's Dimitri
I guess, after last thread.

I hated these, instead of giving genuine advise the "correct" answer is just what the character wants to hear.

I just really hate characters that are self-righteous cunts like Edelgard is.

>Arundel cutscene imply they were behind it?
I dunno user, maybe perheaps. You know. The fucking GENERAL OF THE EMPIRE lodged straight in the middle of the map. And the dark mages with plague masks explicitly being slitherers.

He fell for her after seeing her dancing and singing, the rest of the support is him coming to terms with that.

>Manleth passes out
>Dimitri: If I have to...
>Claude: If I have to...

>Femleth passes out
>Edelgard: Why yes, I will carry you personally. :^)
>Dimitri: P-Please forgive me professor :^)

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No, what thread have you been in?

What the fuck is Edelgard's problem?

Because she wants his cummy-cum in her tummy-tum.

Edgelard is literally the most hated character in the game, judging by the most recent polls.

Can someone explain this scene here?

Attached: gae.jpg (1276x2140, 315K)

Her supports with Byleth are awkward
>talking to Raphael
>lets share a meal together friend!
>talking to the professor

You are one of the false equivalency retards I'm talking about. Stop playing this retarded game, trying to one up people and deflect criticism.
If you niggers were honest about why you like BE route and Edelgard there would be no problems.
But for some reason, you hate other characters in the game like Dimitri by proxy because they oppose your waifu in the story. You dont even like Fire Emblem, you just like your waifu. That's why its fucking tiring. You cant just enjoy the game as a whole you have to start fights over popularity contests and waifu shit.
Stop playing the victim and stop shitting on everyone else who doesn't constantly suck off the one and only route you played. Fuck off, cunt.

> Hilda carries you
> You cant lick her armpits or suck on her titties as a female
At lest Male has something I guess

Stopped Dimitri from looking back

You wouldn't hold your bros hand and lead him towards your future together?
Guess you don't have many real friends in that case.

Lesbianism is a mental illness.

Calling Claude reddit house when BE is biggest reddit house that exists.

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When are you going to be able to make a harem in FE?

Dimitri is having second thoughts about homosexuality but Byleth brings him back to the gay side

Why is this house so based. Chill lord who is charming AF. A house full of Chads, Stacies, good bois and best girls. Everyone in the house puts in work gameplay wise. The only real down checks they get are dubstep and the fact they wrap things up a little too well.

What would have been great is if in the other routes you don't run into GD at all. You only see Claude at the end and he fills you in on how he was busy dealing with the real threat while you dicking around with whatever.

Attached: GD.png (500x367, 157K)

Does Ashe have any cool dialogue about vengeance for Lonato if you recruit him on Edeltard's route?

>not posting the worst character poll where edelgard is 30% of the vote

She makes a good mage, never bothered giving her a bow

Devs being Lazy, this scene is clearly for Female Byleth.

>Reddit doesn't like my boy Linhardt.
Shit taste as always.

>gatekeeper-kun makes the rankings
>fucking 3rd
didn't realize i wasn't the only one somehow infatuated with him

would be better without cucknatz


I liked the dubstep which is weird because I usually don't. It made for a good fight theme.

Gatekeeper-kun is best boy. We went over this.

>Annette is 5th
Why do people like her

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she's cute.

I remember some anons say Ashe did have some dialogues if you let him attack Catherine.

Imouto-like, cute as a button.

Dimitri thinking about doing the suicide next to Edelgard's corpse because he knows that when goes throught door into the light, he will become a dad in credits and that's not good considering the company.

Every time he has a support conversation with a cute girl. Without exception. He's the Navarre of his game, after all.

Nigger why do you assume I hate Dimitri you absolute faggot? I litteraly said a few posts above that I liked both.
Every single fucking thread I see there's a Lionfag mentioning Edelgard just because even when it's not warranted. Then you have the Edelgard did nothing wrong squad. There can be no discussions about this game on this shit board because it devolves into shitposting every single time.
And here you are again trying to make it look like Dimitri fans are the calm and coected people and Edelgard fans are the worst thing on Earth (ironic when playing the route).
Both sides have the worst shitposters and at this point, threads should be pruned whenever it starts.
All I want is some genuine talks about the game, different views, what ifs etc... Also what route you pick doesn't even fucking matter because it ends well in the epilogue.

The real question is why do people like Dorothea?

He just dies somewhat earlier in non-Byleth ends.
Magical Jesus pussy I tell you.

Seiros Christ, i want to see lesbian sex of Mercedes and Dorothea together so much. How much do i have to pray for this?

>x character did bad thing at some point therefore y character is vindicated of all wrongdoing
That's not how it works you know
There is a degree of grey area in this game but there is still a very clear and very obvious morality to one side of the conflict in particular.
Its like saying Hitler did nothing wrong because Dresden was a horrible atrocity and therefore we should shit on Churchill instead. Or because Stalin defeated the Nazis therefore we should forget the fact that he was a mass murdering sociopath.
That's not how it works. Not in fiction or in real life. If you think it does then you are unaware of your blatant bias. Just so you are aware. Glad I could help.

>she finally won first place that isn't for the most hated character

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She's /our girl/

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Edelgard as a Mortal Savant is actually decent option if you don't like armored units.

how? feels like barely anyone even mentioned him on this site

Takes Reddit for that.
And Lys is always looming around first place, can't stop her.

That poll is a mixed bag, they're right about some girls but Edelgard being at the top of the girl list invalidates everything. I swear beta orbiters would quite literally follow female Hitler because they waifu'd her from the trailer.

Attached: th girls.png (1064x467, 187K)

You'll only get lesbian sex between Mercedes and Annette

you ever consider that female hitler is an appealing concept to the people on this site?

I absolutely adore Golden Deer. Raphael is such a good boy.

Female hitler, yes, female RETARDED hitler isn't.

>Dimitri literally has the most votes out of every character
>Edelgard still has less votes than Dimitri and Claude

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something i noticed with previous fire emblem games when playing them on an emulator ive noticed that the same outcome always occurs no matter the weapon or the character in any given turn
(i was save scumming the arena's)

if Fire emblem 3H is anything like the old games its that the game determines every single possible outcome for that given turn before any decisions are made on your part

using the time travel mechanic ill notice that some weapons are given the opportunity to crit while others with more high crit wont get that opportunity

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Why does everyone think Edge of Dawn is about Edelgard when the lyrics fit Rhea much more appropriately?

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>both sides are bad
No, its just one side (your side) shitting on everyone else and scapegoating nonexistent "Dimitrifags" (aka, everyone who isnt an Edelfag).
Dimitri is popular because he is a good classic anime trope, a damaged person who is good at heart, like Guts. He has a very personal story, moreso than the other routes in the game, and his cast of characters pander to his character development.
Myself and most other people would agree that Edelgard is a good character, she's well written, but where the disagreement starts is whether she is likable or not.
Stop turning this into a contest because its not.

Here? Sure, whatever. But Redditors would continue to claim moral superiority while being led by the nose into killing half of the world's population in the name of """peace""".

Because the devs made is way, way too easy to do and unless you're already on your second playthrough you don't know any better. In fact, the second playthrough makes it even easier to recruit everyone.

Split votes. Too many good girls to vote for while it's kinda obvious that you will vote for lords when it comes to males and give pity votes to others.

Hey at least you admit it. Good on you.

>Hubert can rally speed, magic and resistance
Why would you ever want to do this over attacking?

hey now, you're qualifying it. Everyone here is retarded, so of course they'd follow retarded female hitler.

>It made for a good fight theme
This game is great at that shit just because of the cut ins whenever you initiate combat

My only problem with the soundtrack is
Set the bar way too high since it's god tier when it kicks in during the early game

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Of course female Hitler is an appealing concept, the real issue is that Edelgard herself has a shitty personality. If she went full villain then everyone would love her like everyone loves Kronya.

>split votes for girls
>depsite wasting 90 on a meme but loveable character
Whatever you say.

He‘s my Tank, with his shield (no crits) and Seteths Spear (Passive Regen) plus seal speed.

wait wait wait, so brave weapons can attack 4 times if the speed stat is high enough? I thought it was 2 times regardless of speed, time to head for the blacksmith

Is that list for supports with MC, cause a lot of them has great supports with other people.

Manuela and Dorothea have a great support with Hanneman. That silver fox slays pussy young and old like nobodies business

>autistic retard throwing a temper tantrum is an appealing concept

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surely the better outcome would be to shake his hand pull him close and then stab him with that dagger

No, it's just my dumb opinion on the girls.

These threads would be so much better if people played more than one route and stopped taking the plot so personally.

Are they lesbians, or just friends?

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Shut the fuck up weeaboo

>rhea was going to eventually descend into madness and immediately infect anyone who has her crest and transform them into an army of blood thirsty berserkers or flat out monsters as well as making her personal robots go insane too since they're also linked to her some how.
it's interesting to know that if edelgard or jeralt were alive for the church final, they would have went berserk too.

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Lysithea always being near the top is both weird and not weird at the same time to me. Gameplay must be a bigger factor than I think it is.

I got their lesbian end in my BL playtrough.

She's beautiful and based

They are best friends. Their epilogue is basically them being best friends.

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They're like Dimitri and Dedue, just two girls who are best friends.

In japan it's just as expected, she has a perfect combo of Edelgard's design, snarky loli and yuki Aoi.

Faggots these days really like the weirdo tumblr whores.

Her Japanese VA is biggest reason why she is popular, among Nips at least.

yeah well RNG in games works like this:
true randomness doesn't really exist in computer shit, they just calculate everything. So you make a ridiculously stupid formula that gives you weird numbers that "feel" unconnected to the input, and as a start you take something similar. Current unix timestamp is popular.
Then you roll by putting your number into the formula, the result is your roll. Next time, you put that number back in, next result is your roll.

In the end, say your next three actions are: miss at 70%, crit at 80% hit/20%crit, normal hit at 50%/15%.
so when you turn back time, you know that your next 6 rolls are gonna be: something between 71-100, ???, 1-80, 1-20, 1-50, 16-100.
So you swap attacks one and two because you hope maybe that first roll was 74 or something, which would hit at 80% and so on

>That song that plays when you enter combat against Dimitri in Beagles
This shits bangin'.

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She has good supports. All her male GD supports are ok to great, and her supports with Hanneman and Cyril are also rather nice. Also she is voice by Aoi Yuki

This. Aoi Yuuki adds a charm to her that can't really be quantified.
To any dubfag saying it's just a voice, that voice changes your perception of the character to a degree you can't understand. A line that would seem annoying and childish when read one way sounds cute and endearing when read another way.

Dead-weight Nero finally won number 1 after becoming blonde I see.

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She cute, but my moms name is Anette and that's just weird, same reason I couldn't marry the cute mailwoman in rune factory

Claude starts calling you brother, though.

Now post your favorite fight theme or the fishy gets it

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Edgelard only tops charts when it comes to reddit and the most hated character, huh

>Black Eagles get 3 Physic users
talk about easy mode.

Cause Claude is a cool dude who is your friend and doesn't need to keep you around to keep him from going crazy.

I am Ferdinand von Aegir

>only saw Annette as a little sister to protect
>she becomes an absolute semen demon after the timeskip

W- what do I do?

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Now I want to see true punished Nero. He already has robotic arm as it is. He is just missing the eyepatch.

One is more than enough. If you find that you need three for any map you are bad and should feel bad.


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I don't get this meme?

I already dropped this game mid ng+ for being too easy. It's boring as fuck. Lunatic when?

Ordering the tiny girl to carry you...
Claude you wimp.

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Dimitri has the same Japanese voice actor like Nero from DMC.

Giving him the Fraldarius battalion after his Paralogue is how it was meant to be played.

She's stacked user.

He didn't want to be accused of anything.

she's a lady now and ready for you, sensei. don't keep her waiting in that form fitting dress.

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You can slam clams with the evil empress in her route.

It's ok. Hilda is a gorilla.

As much as iike both Lysithea and Ignatz, their support with each other is absolute shit.

Reinhard is based.

Please post all your novelty fishing tee Byleths/Flayns/Etc

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Dude, Hilda could probably carry Raphael with one arm.

He didn’t want to get metoo’d.

That's funny.

That's the worst /u/ option though, I'd literally rather marry my tulpa and wear the wedding ring on my own finger.

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Byleth is manlet anyway and Hilda has amazon strenght. Would probably win against the boar in fistfight.

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> Worst Yuri option
Nah. That would be Rhea. Even Sothis disapproves.

Nope. He gets Dorothea

Hum no that's Petra

>He doesn't use cheat sheats for these questions and for tea time

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This. E-cucks are desperate.

Ashe is the cute nerdy sleeper husbando and I don't think Yea Forums has many girls

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>bulked up that much and nothing to show for it
edelgard is worthless without sensei holding her hand

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>Go fishing instead of looking for her
Its what she would have wanted.

Rhea has her batshit moments but the thing is, they're all emotionally driven and she comes to regret some of her actions on Church route. Edelgard makes calm and cool decisions that result in the deaths of millions and was doing so before she even met you.
Her tragic backstory of being tortured and muh crests only gets her so much sympathy when she's willingly allying with Saturday morning cartoon villains that stabbed your father.

So much this because that means Bernie's asshole of a father gets screwed over

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Edelgard did nothing I personally find wrong

BTW why is there so little art of those two

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It's dubstepper armor, almost like a mech suit powered by her crazy fake crests. It fades away into dust once you defeat her and she's still just the dumb midget underneath.

Edelgard is a good villain with a sympathetic cause.
Dimitri is a badass character who spends his life atoning for his bad actions.
Claude is upside down.

Now can we stop arguing?

Attached: HERE_SHE_COMES.webm (450x562, 120K)

>I'm fishing for flayn, maybe her dumb ass wanted to be with the fishies

I dont know, but trying to kill dimitri and claude 0.5 seconds into the game is kinda a nono from me dawg

>She's /our girl/
Objectively wrong, pic related exists

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Just let her get hit once bro.

Why does he turn into Chad Dave Mustaine in the timeskip?
Ferdie is so based.

I made him into a wyvernlord and he turned out great

>just recruited her for my blacue eagles run
give me the rundown, everyone says she's good as hell but i don't know how to make her as beefy as everyone says she is

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Sothis is getting a criminally small amount of art in general. I guess them literally removing her from the story for half the game wasn't a good look.
Hopefully that DLC fixes the issue, maybe it'll even give her a full route where she gets revived like people are speculating.

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Would you fill her oven with baby batter?

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>not even a good unit
Probably #2 archer in the whole game, lol.

she's the normie's pick

Wait, you can marry your tulpa?

She could have gotten everything she wanted without war if she waited a few years. Everyone was in agreement that things needed to change, but she just said fuck it and zerg rushed the country.

>Yea Forums
>stop arguing
pick one

timeskip looks awful

You dont even have to do anything. Just take her down the mage route and she will oneshot everything.

Just take her along the magic classline and it'll all work out.

You're a fucking retard Arthur, fuck off already

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there is no secret. she is unga magic girl. invest in reason and faith as you'd expect.

Of course Rhea knows about the sword. The ones responsible for raiding the tomb are still the slitherers.

>But the western church guys

Were retarded enough to buy into Arundel's bullshit and attempt to rob the pope. Just like Lonato and all other morons who came before.

Rhea is absolutely merciless against her enemies. However, she is not an aggressive person, quite on the contrary, by all accounts, she's tremendously generous and kind. At no point in the game does she act unprovoked. She is an odd mixture; despotic but not oppressive.

You're retarded, she's trash tier, only slightly better than the other 35% Str growth archers (Ignatz and Ashe). Claude, Shamir, Felix and even Petra all make WAY better archers.

Basically Hubert on steroid but less tanky.

it's so baffling to me
with all the ebin hitler jokes, funni memes, etc you'd think Yea Forums would be backing edelgard 100%

>Annette will never make up a song while you're plowing her asshole

This bitch is so ugly past timeskip, what is that fucking haircut.

t b f archers are garbage. Just nuke everything from 4 spaces away with magic

>He was from Fareghus, Dimitri... All these years protesting the Durscur Rights Act, and one of my own gets me! Was it all for nothing? Was I wrong, your majesty?
>Ingrid, he... he looked Almyran...
>Oh Dimitri... thank you...
>[Ingrid dies with a smile on her face]

Attached: Ingrid_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 774K)

>sees his father getting his head cut off
>becomes obsessed with cutting/crushing heads himself
>gets eyepatch'd
>pic related
I wonder what sort of fetish did Edelgard's own death awaken in him.

Attached: torture is good.jpg (1240x4120, 1.49M)

>go in to Beagles run thinking I’ll make Ferdie the dancer
>pump up sword rank the whole game
>finally time to put him as dancer
>enemies have 0-30 hit
>put him as swordmaster
>gets even better AND it looks great with his hair
What a fucking guy


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Pretty much my biggest issue with her. She could have confided in Byleth or Dimitri at the very least.
Heck if she had taken the time to talk to Dimitri at all he probably wouldn't have lost his fucking mind thinking that she was responsible for Duscur.


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Yea Forums doesn't like her because she acts like a cunt.

>Don't get Judith on GD route
>Don't get Death Knight on Edelgard route
>Don't get Rhea on Church route
>Do get Gilbert on Blue Lion route

Getting stabbed most likely.

Claude and Shamir are both busted on Golden Deer. You can recruit the latter at level 7 and she has AT LEAST the base stats of the Sniper class (an Advanced class) which means she starts off stupidly strong. She's not even a Jagen because her growths aren't bad either, they're actually better than Bernie/Ashe/Ignatz.

The fact that you can't BLACKED her is the real crime of this game

>slaughter civilians
>but its ok because im a soldier
>noo please dont kill mee!!
Why would you be a soldier if you're afraid of dying, I dont get it.

Deadeye is good. And who else are you using those Drops/Burdocks on?

Knife fetish.

Shes somehow worse than ashe dispite having a crest


im expecting her to be an actual unit at some point mainly due to this

She has trash combat arts. No Deadeye is awful.

Man, this was a good scene. Randolph got fucking EXPOSED for thinking he had the moral high ground just because he has a sister.

I'm still amazed this is coming from a Nintendo game

Wasting Dedue's time with a bitch like her should be criminal. He should either get the MAXIMUM LOYALTY bro end with Dimitri or his best wife option Mercedes.

What was the Annette content?

Call me edgy, but I unironically wanted to see the torture.

Where can I find a girl like Okako?

Randolph didn't kill civvies though.

His culture is like vikang pagans, he just has tanned skin

You get Gilbert. You have to recruit him though.
You don't get Felix's dad but it's obvious why.

Not having combat arts doesn't fucking matter if she has 5 more stats in basically every category over her competition.

That's not chasing daybreak

Eh, Claude can impregnate her tho’

I liked Mercedes with Sylvain. I don't know who I want to put Dedue with yet.

Flayn's kidnapping is what convinced me the church is ran by retards. The fact they hid there was a previous student disappearance last year and they just assumed she just went back home without verifying it is gross negligence of the highest order. Then when they find said student with Flayn a year later after her disappearance they automatically let her back in no questions asked.

Edelgard is a piece of shit but that stunt alone almost makes me want to side with her. At least Seteth realizes Flayn is safer with you than the church after the debacle.

You can highlight what you want to spoiler and ctrl+s as well.

Everything you said is wrong. Annette's hair is pure trash before the timeskip and her design change completely redeems her.

This seems to be accurate.

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Claude is Italian, he's not actually brown.

Claude is not Black.

You get Gilbert in case you let Dedue die,


Her mom got nabbed and she was being blackmailed or something.

Sheds new light on his paired ending with Felix

It is more for spite than any. I would like to A rank her with Dedue then A rank Mercedes while leaving her alone.

She is ugly before and even worse after. What are the tiny little dicks hanging left and right lmao.
By far the worst looking girl after timeskip, nothing else comes close

He's more like a mutt


She is cute at all stages.

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Dimitri makes a good point though, Randolf has taken tons of lives and he justifies it with "b-but im a soldier!".
Torture was too far but he didn't deserve to live.
Anyway Dimitri ends up regretting that scene, and all the others. He says later when he regains his sanity that he never actually wanted to kill but the voices in his head were forcing him to.
I wonder how you can come back from flat out schizophrenia like that. Probably has something to do with his migraine headaches and why he dies young.

I'd give her lots of steaks and cakes and crumbs and cums

Randolph did nothing wrong.

>seeing dicks in everything
The true mark of a gay man.

Women going DUSCUR deserve the rope. Sorry Mercie.

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>always answered with what I felt was the best advice
>hubert always liked my answers
Not sure what that says about me

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What is Mercedes, I mean really who thought cutting her hair was a good idea

The song is literally called LADY OF HRESVELG in Japanese my dude. It is 100% an Edelgard image song

He obviously did something wrong, since he just fucking dies every time.

Size Difference is a pretty top tier search tag, I might just do that.

He has a stupid name

pretty sure they like it no matter what, it's just how much they like it that is different

You've probably taken more lives than Randolph. Get off your high horse.

Except going to war instead of staying at home with his imouto.

I highly doubt Byleth would try to rationalise it and pretend to be innocent. But this is headcanon territory. Why are you defending this literal one note character? Lol

Indomitable Will is the best song in this game don’t @ me

> Can't romance Fleche
Truly the greatest crime. Would have let her suckle on my titties to forget about her brother's death

>Seething raceb8er

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>I'm not evil, I only killed a few innocent people!

>combat arts mattering
jej, in the second half of the game you have your archers on horses (4 range) and essentially free access to long bows (giving you 5 range), so you never use deadeye again because its better to double hit with a regular long bow attack.

deadeye is a nice earlygame crutch that she doesnt even particularly need because she already has 4 range with a long bow since she starts out as a sniper.

>edelgardfags getting btfo up and down the thread
A huge turnaround from 2 weeks ago, she's even dropping in the deployment rankings as well.

That's Ignatz if you don't recruit him right?

if he's killed less than 0 people, then he's an awful soldier and death was inevitable

I don't give a shit about Randolph, but any soldier is going to rationalize the lives they take with "I did what I had to do."

Hey, Jeralt dies every single time as well.

reminder rhea is a ticking time bomb and she has no back up plan for the eventual day she goes berserk and turns her knights into demonic beasts. edelgard is a cunt but rhea needs to die anyway.

True knights always win baybay

The Male S Supports are generally better drawn, but there is one Female S Support that I think is drawn well.

Attached: 130.g1t.00.png (2048x2048, 1.6M)

Not in the Sothis route DLC

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The issue is not about how many people you killed, but pretending to be innocent about it.

Everybody that played Edeltard as her first route just finished the second round and realized how fucking retarded that bitch really is

Randolf is one of Edelgard's generals, he isn't just a soldier. He has personally ordered many deaths.
Thats war sure, but he shouldnt be a little bitch about dying.

What innocents? It's a war. It's you or them.


Unfortunately there's still a handful of the filthy rats

It just goes to show how contrived the post timeskip is, I recruited everyone just by having dinner with them every free time.

She has one of the best passives and crests in the game. And all the archers unless they get str blessed suck till sniper

No. Not until you agree that albino gremlin is shit and that she deserves to die of crest aids.

vague shitflinging:
dlc golden route is rebel route, maybe even a "fuck all of this shit" route involving canon time travel after seeing all default routes end bittersweet at best
you only get who you can recruit
btfo all three lords
btfo dragon illuminati
btfo mole people

Randolph wasn't begging for his life or anything, the JP script makes that more clear.

war of aggression started by the empire you mean

> still going strong
> still among the top
> Still mostly Black Eagle
King of Delusions, is that you ?

t. Job Knight

No matter how many times you shitpost, it wont make it true.

And? What do you expect imperial generals to do, defy orders and be executed for insubordination?

I’m sorry every antagonist should be black and white garbage like Garon and Validar you pleb

She isn't top on any poll anymore other than the most hated character list, which she is winning by a lot. Black Eagles are also dead last in the house race. Blue Lions have 51% vote.

They literally burned villages. No one in the war is clean, they can't Corrin their way out of it.

*comes out of freezer to help you*

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No? Why are you asking rhetorical questions? I dont understand your point anymore, why are you arguing? He died and that's war, get over it.

Albino gremlin is Lysithea's nickname.

He still gives Dimitri shit for killing people.

Yea Forums doesn't like her because they want to heal dimitri

>Lysithea is antagonist
t. true DK poster detected

That would be based. I want to ally with Nemesis

Considering she’s still 4th despite straight up dissapearing from a route with none of the other lords in sight it’s still clear she’s the most popular lord.

Please try harder Dimitrifags

Yea Forums still likes their dad more

No, he gives Dimitri shit for acting like a bloodthirsty murderer who relishes the killing instead of a professional soldier.

do i get to keep the cool sword?
if so, you got a deal

Edelgard is technically shorter than a Lysithea post timeskip so I can understand the confusion

Yup. But nobody ever called Edelgard like that. It's mostly used for Lysithea when shitposting about dk.

In that same Korean poll everyone cited she’s 2nd in the flip side of that poll.

She is polarizing, but not unpopular at all. That’s just delusional Dimitrifag thinking

he has the dark sword now. it's all good.

Dimitri is just such a fucking monster unit as well, so much fun completely breaking the game with him.
Yes all house leaders are OP, but honestly he is in a tier of his own. He unironically can not die unless he gets attacked by 6 mages in one turn

>Man too angry to die

its a poll with 300+ voters about a game that has sold over a million by this point, I really doubt its representative of anything

>tfw got RNG fucked and he has shit STR and gets doubled by pretty much everything

It's okay if Dimitri wins and Edelgard loses.

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she's got very few likeable qualities
at least hitler was cute

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Not all of us are bluepilled

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Well one is still alive

>Rhea is absolutely merciless against her enemies. However, she is not an aggressive person, quite on the contrary, by all accounts, she's tremendously generous and kind. At no point in the game does she act unprovoked. She is an odd mixture; despotic but not oppressive.
>Let Dimitri and his army to die when she has dragon powers, and burns a whole city full of her followers.
That's a lot of word to avoid saying she's a psychopath and a bitch.

Why can't female Byleth get the SS hat. It's not fair

Brigand makes him fucked.

more like cumpilled

Man, Hubert doesn't even try to hide it.

Play more than one route, please.
I'm tired of reading (You)r pathetic samefag shitposts.

>instead of killing the jews edel helps them reach their goal
Really makes one think you know

Just like in real life

But she kills them in the end. She basically Jews the Jews and use them

The slithers are still around retard. She never wipes them out and you see one in her ending tapestry.

> he doesn't read until the end
Please proceed to kill yourself. Hubert sends his death squad to take care of them and they all die.