Noe that the dust has been settled, Yukari is not ommipontent, she can be defeated by a better stragedy, she's powerful yes, but it dosen't mean that she's invincible by her gap powers.
>also the powerlevel is a joke, everyone can beat each other
Noe that the dust has been settled, Yukari is not ommipontent, she can be defeated by a better stragedy...
Yukari a shit. Kanako is the woman that needs to be leading Gensokyo.
Yukari is going to be defeated on account of her being a irredeemably evil person. Karma is going to do its job eventually.
She's a 1000 year old woman faggot
who is the strongest 2hu?
>FUCK Kanako and FUCK Suwako and FUCK Sanae and FUCK the Moriya Shrine
How do you respond?
How can Kanako keep her cool around Sanae? Isn't the urge to touch her too big?
Power level is dumb, that is why danmaku exists, to bridge power levels.
the self-proclaimed one
Yes to all
I've been saying this for years but Yukarifags are retarded
Thank you Joon for showing that having a plan is enough to expose someone that has apparent omnipotence
Hell, powerlevel is dogshit compared to a great stragedy
Based Moriya priest
Yukari is pretty fucking powerful, but her ability of border manipulation has it's limits, namely what it says on the fucking tin. If there's no border, for example unconditional defeat being the only option, she can't do shit. Even then, they still had to play by the rules - spellcards. The thing that makes sure that Yukari doesn't get her ass kicked in by Reimu, who, along the rest of Gensokyo, would have their asses handed to by Junko and Hecatia. Yukari's tricks are just that, tricks, and when confronted by a more sheer power that can handle her tricks, she gets rekt pretty quickly.
Yukari bow to the Shekelbergs
Yukari's true power is being Reimu's mommy and getting her to go out and wreck people's shit. It's not infallible because Reimu's dumb and doesn't pick up on things like invasive plants, but holding onto the shrine maiden's leash makes her the biggest player in Gensokyo.
>Reimu's mommy
I thought this retarded meme already died.
Kasen is not mommy material. She can be the big sister nobody likes or listens to.
>Kasen is not mommy material
Gee I wonder who's behind this post.
Reimu is not "invincible" either. Even if she can't be damaged, she still has to win the match. Not losing != Winning.
Also, several 2hoes have powers that have to do with other worlds and dimensions and I wouldn't be surprised of one of them could enter Reimu's world. On top of that, she is a human with a real body, and would still die of injuries that would kill a real human is she's not permanently in invulnerable mode.
Pointless thread as no woman can defeat me.
>Hell, powerlevel is dogshit compared to a great stragedy
Says who?
>Also, several 2hoes have powers that have to do with other worlds and dimensions and I wouldn't be surprised of one of them could enter Reimu's world.
Reimu doesn't have a "world", her ability is flight which extends to the incredibly vague extent of flying away from "this and that", which according to ZUN makes her untouchable from anyone.
>On top of that, she is a human with a real body, and would still die of injuries that would kill a real human is she's not permanently in invulnerable mode.
Sort of. Gensokyo humans aren't quite the same as real world ones, their spiritual power actually makes them anomalously resilient and powerful, to the point where the average Gensokyo human is stronger than the average youkai.
strongest 2hu hecatia>>>>>>lunarians>>>>>bunch of 2hu>Yukari
Someone explain to me reisen x junko
A bunch of dumb fairies > Hecatia
Play LoLK's extra
You're confusing Hecatia with Okina, Clownpiece would never harm her mom
The doujins are cute and write themselves.
>everyone can beat each other