Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is that thing on his neck supposed to be?
No Joost no buy.
is this show gonna be on Netflix, or is it Amazon Prime?
you just know
>It turns out this necklace is a Q-PIP, assigned to Sam by Die-Hardman – the gentlemen seen wearing a black face mask in the trailers – in a behind-closed-doors video that establishes the story and setup of the game. That necklace is a security key. Not, like, a cool key that disrupts the fabric of time or alters reality through Einstein equations as we've been rampantly speculating for months, but an actual key. You know, the kind of key that postmen carry around with them to unlock postboxes.
more here, archive this if you wish
if you know you know
Italian piece of shit ruins the TGS presentation for everybody with shit quality video, why are my countrymen scum?
you can watch it on release day in 4K on Youtube, m80
I meant that thing around Kojima's neck.
>random lore dump
i hate this type of marketing
really looking foward to dsp playing this trash
This, but if it's good I might buy the inevitable PC version on sale in a few years.
PlayStation Vue
VERY interesting trailer. why would they only show it behind the scenes tho.
Awesome, 500 minutes of cutscenes again and again. I am tired of watching games.
Walking simulator AND a movie "game."
Fucking please... Getting real sick of this.
It's gonna turn out the UCA are the bad guys, isn't it?
can you guys see my comments?
i haven't gotten a (you) in days.
holy fuck download it before it goes down.
they sure have a secret agenda but wouldn't go as far as saying they are the bad guys.
i would be pretty disappointed if the factions are purely good or bad, gimme a deeper story with many grey characters desu
Is the president's name really SAMANTHA AMERICA STRAND?
Imagine being this cucked over some random woman.
>more wacky american shit
YAWN, when the fuck is he gonna make some japanese shit instead of ripping off american movies?
I can, I haven't gotten a (You) in days either
Welcome to the shadowban club
I'm guessing it's a neckwarmer of sorts. Really weird design, though.
If you anything about Kojima, it's that he loves grey characters. Literally the only "evil for the sake of it" character in MGS is Volgin in MGS3. Maybe Hot Coldman in PW.
We need more of these meme opinions to balance the walking simulator posts
do you have moma
Hot Coldman
>Walking simulator AND a movie "game."
That's all is gonna be for you jealous fag. Because you can't play it on your Switch
>death stranding will have longer and more cutscenes than MGS4
>will get praised to high hell by kojima drones
Well, I hope so. But what it appears like is that UCA, who may or may not be the official remnants of the American government, are trying to unite the country under their government again while the seperatists use radical measures to stay independent, for which they probably have good reasons.
Skullface didn't have much in terms of sympathetic goals either. I mean, yeah, small village, foreign soldiers, tragic backstory but he was still pretty unambiguously a bad guy with malicious plans
>The Onion is sati-
While hatedrones will post hate threads all day long while we all go out to buy and play that shit on first day
die hardman
>some random woman
>my wife
sure kid, enjoy that moviegame walking simulator
Wasn't the good guys in Peace Walker trying to achieve a world without borders?
Stefanie > Lea
Cope with it
It's her new name, it seems. Looks like names in Death Stranding are more descriptive than normal names, like nicknames or epithets. For example, Heartman is a man that dies of a heart attack every 21 minutes, Mama is the mother of a BT, etc. It's been a thing in other Kojima titles as well, but not to this extent, so I suppose it might be thematically relevant.
That's what most major characters in Metal Gear all the way back to The Boss tried to accomplish.
Nice nickname as walking is all the game is about. Keep believing that shit
Margaret > Stefanie
Lmao no
Stefanie > Lea >>>> Margaret
>those cankles and feet
This game is going to be pure unfiltered unrestrained Kojima autism. It will be the biggest load of horse shit ever conceived in the gaming medium, and the entire industry will lap it up pretending like he's a great writer.
>those legs
she's probably infertile too
joost has strong legs, perfect for carrying children
than you for the (you)
Is Bruce Willis going to make a guest appearance?
Too cute.
>“You will retrace the steps of Amelie, daughter of the President of the United Cities of America, who embarked on her own East to West journey with a convoy sometime before the game kicks into gear. She did this in an attempt to establish a network of communication relays across the country, a network that could deliver a message of unity from her mother, Bridget, who also happens to be on death’s door. That message is that every problem in the world needn't be solved by force; instead, it is hope that can bring us all together. ”
Fuck ME this sounds gay.
Video games are funny because at a certain point it became a bunch of Japanese guys with no writing background or involvement in film trying to write movies based on the random American shite they've seen.
Gamescom wants people to buy tickets. It's available to the public for anyone physically at the event to see.
Even the shittiest spy cam has a better resolution and color gamut and microphone.
Intentional leak or just spanyard incompetence?
This is like The Last of Us' gay plot
bunch of niggers
>you put handcuff restraints on people like prisoners
>oh uh now it's uhh something else those are for please put it on
>and also connect our server to all the various people's private homes to uhh bring people under us- I mean bring people together with use
They are very clearly evil.
>Skullface didn't have much in terms of sympathetic goals either
He wanted to stop globalization and English replacing everyone's native tongues.
did they fuck?
I think he fucked her mom.
She's so sexy bros
Hideo "Want a job, suck my knob" Kojima.
No I can't see your comment man.
Japanese Mama > American Mama
You just know
so its mgs2 all over again?
you have to save the presidents from terrorists but you willl realise halfway that patriots want to use you to connect all cities to their gay network and kill everyone?
Why are people so obsessed with hating this game?
It makes them look cool on the internet, because Kojima is almost universally considered to be a positive force on the games he's involved with, which is why you hear a bunch of stray rumor bullshit and how his games being good are only incidental to his presence
too much spoilers if anyone's wondering. watch it now or wait for the game
Because they hate Kojima for supposedly bankrupting Konami. But the truth is that Konami just wanted him to make phone games and the people who hate Kojima also want phone games
Looks cool. But would connecting cities be fun though?
Sounds good isn't it? Better than western developers for sure.
Kojima hate contrarians + Sony exclusive is a powerful combo.
I wouldn't say that "explaining the basic premise of the game" by showing what is probably a very early cutscene is too much of a spoiler.
If getting to these cities is challenging, sure, I can see it.
Same reason why Last of Us gets a lot of hate. Journalists are going to suck Kojima's dick dry so contrarians counterbalance it.
It's mostly because Kojimadrones are obnoxious.
>Suck off MGS and think Kojima is a god because he created everything in those games
>Same anons shit on TLOU or some other snoy movie game for having too many cutscenes
>Every MGS after 3 was worse and worse but Kojimadrones don't like to admit that Kojima is a hack and just blame everything on Konami
>DS looks like your typical bland open world game but anons still think it's a masterpiece and if not for Kojima working on it they'd call it trash just like they do with any other open world game (BOTW, RDR2, etc.)
>All those "DS is just a ruse haha, Kojima will reveal that it's actually MGS!!!" posts before every event
The Evangelion of walking survival sims
Because this Everyone else responding is a Kojimmy cocksucker who can't accept that many people see through his bullshit and memes. DS will be a very successful and critically acclaimed game but will be very mediocre compared to the potential it had.
Watch, it'll have a bunch of neat technology moments like always and they'll be wasted on a fundamentally boring idea with a convoluted mess of a story.
Also no Joost
they did make use of so called 'still-mothers' for the BB's which is kinda fucked up.
you know why.
Also fucked up is the fact that homo demons have committed suicide in strategic locations to cause void outs.
>Implying that Last Of Us developers could be compared to Kojima who made much more best selling games for a longer time.
Journalists suck dick always whether they're good or bad game
Harvesting babies from women kept in a state of brain death then discarding the babies at one year of age is a bit more evil than suicide bombing.
>but will be very mediocre compared to the potential it had.
Any game "could have been better" if that's honestly your best argument against something it's probably really good you asshurt fag
They're scared that a game that's coming out near the end of the decade will actually win game of the decade award. Imagine the western industry trying their hardest to make games that appease critics for the last decade only to get the award stolen by Kojima releasing his masterpiece and shitting all over western games.
Nah, you missed the entire rest of my post. It'll be mediocre but will be unjustly praised to high heaven because Kojima made it and because there are Hollywood actors in it.
The hypocrisy is what pisses people off, not the wasted potential. The wasted potential is a sticking point only for MGS fans who dislike V
Shut the fuck up retard. Go back to playing The Last of Us or some other shit game.
>It'll be mediocre but will be unjustly praised to high heaven because Kojima made it
It'll be the most polished game released this year and people will dislike it simply because it doesn't revolutionize pathfinding and walking, people will pretend being over to get over chasms and up mountains with tools isn't cool because player agency doesn't matter when it's not convenient for it to
I don’t hate it but I’m not sold on it at all, and I don’t see how anyone can look forward to a game that they can’t even describe. I like several Kohima games but he’s also capable of producing trash.
MGS V was great and only zoomers hated it. Death Stranding will be a literal masterpiece and there's nothing you can fo about it. Cry more, faggot.
>Naughty Dog has three major franchises that have sold in the millions. Kojima has one that was good for about 3 games.
The problem is Kojima has gotten this reputation of being some revolutionary, someone that brings legitimacy to gaming when he's just a competent director who really likes movies and would rather focus on cutscenes than gameplay.
I'm sure DS will have some highlights, maybe it'll even be fun, but it's going to be praised as the Citizen Kane of gaming, again, just because it's Kojima and journalists want to pretend to have the same glamour as the movie industry.
Even if it's a MGS4 situation where it's more cutscene than gameplay, it's still going to be praised. Even if the game is 90% walking in an empty world, it's going to be praised for being innovative and atmospheric and engulfing. Even if there's a cutscene of Kojima shitting on the autistic lady's chest, people will praise for how meta it is.
It's simple. You're a brainlet. Anyone with above room temperature IQ can see what this game is all about.
>he's also capable of producing trash
Yeah, you're brainlet. All of his games range from good to amazing. Fuck off.
>go back to playing [game that does the exact same thing Kojima does but doesn't have le quirky Japanese humor and doesn't plaster his name all over itself]
Trolling is a art I suppose.
There, summed up all of your posts. You can leave now.
If Kojima made great games before why can't he make great games now that he has moved for a better studio and has more creative freedom to do what he wants
>more cutscene than gameplay
What's wrong with MGS gameplay
I’ll be honest, I haven’t read that much about it. After 8 months of marketing refusing to tell anyone what the fuck this game even was I lost interest. Whenever I ask someone excited about it irl no one can describe what the fuck it is. I notice you still haven’t either.
Maybe because the game is not finished yet
He can but it isn't likely and nothing we've seen so far would indicate that he'll break his pretentious movie game schlock streak.
>Same anons shit on TLOU or some other snoy movie game for having too many cutscenes
For the millionth fucking time, exposition dumps on Kojima's games are almost always entirely skippable.
Games like TLOU go out of their way to have very slow-paced and uninteresting barebones gameplay segments either to create atmosphere or disguise loading times (shimmying between a small crack in a wall, moving containers or ladders around, etc. also see: TLOU's whole intro) and in general just waste the player's time by slowing down your movement while listening to dialogue.
Cutscene length has little or nothing to do with any of this, it's the intrusive presentation method that unnecessarily slows the game down to a crawl and subsequent playthroughs suffer for that because the player is forced to sit through those moments. No one liked replaying the hospital scene in MGSV, but those setpieces are so sparse it represents an extremely tiny fraction of the whole game.
>Literally created a new genre
>Nothing new
You play a guy working for the US government, crossing postapocalyptic America from East to West to activate the nodes of a communication network and connect isolated settlements to it. It's not that complicated.
Oh shit, is that Maaya Sakamoto?
kys weebs
What's wrong in adding movie aspects to the game's story telling? Do you just want to read a text? Or you prefer playing a FPS fortnite game with only a quick introduction to each character
Holy fuck, you mean to tell me even you faggots dunno what the fuck this game is!? Because it’s “not finished yet”!? It’s out in two months you fucking moron! Fuck ME, I didn’t realise the fanboys has gotten this bad.
Guess I'll be playing this one twice to do both languages then
I don't hate Kojima, he's good for what he does. I just don't like the blind cult following he has gotten.
>What's wrong with MGS gameplay
Nothing, it's good. But it sometimes feels like it's just padding in the middle of the cutscenes. Stuff like the ladder in 3 or shooting the infected soldiers in V are fantastic because there's more player agency in the situation. Those moments could've been easily turned into cutscenes but they're more powerful because the player was in control.
I'm hoping DS turns out to be good. Even if it's a Shadow of the Colossus situation where it's mostly crossing empty landscapes intercut with moments of intense action, I'm all for it. I just don't want it to be mostly cutscenes when it could've been gameplay.
We do know, you dumb ape. Even if we told you you wouldn't understand so what's the point. Go back to jerking it to your jrpgs.
Rumors say she's in
They're not inducing the brain death, it's a side-effect of whatever fucked up the Earth, and they need the babies to survive.
Did you play yet? That explains then why so many fags are complaining about the game already
>ignores the post actually explaining the game
People sure do love to pretend to be retarded in order to shitpost about this game.
I get that that’s the scenario, I want to know what you DO. For instance, if I asked you to describe Super Mario Bros and you said something like “you are Mario and you have to travel across the Mushrooms Kingdom to defeat King Bowser and rescue Princess Toadstool” that obviously wouldn’t tell you jack shit about what the game is actually like.
So I’ll try again, can you actually describe what you do in this game?
never ever heard that rumor. are you making shit up, user? or just regular shitposting
You walk across the map, activating AC towers.
Call me a cuck will ya!
Is a fresh rumor.
This is all we know about Death Stranding so far and this is all about Kojima and Konami love afair
And yet you seem to be confused about why people might think this seems overhyped.
how about a source instead of that post?
Because they don't know shit
my ass
so pretty
It's not overhyped. If you don't trust Kojima then fuck off.
Thank fucking god she's not in the game, her fans are literal cancer and Death Stranding threads would be ruined
You travel across the country, dealing with harsh landscapes, environmental hazards, supernatural anomalies and various enemies, both human and inhuman. You have tools like ladders to climb cliffs, makeshift bridges to cross canyons and ropes to climb mountains. You have a rifle and presumably some other weapons to fight off enemies. There seem to be some dynamic multiplayer elements that may or may not involve actually altering the environment in major ways and some mechanic about being transported to a parallel world when you die.
Can we get an entire containment board just for Kojima products?
She is in the game though.
As a "cameo" like Geoff.
It's not overhyped because Kojima already made games that turned out good. Zoomer retards only played MGSV so far and know shit and thinks he is a regular developer.
Travel across various environments similar to Breath of the Wild climbing and surviving finding key points and people to deliver goods and cargo between and fighting the odd enemy between. Dying sends you to another world with lots more combat and fighting instead of sending you back to the last save or checkpoint.
>japanese man keeps making games about america being reborn
top cʉck
CDPRChads got her now
They hate the game because it's outdoor
How about you suck my dick, faggot?
So much s o y in one picture.
this game is going to be as disappointing as phantom pain isn't it?
Kojimba has been kucked
Yes, you can leave these threads forever now and forget about the game
>trailer is only 7 minutes long
>uploader pads out the video with 4 minutes of vlogging just so that the final uploaded video is at least 10 minutes long and has better visibility in the YouTube search algorithm
YouTubers are so fucking pathetic.
He is doing for you Amerisharts
How is this movie game related?
Ah yes, good games like MGS4, and MGS2.
Do you think Kojimbo fuck thoise ladies with his micropenis?
Sony is not Konami
1st gen Kojimadrone arguments aren't allowed anymore. Didn't you get the memo? Every 20 years you're supposed to switch to doing something more pathetic. You're now supposed to pretend to not understand what someone is saying in order to avoid engagement.
Right, because all the bad things Kojima has done were because of evil Konami.
This but unironically
MGS2 was one of the best selling games for the PS2. Konami and Sony should kiss his feet for that
>white wahmen and a nigger forces white man to fuck up some white dudes who want nothing to do with their retarded shit
What did Kojima mean by this?
Swear to god autistic asians that still cling to the ideal of a strong nation have adopted america as a surrogate father or something
>Kojima did bad things for Konami
Another faggot siding with Konami for no reason
ugly fucking horse
This game is literally Metal Gear again and I'm fine with it.
Everything about this scene felt straight out of a Metal Gear title, but instead of nukes we now have voidouts and instead of Snake we have Sam.
Hell, the way he refuses to join them and is a loner is really reminiscent of the MGS1 briefing.
I really hope the plot ends up being as stupid, convoluted yet as pretentious as MGS4 so that all the celebrities involved with this game like Geoff Keighly and Nicolas Refn (who hasn't made a good movie since Drive) will forever be ashamed to be associated with a game like this.
Only God Forgives was good tho.
i'm impressed, even tho you wrote the truth here, you still sounds like an utterly retarded faggot. congratz.
>I want the game to fail because I dislike that meanie Kojima :(
You are beyond pathetic.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
>Ah yes, good games like MGS4, and MGS2.
Literally system sellers.
I wonder if Mads had to sign all those blurays.
things user never does.
Autistic Japs are like this. They even have military bases present in their own country. They seem to love McDonalds too
Why would I try to comprehend a shitpost without a source
Also KFC. They unironically go to KFC during Christmas because it somehow became a tradition for them.
zoomers (aka the people who have never played anything except cod, fortnite, battlefield and TPP) are the only people who think there is anything special about TPP
Zoomers should go back to play their Nintendo instead of posting shit they don't know about games they never played
>The thing that really stood out to me was just how simple this game is at its core. Death Stranding is a game about walking. As Sam Porter Bridges (or as you probably know him, Normal Reedus trapped in the uncanny valley), you are tasked with walking from the East coast of America to the West, reactivating various communication nodes along the way in an effort to spread a message of hope to a nation that has become fragmented and disconnected, taking the idea of unity to pockets of an isolated populous that trades in ambivalence rather than love. That is Death Stranding.
>Connect the country up to the communication network, see if you can rescue Amelie from the Homo Damens and their leader, Higgs – the 'Man in the Golden Mask' played by Troy Baker – and spread the message of a dying president to halt the otherwise irreversible fracture of society. There's your story in Death Stranding; it's no more confusing than that. It's the drive to get you moving through the world and the core tenant to the gameplay.
>As you establish these connections, you can pull open the map and track your progress across the country. There's a clear radial spray denoting how much of an area has been marked following its connection to the network. Meters pop up to show the strands you have made with other NPCs as you complete fetch quests for them, delivering them their mail.
>To be honest, after seeing this section of the game, I'm not entirely unconvinced that this isn't a game built around the synchronization viewpoints of Assassin's Creed, or the lighting of the beacons in The Lord of the Rings. The best way to visualise these systems is to consider what happens to the map in any of the Assassin's Creed games once you scale a tower, take in the view, and get assaulted by a battery of waypoints.
Well, here's your "game" Yea Forums
This is the ultimate argument to dismantle the widespread delusion about MGSV having "the best gameplay in the series," or even "good gameplay" at all. This argument will only focus on the gameplay, completely detached from the story of the game or the series as a whole. However, certain mechanics that have more direct ties to the story or lore will still be addressed for gameplay purposes.
The most commonly cited "proof" of TPP having "good gameplay" is the idea that the game has some (abstract) "freedom" that gives you an unparalleled selection of options in-game and thus the game has "better" gameplay than the older games from the series (and that the same "freedom" warrants praise in general, leading to the idea that the game has "good gameplay" and deserves to be lauded as something special).
The second most commonly cited "proof" of TPP having "good gameplay" is the idea that the game has some (abstract) set of "mechanics" that simply "makes it the best". Boiled down to the crux of this non-argument, the idea is that the basic system mechanics in the game are simply "better" than those of the other MGS games, or possibly other stealth or action games in general. As badly as the arguments of the mouthbreathing TPP defenders are formulated and explained, I can only guess at what exactly they are referring to with this one. A fair assumption would be that when people cite the "good mechanics" they are talking about the combat system, the stealth mechanics, your basic controls to interact with the systems and so on. If I wanted to end the discussion right here, I'd probably point at the fact that those mechanics are at best the other half of the nigh-mobile game grind the game has, focused entirely on capturing resources and managing Mother Base.
I will now dismantle these ideas completely.
TPP trades "design" for "freedom". It opts out to throw out complex level design, something imperative to a stealth game. A map is a platter for the designer to implement their gameplay scenario. For any type of game, but particularly a stealth game, it's undoubtedly necessary to have a gameplay scenario that challenges the player in some way. The challenge itself can obviously be varied, constantly changing, but it should be there to give some type of concise structure for the player. A game is a game, something with rules, something to play in and win at. Basketball is a game, merely throwing a ball around isn't. You might argue that TPP "has" level design, just an extremely barebones implementation of it. This is obvious and in no way counters the truth. Good level design is a platter for the scenario to function in. The only "freedom" TPP gives you is to break the level design itself as the creator doesn't have enough control to make a game out of it. It's almost irrelevant whether or not TPP has any type of level design at all as the creator can't force the player into it's constraints. It's too wide, too open, too empty to faciliate any type of game.
TPP also completely throws out varied gameplay scenarios. The one thing you're meant to use your "freedom" on (the game) is so barebones, so repetitive that the only thing left is to kick the ball around on an empty field. The game has exactly one type of objective that it uses on every single main mission of the game, its one primary gameplay scenario, the most complex scenario it can offer you, the scenario that also gets distilled down to an even simpler form to accommodate the side ops in the game.
"Go here and destroy this. If this can be extracted, it's always the right answer to fulton it instead, no matter what the description of the mission is."
The "person" that wrote this hasn't seen any more gameplay than the rest of us.
If your mission is to kill 3 commanders, the right answer is to traverse through the empty overworld as quickly as possible and extract them. If your mission is to destroy tanks coming in onto the map, the right answer is to extract them. If your mission is to trail a soldier to assassinate his commander, the right answer is to extract the target. Mission to kill prisoners? Extract them. Extract the tank unit, extract the wandering mother base soldiers, extract the highly skilled soldier number.134213, extract the interpreter, extract the ____ specialist. The only variation to this formula is when you are absolutely forced to destroy something instead, when youre put against something that you can't fulton (Sahelanthropus). These missions are extremely rare and quite offensively simplistic. They offer even less of this "freedom" that is supposed to be the selling point of the game.
So what is the "freedom" that turns these repetitive extraction missions into the "best gameplay" of the series?
The "freedom" in TPP is an illusion. Not only are the options themselves far more limited than the game would want you to believe, the strategies for applying these "options" are automatically kept in check by the other half of the game where you will not progress unless you gather resources.
Knowing this, your options are to either sacrifice resources by killing or getting soldiers by not killing them. Lets assume that both options are viable (which they are not).
You're still left with two options. Red or blue damage. The exact same choice you have in the past games, except now you have far less complex ways to interact with your enemies rather than simply killing or stunning them. Complex body damage is gone, affecting the equipment of the soldiers is completely tied to one of the mobile game Mother Base mechanics instead (dispatch missions) that happens somewhere offscreen and suddenly the enemies don't have battle armor. The game tricks you into thinking that you have options (look at all these items, look at all these guns, look at all these arms,) but all of it is a lie. You're left with less than you had in previous games, you merely have options for how you want to deal your red or blue damage.
And of course, you can produce noise. Another option padded with a ton of false depth.
Simply off the top of my head, you can deal red damage (lethal) with guns, you can slit throats, use explosives (grenades, C4, rocket launchers, grenade launchers) or even a lethal rocket arm. There are hundreds of guns in the game, all dealing the same lethal damage. You're given the illusion of depth by giving you 100 different assault rifles that all do the exact same thing. You can never even manually deploy without one equipped, you're always decked out to kill in multiple ways even if you don't take the explosives with you (which are never the right answer to anything, since anything you might want to blow up you actually want to extract)
Then you have blue damage. CQC is always available and you even have a chain CQC move that lets you down an entire crowd of close by opponents. Already you can see the pattern of false depth here since you're given a Stun arm which can do the exact same thing, but it's treated as another, as-if meaningful function. You have automatic riot assault rifles and submachineguns, sniper rifles and tranq guns.
I wish mods would ban all these shitposters. The game looks great but you can't even discuss it without some fag jumping at your throat.
And last, you can make noise. You can always deploy with an infinite pile of empty magazines and the biomechanical arm can produce noise directly from you. Making noise is another bloated pile of false depth, since that infinite pile of magazines can be supplemented by limited noisemakers like the active decoy. None of them are actually better than the magazines you have though, just far more ridiculous and overtly visible to not only kill all semblance of stealthy military simulation, but to make redditors chortle into their pube beards.
In short, you have layers upon layers of false depth by giving you "options" out of your three primary modes of interacting with an enemy NPC. You have even less freedom when faced with skulls or child soldiers though. The environment itself is always completely asinine, the objective itself is always so simplistic that it might as well not exist as you intuitively know to fulton the soldier with a glowing marker on it. Your "freedom" to interact with said soldiers is no more complex than in the paid demo, let alone the past MGS games where you couldn't always choose your kit but still had an intelligently designed, varied and interesting gameplay scenario around those mechanics at your disposal.
oh no, zoomer redditor must be shaking in his overalls
All bullshit.
The Virgin UCA
>Led an elderly dying woman, her daughter who let herself get captured and some nigger in a mask
>Title of president seems to be given from mother to daughter, no democratic elections
>Impregnated brain-dead women and uses their babies as tools
>Authoritarian central government
>Wants to connect everyone to some autistic network and doesn't respect independent settlements
>Basically, the US government, what else do you need to know about them?
The Chad Homo Demens
>Decentralised guerilla group, United under their struggle for independence
>Anarchist freedom fighters fighting back against UCA imperialism
>Not afraid to die for their struggle and taking entire cities with them
>Kidnapping the designated UCA president, but treating her humanely and even letting her use their communication technology
>Led by a Chad in a pimp ass golden mask who can summon monsters.
well """"argued"""" troglodyte, you certainly took apart those points. Id tell you to go back to memeddit but even there the average "based" boy can formulate an argument before their retarded youtube comments tier conclusions. Try again toddler
Delusional zoomers must also remember that Is not about one game. Is about the entire Metal Gear Solid franchise that proved Kojima to be a legend. MGSV turned out good but it could be better if it wasn't for all the hurry Konami had in releasing it to disbanding Kojima and make profits on mobile game
So true
Thanks for the final concession that youre unable to refute anything and just scream and cry impotently, I sincerely hope the mods are active enough today to ban you for your empty autist "post" of epic buzzword insults of the month exclusively used by redditors who havent been here longer than 2 weeks
>Homo Demens
>they are literally homos
Y'all niggas fappin to a man!
>stuffed bra
>Y'all niggas fappin to a man!
everyone is well aware Kojima is a man
>It opts out to throw out complex level design
MGSV doesn't "throw out" anything because MGS never had intricate level design. If anything, you could exploit how segmented areas worked to reset suspicion of guards.
This is about as far as I'm willing to go, your posts reek of self-aggrandizing and pseudo intellectual bullshit. It sounds like you had these posts ready in a notepad to copy&paste at the slight mention of MGSV even if the post you responded to is a blatant shitpost replying to another shitpost.
What that means
what the fuck
>MGSV doesn't "throw out" anything because MGS never had intricate level design.
epic lie you had there. The past games had level design that forced the player to confront the challenges the designer presents you. The first solid game throws you into a small room with nothing but a box of cigarettes and binoculars and tells you to wait for an elevator with a third guard in it. TPP is an asset flip open world with some objects sprinkled in and every situation can be reset by skulking back into the bush, rolling on your stomach and crawling back in from a different angle
Yea Forums turned shit
We will get to see her feet in this too?
>tfw Quiet actually made Stefanie insecure as fuck about herself
>she starts stuffing her bra because boobs are too small
>starts putting a lot more effort into taking care of her feet
Basically guaranteed.
Mind blown?
Reminder that Joost is broke because she got paid in eggs.
She looks a bit like Geoff Keighley, he has a type, doesn't he?
>The past games had level design that forced the player to confront the challenges the designer presents you
Sounds good on paper, especially with all the selectiveness of pointing out small details for MGS1 to make the game seem more impressive than it actually was, and using reductive hyperbole for V.
The issue is the first two rooms in MGS1 are arguably the most complex in the entire game. Things never really evolve after that. You don't have to worry about footprints, or spotlights, and the second area is the only part where you have more than one infiltration point. Everything else is just a series of corridors and small rooms that sometimes you can use to exploit the AI even in Alert mode because there are areas where guards don't follow you in.
I don't know what definition of "asset flip" you're using. Games that get criticized for that normally have publicly available assets that the devs just bought (or even downloaded for free) and put in their game without making changes.
Youre probably retarded if you ever thought some F-list "model" from some shithole country was ever getting more than a few thousand blyats for getting body scanned and saying 10 sentences in a videogame
What about her royalties from Pornhub?
She actually made a lot of money from that role. During an interview she mentioned that she lived off that payment for 3 years.
Then again, her lifestyle isn't very expensive either since all she needs to get by is eggs, anime and jrpgs.
Im not trying to say that MGS1 is a complex game, its an ancient PS1 blueprint for the rest of the games that werent as complex or well made either as any other actually good stealth game. Im giving you a direct example of the difference between proper level design and an empty nothingness with no restrictions of any type.
>and using reductive hyperbole for V.
Except Im not, id be praising the game for variety if it had any but it doesnt. Im interested in death stranding because it looks like kojima learned completely from his embarrassing fuckup and is making an antithesis to TPP. TPP is bad because it takes away what the past games had but puts nothing in their place. Traversing the terrain isnt a part of the gameplay, its an annoyance and its practically replacing the cutscenes of the older games by forcing you to mash square on D-horse for 5 minutes instead. There are no survival mechanics, the terrain is extremely barebones in function itself as you can only climb predetermined tiny cracks, the elements dont affect you in any way (sandstorms and rain only serve to help you, even africa's biome is just a reskin of aghanistan with no dangerous animals, swamps or anything). You never face humidity, weight limits, fatigue, hunger, your senses or emotions arent affected when even in the past games snake could be excessively damaged and caused to vomit or get hampered functionality, limited stamina etc. Even Survive implements survival mechanics that were never retroactively fitted into TPP unlike better games (and coincidentally immersive sims) like PREY which later added a full breadth of features like bones breaking into its maingame after the DLC dropped. Nothing about TPP takes advantage of what it added and what it added only diluted what was there originally
>Start the game
>There is an option to skip the cutsene by pressing X
>Press X
>Credits start rolling
Walking from A to B and when you see humans or monsters you can either stealth past them or shoot them
LOL, you just got yourself a gold, sir!
Brilliant! Integrated speedrun support! Kojima is such a genius!
I have to admit, it's was funny going through the Africa forest area in TPP after going through it in Survive where it's better implemented to a hilarious degree
that guy should make vidya videos
he'd probably blow up
He's too busy doing transvestigations to play vidya
>ywn feel those lips
I want to hug her so bad
>with no restrictions of any type
But that's wrong? The game as a whole has well defined fail states and boundaries around mission areas. Just because there aren't as many walls and corridors as other games doesn't mean it's "empty nothingness". And isn't the fact that you can't climb just any mountain but instead have specific areas to do so a point in favor of focused design? Your argument is all over the place.
In any case, whatever you do inside those boundaries is up to you, to a certain extent. For example, I like that I can kill a target that I was supposed to tail and the game just continues after that. It's a way better solution than having tight constraints that exist in other "open world" or AAA games, like getting too close/too far to a target you have to pursue ends up in a fail state.
I concede the game could be much more than it is, and implementing a greater variety of enemies, environments, and more indoors areas would go a long way to significantly improve the experience, but I'd still much, much rather have MGSV's design with all those flaws than the typical more "polished" experience.
For a game that is the first real try at a sandbox design on a new game engine, launched and functioned well on 5 different platforms with a generational gap, and with all the controversy of how Konami treated their employees and their management of their biggest IPs as a whole, I think things turned out pretty fucking decent at the very least. It's far from what I would call an "embarrassing fuckup".
>ywn lay your balls on her sleeping face to wake her up for breakfast
She prefers softboiled though. You should save making omelet as more of a variety thing
Don't respond to Redditors
But globalization is good for goys.
Why do you faggots suck MGS dick all day but then get pissy because DS is cinematic?
Let me guess. Home Demens are actually the good guys and the UCA under blonde girl are the bad guys and this will be the big twist?
So, how much do you wanna bet that the trailer showing Bridget is like a significant cutscene. Watching that briefing video, it seems pretty clear that meeting up with her is going to be a significant moment in the game.
He's spoiling everything again.
The murrica worship in this is disgusting.
I literally don't understand people trying to meme about movies
Have these people not played the five Metal Gear games made after MGS4?
the walking dead guy is such a bad voice actor. I'll definitely need subtitles for his mumbling.
Turn your hearing aid up, grandpa.
It's nincels and pctards just coping
I think that's gotta be pretty early on in the game. It seems to be set in DC, which seems like it's where you start the game.
>half boiled eggs
>patrician wahmen
So Quiet was the real D-horse?
Softboiled is master race. I love boiling the egg for 5 minutes and then quenching it in cold water, makes for the perfect liquid yolk and boiled whites.
It's incredible how this girl has the exact same tastes in food as me aside from the fact that she likes shrimp and I don't
Kojima's games all shit on america.
I'm pretty sure it'll be revealed that burgers caused the "death stranding" and fucked up the entire world.
yes, im sure its redditords who think TPP is something special and not the zoomers who have never played a single other game from any relevant genre. But obviously you have spent hundreds of hours accross milsims, immersive sims and masterpieces of the stealth genre and still decided that TPP is a good game
>new game
>new cumslut
>TPP is
>Literally is the first act when the hero rejects the call to adventure.
Anything can happen, and I'm waiting some MGS2 levels of japanese post-modern social commentary. You see how the landscapes are nothing like USA but Iceland geography? The desert looks and feels just like Mars in the same tone. That's called anachronism and is a post-modern resource that Kojipro used with CCCP in Metal Gear 3, putting a jungle where is a thundra in real life.
The function of anachronism is to be able to decouple the real territory in real life where the story is situated in order to make it close and familiar but at the same time it gives flexibility to touch topics without dragging politics from real life.
That's why the Homosexual Demons had egyptian inspired aesthetics but they act like an modular far right libertarian terrorist cells. In same manner the blonde is a remanent from an idealized Western Ideology post-world war II, which ideology is, in paper, about a pacifist smaller planet.
No upvotes for you here sorry
I'm only waiting for the picture meme, good one user
So redditors hate TPP and are well versed in immersive sims, milsims and classic stealth masterpieces instead? Thanks for convincing me to leave this shithole, feel free stick to zoomers first TPS
read a book for once in your life faggot
If the Homos are playable are going to lose my fucking shit. Imagine playing with user ambushing another players.
This is my favorite trailer shot so far.
>whataboutism on an anonymous board
have sex
>MGSV comes out
>Yea Forumseddit can't stop bitching about how it doesn't have enough cutscenes and that there isn't enough effort put into the story
>now suddenly Yea Forumseddit pretends that Kojima is le ebin no-gameplay moviememe guy
shitposting is hard
great shot indeed. for me it's Mads inside his web.
fuck you, he's mumbling like the worst redneck
bad argument. In DS the story is also very integral to the gameplay, you dont describe the story in mario because it isnt a story focused game, DS might be. You describe mario as what it is, a platformer.
>just another fucking cutscene
This """game""" is a complete joke.
>Your onee-san osananajimi is the main female protagonist.
what are yur favourite games?
Stop pretending to be retarded
Imagine if NG+ is you play as some homo demen walking west->east dismantling all the communications relays that sam set up in NG
>list my favorite games
why do you retards think this is a good argument
Here's another cool one.
I'm upset that Troy Baker is playing the villain. I don't think Kojima knows how to direct this guy, he was awful in MGSV and he sounds bad in this too.
Love the design, hate that it's troy.
Margaret is the cutest!
With this performance, I don't think it user.
Higgs looks like a fun villain
>Touching the president's ass
The nerve.
That's the performance I thought about writing the post, I don't like it.
Are you a Jew?
What is wrong with it?
Sounds corny, tongue in cheek and silly, and not in a cool way.
He's probably the good guy.
They're paid by Konami to post here.
Reminder that using urine as a weapon is confirmed
Her name is Amelie. Samantha America Strand is her title. The society in-game reverts to old job-related names. Norman Reedus's character's name is Sam Porter Bridges. He works for Bridges to deliver packages (a porter).
not that guy but it sounds like shit, like he's just the asshat "villain" in a comedy movie
>our new America
>blond white womyn
>it sounds like shit, like he's just the asshat "villain" in a comedy movie
pretty much this. Higgs feel out of place
Samantha is Amelie's mom. The dying old Hillary Clinton lookalike from the other trailer.
Why the fuck would Samantha be a title
No, I'm a latino third world mutt.
you know that kojima stated that he wanted to take a pause to work in commercials or make small mobile games before going back to huge games but then he made death stranding for the huge request from the fans.
I just want to point out that Death Stranding threads could be full of webms from Blue is the Warmest Color and still be on topic, yet they aren't.
Good thing they only scanned her face.
implying konami gives a flying fuck of what kojima will do from now on, they're just relieved that it's not on their shoulders anymore, only a fool buying into internet false dichotomies would really believe that, I suggest you to stop watching youtube shill payed by sony to make videos with tinfoil hat absurde theories for your mental sanity.
>game where we can piss on ghosts
>Yea Forums doesn't like it
Why doesn't Yea Forums like fun?
>being this monumentally homosexual
>not loving that absolute gorgeous beauty
I can oggle joosten any day, any time.
Her mother is Bridgett
How'd you get that idea?
Imagine how BTFO'd she be if Margaret and Lea did a stream and crushed her ratings.
does she even stream anymore?
Moral of this thread is post more Joost webms
People sent her that horse sfm and she got so disturbed by it that she decided to drop everything
Wrong, she actually streams herself in SFM creating Quiet/horse porn. She's actually quite talented.
got you, famalam
>she got so disturbed by it that she decided to drop everything
lol ok
God I want a Joost gf so bad
No unfortunately. She gets insecure about being bad at videogames so she only streamed easy games after struggling with MGSV and Megaman 2. Because of this there aren't many games for her to stream and she was always inconsistent with it to begin with.
Proofs? I'm pretty sure she knew about the sfm long before she stopped streaming
cannot have her, she's mai waifu
>implying I won't take her from you
I'm seriously considering an hero knowing I'll never get a cutie like this in my life
>I'm seriously considering an hero knowing i fucked up every scenario with a cutie like this in my life
don't do it tho
We all are. The idea that such perfect women exist is actually soulcrushing considering how awful the vast majority of girls are.
>you had a girl with those delicious lips once
the days are getting pretty dark again, frens...
>shithole country
We literally gifted Kojima an engine, did you know that?
combat shawl (female)
>tfw you will never infiltrate Kojima Productions and steal the hard drive containing all Hideo's high detail motion capture scans
Just forget about her. Most women are memes anyway. Only joost is forever
Okay, so it looks like you're a fucking retard. Amelie's mom is Bridget. You can hear Sam say this in the Release Date trailer. In this leaked prologue cutscene, the Samantha title is clearly referring to Amelie when she becomes President. Based on this, we can surmise that Bridget also used a "____ America Strand" title when she was President. Also, Sam says "I'm Sam Porter Bridges NOW - I'm not a Strand," hinting at their past history.
That's interesting. Wonder how names work in that world.
>the leak was actually real
>Norman's employers are actually the bad guys
>And Norman is actually a Luden
Good job ripping off Time Wanderers you fucking nip. My only problem with this game is the open world shit. If this turns out to be a sandbox garbage and not well made levels stitched together like GTA, I'm going to smash my playstation
What did that leak say, exactly?
based and truth-pilled
>I'm going to smash my playstation
You should also smash your head in while you're at it
in short it says your mum will die in her sleep when you don't reply to this post
How do we get Stefanie to stream again?
There has to be a way right? Like maybe she'll come back to stream FF7 remake?
Said a lot of shit before we heard literally anything after the first trailer with Norman on the beach. Some things mentioned
>Norman is actually a Luden, ending was spoiled with the ludens poster
>Mikkelsen isn't the bad guy
>Norman's employers actually steal Norman's baby and make him think Mikkelsen & Demons are bad people
>Lindsay Wagner in the game
>a revolver and a spear
And a whole lot of shit like how the multiplayer would be like and stuff
He gave up his trip after that so he can scrub his identity. It worked, and tons of people took the trip code
Like Metal Gear Solid was just a game about stopping terrorists from launching nukes.
user, I can't read that screenshot for shit, that quality is awful.
Friendly reminder to all the kojidrones faggots doing mental gimnastics in these retarded threads:
"A game does not need a story" -Shigeru Miyamoto
>*bing bing*
>implying konami gives a flying fuck of what kojima will do
They DO. Say anything negative about Konami on Yea Forums and the paid shills instantly start bitching about "kojimbo!!" and saying "kojima is a hack!" etc even when nobody mentioned him to begin with. Konami shills are fucking obsessed with Kojima.
PS Now
>I don't think Kojima knows how to direct this guy
I'd go as far as to say I don't think Jokima knows how to direct anything. He's a hack.
>it's a movie
>the gameplay is walking around and pissing
kojimbo does it again!
Are you guys ready for the briefing trailer, the die-hardman trailer, the bridget and amelia trailers, the higgs trailer, the cliff trailer, the fragile trailer, the deadman trailer, the sam trailer and the launch trailer?
They already have released the Deadman trailer. It was the one of him explaining Bridge Babies to Sam.
Is there a working link?
I'm fine, that's quality entertainment.
working link to the Briefing Trailer
Thanks user
I'm gonna miss MGS's aesthetic
Death Stranding aesthetic is infinitely superior, and I say that as someone that isn't even particularly caught up in the hype.
The sneaking suit in TPP was ruined by that cock on the back. But man was that Ground Zeroes "MSF" sneaking suit awesome.
As overused a setting as postapocalypse is, Death Stranding really seems to bring a new approach to it. Making America look like Iceland is certainly creative.
Yeah. For as skeptical as I am about a lot of things about the game, art design and setting is not one of them. It looks very inspired.
TPP to me felt like nothing, nothing felt inspired about that world and in terms of Shinkawa designs, it felt like he had less to work with than in past titles, DS is just full blown Shinkawa kino.
I hope it has puzzles for him.
Literally what on Earth is wrong with her? Why is she so fidgety?
Not getting a good vibe from Sam's "allies" at all
here is your Death Stranding, bro
Here's a mirror, btw, it's pure shit
It would be cool if the separatists get their own campaign. Maybe even allowing you to win at the end and fuck off the government faggots.
When we've made the trek across the map, how will the missions evolve? do you guys think we'll be delivering packages for the entire game?
>post-credits scene
>shadowy figure emerges from the dark
>it's Todd Howard
>post game consists of radiant delivery quests and climbing mountains
"Whos's laughing now?"
I hope it's a roguelike with checkpoints every time you reach a major settlement as you head west.
and you're a homo-sapien
Sam is old in the Shinkawa art they released for the art book announcement.
I might cry if the ludens space suit isn't in the game, especially after it was heavily teased with the "Even the moon" line.
>7 minutes long
kojimas fuckin pissed
I am going to love holding my directional up for 2 minutes, Kojima is a genius
Sam literally references it in the last trailer. He looks at the poster and says "sup, Sam."
wot if timefall is an actual ingame mechanic
>it's pure shit
trailer content or the video quality?
>Teaming up with Mama to help protect BB from homodemons.
What did he mean by this?
No one likes Lea. Qualley is the waifu of this gaym.
> Her middle name is literally America
The subtly of a down syndrome orgy.
if the part of the leak about the PT styled community aspect is true, the game will be genuinely incredible
>his last name is literally Snake
don't know but FUCK KONAMI
shes pretty cute
When did her tits get so big?
lmaoing at your life loser
Basically the map is the whole United Fucking States of America? Please someone say something.
[YouTube] Not Found (embed)
Technically, but obviously not to scale.
Yes, the location is set in an alternate timline America.
No, you won't be able to roam from coast to coast if that's what's you're implying.
What's the difference between this bitch and some other randomass girl?
so the map will be something like shadow of the colossus, where is empty but there are some interesting stuff to look, puzzle together and make you think, or will be zelda botw where is just boring?
If the Homos are a playable class is going to be very interesting multiplayer. I don't think so, considering the message is to connect people, which is a downer because I would like to mess with user cargos.
It's possible that its the entierty of America if compressed. Plus, the annhilation belt might just have a few spots you can traverse, the rest of it just being scenery.
What ever came of the Nick Offerman rumor? Did anyone follow up on it or confirm/disconfirm it?
The Homo abilities will probably be unlockable like the Skulls abilities in MGSV.
That Sam is on the steelbook cover.
I want to believe the whole map will be available, past trailers had shown 3 or 4 different possible locations. Also the homos did nothing wrong.
a fashionable noose.
sex goddess
Even Mikkelsen doesn't understand the game apparently. Putting the pieces together will be pure kino.
I remember a photo of Mads taking a break and talking to a Kojipro member and one user wrote
>"I'm telling you, I have no idea what these Japanese are doing."
And was nailed it.
>I read man, I love Joseph Campbell, let me explain what anachronism is dude
I bet you mention dostoevsky after 10 minutes of talking to a girl
>Somebody that doesn't play or understand games whatsoever
>doesn't understand death stranding
Why is this evidence of anything? Also it's all just PR bullshit, remember when Troy Baker said that TPP Was going to be the biggest game ever, I think he said something about how it dwarfs skyrim.
I'm thinking about read him. By the way, who is Joseph Campbell?
The guy who wrote "Hero with a Thousand Faces" and outlined the conventional structure for a typical adventure story.
racist white faggot game for white faggots
here have a (you)
Can't beat Maaya.
where is this from??
That isn't even what anachronism means. How embarrassing.
That would be pretty cool.
What is it then? I'm intrigued because USA doesn't look anything like it is in this trailers.
I think there's a good chance we'll go there. It'd be absolutely kino if the first moon landing echoes up there similar to the WW1, Vietnam stuff we saw in the release trailer.
Wow. As a 10/10 Chad with 300k starting I definitely would not have sex with this woman.
ds is gonna be a boring game mark my words and take a screen of this too
What's next for her career?
Not even a joostfag but she looks so perfect here
>With that chin
Yikes my bud
that + constant hard blinking from another interview looks like a milder form of tourette's
Thats a great idea but if the leaks on the overall story concept from years ago are to be believed, Sam is a demigod who was responsible for the cataclysm in the first place and his attempt to repair it isnt even an earnest one
Higgs could be playable tho. I really really wish this chaotic evil shit in the game.
Cyberpunk 2077 clearly. The joost is back baby!
Who here is getting the Death Stranding Art Book?
Hardcover and hundreds of pieces of god tier Shinkawa art.
that all sounds like a good thing
>What's next for her career?
sucking my 4 inch dick lol!
>big legs
haha, nu al aan het aankomen, typisch Nederlands weer, wat een 'model'.
it isn't going away
>Female President
Yeah I'm out
I suppose she does look like quite a typical swamp German there.
it's just that dutch women rarely if ever watch their calories. it's pretty crazy, only the supermodels do, haha.
I dont think the bottom image is correct. Also what do u guys think of mads saying "u can explore the whole world, even the moon"?
Yeah that Amelie chick in the trailer is probably some AI. The real one is probably dead. Makes no sense why any bad guys would let her communicate with outsiders to offer help with efforts to fuck up their city.
Christ kojimas not going to make an entire game revolve around the latest girl that gives him a hard-on like he did with mgs5,is he?
Famitsu accidentally leaked some of the music for the game. Khalid, Major Lazer and CHVCHES. Although the article reads weird like it isn't the Death Stranding game music or music from the game but some kind of companion album to the game? Weird, I don't know.
nah you dumb fanboy, that's a hollywood artist tactfully skirting the issue of the game being D-tier trash. Even Uwe Boll would turn this script down for a REAL movie you see?
It's obvious Mads hates it because he's someone who has read some books and literature, and can tell shit writing from a mile away, like most normally functioning adults btw.
Yeah it really does, which is why I'm hoping the people spewing this nonsense to Sam are lying to him. Almost all of these stories where a veteran gets dug up for one last job have a twist where it's revealed that the recruiters had some secret agenda about which they lied to the protagonist.
AnaCHRONISM means out of time, not out of place
I don't thin he refers to gameplay. Same like the part were Sam says
>I have an idea
And then plugs the artificial utero to the lamp. He is talking about a plan with an escape route. In the same sense, Mads line believe is about how the baby, a new life, can do whatever they want with life.
I'm pretty sure she is the final boss
anyone else got another link?
You’re in a jungle in Mgs3 because it takes place where Kyrgyzstan is now, the opening plane cutscene starts in Afghani airspace.
The USSR was not just Russian tundra.
>Reach end-game
>This will be a boss fight 100%
How the fuck will Sam fight vs this shit? I hope Sam get teleports abilitys at least.
You know after all the threads and all those 4-hour videos showing in my recommended feed discussing the story, I expected TPP's plot to be completely lunatic. Turns out it's unironically the simplest MGS plot since MGS1. It's a straightforward James Bond storyline with some wacky sci fi. The only esoteric part was the bit about Mantis using Sahelanthropus and the Man of Fire based on people's desire for revenge, but there are cassette tapes that spell all that stuff out clear as day.
Wtf is this shit? My hype for this is dwindling.
Why does kojimas always imply everything can be solved through pacifism no matter what he works on?
He's like a high functioning autistic who gets stuck in some world-view and can't see nuance.
We can pee in this game but how come we can't poop in this game?
Why introduce peeing and not pooping?
Is it because it is a pain in the ass to remove that space suit for the protagonist?
Where does the poop go then?
Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima incidents made japanese pacifists.
Probably there will be the bathrooms in the game checkpoints.
You can go months without pooping but peeing is mandatory
Yeah, the main plot is Illuminati want to create One World Order with English as the one language. They create a bio-weapon that targets based on language and plan to wipe out troublesome people's languages to be replaced with English. One agent Skullface goes rogue and plans to counter this by eliminating English and breakdown globalization.
I really like the way the baby's voice meshes with the music at the moment when she lets her go into the air
>used goods
The most cutscene-heavy game from Kojima still has a more robust gameplay system than anything made by any other major studio in the past decade, faggot.
>and in general just waste the player's time by slowing down your movement while listening to dialogue
Exactly. This is the shit that's made me hate AAA games the most since I've startes to understand them on a bit more than a surface level.
It just seems like the protagonist is going to be fighting for some dead person's retarded ideology like mgs.
I mean wtf was mgs? Soilders choosing who they fight for ,so they're still pawns of government anyway and they're unlikely to be unanimous on their decision which means constant civil war.
That kind of shit makes you realise Kojima is kind of retarded.
Kojima's perfectly nuanced. MGS never tells you whether Big Boss and Zero are good or evil because they've both done a bit of each, the player is left to figure it out themselves.
I like the way it looks. I hope it is comfy to explore the world.
Why does most media imply that everything can be solved through violence?
we still have no context for whatever this is in the game right?
It has been shown off with the Ludens figure several times
>You can go months without pooping but peeing is mandatory
This cant possibly be true
He's probably one of the Yea Forums pedophiles (not a hyperbole btw, one of them spams in the tifa threads now) and waifufaggots that's been taking up residence here of late. Braindead faggots always try to screech about pol, when tv's the board that brings the most cancer everywhere they go.
were they always this big or is she trying a new bra type
Nah not really
That shit was entirely reconned by mgs5, Big Boss never done hardly any of that evil shit
True but kojima takes another extreme.
Might just be concept art for all we know that didn't get used. Shit happens all the time.
has it? looks pregnant.
Man Kojimbo is the ultimate Jap dev otaku creep archetupe.
It's David Bowie's character.
Those pics are her normal boobs.
This is her stuffing her bra
>If your mission is to destroy tanks coming in onto the map, the right answer is to extract them.
Do you fucking hear yourself?
yeah very early on, when they initially revealed Ludens
yeah, makes sense
it would be dope if there was more mech armor like this in the game though
Yeah I am confused too. Is this the licenced music soundtrack with the original music on a different album or is this just music with the Death Stranding name that doesn't appear in the game?
Thats like expecting you to fight and beat Cthulhu at the end of a Cthulhu mythos game
try actually playing the game before opening your mouth about it toddler
Sup Nick
what mean spirited entity put me together just to dangle things in my face i cant have
Anyone know what is the 5 floating figures in almost every trailer?
There is a very real metaphysical evil out there. We are but it's playthings
it would be cool if some unused Rising concepts made there way into this one
all the Area 51 shit looked interesting
Fuck off joostcuck
This is incredibly uncomfortable
No? I think you are retarded.
>footchads win again
>Traversing the terrain isnt a part of the gameplay, its an annoyance and its practically replacing the cutscenes of the older games by forcing you to mash square on D-horse for 5 minutes instead.
Yeah you're a fucking autist
well "argued"
Why is troy baker so unbelievably sexy?
Cuz youre a fag
>This video is no longer available
Someone link me a video that works.
The poor girl is trapped in a neurotic arms race of trying to look sexier than a video-game version of herself.
If this doesn't demonstrate that kojimbo is a genius hack, I don't know what will
Why is he so sexy?
I would literally pay tens of thousands to lick her soles
Kojima is a hack and i love it.
And everyone who thinks its a bad thing is delusional u235 faggot.
Kojima for president.
haha epic dude
You didn't get to watch it? It's essentially the briefing scene of Escape From New York, Escape From L.A., MGS1, MGS 2, and Lockout. Just imagine one of those but with some holograms.
I watched a let's play of this guy going through nuGod of War while I was playing Okami a couple days back and when he got to the Magni and Modi fight I couldn't help but notice how the voice of the one played by Nolan North sounded nothing like Nathan Drake while the one played by Troy Baker sounded like Ocelot or Joel or Sam or Booker speaking through gritted teeth. Dude seriously has no range and short of him being an agency buttboy in industry sex cults, I don't understand why he keeps getting work. Even his Joker bears some similarities to his other roles. How the hell does that happen?
Is this something new or the trailer from 2 months ago?
So she's an America and she works for Strand?
>all old people look like this one politician I know
You shouldn't be allowed to post.
troy baker is clearly not the main villain if you arent a brainlet
he had barely 3 weeks of voice work
Read It's the briefing. Like that first scene from MGS1 when Snake is still blonde.
Kill yourself
And what did they say.
>Dude seriously has no range and short of him being an agency buttboy in industry sex cults
excuse me?
I want to kiss her and cuddle her
It's exposition for the initial story, the president's daughter lead an expedition to the west coast but then got kidnapped by the isolationists and is being held hostage in exchange for their continued independence.
I'm glad I didn't see this before I platinumed the game
oh man, you really are.
I saw it pointed out fucking before the game released, it was ruined to me before I even had the game. I hated using the suit because of it.
Correct. I'm diagnosed with Tourette's and most of the time I can blink normally, except when I'm really nervous, angry or stressed. She's probably nervous during every interview because of that. And thinking about people judging you while in public makes you more nervous, so you blink even more!
The feeling is the equivalent of not bliking for too long, your body takes control and do it for you, and if you try forcing, you feel your eyes getting dry from not blinking hard enough.
I kinda want to try breast milk.
Sounds shit.
I hope she gets killed or something.
I have the Platinum nigger. You said the only right answer to a mission that tasks you with DESTROYING a tank is to EXTRACT the tank. Neck yourself.
is kojima the most hung jap in the world?
Trailer says she is already deadish and no longer ages.
you don't even know what's she like off the camera
yes, had you ever actually played TPP youd have known that every time the game tells you to destroy or kill something ocelot whispers in your ear UMM ACHUALLY BOSS THOSE COULD BE VALUABLE ASSETS... while miller whines something and you fulton it
Look at those pointy elbows.
Fucking disgusting.
You're an honest-to-god turbotard who doesn't think about what she's writing. Your bullshit won't make a lick of sense till a day comes when RPGing those tanks and enemies gives you a mission failed screen because you didn't Fulton them instead.
I didnt say the game forces you to fulton them, I said its the right answer since its objectively rewarded and killing is objectively punished
You sound like a faggot. Talk in meme soundbites or get the fuck out.
Fuck, I loved this PUTA like you wont believe. Wouldn't be a bad idea, they nailed the scans so far and ripping it could be glorious.