Bitches about how you can't be successful in life if you don't have talent

>Bitches about how you can't be successful in life if you don't have talent
>Graduated from Todai, successfully gets a job as a cop in the big city and owned a gun
Literally what did he mean by that?

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God his fucking face fills my with a seething rage.

Adachi did nothing wrong

Depression is a state of mind

by studying his ass off and having no social Life.

They made it pretty clear he either fucked up somehow or he was too entitled and that's how he ended up in Inaba.

That fuck up was entirely on him though.
No outside factors or talent.
He got to keep his gun anyway, so its not like he lost what he set out to attain.

Somebody wanna talk about

The anime showed he mouthed off to the police chief because other officers kept getting promoted ahead of him because they were friends with the chief.

Perhaps it was actually solidarity towards his fellow man. It's clearly shown that he himself had talent. He might've just found the whole thing unfair.

>not getting chummy with your boss even if you despise him
Still on Adachi

>a good job
No one respects a cop, and cops in japan are corrupted as fuck

Its what he wanted to do.

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he's a whiny little shit who can never take the blame. that's the point. He had all that success and makes a mistake and gets demoted to the sticks and instead of owning his error, he insists he is entitled to success because of his hard work, and blames everyone but himself

He's not wrong about talent, but he himself had plenty. What he lacked was anything resembling self-responsibility


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He didn't have talent he just spent his entire childhood studying and nothing else to make up for the talent he lacked. The villain of a game about kids having wacky school life adventures is a man that had none and all his hard work was absolutely meaningless. He tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didn't even matter. The realization that nothing matters is why he stops caring

he ended up in a small town (the boonies) which is where they send police they don't really need for the more important jobs. Its basically describing the human condition / reactions to things that happen to them that either make them go mad or make them very angry.
Adachi was angry that he had to struggle so much only to be sent to a small town in the middle of no where and never being important, while most women got much better, higher paying jobs without even really trying. When he tries to hit on women way above his league (and fails), this is when he gains the TV powers and basically uses it to murder women.
Even though it is fiction and a little ridiculous, it parallels how real people think when they go mad. On the outside, Adachi seemed like a normal, happy, harmless detective. But he really was a very angry, dangerous, mischievous person.

God, same.
I think his design hit this sweet spot that makes you go "looks annoyingly inoffensive that I can barely tolerate" coupled with came contexts and we got this perfect fag. Which is to say, it's a fucking great quality of him. Don't know if it's intentional or autism.

*game contexts

cops are corrupted almost everywhere

Will having sex solve his mental problem? There gotta be a woman that want to fuck a guy with stable job like him at least even tho his look doesn't hit the park.

>adachi is a shooting spree incel
this game was truly ahead of its time

>Can't prove him wrong
>Just beat him by being more talented in using personas

I hate it when this shit happens

He meant that he was stuck in a dead end job, which is technically true.
All he said made sense, people with talent generally do less effort than people who get by with hard work, then theres the people born with connections, which get by in life effortlessly.
Even so people who make it through dedication and hard work still get the shit end of the stick compared to someone who is “special”.
The only thing he didn’t account for and was wrong about is that not everyone thinks this system is necessarily a bad way to live and sometimes you just have to accept that there will always be someone who is better. People with “talent” also have to suffer through deplorable conditions just like the average guy, sometimes even worse than having a simple moderate life.

Think of it like this; you didn't try to prove anything, just rub in it his cucking face and send him to jail to be seethed some more.

>Literally what did he mean by that?
Tall Poppy Syndrome
>a perceived tendency to discredit or disparage those who have achieved notable wealth or prominence in public life.
This character is literally just the manifestation of this.

Adachi was completely right about everything, it's just that being right doesn't mean he should be able to kill whoever he wants.

If you couldn't tell persona games dont have the best writing

for an entitled incel he sure got lots of female fangirls

Persona 4 isn't deep, don't think too hard about it.

It's better to destroy your enemy's soul. Destroy their ideal and show why its wrong.

But most writers are hacks and can't so they just make the main cast beat him by brute force.


The thing about talent beating hard work is true though.

>t. Adachi

having talent but never applying yourself will only end in failure
Adachi had talent, but decided to stop applying himself when he got to an arbritrary stage where he decided he could. As a result, he failed but instead of realising it was because he should never stop trying, he decided to blame it on talent instead of realising his own errors

quite literally, the theme of the game. Don't take the easy option just because it's the least painful

People don't want to admit talented people can also work hard.

Coz when that happens, they will always win no matter how hard you try.

he is an incel

Shut the hell up Nagito.