Snipin's a good job mate

Snipin's a good job mate

Attached: sniper.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>being a crazed gunman

That there is just gay.

Attached: b30.jpg (680x620, 37K)



Attached: LEEEEEEEHHHHHH.png (857x595, 575K)

how do I reduce lag and make projectile weapons more faster

dowonlad more ram

cl_interp 0.0152

ribs grow back!

Attached: 38530814-B62F-45F4-8875-25D91CCA1E68.jpg (1200x2015, 136K)

Attached: engi dance.webm (500x640, 336K)

>Get behind me doctor!

Attached: CHARGE ME.png (300x192, 84K)

Not a crazed gunman, user. He's an assassin.

>literally no different

put mom on the fone

Not that user, but there is. One's a job and the other's literal mental sickness


Install mastercomfig 7

Attached: mastercomfignetwork.png (1087x672, 26K)

golf trophy

>reinstall after years
>try "casual matches" used to only get into server browser
>kids spammin "nigger" on allchat
>women getting orbited in voicechat
>5 spies in team on pl_upward
>get a headshot on a jumping scout as Sniper
>get votekicked for hacking
>get in other payload match
>play demoman
>land some good pill shots
>random crit a cloaked spy
>votekicked for hacking again

do you remember vodka?

I miss him lads.