Anyone else play this? A bizarre amount of talent and money went into it for how little attention it got

Anyone else play this? A bizarre amount of talent and money went into it for how little attention it got.

When I was a kid I thought it was a licensed movie game for a movie I just hadn't seen yet. It was only in like 2007 I found out it wasn't, and was a standalone property. Very bizarre.

Attached: 2954340-box_apocalypse.png (520x640, 422K)

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It was good when I was a kid, and I say good as in "it was a functional game."

Yeah, it wasn't exactly great.

i played it but don't really remember much about it.

>When I was a kid I thought it was a licensed movie game for a movie I just hadn't seen yet.
I'm glad i'm not the only one that thought that. I still own the game and case though somewhere, it's pretty decent for its time.

One of few games where the ending is you becoming the villain.

I think Bruce was originally your sidekick so you were meant to fight him after the Reverend.

I imagine time constraints and Bruce's massive overblown ego caused that not to happen?

According to the Wiki article it was because of time and the fact that they didn't have enough money to record all the dialogue they needed for Bruce to be a buddy char rather than a protag.

As a protag he just needed to bark a few lines and speak in cutscenes but a buddy needed variable lines for every possible situation with what they wanted.

That and the buddy system was too ambitious for the PS1.

This beta footage is really interesting.

Oh shit. I take it back, Bruce's ego wasn't overblown just yet.

Yeah I member, was a fun game!

Here's a game not a single soul except me played. Dead serious, I've never seen anyone anywhere even vaguely mention it. This shit flew under everyones radar and child me bought it just because "wow cool magic :O"

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>used to quote Trey Kincaid in the schoolyard all the time
>said "Strap one on, it's time to jam!" more than once
>only realized what I was really saying back then this morning when looking up the game's lines

Ah, shit.

Attached: 1566577292129.jpg (600x607, 40K)

Forgotten Bruce Campbell games?
Forgotten Bruce Campbell games.
Broken Helix is ANOTHER game that falls into the same trap.

Attached: Broken_Helix_Cover.jpg (316x316, 21K)

I played this more than I should have

>fuckin' bruce willis
>that music
>those comments he'd make
>apocalyptic setting

I've read about it in some magazine long ago. Don't think I even had a PC at that point.

Shit man I forgot this even existed. It wasn't bad at all, I remember renting it (lel) from the local video store

I played the demo a ton on a demo disc, but that was it.

What is even weirder is that the Fifth Element game came out in 1998 too and they both had Bruce Willis in it.

Shit, gotta play this again. Never beat it as a kid.

(OP) Yeah, I remember that game. My household was a Bruce Willis one rather than an Arnie one so I had every Bruce Willis game as a kid. These dudes in white suits used to scare the shit out of me.

Attached: the-fifth-element-02.big.jpg (980x735, 119K)

watched some footage of that. music and everything just stops when bruce campbell says his lines. and he sounds bored as fuck

fucking loved it. the flamethrower was toptier.

i love apocalypse it was one of the games my uncle got for me when i was a kid. i loved die hard and pulp fiction and so bruce willis in a cool action game was fucking awesome. i think the game still holds up too, but the fps sucks unless you emulate using retroarch with the 'beetle psx hw core' and overclock it to about 130%, also try PGPX for no texture warping, it's great at solid 30fps

I remember the Rockets are pretty loud

Its overrated like any western console game of the time,the framerate in particular is terrible.
Want good Bruce Willis games? Die Hard Trilogy and Die Hard Arcade

>mild curiosity game discussed as something that was more nostalgic than actually qualitatively good
fucking weebs spoil every thread i swear

>muh japanese ps1 and n64 games

got stuck on level 5. there was a serious difficulty spike on that level i swear it
neither are you

Die Hard Trilogy is western but its actually good,none of those games were on N64

Die Hard Las Vegas?

That's the sequel to Die Hard Trilogy and its pretty shit

Giving me serious MDK vibes