why is this game so fucking broken?
umayyad bro?
i didn't attack the umayyads you fucking idiot. i attacked the state that splintered away from them in the western coast, as you can see in the pic
umayyad bro?
can someone explain my brainlet self whats going on?
It's a historical simulator, not a balanced competitive esport. History has never been well-balanced. One side in a conflict will always have some unfair advantage and the weaker side will have to use better guile and politics to win.
How do you play this fucking game, I can't for the life of me understand what to do. Is it like a sandbox like Mount and Blade?
That hasn't stopped paradox from "balancing" their games like eu4 to the point where you can't even genghis khan you're through asia without it taking 300 years
"Reconquest war for the Western Coast"
It's a sandbox like EU4 and HOI4
The western coast is the province you brainlet, its not literally the entire western coast of Iberia. How long have you been playing?
Play the tutorial. Basically, the game is all gaining claims on other people's titles through marriage or fabrication and then making sure you inherit them or pressing them through war. Eventually, you'll gain enough military might to go on holy wars and crusades to get larger swathes of territory.
You are actually disabled.
it's a strategy game like civ5 or eu4 but instead of controlling a country you only control/play as a single character in that country.
so it means you can play as a Count under a Duke under a King who's under an emperor.
You get pop up events detailing your daily life (based on your traits and what you set your character to do at the time), marry someone, have kids, one of those kids is the heir to your kingdom. when you die you "respawn" as the heir.
So in a good game of CK2 you can almost never truly die and lose the game, as long as you have kids.
there's more to it than that, obviously. if you're a Duke you have to make everyone under you like you, so you spend a lot of time micromanaging vassals, inviting them to dinner parties, assassinating problem people in your courts and doing other things like the odd Pilgramage, summer festival, banquet, join secret societies or go on hunting trips to make people like you more, change your traits or to boost your stats
the traits mean shit too, like an AI vassal of yours who has the Content trait is chill, he'll never attack you or try to overthrow you. Where as a vassal with the Ambitious trait has a massive stat boost sure, but will always eventually try to overthrow you so they can be King.
Hm, that's weird, maybe some of the people under the king completely control that duchy, and not the king himself
Except for the fact that there ain't no king. its a double emirate that i went to war with.
>Play as pious Christian
>No one wants to help me reclaim the holy lands and my half brother always schemes to steal my kingdom
>Play as Towelhead
>Distant durka durka cousin halfway across the map pledges to my cause to help me reclaim Andalus
What a weird game
it's one of the best sandbox games ever if you understand how it works. watch a tutorial for basic instructions and the rest you should learn by playing the game
seems pretty true to history.
christians are always willing to only send thoughts and prayers without wanting to actually get their own hands dirty.
Well that's weird but I'm sure you're just overlooking some weird feudalism shit. Ck2 is pretty broken but I dont see how it could break it that particular way
that's what happens when you don't solidify your religion and let people take whatever interpretations suits their greed.
It's a game made by Swedish
very nice write up.
Ah yes, like the famous Ulm world conquest, truly historical.
Also, as pointed, they keep fucking with EU4 provinces and mechanics for the sake of "balance" over history.
they need to add decadence. cultures need to be more revolting. unrest in eu4 is a fucking joke
They need to completely overhaul the mechanics, but at that point they'd just make EU5. They are too incompetent for that tho, we are talking about a company that have been making GS games for 20 years and their AI still can't manage naval warfare.
thank god for mayo n' texas
They need to add real instability and a real possibility for player nations to take lasting damage due to internal problems, but they never will. They have already declared any setbacks like that to be "not fun", so the games inevitably consist of endless blobbing and nothing more. I actually like Paradox games, despite their massive flaws, but that mindset they have towards setbacks is the fly in the ointment that spoils all of their games. You can't have either a historical game or a balanced fun game without setbacks and divisions, real large empires are difficult to maintain, real life world powers often decline and lose their position, but this just never happens in a Paradox game. Things just get easier and easier the larger you grow.
Somebody explain the sudden increase of people wjo obtained hard achievements in Ck2.
because i was holdig like the most rare with less than 0,1 % of people who owned the game having it.
Now the same achievements have acompleteton rate of 1%.
Thats an increase tenfold in 2 months
Huh, even the very rarest has 0.9% now.
That is weird.
perhaps we will have to do with setting revolt power to "very powerful", defensive pacts off, etc.
Yeah i know right.
2 months ago it was like 0,1 and now this
you fucking nigger reconquest that shit right now
>caring about achievements
>caring about the rarity of achievements
>caring so much you literally keep track of fluctuations in its rarity
Literally and unironically autism
The problem with messing with the rules like that is that it fucks up the AI far than it messes with the player, so in practice it tends to just make things easier. Humans understand those rule changes and play a bit differently to compensate, but the AIs don't and just collapse, leaving you with no relevant competition.
Is the owner of that duchy the same character as when you declared war on them? Sometimes inheritance/civil wars can fuck with war goals.
>not pirating the game
umayyad bro yolo
Instability? How's that real? Just use bird mana like nigga.
*starts a land war in Asia*
The arabians were really based in the middle ages, despite what /pol/ tells you, their golden age was the best thing to have happened to europe in those years from a cultural point of view.
Now the turks, though.
Those are the faggots that ruined everything for everyone.
>golden age was the best thing to have happened to europe in those years
Bullish, fucking savage towelheards only bought math, architecture, agricultural revolution and translations from old Greek philosophers (that otherwise would be lost) to my country. It was almost as bad as colonization.
Practice eugenics until you get a 10/10 chad son then go on conquest wars
Not to mention chemistry, logic, new types of vegetables, spices, perfumes and philosophers like Averroes and Avicenna that inspired the great christian philosophers of the time, all while being rather chill with the christian inhabitants of places like Sicily.
I swear, what a bunch of fucking savages.
That and medicine. Man, who the fucks needs that shit when you can have faith. Disgusting and dirty (metaphorically, since they also brought hygiene and baths) barbarians.
I wish more people were into historical games. This board would be better off for it at least
Don't know, visit /gsg/ and you'll realize it's still full of people who think they know history and actually know fuckall.
I blame Victoria 2 and the abundance of le epic fascist grossdeutschland
>muh Islamic golden age
>playing without HIP
/gsg/ was pretty nice years ago. I can't really pinpoint when it went to shit.
>muh greek philosophy
What a bullshit argument. The philosophy never would have been lost if muslims hadn’t sacked constantinople.
Weren't they also big on getting pretty white girls to sell to some royal towel-heads for their harems? It's not like the nice stuff they brought over came without a price.
In all the arabic cock slurping, you forgot to mention that the people who did bring those things back were majority not actually arabic and not even muslim. A lot were christians/jews/copts from the newly occupied territories the arabs took, the others were shia persians. They just used the lingua franca of the new empire - arabic. Go back to /r/history faggot.
Mo Ard-Rí.
has paradox created a new age of facist thinking 17 year olds?
le crusades deus vult brothers!
>if Christians hadn’t sacked Constantinople
Look up the Fourth Crusade, user.
then perhaps setting the difficulty to "very hard" could counterbalance this? making wars rely on economy and good alliances.
based retard
Averroes was berber
Avicenna was persian
Al-Khwaritzmi was central-asian
Al Kindi was arabian
All were Muslim and sunni.
Do I need to go on?
Nigga read a book.
can i play the latest version of ck2 on my potato laptop gen2 i3, ~2.4GHz, iGPU and 2GB ram
>implying fascists don't appropriate Crusade iconography
Just think a little bit harder, gamer.
The turks took costantinople in 1453
The arabians created their empire more than 500 years before that.
Fuck you talking about.
>eastern roman empire isn't fascist
The Persians converted to Shia Islam after the Islamic golden age you fucking retard
very much so, created many alt-right historical revisionists like Kingdom Come: Deliverance
So no one can really say why the OP didn’t gain the appropriate land? It’s very unlikely they were independent or rebelling and then suddenly flipped back the moment the war ended.
To be fair, entertainment value should be more important than historicity. It’s still a video game, and it’s not even a very good historical tool.
you'd think they'd just take history for what it is and call it sexist, racist and whatever else they can come up with instead of outright denying it
Could be that original grand duke died towards the end of the war and had his duchies split between sons via gavelkind
If you start a conquest war for someone else’s claim on a title equivalent to your own, you don’t vassalize them.
Jesus, this is probably the last generation of historical games that will ever care about giving a remotely accurate depiction of what they cover
Hearts of Iron probably hasn’t helped. Multiplayer with randos is so fucking toxic. I mean yeah, objectively fascism is the best ideology for conquest in that game but for fucks sake, why does it attract so many fucktards?
Play it with Dark World mod
On success, the attacker (or their chosen beneficiary) gains land held by the defender within the target duchies. The target duchies are created or taken (unless they are held by a non-target). If all named duchies are gained, the associated kingdom is gained as well. The loser gains a strong inheritable claim on the kingdom (or if not applicable on the duchies?).
>HIP instead of CK2+
because it's based?
Okay you’re right about that, but it’s not a conquest. It’s a reconquista, not a claim.
Nice copy and paste. I found the answer myself though, which is probably what you were trying to tell me.
Beja is held by the Umayyads. But you offhandedly mentioned you didn’t declare on them but instead declared on a splinter off of them. Since you won the war with the splinter you took the duchy, but not Beja since you weren’t at war with Umayyad.
>the left: Europe needs diversity! For too long it's been a white patriarchal society
>also the left: Europe has always been a diverse place! Stop reinforcing the narrative of a white patriarchal society!
>reconquest wars
nope, not happening, Muslim AI win 10 times out of 10
>Turkic conquerors
nope, not happening, the AI is literally too dumb to carve out a kingdom with just 50k event troops
>special events triggering for Charlemagne and other historical figures
nope, 9 times out of 10 they'll be dead within a year of the start of the game because the devs were literally too braindead to give important historical figures bonus health
>the norman conquest
yeah, right
>the Seljuk conquest of Anatolia
it was funny how they actually bothered to realise that they had fucked their own game up by porting the coalitions mechanic over from EU4, made a new event, but when it didn't work at all, they just gave up
>the Mongols
not a threat to anyone ever since the advent of coalitions. The devs have not changed a single thing about the Mongols since 1.0 though
>personal combat skill
fgs don't ever enter combat with your PC unless you're in a pagan warrior lodge because this mechanic is broken and any stat under 50 is 100% guaranteed death
every single thing about this game is broken. Nothing works. Not a single mechanic works as intented. But Paradox is interested only in producing the next payable DLC and holds its playerbase in cynical contempt.
At least you can be a literal wizard now.
Maybe I'm retarded, but what the fuck is fgs?
>tfw only play a CK2 game to become an immortal warrior and conquer UK and Iberian peninsula then porting the save to EUIV and being a huge colonial powerhouse dickhead
For God's sake
I've seen the reconquista happen successfully a few times, same with Turkic conquerors and the Seljuks. Charlie doesn't really croak all that often and I see him form Francia or the HRE maye half of the games.
The Mongols don't really care about coalitions, they just swarm and assault holdings before anyone has the time to react to anything.
>there are people who actually believe this