So I just watched this game for the first time

so I just watched this game for the first time
do you have to be good looking to be good at dota?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No handsome nigger? Dumped

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Look at topson last year

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these guys are the face of starcraft 2

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Pretty sure that when they get recruited by their sponsors they are thrown to hair and makeup teams to improve their images.
Guarantee these guys didn’t take care of their looks anywhere near as good beforehand.

whats wrong with taking care of your own hygiene voluntarily

Good times

Notail, Ceb and Jerax were always ok looking
Flopson and Ana though

Nah, but being an incel is a dota staple.

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Ignis let his hair grow out. That's it!

he cleans up pretty nicely

what? only middle and rightmost are good-looking, leftmost is average and the other 2 are incel-tier

I want to fuck n0tail.

Is esport actually profitable or is it just something that companies keep trying to create for the sake of manufacturing a demand?

>Smash = hipsters

you now realise these guys are close to 10m each net worth


Depends on the game, but any esports thing in a new game with no background whatsoever is always manufactured by the companies. Siege should be the only exception.

thats fag shit

>good looking
yikes bro how ugly are you

Source? Cause those networth websites are always way way off.

Thorzain looks like he will rip you soul, fuck you wife and hack you credit card while ploting against the cia

It's summer boys


Someone please post the gif.

OG banked 25 millions with 2 TI

Okay, so they're going by the money they made from winning in the competitions. Good to know.
That being said, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's not a losing battle. A lot of companies run at a loss for many years, despite certain individuals making bank, just because they keep hoping that eventually they'll have created a demand where there was none, or the market was too small before.
It's just a weird thing, personally. It seems like companies/sponsors are really banking on esport becoming as big as actual sport but I just don't see that happening.

You obviously didn't see the other team.

If this is good looking, I'm gonna make it.

In Dota 2's case the prize pool is entirely funded by players via compendium/etc purchases.
Valve is almost certainly getting a huge profit margin.

Why does this look like some new Disney Channel-exclusive show?







>Smash = drunk hobos

Preach it brother.

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dam nightstalker look like THAT

Dota cast is actually way cuter than LoL k-pop bimbos

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I'm sure we're not far off from a Disney Channel show about the epic gamer who respects women and beats the misogynistic gamer at a Disney sponsored esport tournament.
Also the epic gamer is black and the white woman will likely show off her feet.
Dan “Wipe that tear, it's for your career” Schneider strikes again.


Fuck off.

dota already had a major at disneyland so we're not far off

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Summer bois->Major Win->Euro trash->gay canadian animefag

Is Jame Time the greatest esports meme of the year?

considering how the 30+ mil prizepool is only funded by 25% of compendiums, yeah Valve is fucking rolling in it.


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notail was always a cute

>good looking
>2nd from the right
They look like complete faggots

Did he really just buzz his head then grow it out?

Bigdick old man Fear.

>friend of mine dropped 500 dollary doos on compendium every year
But why? The highest level prize is just a dump paperweight

do you guys like my guy puppey ??

Im not puppey btw.

Nope. Topson was ugly as fuck, only after winning ti for the first time did go to an aesthetician and shit of his own volition cause he was self conscious about his acne.

Secret will never, ever win TI will they.

El Presidente...

He needs to retire and Secret needs to disband.
He won TI1 as a support (captained by Artstyle), and has tried and failed to craft a winning team for literally every TI since. Secret exists almost purely to cannibalize other teams because Puppey/Cyborgmatt are desperate. It needs to stop.

Oh and fuck EG too.
Secret and EG are by far the two biggest cancers on competitive Dota. NA Dota needs a reset.

I love it how twitter was his only outlet to complain about the Chaos BRs and their insistance on forcing him to watch marvelshit

>Placing better every ti since ti6
Kill yourself reddit niggers

I think they at least had a better chance of getting to 2nd place, but MidOne's performance this Ti was pretty mediocre overall aside from a few games. I wonder if he'll get kicked after this.

i laughed but then i got sad because of how eerily true this is. not even in a shitposty cynic sort of way. i can see this happening easily in the next 5 years.

are fps games so braindead that these dudebros can be top players at it? these guys look like they breathe through their mouth while sleeping kek

>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well

Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.q

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Melee players are /fa/ as fuck

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this is a SFW board tho

>smash = stinkies
something so rotten that incels from ohter communities look like they just took a 30min bath and full skin cleaning session next to them
and that's just the outside appearance of course. I feel like it's unfair to address the mental ilnesses of the literal gay furry niggers along with the drama they create on top of that

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>literal gay furry niggers
I thought you were talking about Smash not FGC

>homosexuals wearing homosexual attire
wew wooowee
imagine my shock right now buddee
are you gonna tell me they both main bayonetta next?

imagine the smell

Did the jewish faggot who quit on them last year to go to EG finally kill himself? Or at least get put into suicide watch for real?

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bayonetta isnt in melee retard

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the smell of poop and cum since they both just had anal sex

How many species of larvae do you think live under mango's beard/hair?

>Siege should be the only exception.

despite the smell his beard is actually super clean because the constant dousing of alcohol kills all the bacteria

>posts gigachad

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Why didn't ana buyback game 1 when they were taking the barracks then the ancient?

Discussions of hentai games are allowed.
Discissions of erotic VNs are allowed
Discussions of gay dating sims is allowed
Discussion of lewd characters is allowed

Discussion of loli games should be allowed

Fight for equality

Just make a new account bro

Why is it that Quake is the only game that has actual attractive adult men and not other competitive games?

nothing tops dota girls either

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I love these

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This list is accurate except the GIGACHAD on the top left in LEL section

puppey is giga ultra chad
every single TI every year with random retards every time

he just carries them all to TI no matter what

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What went so horribly wrong artourbros

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come by d2g friends

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wtf I thought esports were overrrun by those of the slanted eye orientation
why are there so many white people in dota

he's not playing mid

Was this TI worse for him than last years when he got stuck?

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Yea shartour placed 5th

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why does dota have the best looking players why can't league it isn't fair

Do you think he's still farming on his anti mage somewhere?

Call me a delusional faggot or whatever but I honestly believe shartour isnt at fault. Bulba is shit tier drafter and s4 is too old for this shit.

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because reddit suns dota

Dota is white man's game of choice.

I mean you can say what you want, but he needed that bkb. Though buying it and blinking in, getting down to 1/3 of his hp and then popping bkb was not the play.

literally no one can beat OG atm, even if our boy shartour could get to the grand final he'll get stomped easily

Should've spent more time practicing than picking up qts.

Icefrog can

Valve is probably the only one doing esports shit this big and make money from it.

I have no idea why others aren't just following their example and rely so much on the glorious ad overlords

>The creep and the 4 catapults

I havnt seen that one. fucking gold.

Couldn't watch it this time.

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>Just watched OG vs. EG
>Antimage going on an absolute RAMPAGE against creeps while the rest of his team loses the entire base
This is fucking tip top comedy gold.

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Is there any other game that allows you to watch ingame, make predictions and control the shit yourself with the option of putting in casters for audio?

Because that shit is the best in dota 2.

Should have been a 3-0 sweep from OG but their carry didn't buy back even tho he had the gold lmfao

They lost the first game of their three last series on purpose to give their opponent false hope.

It's not AS lucrative as you might believe, the amount of money involved to fly all the teams and their necessary staff and provide food + accommodation for 10+ days for each person, not to mention rent an arena for that time, AND production costs, their profit margins are much much narrower than you'd imagine.
TI is the only tournament of theirs they make money on. Most majors are losses which is also why they just let other orgs host them rather than run majors/minors themselves like they used to.

>Topson's pugna
He made Pugna look broken OP.

I don't think so.
"Old Valve" still shines in their games. I haven't played Dota2 in years but I still like to watch the tournaments and as you said, the functionality for users is also great

No, OG's strat is more about being unpredictable retards instead of taking advantage of the metaflavour

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Forget that, it's not even what made me laugh the most. There's shit like
>Support Sand King using a "The next level play!" line after forcing the Antimage to leave the lane he's in
>All the tips from OG to EG any time they fuck up and lose a fight
OG are a blast to watch the whole way through. They're the shitpost kings without even crossing the line that Valve considers to get into trashtalking territory. Goddamn.

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I'm not saying that all the profits from the battlepass minus the prize money is Valve's profit, it obviously has production value, but they probably make good money from it. And even little money is better than none. Look at Blizzard, they still haven't figured out how to do it even though they had the biggest advantage of all publishers/developers. I think it might have something to do with hiring sports producers who have no idea about videogames.
Esports aren't regular sports, so they shouldn't try to make it look like sports
Majors being just honeypots isn't a secret.

>They're the shitpost kings without even crossing the line that Valve considers to get into trashtalking territory. Goddamn.
Valve is pretty lenient on that shit in the first place and it's not like OG trashtalk people in allchat

>Ana tips AM for that sick T1 tower kill as theyre taking the 2nd lane of racks.

Fucking lol

is dota truly the first legit esport

>Topson spraying "losers" on the floor as he tp's out

i liked the part where jerax earthshaker blocks off rtz's route to his jungle and gets him stuck, then rtz tips him for it

Valve goes real heavy on making it like sports with the analysts and interviews, however they always brand themselves as having fun and not taking it over seriously with the constant skits, jokes and allowing talent to swear a bit and such. The profit is there but raking in a cool 90+mil from battle pass isn't as amazing once you factor in tax (esp since the majority comes from china players), the support of running the servers 24/7, helping other tournaments, and the cost of running a TI and it cuts into it way hard. I'm not going to pretend to guess the actual number, but it would be much lower.
ESL one is the only other org than can successfully make a good return on a show, and personally I believe their production is better than TI.

actually around 60% is weastern funded even this year it's only 56% chinese and it's a chinese TI


What game is that on? I missed it, I wanna laugh some more.

blizzard tried to copy TI with the warchest, but they fucked it up by capping the amount of money players could add to the prize pool

>the support of running the servers 24/7

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>OG taking names and rax
>planting a banner with smiling notail face as they leave for rosh
Pure gold

tbf he needed a bkb before joining any fight. The problem was that once he had it he first got stunned and brought down to half hp, then activated the bkb too get one support and fucks off to the fountain while the barracks crumble.

Wait, at some point warchets profits went 100% to Blizzard? Sounds pretty stupid

That's what I mean though. All other regions combined made less than half the contributions if China was 56%. Even are 60/40 China is by far the biggest contributor.

Yah, let me guess, you think mining bitcoins is also free

yeah that's literally the case with every game no matter what it is now
they have like 3 quadrillion people, more than US and EU combined
so it's pretty impressive how much actually comes from the west

that's cause the west and whitie dominates in dota
dota is a white man's game

the chinese can keep giving us their money it's too easy

serious question here

why does everyone who plays dota seem so alpha
does that just come from playing the hardest game ever invented or what

It's the only way you can have fun.

>OG fountain camping against Newbee
>topson planting a Gooby flag
>"ok gg"
pure kino

Regardless of who you are in Dota youre going to have alot of bad games where you fucked up, your teammates will let you know and flame you to hell and back. People who stick to dota will develop thick skin, regardless if they improve or ignore the criticism.

>People who stick to dota will develop thick skin, regardless if they improve or ignore the criticism
So much this

This is pretty obvious. Attractiveness is a lot more marketable. Even average looking people can look great if you give them qualified fashion advisers and set up the pictures accordingly. That's as ordinary as it gets, it's day-to-day stuff in any offshoot of show business, such as video game streaming.

There's no point in competitive Dota anymore after this. We've already seen the very best team to play this game and any other shitstack formed into next season will inevitably choke this time next year.

How would you rate the finals from a score of ti4(lowest)-ti8(highest)?

I think it was the Pugna game vs Liquid.

>best team
Their victories were flukes, they don't count.

OG is a player owned org so all the money besides income tax actually goes to them

Yeah, and everyone else fluked into losing.

LoL has much better production value though. Some events even have concerts:

TI7, predictable, one sided and is an interesting series only because its the grand final.

8 6 5 7 4

who's top right in dota? NS?

I mean how would ti9 gf would fare against the others.


What a Chad

someone post the webm where ana tips him as his base is getting destroyed

It was a stomp, so below 5. Although OG is much more fun that TL so above 7

>up to some dotes later bro?

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LTG mogs these nerds as do most fighting game players.

*exhales forcefully*

You have to be white and racist.

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Which matches are worth watching this year?

would LGD have fared better?
they seemed to have OG's number

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What's wrong with EG? Can't even make it to top 3. Arent they THE NA team?

>OG wins
>the crowd has no reaction whatsoever

Why are they so soulless?

OG always saw the prime perfect opportunity to punish someone else's draft
they went late
they ended quick
they ran at you all game
they split pushed until you die from 10,000 cuts
they did literally every single strat throughout this TI and they did it only when appropriate and conducive to winning the game of dota

all in all OG played a very unique style of dota which was punish every possible mistake your enemy has made in draft and in game
it was pure perfection of current meta dota and if you're 6k mmr+ you saw it too

Considered that they're tilted to oblivion during Upper Bracket final and OG is literally untiltable, no.

since what moment exactly wasn't NA absolute garbage at video games?

OG winning back to back is the single best thing that could happen for dota
teams will go into TI without this huge weight on their shoulders trying to be tied with the best dota players of all time or to be crowned the best dota team of all time simply by winning once

now every team will know they'll never be considered the best team in the world and all this extra pressure teams and players put on themselves will melt away at TI now

I'm expecting some amazing dota next TI and since it's in stockholm this will be amazing since it'll actually have a crowd with people who have souls


>tfw no sheever gf

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Its impossible to play Dota with thin skin. You will be filtered the very first game you play.

ti5 was based

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>nothing tops dota girls either
this is truth, but i dont understand why you post worst girl as an example

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Yes, every game between LGD and OG have been stupidly close.

Each game could have gone to the other team if a different mistake was made.

The chinese lost their dominance years ago.

what makes OG so good
is it really the power of friendship

watching 5 men who completely trust each other is more beautiful than art
we need to find the full extent of this power

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Chadson pugna's in the final was fucking disgusting. Makes me want to install dotes again

What made ti8 beautiful was n0tail's storyline. Becoming Punished n0tail was the best thing to happen to doto.

>juan (motivado)
>juan (terminado)

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Nice children, faggot

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Post the webm of her feet

By saying it's all about "trust" and "friendship" kinda underwhelms N0tail's knowledge and skill as a captain. The guy absolutely understands Dota and manages his team like no other.
Everyone being on the same wavelength and trusting each other is what enables n0tail to shine as a good leader.

If what I'm reading is correct Valve contributed 1.6 million then took the other 75% of the 32,716,118 contributed.

I have absolutely no idea what it costs to run an event on the scale of the International but their revenue on compendium sales alone is nearing 100 Million so I'd reckon they had some left over.

versatility, sustain and aggression are the key elements of their play. trust in their teammates is very important but besides that it's pretty clear they all have exceptional individual skill. there's a lot of practice and experience that enables that trust to actually do anything

The 34 million is the 25%
The battle pass sold like hotcake

>literally untiltable
>tilt everyone instead
>big ass hero pool for everyone, can play every strat
>impossible to draft against
>topson is styling on niggers mid every game unlike last year

will he finally make it to TI

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They have got to have shopped his acne out, he was a complete pizzaface last year.

dota will continue to grow bigger
and bigger
screencap this

No, the Swedish government analyzed his streams and games and found him to be too racist.

>can't get Visa to TI
>Gaben literally brings TI to him
Absolute GIGAchad

He will be put in a reeducation camp for his racist views just as TI comes around.

Renting out an entire arena for a week plus the thousands of staff needed and the cost of all the sets and catering and accommodation eats into a lot of it. TI and ESL really have been the only profitable esports tournies. Most of the others are just rich people dumbed into providing funding under the pretense the arenas sell out which they never do. Behind the scenes esports is struggling to get stability in terms of investment.

It only take me 3 months to clear acne

if valve just makes OG the face of dota and mentions how they're all multi millionaires now, well over 5 million each at the very least after taxes just from prize pools no salary or nothing

they're all amazing looking
great personalities
won through the power of friendship and kind hearts

beautiful team

LoL Worlds is also profitable

he became so lazy and now he can't hide his insane racism anymore so I don't think he can

Their draft is god tier but they absolutely cannot play if things start to not go their way.
They got tilted game 2 vs liquid and threw hard.

I can't. I fucking can't. How does TI always manage to be such a great event for rampant, 10/10 shitposting?

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Why does no one actually buy diffusal on gyro? Thats like a 200 IQ thing. Wow.


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Yah, big shit like that and Evo make it up from attendance and such. Most of lol is run at a loss and they try to make it up at end of the season.
Overwatch hasn't made a dime.
Dreamleagues overall tend to do fine but lots of games drag it down.
Hearthstone is extremely bad. I remember the first league they had back at start of 2014 and that shit imploded.

What's his name again?

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who are some black dota players

Their drafts were really bad and they didn't manage to adapt to the TI meta which changed several times. They did manage to outplay worse teams despite their bad drafts, but they just cant beat the top 3 teams with their horrible picks.

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I'm so disappointed with myself for missing this year's TI.

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>american dota
>have to tip the carry

Anathan “calm down niggers” Pham

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what happend to aui and universe?

Good Arteezy

Now someone post the pasta about being a godlike creep killer, I can't for the life of me find it.

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Source on the porn.

Hombre Pequeno

Someone post the Alchemist one.

When its not forced and acts organic barring maybe the companies 1 big tourney, its usually profitable.

Look at the companies who FORCE e-sports and then look at the hype around the scene, only one that truly does well and is sustainable is LoL but thats because its fucking HUGE and Riot literally pays the teams salaries.

Then look at Dota or CS, where Valve has 1 big boy tourney a year and lets everyone else do whatever, allowing it to organically grow and create communities and fans naturally.

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I can't believe he made the same fucking mistake.

If I went back in time 5 years and told myself the first two-time TI winner would be Notail, 7ckingmad, that ES player and a guy who plays once a year, I wouldn't believe it.

I'm 99% sure there's literally nothing you can do in this situation as AM. Not telling he's innocent, but it's clearly Bulba fault for picking fucking slowest carry imaginable against fastest TI team.

>wake up
>sudden realization that 7ckingBad is actually the best offlaner on the world and won 2 ti

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Isn't it 25% of the money people spend on compendiums etc. directly going into the prize pool? That would leave Valve with 3X the money to organize TI which is like 100 million if I'm not retarded while writing this down.

If you went back in time to claim that there will be TI finals with Carry Io, Meepo and Pugna, no one would believe you.

You’d be correct
Valve have been making mad cash from compendium and battlepass

they play only 1 strat which they borrowed from open ai tho

Getting the bkb was the right choice. Jumping into the fight without activating it was the wrong one.

What is Dendi doing now? Knew he retired but heard he came back somewhere. Probably not as good as in his golden days, but still he was fun to watch.

>character gets more attractive in the timeskip

Attached: topson.jpg (779x737, 208K)

He streams and at TI this year he was an analyst on the Russian panel but also was on the English panel for a bit. He also recently left Navi not just the team but the entire org so who knows whats next for him.

streamer like bulldog.


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>game turned so shit that even lolsorandom low skill fags can win TI twice
gj volvo


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Now look at him

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t. seething shemail


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What did the chinks mean by this

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I don't care about your paki friend, cuck.

I can't lmao at you hard enough

NAfags still coping

There’s 34 millions dollars out there waiting for you, why don’t you go get it if its easy

t. butthurt RTS cuck

i dont try its pointless and boring

>have literally millions of dollars
>still look like betafaggots
absolute state of na and eu

>game has subtle foreshadowing

Attached: lel.jpg (604x604, 81K)

If you take out the names,Inwould say you are showing me a 1k peruvian throwing because somone offended him

You misspelled "obvious scenario"

Nice cope

>have RTZ be the main reason to lose time and time again
>decide to kick S4 and the jew instead of him
It's almost as if they don't want to win.

Playing for money and not for fun

>retards think OG is the best team ever
ummmmm Wings sweetie

Ready to star as the new fresh faced college boy cop in LA Confidential

OD won because they play for fun

Attached: Godson.png (306x288, 152K)

>RTZ be the main reason to lose time and time again
based retard

>40M milestone
>Hire a Pmc to rescue bulldog

how do you let your hair grow out to that? how do you let your beard freely grow out like that? you are rich, you could make yourself look 100 times better if you just cut your hair and shaved
must be mental illnes

He's the only constant, every time he's in a TI lineup they fail miserably.

I went to TI 6 and saw Wings win. Such an amazing team. Its a god damn shame what happened.

>those gooks representing "London"

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No. It's pretty much just CS. For some reason normies love CS and plenty of jocks have dreams of becoming top players. Trust me, I know plenty jocks.

The whole thing might as well be a paper weight because 90% of the best skins in the game are under a dollar on the market place with random items being autistically priced while having a alt color variant worth 99% less


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Id argue S4 hasnt been good since TI3 aswell. (Even then I thought he was overrated)

navi was never good, and old people can't play games that well anymore

watch ceb, notail and jerax retire next year
well, ana and topson, (the 19yos) were always the strongest link in OG anyways

Attached: ana5.jpg (556x346, 39K)

what an upgrade, impressive

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Pos 3-5 are the ones with longest logevity

i fucking love OG, such a great team to watch

attractiveness level:
meme master and tilt extraordinaire Jerax (would homo)
ceb (no homo)
topson (no homo)
ana (no homo)
notail (no homo)

I miss EE bros

Kuro and Puppey, the only 2 players to ever attend every TI? Yeah both didnt win TI but Kuro got 2nd and ran a train through lower bracket. Puppey got 4th at TI but for the majority of the year Secret was winning majors and was considered to be the #1 team.

hard pass

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Puppey won TI1
Kuro won TI7

I was talking about winning TI this year and debunking that "old people cant play games". OG still has years ahead of them.

whatever anyone thinks about him, his matches are a must-watch. its always funny and entertaining af

>3h match
>'DUDE i got a brilliant idea"
>'let's engage in a fight, then buy back to take the front!'
this nigga, i swear.

>literally me

timestamp and titties, GODson.

no homo ofc

All Puppey have to do is stop fucking up with the draft

>oh, we can handle their best strat

Every. single. fucking. time.



we love you topgod

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this made me want to play dota
where do I start

He's racist? Are you memeing? Is he just jokingly racist or /pol/-tier racist?

i think it's easier for newcomers nowadays (compared to before)
theres tutorials and a section of easy heroes

just get into pubs, ask for the role you want and play different heros. its a easy to learn but hard to master game

First you'll need 16 hours a day. So quit that day job and get some mommycoin/goverment handouts

Fat people's brains are clogged with grease so they can't think and react as quickly. That's why champs are never whales

/d2g/ has some good resources for new players in the OP


He’s Yea Forums-tier racist, not like those dumb stormfag and poltards

Examples of him being racist? Any videos?

>he didn't invest in tendie-coin

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Finn and autism. That's it. Finnish autism let's you do incredible things.

seconding this
>4 or 5 years (I forget) clean from Dota 2
>easily combined 3k+ hours across Dota 2 and HoN

how the hell can you go back to regular dota after playing turbo. Shit takes way too long.

Read Purges "you suck" guide. Watch a few of his beginner videos. Practice last hitting. Be prepared for hours upon hours of agony if you play alone until you get gud enough.

Just do it
Get used to it

Regular dota is too fast right now, games need to be on average 15 minutes longer.

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not a fan of bulldog so i dont follow him but he's that kind of guy that does edgy humor

why is ana so cute and racist dotards

He refused to even try to attend this years TI because the racist views of the chinese playerbase, so naturally he's racist.

everything can work

Cause he's based

Bulldog's not racist. I wish he was.

anyone else only watch dota now?
I think dota is just becoming a spectator sport now

i still play turbo :V)

Stat him

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His monkey king was fucking disgusting. I felt bad for w33ha

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>tfw I'll never get to bang autistic dota cosplay qts at a TI

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Want to learn the game but i'm brazilian and forced to play with spanish speaking subhumans every game because valve is a fucking incompetent company.

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>but i'm brazilian and forced to play with spanish speaking subhumans every game
my man, this is far from a problem exclusive to South America

Good. Stay in your hue servers where you belong. The same to ruskis. Fuck off from proper servers.

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get some brazilian friends, or play on the NA servers like the rest of your country does

As I said, it shouldn't be like this. League has its own servers and you almost never see people from other countries. It really degrades the experience.
Most of my friends play league and never seem to care when I invite them to play.

What the fuck are u on about us east has all of Peru your server should be brs

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the new party mmr changes have been great
a lot of my friends returned

what was his name again

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do not get fooled into trying Dota, its the greatest game ever created, I started playing in the summer after I turned 18 and did my final school exams, I got into top 3 business course in my country and here I am 6 years later, 10k hours into dota with no job.

Huh. My memory says that Time Lock was the mvp of TI9 rather than Gyro

Insider shuffle info coming in.


Mineski: Ragingpotato kicked, Nikobaby out (leave)

TNC: Heen leaves, team likely to stay together

Fnatic: Full disband, Abed/DJ/Jabz will stay together. Some teams have been seen talking to Abed but it's unlikely he will leave.


LGD: xNova kicked, Ame possibly traded for Paparazzi. New 5 rumoured to be dark.

RNG: Setsu kicked, new Mid will be the "Kobe of Chinese mids", possibly Sccc. LaNM wanted to rebuild entire team around him and Monet so Flyby and ah fu may also be traded/kicked.

Keen: Full disband. Rumours that Kaka and old chicken may start a new team with Fenrir as either Captain or coach.

Vici Gaming: Possible Ame > Paparazzi trade.

Newbee: Will pick up new Chinese Team


Infamous: Will likely stay together.

Newbee: Aui_2k will return to playing as Pos 4 but rumoured to be on a new team with Fly. PLD out for EG.

EG: Fly confirmed kicked. Zai confirmed Pos 3. PLD rumoured to be new Pos 5 with s4 in position 2. EG's COO Philip Aram rumoured to have bought all of Sumail's stakes in EG and Sumail will be leaving the org.


NAVI: Blizzy & Zayac out. 9Pasha in, Pos 4 uncertain. Vanskor rumoured.

VP: Ramzes & 9pasha out. Illidan & Afterlife in. Noone out (unconfirmed) for G.


Team Secret: Ramzes confirmed to replace Nisha. Matumbaman semi-confirmed to replace Midone but Midone is definitely out. Mind_Control rumoured to replace Zai as Pos 3 but Zai is confirmed to have left for EG.

NiP: Disbanded. Org is looking to create a new team and is rumoured to be in talks with Fly/Aui

Team Liquid: Mind_Control is OUT. RUMOURS that SumaiL will join for the upcoming DPC season and w33ha/Miracle/SumaiL will rotate between 1/2/3 depending on draft.

Alliance: Qojva kicked for FATA. Rest of team will likely stay together.

Chaos: Disbanded. Misery/Khezu is building a new team. MSS to potentially join

>I got into top 3 business course in my country and here I am 6 years later, with no job.
you can just leave out the dota part cause that had no impact

>Zai is confirmed to have left for EG
God fucking damn it. If this shit is true I'm going to lose it.

where did he go? :c

Said he would stop playing until matchmaking was fixed.

They talked about having good chemistry the whole year and they basically won the DPC season. TI9 performance was not what would you expect out of secret, but come on, how is top4 so bad you have to shuffle like this.

Spolier alert: captains don't randomly pick heroes without telling their team.
Fly's doing the drafting along with Bulba and it's likely that Artour strongly approved (maybe even asked for) Antimage. Thinking that Bulba forced any of EG's players to play their shitty fucking draft (Sumail POTM lmoa) is delusional at best.

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>a. Matumbaman semi-confirmed to replace Midone but Midone is definitely

How can you kick ANYONE for FATA?

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>smash = hipsters
are you a goddamn idiot
smash = bronies

reddit STILL seethes 24/7 about usa chants, it's hilarious
it's comparable for them to the chinese crowd booing non chinese teams for existing


The Wings Curse. After they were broken up by ACE China's never been the same

this is what china deserves for forcing wings to break up
I hope they are cursed


Wings was the best Chinese team ever and they destroyed it after winning the then biggest tournament of all time. Fucking idiots

what a chad

wings was basically chinese og, the last chinese team with any soul
i hope og rapes every insectoid team until the end of time

What happened?

How can we save Slacks' hair?

Fuck I play league, all I want is the ability to BM my opponents by saying "Next Level Play" or tipping them...

RTZ is just a washed up piece of shit like EE is. Relics of old dota.

The only difference is that RTZ is a brand. So teams keep him on for his merch sales.

Their org stole all of the TI winnings, players left and were punished by ACE for breaking contract

Do you have any info SKT1 team.
I want to laugh when they have to import players

Don't forget that Wings org invested in LoL and lost all the money. And the ACE banned the players from all Dota events in China.

>Sumail will be leaving the org
Either he or RTZ, both on one team just don't seem to work.

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So the org was the one at fault but they instead punished the players?
That's fucking retarded.

>s4 is too old
Aren't all dota players mid to late twenties now

He was fucking behind the tower at 5 minutes with Pugna, he absolutely rolled mid in all three of the games.

>w33ha/Miracle/SumaiL will rotate between 1/2/3 depending on draft
user these are three incredibly greedy players and two of them play mid exclusively

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Yup. ACE is dead now, but the Wings players will never get justice

Chinks have a law that you can end a contract if you don't get paid for more then 30 days. but the ACE has their own set of rules for joined and leaving teams and they didn't want Wings to set a precedent how you can behave. So under chink law the players did everything right, it's just ACE being cunts.

It was a damn shame since they were breaking the mold of Chinese DOTA but with them gone all other Chinese teams continue to play the same regardless of the meta.

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They had completely different comps in all three of the final games, idk what you're on about


>every other game I have a techies who stalls for an hour and a half or an AM/Spectre who is unkillable but keeps farming

More like 1/5th.

Pop it. Blink. Oh no .4 seconds of your 10 second bkb is down. oh noooo

Just like my pugs

>has gf
You can't make this shit up

You gonna be dead inside. Save your time, save your nervs, save your life. DONT even think about playing this devils game

If tilted chinks are your kink watch Liquid vs LGD game 3.

Lmao CliffTZ getting kicked FOR SURE. And even Puppey won't take him cuz Nisha is better and Curse Free

You would do the same for an event where you're expected to be presentable, whats the point?

Omg this is epic! Please make an English version too!! XD

This motherfucker, every time I see him I start going into an autistic rage

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og lgd repeat finals would've been kino as fuck, makes me so sad

They choked hard against Liquid. Game 1 FY was insane though, wish we got to see more.

Especially since LGD banned Alch/Chen every game against Liquid, they learned. They just choked game 2 so hard they threw on draft in game 3. I think they should have just banned the Alch and kept Chen in and dealt with it.

I still cant believe they memedrafted themselves out of the tournament. If there is any justice, 357 is being crucified for picking Huskar and Shadow Fiend in a fucking lower bracket finals when neither fit the meta at all.

Crush is such a chad, I miss seeing him play

The Huskar pick was fine they just choked the execution. Got greedy and lost the lead

He's playing again, at least in locals

Reminder that OG lost to openAI. Twice.

Yeah you can see where they fucked up in game 2, mostly trying to all in for a single line of barracks while they had like 10k gold advantage. That is both on Chalice for going in too hard, and Somnus for not using BKB and basically getting everyone else killed. Chalice also went Aghs in Game 1, but in Game 2 he decided to get Shivas first. Plus not getting the top shrine, THE Roshan shrine, was dumb as fuck. Basically they choked.

TI7 TI8 & now TI9

EU Doto dynasty officially established!
How many years will it take for NA or the East ever be able to reclaim the Aegis!?

>Russian casters earn around 2.5k$ per game
>English casters earn 2.5x that amount

How does that make you feel Yea Forums?

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EU dominating Dota 2 and now destined to win LoL's Worlds.

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cope harder virgin
t. fitchad

na is all but dead

Really hope this roster stays the same! They're all brilliant. Mid Juan just needs a vaycay and find a way to manage his time with the team better.

China will always be close but it has to mentally unfuck itself in those situations. LGD/Fy choke every year. Insane game 1, but then in game 3 he fed TA twice in the span of like 10 seconds.

> blaming peru
> peru top 8
> brazil is a "literally who?"
go back to LoL macaco

tehy didnt have ana tho

the kids with exploding mics and airplanes in their kitchen surely are top 8 and don't ruin the games at all

>cast the biggest tourney in which you will cast 20 games tops
> players just attending ti get like 50k per player even tho they are fucking garbage
> hurr casters
are you fucking retarded

the og best eu mid player, no pun intended
no idea why he went to fucking SA, fucking misery

I hate the following:
>the fanbase
>the people that make up the teams
>the teams
>the term e sports
>the world for enabling them
that's probably it. Video games are not a sport. Dota is a glorified clicker.

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>he watches eports and calls others autistic

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The average Dota player is retarded and feels the need to constantly follow the "meta". Gyrocopter with Diffusal isn't all that meta so people never even look at the item, despite it making perfect sense on OG v Liquid's game because every hero on Liquid was mana-dependent aside from Windranger somewhat, and being able to burn through that and get some extra damage on top gave them far more of an advantage than just building raw damage items on the Gyro like most people do. The reason OG are now twice-winners is precisely because they don't really follow a meta so strictly and they are capable of adapting to situations on the spot. Most teams can't. This is why you see people saying you can't draft against OG. Their hero pool is so wide and every other team only practices with a few heroes.

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Is Fear dead?
Still the most reliable carry that ever lived.

best to just not play, it's been shit ever since reborn. Only come back for the TI's and to see China get stomped

Hey guys wanna hear a joke?
Topson walked to mid.

anyone got more of these i've never seen the shadow shaman before

Attached: sand king skillz.png (585x499, 541K)

"reliable" hasn't been enough for 3 years except maybe for offlaner, where it is the hardest to perform reliably

I've never seen that sand king before

Attached: 1507347233262.png (1276x798, 841K)

i've got that one, man I miss these

Attached: nyx nyx nyx nyx skills.jpg (923x661, 168K)

Yeah, I only have a CM, axe and PL ones left

Attached: 1509905029469.jpg (908x726, 315K)

i've only got
lesh, ogre, veno, kotl, and, doom left

Attached: Pugna skills.jpg (1052x649, 148K)

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guess I do have the axe one, just had it named something different

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>Ramzes confirmed to replace Nisha
Thanks, I laughed. Replacing Nisha with toxic russian unstable emo-faggot, Puppey might be pants on head retarded with drafts, but not with his players.

oh i have huskar too

Attached: Huskar Dunkingskills.png (1047x653, 814K)

I miss doppelwalk

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just like my pubs

thanks for posting the ones I didnt have

Attached: leshrek skills.jpg (1470x922, 450K)

He's right though. The crowd was chanting LGD whether they won or lost ot were getting completely smashed. As soon as they lost, a ton of the crowd left and it was almost totally silent.

The Chinese are so fucking brainwashed that I don't even know why China thinks it's a good idea to put their population on TV for the world to see.

How is US East these days?

Attached: ogre skills.jpg (1051x649, 339K)

give him some more years and he would make a great 80s action movie villain

Attached: veno skillz.png (1051x649, 536K)

Watching this guy dab on Liquid mid as pugna was one of the highlights of my life

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Attached: doom skillz.jpg (1024x632, 193K)

Same for you, I recognize some of them but apparently I didn't save them before.

Apparantly not

Any new poster for this year

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EE was a washed up piece of shit long before he started playing competitively. I'm glad he's blacklisted and nobody wants him now.

I said it because, if one was to see what I was, and where I was 6 years ago they wouldnt believe it today.
also stay mad dumb fag

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It has to be a photoshop

Almost like this year desu.

FUCK China dota

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>Gimmie the win TI on the first try TWICE

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Why are OG games so fun? It’s like they turn these million dollar pro games into pub games.

because they play with SOUL and to have fun

That finale was fucking embarassing
Had Ceb not fucked up with that buyback in the first game it would've been a 3-0 curbstomp

I still think LGD would have put up a much better fight against OG. They only lost their winners bracket series against them because they let them pick Alch twice WITH the dark seer.

>Letting Alch go through is fine because we can just shut him down

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They didn't account for tide, which is odd because chinks love tidehunter, atleast in this patch.