>Hyped for years
>Forgotten about instantly.
Hyped for years
Other urls found in this thread:
the "hype" for the game died down years before it was released
Like every PS3/PS4 exclusive. Sadly, even the good exclusive suffer the same fate, fuck hype culture.
hhahaa imagine coping this hard xboner
Wrong, I'll never forget how shit it was. Unplayable, unresponsive, absolute garbage.
>Hyped for years
Where? On twitter by soi journalists and brainlet drones?
it was a great game but had zero replayability
>A rushed game is forever bad
>A delayed game is eventually good
Best meme
it was a bad game
Sony downgraded everything about it
It wasn't a bad game, but I was very disappointed about it being seemingly completely unrelated to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
dumb newfag
How long do you think sequel hype can actually last? The people who played the first two as kids were grown adults by the time this released. They skipped an ENTIRE console gen, intentionally. It's the same story as Kingdom Hearts 3 really, too little too late.
Get a job
I never forgot it because I'm a patrician.
It just wasn't that good. It also didn't tie back into the other games in any way that hardcore fans could dig into.
lol no. You might as well argue that the PS1 prototype of Ico looks better than the finished PS2 game.
I was excepting SotC 2, waiting years for this was a let down
>I was excepting SotC 2
You're a retard for expecting SotC 2. You only have yourself to blame.
The hype for years was exactly why it was forgotten instantly. People just gradually stopped caring.
Tons of people were expecting shadow of the colossus 2 or something equivalent.
Instead it was, just kind of a puzzle game, with sotc style character control.
At the very least this game proves you shouldn't announce something until you know it's about 1 year from release. Otherwise hype just keeps building until it can't possibly live up to what people expect.
Exactly, the finished game looked way better, even if it ran like shiiiiiiiieeeeet
>Tons of people were expecting shadow of the colossus 2 or something equivalent.
No, literally everyone was expecting Ico 2.
>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well
Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.k
If you were into that stuff you should have played the real game instead of watching old trailers.
I did play it for a bit but didn't like it.
>posting shill foundry
>No, literally everyone was expecting Ico 2.
This. I can't believe how much of a stupid ape nigger you had to be to watch the teasers for TLG and think "wow, this sure looks like the type of game where i get to climb giant monsters and slay them"
You cannot name a superior PS4 Exclusive
I get that, I bought the game on release and I think I forced myself to finish it almost 2 years later.
and I would post uncompressed 4K video if I could but I can't.
team ico had produced two cult classics already, and last guardian was hyped from the ps3 era and then moved platforms. people wanted the game.
i never understood this. the game was extremely simple, was really more of a movie. the problem is you trying to exert too much control over the animal. you are conditioned into thinking that you should have maximum control in a videogame, but that doesn't work here. the animal is supposed to behave like a real animal; stubborn and hard to handle. but if you tried to be nice and you really truly just gave the animal some room and time to just do it's own thing you would have no problems. the problem with the game that it was too easy, and was too much like a movie as I've previously said.
It's the best PS4 game.
It's basically nonstop platforming and puzzle solving from the second it starts. Far from a movie.
and trico being a shithead didn't really add anything to the game itself
>puzzle room
>see solution
>give command 17 times
>nothing happens
>Oh I guess this isn't what I should be doing then
>keep looking around
>find nothing
>go back to first idea
>it suddenly works the 24th time you try
Not even hard puzzles, just frustration. The majority of the game is a playable version of this comic.
The old posts of people spending 45 minutes trying to get trico to dive correctly is still funny through.
stop spamming commands you're confusing Trico
I liked Ueda's previous games but this one was just shit.
Oh it came out? Didn't even know or see a single video on YouTube recommended to me since then
Didn't really matter how much you spammed or didn't spam commands, if it didn't want to do something it's wasn't going to do it.
Like this puppy, adorable in concept, very annoying if your progress hangs on it paying attention and listening to you.
13 goddamned years for this game and this is all he could come up with?
>the type of game where i get to climb giant monsters and slay them
doesn't sound like Ico
clearly the Duke Nukem Forever of Japanese arthouse games
Sony butchered the game I think.
And what makes it worse is that their previous games are beloved classics. I remember there being little to no coverage on this one, even on release. They had like one TV commercial but people still didn't care.
the core concept didn't change from the time it was revealed (or leaked rather) and Sony funded the entire development for over a decade where's anyone else would have told Ueda to fuck off and cancelled it after year 8 or something of delivering nothing. Whatever went wrong during development I don't think it was any meddling from higher up dumbfuck Snoys that caused it.
>and Sony funded the entire development for over a decade
Sony cancelled the game for nearly a decade you mean. According to Ueda it was ready to relase in 2010 I believe but Sony delayed it until it came out on PS4, and their port job was bad as you can see in the images I posted earlier.
The narration is also un-Ueda like so I think Sony just fucked the game right up to appeal to ?
They didn’t cancel shit and no one is going to shelve a game to wait for the next console that’s not even going to be out in quite some time. That would be like Nintendo finishing Both 2 now but not putting it out until 2025. It’s not happening.
Ueda himself said it was ready to go and Sony wouldn't let them release it. It was a PS3 game, remember?
Best of Ueda's trilogy, elder god tier game.
I wish they would release the full prototype video like they did when sotc released
I know it got leaked, but the leaked version has the ending missing
Ico was a PS1 game and SotC was released 15 minutes before the PS3 and ran like dogs hit. They don’t wait, never have, especially not 6 years. Pull up the source on TLG being finished and shelved for 6 years because I don’t believe that ever happened. Delaying games happens all the time, but not for that long. And even then it would have been an early PS4 title, not a poorly running mess released halfway into the gen.
Ueda's IGN interviews before the game released.
That's the point?
>Drawn to Death shit tier
Man that game was such a fantastic pleb filter. The only people that stuck with it were fun having Chads. Met so many new people and for a good 4 months we had a fantastic time. Took me back to the Twisted Metal (PS3) and Warhawk days.
Which one because at no point has anyone even hinted at Snoy holding the game hostage for no reason. Ueda himself said it was because he wasn’t satisfied with bullshit PS3 tech and crappy performance.
He never said anything like that. There were two videos.
>to provide more challenging and better quality of content and to fulfill First Party Studio’s obligations I have decided to postpone...
He did. Shuhei Yoshida said the same thing but was way harsher. No one has ever said it was shelved, they kept working on it, just hysterically slow.
>not good enough to justify the wait
>not bad enough to be a hilarious trainwreck like DN:F
The game promised mild disappointment and it delivered. I think everyone's reaction was just "good job not ruining the franchise, and chop chop next time maybe?" That's the kind of mediocrity you forget immediately.
I'm starting to notice that sequels to things that never really had much of a following to begin with don't get any more popular or widely received by the time they're released
>it's meant to be shit
One of my favorite game ever.
>On twitter by soi journalists and brainlet drones?
This game was hyped and became vaporware way before twitter even existed, retard!
>CV hasn't updated since 2016