It's gonna be destroyed by spergs who already theorycrafted the whole game and watched 1000 hours of minmaxing guides

>It's gonna be destroyed by spergs who already theorycrafted the whole game and watched 1000 hours of minmaxing guides.
>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days.
>There will be addons for gearscore and dungeon finder etc...
>the streamers will destroy some of the servers.

It wont be the same innocent fun and adventures as it was back then.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days

we all know the game inside out faggot. that doesn't mean it's not fun. kys cunt

I don't and, neither did the 100% of playerbase 2004-2007. It wont be the same.

M8, as someone who spent 3 years on vanilla private servers from 2013-2016. Vanilla doens't just become boring because you know the content. ESPECIALLY if you're a pvp player. Plus lots of people will be checking it out for the first time or haven't played it in so long that they forgot the content. So if you don't want to get spoiled, simply dont look up 1000's of guides.

And newsflash, even in 06 people were using strats and guides. The min-maxing shit isn't even necessary because raids aren't that hard anyway. Most people will be playing for fun, and thats how you should play too unless you're a retard aiming to clear the content early. And if you're not, then why give a shit about what a very tiny % of the player base does? The same shit happens in retail anyway.

>It wont be the same.
it doesn't matter. old players just care about the game mechanics that made wow fun, not homosexual nostalgia. obviously im not going to get the same feel as i rolled my first character ever.. but i just want to play so I can be a sword spec warrior again.

>It wont be the same innocent fun and adventures as it was back then.
Aw hell yeah, it's gonna be new and different? I'm down for that.

>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days.
People could have their memories of classic wiped and all documentation of how vanilla used to work erased from existence and it wouldn't matter: people have also developed meta-skills like better theorycrafting, and have practiced all permutations of mechanics seen in vanilla for a decade so things that would have required hefty organization back in the day would come naturally to modern players (for example, back in the day you might have had charts that assign each player a dedicated spot in the room for bosses like Gruul and C'thun where you need to spread: nowadays people would just spread without thinking about it and get a better spread at it, too).

Basically, knowing the game inside and out doesn't even matter because veteran WoW players would intuit better theorycrafting and tactics than what was used at the time. Contemporary guilds would 1-shot most bosses developing tactics on the fly, even without advance knowledge of good raid setups. Hell, content-independent knowledge like knowing how to set up good keybindings or knowing not to keyboard turn would have made an average player a true elite in 2004 even in terms of raw mechanical skill.

None of those will hinder my enjoyment, actually, you have to be a full on fucking sperg if you can't find your own fun.


>streamers will destroy some of the servers
this is why stream killer guilds will be a thing

Oh no! Sperg guild will get server first on every raid! What ever will I do?

Oh wait I dont care

Who cares? Just find people you enjoy playing with and play the game the way you want to.

And no matter what you think of the guy, you can't tell me events like these are bad for the game:'

I can contribute with some innocence. I've never played WoW, and I'll be starting with classic. Anything I should know?

How does other people clearing content because they're more knowledgeable effect your experience, user? There will be hundreds of casual guild's, months behind the progression curve that will accommodate most skill levels.

I never played classic. Hell I payed the sub price late legion never even raided in legion just ran around exploring and shit. Im sure ill have fun for a month in classic.

Watch this if you want to see how the customization looks with armor and such on. Have fun

>Not getting world first invalidates your experience
You're a silly goose.

How's this for druid leveling?

Nostalrius was pretty fun, too bad you missed out

Don't know why you're getting the armor talent without getting any good bear talents as well. Might as well switch it for something cat related

>Banned on twitch on launch day

people can't let go: the game

No, its gonna be shit after a month because there's no content.
Didn't even include the BGs for first few months.
And the fact that patches are gonna go at the same pace as back then is insanity. Raids will get consumed at least twice as fast.

Before the vast majority of players reach max level?

Oh no he'll just have to play the game like a normal person instead.

>>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days
You don't even need to be good at the game to clear all the content. Compared to the level of play on retail, classic is of almost infantile simplicity. There are barely any raid mechanics at all, and most fights are patchwerk with only the most basic of twists. Classic is fucking garbage and I can't wait for people to discover it.

Pick a race with aesthetics you enjoy, pick a class with gameplay you enjoy. Have fun, fuck minmaxing.

Everyone knows everything about the game. The fun was in the discovery. It won't be the same. The only way it could give players the same old feeling would be to make an alternate timeline expansion that goes in a different direction than BC in the same vein as vanilla while keeping the beta under NDA and restricting data mining and retarded add-ons like DBM/Big Wigs/Weak Auras that play the game for you.

The only people that knows everything about the game are private server people, that represent perhaps 0.1% of the playerbase, and will play within their own guilds.

>DBM/Big Wigs/Weak Auras

Friendly reminder to filter zoomer filth

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>>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days.
what are timegates

Reminder that Classic is not Vanilla. Classic is an entirely new game. You will never get to experience true Vanilla ever again or for the first time.

based original content poster

because you cant play BGs while leveling up?
thats when its the most fun

Druid for World PvP, Mobility, Stealth and Healing?
Rogue for World PvP, Stealth & Stun Locks?
Shadow Priest for OOM after 1 World PvP kill & Mind Control Shenanigans?

Which do I choose, Yea Forums?

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True. But it diminishes world pvp a little bit so i see the reason behind the choice.

not really considering you have to do quests and kill shit to properly level up
the reason behind this choice is they want to milk sub time as much as possible

They had less phases before they received community input though

Rogue + engineering

stun lock is meme
it was only true for vanilla pre combat overhaul/DR/nerfs
all those world of roguecraft memes about rogue being broken you see are p server zoomers not understanding the videos were made during patch 1.6 or so

the actual spec you will be playing to delete other players is cold blood prep

It's already Souless a money grab and you know it

>Less than a day left
>Still undecided whether to go Lock, Feral Druid or Rogue
What to do? I also wanted to go alch, fuck engineering

>guys i had two years to ask questions about which profession and class to roll, but instead i decided to wait until literally the last minute, so make my decision for me kthxbai

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would be the same length, they just staggered stuff more like this, akin to "real" vanilla

Yes and it is staggered by request

All of them fun wpvp options. I decided druid because besides mind control it feels like best option for pvp shenanigans

I'm fucking ready lads. Spriest on Stalagg.

Nelf warrior

When exactly do the servers go live? Anyone know?

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I'm gonna miss wrecking mouthbreathers in greens with my shitty blue gear all throught vanilla. Only tryhards will play it this time around and pvp will be a lot harder.
I swear if I see fags chugging pots in BGs I'm dropping the game

Shaman or Warlock?

I like feral instinct more than thick hide, but either is ok. Other than that, it's fine. Considering getting nature's grasp fairly early (some time after feline swiftness) since it's only one point, and helps out in pvp a lot.

take feral aggression instead of thick hide
Imp shred is amazing if you're not leveling alone or plan on doing dungeons, consider making room for it
Primal fury is amazing for tanking dungeons and helps a lot if you're soloing elites in bear form

He should switch to youtube or mixer for release, if he doesn't start streaming classic right at release he'll disappear among all the other streamers

retards want to relieve their nostalgia so they fuck themselves over and others, what else is new

>and clear the content in 10 days.
The literal world record from 1-60 is like nearly 5 days played time. All these people aren't gonna do shit

>try-harding Classic
They're only ruining it for themselves, not anyone else. Unless they're going for High Warlord, which is try-harding I can respect.

druid is the king of outdoors pvp IMO, if the fight isn't going your way you're pretty much guaranteed to be able to run away.
Rogues NEED their cds to getaway in most cases but you probably blew them already trying to get ahead

>Oceanic servers on classic WoW
I finally get to go home without 400ms

>fury warrior fags mad that bear chads are taking their tank spots

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>copefags still pretending that guides and poopsockers didn't exist in the original game too
we're all going home and there's nothing you can do about it

>It's gonna be destroyed by spergs who already theorycrafted the whole game and watched 1000 hours of minmaxing guides.
And most of those will be in hardcore poopsocker guilds who cares. These type of people existed back then the Elitist Jerks forums where much of the extensive theorycrafting took place had existed since vanilla.
>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days.
Again who fucking cares other guilds clearing content within 2 weeks of release doesn't hinder my experience.
>There will be addons for gearscore and dungeon finder etc...
Blizzard already put their footdown a few days ago and is stopping LFG type addons. Also gearscore as a concept doesn't work in vanilla. Gear is not always a super linear cut and dry choice of what's best. There are some blues which are BiS for certain specs until late AQ or even early Naxx.
>the streamers will destroy some of the servers.
And we already know which servers those are simply avoid them. Faerlina is the only server going to be affected in the long run by streamers.

Stop being a miserable old bitter faggot who has to tell everyone to stop having fun because you aren't able to have fun anymore.

i still cant decide on orc warlock or undead warlock

im going to be a midcore player, so minmaxing doesnt matter much. but i think orcs look ugly as shit in dresses, male and female.

zug zug warlock.

whats that mean?

thanks mate, i needed an outside opinion.

weak bait

haha you got me, I'm a different poster

> 2019
> some people have fun with this braindead gameplay
You realize you are on the same scale as Fortnite and Candy Crush players, right?

Is always the same dude. Every single new patch/content/MMO there are retards who speedrun the fucking shit in 5 hours (skip everything) then start complaining in boards/forum


it's gameplay couldnt be further from fortnite, what games could you possibly play that do not fit somewhere on that scale?

Pick undead then if you think it looks better. I think orcs look good in the warlock tier sets though.

>nowadays people would just spread without thinking about it and get a better spread at it, too).
Imagine believing this. Bro, the game is still played by majority retards, they still play as retardedly as they did 15 years ago. Sounds like you've never been a part of or watched any guild raid besides the big name ones who are paid to do it

> the high skilled Blizzard communiity
You are living in pure denial. A fucking majority of players can't even clean a normal raid, and some can't finish the LFR crap.
Blizzard games are low tier shits when it comes to gameplay, and people keep failing.

Maybe his in his Heroic or Mythic raiding bubble and doesnt remember what it like to be shit at the game like youself

Friendly reminder the nay sayers are just providing an authentic vanilla experience, they were wrong then, they are wrong now.

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stun resist > wotf

Maybe you should learn some english to be understandable, third world shitter

>can't finish the LFR crap

Wait... What? I remember I even used to autofollow and just afk entire LFR raids and it did just fine.

lol I wanna read that thread.

in BFA, Blizzard stopped removing LFR killer mechanics from bosses that had them, G'huun is basically impossible in LFR because you can't organize 25 retards and BRs to do the orb run correctly

Doing some LFR on rerolls, yes, there are a bunch of wipes happening. Like every popular games, the retards rate is pretty high here.

seething you're stuck in LFR

I'm so excited to wait in a queue for literal hours to play a game that will barely even function at release only to be kicked out and have to wait even longer!

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I'm rank at 2.6k you mongoloid, I don't give a shit about PVE, but keep thinking you are okay at the game because you can kill a mob repeating the same two spells.

> 150h to get lvl60
> 12h a day for 3months to get rank 14
> farming comps each night like a work for a shitty raid

Keep projecting, you are cute

>playing exclusively for endgame content
people like you are specifically what killed WoW and made it such a shallow piece of shit as years went by

two (you)s responding to a single poster, wow i'm really farming salt tonight

The gap is actually good. Gives players time to gear up for BWL and spend their efforts grinding for their epic mount.

Like it or not there is fuck all to do pre level cap. It's how the game was designed so blame blizzard instead.

Yes, instead you should pay for 6 months to farm stupid mobs doing the same attack while doing quests "bring me 15 gnoll balls then 60 wool clothes", that's the peak of gaming right?
Or is it for the facebook social aspect full of housewife talking about their 3yo kids?

Blizzdrones will always amaze me.
Blizzard can openly shit in their mouth, they will always return.

>durr i need to metagame and mimmax in a casual SOCIAL game to get my stats .001% higher for the endgame content and ignore any of the actually enjoyable parts of the game

> wanting anything social with the blizzard community
Holy fucking shit, people like this actually exist. What about going to a fucking chatting website if you want social, or even better, in real life? Fucking disgusting mongoloid monkey

At first yes,
Then it will transition to how Project 1999 is.

Mate, you're free to ERP or whatever the fuck you're doing.

> social
here, perfect, the reason why most games are shit nowadays

why not play a real game if you want to jerk off to damage numbers and nothing else? mmos are inherently not made for that. you dumb niggers will complain that there is no content to use your precious stats and minmaxed strategies on then beg blizzard to add in more non-classic content like the runescape niggers did to their old school servers

>add in more non-classic content like the runescape niggers did to their old school servers
You're acting like this was a bad thing, when in fact it's what saved the game from dying (like classic will if they don't do something similar when they're through all their phases).

I agree with this poster

why not meeting people if you want social you trash?
MMO are for playing together doing PVE/PVP, not ERPing to masturbate while looking at a night elf played by some incel creep

As soon as Naxx will be cleaned by a bunch of guilds, Classic will die, and it will not be saved by the three neckbeards having sex in Goldshire

Go back to Overwatch kiddo

enjoy the "classic" equivalent to azerite grinding that they'll introduce to satiate dumb niggers like you that play the game as a job instead of a game

dumb fuck esl nigger why not play on ms excel if you want to jerk off to numbers?

Still haven't decided what class to roll to actually have fun in pve and especially pvp. Druid, Rogue, priest... too difficult decisions.

>BFA kiddies still coping and seething that their game is about to be BTFO'd by a 2004 mmo

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not gonna be dishonest here, I'm logging in this game just to completely ruin the experience for you boomers
what op described is barely a start

I wanna go HOME already aaaahhhhh!

where did i say anything about rp? playing the game exclusively for the endgame is a lot different than just playing the game with some friends to have a fun experience. you are going to burn through the content in 2 weeks and wonder why you got ripped off by blizzard

Yeah, I'm sure they're furious that Classic just funded their next expansion and got a shit ton of people to re-sub to the game, how will Blizzard and retailcucks ever recover?

>a fun experience
Oh man, yes, getting these 60 quilboar tusks is so much fun at 3 people! Questing in Vanilla/Classic is epic!

Are there enough BFA players to even shitpost to this level?

yeah, IIRC there was a leak which was basically an educated guess of current subscriber count, and it was somewhere around a million

people have been playing classic for 15 years, if you think it's going to die as soon as someone gets the Naxx world first, you're as delusional as you are ESL

>not gonna be dishonest here, I'm logging in this game just to completely ruin the experience for you boomers
>what op described is barely a start

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Overwatch is as shitty as WoW, ape.

>playing a game that looks like PS1's Spyro
y-yeah boomer bro, I'm sure there's a young audience playign and ruining our boomer game, can't wait to go "home" and see this narrative unfold and relive the years I wasn't a total failure yet

oh man doing these bosses that don't even have raid mechanics is so fun! this is exactly why vanilla was so popular despite not even 1% of the playerbase doing the raids back then!

>people have been playing classic for 15 years
On free servers, filled with 12yo, russians and south americans. You need to sub to actually play Classic.

Wasn't said leak saying it has more subs than the top played game on steam and 70% of those subs are from china?

>Overwatch is as shitty as WoW
Doesn't play the game
tells others how the game should be

>zoomers so retarded that all they can think of is a cheap insult at the graphics
>not even a good insult because Spyro had great graphics for its time

Cope, seethe, dilate and have sex, Beta For Azerite zoomer

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That's the point retard. WoW questing is shit, and so is PVP, and so is PVE.

Russians and chinks sure, but 12 y/o? They have the patience of a rabid dog dude don't lie on the internet

> not even 1% of the playerbase doing the raids back then
Opinion definitely discarded.

>It's gonna be destroyed by spergs who already theorycrafted the whole game and watched 1000 hours of minmaxing guides.
okay? doesn't affect your gameplay

>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days.
see above

>There will be addons for gearscore and dungeon finder etc...
blizz already killed the dungeon finder addon, and gearscore doesn't mean shit in vanilla, everyone knows that

>the streamers will destroy some of the servers.
90% of the streamers are on the same server

seethe harder, tranny

which is why it's a social game and always was until people started to play it like a job and demanded an ocean of meaningless garbage to grind for and daily quests to do

Why monster?

not even 1% of the playerbase does the raids now. what makes you think it was ever different, dumb nigger?

Naxx, not even 1%, probably. Anybody else rolled on MC, BWL and ZG. What the fuck are you talking about?

>just funded their next expansion
would be a real shame if something were to happen that showed blizzard that current wow isn't actually their best market and they can make more money and get more subs by catering to people who prefer better mmos huh?
almost like that would put an end to their next expansions, get their staff fired, and all their focus would be put on an mmo and not a dressing up simulator with daily quests

try to imagine an adult using greentext and attaching reaction gifs to his posts
It's no wonder you want entertainment for the long months in succesion that you stay locked in the corner of your room in front of a computer. waking up at 2 pm and going to sleep at 6 am
escapism robably isn't the same without it
you need this boomer game more than anyone else, bro

> not even 1% of the playerbase does the raids now
Nice sources you got here, mongoloid. How is your ERP going? Are you still fapping on draenette, you human trash?

im going to spam general chat with zoomer cringe just to ruin the experience for everyone


Pfft hahaha are you actually this retarded?

dumb nigger response from a dumb nigger drone that likes to play mmos like they're a job

What's with the constant misuse of the term "boomer"? Baby Boomers are too busy being senile to play video game

/leave 1

expect most people to hit 60 within 3 days with everyone clearing rag within 4 days, the entire world clearing rag week 1

>almost like that would put an end to their next expansions, get their staff fired
Imagine unironically believing this.

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get in asmon layer and give him all you're loot

>most people will be playing for fun
could've fucking fooled me

You are actually retarded. it takes 2 hours to clear a whole heroic raid, stop larping in goldshire, fag

MMO are just shitty grind for the sake of grinding retard, that's the point of the entire genre and the reason it died. But keep entertaining us, you clown.

go ahead and looks up achievement stats yourself to see I'm right

exactly my point

I myself am gonna roleplay as the eternal silent MMO player making a point to play this MMORPG exclusively as a single-player experience
but I'll have lots of alts so we'll see what I can plan next

>server firsts in 15 year old content

what does any of that have to do with me?
if this was my mindset how would i ever have the face to leave my fucking house

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how many people have AotC?

Wow, 0.1% of people doing Mythic raids is the same as people doing LFR/Normal/Heroic! Thanks for showing us!

>I'm logging in this game just to completely ruin the experience for you boomers
How would you even go about this

I personally am going to rush to level 60 and go on a killing spree with my guild in all contested leveling zones.

>play game first time
>fucking neckbeard autismos rage how you are shit and dont have correct itemizations etc etc
>get kicked from every dungeon cuz dont have 10 years of experience

yeah.... classic wow vanilla experience everyone....

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>instead of chuck norris jokes in barrens chat we get 24/7 seething over donald trump
>zoomies won't even know who chuck norris is

we were supposed to be going home bros....

i guarantee you will fail

endgame is endgame, just because it doesn't fit your verifiably false narrative doesn't change anything. 99% of WoW's playerbase has never done endgame current endgame content in any expansion

lmaooo what the fuck are those words, what do they even mean.

Fucking get a life, you fucking neckbeard

I'll look for an extremely talkative player looking forward to experience his magical childhood again and be totally silent while doing the same quests as him MWAHAHAHAHAHA
>Times When You Were The Joker


no group finder means that if you're new you WONT get kicked because it's worth teaching you how to play instead of replacing you. the dungeon finishes faster if you teach your party members instead of berate and kick them

thats why quality of life stuff made the game worse

Mythic mode today is the closet to a equivalent comparison of completing Naxx in 2005.

>i will play the game normally and people around me will suffer for it
hes just going to assume you're br

> 99% of WoW's playerbase has never done endgame current endgame content in any expansion
Even PVPlayers are doing LFR, stop being drunk Pavel

I cannot, just CANNOT fucking wait to give bitches the good old coldblood ambush vanish ambush prep vanish cold blood ambush combo

mythic today is way more accessible than original naxx ever was

Based and redpilled

>because it's worth teaching you how to play instead of replacing you
no it's not lmao
>the dungeon finishes faster if you teach your party members instead of berate and kick them
no it doesn't

imagine being a rogue and letting your target have two full gcd's of time to react to your bullshit

is it possible to gift a month sub to someone?

thank God I'm on EU servers where people aren't tryhard faggot mutts.

he can react all he wants while he's tidal charm'd i dont give a fuck

>contradicts with nothing to add
how do you figure? dungeon groups take a couple hours, and people dont usually want to join for a partial completion unless theres one valuable late drop they want

you can buy a code for 20 bucks at the store and give them the code

nvm you right

If someone in your group is a fucking autistic retard who can barely even play the game you'll know that before you've even been in the dungeon for 10 minutes.
>EU servers where people aren't tryhard faggot mutts
You're going to be sadly mistaken.

Don't let other people tell you how or what to play. Socialize and have fun.

I'm going to level on a server away from streamers. But I will make a character on a stream server at some point just to kill streamers. Easiest way is a POM mage to delete them every 3 minutes. There e is nothing a player can do against a POM mage. Ice is better for pvp, but for grief purposes make a POM mage.

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>th-the game is what you make of it... it's the fault of the player if it ends up being shit!
The absolute state of Blizzdrones.

autistic retards notwithstanding, original comment i replied to was just suggesting a new player would get kicked from a dungeon for not having 10 years experience.

you should read the whole thread of replies before saying dumb shit

do u have this maps without the red bullets things?

ya back in the day i was really into the pvp while leveling up. I was way ahead of the curve and had special binds and everything meanwhile many players were keyboard turning. Also i farmed up gear and decked myself out as much as i could while leveling in the 20s and 30s so that i could run up and down the road in ashenvale or wherever ganking people. The point of the game was to have fun and i didnt care about how fast i got to 60 and if i got 1 level from all day of playing i felt like i got a lot accomplished. Now i have shitty cognitive skills due to autoimmunity and poor diet and im average at best and not as clever in pvp as i used to be. Also i have this desire to be ahead of the curve at 60 so in the back of my mind im worried about efficiency and leveling up as fast as possible. Buying gear off the AH is a waste of gold and if i dont get 2-3 levels a day at least i feel like i have been wasting my time an im falling behind.

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>dodge all of this by playing on a comfy australian server
How can the rest of the world even compete?

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Have we gotten any Classic streamer cringe kino yet?

>original comment i replied to was just suggesting a new player would get kicked from a dungeon for not having 10 years experience
So? If he hasn't got that experience it will still be obvious right at the start of the dungeon, so kicking him will still be faster.

Some funny stuff

it wasnt, and it wont

>Anything I should know?
The hybrid tax you see thrown around a lot should really be called the "healer tax", if your spec has healing spells it's damage and tanking is neutered to balance against that. Not enough to really matter in small groups but in raids it's probably what you'll be doing. That said having 20/40 warm bodies in a raid is more important than making sure everyone is top tier in spec and talent choice. If you want to raid as a Ret paladin it is possible it'll just be harder than going holy as you'll likely be limited to pugs struggling to fill slots being your GM's e-girl.

Re-speccing is cheap while levelling (relatively) and expensive at cap. It only gets more expensive the more you do it. Most people who don't want to farm 100g a week will therefore get the bare minimum out of their talents to do what they need in raid and cheekily spend the rest in either solo farming or pvp talents. Unless you are desperate for world firsts in a 10 year old remake of a game this is fine. Classic isn't that hard it needs autistic levels of minmaxing. If anything I'd be willing to bet we'll see more meme builds floating around in raids in general because players are better at the game and will allow more slack for dumb shit.

You can tank and heal in any spec while levelling. All you need is a shield and not be wearing cloth. Don't be the bitch Warrior/Paladin/Druid who will only DPS in deadmines.

If you want to roll on a pvp realm doing it now is better than later because gankers have gotta level too.

Doing things you know how to do is fun

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OK GUYS, who was that youtuber who ganked low lvl hordes with human paladin lvl 7 or something? He had like bis gear for his level

>retard walks into deadmines and pulls first pack
>kick him
>walk outside deadmines
>type "lfm 1 'X' VC" in general
>get a new player
Wow, that sure was harder than teaching someone how to play the game!

reminder that Alliance players will never know the feeling of the devs writing a song about how cool their faction is

>Don't be the bitch Warrior/Paladin/Druid who will only DPS in deadmines
Literally me

>not living in asian country to see the servers get hacked to the bone.

paladins should really be specced for it if they want to tank. I tanked while leveling on my paladin while leveling, i even did all of deadmines at level 30. You sort of need to be one of those people that can read and understand your abilities if you want to tank on a paladin. paladins are great tanks in 5 mans if they know what they are doing but the ones who try and tank in ret spec with no consecration and using seal of command give us all a bad name.


>peak of 600k viewers for BFA release
>peak of 15k channels for BFA release

Will be curious to see the numbers for Classic.

>>There will be addons for gearscore and dungeon finder etc...
Gearscore is uterly useless in vanilla

>all of deadmines
I meant gnomer. fuck

How do you tank with no taunt?

> peak 1M tomorrow
> drop to 1K in a month
Screencap this.

>wait 20 minutes while they train real quick
>oops forgot ammo one sec
>walk to deadmines
>inspect gear, whites and one or two quest greens
>it happens again

or you could be at the first boss by now

>peak from classic beta was higher than BoD or EP world first race

Attached: lorewalker cho.jpg (598x662, 85K)


dont need to taunt if you dont drop aggro in the first place, achievable with blessing of salvation and knowledge of how pally tanking works

You don't need a taunt in 5mans lmao
Ideally the paladin will have consecrate (and most probably will since ret is a garbage spec outside of 8% move speed) just use CC and target calling. All the DPS really need to do is give the paladin a few seconds to get a threat lead before they start jizzing on the mob. A single elite bouncing between 4 targets looks messy as fuck but isn't gonna cause a wipe provided people don't start running away like idiots.

>or you could be at the first boss by now
And then finally get to Smite after hours.
>noob tries nuking the boss
>group wipes
>walk back in dungeon
>everything has respawned

1 noob isnt going to cause a wipe unless he pulls an extra 2 or 3 groups.

except by then youve had plenty of time to tell him how important it is to kill the adds first

and he does

and you dont wipe

you're missing the part about how you're making this player better the whole time and warning them about the dangerous parts of the dungeon

That exact scenario happened with Runescape, and it will happen with classic as well. Classic is a better game than retail in every regard except the graphics, but graphics are less important than ever nowadays. Classic will get its own completely unique expansions and retail will be on life support for the next year or so before they cancel it completely.

You do realize that RS3 still gets content updates, right? And no one was fired.

LF friends to play classic with

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Sure keep telling yourself that.

I remember this image from The Grid Episode 1 when Drewbie was browsing for Thottbot, goood old times

I'm not telling myself anything, I'm simply stating facts.

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I cant wait til zoomers join to grief and dab on the boomers, then start having fun despite themselves

just play dude it's not like you won't find people it's not retail where nobody talks.


>made character with my original name from vanilla/bc in the vein hope someone will recognize me

Dont think I have ever had a friend since WOTLK

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Nelf warrior or nelf hunter?

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um, what? what about my store mounts and achievements? you can't just take them away, devaluing everything i have worked for. I have over 200 battlepets, 3 fully geared pandabears. You simply cannot get away with htis

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Hunter if you want to end up like pic related.

choose this if you want to chill and level up without worrying about reds ganking you\
choose this if you want to have actual conflicts with the other faction while leveling
choose this if you want to slobber all over nightelf futa cock in Goldshire
choose this if you want to unironically /yell Lok'Tar Ogar as you roleplay a battle-enraged Orc warrior in Alterac

bro just say hi in game and you'll automatically make hundreds of lifelong friends

my whatsapp is nearly full from nost

The 1% figure I believe was the number of players that killed at least ONE (1) boss in Naxx. IIRC it was like 10-20% that raided in general, although the vast majority of those only ever did Molten Core. I forget when they gave these figures, my memory says it was at TBC launch when they were talking about the shift to 25-man raiding, but it might have been later when they announce the revamped Naxx for WotLK.

Can you have decent pvp gear if you don't raid?

Not until phase 2.

shit you just reminded me its 40 man raids. Jesus they were such a cluster fuck to organize

If you are willing to poopsock three times more that you have to raid then yes, probably best gear in the game.

just like muh vanilla

Min Maxing gear is quite a lot of work for the average player and not necessary to get by and even perform well in PvP/PvE.

I played an ele shaman in every vanilla private server ant melted faces in open world pvp and carried BGs with my warrior buddy. didn't min max or anything, just played my class how i wanted and used common sense after reading up on what made my class thrive.

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op is right
this isnt gonna take over retail in fact it might be worse for the game by splitting up the community
it's not going to be getting the same support it did in 2004. it's not gonna be the main game. youre not going home cuz your home doesnt exist anymore

Am I the only other person that unironically agrees with this post or am I retarded too?

everybody said this when old school runescape. they announced it saying it would have limited support from a small dev team. now most of their resources are put into OSRS.

He's right

OSRS was dying before it went F2P, it also started dying again before they made the mobile version.

that doesnt fucking mean it will happen with classic lmao what a weird thing to compare

Someone post the webm of asmongoloid singlehandedly wiping the group in BFD please.

The vast majority of the game is not-raiding and not related to raiding. Beyond Vanilla, the game became entirely about raiding, with even non-raid content training players to do raids. It was immeasurably worse after this.

Give me a list of fun things to do besides raiding and PvP in vanilla WoW.

>all normal US servers are full
>only servers with room are PVP and RPshit
How much RPing is expected on RP servers? I don't feel like getting ganked and corpse-camped to spice up my leveling experience.

Attached: on.jpg (656x767, 57K)

All of this is truth. When it comes to raiding, it's like it was dropped from an entirely different game, because it was. The devs that took over towards the end of development were all ex-Everquest players and they wanted the same design for it. So rather than design raid content around the classes as they were, the classes were forced into EQ-style roles for raiding: tanks-healers-DPS. There are no raid-roles for classes based on adaptability, versatility, buffs, debuffs, control, different types of damage etc. Only tanks, healers and DPS.

You must go full RP at all times including RP slow walking to the dungeons.

it won't happen will classic zoomzoom, you'll soon find out why

>now most of their resources are put into OSRS.
thats not true, the rs3 dev team is still at least 3x the size of the osrs dev team
rs3 makes more money because of mtx, osrs just has shitloads more players

wow is not as niche as runescape
classic won't appeal to the majority

Levelling, questing, crafting, trading, exploring, gathering, farming, re-rolling and though you exclude PvP, there were different options for it and despite it being more popular than raids, the ex-Everquest players at Blizz only wanted to make raid content. The most popular activities to do in Vanilla WoW were more than 90% of the game, probably an under-estimate on my part. They were also intergrated but by the time of release this was a job only part-done and needed finishing, but Pardo and co had no intention of doing so. Raiding was almost a completely different game with barely any gameplay-connectivity to them beyond the attunements.

Contrast with WoW beyond Vanilla: everything is now connected to raiding, because the devs want everyone raiding despite the preferences shown clearly by players for anything else. Player preferences then get used in Skinner-boxes to condition them for PvE raiding.

Retail is all but dead, though. I don't know why anyone would play Retail when Warframe and PoE exist and are basically the same thing at this point, but with better combat and mechanics, and no upfront costs or subscription fee. Stockholme syndrome, maybe.

Classic actually appeals to an audience.

WoW actually runs properly, unlike PoE

>Classic actually appeals to an audience.

A bunch of cunts obsessed with the past and can't move on from a shit game and look to the future?

No shut up
I'm going home

PoE is actually fun, unlike Retail WoW.

There are no games currently or in the "future" like classic WoW. There might be some single player RPGs to scratch the RPG itch, but nothing with a significant multiplayer element.

PoE has been fixed


>Levelling, questing, exploring
Maybe if it was my first time playing, but these are things I've done dozens of times, it's not fun anymore.
>crafting, trading, gathering, farming
Not fleshed out enough to be fun. WoW can't into this kinda stuff.
Repeating all the unfun stuff again, whoop-de-doo.


Anyone have the 2 webms of reck paladin 1 shotting the mage and rogue

> Da ol raid good n hard
> new raid bad

>*install add-ons done with modern knowledge of raid dynamics and raid data*
>The old raids become easier than any shit after them, because raids only evolved in complexity and what made them "casual" was the add-ons
> Not even fun because of the euro levels of clumsiness and jank

> Aaah such gud raid we so hardcore Iul
> krak siiiip

Because of the time investment
Imagine sinking thousands of hours then having it all go to waste because the game is shit
People like that don’t play for fun, they play to fill bars

Are there unironic Retail shills in this thread or just people who hate WoW in general?

Attached: assburger.png (302x389, 62K)

Just a person who likes laughing at the delusional here.

obvious bait

>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days
>in 10 days

You fucking wish bro. I'll be shocked if anything lasts undefeated longer than 10 hours.

>I'll be shocked if anything lasts undefeated longer than 10 hours.
there won't even be people dinging 60 until Friday

Answer the question.

Are you just bashing WoW in general or do you unironically think Retail is better?

100% fact

Even leveling as fast as possible it's gonna take days for people to get to 60

Details of the next expansion have already been leaked, it's coming out next November. If the next expansion is shit then retail will probably die, but it's dumb to think they'll pull the plug that quickly.

I hate what the company behind WoW in any of its forms has become, recognize this shit for the ActiBlizz shilling it is, and hate the fags who keep fucking spamming it non-fucking-stop.

I think wow was an average game that was only good for its time (its time being vanilla > WoTLK, anything beyond that wasn't WoW), the hype around classic is going to be gone in a month.

Not him
I played from 1.3 to Breach (2.5? Not sure about the exact patch) and quit due to poor performance. I came back a little before 3.0, which brought dx11 and dynamic resolution. Might have also been the new water patch, but that could have come in 3.1. I did end up quitting again for unrelated reasons, but performance post-3.0 is incredibly good relative to previous patches. Servers are also better to the point that predictive is now usable over lockstep, and unless you're doing something stupid like an autobomber you won't get many freezes (but that's half due to GGG reducing mob density). If performance was your only issue with the game, give it another try.

Aww, is the nostalgia blinded boomer feeling sad about real world ruining your delusional desperate fantasies?
Don cwy widdew bebe you wiww have youw WOWwipop soon, lol.

Oh there is delusional alright

I quit in Synthesis because I got tired of Betrayal mobs freezing the game when they spawned, came back in Legion, then quit because it STILL hadn't been fixed

>I don't
Then what's the problem? You can have your innocent fun. Stop letting other peoples' mere existence prevent you from doing what you want to do, Yea Forums.

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Aren't people excited for it at least partially because this is a step in the right direction? And could potentially prove a point?

Is there anything that exists now that is better than Vanilla WoW at least in the particular niche that it filled?

>Trying to find the same feeling that back then
>It was lost in time.

I tried to get into WoW a couple of years ago, but couldn't get through the grind. Is this going to be better in that regard?

I'm assuming it's mostly falseflaggers, or people who used to play WoW and don't want to feel tempted.

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Admittedly their league shit usually performs poorly until mid-patch. Perandus league didn't get fixed until a full patch or two later, I ended up ignoring the boxes. That being said if you started post-3.0 and are unhappy with performance, it's unlikely any amount of Jonathan time will bring you back. To be fair, I think I'm permanently gone as well.

Literally none of those things matter. What matters is that the general attitude of the video game community has shifted hard in the past 15 years. Very few will try to enjoy the journey. Most will beeline to the objectives attempting to get to max level as fast as they can. They'll effectively have a wiki in one hand and the game in the other. This is a part of why the sense of community in MMOs was dying even before handholding became a part of the game. These people see MMORPG and only pay attention to the G at the end. It wasn't Blizzard who made WoW a single player game; it was the community that grew wider and shallower with each year.


The best way to play classic is to level casually, live IRL, come back for rested exp, and hit level 60 in 2-4 months. The only people who are going to be level 60 in the first month are zoomers, streamers, and NEETs, so pretty much the dredges of society that you should avoid in the first place. Level at a comfortable pace and you’ll have a chance to run dungeons with well adjusted players who were the foundation of vanilla WoW in 2004.

Sauce? This looks very 90's but I don't recognize it at all.

Okay my good retard, but I'm not under the illusion that Vanilla was perfect, just that its core gameplay was superior at least in the sense that it was a legitimate MMORPG rather than a Facebook game.

I believe it's La Blue Girl
I honestly hope I'm wrong because if not I recognized hentai on sight

when Betrayal came out, GGG totally fucked something about how the game loads in assets. In Delve it worked fine but as soon as Betrayal dropped everything suddenly took way longer to load and the game trying to spawn shit in an already open instance would suddenly start freezing or crashing the client

Don't you think private servers are unneeded now?
We should get them all to close down. Because all the people that will use them from now on are just cheapskates who never even wanted the community or vanilla days. They just wanted to play for free. I feel that bliz has done what we want, so in turn we must do something as a show of good faith.

what kind of retarded moron does it take to think that people weren't theorycrafting and writing guides back in vanilla?

I gotchu, fren

Attached: ovbyonyrwss21.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

Yea but it was only for the 0.1% of players. Now even shit guilds reqire min/max rotations and guide following.
I would just deal with the fact that yes people will expect you to fucking know your class and know how to do all classic bosses without mistakes.

That's the league I gave up on, I'm honestly surprised they haven't fixed the issue since. I'd play on a 2.6 private realm given the choice, sad it probably won't ever happen.
There's pservers that aren't vanilla m8
>we must do something
I'll call Putin real quick and get him to enforce copyright laws

classic was nothing BUT grind

So? They should be shut down. As a show of good faith. I does not meen forgive bliz for mistakes it means not fuck the classic servers up. In order to keep them up private server cheepskate must pay their share.

>Yea but it was only for the 0.1% of players.
This meme again. I was a 14 year old who was shit at video games and I still managed to be in a guild that was pushing naxx content. It was always like this. You might be right about 99% of players being oblivious, because most players across all video games are shit. Look at achievement statistics for various singleplayer casual games and you'll regularly find games where 80-90% of its players haven't even completed the main story. Similarly, most WoW players probably won't even make it to 40. Basing your figures around the overall playerbases is extremely flawed.

>Aren't people excited for it at least partially because this is a step in the right direction?
Hell to the fuck no they aren't. It's a lot more fucking complicated than that.

>And could potentially prove a point?
"Pandering to nostalgia and deliberately spreading a myth-level lie about what something was like gets guaranteed money."
Activision already lies as much as a pregnant crackwhore. If this succeeds, and it's already fucking succeeded, it's going to encourage Bobby Kotick to keep lying his devil horns off.
You can already see it with shit like the #NoChanges nonsense popping up. Outright banning addons didn't happen in Vanilla, but they're going whole hog on this idealized and "best case scenario" vision of the game that outright didn't happen on most servers.

>I still managed to be in a guild that was pushing naxx content
This meme again.
Only 3% of players ever saw naxx. if i beleived every faggot with that claim it would have been 100%. More than possible you did it in WOTLK.

I legitimately don't understand what you're trying to say.
Pservers justify their existence by providing a game that isn't accessible by legal means. You cannot play bc, wrath, or any other expansion legally, so pservers fill that gap.

never played a wow game, 28 years old. is this coming out for everyone to play or something? Am i too old to start and waste my life on a mmorpg? Am i going to get laughed at?

Attached: howcute.jpg (687x1006, 59K) friendly reminder to install this addon if you want a better chat POGCHAMP

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Well they should pay bliz "protection" money then. Why let them play for free when you have to give up your sub money?

>I was a social recruit in a guild that ran Naxx so everyone did Naxx
lel, every time

no, yes, yes

I swear these "I never played wow before" posts read like scripts. I see so many of them everywhere I wouldn't be surprised if it's paid shills.

The grind isn't even that grindy. go play a real mmo faggot

And if you read the other part of that post you'd understand that 3% is a lot more than it sounds like. In Q2-Q3 2006 (when naxx came out), wow had 6.5-7 million active subscribers. 3% of that is around 200k. That's a lot of people. And that's just a number you pulled out of your ass because you thought it sounded small.

>everyone knows football all inside out theres nothing new to it
>it will be shit nobody will play it anymore after some weeks

When it came out it was the baby-friendly casual MMO, you'll be fine. Half of the population is roleplaying as a boomer, the other half is actually 50 years old.
Blizzard does not provide the service they do. I still don't understand what you mean.

I've no fucking idea. The WoW private servers had some very chill players, but they could be a minority thanks to all the dumb hype Classic is getting.

Die, zoomer.

I already have the superior addon for a better installed

Attached: 1566786441450.png (966x643, 59K)

We already know Actiblizz has paid shills making posts and threads on Yea Forums

holy shit that's so Pog
we're going home PogU

Attached: file.png (240x240, 84K)

>Spend some time weighing up whether should play it or not.
>mfw I realise after the nostalgia tourists leave it'll just be me and those tards who spammed 'home' threads for a solid three months every day.
I don't want to play it anymore.

How many people were playing WoW during vanilla? 3% of a couple million is 60,000+, least of all is it surprising that a large number of those people are also the kind of person to be hanging around here a decade later.

t. Someone who was apart of a guild that had AQ40 on farm but never raided Naxx, since the guild lost motivation after TBC was announced

Question: Will the Skeletons that appear when someone dies be the same as it was originally? Right now they disappear after you die again, they used to stay longer than that.

Answer: Hi EversorA, thanks for the great question.
While we understand that this was a flavorful part of Original WoW and the earlier expansions, individual players leaving multiple player corpses and skeletons throughout the game world can lead to behavior such as spelling out advertisements, hate speech, and other negative messages. As such, this will not be a part of WoW Classic.

Attached: 1563562726273.gif (300x300, 2.92M)

It's never happening again, it doesn't matter if you end up decked in full t3 or if you give up after a month, you'll regret not participating in the launch week.

haHAA WeirdChamp

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The faggots who were okay with layering opened up this fucking can of worms. They're doing whatever they want at this point. Classic is not home.

>he thinks even 10% of the playerbase is goin to ever look up a guide
It makes sense to look up a guide. Thats why you, a triple digit IQ mmo player, look up a guide to understand your class and its place in the world. Most WoW players from closed beta to the last gasps of retail have been the rough equivalent of a dead gopher face down on a keyboard. Theres going to be 4-5 guilds racing for world first MC in late september as some of us are starting to ding 60 on our first characters and farming to respec our final pvp/pve specs, most of the players will have quit by 25 or be stuck in the low 50s piddly-farting about trying to find quests

I agree too. Anybody who plays retail knows this to be the case

60 guilds cleared Naxx40 before TBC's prepatch, and something like 75 more cleared it between 2.0 and TBC launch. And if 3% is remotely accurate, you're easily looking at thousands of guilds who at least tried to make some progress in there, and hundreds who actually did without clearing the whole thing.

Attached: 1566797388995.jpg (1460x609, 141K)

Lul POGCHAMP thanks user

why in the name of fuck do you fags keep editing this picture
the original was already fine, it was made so it could fit any term
god I'm so fucking mad right now at this menial inconsequential thing, fuck my autism

You are not looking hard enough then. There are several on steam right fucking now. Legends of Aria, Albion Online, Project Gorgon, LOTRO even. Stop pretending there is nothing around and stop lying to yourself. You want nostalgia, not alternative.

You got me to read one message, I guess.

nobody knows about those trash dead games kys

It is, you're a man of high culture and I respect that

>proving my point
That's very nice of you user.

Private servers are not Vanilla you fucking idiot.

Neither is classic though.

>yeah boot the priest bro we can just sit in the dungeon for 40 minutes and get another

Don't use guides or look stuff up until end game. Leveling is more enjoyable if you play the game as it's intended. If you have questions, ask other players. Join a guild and make friends.

Allllllrighty here we go are you ready? Don't play it you jaded faggot. Nothing will make you happy anyway

>ask other players
Who will tell you to look it up on your own.
>Join a guild and make friends
With a dead guild chat as everyone will be chatting in discord

Just pick something that you think is neat and play the game. Group up with people you run into. Add people to your friends list. Talk to them. Maybe wait a week first so you don't log into starting zones where every enemy spawn point is camped.

Blame the people who couldn't help spelling nigger with skeletons

Nobody ever actually did this, its mostly goldfarmers spelling out ads in corpses

>Who will tell you to look it up on your own.
Not all the time. Back in actual vanilla I'd sometimes get new players randomly whispering me for advice about the class and I'd help them out if I could. I always wondered how many people they went through in the "/who priest 60" list before they got to me, though.

No, the DR's you're talking about were implemented in BC. Stunlock is still very real

Making a swastika in ironforge took like 10 minutes and it lasted for fucking days

no fun allowed
like always

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Depends how many layers Blizzard implement.

But I will play it, the pvp and raids are fun, all of the other shit is boring as fuck though, stop pretending it's not.

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How are addons for classic working? Will some vanilla addons work on classic or are the difference too big?
Currently looking at MoveAnything and can't find a ported version.

>It wont be the same innocent fun and adventures as it was back then.
The mere fact that this is a reboot is enough to make the experience different. This isn't going to be whatever WoW was to you back then, it will only be a reboot, 15 years later in a different era of gaming. It's like playing through Pokemon Red right now. It's a good game, but it doesn't have "it".

The environment has changed, things are only valuable in the moment. Reboots are cancer.

if wow classic gets any updates, what are you hoping for? pic related

Attached: will it happen again bros.jpg (220x98, 11K)

Don't expect anything fun to happen in classic, all the cool, memorable events in vanilla happened long before 1.12

It is the poser trap. You can always tell a fake vanilla player by how he brags her totally killed all of naxx in vanilla.

Except vanilla had the most meaningless exploration and neutered mechanics out of all mmos released in its timeframe. You want the sole thing that killed the genre back instead of looking for and supporting shift in design paradigm itself.

>he thinks he can out-level classic spergs
You poor fool

This takes it too far. The figures Blizz revealed were that only 25% of players who had at least one lvl 60 character ever did Ragnaros pre-TBC. When Black Temple released in TBC, despite all the Skinner-box conditioning to funnel players towards raiding, only 10% even got to the first boss of BT. Blizz of course kept learning the wrong lessons and couldn't accept that raiding is not popular, no the 'real problem' was TBC's antagonist was supposed to be Illidan but he was hardly in it. They would 'solve' that problem in WoTLK by putting the Lich King everywhere.

They did not release any further figures on players preferences, except for Jeff Kaplan's embarassing excuse for why so much development was spent on raids; because 'Karazhan is the most popular instance by far', which was only true if you ignored Battlegrounds. They had a blind-spot for anything that wasn't raiding, except if it could be used as a lure for raiding.

what a pussy


>It's gonna be destroyed by spergs who already theorycrafted the whole game and watched 1000 hours of minmaxing guides
sooooo just like back in the day?
>There will be many method-like guilds who will already know the game inside out and clear the content in 10 days.
again just like back in the day?
>There will be addons for gearscore and dungeon finder etc...
that have already been sentenced to death by blizzard, these addons won't be around when it matters and even if they are, no one will use them (most classic players quit because of these)
>the streamers will destroy some of the servers.
only valid point and it will be easy to ignore the fuckery.

don't know about you retail tranny but I'm ready for classic with the boystm

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>why would anyone want to min max and clear MC, BWL, and AQ 40 in 3 hours

>instead of spending 12 hours weekly on 15 year old content

Whitemane is where all the ERP will happen.

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>he thinks boomers will power level
You poor fool

Just pick the lowest pop server of the type you prefer, unless it literally launches at low chances are there'll be enough people to get to endgame with. People seem to think that a 5k pop (concurrent, not total) is necessary to keep a server alive, but it's actually less than half that.

I'm going to assume that 10% was after they removed the attunement to BT. It feels way too high otherwise, that questline wasn't easy

Thanks for the warning, I'll avoid the hell out of those trannies

here's another useful tool:

>because there's no content.
>Raids will get consumed at least twice as fast
You think you're a god in vanilla wow, but you're not.
You think theres 8 pieces of loot dropping per boss in raids, but they don't.

I actually never played wow
I just played RO all day, am I that weird?

Goes back to shills on /pol/ creating the "35 year old boomer meme" because old fucks were constantly butthurt about us bashing them with facts.

As I said, the crafting side of the game with the trade, gathering and farming was not finished on release but the Everquest players in charge had no interest in doing anything with them beyond supporting raiding. The same goes for the other things I mentioned: virtually all levelling and questing from TBC onwards conditions players for following crumbs to get attuned and to play their class in a strictly raid-role from the outset: TBC solidified tanks, healers and DPS across most aspects of the game, not just raids. You didn't have to min/max in Vanilla outside of raids: if you wanted to be the Shaman with the best buffs then you could, or if you wanted to be the most adaptable then that was also possible. Class-changes for TBC may have allowed classes to pick more than one role, but those roles were still restricted to tank-healer-DPS. Melee-Warlocks were out. Soft-tanking Shaman were out(Shaman was particularly good in Undead/Cult of The Damned 5-mans like Stratholme and Scholomance). If this is your first time questing in in a version of WoW pre-TBC, then it is going to be a very different experience. If you have played WoW for years, most of that time has been with the game conditioning you to think raiding is important, raiding is the ultimate goal and point of the game and it requires you to sacrifice every other aspect of the game unless you run a non-raid alt or constantly pay the huge costs of respeccing.

Funny enough, despite the conditioning leading people to call non-raiders 'casuals', most raiders played less than non-raiders. You were only 'hardcore' as a raider if you levelled an alt. Most of the time, raiders were only playing when they were raiding or preparing for a raid. Lastly; re-rolling was popular because you could see stuff and areas you missed because you were the other faction or you had levelled past areas you hadn't yet visited for quests and had nothing to gain by doing them.

Literally this.
Also cancerous streamers will bring a shit ton of normalfags and orbiters into raids.
For the love of tits don't get in with a streamer guild. I can imagine it now.
>"Sorry champ. Got to be on my Patreon top tier if you want a roll at this loot."
>"Xx_G4mergurl_xX gets priority because she sent me her tits and said my peepee lookes big"

Do you think any crafting will make money early on, or gathering? Niggas gonna be needing bags

and thats why i will play on rp servers

Reply if you remember Leroy Jenkins.

Furries will ruin any immersion and comfy you're looking for and ERP everywhere.
The only MMO worth RPing on was Lotro because the GMs were based. But that game is long gone.

Fuck guilds and raiding, I'm puggin 5 mans as a huntard and rollingneed on everything

looks like I'm playing on Faerlina, thanks user :3


Is it fun to tell people they won't have fun?

bros, what server are asmongold and Popz in? hear they're in the same one. do I still have a chance of getting in it?

Selling wands and bags is very profitable at early stages,


Faerlina and no its full

What if they end up having fun?

yeah fuck this shit then. gonna do a hunter alt I was planning for months on retail

It won't be full in a month's time since Asmongold is already planning on quitting. If there are other streamers you're interested in you can just wait

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>I'm only playing this because it will get me views
Why the fuck does anyone watch this guy, he's such a chode

Almost all the servers are "full". It doesn't mean anything. You can still make a character on it just fine. Just expect longer queues than if you made a character on the one server that's still "medium" because they JUST opened it up

Yep. An experience like vanilla just can't exist in 2019. There was no wikia, no wowhead, no youtube, no dataminers. All we had was our own communities and gumption. Don't be sad that it's over, though, be happy it happened.

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I'd do the same if I was making as much money as he is.

The 'worthy players' have Retail; all the garbage expansions that were made just for them, by people like them.
10% over the course of the TBC period, meaning any time before WoTLK. Another lesson Blizz had learned: making Karazhan very easy to access did not necessarily create players with the raid-mindset they were wanting. Having tasted Karazhan, they weren't so desperate for more of the content that is 'when the real-game begins' that they would work extra-hard to get BT attunement.

So Blizz decided that not just Naxx would be easy to access in WoTLK, but every raid up to Icecrown Citadel. I'm guessing the numbers were still not impressive even though they never released them: the decision was made that for Cata they would destroy virtually all remnants of pre-TBC WoW so that players could get the conditioning from the start. They had already made it so you could level up entirely in Battlegrounds and Dungeons, so avoiding all the awkwardness of Vanilla content being very different from the raid-conditioning. Doing dungeons, even Vanilla's janky and awkward ones, keeps people thinking 'I must tank/heal/DPS, that is my purpose'. With Cata though, the entire new 1-90 levelling experience was pure Skinner-box theme-park.

Why are people happy about this? It is sad that nobody wants to play the current game and would rather play the game from 2004.


did you just learn about streamers or something?

I mean I might too, but that wasn't the question. Why does anyone watch this guy?

They most likely will. For about a month.

This is a great bait post, I wonder how many people will fall for it

Not sure, people who watch twitch streamers are literal trash.

>I think this guy sucks, why does anyone watch him
>Uh, did you just learn about streamers or something?
...What? How would I have known about him if I just found out about streamers?

>Games did fairly well in the past.
>Would continue and try to improve, sequels or not.
>Some games started doing EXTREMELY well.
>More games getting into the genre, extremely high expecations to do well.
>Some of the new games do well, some don't. Some do fairly well but are considered failures because not extremely well.
>Games only copy the games that did extremely well and no longer try to do anything else.

On the flip side, all these card games, battle royales, and auto-chess clones kind of amaze me with how quickly they get shat out.

>Why are people happy about this?
Well, to be fair vanilla WoW has been unplayable (in an official format) for like, almost 10 years

Noooo don't enjoy it!!!1

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Someone redpill me on eu servers.

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It's not really that sad, the journey to live came with lots of QOL improvements that no doubt people like, it's just that too much QOL and streamlining can make things feel cheap and unrewarding. One of the reasons people want to go back is to immerse themselves in something that brought them greater fulfillment even if it's blinded by nostalgia.

>exploring, grinding mobs, questing and dungeon crawling with friends or with random strangers to level, collecting gear as you go and building up your character is boring garbage
>adhering to a rigid schedule to grind HP sponges with 39 other people for a chance at purples is peak MMO gameplay
based retards

Forced to play with frogs and krauts because they don't have their own containment servers. Your experience will be utter shit since you can't communicate with half the people you meet since they don't speak English.

Anything that forces me to interact with people is garbage by default.

Germans have containment servers though.

French have containment servers though.

Yay! Let us celebrate the game that murdered an entire genre.

There should be a League of Legends: Classic too. That was the best RTS.

I don't care. Me and my three buddies are ready to play together from 1-60. Wish us luck.

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an already explored world
>grinding mobs
wow so fun
>dungeon crawling
mildly fun
>collecting gear and building up your character
literally the point of raids


Too few servers, they will spill over into the English speaking ones. Spaniards don't have servers either

what's the highest pop server for swedes and finns?

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The English speaking ones are all full too.

Gehennas, but i'm pretty sure APES are playing there so it will be cancer. Play Firemaw instead.

what am i supposed to do to kill five hours lads

>milions of players camping mobs
good luck with your minmax

Which server is the best european server?
and i am the only one who will play without really looking at any guides? a full vanilla experience.
also post your character

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Gearing via raids takes longer and the gains are smaller compared to the upgrades you get semi-randomly while leveling. Character progression happens at a steady, satisfying pace then slows down once you close in on your pre-raid BiS before grinding to a screeching halt in the raids themselves. By that point it starts to feel like a tremendous waste of time when the novelty of doing 40-mans wears off, and I say this as someone who's already raided up through early Naxx.
Leveling alts is still a lot of fun for me though, and I think it's unfortunate that you can't appreciate vanilla WoW's strongest aspect.

>people playing the game better than me ruins my fun

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Yeah no shit. Since most servers are full people start characters on whatever is left which leads to a mix of French/Spanish/Italian/German etc players that refuse to speak English. The communities on those servers are completely fucked forever since you can't communicate with them

I made an hunter and a demonist, which one should i play first?

I will never understand this desu

discord will kill classic

Blizzard already killed it, discord is just shitting on the corpse

addons know the game inside out
addons ruined wow
addons will continue to ruin wow

blizzard removed LFG, but didn't remove questie, swingtimers, rangefinders, weakaura, omnicc, castbars, dps meters,..

literally the only game where using scripts / macros isnt' frowned upon and is accepted by the community kek

>people like gear treadmills

Have fun bro :)


>they just added 4 new servers

So the first 7 levels will be shit after that youre in the dust?

using hacks doesnt make you better, lol

amazing read on that spellcancel I applaud your addon :)

Those were announced days ago.

user you dont have to use them if you don't want to.
LFG would have potentially killed trying to find a group in the open so it makes sense to get rid of it.

nekrage gonna dominate classic as usual

I hate how for Undead you have to take the eyeless face to get the bony jaw, the lit eyes only has the weird metal jaw.

>increasingly nervous autists spams his shitty doomsday note for a final time before classics release

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Grobbulus or Fairbanks


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>you dont have to use them if you don't want to.

WoW's a MMO, classic's trying to be community-focused. Those things aren't compatible with some players using functionality that's not in the base game.

The main problem is also cultural, almost everyone will share your sentiment with "just play the way you want to!", but that's just stupid.

Also, the whole ClassicLFG thing stinks--it goes against everything. Either blizzard has to be consistent with what they allow or just open the floodgates and allow everything like in earlier vanilla where you could essentially bot with addons.

>you don't have to buy microtransactions if you don't want to
>you don't have to use flying mounts of you don't want to
>leveling too easy? You don't have to wear armor if you don't want to


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Best depends on what you are looking for, if you can stand to tolerate some RP happening in public places Zandalar is a good PVP pick it seems to be fairly even split (polls shows alliance bias but looking at the official forums more horde guilds were recruiting). Being on an RP server doesn't mean you must RP but you aren't supposed to have unfitting names like xxtrannygankerxx or openly disrupt RP going on. Chances are you will see more English speaking on these realms too for the same reason. However there is a known e-celeb that is planning to roll there.

Will I still be able to melee in and out between my wanding as a caster in classic?

Because I liked being able to do good wand + melee damage as a priest.

It's going to be posted again and again but with increasingly smug wojaks once classic is out and the population keeps dropping when zoomers realize boomers were right

only 5 more hours for your audience before they won't read any of your fear mongering posts for a week or two, get them in while you can!

>character progression is bad, players not being all equal is problematic

Where are my Biggleschads at?

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>east gets standard server names
>west gets all the meme names
what did they mean by this

>the only form of progress is tedious grinding of mindless, scripted fights to gain slight stat increases not altering combat in any way so you can grind the next set of turds in different paint

>meme name

Blizzard have an idea but will soon find out for sure if Classic is even a 10th as successful as Vanilla was.

It's hard to put into words but IMO, it basically comes down to raiding. Vanilla WoW was not about raiding. Very few people even attempted raiding, but the devs wanted to make raiding the purpose but for Vanilla they had been saddled with a world of diverse possibilities that Mark Kern oversaw as project lead. They had to rush out raid content for release and they had no intention of designing it in line with the rest of the game nor the classes, which would be forced into single-purpose roles. When ignorant people talk of simplistic 'rotations', they mean for raiding and don't realise why it was the case. WoW since then has had Skinner-boxes training players to think raiding is what they want, to enjoy raiding and how to do raiding. These have repeatedly failed because the kind of person that enjoys an online persistent world filled with other people is intrinsically-motivated; carrots and sticks don't work on them, they resent being manipulated even when they aren't conciously-aware it's happening. They want an MMO to be about the world itself and content based entirely on instancing defeats the point of that.

Classic will be like Vanilla in that it will be WoW without the Skinner-boxes. People will feel the weight lifted for the first time, which means they will realise how much they were mentally having to carry with all the noise and busy-work of Retail.

Ive never played wow but it looks kinda cool. I like how weapons have stats and you can have different specializations. I hope i can find an okay server with alot of new players too so vets wont be upset at my failbuilds

The only thing that's sad is the state of retail.

Are 2 letter names gonna be cool, I grabbed 3 dumb chink sounding 2 letter names because I didn't want to think of anything creative

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>Due to extreme load, this is temporarily being shown to everyone as a logged out user would see it.

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What are the server times for classic servers anyway?

Ok, which of the non full PVP server?

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except wow epic sets literally change the way you play your class you dumbfuck FFXIV/GW2 tranny

Is the blizzard store down? It wont let me even go to the page to buy game time.

I think so, i can't buy the new store mount either

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WOW i grinded this set for 6 weeks and finally got set bonus, now i can raid WHILE i jerkfof!!

South American amigo here. I've always played in the Chicago datacenter servers from Retail (Sargeras, Stormrage, Area 52, etc.) because they gave me the best latency by far compared to other locations.
I'm only seeing classic servers being classified by time zones, is there any way to know where their server is located at? Thanks.

Don't think you can see the location of the servers anywhere no. You'll probably have to test the latency yourself.

just looked it up and its filled with just stat increases. wow, the numbers went up!

stick with your people on Thalnos. its EST PVP located in Chicago.

whats a classic server located in Frankfurt?

If I wanted to stick with "my people" I'd have played on Ragnaros or some shit, but thanks for the tip!

I've been really put off by playing the game recently, I'm kinda worried that this experience will ruin the good memories I have and it's my goto place when I feel sad listening to the OST, this is gonna fuck it all up, isn't it?

This. Especially about leveling now. Once the servers have been up for about a month and some change, Stranglethorn will be a level 60 camping zone you will hate as all the great PvP will be gone and replaced by min/maxers roaming around in groups camping low levels.

The set-bonuses for Vanilla raids were removed from the Retail version of the game some time ago, you won't find them easily now from the top results in a search.

>it also started dying again before they made the mobile version.
no it didnt you fucking retard its only been getting larger and larger

When ever players roam around in groups with their PvP-flags on, world-PvP battles happen. There are some people who are always up for it and will travel for 20 minutes to fight people who are only used to ganking low lvls.

remember to pick WHITEMANE on NA and GEHENNAS on EU if you want to go home

play current WoW

i looked them up on the vanilla wow specific wiki, and they dont seem off from what i remember them being at the time.

You mean Spainhennas?

>a 15 year old game won't be the same as one that just got released for the first time

Yeah no shit you fucking sperg.

which server are you picking then?

>logged in for the first time in 7 years
>my level 90 gear looks like it's from level 60
>druid only has 17k health in bear form
>mobs in Elwynn Forest are level 20
wtf happened

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Any of the other pvp servers

what server are PvEchads playing on?

Mograine or razorgore?

this game is designed to make you burn out

any minmaxers will quickly find the game unenjoyable after a while


you know what sucks ? i played retail as horde, and the only thing keeping me from rolling alliance for the other side of the fence is that their cities are all garbage. Every single fucking one is horrible.

ion hashecostus activision's lapdog has happened


Shattrath will be dominated by streamers FYI

Ironforge is best tho, its a non retarded UC.


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Golemagg or Shazzrah then

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Im playing flamelash and don't wanna play with you

How does this ruin your experience beyond possible leveling interruptions? Those guilds are doing their own thing with literally zero repercussions on your end. Streamers bring events and fun little things to the servers and it’s not like you even have to play on those servers. Maybe the economy will be skewed but other than that you’re just a whiny faggot bitch who wants something to complain about.

I meant Shazzrah

Iron forge is comfy as fuck

Reminder that all PvP servers will be dead as fuck for actual raiding about two months in. If you actually want to progress in raiding, you have to go with a PvE server.

Repeat: if you ACTUALLY want to raid regularly, go PvE. PvP servers will have some raiding guilds but they will be far more rare and generally unorganized.

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Scaling. The game has a built-in hard cap on how numbers can go - Which was reached in MoP - So since then they've just crushed the numbers every other expansion.

Post your name I’ll add you to friends and we’ll play together


Ironforge is objectively the best city in the game.

how are Horde cities better? Alliance has SW and IF which are both nice
Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity and Darnassus are shit

>high cliffs with shaman shit everywhere
>orc war barracks, saurfang, great hangout area
>underground city full of slime fountains and corpses in cages
>stone city that is underground far too large for reasonable travel
>castle town with tons of nonsense canals and a good looking mage district
>a bunch of rock slabs in the forest, with a few ancients as guards
fight me
the only cool thing about alliance cities is the tram

Horde cities are complete garbage

>Pre cata Orgrimmar

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It's not 2005-2006 anymore. If you don't think the classic playerbase will repeat what is going on in retail then you're the retard. Screencap this.

Absolutely wrong especially when it comes to classic, in which Raiding gear is superior to anything you can obtain through PvP. Futher more, in my experience PvP servers have far better players skill wise than PvE. For instance; The most advanced vanilla server for oceania, was Frostmourne which was PvP.

mate your gonna be rich sell them in a few months fuark mate your going to the moon

>green primapes build tents in a canyon
>dead people literally just digged deeper than their graves
>bunch of big cows made a bird nest
>a city worthy of a king, devided into respective sections, each with their own history
>dwarwes built a giant oven into a fucking matrix city
>and a dumb city no one uses.

okay but is ivory raptor going to be around for when I get there

>>a city worthy of a king
Who got kidnapped by his own men.
Real smooth there.

It was removed way before 1.12 so no.