>Very high skill ceiling
>Deep gameplay
>Constant updates
>Free to play
>No cheaters
>Massive esport scene
Why aren't you playing DOTA2?
Because I spent 4000 hours (Half a Year) already
Same played 3000 hours and didnt like the 7.00 patch
Too stressful, I play with bots around 1 game every other month.
Because some heroes are blatantly OP.
Like Earthshaker. Fuck that stunlocking piece of shit.
because russians and valve not doing anything against boosters and smurf.
because I play the better game
pedo die
People never listen to notail and play for fun. Everyone's raging all the time
I liked dota when it was about clicking on creeps and killing enemy carry so he cant click on creeps. Nu dota is too hectic for me
Because I already play the superior MOBA
Hasn't been good in 5+ years.
HoTS is a hero brawler
I am, play it with my little brother all the time.
>No cheaters
There are some, theyre rare but I love watching youtube for the blantantly obvious scripters or the people who ddos theur opponents in bad situations.
Your MOM is a hero brawler
Because controlling one unit is for braindead pussies
Dota is currently a hero brawler.
>5000 years old
>oldest character in the game
>Very high skill ceiling
More like an artificial skill ceiling created by having team play in place. The individual skill level is very low and easy.
>Deep gameplay
It's the easiest thing in the world to understand.
>Constant updates
Sure okay. What game doesn't nowadays?
>Free to play
Sure love my games filled with third worlders in a team based game.
>No cheaters
>Massive esport scene
One of the most artifical esports scene just behind league and overwatch with tons of money from investors and china keeping it afloat.
Dota 2 is fucking cringe and it's everything esports shouldn't be.
>No cheaters
>No cheaters
$3 for a week
0 Detections
Always Updated
Arc Warden Orbwalking makes you fucking invincible
No Dota is an ARTS
based and source engine pilled
You guys need to make up your minds
Either Dota is not a MOBA, and thus is not actually competing with games like LoL and HOTS, or else it is
>dropped the game years ago.
>every 6-8 months try to comeback and and have fun again with dota
>All games filled with russians, turks or arabs its a fucking low IQ 3rd worlder show
>uninstall the game
Earthshaker is OP, lmao you guys havent a fucking clue, theres maybe 5 heroes and items that are OP the rest are balanced. More crucially some mechanics are OP. The thing people dont realise is that 1 thing might be OP but it dictates the entire meta around it
I've played for thousands of hours, and I've ran into less than 10 blatant cheaters, even at that I'm still barely even bothered that they're cheating, these people arent good players in the first place so theyre cheats cant cover for them.
i don't see the appeal of hardcore gaming anymore. i play guild wars 2 with my gf right now and it's a much better time than i ever had with gaming.
hardcore gaming is for people who literally gave up on life. i know it first-hand because i also gave up at some point.
Because I always keep getting paired with Peruvians and its their fault that I lose.
7.00 killed it definitively
>compilation of stolen material from other WC3 maps without credit and even initially the code to go along with it
Fuck off, zoomer.
>these people arent good players in the first place so theyre cheats cant cover for them.
Every ability you throw, i dodge or blink away
Any CC you have, its already redirected back at you
I know exactly where you are at all times, so i can either kill you while you're alone or push when your team is out of position
Im playing Arc Warden so you're dead in two auto attacks
And all i had to do was hold spacebar
stolen? lmfao
i haven't seen anyone but chinks play Dota 2
Not since they lost to Yurope again lmao.
it's always either chinks or someone from some random yuro country i've never heard of. the fuck is a Belgium?
There are cheats to let people know that they are visible, or have true sight of them. There are so many not-so-obvious cheats in this game it's not even funny. I guarantee you've played with many cheaters that are just being very subtle.
Who is Icefrog
Abdul Ismail
its not possible to be good at this game
>t.1.5k mmr 12k games, peaked at 2.7k.
LoL and HOTS are dota-likes.
Change my mind.
A coat tail rider that did nothing but minor patches in WC3, he's the only person Valve could get to develop their dogshit clone as everybody that actually had a part in the creation of DotA went to work on better games.
>no cheaters
aurelion (or anyone from the void) should be the oldest characters in game, maybe even zilean.
you're right, with every patch they make it harder and harder to win solo unless you play some cheesy shit like last pick brood and give your team tons of space
I find MOBAs fun but to be boring compared to games with progression and getting too attached to arena based games means you miss out on a lot of great single player titles.
I also don't approve of Valves microtransaction model for cosmetics, it's gross and the amount you can spend is absurd.
>Very high skill ceiling
I agree it's bullshit, but at least prove your point, like saying rts are harder
>Deep gameplay
it's more about the amount of information you need to absorbe ASAP
>Constant updates
most don't last a year really
>No cheaters
There are cheaters, they are just hard to detect
>Massive esport scene
This is where you are wrong, premium tournaments gain a lot from fans with compendiums and crap like that
so is dota-2 retard.
dota 2 was made as a rip off of dota because LoL was becoming the better ripoff franchise.
>ability draft master race reporting in.
Nothing feels better than when your welfare ability build due to being in a shitty draft position pans out.
Of course I've probably played with hundreds of cheaters, but I always felt like I was outplayed by them, even Atos Sky's aren't tilting since they're reacting like 0.1 second faster than a human could but it doesnt make a difference.
Once the enemy team has told me one of their guys can see our wards and who's being sb charged and that felt shit.
Can you point me to a video of this happening, because I can guarantee you in Immortal bracket cheaters aren't better than the average player, they cheat because they have shit game sense and shit farming patterns. Just because they know where I am doesnt mean they're not gonna win their lane. I just run at them with an advantage and they cant do anything, stop making up shit. Its not like CS where it feels unfair, Dota you feel like you've been outplayed.
>shit game sense
>shit farming patters
>when the scripts tell you more about the game than any other player will know and farms perfectly
>haven't played in a while
>tune into TI this weekend
>all the heroes are covered in a fuck ton of ugly cosmetics or particle effects
Oh boy it's TF2 all over again
You forgot
>not fun
>literally thousands of dollars for a skin
dont buy it
>>No cheaters
>dota 2 past 2013
60 minute queue times, putins in english language select who don't speak english, juggernaut soft support, phantom assassin hard support every game.
Wanting a skin for reasons other than bitcoin buy low sell high
This. I'm just too old for competitive games. Very fun to watch though.
>playing team based competitive games
You've obviously never played the game, just because you know where the enemy is doesn't mean you can stop them, if you lose your lane you're not gonna have a good game.
Coz I'm asspained that despite putting in thousands of hours, I get no return. Meanwhile some 19 year old kid is a millionaire from winning TI twice.
i play it, but casuals and newfags hate it because they cant get into it without getting stomped.
actual Yea Forums shouldnt be compared to casuals and newfags bec they will always hate games that has a steep learning curve and higher skill ceiling