>Palpatine: Looks like you lost your memory once again, Lord Revan.
just imagine
>Palpatine: Looks like you lost your memory once again, Lord Revan.
just imagine
wrong board
>waste 4 billion dollars to buy star wars
>DONT plan anything out and make shit up as you go along
>crash shit so hard even the cringiest prequel / eu content has to be resurrected to safe face
BTFOing KOTORfags?
Do it, make them seethe
Also, all Star Wars media is shit except Star Wars - Ep.1 Racer & Star Wars: Clone Wars.
anything Star Wars can be posted on Yea Forums perfectly fine, considering weebshit is posted here also and not Yea Forums and VNs arent posted on Yea Forums or Yea Forums either
stay mad fags
Dark forces and jedi kinght games were great
Who’s even doing the next movie? Not still the shithead from TLJ, is it?
J.J. again
no he got a entire new trilogy
So I guess it’s just going to be Episode 6 reskinned then
Oh, for fucks sake, Disney.
>announcing reports
>frogposter mad about anime again
is anime living in your head rent free?
>Telling people you've reported them is bannable
Good bye, casul.
>Oh, for fucks sake, Disney.
no one really thinks they will go through with it but firing him now would give them bad PR since they would outright admit that TLJ ruined the franchise
To be fair, When George penned the first Star Wars movie he did not plan on making a sequel.
It's hilarious to read tho.
>has infinite money, runs a media dystopia
>won’t buy Spider-Man with their infinite money, so now we get yet another reboot from Sony that manages to be even worse than the Amazing films
>buys Star Wars with their infinite money to immediately run it into the ground and make it shit
Is their end goal to make everything awful?
MCU was already worse than Amazing, why the outrage.
The key word is that disney BOUGHT star wars for a lot of money, while George didnt expect it to blow up that much.
You should have different levels of expectations from them
>TLJ ruined the franchise
not even a fan of the movie but lmfao grow up
hopefully palpatine fucking murders the shit out of rey
>>waste 4 billion dollars to buy star wars
Dude, they had made their money back on Star Wars before they had even released The Force Awakens.
>Implying Rey won't snatch the force lightning out of his hands and shove it up his ass as she uses the force to remote pilot Luke's X-wing and singlehandedly destroy the even bigger Death Star.
>Palpatine: Looks like you lost your memory once again, Lord Revan.
>just imagine
fuck you
How old would that make Revan?
>George penned the first Star Wars movie he did not plan on making a sequel.
Sure but that doesn't mean that Disney should do the same. Disney/LF wanted a trilogy from day one.
Revan died like 5 thousand years ago, user. Also I'm pretty sure that he is canonically a male, while the exile in KOTOR2 is female.
It's thousands of years away from the movies and perhaps not even canon anymore.
>female protagonist
The Ruin Johnson trilogy is never happening
They only bought Star Wars since Lucas approached them with an extreme lowball sales price with caveats that he still gets royalties from the OT and gets to stay on with the property as an advisor of sorts. He basically did like Saban did with Power Rangers when it was sold off to Hasbro in order to play a long game, with the result being that Disney would bleed money and ignore the OT as much as possible and instead keep pushing their version of Star Wars.
Did Revan transfer his mind to a woman?
Or what are you implying?
Please ask your father to abort you
>Palpatine: You know, this memory loss looks a fake asspull plot twist
>Reyvan: Ohoho noooo. Patented memory loss, old Revan plot point!
>Palpateen: For a memory loss...
>Rayban: Yes.
>Palpatine: Yes and you call it memory loss despite the fact you remembered all of the force spells before even hearing about them.
>Rickymartin: Eh... you know the... one thing I should... please excuse me for one moment.
>Palpatine: Ofc
*Rushes to the forums to read the fanfictions and realizes everyone has been banned for hate speech*
>Revan: AAAAaaah... well a good time was hadby all im pooped!
>Hectorreyes: The lore is non-canon?
Palpatine is actually Kylo who travelled to the past.
He and Rey tried to get together and make it work one last time, and she got preggo. Then Kylo had another of his schizophrenic mood swings, became 100% evil and sent them both to the past. Rey lost her momeries and was left to die in a desert planet as Shmi Skywalker (she only remembers that name)
They are pretty much alread admitting that NuWars is absolute cancer and failing in every aspect because first they make us suffer through their new donutsteel characters and now they keep marketing it with original characters, while at the same time treating the original characters like shit once the marketing is over
you forgot
>George made a clause he gets 25% fee from OT and PT stuff
>nuwars just copypaste shit, change a little and everyone hates it
>now they're forced to pay Lucas more shekels since they'll be using OT stuff
>NuWars toys do nothing but collect dust in stores
>They can't sell OT toys without having to pay a fee
And toys/merch in general was always what SW made the most money with, not the movies
>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well
Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.r
Imagine how much more they could've made if they made it good.
imagine still being excited for shit wars
How much shekels can Lucas get after their shitty poster released?
>just super impose over a toy bro
Fucking niggers paying interns to make their make or break film.
4028 years give or take
>Be disney
>Buy franchise for 4 billion buckaroos
>Make a shitty but bearable movie
>Fuck it with the sequel
>Alienate your old soibase
>New soibase doesn't even buy your products
>Kids don't care about soiwars
>finale has barely any hype behind it
>Build a theme park
>Total failure
>4 Billion bukaroos to the trash
>Kill franchise in less than 10 years
>he is canonically a male
That's problematic.
Fuck off
Based, those shorts were pretty cool when I was 10
The only reason I am exited for the final is because I want to see how the writers will try to leave the hole they dug themselves in in The Last Jedi. This movie was so uneventful. It felt like a anime filler.
Lurk for at least two years before posting.
>When George penned the first Star Wars movie he did not plan on making a sequel
I thought it was always "Episode 4"
I think RLM are right and we're gonna get the thing SW never did before - shitty timetravel plot. I am personally excited for the finale as well, for I enjoy the sight of trains crashing into dumpster fires.
I will watch it online just like soivengers endgame
>Dude, they had made their money back on Star Wars before they had even released The Force Awakens.
Got a source on that?
Trainwrecks are no fun when even SWfags themselves are already expecting the worst.
their only purpose is to lobby for copyright law changes until there's no time limits involved so they can sell clocks with classic Mickey on them in the year 3000. everything else is just a means to an end thing
At this point I've turned into my own worst enemy and only want to see if they somehow go through with Kylo X Rey.
>>just super impose over a toy bro
Holy fuck I thought you were joking but it's real. They put a toy in the background of an official SW marketing poster and used some shitty photoshop filter on it
I'm just
I mean, for me TLJ almost redemeed itself and even god gud the moment I thought Rey would actually join Kylo in his "fuck everything we're in this together".
But ofc they didn't have the balls to make the story interesting or make any amount of sense.
>Just like Star Wars
>Can't talk about it here or in real life because Disney fucked up and left a literal female Palpatine in charge of the franchise, who fucked both them and Lucas
>The Last Jedi was quite possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen, but all my 'friends' in real life are cock gobblers who stick their fingers in their ears the moment somebody criticizes Nu-Wars
>Any mention of Star Wars here immediately is followed by the anti-Disney brigade, who are justified but won't shut the fuck up about EA as if they're from reddit, even though the EA deal was in the works before Disney ownership
Yes, but this time the two of them will obviously team up to defeat Palpatine since I doubt that Kylo will join his side, and the fight between Kylo/Rey and Snoke's guards was the best part of TLJ, so I hope a team up would be cool regardless of why it happens.
nice strawman
>They don't know
user TLJ was dead the moment Kennedy brought in her lapdog to direct it. Johnson is genuinely an ass kissing faggot who bent over and let Kennedy dictate everything while touting his 'artistic visiom' for Star Wars. He went in with no research and no real plan amd nust let Kennedy tell him how everything should be while he jerked off to himself in the corner. Every single scene is so painstakingly made to stroke his own fucking ego. Rey was going to win hard from the very beginning, and to add extra salt on the wound Johnson pissed all over the questions Abrams set up because God forbid TFA have any redeeming factors.
*strawperson of unassumed gender
I wonder why her lightsaber has the same effect as Kylo's
They just copy pasted his effect onto hers without thinking it trough since at least in 7 there was a reason why his lightsaber was unrefined.
I know all that, but since Johnson isn't making TRoS, it's possible Abrams will try to follow through on some of the stuff that was set up, like Even though it's most likely trailer bait.
Because JJ doesn't give a fuck any more after TLJ. He just wants to make something flashy to please Kennedy real fast so he doesn't have to work with her ever again.
>he is canonically a male
He canonically doesn't exists
Nope, Retconned after the fact
Quality of SW IX is entirely dependent on who lives out of Rey, Kylo and Finn.
Any combination with Rey dying would make it too kino for airing.
Any combination with only one of the three living will be good.
What we will get is the soiest safe end with either everyone living or Kylo sacrificing himself.
such a shitty lightsaber
I only have a slight clue what star wars is, but I'll talk to you about it.
What's with the whole rule of two anyway? I understand that, because the sith are evil, they'll probably undermine one another, but why not just have some discipline?
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board.
The Yea Forums is two blocks down.
>accidentally block with the other side
>it folds back and hits you in the face
10/10 design
the love i had for this series is long fucking dead. THANKS JEWS
Kennedy and Lucas developed proposals for the new trilogy when they were shopping the brand to Disney.
Abrams then proceeded to chuck it all out the window after being brought on to direct episode 7 and did his own thing, and left next to nothing for Johnson to work with, which was not common to see when working with films released as a series. So Johnson said "fuck it" and just did the opposite of what everyone expected and the result was terrible.
The movies are a mess because there simply was/is not a cohesive plan and vision for the franchise. Same applies to the abortions DC has been producing, no plan, just ape what's popular and hope it sticks. Shit on Marvel's movies all you want, they had a fucking plan and one guy behind it all and stuck to it and were successful as a result.
This. I just wanna talk about how much of a CHAD Cad Bane was.
Abrams is half of why TLJ was garbage, he just fucked off after directing TFA so Rian just flailed and didn't know what the fuck to do.
Pretty sure "Episode 4" was added as an homage to old Flash Gordon serials.
>and left next to nothing for Johnson to work with
What? Even with no proper outline, Abrams left Johnson many plot points to easily work with such as Rey's parents and Snoke's identity. There was no reason to chuck them away instead of trying to engage them.
>hold the wrong bendable side
>sword folds back cutting you in half by the waist
>Mod deletes actual game threads
>but leaves this shit
at least it isn't a helicopter lightsaber
oh my fucking god thats so fucking retarded who the fuck are these people who are being paid to come up with this shit
>trying to be funny this hard
I mean, the situation is already bad enough to laugh at. You just reversed the comedic value of it with this.
I'm not defending Rian's decisions, the movie fucking sucked, but it wasn't completely on him.
The Dark Side has an unnatural influence over people, especially when they dive head first into it like the Sith do. There ARE Sith who have the discipline not to be backstabbing pricks, but they are far outnumberes by the ones who have no self control on only want more power.
Specifically though, after the last collapse of the Sith Empire, there was a sort of 'Sith Brotherhood' that popped up, except they could barely be called Sith, and their way of trying not to have backstabbing was to just to make everyone a Lord. This went to shit fast and everything collapsed in on itself, until eventually the Brotherhood was gone and only a single old Darth remained. Seeing how both the Empire and the Brotherhood collapsed, he decided that the best course of actiom was for there to ever only be two Sith, the Master and the Apprentice, and that when the Apprentice grew stronger than the Master, they would fight and a new Master would be made, who is ultimately better than the last, thereby (eventually) creating the strongest Sith the galaxy had ever seen.
Notably, Palpatine was going to break the rule by deciding to turn himself effectively immortal using sorcery and cloning, but that never came to pass.
I wouldn't pout it past JJ top let her spin it really fast thanks to the force and fly away.
Did they decide to give Finn a last-minute girlfriend who isn't the shitty Asian?
So double bladed light sabers are regulated to evil blades yet again?
At this point if Disney wants to salvage the franchise they need to bite the bullet, pay the money to license Heir to the Empire and produce it as a 3D Clone Wars style animated series.
Not to mention getting back into games and producing some new Dark Forces / Jedi Knight, X-Wing / Tie Fighter games.
Trilogy: Original >>> Prequel >> Sequel
I didn't mind the way they portrayed Revan in SWTOR
>star wars
Abrams didn't chuck them out, Kennedy did. The entire deal was that Lucas would have a hand in making the new movies, except all Kennedy did was let him on set once to drop off a script before making him leave and never inviting him back.
Also fuck off, Abrams left a ton for Johnson to work with, from Rey's past to Kylo's doubts to Snoke to even Obi-Wan's single line in the movie. Johnson fucked all of that and tossed it out the window for the sake of "CHANGING EXPECTATIONS".
huh, dang.
I did catch some comic dumps of that vader comic on Yea Forums, there was one guy who was backing himself up constantly, and each time he died a fresh clone would emerge with his memories up to the point of the last upload. Emps was working with him, so maybe they could be using that?
>implying it isn't his sister and the asian is still there to keep the interracial box checked
why is bonbi so cute?
But Revan is canonically male.
You're thinking the Exile, which for some stupid reason Obsidian made female because "Revan is male! lol!"
>VN on Yea Forums
I would kind of understand if you said /jp/ or /h/ but now you're just retarded
Well, if it's his sister, I hope it's Poe who bangs her.
Don't mind me, just posting the best companion the franchise has ever had
>Snarky Light-Leaning Warrior with Vette
Maximum fun.
>le prequels are good nao XDDD
I don't care how hard whining about Disney jews and SJWs gets your little /pol/peepee, the prequels are shit on a fundamental film making level, nothing the new trilogy has done even comes close. They are at least competently made, with good-looking practical effects, diverse and dynamic shots and dialogue scenes that don't involve two people sitting on a couch or walking slowly down the 40 feet of green screen Lucas had set up because he was too fucking lazy to actually shoot outside.
>when she tells you she found her old shock collar
Well maybe J.J. shouldn't have done what he does every single time and opens up an intriguing plot full of mysteries and then fucks off to let others figure out how to solve them. He's the master of baiting you with something interesting but having absolutely no plan to answer anything.
>Sucking Abrams' cock this hard
He did a soft reboot of ANH and fucked off, stop defending him just because Rian also sucks cocks
why do you think her race are the main sex slave race of the galaxy
of course she's best companion on that single fact
Stupid tourist.
name a worse lightsaber variation
>They are at least competently made, with good-looking practical effects
The opening of TLJ is singularly worse than all three prequels combined. It doesn't make sense, it breaks all tension that's going on, and it exists solely so Johnson can jack off to his 'cinematic ideas'.
This. I honestly hate the “mystery box” trick he constantly says in interviews
Not everything should have intentionally loose plot threads to bait wild theories
>why is bonbi so cute?
my theory:
she was handcrafted by GOD as a last gift before the Apocalypse
>the movies that simply broke the logic of the universe are better then anything else SW related
Chill out JJ, the plebbit crowd will still love your movies.
posting best lightsaber
>jj left a bunch of shit for him
Loose concepts aren't a good base for a movie. Look at Abrams Ted talk on his "mystery boxes", the tldr version is that jj's idea of story telling is loose concepts with nothing of value in them to make retarded fanboy nerds watch his movies and talk about them(free advertising if you will). It's how he's made multiple cloverfield movies without answering a single fan question
Also keep in mind that jj was very hands on with the development of tlj. So was very invovled in various plot points
Dual sabers? Wait, are those motherfucking sword-chucks?
>George made a clause he gets 25% fee from OT and PT stuff
is this true and is that why they make slight changes to OT designs and sell them as new, so that they can get the full amount yet ride on the shoulders of established and well-loved designs?
whats the point of that lightsaber?
>all the efforts made by Luke and Co. in the OT were all for nothing
You had me until I saw he had them on his knees
looks like one of the clamps they use to pick up trash
Isn't JJ Abrams a good director?
I'm not arguing against any of that, I'm saying that on a technical level the new films are objectively superior.
Sorry bub, the prequels are still worse. Be contrarian all you want, reality won't change.
he's awful
Good one, user.
To be fair that also kind of happened in the old EU I think. Mon Mothma cut the military down drastically to make herself more publically appealing so the Imperial Remnants sort of ran rampant in some places.
>the only good thing the new movies have is the CGI
Yeah, you're right, in everything else they suck more then the prequels in their worst moments.
>name a worse lightsaber variation
Well-baited mein fren
Fuck you, the spin sabers are great just for how silly they are.
fuck I forgot about the helicopter sabers
Is this real?
I fucking hate that little Ezra shit.
This is just a vision she has
It’s not bad to make mystery boxes in the first movie of a trilogy. However, he did the first movie as rehash of the OT with some mystery boxes to make it less boring
Then the next guy literally takes the mystery boxes and decides to “open” them to the detriment of the movie
Then it’s brought back to the first guy who loves to make mystery boxes even though it’s supposed to be the conclusion of the ST
Has there ever been a star wars character that purposely has a super impracticable saber?
The Old Republic takes place in 3,956 BBY and A New Hope takes place in 0 BBY
No, the prequels are just as bad or worse in every other aspect. The only "good" thing about the nu-trilogy is that they're well-made on a technical level. Prequels are just fucking garbage in every way, shape and form.
However I'll say the prequels have more entertainment value for how fucking bad they are, like The Room.
He’s okay. The intentional holes he leaves kinda gets annoying after a while
>let me just swing around my energy whip in the air where it will 100% not hit me and slice a limb off
>No, the prequels are just as bad or worse in every other aspect.
>The only "good" thing about the nu-trilogy is that they're well-made on a technical level
kek, it's almost as if you didn't read what you wrote. Guess your brain is still trying to somehow justify to give the mouse money while reality just hammers down that it's worse then anything else SW related to date.
A light-flail, if that's ever been a thing.
I'd actually be ok with them doing time travel if it undoes all the crappy shit they've done.
But will it also give me back the money I spent to watch the previous two movies?
I hope Disney doesn't kill Star Wars as a franchise, I really like the games. I already lost Mass Effect.
I covered this already, special little /pol/flake
The prequels are OBJECTIVELY worse, end of fucking discussion. Nothing in the nu-trilogy is worse than the low-points of the prequel trilogy.
I'd link some very popular and in-depth videos that clearly and explain why over the course of about 5 hours, but I'm sure you'll just dismiss it because its popular and you can't not adhere to the rigid tribalism that drives your narrative.
Watch it be some extra goofy ass shit like Palpatine making a clone of Rey because she's so epic and super special and him bodysnatching into it
Mission: Impossible III was good I guess
Not an unreasonable opinion, but I'd throw a lot of the games there honestly, including the original Battlefront 2, and what I've played of KOTOR. I think some of the movies are alright too. Rogue One was good and I liked Episode 3. I can't remember the OT well enough to give an opinion honestly.
The Dr. Aphra comics were cool from what little I read too.
*slices stick in half because it has zero protection de-powering lightsaber*
This is going to be Rey having a vision of the power she can have with Palpatine, similar to the one Kylo had before Luke tried to kill him for having a nightmare.
>Rogue One was good
I mean it was still better than the prequels, but nah, it wasn't good
What if Kylo raped the Palpatine-possessed Rey clone? Haha, just kidding.
>Kylo dicks the Palpatine out of Rey
Protip: only the Star Wars video games are canon.
All movies, books and other shit is non-canon.
>gets btfo
>even contradicts himself in a futile attempt to save face
>m-m-muh /POL/
kek, it really never ends with you. It at least explains how you can think that nice looking cgi with nothing to make it watchable outside of the spectacle itself is better then the exploration of the SW universe with personal stories on all ends, something that JJ and Rain and you wouldn't even know how to spell.
>The prequels are OBJECTIVELY worse, end of fucking discussion
>Danth's Law
Thanks for showing how small minded you really are.
What the fuck are you on about, nothing said was contradictory
I'm sorry you're so reactionary and ready to REEEEEEEEEEE over Disney, but the prequels are still fucking worse. That's how fucking bad they are.
Is this real? I've always wanted to see light-chucks.
>the exploration of the SW universe with personal stories on all ends
>He says in reference to the prequel trilogy
Are you being fucking serious
I really hope not
Is Darth Maul a good guy now?
Where's moot now faggot, point him out to me in the crowd please
I have you all beat for dumbest lightsaber
>No scenes as memorable as Obi vs Anakin
>These new lightsaber variations
>Mary Sue Rey Mastering the force faster than the others, that we only know that her parents abbandoned her for Unknown reasons
>Kylo Edgy Ren that is just worse than his Extended counterpart like Luke
>All what happened in the original triology was for nothing
>Luke ruined his life and his previous efforts in the original triology and overall his life were useless
>The scene were Luke was supposed to cry over his friend death was cut for crappy ones
>Luke had to be teached by Rei that he saved Vader, but runned from Kylo
>Luke milking and then projecting a ghost, then just dies
>Snoke, Kylo Ren Guards, etc. were hyped just to be killed like a weakling
>Yuda's Ghost burning the Jedi temple
>Leila breathing in space and returning like nothing
>Akbar got suddendly killed
>Useless casino and romance parts, a potential sacrifice moment was wasted for a bad scene
>Palpatine will be likely killed by Rey.
You're just a pathetic JJ shill.
>pretends he forgot what he wrote mere 10 minutes ago
Keep it up, it won't change that nuWars is worse then anything else SW-related and essentially killed the franchise, but I doubt you care as long as your masters keep on feeding you with new blinky shit to look at.
Expect soulless nostalgia pandering and a story cribbed from previous works that falls apart as soon you take a close look at it
Why not just make normal lightsaber+lightshield
>post yfw the kylo/rey light side/dark side switcharoo never happened even though that's exactly what the movie was hinting at
>nice looking cgi with nothing to make it watchable outside of the spectacle itself
But this describes the prequels 100% you fucking idiot
The dialogue was garbage, every actor's delivery aside from Ian McDiarmid's and maybe Ewan McGregor's was garbage, the cinematography was garbage, everything about them was fucking garbage.
>lol I'm a senator :3
>TFW and TLJ all about the first order
>TRoS lol first order who? here's 500000 imperial star destroyers and the emperor
I love Sheev and the empire but it's ridiculous. The sequels have no consistency and are all over the place in ideas and themes.
Stop samefagging, retard and for once point out what nuWars made better outside the cgi with is a nobrainer. Oh right, you can't since there is simply nothing, otherwise you would've already posted it.
deus vult brother
This piece of trash is shocking
No, he just hates the Empire more than he hates the Jedi.
He fights Obi-Wan on Tatooine too.
Is that really all you have?
I'd just parrot the entirety of RLM's reviews but there aren't enough posts left in the thread
lmao imagine actually believing this
>But this describes the prequels 100% you fucking idiot
>while he screams that the cgi is garbage
Oh god my sides are killing me.
>just says everything is garbage
>utterly unable to point out even one instance of it not even the most well-known
I just take it that you didn't even watch them and are just copypasting shit from your shilling sheet.
It's a shame they only made 3 Star Wars movies. I would've loved more, but I guess it ended when the Skywalker trilogy came to its conslution.
Please tell me this is real.
This can't be real. It's just some fan project with Rey's face pasted onto an actor, hence the giant hood as a backdrop, right?
Samefag too.
>RLM as source
>literally paid mouse shills as source
Could've said that you're just retarded, mate.
It is real, is in the new trailer.
Conclusion even.
Yeah, there couldn't POSSIBLY be more than one person who disagrees with you
Nope, those universally hated prequels are LOVED by everyone now because its cool to be contrarian!
Both are shit, prequels are more shit. Is that clear enough for you?
Having this in the trailer pretty much confirms this won't be a significant plot point in the actual film.
How did Revan survive for 3000 years?
Later in his life after losing everything Maul seeks knowledge instead of strength which takes a toll on his mind and body, in the end he is able to sense a young Luke on Tatooine so he decides he must become Lukes master, upon arrival he senses Obi Wan Kenobi, finds him on his way towards Luke so they have a quick battle, Maul is quickly killed as he isn't as skillful as he used to be, as he slowly dies he asks Obi Wan if the boy is the chosen one, Obi Wan tells a dying Maul yes, which Maul replies protect him and finally dies
It's just only your opinion now, cope.
By force of will.
>writes the same way
>doesn't know how to check for samefags
New on the job as well, huh? Better improve your shilling game quickly before you get replaced with the next streetshitter.
revan's a dude tho isnt he?
By losing his (female) memory
>literally paid mouse shills as source
>attackng credibility of the person giving the opinion instead of actually addressing the content of the opinion
Nice logical fallacy
I'm sure Disney LOVES all the cynicism and non-stop crap they give both Star Wars and Marvel movies and are paying for it. This one-liner shitting all over their entire business got them a HUGE payoff!
If you had a little higher IQ you would have called him Chad Bane.
Does anyone actually want to see Star Wars 9?
sith bs
He forced his editor to keep the last scene of Vader as sequel bait, so this is wrong on some level
If that's all you have then I accept victory and your resignation from the Yea Forums
You're defending the fucking star wars prequels, this is how low you've sunk
Wow that looks terrible
why do they keep making these stupid looking lightsabers?
Oh the IP count didn't go up after a post was made, IT MUST BE A SAMEFAG REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE there are 102 unique posters ITT
>using LITERAL fanart
>Danth's Law the 2.
>still unable to provide one (1) instance that nuWars has over the prequels outside the cgi
Keep it up, only trough constant practice can you improve your game.
And you defending the sequels is far worst than that.
Well, the reason they use light sabers is because it's the traditional weapon of the Jedi and the Sith.
The reason why they use wonky sabers is because ehh.. they don't value traditions that much.
I'm not gonna, I will wait until is released and then watch reviews with spoilers.
the same way he survived for the 300 years between KOTOR and TOR. stasis.
Yeah because Star Wars is a homage to old serials George grew up with and in those the bad guy always got away in the end.
bravo disney!
cinematography, dialogue, pacing, actors not being cardboard standees, mentioned all this already
Both are shit, prequels are more shit, shit comes in a wide array of smells, colors and textures
I feel the same way about nu-WoW and nu-Pokemon as I do about Mouse Wars at this point
>actually thinks the number means anything to spot newfags
Holy shit, you're really new.
I still haven't watched Ep VIII after the absolute trainwreck VII was, but I liked Rogue One.
Am I a faggot? Why all the hate around Rogue One? It was great.
Opinion discarted.
What the fuck is the point of this design? It's infinitely less practical than just having a longer handle like Maul's. If they wanted something different they should have just had a long handle that she could twist and separate into two blades.
Boy, I sure do love cots
No, but at least you're mind will be free from all the mediocrity that is nuwars.
>Unironically calling someone a "newfag"
>In [Current Year]
How to spot the newfag
>still unable to name once scene
>just keeps on spouting general points of filmmaking
Oh well, still won't change that the prequels eclipse nuWars in cinematography, dialogue and pacing with actors that aren't cardboard standees.
Discard all you want, still a correct opinion
>Unironically calling someone a "newfag"
>How to spot the newfag
God damn it
Shut the fuck up
Same. I enjoyed Rogue One. But I refused to watch episode 8.
Light side sith with hints of evil is the most sane and best written story in SWTOR.
For the most part my entire story was light except a few things.
>kill rival
>tell vette to kill the hutt
>kill every snooty asshole on alderaan and take no one's shit there. FUCK ALDERAAN AND THEIR SYSTEM. Good God fuck everyone there.
There were a few other dark things. But not many. I also loved treating your fatass master like shit
Did they keep the sith troopers in some kind of cyro-stasis shit or something?
Gotta sell toys, goym
>I don't like sand
>lol but I'm a senator
>Dexter Jettster's 50's space-diner
There I gave you three
>implying I played MMOs
Not correct delusional idiot, shill more like i expect you to do.
The prequels are part of the legacy of the series, and stood the test of time, the clone wars is the result of that. The sequels will not, they will be remembered as the triology that def.killed Star Wars, which the prequels didn't caused.
To sell toys user, it's the only reason the series exists post return of the jedi. Please use your remaining brain cells next time
He's fine. Faggots will be contrary faggots. Ryan Johnson can go fuck himself however.
i don't either, i was curious about it and googled it a couple minutes before you asked
Those are decent video games, but Jedi Knight is way better than both you fag
>thinking any of theses are worse then anything Holdo says
Keep digging that hole faster, shill.
>unable to name one scene
How about the entirety of all three movies, because they're shit from start to finish.
>lol its just bacteria XDDD
Nothing in nu-Wars comes anywhere close to being both this horrible and franchise-ruining.
Time travel is only good if the villains do it. Prove me wrong.
Fuck off (((Jar Jar Abrams))), everything you’ve ever been a part of was shit. It’s always filled with vague cryptic shit that never gets explained. Get fucked.
Holy shit they're actually going with the Evil Rey/Anakin reincarnation shit?
Yes, they are much, much worse than pink-haired Laura Dern
Fuck off faggot. The prequels are amazing star wars movies. Not great movies but amazing for star wars. The nu star wars is a good movie but a horrible star wars movie.
Learn the difference retard. If the force awakens was its own film on its own and not related to star wars it would be fun. But it's not that, it has lots to live up to.
Will you defer your motion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations?
Star Wars was too big to film as one movie, so George split it up into multiple parts. And he was so determined to make sequels that he commissioned the first Star Wars book, Splinter of the Minds Eye, as a back-up plan so that even if Star Wars wasn't a hit, he could make another one for a lower budget.
>The prequels are amazing star wars movies.
>theme park
>total failure
Best fiend goes to Disney and universal every year. Said this year was the busiest it’s ever been. Said that the Star Wars area had more people crammed into it than Harry Potter did on its opening year.
The theme park is not a failure it’s making the mouse tons of money .
No, if they put it in the trailer is because is gonna be some kind of dream sequence or an illusion.
I dunno boss.
Have you never heard politicians talk? If a t all it was a good way to show how fucked the senate is and what makes it hard to deal with. Guess the plebbit league really did invade to defend their new precious toy from any valid criticisms.
Sorry, a stupid one-liner isn't anywhere close to literally ruining tons of the symbolism and themes explored in the OT by explaining that the force is just microscopic organisms in your bloodstream
At least the prequels had creativity to them, sequels are just unoriginal rehashes of old ideas.
>Geonosis: Red canyon planet filled with crazy bug cities.
>Coruscant: Whole planet is a city, amazing sunsets.
>Naboo: Lush green planet with italian retro futuristic cities.
>Utapau: Weird cities in giant sink holes.
>Mustafar: Volcano planet, basic idea, great execution.
>Kamino: Ocean planet, constant tsunamis and thunderstorms, again basic idea, great execution.
>Jakku: Not Tattooine.
>Starkiller Base: Not Hoth.
>Takodana: Not-Jabba's Palace is there and it's just another forest planet.
>Cantonica: It's just a normal fucking casino in not-Theed.
>Crait: Salt flats with red shit, actually a cool planet.
Imagine having a theoretically unlimited budget to gather the greatest artists and creative people in their field and coming up with such uninspired shit.
This user gets it. JJ just makes awful shit. There’s a reason he only worked in TV forever, and it’s because they can continue to string you along for 8 seasons, but his gay retard bullshit doesn’t work for movies. Wake up sheeple.
So what's stopping them from just setting the hyper drive autopilot to kamikaze?
>meanwhile nuWars is a shit move and a shit SW movie
That is not as worse than ruining the figure of Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original triology.
>Super Space Leia is dumb
>But 50's space diner was fucking kino XDDD lol prequels are so much better
Hang yourself
Kys, underage user.
>At least the prequels had creativity to them
What creativity? 95% of it was green screen
Is there a more petulant fan base than Star Wars fans?
>a 1-liner that dismisses concern of fucking war hero
>simply because he's a dude who voices his opinion
>brings up muh midicloirians
>proving that he either didn't watch the movie and just repeats what plebbit told him to or is genuinely unable to understand it's meaning to the living force
>Like the sequels are not green screen
Don’t listen to the replies user, you’re right. The prequels will always be some of highest budget, lowest quality drivel I have ever seen.
t.samefag trying to cope.
>implying the dinner was not the best way to show everyday life on coruscant
>while space leia defies what the previous movies established over the force and leia
Keep eating more shit.
Yes, it is. Luke is one character, that single scene ruined literally everything about the sith and jedi and all the symbolism and mysticism that went along with it, including Luke.
Its like when 343 Halo just spelled everything out for us and crapped all over the mystery and themes the first few games put forward.
you do know that sony made the Tom Holland films too right?
nope, look it up. plus my boomer dad and uncle bring it up every goddamn time they come across a star wars on tv
No, they're not almost entirely green screen, they shot on-location where applicable and intentionally used practical effects in many scenes.
JJ is complete shit but anybody says he left rian johnson nothing to work with is a complete idiot and blind
RJ killed the entire franchise. le subverting man is a complete hack, TLJ is not just a bad star wars movie, it's a bad film because it completely contradicts 7 movies that came before it with no good explanation other than muh subversion
>>implying the dinner was not the best way to show everyday life on coruscant
>he really thinks midichlorians are the force
They literally spelled it out for you and you're still too dumb to understand it.
Dude what do you actually like about the prequels? Is it when Anakin turns because the obviously evil emperor tells him he should, or when he murders all the kids afterwards? Or is it the “battle” that’s just Obi-Wan being like “I win, I have the high ground.” Prequels were fucking trash, TFA was trash but a little better, and TLJ was awesome. Prove me wrong.
>TLJ was awesome
absolute bait. God I can't wait for summer to end
>TLJ was awesome
You had me until that point.
Sorry I was distracted by all the kino 50's diner robots and CGI aliens Ewan McGregor hugged
In a huge fucking city planet I expect diners and places to eat from many different cultures around the galaxy. Having a 50s diner seems 100% fine and plausible.
Yeah, if something blinks it seems to really distract you up toi the point that you forget which movie is being talked about.
Well you’re just as retarded as those scenes, congratulations. You could make this easier and just say “I don’t know what I’m talking about”.
>Lord Revan
>not vidya
i didnt even play Knights of the Old Republic but at least i googled it before posting
Imagine how much better the sequels would have been if they actually had a plan.
Considering that it's still Disney, not much. They would still be soulless husks made for the lowest common denominator. Now you just have some KK-led feminist angle in them.
>half of the fucking trailer is OT nostalgia pandering
>"w-we wanna go our own path George!"
Damn, RJ really fucked them over.
that's bait
>Kill the past, let it die
Too OP. Shitters would be crying for nerfs within days.
It's a good idea but failed execution like 90% of the prequels. Star Wars is a lot about the everyday life of a fantastical world. Chatting about farm life with your aunt and uncle, listening to old tales from the crazy hermit, playing chess with a wookie, Solo talking with farm boy about the how hot the princess is, Han and Leia flirting in the maintenance closet, Anakin and Padme chatting about politics and whatever in a grassy field. Shit like this is what let's people actually connect with the characters and the world.
The sequels are so obsessed with plot and action that every scene is just a way to dump exposition about what's going on and what's going to happen, no one gives a shit about any of the characters or what happens to them because they're just flat archetypes and the movie doesn't try to give them any depth at all.
It's actually a problem with most films these days and I chalk it up to a generational difference in filmmakers.
This man killed SW, he's a HERO.
He left them a plot outline, Rian threw it out.
>BTFOing KOTORfags?
>Do it, make them seethe
Disney is already fucking up Palpatine by bringing him back, they may as well go for a home run.
a mention of revan at all by disney in one of their major movies/series would be really cool fan service because everyone who knows of kotor loves revan. they could potentially do it in this upcoming show about mandalore.
Lads, this is unrelated to the thread but it's off topic anyways so who cares, last night I had a dream where Gabe was teaching a computer science class I was in, but by the end he was training all the students including me in his own private militia, I was a marksman with dual pistols like agent 47's, we were all trained in martial arts by Gabe personally and we where getting ready for our first operation when I woke up.
What could this mean?
Expect the ugliest male on set to ask about that in the movie and for all the women to just roll their eyes at him.
The Force Awakens actually managed to somewhat fill in this lack of empathy with the zany humor it had all over but still, those chill moments where two characters are just talking are invaluable.
He's a fine action director but people hate him for his mystery boxes that he doesn't have an answer for so some other writer always has to contrive an answer.
Is this real? Are we having another Super Leia moment again?
notice the red line on each star destroyer? It matches with the new red sith troopers.
Probably some hidden stupid sith fleet pulled outof JJs ass