

Attached: bee.png (1366x705, 417K)

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Attached: 39BAACE2-6B98-4EC6-B8D1-73470BA67622.jpg (640x626, 56K)

Why are they so HUGE?

Attached: image0.png (1218x859, 239K)

1. Makes them cuter
2. Makes them easier to find
3. If they were any smaller they would be too difficult to hit, which compounds when you consider that they attack in swarms and they move quickly
4. Its a videogame

bee in da boat

that's not funny

Cant wait to recreate this image in minecraft

Attached: 1541803465991.png (650x500, 39K)

B-but there's still two letters missing

I want to fuck the bee.

I want to be the bee, UwU


When is it coming out? Is this the Swamp/jungle village update

You forgot Spiders are huge too, it just same logic


huge spider monster make sense
huge bees are weird
the bats and bunnies are regular sized

minecraft bees are trans

Attached: 40%.jpg (320x289, 13K)

I'm not that mad that they feel the need to put their goddamn cotton candy flag on everything, but why would you ruin a bee's natural great color scheme?

at least the colors are still bright so you know to avoid them at all costs



Fix the bugs Mojang, fix the several year old fucking bugs you fucking morons
>in the next update we'll be adding pigeons, they do fuck all and do nothing, but you can feed them


why did you stop

Why would I want to avoid cute soft bees?

I meant the trans-bees, but for the record I hate wasps and it's pretty easy to confuse the two when they are flying in your face, I know bees are our friends tho

Attached: ClcHGYgUkAAMk8K.jpg (468x240, 48K)

Wasps sound like miniature attack helicopters and look like death, should be able to pick them out from bees even at close range.

I tend to panic slightly when wasps are around I'm allergic to the fuckers and been stung plenty of times, tends to ruin your perception

>Waiting for Bees to bee added to latest version

Attached: 1561704820615.png (1181x723, 580K)

u r a b

bc I a b

I wish minecraft had chairs and tables

Just pretend it's a blue bee wearing a sweat band.

That's female erasure you misogynist since all bees are female by default

this is just an edit right?

It's a reference to this tweet.

Attached: minecraft bees.png (640x811, 307K)

Shots fired.

>its just an edit right
user i...

Attached: itreal.jpg (680x388, 51K)

its just a mod right?

>tfw no sexy minecraft bear bee gf

I hope that this is the nail in the coffin for retards who think everything needs to be LGBTBBQBLT+ and get mad at someone who dares question it.
Speaking of that, nearly all minecraft mobs are intersex from a gameplay standpoint since they will always breed with each other.

But the bees are trans

is this actually how honey is made?


Didn't you see that documentary Bee Movie

MODS ban this man

The tranny ended up changing their handle at least three times after that. Also source is here:

Those kinds of people on Twitter will just use addons that automatically block people with lists, so they're insulated and won't even care if their friends ends up triggering the filter by mistake.



bee farmers basically make boxes with sleeves full of honey combs. honey combs grow larva in them, and they get a bunch of honey growing on the sides of the sleeves.
Then the bee farmer pulls out the sheets and scrapes off the honey withouth harming the bees.


Attached: 1538904527874.png (157x193, 56K)

Bee Farmers are trans


Attached: 1546870398369.jpg (605x582, 131K)

How is trans?

is engineer trans?

t. Big Honey shill

Not possible ingame. They don't have a gender in the first place.
The gender of any mob is never specified in Minecraft, other than the Ender Dragon (female) and the player characters (male Steve, female Alex)

is engineer train?

Attached: BLU_Engineer's_Cap[1].png (919x718, 363K)

we are literally living in 1984 (a novel by George Orweill) because trannies block me after i spam reply to all their comments

poison is trans

Attached: Poison-SFXT-Art.jpg (2829x3476, 813K)


Attached: 1566807206976.jpg (750x518, 53K)

this but ironically.

Now that's just silly

>ender dragon is female
Then why the FUCK are the no mods that let you fuck her?

because it upsets you, snowflake.

Because "she's" actually trans

Engie is trans

Attached: 1565624819335.jpg (752x668, 266K)


You have to dig deep.


Attached: 96CC2482-6AB8-457A-97EF-F5BC4AAD7B18.gif (480x270, 3.79M)

Actually just memeing but I'm surprised theres so much art of this for some reason

Attached: 1552390681922.png (711x642, 120K)

Kind of a nice color scheme, actually

b and b are the same letter i think

Reminder that posts like this get a billion upboats on Twitter

u r a b c and I my dude.

probably cause its cute.

How can this bee


Attached: 1562739242699.jpg (960x390, 70K)

engineer was trains man. he get death threat but never rape. trains is hard job. stay strong

Those powder colors designating male and female babies. Just shows that transgenderism is nothing more than reinforcing sexist stereotypes. LMAO

Attached: 1558123600094.png (458x584, 28K)

probably because faggots like you cry nonstop about how your feelings dont agree with the medical conensus on trans peopld

checked the minecraft wiki and theres no mention of a trans bee, so its fake

you are a trans bee

Why is this/was a thing? At least most of it has decent art

He's a trans bee?

Based chromosome hoarding faggot

Attached: blue anus.jpg (1000x902, 149K)

the 40% swallowed his brain
rip in peace, tranny user

I read how in engi's voice

I want Poison to fuck my ass.

Poison bee trans?

Yet the corpses are alive, and so are the skeletons without flesh on them.

What gives?

Then there's this thing with blocks of tree or rock floating in midair, defying the laws of gravity. What's THAT all about?

Attached: red son over paradise.jpg (800x489, 284K)

How many can get for our boys in blue?

Attached: blu.png (822x722, 870K)

Because it's free entertainment

Based ugleuh poster

i'm talking about art style though
huge bees look weird


Attached: 61ikm5.jpg (1280x720, 70K)


Attached: 1462079680090.png (1068x1200, 95K)

You two get a gold star today.

Attached: Good_Noodles_board.png (1065x800, 1016K)

Attached: PcheJ0G.jpg (587x327, 110K)

Attached: 1554599286212.jpg (563x515, 27K)

Make more starbarian episodes instead of shitposting on a Taiwanese tractor appraisal forum.

The school I work at has it's own minecraft server for students. I'm an admin in it, mostly for fun.

Really makes me happy to see zoomers take the piss out of trannies. Makes me think maybe all isn't lost.

Boomer tier response to a relatively obvious inconsistency.

>If they were any smaller they would be too difficult to hit
Just like actual bees
Reduce their power to compensate, considering they attack once and die with good armor you'd be able to just tank the entire swarm, otherwise you'd have to run


bees can be leashed, so go on

Roasties should love bee queens who are not trans

Loomer tier response to an actually intelligent post.

Attached: c9f.png (633x612, 713K)