Platformer has fall damage

>platformer has fall damage

Attached: 1563571987499.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

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>timing the double jump right before hitting the ground negates fall damage

i like that jump

how did he even get up there?

what a stupid seal, must be an american bread

How the fuck did it even get up there?

literally obsessed

>double jumping right before you hit the ground resets all of the momentum but you still splat on the ground regardless
It's pretty funny to watch

literally obesed

literally obessed

literally obesed

Name one game.

Literally obsesd

literally obessed

alright listen here your a pee on. We Americans won. Your wearing our cloths, listening to our music, watching our movies. While yes our country is far from fucking perfect, the education system, the weekly shootings, niggers, health care, but still we won our culture is now your culture.

litrelly obsbesd

Risk of Rain 2.

Just fuck already.

literly obsd

risk of rain 2

Nooooo, poor penguin

Idiot. It's a polar bear.

early access cash grabs don't count

liitiar oobase

literally obese

Climbed. The action of climbing isn't difficult for them, but going down is, and they often fall on the way up too just because the cliffs are precarious and their weight will cause the rocks to shift or come loose from under them.

It's a result of overcrowding on the beaches that they all herd on. The amount of real estate has shrunk thanks to the rising ocean levels, so some of them resort to climbing the cliffs around the beaches just to have space.

مهووس حرفيا

>physics objects can kill NPCs

Attached: 1564297728415.webm (640x480, 841K)

okay lol


that was a baby cart, wasn't it

>fall damage can occur even when landing on water

Attached: 1838437288283.webm (368x640, 1.99M)

team fortress 2

Damn this one's dark

शाब्दिक रूप से जुनूनी

Heh, let's just say we both lost.